',<« WIV ..pipii... W££KLY TONAIS COMERS AND GOERS OP * WEEK IN OUR CITY As Seen By Plaindealer Reporters and Handed In • Wi.'--' ' IPk.-.'VA. Street was a Chicago visitor Sunday. Miss Elola Boyle was apElgin visitor Friday. ' Mrs. Allan Noonan was a Chicago •igitor Friday. Mrs. Mary McCabe was' , visitor Saturday. Elmer Schmafeldt was A WJs., visitor Sunday. Mrs. Florence Conway was a Chicago visitor Saturday.^ f , Mass Margaret Trent is spending the week at Glencoe, 111. Miss Anita Bacon Is spending the week with Elgin relatves. Jacob Buss of Belvidere visited relatives in this city Sunday. George Reynolds of Chicago spent the week-end' at his home here. Miss Louise Evanson of Chicago called on friends in this city recently. Jack Choate of Lake Geneva was a visitor in this city over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Colby and family visited at Woodstock Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Slimpin of Chicago were McHenry visitors Friday. •' Miss Arline Warner of Elgin --is spending the week with McHe'nry relatives. Mrs. Ellen Bolger, daughter, Mary, and son, John, were Elgin visitors Sjmday. t>. U. McCracken Is assisting at the National Te§ Store during the summer months. Richard Stenger W§3kegan spent the week-end a* th« (?? Mc- Senry friends. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Warner and children of Elgin visited relatives !!! tj»t*g city over the week-end. ' Miss Lucy McCabe, who has been Attending seho6l at Waukegan, has returned to her home in this city. Mrs- Emma McGinnis of Elgin •pent a few days the first of the week in the home of Mrs. Mollie Givens. Mr. and Mrs. Almy Wiswall and son of Chicago were Sunday visitors in tb? home of aft. and Mrs. Henry Dove. Mr. and Mrs. John Slimpin of Iowa spent a few days the past week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mat Heimer. Misses Belle and Avis Carey of Elgin spent a few days the past, week hi the home of their sister, Mrs. R. I. Overton. Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Donavin and daughters, Kathrine and Eleanor,^ were guests of relatives in West Chicago Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Rsftph Watkup and children, Mrs. Anna ^'ollohan and L. Wialkup of Ridgefield called on friends in this city Monday «evening. Mrs. Fred Schmalfeldt and daughter of Genoa City, Wis., in the home of the former's sister, Mrs. William Whiting, Friday. , Mrs. Chester Fraser and daughters of Osceola, Nebr.. are spending a few weeks in the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Howard and chilenjoyed a vacation during the past week at Fremont, Wis., where they are enjoying some good fishing. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McCabe and little daughter, Patricia, were weekend visitors in the home of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Chamberlin. Mrs. Paul Bonslett and little V THE M HKNRY PLAUVDIALER, THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 1929 THE M'HENRY PLAIN DEALER McHenry, second-class.matter at the postoffice.at McHenry, 111., un- . . ..."Si/-'* > „ t , - •V'-'/.'-Vr" • ACVERTISEMEKTS • : . . i USE THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOR QUICK RESULTS FOR SALE daugn- • • .? f guests FOR SALE--Strawberries, Mrs. Joe • • ' H. Justen. McHenrv. 2 FOR KENTFOR RENT Justen, McHenry, FOR SALE--Seven horses, aged from 4 to 8 class and sound. One spotted Shet land poney 8 years old, gentle, a fine animal for children. Also variety of good saddles and bridles. Frank Henkel, Wauconda, 111. Call Wai^conda 38 after 5 p.m. 2 GARDEN FURNITURE AND BIR1> [HOUSES--Slightly stained samples Waukegan St., near High School. Electricjight, gas, bath. Inquire at CONNECTICUT YANKEE?' AT THE GARRICK THEATRE **A Connecticut Yankee" now playing at the Garrick Theatre, Chicago, ft a musical comedy version of1 what is universally conceded to be Mark Twain's masterpiece. It was fiVst in this country on Oct. 1, 1927, and has been performed by the only company now {ouring the country without interruption since the inaugural night. One solid year was devoted to .performances given in the Vanderbilt Theatre, New York. Boston was the next city visited where the company remained for twelve weeks. Philadelphia then followed with an engagement of foor months, and then to Chicago where it is now in its fourth month at the Garrick Theatre. Not in recent times has any attraction of ~a like kind created as much of a furore, or rallied to its support such hordes of admirers. Its music is one of its most potent charms. The radio and victrola have served to Everyone traveling Route take a look at Ostend note th£ much needed improvement. A goodly number of workers there two different days and should be congratulated on tile provement made. Henry Hobart's drove of tested May 6, read the 9th, shinped the 13th. Matf 20 he had a drove, four milking. June 10. ed dividend ibm Bo™ 1 ... milk test. Shofald we expect anything better 7 / Miss Theresa Kaiser of Woodstock and John Menzel were Sunday aftercallers in the home of the'former's uncle, Frank Kaiser, and family Sunday guests in the Hobart home were Mrs. Mina Sherman and husband, Dorr Sherman and Miss Adeline Piske< Mrs. Hazel Sherman and daughter, Helen, who broadcast the theme song, "My Heart j her ninth birthday. HOUSE FOR RENT--Inquire of Dr. N. J. Nye, McHenry. 5Gtf MISCELLANEOUS guaranteed perfect at liberal discounts. Garden Craft, Crystal Lake, of Crystal Lake spent a few days the j Illinois. , 2* last of the week in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs R. I Overton LF OR SALE--Used ice boxes, which we taken in trade on General E]ec_ Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Groh and ^ Refri ators. Will ^ 8old very children Angda and Buddy, and Mrs. reasonab]e. Cary Electric Shop, Me- Lydia Bierbaum of Chicago were Hfm Td ^ j.tf Sunday visitors in the home of Miss; Anna Stock. FOR SALE--Seven-room house, two- ERADICATE THISTLES--The New Wonder Eradicator will do it. The machine you have been looking for. Free demonstration. See Wm. -Simes, thistle commissioner, McHenry. 2 TYPEWRITERS; . /. Sales and Service. Repaired and Rentals. Prompt attention to phone call*. Phone 549. L. KILTZ, Woodstock 49-tf Mr. and Mrs. Charles Maynard and | story double garage, and five lots in children, James and Eleanor, of Ra-j north part of McHenry. Four lots cine called on Mr. Maynard's sister,! will be sold separtely if desired. Rea- ------------ Mrs. F. M. Ensign, and family Wed-|Sonable price. Albert M. Frett. Phone TUNE--and keep your piano tuned, nesday evening. ! 105-W. • 52-3* Tuning makes ydur piano a musical Leonard Phillips of New York City j . _ _--z '--; ----:--instrument. Phone 274-J or write j. Henry Country club. Plaindealer office. Inquire at the 47-tf was calling on old friends in this city SALE--One^ membership in Mc- H. Deihl, Woodstock, 111 Saturday. Mr. Phillips is a former resident of McHenry and will be remembered by many friends here FOr SALE-Purebred registered Hoi- Mr. and Mrs. Ray Monn of Ch- gtein bu„ ^ breeding, all ages. Walter H. Brandenburg, prop., Birch- 48-tf 27-tf ^Miss | mont Farm, Ingleside, 111. 1LLE] THEATRE k -"WOODSTOCK. ILL Woodstock's Beautiful Play House Evening Shows at 7 and 9 Matinees-- On Wednesdays, Thursdays. Saturdays aad Sundays, 3 p. m. Public Pulse (All communications for this department must be signed by the writer, otherwise they will not be published. The Plaindealer invites its readers to express their opinions in these column.) of Mrs. Ella Wheeler will be remembered as Payne a former resident of this city p0R SALE--Small chicken farm, b* M. A. Conway ami sons, Reverend ;tween 4 and 5 acres> % mile {rom Walter Conway and Leroy Conway,. McHenry on Getieva cement accompanied by Vernon Knox ofTerra road Mrs. Joe H Jo8ten, Rte 8. totta left Fn^ay on a motor trip to phone 611^j.L 6-tf pjevtijfcflflj OI119, where they will visit t friends. *•' ^ 1 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Wegener and| son, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Wegener: and son, Mrs- Margaret Wegener,: Edward and Alious Wegener and j Agnes Wagner spent Sunday at Lake Geneva. . | Sister Mary St. Bride and Sister Mary Robertus of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday as the guests of McHenry relatives. They will be remembered as the Misses Margaret and, JLycy Suttop of this vicinity. Miss Grace Martin, who has been spending several weeks at her home in this cit^ recovering from a recent operation, retuAed to St. Anthony's hospital in Chicago Sunday, where she will resume her duties as nurse. . Dr. and Mrs. A. I. Froehlich and * Dead Animals Midwest Rendering Co. .. We Pay For HORSES, CATTLE, HOGS, SHEEP Call' | 10-^Dundee--815-R-4 6 'Prompt Sanitary Service REVERSE CHARGES ENGLISH ROBOTS TO ACT AS INFORMANTS -- --»;•# li®.---------- Stood Still," to every known civilized part of the world. The story of the "Yankee" is full of chuckles. It tells how a young New Engiander at hie bachelor dinner on the eve of his wedding is the vie itim of an enraged sweetheart, who, V hy throwing a bottle at his •" j sends him back through the ages of the Sixth century and the days of King Arthur's Court, and how he introduces the modern innovations such as - the radio, telephone, automobile, etc., into that armored assemblage, much to their consternation and consequent _delight. The .efforts" of thfe Knights of the Round/ Table to com nect the modern Yankee slang, to say nothing of inventions, with their Sixth Century existence, are provocative of much laughter and "A Connecticut Yankee" is guaranteed to chase away the bjues of bad business, questionable plays and the 18th Amendment. Owing to insistent demand, the Wednesday matinees have been restored for this engagement and commencing June 26th, and for the bal> jhnce of the run, fyhich will extend -well into the summer, there will be ^the usual Wednesday and Saturday matinees. The prices are popular for these matinees, rupning from 75c to $2 for Wednesday and 75c to $2.50 for Saturday with all evening prices lit $3 top. NEVER RECEIVED BILL June 11,, 1929 McHenry Plaindealer, McHenry, 111. t Under the heading "Board Meeting in June," in the issue of last week's Plaindealer appeared a paragraph, daughter^1 Adele, left Friday on a mo-' "Attorney Cowlin was instructed to go tpr trip to Winnebago, Minn., where after William Pries for a light bill of they will visit in the home of the 196-00 since 1926." doctor's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vin- i To enlighten the public on this matcent Froehlieh. " | ter I am therefore obliged to write Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schmitt and! this answer. The Green Street Busichildren of Chicago* visited in the1 r.ess Men's Association was organized home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.; for the purpose of helping to better Fred Kamholz^ Sunday. Little George j conditions on Green Street, and the. Schmitt returned home wiyi them, City of McHenry in general. With this after spending several weeks with his; thought in mind, I was instructed by grandparents here. s jthe Association to go before the Miss Cornelia Freund of this city Board and have brighter light bulbs and Sybil ttienstedt of Woodstock j installed on Green Street, and espespent a ten days' vacation at Tulsa, cially on Boon Creek Bridge, whicV was almost in darkness at that time. We agreed to pay ^the increase in cost, which would result in such a FRIDAY SATURDAY ,Mr. anri Mrs. Johnson in The Whole World is Waiting to Sett . "SIMBA*- KOlfllC, as guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Brown. The girls spent the remainder of the two weeks at their respective homes, after a very pleas- change. We have waited from 1926 [ ant trip. " j until 1929 before a bill was ever re* Dinner guests at the home of ceived. In 1926 the money was apj George and Raymond Colby on Sun- propriated and in* the bank waiting day were Mr. and Mrs. William Mere- to be used. Then the ornamental j ness and family, Mr. and Mrs. Walter lighting system was Installed at a cost Nicklos and family, Mr. and Mrs. of thousands of dollars to the busi* Laurence Mereness and family and ness »houses, and given to the -city, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Bretton and fam-jand not a cent was collected directly [ily of Walworth and Milwaukee, Wis.Ifrom property owners of McHenry. I After a lapse of all these years, and ENTERTAINS "HELLO" GIRL$ ! after all this happpM^iiivn g, frankly Mrs. Ctfarles Egan of Chicago enter- j speaking, I never exp«ted to receive tained at a one o'clock luncheon on a bill any ihor»-for light used, which Tuesday for the telephone operators i benefited everybody in "way back who worked at the local exchange! when." However, the Green Street with her. A delightful afternoon was j Business Men's Association, still bespent in reminiscences and recalling ing active, will surely assume this former good times and experiences by j obligation, and* it is hoped that the, the guests with whom Mrs. Egan was City of McHenry never haB or never associated at the exchange up to i spend $96.00 for a more unrjeathe time of her marriage. Those; sonable cause than this one. ^ : Respectfully yours, See Wild Africa as God ... Made it With Sound Accompaniment also Pathe News and Comedy SUNDAY--MONDAY "•rfcfc COHENS AND KELLYS IN ATLANTIC CITY' present were: Mrs. Lester Page, Mis$ j Villa Rothermel and Miss Rovena [Marshall. "Mrs. Andrew Bytler wai unable to be present owing to the illness of 'her little daughter, but' i talked to the members of the ' party dver the phone. »l and Vera Gordon WM. PRIES. Talking - also: "HIGH & LOWBROW' , Talking Comedy "* and j #athe Sound News ?. • - f TUESDAY-- (WEDNESDAY .THURSDAY ^^THE SHOPWORN ^ AHCfflL" • •'ti I* ^ 1 Nancy Carroll 'Gary Cooper Sound and Talking Also News and Comedy ATTEND CONVOCATION Mrs. Minnie Miller and son, Theodore, motored to Chicago Tuesday, wliere they attended the one hundred and fifty-fifth popvocation and conferring of degrees'in the graduate an& professional schools at the Universi* ty of Chicago. Dr. Leppert, a frien4» received his degree at this time. The convocation took place in the beautiful new chapel of the university and the services included an address by the new president of the University. FIVE HUNDRED CLUB - Mrs. Peter M. Justen entertained the members of the Five Hundred club at her home on Wednesday evening of last week. Mrs. Henry Kinsala received high score for the evening, Mrs. Elizabeth Laures was awarded1 second prize and third prize went to Mrs* N. J. Justen. Delicious refreshments were served at the close of the games with a large birthday cake :n honor of the anniversary of Mrs N J. Justen. ' METHODIST CHURCH You are invited to attend services at the M. E. church every Sunday. Morning worship, 11 o'clock. > . Sunday school, 10 o'clock. . Epworth League, 6 p. m. i Rev. Hoover of Greenwood is supplying the pulpit during the illness of the pastor, Rev.' W.; Bonhani, who is recuperating from an operation. J^ill Be Placed in Station^ >yjy»d London.--Although. England's first Robot was created only a few short months ago, he already has six brothers ranging in height from Jasper's six feet six, to llffle Rupert's five feet Ven. Despite their tender ages the services of all seven have been Ijired out under the contract-labor system during the schoolboy's exhibition at Horticultural hall, and soon after the exhibition closes the Robot family will be broken up and the* brothers sent out to different railway sfations and street corners to take 24-hour-a-day jobs answering questions and giving directions. A pathetic fate for such youngsters, that w;ou!d seem " to call for intervention on the part of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children! _ ft?,Ji"M""*.. : Whers Can I Eatfv?' ' How these dnlly gleatfitn£ ; giants of steel work has now been revealed for the first time in connection with the schoolboys' exhibit, where Rupert, a bright 'little fellow, is to be seen with his chest and head cut open and all hhp tnsldes revealed. Young John Bull, Jr., presses a button on Rupert's tummy. Almost instantly lights stare-from under Rupert's heavy eyebrows and a voice incredibly deep for such a youngster booms oat; "Wkat do you want to know?" Voting John, startled,- ttutters: wP-please, whefe cob I «et a bite to eat?" "Take the third aisle <on your left and- walk -Straight on." booms the voice. Then the lights die out and Rupert is once again a senseless structure of cold steel. N < Bewildered, young ^ohn foltows'the directions, and sure ^enough, walks straight into a restaurant. Now what 'has happened is this When the youth pushed the Tmtton on Rupert's tummy a light showed On a switchboard in front of q man at a tibte in a control room. - : - ^ J May 8otfh Be ^CormnoD. , He immediately "plugged In" on 'Rt» pert, lighting up Rupert's eyes and i SPELLERS AWARDED TRIP Chafles^Vycital is driving for his sist^*, Misfc Elsie Vycital, and Miss .Desmond, teachers of Fox River Grove, and thsee of their pupils, who are enjoying a trip to Madison and the Wisconsin Dells. They left Tuesday and expect to Ibe 'gone several days. The trip is given as a reward to the three students who were winners in the .district and county spelling match. Marie Bohman is the champion speller while the other two pupils, who are winners in the contest, also, are- Mile^ Hjromapka, and etberg. ^ PAST MASTERS' NIGHT MlcHenry Lodge, No. 158, A. F. & A. M., observed past masters' night at their meeting Tuesday evening. W. H. Coburn, district deputy grand master, of Harvard, 111,, was present as guest of honor for the evening, ' Tact* About ftirs • The mm durable fur is th#f#4he otter, with bear, beaver ..and seal coming next Id order. Natural mink Is more durable than Persian lamb, and «able less lasting than either. Coney Is the least dnrahle of any fur. and the skin of the mole comes QMt in tack of lasting power. Km tuj i,aaii it sin «qi Jaqjaq* ujbp e eAjS j.aop faux P»Pin88|m s] Jjwq jjaq, sa|BO| oq* uaui uodn paMoisaq gajsq si ism Q0|luau* ISSUJKe /U |B<»P pool y Bobbie, age two and one-half, know* many of his letters and can pick oat many words. He Is a bit original in naming the fetters unfamiliar to bins. He was spelling "b-o-o-k.*' and named the lettera "bee-tlre-tlre-kay. hook" The family automobile provided the iniggmHbo for the middle lettera. establishing a telephonic contact with a microphone hidden behind a "Silver 'gauze-covered ; hole fn Rupert's front Thus the man-at the central control station heard young John's question and he promptly answered back by telephone, hts words being amplified by a loud speaker in Rupert's chest If1 the ' question asked is n "stick- •r.Vi^the man a{ the' control station, and -through him, Rupert says: ^Wait a minute," and the right answer Is looked up in handy reference ' books. One man in the central office, it is de dared, wHl in this 'way be abl^ to handle the questions asked of, say, a dozen or more Robots installed in a railway station, big shops, hotels,' «r even on street corners, and it is predicted that within the next few years these grim formidable Robot servants will: be cotntMnpiaOt ' sights large cities. ' N* Good for Svbstitvtos An English physician claims that crying is good for one's complexion-- provided, of course, that one's coat plex is one's complexion.--Humorist Mr. and Mrs. Frank Herdric visited Sunday with Mrs. Herdric's parents. Miss Delia Hobart has been suffering for several weeks from injuries received the last Of February when the family was returning from Woodstock via Bull Valley road Was snowing all day and a heavy wind filled the track. All occupants of the automobile were obliged to get out and it was there Mrs. Hobart injured her back and has never fully recovered. It is with difficulty she takes a few steps. Rheumatism set in and made recovery difficult. , V- ' :1J0TICB '• •' On and after June 13 Fred Weinschenker will be >n*AfcHenry with fresh fish from Lake Poygan every Thursday at 4* p. m. Anyone wishing to get some call nt warehouse or phone 35, McHenry. 2 Termites are the most destructive- Insects in tlfc* Panama Canal Zone glon and replacement after their ages is the largest Item of Foundations of buildings have to laid In concrete and the legs of chair and tables set In to keep th< LITTLE TOTS > NOW *">• • * -Tv..-::, gOME DAY those little tota 1*° ft up. Then every of their childhood pictures. A few dollars' will few minutes will make you t in its use. Come In tr'F1 Developing and Printing THOMAS P. BOLGER "The McHenry^ Druggist" j *hone 4tMcQenry, 10. ATTENTION! Nash Special Six Automobiles are now coming equipped with Bijur one^ shot centralized Chassis lubrication. We have on hand a special six fourdoor Sedan with Alemite chassis lubrication. The regular fully equipped and delivered price of which is . • mi* s lint A'l* *i * n every • •n - ^4e.4s^j ho extras to buy In line with our policy of selling only up-to-the min- >lBte merchandise at the regular advertised prices, we Jlffer-this car at a remarkable saving-- fi, " «« conv€pl««it G. A. Stilling Garage THIS nm FRIC1DA1RI WITH CONTROL M Delivered Ready to Plug In Here is m new FrigkUire In a for the small or average family, at a very low price. It is equipped with the fCold Control-- an exclusive Frigidaixe feature -- which enables you to set a dial aad have your choice of tibt freezing speeds in the tray*, while the corxect temperature lor preteTving foods is maintained in 'theiestrfthecefoigeratBC. *' ' PigSvia BottlaS *n.; (ft ^patB wine Is still leather bottles made of pigskin. The <«kln Is cored all in one piece son made Into a bottle holding. 1b cases, as mnch as 4<> gallnni 2 Nisa*aMm< llaa iMmilmu Tb« BStkM the Indian tribe lowajrs or Alsnuex.' a hraruh of the Slotax The word tneins 'sleepy one* " v'1.. : **•" N '.il" > J.ii Iw mtiji & No. D* MilJali. « fits. 4 cs. ft. o# Monfi n. ft. of ibelfswo. %wUwrkrmfr 24 atbm, wtol. 1 DM. of ic*. Doco OB MM) MtfM (Mteft)'hM Ml 7 em. fc «WH|I. M « k. <f thtit . 1hl»i 94 dkN/wot1 1lilr7HJb». <* >Q» t das timmtmm' Iwmium UWiwRB CWnPVCS wiiiuii lawhlto. Ofl at your Public Service Store and we the new models, all equipped •with the new Cold Control. Or in* - quire about having a Frigidaire unit ii stalled in your present refrigerator* , Xmtmay purchase "UttU v r- • • .•-i-*"* >•* - 4* matt extra eosc. "'***'/ PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS • 4. . »' «-."*< / ' " » ^ * J- LAKKIN, DUt. Mgr. SERVICE Ca of Nctt. 1SI Williams 8t, Crystal Lake IS. Td. Crystal Lake 28t A.- *'£• •nrw vxm IEAT VpCCTUC MnUGBAATlON tt