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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 May 1929, p. 4

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mm M H*M*Y l>LAllmiAIJ^ TtfO*8DAr HAT M,19» ;I fi\ ' '- 's- ••> '*&*?% •.<? THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER Published every Thursday at McHenry, HI., by Charles P. Renich. Bntered as second-class matter at the postoJBce at , JfffHegxg, der the act of May 8,187V. • v : >• DL, \ 1 f U Subscription Rates Om Tear * ft* Month! •MMi* .^2.00 A. H. M06BER, Editor and lUnager >•*« . . . . . . Firrt SailWato The paintings and sculpture® tu early records of Ejrypt show regularly formed boats constructed of sawed planks of timber propelled by numer- (hm rowers and also hy sails. These vessels were long galleys with one mast and a large square sail which was sometimes of lfnen and sometimes of papyrus. The oldest authentic record as to these sailing vessels is the Illustration of one of them used as a decoration of an Egyptian amphora (in the British mnsenm). Jndged to have been made about 6000 B. C. tt is noted, however, that these boats could sail oniy with the wind. The rctenee of sailing against the wind wne nnknown for thousands of years. They sailed only when the wind was favorable. The oarsmen worked when the winds were unfavorable. ILLEI THEATRE, k iKJOorrocK. >u. Woodstock's Beautiful Play House Experts Should Build Windows of a Home The casement window ranks higher In favor with the European bome owner- than It does with the American. This Is not through any fault of the casement window, as such, for It is an extremely efficient affair if it is well made, but because It is so often poorly made that tt has not appeared to give the service that might reasonably be expected of It When you hang a window sash on binges and swing It out In the wind ]r6u should be prepared to say that the hinges are of high-grade material, well put on, and that the adjustment hardware by which you are able to fix the sash In any . position Is substantially and soundly secured, or.else you may as well expect to find th^ sash, some day after a gust of wind, torn away from the hinges and lying in the flower bed at the foot of your wall. Furthermore, If the locking hardware has not been put on so that the sash nfRy be drawn up tight against rame you will hSTe wind -losses!; ra Evening Shows at 7 anl • Matinees-- On Wednesdays. Thursdays. Saturdays and Sundays, S p. ML rattles and general dis- "s^igfflft^on. Poor workmen capnot make a good cawlnent window. Good workmen can make a thoroughly satisfactory ^ypdow of this type. Thf"market arfonTs many types of special casement windows, and of casement window adjusters that are most excellent devices. If yon like this kind of window make sore of what you are getting. . . % . SATURDAY Buster Keaton and Ernest Torrence -« in "Steamboat . Bill Jr." Also "Humorous- Flights" Sound Act Pathe News and Comedy SUNDAY--MONDAY Buddy Rogers Nancy Carroll in "Close Harmon All Talking--Singing and •l§w n: Whirls Girls talking Comedy * and * Bathe Bound NcWi • 1 TUESDAY ' ; WEDNESDAY THURSDAY "Abie's Irish Rose" 1 • with Buddy Rogers Nancy Carroll Also Comedy and News tfce_f! heat lossei Colorful Ceramic Tiliiv Add Luxury and Beauty If you are building or remodeling a home you want It to have beauty and a measure of luxury. Even If it is a very small house it must be the best, the most beautiful you can afford. t Ceramic tiles permitting ad endless choice of color, design and texture, you will find to be a beautiful, longlasting material. Water and steam do not harm them. Many years of treading over them does not wear them down. Furniture dragged across them does not scratch or mar their surface; Ceramic tiles, produced at very high temperatures, resist the heat of the ordinary flame. The materials used in setting tiles are also fireproof. Tiles are nonabsorbent, sanitary, apd easy to clean. The bouse committee on waterways has reported out for passage the bill introduced by Senator James J. Barbour, Chicago, giving the Chicago sanitary district authority to Issue $40,- 000,000 in (bonds without referendum. The house has passed the bill introduced by Representative Homer J. Tice, Greenview, appropriating $230,- 516.04 to the state department of public works and buildings for the construction 0/ a bridge at Pekin. The Appropriation' bill by Representative Charles L. Wood, Keenes, for $2,341.12 to the department of public works and buildings for a refund to the city of Mt Vernon for paving has been passed by the house. The bill introduced by S&Mtor A4& bert &. Roberts, Chicago, has been recalled fU> second reading in the house and amendments have been offered by Represent*t*Me Michael Igoe prohibiting even poife# officers from having machine gun* Representative Robert Whltley.Carlinville, has offered a resolution on the death of William Mounts, a former state senator* who died, February 5. The resolution was adopted by a ris- -- -a•*% . 'rn - till -J •« W CLASSIFIED - f . y \ , S V T ' ATVERnSEMENTS1 tJSX THX OLASSmZD COLUMNS FOE QUICK RXBtTLTS FOR SALE FOR RENT--Store and flat for rent on Main street. , Tel. 147-W. 46-tf FOR SALE--Day bed. Reasonable * price. Phone McHenry 131-J. 52 FOR RENT--Store with or without . _ , living rooms and 7-room flat; also 4- FOR SALB--Tomato plants for sak. room flat. Cai! Catherine Schneider, 10 cents per dozen. Mrs. Joe H. 106-W. ' 46tf. Justen, McHenry. 52 FOR S A Seven -10; >m house, two- WAlStltfi' story double garage, and five lots in ' . north pan of McHenry. Four lots WANTED--Girl for housework *t will be sold separtely if desired. Rea- Pistakee Bay. Call on Saturday. Phone sonable price. Albert M. Frett Phone McHenry 666-R-2. 55 105-W 52-3* ~-- -- ' . • - WANTED --Good man for general FOR SALE--Want to dispose of my work. Phone McHenry 660-W-l. 52 I property in McHenry. House and two ------ 1 " lots on Main St., and one lot on Wau- RELIABLE DEALER WANTED--to | kegan St. Make me an offer. Walter handle Hieberling; Products in Mc- F. Vogt, Geneva, 111. 52 Henry county. Excellent opportunity for the right man. Earnings of $50 FOR SALE--Solid oak buffet, side weekly. Write for free catalogue. G. board, dining taWe and chairs, iron q Heberlingr Company, Dept. 329, The Chicago school bill, giving the enameled bed and springs, steel fold- Bloominfton, IB. 52-2 board of education authority to increase taxes, has been made a- Special order In the house. , City mayors have the right to vote at council meetings in the case of a tie vote. Attorney General Oscar E. Carlstrom has advised O. Ray Senift, state's attorney of Fulton county. J ing cots, Reliable gas Tftnge, baker, and some odd pieces of furniture. J. W. Bonslett, Court and Elm streets. „ - 52* MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE One 16-ft_ rowboat landed ^ resolution by Representative H. JM. Luckey, Potomac, urging state officials, municipal corporations and the public to use cornstalk paper, has been passed by the house. In accordance with a resolution introduced by Representative Homer J. Tice, Greenview, and passed by both houses, Governor Emmerson will instruct the highway department to inspect the Lincoln Memorial highway route from Beardstown to Hodgensville, Ky., collect data on construction costs, make suggestions or recommendations and report within a reasonable time. r ' > ' > - V " The bill introduced toy Representative J. W. Harris, Chicago, providing for the publication of Cook county FOR SALE--One membership in Mc- on my place about a month ago dur- Henry Country club. Inquire at the ing high water. Same can be had by Plaindealer office. 47-tf owner paying charges and proving - ownership within a week from date FOR SALE--Purebred registered Hoi- or same will be sold for charges. Call stein bulls, best breeding, all ages. McHenry 107-R. Sunday. 51-3 Walter H. Brandenburg, prop., Birch- -- ----- | mont Farm, Ingleside, 111. 48-tf BARGAIN IN BIX)CKS--15,000 well ------ ; r-- cured 8x8x16 eement blocks for sale FOR SALE--Small chicken farm, be- j2 cents each. McHenry Restorium. tween 4 and 5 acres, % mile from McHenry on Lake Geneva cement road. Mrs. Joe H. Justen, Rte 3. Phone 611«J-1. 6-tf Phone or call Wm. Spencer^ West Mc- Henry, 111. 50t< TIm TIsm Tasf Scots were discussing the domestic troubles of a friend. "That woman leads puir Sandy an awfu' life." said oiie. "Humph 1 what else could ye expect?" asked the other. "He , only coorted her for seven yearn, aa* I hold that nae man can understand a woman in that time. Now I coorted Maggie Deans for twenty-twa years--" "And did complete happtaes* follow this lengthy courtship?" asked an Englishman seated opposite. The speaker was given a scornful glance by the "ardent wooer," wbo replied: "I found oot at the end.& that time that I dldna much* care for the woman, an' cried, aff!" Spreading Edacatioa The World Association for Agott Bducatlon, Loudon, publishes bulletins on the movement in the United Statea, England, France, Germany, Switzerland, Bolland, Spain, Denmaife. Norway, Sweden, Czechoslovakia, Roasla, Finland. South Africa. Australia. China and Japan. • V-p-.•-/ .ftvg?5' Riglit to - ^ That people do not engage In the pursuit of happiness sensibly gives no one a right to compel them to puma It some other way, unless one's rights are infringed DRQfl fcj the jpjjjrsjnlta.--- Exchant«Cv I _i_ LOST LOST--Necklace,pendant, containing three brilliants, on silver chain. Reward. Return to P. O. Box 284 or prone 620t-W-l. • 81-3 TYPEWRITERS «. Sales and Service. Repaired and Rentals, Prompt attention to phone Phone 549. L. KILTZ, Woodstock 49-tf Not all big checks, but il you buy here we can usually arrange to cash normal checks for you if you tell us when you give us your order. ' e want to be of service to you. FOR RENT FOR RENT--Six-room, modern flat. Inquire at Marsall's Bakery., 52 TUNE--and keep your piano tuned. Tuning makes your piano a musical instrument. Phone 274-J or write J. H. Deihl, Woodstock, HI. 27-tf pay rolls, has Ijeep reported to ^am McHenry senate for action. \ ' ^ HOUSE FOR RENT--Inquire of Wil- Phone (B9-R. 62-tf Rusty Pipesf^ \i;~ Rusty pipes never get any better. They gradually fill up until water can barely trickle through. Meanwhile, lingerie and linens are ruined from the rust in the wash water. And the family's fHsP°*Uion is wrecked from seeing red every time the water !• turned on. St*Utm Fooled^ Canny Scotsmen were tafcen In recently by the shining teeth of a sheep, forgetting that all that glistens is not gold. A sheep's Jawbone from the lead-mining district of Scotland was found to contain teeth which had a metallic luster, and it was popularly supposed that the luster indicated a deposit of gold. However, the teeth were analyzed by the British government chemist in London and he, found traces of lead but no gold. The metallic sheen appeared to be .due to the effect of light on a laminated, or flaked, crystalline sUutUffa, mainly calcium phosphate. . . , g CHICHESTER S PILLS W ^ _ TUE MAMOND BKAKIk, A ta"d <BMin*4 mRl*bttSw£. SW&Y Ea«N*.Ahnjr*k«llaMa SflUlljWUfflSBBItMlilllEtt The bill introduced by Ttopreseiita tlve T. J. Sullivan, Springfield, exempting from the provisions of blue sky law, securities listed by the Chicago Board of Trade, has been reported to the senate committee on Judiciary with favorable recommendations. I FOR RENT--Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Inquire 143-M. a* » 52-tf HOUSE FOR RENT--Inquire of Dr. N. J. Nye, McHenry. " 50tf Dead Animals ^ ^ Midwest Rendering Ctf':', We Pay For HORSES^ CATTLE, HOGS, SHEEP Call - >10--Dundee--815-R-4 Prompt Sanitary Service REVERSE CHARGES - Sl-tf "A Hdme Owned Store" McHenry, Illinois WEST SIDE GARAGE Adams Bros., Props. TeL 188 Qeneral Automobile Repairing " Res. Phone, 639-R-2 •E Contracts for a program of construction at Camp Grant, Rockford, have been awarded by Adjutant General Carlqs E. Black. \ The bill introduced by Mrs. Mary C. McAdams, Quincy, prohibiting candidates for office from serving as election officials has passed the house and has gone to the senate. The bill introduced by Senator Aa Boehm, Chicago, providing for ,the manufacture, transportation and sale of malt liquor, may be considered in the senate before adjournment. The University of Illinois biennial appropriation bill, introduced by Senator Henry M. Dunlap, Savoy, haa been reported to the house for passage; the bill calls fo* •& appropriation of *12,030,000. , The senate has sent to third reading the bill Introduced by Representative Calvin T. Weeks, Chicago, gliding Chicago authority to issue water bonds without limit. mCMII mAMI A 1Wak»yPmUr l bFoilul*x. laM Bri*cd4 vitfa Bin* Ribbaa. W TParka*o Mm .« UAtekrf.o r4 af wmmm V iUHOHD 1IKA1 y--n luwva m Bail, Satat. AhMy* batlaU* The eight-houir bill for women, Introduced by Mrs. Lottie Holman O'Neill, DoWners Grove, has called for passage in the hottee. More than five hundred members of the Sons of the American Revolution convened in Springfield for their fortieth tanoal national congress. Governor Emmerson has signed the bill introduced by Mrs. Florence Flfer Bohrer, Bloomlngton, appropriating $4,332,71*6 to the normal schools of the state for the coming two years. The house has passed two appropriation bills for (flood relief in the Illinois and other river valleys. The first was ' introduced by Representative Arthur Roe, Vandalla. and approprl ated $600,000 for relief in valleys other than that of the Illinois; the second was by Representative H. V. Teel, Rushvllle, and appropriated f1,000,000 for the Illinois river valley. r Monogram and Crown The senate committee, headed by Senator Henry W. Start, Chicago, to Investigate expenditures of the Chicago sanitary district, is planning to submit its report to the senate soon. Thet hodse has concurred on fenate amendments, to the bill Introduced by Mrs. Anna W. Ickes, Wlnnetka, appropriating .$30,000 for an experimental agricultural station in Cook county. Hand. Made in McHenry 3f air "First <4 All a Drug Store" About eigl-t hundred blfls have been Introduced In the house and five hundred have been presented In -the senaW?. It is expected that the total will reach, nearly fourteen hundred before the assembly adjourns. The house has passed' a bill Introduced by Representative Richard J. Lyons, Mundelein, which will compel motor boat ownerq to install mufflers. Governor Emmerson baa placed his stamp of approval on Hie bid introduced by Senator Charles E. Lee, Decatur, which will legalize the acts and proceedings of incorporations which have failed to file certitcateS with the recorder. ; • ';-^v '• Construction work on the $700,000 addition to the Centennial building will commence this fall and"the structure will be ready for occupancy within a year, C. Herrick Hammond, state supervising architect, has announced. Clarence F. Buck, new director of the division of agriculture, made a radio address over station WLS. Chicago; he stressed the Importance of solving the economic problems which beset the farmer In this country. R. P. Edwards Garage , ELM STREET BATTERY CHARGING, TIRE AMD GENERAL REPAIR WORK, ALSO TOWING - WORK GUARANTEED PTONH1S6 I S. H Freund & I (fcMnl Bnildinj Oonte#^ Phone 137-& Cor. Pearl and Park Sts. McHenry, I1L The Fifty-sixth General assembly Is expected to adjourn some time during the week ending June 8, according to latest reports. The senate has killed the bill Intro-> duced by Senator William IJ» ,McCauley, Olney, which 'would have permit- , ted the working of prisoners on public grospds and roads. The house committee an approprliiiions has reported out the bill introduced by Mrs. Florence Fifer Bohrer; Uiooinington, giving the Lincoln assor ckitlon#en|g88ion to confer with th^4 j ^jtatOidfcarqL»nt of public works an^ building regarding rules and regulations for reception of visitors nt 1>incoin's hdtoeTn Springfield. The brass cuspidors in the state house have bfeen replaced by large earthenware urns containing white sand by Secretary of State William J. Stratton. , WWfs <W Bs^weo* to California, the wttfhar was terrible. They said It was unusnal*. •' !. "t , Be went to Florida, the \weather was terrible. They said It ifcas unusual. He went to Michigan, the weather was terrible* They said It was unusual. Be case back 'home, the weather terrible.' But nobody lied about tt. The hard road from Chicago to St Louis through Springfield will be known as the American Legion high way hereafter. The house has passed the bill Introduced by Representative Henry Sonnenscheln, Chlcaf*, on this subject ' 'Flie house has passed the bill introduced" by Represent at! ve James H. Foster, Macomh, appropriating $1,107,- 412 to the state department of registration and education for permanent Improvements to the stats noma! schools. A bill intco^uced by Representative Mary C. McAdams, Quincy, which amends section 2 of the Juul law with , respect to p^rk and bonIfWd ilieti has parsed, tbe hopse. , .. .; -1 Representative Frederick W. Pennii'k, Buda, chairman of the legislative committee investigating the DeKlng slaying in Aurora, has denied that he made s statement saying that Kane county ^officials might be impeached aa a resdTt of Hie Investiaatloh. Prosperity of the business Institu*" tlons of the state is reflected in thf reports of the various departments of Secretary of State, William J. Stratjton's office for the first four months of the year. The bill introduced by Representative William F. Propper, Doltoh, which allows the state department of publle works and buildings to omit the publishing of estimates when advertising for bids for state ajd roads, has passed the house. The bill Introduced by Represents* tire Reed F*. Cutler, Lewistown, providing that the $6,500,000 collected under the gas tax of 1927, be refunded, 50 per cent to the state and 50 per cent to the counties, has passed the senate. m , . From now on dairy cattle at Illinois state Institutions will be fed as nearly as possible on products of Illinois farms, A. C. Everingham, farm con sultant for the department of welfarey has announced. ' "Seiyriy' tAWfpi&iiw members of ^qt^rpal b«jneflcla.l organizations that, paid claims tptajing $16,504,629.53 in the state during 1928, George Husklnson, state superintendent of Insurance, has announced. Plaindealers at Wattles, v>," -> TT PmhI* mm* RabUto •Sdance nas extracted eo products from peanuts; but tbe lowly goober pea doesn't yet rival In versatility the rabbit's skin that wraps ap Baby Bunting la a hundred varieties of e«- pensive*fur*.--Louisville Courier Jour nal. All kinds of Commencement gifts and all late records and sheet musk at Nye's Jewelry, Mode ;A Radio Shop, West McHenry. 52 ' Through the efforts of the Illinois Ooal Sales association, the UniM Electric Light aftd Power company of St. Louis has reopened Its DoweH mine south of Duquoin and will again use Illinois coal. The mine had been closed since March, 1927, and the con*- pany bad been buying Its coal In Ken tw*ky. Coal operators and representatives of the United States bureau of mines, and the Illinois department of mines 4nd minerals bave bwu lobbying fel the houiie against 8. B. 473, introduced by Senator Charles H. Thompson, Herrisburg, which would prohibit the use of electric satety lamps In Bttnois mines. J*' ^$31... • 4 . • .rftr, aL'-Ki III?" iz/pt-- 'i ^ ' W"- Jus/ a small dawn payment put? Fd^idlitC ui" ^ 3 in your home a>^Ao'.'rv>ur-U " ' And think haw much it wittrnddm ***? f 3pur ttw^ort oat hot summer day* T K OW you emm have FrqgM- «ire in your ho-- c <* « relilhnarkably And ymm «an p«y for tt as y<m a»e It- ^ a email sum each Month added your regular light bilL oa'll hardly notice tbe differin your household budget. "And nswuibw (hat Frigidaiie begins U) save moaey the day it i* iiwtalled. It atopa cpoilage. It givea you ai matic\ carefiree refrigeration that actually paya fur llsetL Come in and »ee the new household Frigidaires. All are Equipped with tiie popular Fri^idairr Cold Control and are nurprisiniily low in price. Lrt tt* give you coaapfate mSmr» nation today. ^ PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS TL J, L&rkin, Diet. Public Servic*C^^^!urHI. 101 WiRicmSt* Or yst;^^^^»r Tel. OrysUl Lake 2M &

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