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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Jun 1929, p. 6

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• p;< W^mwmwW. < • ~.r* • T» » ^ <*-. r\H »"»k P - •W^TOJ^V'p ^ . . y ^ s w - lmS MHxmtT puuRDEAtJut, TmnMHf*/jtw^fi9!»* TERRA GOTTA V linteett Johnson of Waukegah.vle* aP fted at the home of B. J. Shine Decn i, #ration Day. f . , Glenn McMillan of Chicago spent \ J! '• Sunday at his homef\ Dr. and Mrs. H. It. Bay of Chicago Called on relatives here Saturday. !J i' Miss Delia Cleary of Omaha, Neb., was a guest at the home of M. Knox >»./ . $<*r a few days last week. ^ A. H. Henderson of Chicago visited /V #t the home of P. A. Huffman Decory «tion Day. | • LeRoy Conway and Harold Phalin v • <|f McHenry called at the home of M. ^ J^nox Monday evening. ; Mr. and Mrs. David Johnson of Chicago spent Decoration Day with Mr., ^ a #nd Mrs. B. J. Shine. >• f Harry Brantinjjham and daughter, ; ifceonria, of Chicago called on relatives here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Phalin and slaughter, Ruth, of McHenry and Howard Phalin of Kansas City, called on ' flriends here Monday. :; Mr. and My-. Edward Sund fcnd daughter, Da t, of Carpenter! SLOCUM'S LAKE •ille visited at the home of Henry JfcMillan Decoration Day. Mrs. Sund Eugene, spent Wednesday evening at Mr. and Mrs. Willard Darrell and daughter, Myrtle, were callers at Waukegan last Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks were callers at Waukegan last Wednesday. Miss Prances Converse spent Decoration Day at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William Davis. Mrs. Johnson returned to her home at Ridgefield Saturday evening, after spending two weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Spooner at Lake Zurich. They accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Spooner to Barrington in the evening where they attended a show. Mrs. Jack Geary and son, Eugene, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon' Saturday. jbhn Loris, Jt., of Chicago spent the week-end at the Mulholland farm. Nat Smith and Mrs. Crane and son of Elgin, Mrs. Ella Parks and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Parks of Park Ridge were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks Memorial Day. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary and son, WAUCONDA daughter remained until Sunday. ] ; Rev. Walter K. Conway of New {Means and M. A. Conway of McHenry called at the home of M. Knox last Wednesday evening. V Mrs. Alice Blish of Chicago and .granddaughter. Miss Alice Margaret Miller, of Washington, called on Mrs. Mels Person and Miss Alice Leisner „ Saturday. Silvin P. Dunbar of Libertyville and Bobert Knox spent Saturday and Sun- Ay at Notre Dame, where they attended the commencement exercises * flit the university. H Mr. and Mrs. J. Flanagan and daughter, Mary Helen, of Evanston Were guests at the home of JB. J. Shine from Friday until Monday. y , Vernon J. Knox, who has been at- ,* "tending the University of Notre - Dame, is spending the summer vaca- , tion at his home here. / Eldredge and Robert Wilcox of Woodstock called at the home of their aunt, Mrs. B. J. Shine, Thursday. Mrs. M. Knox and daughter, Flor- * ^ once, called on relatives in Woodstock Sunday morning McHenry. Miss Orissa Brown and Miss Althea Coss of Wauconda spent Monday at the H. L. Brooks home. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Foes of Libertyville s]$ent Wednesday night and Memorial Day at the William Foss home. Mrs. KL J. Shaffer and son, Stanley, and Mrs. John R. Knox spent last Thursday evening at the home of their parents here. The Slocum Lake school closed last Wednesday and the pupils, teacher and some of the parents enjoyed a picnic at Gage's Lake. Miss Anita Baseley has been hired for the next term which opens in September. John Murray and Mr. and Mrs. John Goggin of Chicago spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry, Geary. Miss* Hazel Haffey Of Wauconda spent a few days last week with relatives at Oak Glen farm. Callers during the week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews were: Misses Anita and Louisa Baseley and Mr. and MVs. Arthur Boeh- William H. Ames* spent a few days mer cf Wauconda, Mr .and Mrs. Hart& st week with relatives in Waukegan. old Wheelock of Congress Park, Her- , Harold and Robert Knox were man Carr of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. fVoodstock visitors Friday night. «LaDoyt Matthews, Mr. and Mrs. Deck Mrs. Nels Person and Miss Alice, Burr and daughter, Catherine, Mr. and Leisner were Cary visitors Saturday, j Mrs. William Eichoff and Mrs. Long 2;v,-V Mr. and Mrs. Charles Buck and son of South Elgin called on Mrs. Marion McMillan Memorial Day. Misses Ethel and Beryl Gracy have returned from a week's visit with relatives in Hebron. Mrs. Emma Gracy is spending the week with relatives and friends at Honey Creek, Wis. Mrs. Merton Gracy, daughter, Ruth, J and son, John, visited relatives in Spring Grove and Hebron last Thursday «ad Friday. C ^ --rnmummrni^-- Maybe It DOM, TOO The normal, red-blooded woman per ;afot* to the end of time In bellevtai that romance awaits her righ* Around the corner.--American Mnenrfne. iSTODNDING-THAT ' IS WHAT I SAY OF NEW KONJOLA! of Crystal Lake and Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren and Pearl and Leslie Foss of this community. A very pretty and quiet wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Darrell at Oak Glen farm Saturday, June 1, at 2:30 o'clock when their youngest, daughter, Myrtle Leone, became the bride of Mr. Elmer F. Esping, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Esping of Moline, 111. Before tlie ceremony Mrs. Harry Brewer of Algonquin sang "I Never Knew How Much God Gave to Me," with Mrs. Harvey J. Locke at the ptano, and then to the strain of ILohengrin's wed ding march the bride, beautiful in i chiffon dress of rainbow colors, and TVjfE Knigge spent Sund%f with relatives at Libertyville. * Mrs. Frank Meyer and son, Donald, of McHenry spent Friday with relatives here. James Neish of Round Lake is visiting at the home of his mother, Mrs. Arthur Boehmer. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Shaafar «H children of McHenry spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Bronghton. Mrs. Alice Geary and daQghter, Edith, Mr. and Mrs. Will Geary and son, Edward, Len Geary and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grantham attended the funeral of Mrs. Stevens at Lake Zurich, mother of Mrs. Lon Geary. Edward Daley attended the funeral of Mr. Kammes, Sr., in Wlieaton Tuesday. L. E. Hughes of Crystal Lake was a caller in the G. M. Jepson home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Boehmer entertained relatives from Chicago Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon are the parents of a son born on Tuesday, May 21. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bordeaux cf Minneapolis, a daughter on May 16. Mrs. Bordeaux was formerly Miss Ruth Kimberly. *' Mr. fcnd Mrs. Irvin Moody are the parents of a daughter, born at the St. Theresa hospital, Waukegan, on Tuesday, May 28. William Dewald of Chicago spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Kate Dewald. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Downs entertained their daughter from Chicago Sundjay. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kruger and children of Half Day spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kreuger. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grantham and children and Mrs. H. L. Grantham, Sr., called on Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett at Slocum Lake Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Seymour, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Turnball and children and and Mr. and Mrs. Owen Paddock and son of Chicago spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Paddock at Round Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Keeler and Mr. and Mrs. Guynette of Barrington spent Friday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Grantham, Sr. Miss Emily Davidson returned to her home at Hinsdale Wednesday and left Thursday morning for Minneapolis to attend the wedding of her brother. Miss Iva Turnbull returned home Thursday after spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. William Shaw, at Kenosha. Mr. and Mrs. Lon Geary of Lake Zurich and Mrs. Alice Geary and daughter, Edith, spent Friday night with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grantham. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Medler and daughter and Mrs. Muetzer of Woodstock were recent visitors at the Harrison home. M. L. Van Natta of Franklin Park spent Friday evening with his fister, Mrs. H. L. Grantham, Sr. Mrs. Harry Grantham attended an O. E. S. meeting at Antioch Monday OSTEND CEMETERY • ACCOMPLISHMENTS On Wednesday last when the many relatives and friends of the Ostend community met at the cemetery to clean up that deserving and beautiful spot and looked at the pktar* before them, it looked like a hopeless task But all who reported worked like beavers all afternoon( and what was accomplished was marvelous. Not only was it gratifying to those who did the work, but also as a matter of public concern and as a local contribution cannot be valued in dollars and cents. It was not a talkfest but a workfest from start to finish. But there were not enough helpers to finish the work. Many of those present offered to return on the afternoon of June 7 to finish this volunteer work. A special invitation is given to others who could not be pres , VOLO Stanley Smith of Wauconda is spending the week at the Ahrin Case home. Mrs. Esse Fisher visiter at the Ray Seymour home near Wauconda Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Passfteld were Sunday dinner guests at the Harry Passfield home. William Monahan was a business caller in Chicago Tuesday. Mrs. George Dowell entertained her sister and family from Chicago from Decoration Day until Sunday. The birthday party given for the benefit of the Ladies' Aid at the home of Mrs. T. and Vinnie Bacon was very well attended. Six tables of bunco were in play and prizes were won by Miss Fern Bacon, Mrs. F. Wilson and Si'?1'! ~ , , . . ^ consolation, Mrs. Bert Vasey. A de ent on Wednesday last to join with | ucious lunch brought a pleasant afus on June 7. Much is still to be teraoon to a close. There will be no meeting of the Ladies' Aid during the month of June. Watch for date of social and strawdone. Headstones are to be set up and lots are to be leveled. A new fence should be erected and a permanent fund should be provided that will solve the problem of future care. A tentative organization was formberry festival. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dowell of Elgin spent Decoration Day and Suned on Wednesday last and a generous. day at the George Dowell home, subscription was started. Consider- | Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Case were Crys able money will be needed to make tal Lake callers Saturday evening. permanent improvements. Mrs. Frank "Westman has been appointed secretary and treasurer. . Al^, money should be sent to her. Charles Jecks, Frank Wattles and ML J. Wright are the committee who will endeavor to com-1 plete this work. The committee asks the generous support of every interested person. Remember we mee$ again on June 7 at the cemetery. COMMITTEE. ^|. COLLIDE ON MAIN STREET Alex Adams of the West Side gar* age met with slight injuries in an auttf accident on Main street last Tuesr day afternoon. The Ford coupe which he was driving and a sedan driven bjr a salesman crashed in a headon cot* lision near the West McHenry posto* office turning the Ford coupe ovef and smashing both cars consider*' ably. WlL M. CARROLL, Solicitor SALE OF REAL ESTATE State of Illinois, County of McHenry. ss. In the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Miay Term, A. D., 1929. West McHenry Bfcaja Bank, fMn plainant, -• vs. •; N. F. Steilen, Kathryne Steilen, Gerv aid J. Carey, Trustee, John B. Kel» ter, et al., Defendants. v? Foreclosure--Gen. No. 23338. ? Public Notice is hereby given thaf^ in pursuance of a decree made and enr1 tered by said Court in the above en^ titled cause on the 24th day of May| A. D. 1929, I, Floyd E. Eckert, Master in Chancery of said Court, will oa Friday, the 28th day of June, A. D. 1929, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at - the front door of the Court House, in the City of Woodstock, County of McHenry and State of Illinois, sell a< public vendue to the highest and best bidder for living room on the arm of her father, where she was met |>y the groom. Preceeding to this alcove, beautiful in decorations of roses, fern leaves, garden flowers and rainbow color crepe paper, they were met by the Rev. Harry J. Locke, who officiated, at the single ring ceremony. Harvey H. Bailey, a close friend of the groom, served as best man, while Mildred D. Hoffman, a sister of the bride, was, --; v, ; maid of honor and wore a chiffon! ; dress also in rainbow colors, carrying Gratefal Mi> Relates Hmr Famoas Pink roses. Miss Carol Louise Johnson ^ -.- evening, it being worthy matrons' cash the following described real em carrying a bridal bouquet of bridal ] night. She acted t . 4J _.L J . roses, marched to an alcove of the evening. as for tj,e | tate in said decree described, to-witi Lots'Number One (1) and Eighteen Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Thomas and son' (18) in Block Number Two (2) in De. spent the week-end at Wilmette. C. H. Frieger's Addition to the Village of McHenry, said Lots being situate# in the South West Quarter (%) of the North East Quarter (%) of Section Number Twenty-six (26), Towiv Medicine Quickly Aided Stomach Trouble Of Severe Nature. MR. JACK HANNERS "Astounding, that is what I say of this new Konjola," said Mr. Jack Banners, 785 North Second Street, Rockford, 111. "I suffered intensely from stomach trouble. It was impossible to eat a meal without suffering terribly. Food seemed to form a heavy, sodden mass in my stamach, and indigestion and gas bloating followed my- meals. I was very discouraged, because no medicine that I tried gave me relief. "But it was different with Konjola! Today, I am well and happy again, enjoying the glorious health of youth! I eat three hearty meals a day, enjoy them, and gain nourishment, strength and energy. My stomach never causes the least bit of suffering. Now I know why Konjola has earned the reputation of being the medicine with more than a million friends." Konjola is sold in McHenry at Thomas P. Bolger's drug store, and by all the best druggists in all towns, throughout this entire section your Count on us i|t? Kodak Film Expert Fi TttdMAS V. BOLGIR "The McHenry Druggist** of Davenport, la., a niece of the groom, acted as ring bearer and Miss Marion Stubbings, a cousin of the bride, was flower girl. The little ring bearer wore a voile dress in honeydew carrying the ring on a white satin pillow while the flower girl was dressed in white. After the ceremony Mrs. Brewer sang, ¥I Love You Truly." Then the bridal couple and relatives proceeded to the dining room of the home of Mr. and Mrs! Harry Matthews, where a four-course wedding dinner was served. The dining room decorations and table appointments were also in rainbow colors, carrying out the scheme of the bridal party. The bridal table was centered with a three-tiered angelfood cake decorated with a rose, tiny fern leaves and rainbow candies. Each guest received a rose, nut cup and a rose and fern leaf as favors. Mr. Ivar E. Johnson of Davenport, la., and superintendent of the Sunday school of Grace Lutheran church of Davenport, acted as toastmaster. The bride i8 a graduate of Wauconda Township High school of the class of '26 and was a student of the State Teachers' Normal at DeKalb for one year and twelve weeks and has taught two sucessful terms at Munshaw school, south of Crystal Lake. The groom attended the Moline schools and is now connected with the International Harvested Co. in the accounting department. Mir. and Mrs. Elmer F. Esping will be at home after June 5, at 846 Twenty-seventh street,* Moline. Mr. and Mrs. Esping were the recipients of many and beautiful gifts, tributes from friends and relatives, whose love and admiration they share. The guests include the following: Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Esping and daughter, Margaret, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Geer of Moline; Mr. and Mrs. Ivar Johnson and daughter, Carol Louise, and son, Donald, and Harvey Bailey" of Davenport, la., Mr. and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews of Crystal Lake; William Darrell of Waukesha, Wis., Mrs. Neva Stubbings and daughter, Marion, and son, Gordon, of Wiauconda; Mr. and Mrs. Willard Darrell, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and son, Robert, Mrs. Harry Brewer of Algonquin and Miss Pearl Foss. Miss Lucy Sowles spent from Friday until Monday with her sister at Richmond. Miss Jane Kern and Thomas Kern ^ ,, r? T>^^frtyv^^e Sunday with \ ship Number Forty-five (45) North, Ji-' "omaf- of Range Number Eight (8) East of' Miss Phylis Eatinger of Aurora the Third Principal Meridian, and sit spent the week-end at the home of her uated in the County of McHenry and m°ther here. | State of Illinois, -a- '_an. George Blackburn, but subject, nevertheless, to the lies Mrs. Emil Dahms and Mrs. Harry of a Trust Deed in the sum of Thres r rancisco attended Friends' night of Thousand Dollars ($3,000.00) given by the Order of Eastern Star At Mc- N. F. Steilen and Kathryne Steilen, Henry Monday evening. his wife, to Gerald J. Carey, and re- Dr. J. A. Ross and wife and Hgngh-; rnrHprt in the Recorder's Office of Mc* ter are spending three or four weeks in California. Dr. LeVine is taking care of Dr. Ross' patients. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Brewer antf family of Waukegan are moving into the Jenks house. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith of Norwood Park spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stroker. Henry County, Illinois, in Book 164 of Mortgages at Page 196. TERMS OF SALE--CASH. Dated this 3rd day of June, A*' JBk 1929. - ' FLOYD E. ECKERT, ; fibster in Chancery of the Cir- / cuit Court of McHenry Coun- ' ty, Illinois. 1-8 A number from this community attended the dedication of the Cary airport Sunday. SaggeatiOB .« Reach for a future Instead of s oust.--New York World. " S m S K ? -- White House ftarbecle On Rome a mile east of McHenry. Latest Electrical Equipped BarbecVe-.. Ua^d--Always Fresh. ^ ^ tKe White Eouse gjjoy^a delicious Plate Lunch or Sandwiches ~ and After the Dance Visit the White Ho HENRY NELL, USE THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOR QUICK RESULTS j ; V V ImuU the IrVrbf in Jftotmr Cmr VWw £f :f! Af COMPARE FEATURES! high - pri which the Nash See the riced motor car features 400" offers. Compare PERFORMANCE! Drive it and test the action of its powerful, 7-bearing, high-compression motor, the unusual acceleration, speed and power. Compare STEERING! Here's the greatest ease in turding, parking, handling you'ye ever known rfw to Nash tngimetring. Compare RIDING! Specially designed alloy springs 'tailored individually to the weight and sue of eadb model and Lovejoy hydraulic shock absorbers, (J. o. h. factory) of 23 Nask "400" "Models, $885 to Roadster, Coupe, Cabriolet, Victoria and Sedan Models fmtfrrmH rrwranwirl by Nash, to i their efficiency. Compare BODY DESIGN! the low, smart beautv of d with any other car and see how it cap* tures your preference. Compare EQUIPMENT! Nash _ •ides at no extra charge front and rea#- bompers, hydraulic shock absorbers^ spare tire lock, and tire cover. ^ Compare VALUE! Sum up all Ni offers---in quality, and performano# and beauty and features--then co«t f pare delivered, fully equi asked for other cars in this fiel the LOW N»sh 'equipped prion. A. Phone 21 McHenry, UL BUSINESS A. D. OSBORN HARDWARE AND CHINA STORE of Woodstock, Illinois, to be Closed Out •"Sk'. Thousands of dollars of highest quality merchandise is tagged and marked so low that quick action must be taken. We have gone through the entire stock, cutting prices right and left to force quick buying. No itiatter how busy you may be at home you owe it to yourself to drop everything and come to this sale at once, while our stock is complete. Everything must go, Fixtures .for sale. ' " ' :-- -- ALL IQc MERCHANDISE NOW 7c €t €t Aluminum, Epamelware, Tinware, Glassware, Crockery, China ware, Hardware, Notions, Paig& Toys, Etc. Entire Stock Marked Down Below Cost. . JL BIG BARGAINS IN THE GRAB-BAG lOc SALE STARTS WEDNESDAY WINS SPELLING CONTEST Mary Bowman of Fox River Grove won the spelling contest at Woodstock Friday. She won the contest last year. Darlene Merchant of Bingwood competed in the contest. Pliindealers at Wattles. 5 A.D. HARD WARS AND C H I N A S T O R E On TIm Square •t Woodstock, Illinois, 1 "TUT ZSMM JJiVfit.'1!! Open Wednesday •• StDv 1 --Saturday- Evenini

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