g^i?ipfpw9":r <^I--. ..<'<,, ,*. . ,Y ,--^ - A -•<••>.•' J 'jf •• • ^ ,>1fe,. ,*!'< '» •»'* •£. ...v ..... - it*. 'v.-vfL..,, r „ .-•-- ^--- % CMmm D*|l Little Is knowu of the origin of the Pekingese. At the looting of the sum mer palace of Peking In 18(50. bronze effigies of these dogs known ro be more than two thousand years old were found within the sacred preciacts. Five ©f the dogs from the summer palace were taken to England !n ISfiO. one of which was pre miltrfl to Qneen Victoriaj la the Rear to Stay Be on time In <ife In both small afad large things Keep tip to d:ife Don't limp Into line nfter evervhmlj else has arrived--A merlcnn Maga sine. .',l THE M'-HENRY PLAINDEALER, THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1929 \vt *• lupirttian • certain Detroit resident's way of getting out of any unwelcome Invitation, during the rurrent social season, has been to hold his nose while telephoning and pretend be Has gvqpp**- Detroit News. ' \- Natur* of Writer* It If ftiuaziiiK how rniiny otherwise intelligent people are positive that the only reason why they have not written the Great American Novel is that they have had to live In a comfortable apartment Instead of In an Isolated ruin In die deep woods without gas. electricity or running water.--Ameri cap Masarlne Hiram. LWimamaoiu --f- r'-r <" - - - -- » » ** - - •••* MCTSji njRrt.fv' |' 4*~\ >'ji-«, '*-• i|The point you select, fitted instantly: " to the holder you prefer What a gift for graduates! Your personal pen made possible by another Wahl-Eversharp achieve- Stent, the Interchangeable Nib. Any nib fits any holder. Literally, your personal pen is made to order -«n the spot. You step up to the counter. Here are 14 distinct styles of points. You try them till you find the point as personal to you as ibe words which flow lightly from your fingers. Kext comes the holder. Again you choose. From smart black-andjtearl effects, rich jet blacks, and six radiant colors. Then--the two are permanently joined before your eyes. And there jglou have--your personal pen, the smoothest writing pen that ever signed j.. Come in, today, and see this newest advance in writing. WAHL "EVERSHARP A. M. She!ton, Crystal Lake, director of the- state department of registration and education for the past seven years, has resigned. He has been replaced by M. F. Walsh, publisher of the Harvard Herald and Independent and a member of the civil service board under former Governor Lowden. S. J. Stanard, Springfield, director of the department of agriculture, has also resigned-^ Governor Emmerson has appointed former State Senutor Clarence Buck, Moututtttdt, to succeed Mr. Stanard* v ' . Southern Illinois coal operators tiave announced new -reduced prices on coal shipments for this month to fincourage summer orders of Illinois ;Misoal. The new prices on ecg and lump 'coal are quoted at the old prices •ere 52.90 and $.1. Kentucky coal .operators are making desperate efforts, to regain the Illinois trade, which is rapidly slipping away from them as the result of the highly successful campaigns being conducted.,!#, '"Buy Illinois Coal." * v-'V'i;:; Former Governor Frank O. T^owden of Illinois is urging members of the Illinois state committee, and the E.-istern Missouri committee for Near East relief, to remain In the work with .him until organization is completed Mr. Lowden has recently Jbeen In Greece personally inspecting the orplotnage work of the Near East relief. V s. Financial aid for the flooded districts along the Mississippi In Adams county was asked in a bill introduced In the house by Hepresentatlve Mary C. McAdams, Quincy. She asks a total of $240,000, of which $17r>,000 would go to Adams county and $<>.">.000 to the Intlian Grave drainage district. Completion of 5.73 miles of concrete road in Illinois during $»e week vf April 23 was announced a "few dayt ago by Frank T. Sheets, chief highway euglneer., The total tor the year is 10:35 miles, ~ * t* Governor Emmerson Is still hoping that the present session of the legislature will end on May 2a. Beyond that time he allows ten days for sine die adjournment, giving tiie governor the customary time la which to coa- . r sider bills. FOUNTAIN ^PENS now being demonstrated in our store! Thomas P. Bolger "The McHenry Druggist" Phone 40 McHenry, III. O / The senate has voted to place all amateur boxing bouts, except those of schools and colleges, under supervision of the state boxing commission by passage of senate bill 306, introduced by Senator Edward J. Hughes of Chicago, . -.i. . ~~The favorably reported out the joint resolution, introduced by Senator Herman J. Haeniscll, Chicago, ^memorializing the Washington administration to speed up negotiations with Canada for an early completion of tbjs waterway to the Atlantic. . Completion of Illinois' waterway at a cost of between $4,000,000 and $5.- 000,000 will not be financed by the federal government, according to word received from Washington. Secretary of War Good expressed the belief .that the state can obtain the funds by taxation. Convict labor cannot be used by the state in building roads and making other improvements at the I'ierre Menard homestead and Fort Gage *State park, Attorney General Carlstrom has a'dvlsed Rodney H. Brandon, director of the department of public welfare. : Representative Harris- B» Gaines, Chicago, Is sponsor of a bill to punish restaurants and theaters which object to colored patrons. The house committee on revenue has |-ktlled the income tax hill introduced Senator Simon EL Lantz, Congerville. The bill passed the senate some time ago. W/' A IE oL?e€tr u cVv>m\fty S F R I E N D * By a vote of 78 to 53 tl»e house has passed the bill introduced by Representative' Calvin Weeks, Chicago, in- Ireasing salaries of members of the ; f general assembly from $3,500 to $5,000. t. Dealer service--as we see it--is more \ than a "catchword.*' It is an honest endeavor on our part to make every one of our customers a friend. We know that we are going to make many new friends withe the NEW UNITED STATES TIRE a brand riew U. S. Tire with a pecfrected non-skid that will give miles and miles of EXTRA wear, entirely new tire in every way, designed and built to meet today's motoring needs. Come in and let us show you this new United States Tire. .Andnot^Jthe special introductory prices ' * • v.. ' Saturday Only 31x5.25 U. 8. Royal ^ $13.50 ^ • Good buys in all sizes • • . L_ i". The bill Introduced by _pr. Henr^ W. Smith, lU<odhou8e, calling for sterili cation of inmates of state institutions for the insane, has been disapproved ftfcr the house Judiciary committee^ The next district ronference of the niinois Chamber of Commerce will be held at LaSalle on Wednesday, June 8, according to word from G> Q. INr- •rts, the general secretary. • ' At a session of the house committee on roads, the bili introduced by 8enator Henry M. Duniap, Savoy, giving the state department of public works and buildings authority to plant trees and shrubbery alony^the highways, was approved. Bills appropriating $14,202,740 for educational purposes have passed the house. The hills Included $10,000,000 annually for the state distributive fund and $4V2C>2,74G for the state not-! nmi schools.' The former measure w;ts offered by Representative Elbert T» Waller, Tamaroa, and the latter hjr Mrs. tlorence Fifer Bohrer* BloomiiigK tOn. ; :"V • " V •' The Lake Springfield bill. Introduced by Representative T. J. Sullivan, Springfield, has passed the senate and. will be returned to the house for con-" currence on the amendments. In it* amended form the bill gives Spring field and all other downstate cities authority to incfease their bonding power from 2% conts to 5 cents on' the hundred dollar valuation for lake purposes. Six exhibit booths will be occupied J>y the state department of public health at the annual meeting of the Illinois State Medical society, which opens in Peoria on Mfiy 21, according to an announcement made by Dr. Andy Hall, state health director. Improvements at the state normal schools, totaling $1,107,412, were proposed in a bill introdi^ced in the house by Representative James H. Foster, Macomb. ' The bUl Introduced by Representative Henry Sonnenschein, Chicago., designating Route 4 from Chicago through Springfield to East St. Louis Hfe the American Legion highway, has been advanced to third reading in the house and may be called for. passage soon. Representative Michael Durso, Chicago, has offered a constitutional amendment providing that police magistrates and justices of the peace of Chicago shall be practicing attorneys. It went to the committee on judiciary. Praou R* tn PsIm* The Qulrinal palace at Rome was begun by Ponzlo In 1574, and completed by Fontana and Bernini. It became the royal residence of "the kings of Italy nfter the breach of Porta Pla, September 20. 1870. Figuratively, the Quirinai signifies the state Vat- Icao signifies the church. ' •; Soiled Eivilop* if you've forgotten to tnclose that check In your letter, you can re-npes the sealed envelope ^y laying a wet cloth over the flap arid pressinc with a warm Imn . "KONJOLA ONLY MEDICINE THAT s GAVE RELIEF' New Compound Ends Suffering After Hope Has Been Abandoned. • t-1 .^v ISTT tair^est ch^ Market. 50,000 chicks each week. W® can take care of orders on Barred Rocksf Rhode Island Reds, White Rocks and Whit® ^Wyandotte chicks immediately. ^ We, also, hatch White Leghorns, Anconas, and Buft Orpingtons. Call 1537 and order 'your chicks iuhic-.; v:- Hatchery, 63 S. Qrove Ave. Elgin, Ills € «t . ~ Hettermann Motor Sales <:v;: <}• 'i All kinds of car and truck and general repair*; ing, also welding, done bv expert mechanics. • . ,* ; # s c p r . Main St., West McHenry • V v v Phone 191 The bill Introduced, by Representative Thomas P. Sinnett, Rock Island, amending the police and firemen's pension law by eliminating the referendum applicable to many of the cities of the downstate, has been killed. The proposed constitutional tax amendment will he offered to the senate soon, according to - Smith, Pans. • • . • " if"1' Governor Emfnerson ^ias anfifttihCPd the resignation of John B. Walker,. Joliet, superintendent of prisons, and Frank Rosbottom, DuQuoln, t\sslstaift~ director of mln£s and minerals. MBS. H. H. BECK MAN "Konjola is a wonderful medicine, and I ought to know, for I have taken many different ones in the last five years/' safii Mrs. H. H. Beckman, Route No. 2, New Boston. "For five years I suffered from stomach trouble and constipation. Food refused to digest, and no matter what I ate, suffering was bound to follow. The pains were so bad that I thought I would not be able to stand them another minute. My bowels became irregular, and my system was filled with poisons. "I was skeptical about Konjola, but finally gave it a trial. I noticed good results from the beginning. When I had used four bottles, my old. health was restored. My stomach works as it would and I can eat anything I care to without suffering afterward. My bowels have been regulated, and the poisons swept from my system. Konjola is the only medicine that gave me relief, and I had tried many." Konjola is sold in McHenry, 111., at Thomas P. Bolger I>rug Store and by all the best druggists in call towns throught this entire section. CHICHESTER S PILLS TIIKSUlltNDBKillB. A A bill by Senator Roy Woods, Odea go, requires all railroads operating In Chicago to electrify U*eir jy^es by January 1, 1982. " ; / V The house commttte® wT^llcense and miscellany has killed the bill introduced by Representative Charles W. Turner providing fof * *M- •" cigarettes. ^ • i.-/ v*??. The bill making chattels subject (• sale when they are used to secure paywent of mortgages, Introduced by R«(h reaentatlve Edwin B. Bedermaa, CMcsgo, has passed the house. Free Of Cotufee • ' • • ( ' . : Walter J. Fremiti Phone 120-R I West McBenry,. DL m TIRE AND TTffeE VtTLC AHIZIHG BATTERY CHARGING AND RHP AIRING - 4JUL WORK GUA&ANTSED The bill introduced by Representative Elmer C. Wilson, Kankakee, eliminating five posted notices to persons having claims against deceased per-, sons, has passed the house. Representative William W. Powirs, Chicago, has Introduced a bill In the house to require a person to have a license to engage as an aircraft or automobile mechanic. Chairman R. G. Soderstrom, Streator, of the house education committee, has recommended the passage of the bill Introduced by Representative Reed F. Cutler, Lewistown, providing that a school boundary change may be acted upon at any meeting instead of at the regular April meeting only. H. H. Cleaveland, director of the department of public works and buildings, has announced that the state has completed negotiations for the purchase of land on which to locate the Pierre Menard homestead and Fort Gage state park, for $7,.NOO. T&f land is in Randolph county. Representative Wallace BeMy, Marion, has Introduced a bill appropriating $15,000 for relief of those who suffered property losses la Williamson and adjoining counties during recent severe storms. The Mil introduced by Representative Charles Cola, Chicago, which abolishes requirement for a daily session of local improvement boards in cities over 100,000 population, has passed the house and has been sent to the senste. Splitting the $6.r>00,000 collected under the 1927 gasoline tax. between the state and counties, the house of representatives has voted to take the money from the treasury and apportion it for road purposes In CMS refunds suits tail. The bill Introduced by Representative Harvey Z. O'Hair, Bushton, barring vehicles from being driven on freshly oiled or freehly graded roads In a condition to be Injured, has been passed and sent to the senate. For the rest of the session ef the present general assembly, the house plans to hold two sessions a day with committee meetings in between. The morning session will last from 9:JI9 a. m. to 12:30 p. m., while the second session will start at 4:30 p. m. and last •two hours. Later the afternoon hour for convening will be advanced to 3:90. An upwsrd tendency In Rllnols coal production was evident In a recent graph which showed that the week's oat put was 808,000 tons as compared to TW8.000 tons the week before. WU't PocnliaritiM The Nile reaches the Mediterranean through two channels, referred to as the Rosetta and the Damletta mouths. In the summer season the river freqnsnty *les «p hsftwe it reaches the Thoy'ro Easy t* Fia4 people like to quarrel, bfll they ought to pick their opponents from among those that feel the same way about It.--Atchison Dally Typical Americanism: Throwing Hrcnlsr* Into the waste basket; spending ynnr money to buy circulars for the other fellow's waste basket.--Nashville Ten Metropolis Mas Grown The first New York dty directory •Wared In 1786. It had 840 namas, not going above Roosevelt and Cherry stvsets on the Bast side or Dey street on the west. nu. a Mi*.W Mlwl itkjrurDnfiM Chi tor I !>!••••< Bra Pills la U«4 ud U»M ButtlUc1 boxes, tasted with Bias lUbboa. __ 'SkfwcliicfaSSrns iiiand rniAfah yean know* as IIMt» ff> tmt, Alwiyi RcHabto SOLiBYDOJ66BlSEVEKYMIEI£ h \'t, UR THOUSAND persons--scientists, mathematicians, technicians and their -in the Bell Telephone Labora- , lories are constantly studying the human voice and human speech. They study your telephone service and Jiow to make it better. They strive ceaselessly to extend its range, its accuracy and Its usefulness. In all of these things they ?jiave succeeded beyond the most sanguine hopes of a few years ago. The Illinois Bell Telephone Company, ii ne of the units of the Bell System, offers to e public it serves all the advantages of its connection with these laboratories, the world's greatestagency of jwa^tical scientific research.'- - ,-rrV;; Truly we tire Jiving in a telephone age ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY BELL SYSTEM One Policy » One System • Universal Service I -.•K l.'V.. OUTSTANDING VANTAGES All TOE MECHAMISM •SM1W THE CAESraET IS AlfrSIEEL OF Um many ad* vantages of General Electric Refrigerators, two are especially vital--the hermetically sealed, on-top snechawisns and the •It sfaal warpftosf eahinet. t ' Ik mechanism isi mmj dulifil ta frigerator has bat sse purpose to absorb heat from the food. It must be permitted to radiate that heat rapidly just as heat is conducted away from the engine of your ear. As heat naturally rises, it can be radiated'from the top of the refrigerator. To plaee the radiating coils anywhere else cats down their efficiency at the cost of operation. And now has beea added the new ail» aUnf rrL'~** Built like a safe, it ean^ mt current--its doors always their perfect fit which shuts out Available fas six siaes at prices mrisingly low. The email family but $215, at the factory. Soldo Makat tinse payments. XirtM in an the General Ileal i If Hour, broadcast every Saturday eve •ing, 8 to 9, Eastern Standard TL •ver tha N.B.C. Mtwarfc «f on eoaft»l GENERAL ® ELECTRIC STBUBl. REFRIGKRATOHk '•<m 1 «*: V »»•» «• • • V, "ip'--". ' ' ip. i ^ Carey Electric Shop V 2fl Green Street ^ McHcoi^r