ppp tm:: •mtf?-..' iFi*~?Tf~":i$ THE M'HBK&Y PLAIlffDIALKR, THURSDAY, APRIL 25,1929 f.X If RING WOOD Hff* l:v- Mr. and Mrs. Max Beth and son, Billy, of Chicago spent Wednesday in the William Beth home. Mr. and Mrs. George Young attended the wedding of the former's brother at McHenry Wednesday. Mrs. W. A. Dodge and daughter, Eleanor, were Woodstock visitors Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Heimer and Mr. and Mrs. Will Freund of McHenry spent Thursday night in the George Young home. Carlton Fay is enjoying a ten-day vacation with his parents. Mrs. Nick Young entertained the Bunco club at her home Thursday afternoon. Prises were won by Mrs. Ed Thompson, first; Mrs. W. A. Dodge, second; Mrs. Ray Merchant, third, and Mrs. Thomas Doherty the consolation. Mrs. Edgar Thomas received the prize for the one having Baade the most number of buncos. At the close of the afternoon refeshments were served. # Ann Ramsey, Ruby Sayler, Dave Cricket and Harold Jepson of Mt. Morris spent Saturday afternoon in the C. J. Jepson home. Mr. and Mrs. Fuller Bou telle and family of Lake Geneva, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smith and family, Mr. and Mrs. . J. R. Smith and son, Leo, of Mc- * Henry were Sunday guests of Mir. and George Youngl * Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peters spent Saturday evening and Sunday at Belvidere and Hunter- Qyron Hitchens of Chicago spent unday Evening and Bfonday with is parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hit- ! chens. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hitchens and Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hughes were visitors at Elgin Sunday. Frank, Harold, Roy, Leslie and Mae Wiedrich attended the show at Woodstock Sunday evening. Leslie Olsen of McHenry was a Ringwood caller Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Freund and daughter were Woodstock visitors Saturday. Fred Wiedrich and daughter, Mae, spent Thursday afternoon in Richmond. Mjesdames F. A. Hitchens, G. A. Stevens, A. W. Smith, H. M. Stephenson and Mrs. B. T. Butler and daughter, Helen Ruth, attended the Social Wheel at McHenry Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jepson and daughters were Woodstock visitors Saturday. Rev. Bonham of McHenry' preached at the Ringwood M. E. church Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Cyde Duggan of Brookfield and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Taylor of Western Springs, were callers in the Sam Beatty home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Ms. John Conerty and daughters Ruth and Juanita, of Woodstock were callers in the George Shepard home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Olsen were McHenry visitors Saturday evening. S. H. Freund ftenersil - Building Contractors Phone 127-E Ger. Pearl afid Park Sts. McHenry, 111. To Spring Time Your Home •"> You'll find just the touch you need, CURTAINS, SHEETS, PILLOW CASES Scarfs in linen or in pastel shades in OrgaMftr « ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS v< .+ DISHES, VASE, OR SMALL LAMP; at me AGATHA SHOP New things for infants have Gifts and Greeting Catds for arrived all occasions Hemstitching and Pleating i ¥ lie Furniture for Slut Room 0nd Porch R^ght now. is a splendid time to select furniture for the room or porch. We have a special display which comprises a number of the newer styles now offered at a price range which permits selection in^ooord with yqur budget plan. Bee our display today. ^ Jacob J listen & Sons FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING} 103-R McHenry Clark Huson of Elgin sprat Friday in the C. J. Jepson home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Krohn and family and Mr. and Mrs. Nick Freund and family spent Thursday evening in the Ed Thompson home. Edward Harrison of Elgin spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr attended the show at Woodstock Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jensen of McHenry were visitors in the George Young home Wednesday evening. Mrs. Sam Beatty, Mrs. Glen Jackson and daughter, Genevieve, and Mrs. Viola Low and son, Robert, were Woodstock visitors Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Benzie of Crystal Lake spent Sunday in the George Harrison home. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Kelley and daughter, Betty Low, of Crystal Lake spent Sunday afternoon in Ringwood. Mrs. M. L. Welter and daughter, Frances, spent Sunday in Elgin. Mjrs. Ed Hopper was a caller in Crystal Lake Wednesday. * Ben Hutson and daughter, Mrs. Clifford Kidney, of Woodstock, were callers in the William Kelley holhe Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Harrison entertained the members of the Home Bureau and their families at a bunco party Friday evening. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. C. J. Jepson and Louis Schroeder, first, and Mrs. Louis Schroeder and Francis Harrison the consolation. There were seven tables in play. At the close refreshments were served and a jolly time was enjoyed. The Ringwood baseball team journeyed to Wilmot Sunday and were defeated 6 to 3. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wegner and daughter, Marion, of McHenry spent Sunday in the Abe Laurence home. Floyd Foss spent Sunday with Hadley Thompson at Greenwood. Alec Anderson and son, Robert, and William Coates were McHenry visitors Monday afternoon. Jim Low of Kenosha was a caller in the Sam Beatty home Sunday afternoon. Roger Stevens, who is attending Madison University, spent last week at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Clay Rogers and family spent Saturday evening in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Stevens spent Sundaj? in Kenosha. Mrs. George Stevens was an Elgin visitor Tuesday. Miss Viola Rager of McHenry spent Sunday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Dodge and family spent Sunday at Woodstock. Told Tale* Interesting Bits ef News Takes From the Columns of the Plaindealer Fifty ail " Twenty-five April, 1879 Never before in the histbry of our country, everything considered, could building. be done as chcaply as today. Lumber, nails, paint, stone and brick and everything neded, is cheaper than ever before. The editor and family acknowledge a pleasant serenade from the Johnsburg brass band on Monday evening. Thanks, come again. Al. Hanking' two thoroughbred horses, "Ammadus and Crockford" will remain this season at his stables in this village and will be under the care of T„ R. Phalen At the councl meeting on Saturday night, Henry Colby was reappointed treasurer of the village for the ensuing year. The saloon license for the coming year was fixed at $100. April, 1904 The Elgin board of trade virtually dictates the price of butter for the world. Elgin, which has a population of less than twenty-five thousand, is noted for the excellence of the watches as well as the butter it makes. At an enthusiastic meeting of base ball fans at the city hall Friday evening, an organization was effected by electing officers and appointing a committee to draw up the constitution and by-laws. The following officers were elected: president, Dr. R. G. Chamberlin; secretary, Peter Justen; treasurer, T. J. Wialsh; manager, C. D. Schoonmaker; captain, F. G. Schreiner and official umpire, L. F. Newman. S. Reynolds has traded his wood working machinery to Chicago parties, taking in exchange several thousand feet of excellent oak flooring. The machinery was practically useless to him, but the lumber can be disposed of to good advantage. E. C. Joslyn has moved into the rooms over N. J. Jus ten's store, making very pleasant bachelor appartments. Mr. Joslyn entertained a "house-warming" party Monday even Y t •• ! *-•/ * 1 KONJOLA WINS QUICK VICTORY GRAVE CASE Mm Tells of Remarkable Experience / 2Wltli TV New Medicia* V "Kink's Emfftiab" It Is the king's English Just as 't Is the king's army, the king's II.IT.* and the king's country. Everything ha the tight little Isle is subject t" him, in theory at least The expression Is provefMal. It is sometimes credited to Shakespeare becasse of hie use of It tn the first act of -The Merry Wives s>l Windsar," but. It antedates him. Mrs. W. A. Dodge is visiting "in the df"cin^. to "lu«ic u of .the home of her daughter at Antioch. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young utare McHenry visitors Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Peet and family spent Sunday with relatives in Rockford. Mrs. Peet remained for the remainder of the week. SLOCUM'S LAKE apolloette, being the chief diversion. This Bank is authorized by the County Treasurer to-collect TAXES Citizens State Bank or McHENRY Helps You Get Ahead' Harry Matthews and son, Robert were callers *at Libertyville Monday afternoon. Emmet Geary of Fremont spent Sunday afternoon at the home of his parents here. Mrs. Duncan of Mylith Park was a caller at the home of Mrs. Clara Smith last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks spent the week-end at the home of Mrs. Lucile Rohman in Chicago. Henry Geary and son, Jack, were callers at Crystal Lake last Thursday forenoon. H. G. Gilkerson, farm advisor, was a business caller at Oak Glen Farm last Wednesday. Mrs. Al Wilson and dauhter of Arlington Heights spent last Wednesday at the home of her parents here. Henry Geary and son, Jack, were callers at Solon Mills last Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Tillie Toynton and daughter, Neva, Mrs. George Harris and children and children and Miss Hazel Haffney of Wauconda were Monday evening visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Brooks. Mrs. William Foss and daughter, Pearl, and son, Leslie, were callers at McHenry last Wednesday evening, Mr. and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews of Crystal Lake spent Sunday evening with relatives at OakGlen Farm. Mr. and Mrs. William Fqss and son Junior, accomanied Mr, and Mrs. A. W. Foss of Libertyville to Grand Rapids, Mich., where they spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Foss. Mr. and Mrs. Al Wilson and daughter of Arlington Heights were Sunday guests at the O. W. Grantham home. Mr. and Mrs. George Suner of Lake Zurich were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks. Mr. and J. D. Williams and son, James Howard, of Crystal Lake were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mrs. Clara Smith. ' Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Larabee at Bristol, Wis., last Tuesday. Mrs. Wayne Bacon and two children accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Davis and little daughter to Elgin Monday. Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Harris and daughter, Eileen, of Wauconda spent spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Page Smith. Mildred Hoffman and Mrs. Tate of Barrington returned hofhe last Wednesday, after spending a week at Canistota, South Dakota. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell, Mrs. Mary Dowell and George Eatinger were at Woodstock last Thursday afternoon. Esse Fisher of Volo was a caller at the Leslie Davis home Monday. Miss Myena Bacon took the eighth grade examination at~~McHenry last Saturday. Misses Dorothy Dowell, Mayme Dowell, Ethel Dowell and Mae Smith and Douglas Smith attended the school fair held at Gurnee last Saturday. The school received second place in sewing. Chesney Brooks attended the Izaak Walton sport exhibit at the Stevens Character Molded by Example of Parents Do yon ever wonder what you would have been if your father and mother had been different? I often do. My own father and mother lived what they tried to teach their two children; my sister and myself. To have so consistent an example of absolute Integrity would be of Incalculable worth to any child; I never can sufficiently express my debt of gratitude to them. My father was a "natural born" scientist, an Indefatigable searcher for the relation between cause and effect It was he that taught me to ask the why of everything; to want to know and to understand things. Both my father and my mother Judged persons by the essentials of character; such things as honesty, kindness, uprightness; by what persons were--not by how mncb money they had or bow much show they could make.--Mary B. Mullett In the Americas Magazine. Xppalliag Saieide The boiling podl at Kotorua, New Zeland, was used to commit suicide by an elderly man. He Jumped inte it and was boiled alive. Horrified spectators were unable to do anything, They could see the man clearly for a time, standing upright, his bead a few feet below the surface and looking up. The body was recovered with grappling irons. MR. ROY WOOFF "I have never known of a medicine, or anything of the kind, that has caused as much favorable comment as this new compound, Konjola," said Mr. Roy Wooff, 233 West Twelfth street, for 36 years a resident of Alton "For yearB I suffered from stomach trouble and liver ailments, and then as a result of my system being saturated with impurities and poisons, the dread neuritis laid hold on me. My indigestion was very bad. My appetite was just about a total failure. I caught colds frequently, and the neuritis found no easy prey. "While despondent over my condition, I started with Konjola. Day by day I grew stronger. My liver responded quickly to Konjola's powers; my digestion was restored, and gradually the pangs of neuritis faded from my body. I am here today to bear testimony that there is no medicine in the world to compare with this splendid Konjola." Konjola is sold in McHenry, 111., at Thomas P. Bolger drug store and by all the best druggists in all towns throughdut this entire sectipn. Etpart or Nothing A sketch In a theatrical weekly calls the subject an "expert lion tamer." We don't suppose there Is anything In which mediocrity shows up quicker than In lion taming. NOW COMES THE •' >' i. v " HERMAN J. SCHAEFER Moving and - ing Distance HatiBnfc PHONE 1W-J McHenry, Illinois FIFTEEN Wide tracks that ride soft sood .'-•^|beds without packing--and with* ^ y %ot wasting power! The owner of a "Caterpillar" Fifteen can con* ' fidently ride over muddy reads or wet fields; he ean plow a field and cultivate it and cultivate it again--with no danger of packing and no fear of unking in. For here is extra traction and extra |K»wer to make hard jobs look . ,-Jeaiy--and to make extra profits . . „ . _ L*2ER COMPANY 8. Jefferson Street cSJTL Chicago, iHhirtB ^ j jVeedcats' IHitlwlljl Woodruts were once called "the democrat* among the graphic arts." hotel in Chicago last Saturday. Mrs. A. J. Amann and children1 of Fremont (township were callers at the W. E. Brooks home last Thursday afternoon. • Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lambke of Burlington called at the W. E. Brooks home last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Larabee and son, Caroll, and Charles Larabee of Bristol, Wis., spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks. Sunrday dinner gueBts at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews were Mr. and Mrs. ^Villard Darrell and Mildred Hoffman, Miss Myrtle Darrell of Crystal Lake, William Darrell of Waukesha, Wis., Elmer Esping and Harvey Bailey of Moline. Mrs. Harry Matthews and Mrs. Sigrid Blomgren attended the organization meeting of the Wauconda Woman's Club held at the W. T. H S. last Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews attended the Euchre Club party en tertainment at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Powers at Wauconda last Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Darrell and daughter, Myrtle, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks and son, Chesney, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks, John Blomgren, Mrs. Sigrid Blomgren and Iner Groth attended the supper at the Communi ty house recently given by the Ladies of the Federated Church. AIR MAIL ENVELOPES The Plaindealer has air mail envelopes on sale for the accommoda tion of those who wish to use this branch of the postal service. For letters routed long distances across the country this service is the quickest and under the new postal regular tions the cost is five cents for the first ounce and ten cents for each additional ounce. The envelopes have the necessary markings and may be purchased in any quantity from one up. * fp-tf TAXES! The county treasurer has authorized this bank to receive taxes. We will appreciate your paying them here."' West McHenry State Bank 42tf I 0 NEW BUICKS '^'lt our Showrooms all this week They got got and Coapes Sport Car SERIES 116 . - - $1220 to $1920 iljwioiitje (1225 SERIES ill Sedftas - • - $1450 to iifti JCoupes - r - $139? to £l4SO Sport Car • -$1925 SERIES 129 Sedaas - -- $1875 to $214* Coupes • • - $1865 to $1879 Sport Cara> - $1525 to $1550 These prices f. o. b. Buick Factory, special eouipment extra. oBnuliyc kr tsdtimttvMtrM* cl bp*rri%censf atrn dclemlidv«ery rnrndfitumemg. Convenient ttfat Caa be arranged oa the liberal G. M. A, C. Time Parmeat Plan. Cwmelal sdett hefb tl isdte plirviecree dw hberni e* mt «HV> M+rimg mmtumMlt vaJmes. Come, make the driving test as thousands have done. Find out for yourself why this epic car's performance is hilly worthy of die pstonishing record of winning more than twice as many people to Bute*** any other Car priced above $1200! gjUICK MOTOR COMPANY, FLINT, MICH* Dipitim ef Generml Meters Cfrptrwtim OVERTON V COWEN Phone 6 Bnick Motor Oars West McHenry, HI ' ' ' : > 1--* ' » fiCi BITTIl IVTOHOinil ABB BUILT...BUICK WILL BUILB TIBM