/ '•%* * v - " " " t' THS H'HXHkT PLAIHDEALXa, THTOSDAT, 4PKIL»,lia9 U: HAMILTON llATl CUTTING SHOPPE . . Exclusive •| '" • LAMES' AND CHILDREN'S W^Wf^ HAIR CUTTING ?*! %> j - >. Bjr Appointment Only , Hoars--8 to 11 a. 1 to 5 p. • frRIES BLDG. Phone McHenry 255 SPRING axovx •»/ H f 0. W. KLONTZ, M. D. 'kA ,v ^v Physician and Surgeon I! (Alio treating all diseases of the Ey«) r< Ear, Nose and Throat arid the , ' Fitting: of Glasses). 'Office Hoars--8 to 9 a. 2 to 4 and . , 7 to 8 p. m. Sundays by Appointment at Residence, Waukegan Road. , Phone 181 McHenry, 111 ' DS. JOSKPH C. FEEXJEY * • '• Dentist y-v:- >•"'. T-. ™ V : S ' * McHenry - - Illinois • ^ .H McHenry: Fridays 10 a.m.to 8 p.m. ' Saturdays9 a.m.to '7:30 p.m. V f Sundays by appointment. • Artificial teeth made by the Davies jMrocess. Latest electrical equipment and modern methods. / Riverside Drive over Barbiaa's Grocery and Market - Insure--ta Sure-ksnraiice WITH -- Schreiner Auctioneering OFFICE AT RESIDENCE 9S-R McHenry, Illinois HENRY V. SOMPEL General Teaming Sand, Gravel and Coal for Sale grading. Graveling and Boad Work Done By Contract ' , ot By Day Phone McHenry 649-R-l_ P. 0. Address, Route 3 v McHtenry, 111. m-i i x;;:'Cfiw«e 126-W A. H. SCHAEFER Draying Reasonable Rates f»X; KcHENRY ILLINOIS h* • • V:" fo'. Iv & I-r S" § -"' •V • ' ft . f : f-& lu-. WM. M. CARROLL \j- Lawyer Dike with Kent & Company Every Wednesday . j|bone 8 McHenry, Illinois McHENRY GRAVEL & EXCAVATING CO. A. P. Freund, Prop. Boad Building and Excavating of Every Description ^ Estimates Furnished on Request ' h-grade * Gravel Delivered y time--large or small orders given prompt attention. Phone 204^M McHenry Office Hoars: 11 to 12 a. m.--2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. tyt and Holidays by Appointment PR. J. A. STREET PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Res. and Office Phone 274 BMg. McHenry, HL Jtr. and Mrs. Arthur Hergott spent Saturday at Waukegan Mrs. Howard West lake and three daughters, Louise, Hazel and Virginia, of Racine enjoyed a few days over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. James Foulke. Miss Veronica Brits and Miss Alice Nodland of Chicago motored to Mc He»iry, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Cornish have returned from a nine days' trip in Canada and the east. Mrs. Charles Pehrnes had a successful operation Friday at St. Anthony hospital for goitre. Her many friends hope for her speedy recovery. James Oxtoby is numbered with the sick. Miss Bvelyn Hergott of Waukegan was home with her parents over Sunday.. Miss Frances Van Bveory Of Elgin enjoyed a couple^tlays with her parents over the week-end. Mrs. Nick Nett spent a couple days the past week with her friend, Mrs. Joe Miller at McHenry. Sunday callers at R. D. Carr's home were Mr. and Mrs. Merton Gracy and four children, Mrs. Emma Gracy, and WAUCONDA Kiss Alma Graham is vfsiting relatives in Cary. Mr. and Mrs. George FoOte spent Monday in Chicago. Mrs. Ella Cromwell spent Sunday at the Will Geary home. F. C. Knigge spent Sunday with relatives in Libertyville. Francis Blanck and Arthur Koser spent Monday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Len Geary and family and Mrs. Alice Geary spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Lou Geary at Lake Zurich. Harold Hapke of Gary, Indiana, Miss Ruth Hapke of Chicago and Miss Margaret Schiler of Oak Park spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Hapke. Harry Ullrich returned Tuesday to the office of E. J. E. railroad at Waukegan, where he Is employed as telegraph operator. Mr. Ullrich has been spending the past few weeks at the home of his parents south of this village. Mrs. Margaret Thull, a resident of Lake County for about sixty-five years, passed away Sunday evening at the home of her daughter, Mrs. OSTEHD lour ennaren, eamna. virucy, *u«i ^p8^Ph Steindoerfer at the age of Thomas Church of Crystal Lake and I ®J?e 7 ,®a^r e8 three ch,!- dren, John Thull, Jr., Mrs. Joe Steins Idoerfer and Mrs. Albert Hafer. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grantham and children spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs= Lee Geary at Gilmer. Little BiUy Stone, seven-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Vedder Stone, fell out of a tree Tuesday evening and broke his arm. Mrs. Vernon Johns was operated on Wednesday morning at the Victory- Memorial Hospital for appendicitis. She is resting comfortable at this time. • Mr. and Mrs. Ben Dobner 0^ Tower Lakes spent Friday at the home of Mrs. John Dobner. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Martin and son of Chicago spent Tuesday with Mrs. Mary Davlin. » . , Mr. and Mrs. G. M, Jepson and children spent Sunday in the C. J • Jepson home at Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Oakes and children of Chicago visited with Miss Iva Turnbull Sunday. Miss Phoebe Maether and Mrs. Vedder Stone and son Billy spent Wednesday in Chicago. „ Mr. and Mrs. William Dewald and daughter, Dorothy, and Mrs. Kate Dewald and daughter of Chicago spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Gossell. . George Deinlein oT Chicago spent the week-end here. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grantham and children spent Saturday in Chicago. Mrs. J. L. Harris and sons, Miss Laura Harris spent the week-end with relatives in Milwaukee. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Keeler of Barrington were Sunday visitors at the Mr. and Mrs. it A. Oxtoby. Miss Erdine Perry and brother, Roger, of Fox Lake and gentleman friend of Chicago were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Foulke and family. Saturday, April 20, Miss Esther Buchhert of Chicao and Mr. Edmond Keefe of this place were united in marriage at ten o'clock in Queen of Angels church in Chicago. About forty guests were present The bride wore white with a cap shape veil held in place with lillies of the valleys and carried a bouquet of the same. The maid of 'honor wore cream all over lace and the two bridesmaids wdre yellow and orchid and all carried shower bouquets. A brother of the l-ride was best man. After the church services all departed to the Sheridau Plaza hotel for the wedding breakfast. After the breakfast, tables were set back and all enjoyed a social dance. Music was furnished by a cousin of the groom, Miss Dorothy Knox, of McHenry. The happy couple have congratulations from their many friends. "The groom is a very popular young man as he has lived here for a long time. They have taken a wedding trip to the east by auto. Mr. and Mrs. Philip May, Mrs. John Miller and two daughters, Cecelia and Cordella; and Mrs. Art Hergott returned home Saturday, after spending a week in Iowa and Minnesota, where they attended the wedding of Mr. Albert Schoffer and Miss Margaret Weber. The proom is a brother-inlaw of Mrs. Art Hergott and the bride a niece of Mrs. John Miller. The almost impassable place in ike road near the Hoppe farm was made passable last week. Warren Francisco was over to the farm again Monday. We cannot tell: him by his car now. He has for several years driven a Chevy. He has made a change. He now drives a Pontiac. Dor Sherman was a Sunday afternoon caller in the Hobart home. He' has a position in the Alemite factory* at Woodstock. Bernard Dalziel quit the factory! in Wloodstock to go sheep shearing' with a machine, but has changed his mind and is working in a garage. Farmers are making good use of every hour that the gr0und will do to work and at the present is report-' ed too wet. "There is still some grain; to sow. What is in hardly shows above ground. Pastures are very backward. Anyone that is short of hay and intended to turn stock early to pasture will be disappointed. The surface looks green but there is no length of grass. Hard matter for them to get a nip. Mrs. Nina Sherman was a Monday afternoon caller in the home of her parents and took a ride to McHenry to see if it looked natural. The Kaiser home is getting a fresh coat of paint in the interior. Miss Clara is the decorator. The milk truck still makes its regular daily appearance and hauls a large truck load of milk to Union. Pay your taxes at the Citizens State Bank, McHenry. 42tf 3». Lawra**# .. ** The widest poiut in the St Lawrence river proper is at Gaspe, where it Is over 50 miles wide, but there are two expansions of the river which are known as Lake St. Francis and Lake St Peter above ,the city of Three Rivers. The Gulf of St. Lawrence at its widest point Is 0T> miles wide. gibbon for Typewriter " Typewriter ribbons are usifafty made of good quality nainsook closely woven of fine even thread spun from the best long-fiber Sea Island cotton. They are inked by means of special machinery so that each fiber becomes thoroughly soaked. _ ;v \ ITNTIL vol I ha vie *hs asw J Nash "400" with the Twin Ignition motor, you can have no adequate Idea of how much pleasure it ^ added to motoring. Hene are some plain, unvarnished facts and figures which may serve to Convince yoa that you owe yourself ». tide is m Twia • Ignition •Motorii" Hash, '-("i With Twin Ignition instead of sin ignition (two spark plugs per cylin simuluoec sparkplugs acously, instead of eaa) THE NEW higher ccuipicSiiuu is practical, ziid a much more efficient combustion of the gases is accomplished. The result is that the identical Nash motor, by actual test, produces 22% more power chaa with single ignition, 5 miles per hour more speed, and gives you 2 extra miles of travel from every single gallon of gasoline you buy; In fairness to yourself, don't think of buying any motor car today, until you have seen and driven the brilliant new f wia-lgnitioa-Motored Nash sffe-: ^'h :- " ^ NASH400 I C A D S T H I W O R L D I N M O T O R C A R V A t U I ftlPORTAMT «|M)i FEATURES - JTO CAM* MAS TB Twin-Ignition motor 12 Aircraft-type spark. plugs High compressiony Houdaitle and Lorejoy shock absorbers (itartmuvt Nasi mounting} -V" Aluminum alloy pistons (/«*•«- Stmts) \ |(ew double drop ' ^Torsional vibration ; damper ? 4. orld's easiest steering '^-bearing crankshaft (Jttlitw nrw*,m m ) Bijur centralized chassis lubriefctian Electric clocks Exterior metal ware - chrome plated of|f nickel Short turning radius Longer wheelbase , One-piece Salon fenders dear vision front pillar posts Nash Special Design v front and rear bumpers World Listen* to Critics The opinion of the great body of the reading public Is very materially Influenced even by the unsupported a»> sertion of those who assume to ? George A. Stilling Garage fiione 28 McHenry, g$L Fox Lake Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Edd. Cropley of Solon called here Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Art Hergott were Waukegan shoppers Saturday. Silas Pierce, Seliam Pierce, Her - berf Peacock, and H. C. Sweet attended the old fiddlers' contest at Woodstock Wednesday evening. Miss Katie Keefer, Edd. Keefer and Victor Siegler attended the Buchhert- Keefer wedding Saturday in.the city. Pay your taxes at the Citizens State Bank. 42 N. N. Weber transacted business at home, of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Gran tham. Mrs. Mary Maether and daughter, Phoebe, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Meyer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Cornwell and and family of Joliet spent the weekend at the Will Geary home. George Kapolnek and Miss Hattie Schroeder of Chicago spent Wednesday with Miss Edith Peck. Mrs. C. E., Wheelock left Wednesday evening for Pennsylvania, .where her daughter is seriously ill. Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett and Mrs. Howard of Slocum Lake called on Mrs. H. L. Grantham Sr. Friday aftenoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Brown called on the Matter's sister, Mrs. Peter Muller, at the Woodstock hospital Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Weimmer and son of Deerfield spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. George Hanke. Mr. and Mrs. William Gossell and daughter and Mrs. C. R. Wells spent Sunday with relatives in Waukegan. Mrs. Andrew Bangs' and children of Amarillo, Texas arrived here Tuesday for a visit with relatives. Pay your taxes at the Citizens State Bank, McHenry. |2tf TAXES! The county treasurer has authorized this bank to receive taxes. We will appreciate your paying them here. West McHenry State Bank. 42tf Time's Golden Glow The times and customs we beef about today well be calling "the good old days" tomorrow.--Fort Wayne News-Sentinel. Telephone No. 108-R > Stoffel & Reihansperger Insurance agents for all classes of property in the best companies. WEST McHENRY - - ILLINOIS CENTRAL GARAGE JOHN9BURG FRED J, SMITH, Proprietor Chevrolet Sales. General Automotive Repair Work Give us a call when in trouble EXPERT WELDING AND CYLINDER REBORING Day Phone 200-J Night Phone 640-J-2 Fresh Eggs Plenty of freslf eggs, selected size and quality. Buy thefri from the Community Dairy. Phone your order and we will deliver. MILK AND CREAM 0IU1 be obtained at the Central Market, Quality Market and Royal Blue Store. >-4 We halite nothing but Bowman's Pasteurised fud Degreed Products Community Dairy 660-J-l Ben J. Smith, Prop, William M. Carroll, Attorney" EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Estate of Helena Heimer, Deceased. The undersigned, having been appointed Executor of the last Will and Testament of Helena Heimer, deceased, late of the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that he will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the June term, on the first Monday in June next, at which time all persons having claims against said estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 16th day of April, A. D. 1929. 46-3 LEO HEIMER, Enoatot> NOTICE The, undersigned director* of the McHenry Building and Loan Assdcia tion, of. McHenry, Illinois, hereby certify that said Association has wound up its affairs and discontinued business, and that all claims, demands and debts for or against the association have been fully settled, the corporate liabilities completely discharged, and the corporate assets and property distributed among all the persons entitled thereto. They hereby surrender the license and final certificate issued by the Auditor of Public Accounts in the organization of said McHenry Building and Loan Association, of McHenry, Illinois, and request that said association be stricken from the list of going concerns. Merlvin J. Kent, A. H. Mosher, Bruce A. Stirling, H. E. Buch,, . . Jos. W. RothermeU Roy A. Kent, v . Ben J. Diets, Henry J. Schaffer,. . .. M. J. Schmidt, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11th day of April, A. D. 1929. V. H. THIELE, 4(4 Notary Public. April 90 is the last day ~%hich you can select one of tne beautiful new gas ranges in our stock and benefit by the spe- <Hal allowance of 10 per cent of Its purchase price by turning in your old gas stove. . . . Many of the modern ranges in this special sale have*^ c o n t r o l , c o n v e n i e n t s e r v i c e 3 e c m Toryour OLD Stove \ drawer, automatic top-burner lighters and other innovations, and are offered at prices that make them outstanding values. . jgjM Save money now during tnnw'libefal offer--call in and select your new gas range today. . Only $5.00 down -- Balance monthly with your gas i GAS *»» ELECTRIC COMPANY 167 CONWAY McHENRY, ILL, m •'AVvt,-:- M... ft**.. * Sasfc.. . •