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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Jun 1929, p. 4

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': "*"?' •' yV-"'V '"' •'•• V-""-' t. -•' /:,Y< . ' WB. - ' i •'"• IBS X'HKMBT PUUHSSALBB, THTTMDAY, JUKI 6, 1939 1 HE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER 11 Published every Thursday at McHenry, 111., by Charles F. Renich. ^ Bntered as second-class matter at the postoffice at McHenry, DL, tinder the act of May 8,1879. . One Year Six Month* -i. Subscription Rate* A. H. MQSHER. Editor and Manager P THOMAS-DAVIS NUPTIALS AT WAUKEGAN SATURDAY Mrs. Letah Thomas and Mr. Claude Davis of Harvard were married at Waukegan on Saturday, June 1. The ceremony was performed at the Methodist parsonage at Waukegan at 11 o'clock Saturday morning, after which a wedding dinner was enjoyed. The happy couple was attended by the bride's brother and his wife, Mr. and Mr*. Lester Page, of this city. Mrs. Davis is the daughter of Mr; and Mrs. Charles Page of this city and is well and favorably known hen. Mr. Davis is forman of the Illinois Commercial Telephone company. „Mr. and Mrs. Davis will make their hoW at Belvidere. REPAIRING BRIDGE "All traffic is now using the new road across the mill pond owing to the fact that Boone Creek bridge is dosed to traffic. A new cement floor has been laid on the bridge and other repairs made. SOCIAL WHEEL ; Tlie next meeting of the* Social Wheel will be at the home of Mrs. ClaTa Schneider on Mill street, Thursday afternoon, June 13. ILLE] THEATRE. Woodstock's Beautiful Play t lous* iHr<^r r- & Sffcsr, fcfr- Evening Shows at 7 and 9 Matinees-- On Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays, 3 p. m. 44 9 f SATURDAY Zone Grey's Sunset Pass - 0f:m • •-%- with - JACK HOLT Pathe New* and Comedy SUNDAY--MONDAY CLARA BOW i&.Jier first aU talking 7 Wil4 Also Tfiync i Sound WeW* TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY • « "Chinatown Night" •i - All Talking Picture with. . • Wallace Beery and Florence Vidor Also Comedy and News WEEKLY PERSONALS COMERS AND GOERS OF A WEEK IN OUR CITY A As Seen By Plaindealer Reporters and Handed In. :* By Our Friends Karls is a new employee of the Telephone company. Wilbur Johnsoa of St. Charles was a McHenry visitor Saturday. Mrs. Martha Convey of Ridgewmy. Wis., spent Sunday at McHenry. Mrs, D. A. Whiting and Donald Hayes were Elgin visitors Sunday. Mrs. William Cowen of Harvard visited McHenry relatives Tuesday. Miss Lenore Cobb of Chicago spent the week-end with her parents here. Jack Choate of Lake Geneva spent the week-end with McHenry friends. Miss Agues Slowy of Chicago spent the week-end with McHenry friends. James Welch and son, Raymond, of Woodstock were McHenry callers Monday. Robert Taylor of Chicago is a guest in the home of his sister, Mrs, J. W. Pay. C. A. Dalstrom spent the week-end at his summer home at McCollum's Lake. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Pufahl of Genoa City were Sunday visitors at McHenry. Michael Slowy and son, Ernest, of Chicago spent Sunday with McHenry friends. ^ Warren I. Morrison of DesMoines, la., was a Sunday visitor in the J. A. Brown home. Mrs. J. A. Street- of Lake Forest spent Sunday with her husband, I>r. J. A. Street. William and James Sheehan of Chicago spent the week-end with McHenry friends. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dunne of Lake Geneva were guests of the latter's mother Sunday.- Mrs. Leo Rohles of Elgin was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kane Decoration Day. Mrs. Joseph Paul and son, Thomas, w^.r. ,v -v j,' ' • l"'. fJh > if CLASSIFIED ' ADVERTISEMENTS IIIP1SI. uss ' * -t- '/ S .* *V'" * Utilising tin Heat of hnita The Barn Boss--Was there much trouble on the line about the Cold cars? The Conductor--Not much. It seemed warm enough for 'em. Every one who spoke to me abopt It was bet vp over It. , Past Hart Mrs. Helleflinder was attending her first football game. "Oh, isnt it awful," she cried. "Why, they will kill the poor boy underneath." "Don't be silly, mother!*? exclaimed her daughter. "He doesn't mind It--> he's unconscious by this time."-- Pathfinder. . • USE THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOR QUICK RESULTS Phone McHenry 94-R r;-. ^ 1 > " > : McHenry Ice Co. USKTHK OIiASSIFIED COLmpfS rOR QUICK RESULTS I 1 " FOR SALS FOR RENT FOR SALE OR RENT---Four-room FOR RENT--Furnished room, house, double garage. Good location in era home, with use of sitting room if McHenry. Henry. Inquire of C. Unti, llc- 1* FOR SALE--Girls' bicycle, full site. Phone McHenry 42. 1 desired. Centra! location. Curr, Green St., McHenry. FOR RENT--Two furnished rooms foWight housekeeping. Inquire 143-M. 62-tf FOR SALE--Female Boston bull dog, one year old, well marked; child's HOUSE FOR RENTpet. Will sell very reasonable. George N. J. Nye, McHenry. Phalin, at George Stilling's Garage, or call McHenry 50-R. 1 -Inquire of Dr. 50tf SALE--Used ice boxes, which we beth Stlelow, Fair Oaks Subdivision, taken in trade on General Elec- on Fox River, opposite Ed Sutton's. 1 FOR SALE OR RENT--Seven room house and garage in McHenry; new furnace. $35 per mo. rent. Address owner, N. H. Petesch, 268 Madison St., Oak Park, I1L 1 FOR have trie Refrigerators. Will be sold very reasonable. Cary Electric Shop, Mc- Henry. Tel. 251. 1-tf FOR SALE--Want to sell a nice modern 9-room house with barn, henhouse and large lot. One block south of Spencer's Mill, McHenry, on Crystal Lake Road. G. A. Hanly, 265 Cherry St., Elgin, 111. 1 FOR SALE--Seven-room house, twostory double garage, and five lots in north part of McHenry. Four lots will be sold separtely if desired. Reasonable price. Albert M. Frett. Phone 105-W. 52-3* FOR RENT--Store and fiat for rent on Main street. Tel. 147-W. 45-tf P»H' * ounces WANTED WANTED--Someone to mow lawn every week. Call on Sundays. Eliza- WANTED--Carpenterwork, or jobbing of any kind. Rates reasonable. George Frey. Phone 215-M- 1* WANTED--Good maid for general house work. Good wages. Call telephone 169. 1* RELIABLE DEALER WANTED--to handle Hieberling Products in McHenry county. Excellent opportunity foi; the right man. Earnings of $50 weekly. Write for free catalogue. G. C. Heberling Company, Dept. 329, Bloomington, 111. 52-2 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALB--Solid oak buffet, side board, dining table and chairs, iron enameled bed and springs, steel fold-, ing cots, Reliable gas range, good baker, and some odd pieces of furniture. J. W. Bonslett, Court and Elm streets. 1* FOR SALE--One membership in McHenry Country club. Inquire at the- Plaindealer office. 47-tf NOTICE--One 16-ft. rowboat landed on my place ahout a month ago during high water. Same can be had by owner paying charges and proving ownership within a week from date or same will be sold for charges. Call McHenry 107-R. Sunday. ' 51-3 . ¥ TYPEWRITERS vjis Sales and Service Impaired and Rental*. Prompt attention to phone calls. Phone 649. L. KILTZ, Woodstock 49-tf FOR SALE--Purebred registered Holstein bulls, best breeding, all ages. Walter H. Brandenburg, prop., Birch- .of Woodstock Bpent Sunday with Mc- |mont Farm, Ingleside, 111. 48-tf Henry friends. |FOR SALE-Small chicken farm, te- TUNE-and keep your piano tuned. Miss Gwendolyn Overton and moth- . 4 . 5 v mile frQm Tuning makes your piano a musical Overton, ««re Elgto! S™ eeme»t Phon. 27« .r write i visitors Tuesday. road Mn? Joe W Rte a. H. Delhi,,Woodstock, Dl. 27-tf Miss Florence Rothermel spent Sun- !-p, m i i i day as the guest of Miss Pauline Pu- Justen, Rte 3. WW fahl at Genoa City. Mrs. M. J. Walsh and daughter, LOST Dead Animals Midwest Rendering Co, Mary, and son, Melvin, were Wauke-1 LOST--Pair of bone rim eye glasses. cnKKP gan visitors Friday. , Reward for return. Edw. Trostrud, ^HORSES, CATTLE, HOGS, SHEEP Mrs. P. N. Musser of Elgin was the 4010 W. North Ave., Chicago. 1 guest of her mother, Mrs. D. A. Whiting, over the week-end. Mrs. D. A. Whiting, Mrs. Ed. Hayes and William Whiting were recent Woodstock visitors. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gregori and son of Chicago spent Decoration Day in the home of M. A. Sutton. Jake Stoffel, Peter J. Schaeffer, John Boyle and John Freund spent Saturday at Burlington, Wis. Misses Elizabeth and Lucy McCabe of Waukegan spent Sunday with their mother, Mrs. Catherine McCabe. Mrs. Edward Holle spent a few days the last of the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Conway. LOST--Necklace,pendant, oontainiqff ^ three brilliants, on silver chain. Ri-' ward. Return to P. O. Box 284 prone 620-W-l. 51-3 Call Dundee--815-R-4 Prompt Sanitary Service REVERSE CHARGES 31-tf Fer- £HELDREN'S DAY AT BW'~Jemiie METHODIST CHURCH '-#»ther Colby. " • » ' •' ' . . Interesting Program Has Been Pre- Demonstration"-Mirpared By Sunday School Scholars For Sunday Morning iam Sayler, Janice Klonts. Recitation--"The Rainbow"--Cynthia Erickson. - ' Children's Day will be observed at Recitation--"I'm Glad God Made It" the Methodist church on Sunday --Earl Schaeffer. morning at 10:45 o'clock, at which Recitation--"A Boy's Idea"--Frank Mrs. C. A. Frasier and daughter of j time the children of the Sunday school Johnson Osceola, Neb., are spending a few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Smith. committee composed of some of the will put oa an interesting program of Recitation--Marilyn Griswold. songs, re^#tions and dialogues. A teachers of the Sunday schol, Mrs. L. G. McCracken, Mrs. A. Krug, Miss Ida Reynolds and Miss Minnie Ferwerda, will have charge of the program and have worked hard to prepare this interesting program, which they hope the parents and friends will Rev. Father Conway, Ray Conway, John "Bolger and Clarence Whiting, §aw the Cubs and Giants play ball in Chicago Tuesday. Miss Agness McCabe returned to Waukegan Sunday after spending the past week with her mother, Mrs. Katherine McCabe. , John R. Knox, the proprietor of the Sinclair oil station, is building a barbeque stand on his property next to the oil station on Route 61. Mr. and Mrs. As H. McPherson of Prayer--Lord's Prayer by All. Chicago spent several days as the Recitation -- "Welcome" -- Marilffe guests of W. J. Vastine and family ati Mertes. their cottage at McCollum's Lake. /| Recitation--"A Good Suggestion*-- Mrs. Edward Sutton, Mrs. William, Chester Colby. Freund, Mrs. Albert Vales, Miss; Recitation--"Our Own Dear Day"-- Eleanore Sutton and Genevieve j Mary Granger Freund visited in Waukegan Monday. | Recitation--'"Hurrah for Child: Mr. and Mrs. John Alyward, Mr. and j Day» Andy Erickson. Mrs. Lewis, Miss Mayme Alyward,;Recitation -- "Some Day" Recitation--"A GardenA>f Your Heart" --Evora Carlson. Recitation--Leslie Griswold. Song--"Raindrops"--Primary Dept. Recitation--Vale Adams. Recitation--"Our Day"--Virgil Crees. Recitation--Harry Anderson. Pageant -- "Oportunity" -- Primary and Intermediate Grades. attend. The following program will Offering--"The Spring Song"--Ida be govern Song--"How t)o Yott fto"--Primary Classes. - Scripture Lesson--Shirley Covalt Reynolds. Solo--Bob Peterson., Recitation--"A Cheery Good Bye"" Curtis Newman. Miss Minnie Conway and Frank Cleary <>t' Elgin spent Decoration Day in McHenry. Childr^s -- Wayne Smith. Recitation-*-?^. Smith. Littler V«rse"---Lou Mrs. Mollie Givens and daughter, i Recitation--Bobby Bacon. Kathleen, and son, John, and Miss I Recitation--'"A Little Girl's Piece"-- Anna Frisby spent Sunday ^rith Mr. j Betty Nielson. v \\ and Mrs. John Walsh at ^ngleside' Recitation--"The Broadcaster"--WHSunday. I ter Nickels. Joseph N. Miller, wife and Caroline Recitation--"What I Can Do"--Ken- Steffes- left Tuesday morning for Tur- neth Griswold. I t\e I„ake, Wis., to be gone thro* Recitation--'"Keeping Chfdrerfs(®ty" ^months.- Mr. Miller intends to ereet a Marie Nickels; " - r * cottage on his property at that place \ Dialogue--'"The Children's Day BfttT1 | during his stay there. j --Four Primary Girls. . Edmund Willis, one of the McHenry -Recitation--Lloyd Frdhzen. -The Legion rt'Honnenr tn France Is an order of merit, both military and dvll. As nt present organized. It conrtsts of. Ave classes--chevaliers, officers, commanders, grand officers and grand crosses. The I resident of the republic Is grand master. In ordinary circumstances 20 years of military, naval or civil service Is necessary for eligibility to the rank by chevalier, and promotions can only be made After definite service in a lower rank. |Cxtraordlnnry service admits to any rank. The word "chevalier1 j/..-- • V ' * • -i£ . ointment Rauen Motor Sales McHENRY, ILLINOIS - • '.v .. afcM'. ,v - i-. fib, •'irnis •»?n. "M 0';^ V, --'tit« are pleased to announce the appointment of a new local dealer whose standing and experience fully qualify him to meet the exacting standards required of those who sell and service Oakland and Pontiac Sixes. ^ We hope you will meet this new dealer. Viait hiaa at your first opportunity. Permit him to show yoti the New All-American Six whose superb power, stirring performance and vivid style have established an entirely new conception of the modern motor car. Let him point out the many features of advanced design embodied in the New Pontiac Big Six -- the big car luxury, beauty and comfort of its bodies Fisher-- the big car power of its new, larger L-heaa engine--its big car speed, big car safety and smood^ alert performance. w In addition to new cars of matchless value, this dealer also is authorized to sell Good Will Used Cars-- reliable, inexpensive transportation packed by a fixed policy of honest value for the customer's dollar. Our new dealer will welcome you whenever you find time to stop in. Call on him soon! OAKLAND MOTOR CAR COMPANY, PONTIAC, MICHIGAJS >v,»; £ •tlie New OAKLAND All-American Six •1145«. *1375 TfcaN«-^PONTIJtt3 Big Six *745 .,,'895 PRODUCT* OF SIXES ^CNIRAl -wevoM means M ivMwoi n *_ twr IF THEY ONLy KNEW rf YOUR youngsters only k--w how thej' will treas^ i»re snapshots oi their childhfcod after they grow up, they would want pictures of tjkem nearly every day. Besides the pleasure th^r Will (ire your children, just tfcink how much today'#"' eoapshots will comfort you a SOore of years from now. Pretide yourself with a Kodak today. Stop and eee our llnfc, „ , Kodak prices start at t5 1HOMAS P. BOLGiat • •"The McHenry Druggist" fhone 40 McHenry, DL Hig-h school faculty, left for his home at Superior, Wis., Saturday. Mr. Willis is taking a course at the Iowa University during the summer vacation and will return to his^duties at the McHenry High school next September. /' 'Largest Electric ^am> A 5Q,(*x» watt fxi>ertnientiil btllb made recently Is said to be the world's largest ele-trl<- Inrrtp. It resembles a wireless valve, and at the top of the bulb a metal fin radiator carries off intense heat generated by the white-hot tungsten filmnent. which has a temperature ol 5,500 degrees Fahrenheit. The lamp is cooled by the circulation of the nitrogen with whicb it is filled. Such huge Htrhts may ultimately find use In aerodromes and film studkft. •" Recitations--"Qrown Up Day"--Alice Nickels. Recitation -- "Thank God* -- Virgil Adams. Duet--Arlette Newman and ' Clara Thorsell. Recitation--"The Rainy Day ; Marjorie Duker. '<1. . .• • • • Spgllhownd , Ten-yenr-olil Mar.v had *ch<>ls|r*(iiip. and was telling Another iihont the pajiers. '. The subjec t for essay had been. *Tlow I spend my Saturday morn in™,* ind after discoursing on minding the baby, helping mother wash up. and so on. Mary ended with the amazing statement, "and tlien 1 play a game of chess with my brother." "Chess! Bnt yon can't play Chess 1" MI know. 1 wanted to put dominoes, hut I couldn't Spell It." , .W TtLlW SIDE GARAGK Adams Bros., • Qtn&al Automobile BepttUiiif Phont» 688-Er2 This Summer? Won't you come in and talk over with us the coi$* iditions your tires must meet? You want to travel Without tire trouble, yet you wish to spend as little as necessary for tires right now. We'll study your Heeds and give you our honest advice, Perhaps a low-price United States Peerless will ?|Jo fine> A Again it may be worth while to use the famous U.S. Royal--regular or heavy duty. We'll tell you, frankly, and we won9t try to sell you &; better grade of tire than you really should buy. This is the real' way to save money and bother op tires-»-to put your problem up to tire specialists who know the business and will honestly advise you. WXX7ge* aallosAo ttoalkreo, iinnttno rcAoHn(stiirdfperrfalttlOioTnl 1hlOow\V llOoTnlfgif IOU 11 kCCp tll6 CAT k|pu comb bac^. c <•:*&* -v"v. All Types - All Sizes - All Prices We're here, 3tS days a year, to look alter your tires asi to see that they give yon satisfaction: Walter 'S '. • Phone 120-R ' „ ^ West McHenry, DI, TIKE AND TTJBl! VULCANIZING " •"'m, : BATTERY CHARGING AND REPAIEINf - . MLL WORX aUARAHTEED t. mSii** mm iaii ?v

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