THE M'HBH&Y PLAIND1ALER, k'" >AY, APRIL 26, 1929 I ii iri m THE M'HENRY PLAIN DEALER every Thursday at McHenry, 111,, by Charles P. Renich. «l ^Published ^Entered as second-class matter at the poatoffics at McHenry, Ilk, un- * r t h e a c t o f May 8 , 1 8 7 9 . , ' i f > : ' '• • 0m YH* !*t* Moflflks ' *.|Mji i SabecriptkM Rates Ss-rrr-*2-00 l..„..|...|1 00 A. H. MOSHER, Editor and Manager Oypsy Traflt • '*nie ronanee of the road Is trral* Alt to most healthy, vigorous people. Walled np within most hearts Is the desire to travel. Whenever man ts happy he wants to travel. His deepest emotions move him to go where be hasn't heen. The gypsy Is the Irrepressible yooth of the world; lie has la his l»ns:uape no word for "duty." aad none for "possession"--he Is the one m.-in who is free, says Amer'ran Magnzine. MAY REACH MOON, THINKS CURTISS Aviator Sees Plane* Mikiaf Trip* Some Day. 1LLIS] THEATRE, . -VOOOSTOCn IL l^oadstodc's Beautiful P lay House Evening Shows at 7 and 9 Matinees-- Oa Wednesdays. Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays, 3 p. ai. Friday and Saturday Bound and Talking •'Cang War" with K* Olive Boi Jfack Pickfc also - - HEWS AND COMEDY $)% « m. Sunday - Monday "The Doctors Secret" All Talking with Ruth Chattertott H. B. Warner* Robert Edeson JohnLoder * ••* also V; PATHE NEWS :i <- In f: Sound and Talking ** * and A TALKING CQMEDY ' * •'•• -r /' :*-*v • • * 'Tiiesrfa#,? Wednesday and l*hnrsday Cecil B. DeMille Presents . . The Godless Girl with Sound and Dialogue -* Also NEWS AND COMEDY Miami, Fla.--Glenn Cartiss, famous aviator, father of commercial aviation and buihler of the airplane products which bear his name, said that man will some day reach both the moon and the planet Venus. During an interview, he was asked: "What are the probabilities of Interplanetary communication? Do you believe man will ever reach the moon and possibly the planet Venus?" "1 think the time will come when man will fly from this earth to the moon," Mr. Curtiss replied. "It is not impossible. Anything man thinks of can eventually be made to come • true. " yf "The weird stories we read recently concerning plans te fly to the modit are no harder to imgine than Jules Verne's exploits were when he wrote them more than three decades ago. And a goo<? percentage of his predictions have come true. Around 40,000 feet Is about as high as man has gone. •The vehicle to carry a man to the moon will have to be extremely strong. It must carry enough oxygen and food to last him the entire Journey. The biggest part of the feat will be navigation and it will take another Lindbergh to stay on the course to reach the objective." Mr. Curtiss has made Miami his permanent home, having established a factory, two airplane bases and a flying school here. : All Living Plants Ha•veA Nerves, Says Scientist London.-A theory that trees resemble human beings insofar as they IT. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS^ TERRA GOTTA USE THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS POR QUICK RESULTS FOR SALE FOR SALE--One 12-in. Emerson gang plow; one 14 disc harrow. Peter FOR SALE OR RENT--Modern five- £: *Jf€ | und' on State Route 20* room bungalow with garage. Albert ® • " * .5 Frett. Phone 105-W. 47-4* POR RENT FOR SALE--Girl's bicycle. Cost $85. poR RENT--Furnished rooms for Will sell for half price. Warrington, jn modern home on Waiikeg&n opposite Justen Hotel, McHenry. 47* street. Mrs. Fred Schoewer. -Phone 47 house at 166. FOR SALE--Nine-room Johnsburg. Clear deed given to buy- FOR RENT--Store and flat for rent er. J. C. Debrecht- 2846 Archer Ave., on Main street. Tel. 147-W. 45-tf Chicago. Tel. Lafayette 6644, Chicago. 47-3* FOR SALE--A complete line of furniture, consisting, of tables, chairs, beds, dressers, etc. H. C. Hughes. Tel. McHenry 223-W. 47-tf FOR RENT---Furnished or unfarn ished modern house on Waukegan street, with garden. Inquire at Marshall's Bakery. Phone 118-J 46tf FOR RENT--Store with or without living rooms and 7-room flat; also 4- FOR SALE--Leather rocker, table C,J1 C,,,lerlne Schne!'l"' lamp, child's^ high chair. Mrs. James ' Sayler. TeL 187. _ 47* LOST FOR SALE--Underwood ^typewriter, --Dome cover for top of gasodining table, six chairs, sideboard. F. Un# tnjfik phone McHenry 32. 47* E. Cobb, McHenry, 47-2 WANTED FOR SALE--Timothy hay. John A. Miller, R-3, McHenry. Tel. McHennry CARPENTERS WANTED -- Inquire 655-M-2. 47-2 °* John P. Weber, contractor, McHenry, 111. 47-2 FOR SALE--One membership in Mc- Henry Country club. Inquire at the WANTEO--Vacancy now offered to Plaindealer office. 47-tf handle Ward's Reliable Products in --> • -- McHenry county. Gentlemanly, steady FOR SALE--Potatoes, finest quality hustler desired. Previous experience Red River Early Ohios for table or not necessary. Particulars on request, seed. While they last 75 cents a bush- Dr. Ward's Medical Co., Winona, el. A. Knell, phone 294-R, Woodstock, Minnn. Established 1856. Ill, • ; ' 46-3 FOR SALE--Evergreeris of 50 dif* ferent varieties; apple, cherry and ljjAVE ORDERS MISCELLANEOUS ... . , - FOR SCREENS attracted" and "repulseu by the !pe« trees; strawberry and asparagus ah(j every kind of mill work with A. nillUUCU _ . ^ nlaA miana VinAQ Thfl W <*Rt- ^ Vt _ 1 1 nr . %f «_ Ox If-TT presence of human beings Is put forward by Herbert G. Longford. "It has been reserved id scientists of the present generation," he says* "to conceive and produce Instruments of marvelous dellcncy, proving by thj} production of visible recorl thai all living plants have oerves which respond to electric ' shock, to heat and to cold--as do ours--and a throbbing pulse which varies naturally--as does our owjv-durinjg times of wakefulness and sleep. "So "Still further It can he proved by demonstration that their reactions to chloroform and other anesthetics are identical with the phenomena exhibited by the animal world.# "Grown trees, under the Influence of drugs, has been transplanted with mutilated roots without shock, whereas untreated, similarly selected trees have died." plants; also grape vines. The West- c Reynoidg, West Main St., McHen- Evergreen Nursery, Woodstock, ^ I1L> or call Crystal Lake Sash Edward J. Knox and Patricia, of Harvard visited rolatives here last Wednesday. Francis E. L&Dean of Ringwood was calling on friendB here Saturday. Mrs. Marion McMillan, who has been quite ill the past week, is aomewbat improved. Mrs. NelUf Folgerr daughter, Mary, and son, John, of McHenry visited at the home of M. Knox Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sand and daughter, Darfene, of Carpentersville were guests of relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Walsh and Miss Ellen Doherty of McHienry called on relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McMillan visited relatives in Spring Grove Friday. Glenn McMillan of Chicago spent Sunday at his borne here. Misses Bidd and Mary Doherty of McHenry called at the home of M. Knox Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wilcox Of Chicago were guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. A. rffrffman and daughters Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ch&onoey Starr of Belvidere called on Mrs. Marion McMillan (.Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox attended the Young-Walsh wedding in • McHenry last week. Mr. and Mrs. Irving La wrens of Chicago were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry McMillan Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Malone of Elgin called on relatives here Thursday. Mr. and Mj*s. George Dunkley of Elgin spent Sunday evening at the home of Henry McMillan. ' Robert V. Knox attended the sixth annual Universal Notre Dame Night sponsored by the Notre Dame Alumni association at the Auditorium Hotel in Chicago Monday evening. Mark McMiUan attended the Moose banquet at St. Charles Saturday evening. Pay your taxes at th«rCitizens State Bank, McHenry. * ~ 42tf Canned Peas i YOLO man 111., Frank Westman, prop. iei £ Door Co., 2 phones, Crystal Lake Woodstock 232-R. Located one-half 212 and 477. Best material and workmile west of Woodstock on South manship, quick delivery. 47 Street. *5-3 , GENERAL SEWING--Cleaning and pressing. Anna Howafrd, over Bolger's Drug Stcro. FOR SALE--8 tube, all electric, Freshman 1929 Radio, in beautiful walnut hi-boy cabinet. $200 value--; must sacrifice, $95.00. Guaranteed new. J. Herdan, 3937 No^ Long Ave., Chicago, 111. 44-4* 38,tl BETTER GLASSES BETTER VISION BETTER SERVICE III HENRY FREUND Optometrist 1&53 T)evou Ave., Chicago Near Clark Street, Phone Hollycourt 2731 FOR SALE OR RENT--Seven-room house and garage on Elm street. Phone 102-M, or inquire of W. M. Heimer. 42-tf FOR SALE--Small chicken farm, between 4 and 5 acres, % mile froin McHenry on Lake Geneva cement road. Mrs. Joe H. Justen, Rte 3. ^Phone 611-J-l. 6-tf FOR SALE-- Woodstock" typewriter. No. 5. Has just been rebuilt at the factory and is like a new machine in every respect. Will sell for $40 cash if taken at once. Here is an opportunity for someone to get a real bargain. Call 170 or inquire »t the Plaindealer office. /!,> tf TYPEWRITERS Sales and Service. Repaired and Rentals. Prompt attention to phone calls. Phone 549. L. KILT^, Woodstock 49-tf TUNE--and keep your piano tuned.! winter Tuninp makes your piano a musical1 instrument. Phone 274-J or write J. H. Deihl, Woodstock, 111. 27-tf Miss Esther Lusk spent the weekend at the R. Hallock home at Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Vasey and bous spent Sunday at the F. C. WUbur home at Grayelake. A ~ number from this vicinity attended the Senior Class play at the Libertyville high school Thursday and Friday evenings. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Benwell and daughters of McHenry were Sunday idlers at Jay Vasey's. Miss Georgia Vasey attended the teachers' meeting at La Grange Mon- J day. . Blanche and Warren Smith of Libertyville spent Monday at Volo. The schools in thist vicinity hsU vacation Monday so the teachers could attend the meeting at LaGrange. Mr. Donley and grandson, Dick, arrived home Friday morning from California, where they spent the AT A LOW PRICE Peas art lender and'sweet Sifted, No. 2 cans _ _il3^~3 38^ & t&s CORN -*fcf f:X,' An extra standard Country Gentleman, extra value at this price No. 2 ceat: m: 15*-3 FOR 43* T FREE RUNWnra SALT lodked. qi •S -i "A Home Owned Strfl McHenry, Illinois WEST SIDE GARAGE Adams Bros., Props. General Automobile Repairing ^ ^ TeL 185 Set. Phone, 639-R-2 BSRf'NR w* 'I- % 'iSf' R. P. Edwards Garage ELM STREET BATTXSY OBARGINQ, TIKE AND OBWERAt< »E. •' J PAIS WOKE, ALSO TOWING - 9T0KK GUARANTEE^ PHONE 156 S. W. MERRICK W. B. MERRICK AND ASSOCIATES > MIDWEST RENDERING C0k;•<- " We Pay For HORSES> CATTLE, HOGS, SHEEP Call fl0-J-l--Dundee--815-R-4l: Prompt Sanitary Servic REVERSE CHARGES '.,V 81-tf CkfldUh Writing When children begin to write they often do so from right to left It Is called mirror writing. When held up to a mirror It looks correct. Mirror writing has no special significance and It passes ns the child grows older. Try a New ELECTRIC CLEANER in Your Own Home Right now, when homes want freshening for spring, comes this unusual offer to help yon clean easily, thoroughly, electric cleaner. Yon may choose either of these two well-known models and on payment of less than a dollar, have it fe^r immediate ate. This thorough cleaner has a otor-driven brush which loosens the e m b e d d e d dirt. This is a very popular electric •action e cleaner UtTtihfm»"ruitumUU UbyM t A Complete Set of Attachments 108 Williams St., Crystal ONLY extra Telephone 280 Ibs&u4 Statement of ttie CHbiersfrfp, Management, Etc., Required by the Act of Congress of August 24, 1912, Of The McHenry Plaindealer, published weekly, at McHenry, 111., fot April 1, 1929. State of Illinois, County of McHenry. ss. - ' Before me, a Notary Public in and 'for the State and county aforesaid, personally appeared A. fl. Mosher, jwho, having be£n duly sworn according to law, deposes and says that he is the managing-editor of the McHenry Plaindetler, and that the following is, to the best of his\knowldege and belief, a true statement of the ownership, management, etp., of the aforesaid publication for tne date shown in the above caption,^squired by the Act of August 24, 1912. to-wit: 1. That the names and addresses of the publisher, editor, managing editor, are: ,j"V, " Publisher, Chas. SJ. .^snich, Woodstock, 111. Editor, A. H. Mostyr, McHenry, 111. Managing Editor, A. H. Mosher, McHenry, 111. 2. That the owner is Chas. F. Reiiich, Woodstock, 111. 3. That the kno#n bondholders mortgagees, and other security hold ers owning or holding 1 per cent of more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, or other securities are: None, A. H. MOSHER, Managing-Editor. Sworn to and subscribed before fl this 24th day of April, 1929. V. It. THIELE, '(Seal) Notary Public. Mrs. Fred Converse was a Liberty ville taller Friday. Frank} Hironimus has rented the old Raught farm. Quite a number from here attended the School Fair held at the Gurnee high school, Saturday. The schools around here sent quite a few exhibit8 and brought hoaue' some of the ribbons. ' v Mrs. Fred Wilbur of Grayslake spent a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Thomas Vasey, the past week. Mrs. Pittwood and daughter of Maywood spent Tuesday at the Bernie Geary home. Pay your taxes at ' Iks Citisens State Bank, McHenry. > > 42tf Land Hnrt by Dam The bottomland of Egypt Is BOt jus fertile as It was before the Assuan dam was built. The mud that was carried down the Nile by natural flooding is stopped by the dam. It settles hack of the dam, and the clear water which Irrigates the land below lacks the fertilizing element. fhiras* That Coasts 'ItIs f ettle thing to spent s phras* of common comfort, which by d&lly use has almost lost Its sense; yet on the ear of him who thought to die unmounted It will fall like choicest music.-- Talfonrd STOP here for your Wahl-Eversharp Desk Set We are in the stationery business. We've found it good business to deliver the right goods at the right price. We take pleasure in offering , Wahl-EversharpDesk Sets. They are new and populaf. They ^Abine exceptional grace tn«l beauty with the most. .1 amting satisfaction. ' We are headquarters also for' v* W AHL-E VER8HARP PENS AND PENCILS To insure getting just what you want, : us help yon fill your writ* ingneedfc -ar Absent Mliiaao^Md gome couples give you the Impression they must hnve been thinking of something else when the prencher asked them if they would "love, honor and cherish" e*cb ot^jjx^--Cinclnnntl Enquirer. 1 ' Jatrodacad fbuppld Tbf earliest recorded successful plsnting of pineapples In Florida was made In 1860, when Benjamin Baker of Key West obtained a number of slips from Havana and started a smsll experimental patch on Plantation k«y. A FRIEND 0etrter service--as we tee ij^tr more than a "catchword." It is an honest endeavor on our part to make every one of our customers a friend. We sell United States Tires--the finest that money can buy. You know that you can always depend on U. S. Royals to render you long and consistent service. We want you to have that same confidence in us and in our service. # Come into our shop. Let us demonstrate what true dealer service can mean. Last Chance to Buy at * 30x3 «/2 30x3 l/t Oversixs - 29x4.40 5.45 5,75 6.45 31x5.00 31x5.25 32x6.00 Royal _ Roj£ Royi 11.85 13.65 15.95 ataAff Truck - - ; V K ' • • mv r • '-kh£i •i Thomas P. Bolger **The McHenry Druggist" Phens 40 McHenry, OL Walter J. Freund . ^ . Wtst McHenry, c PHONE 120-R TIRE AND TUBE VULCANIZING , BATTERY CHARGING AND REP AIRING ^ ALL WORK GUARANTEED HEADQUARTERS FOR U. S. ROYALS* Jtitik.