wy^f^rz Y ?vW ' •' / - "• ' * -*f* '*** ' ,/C „V ^ . * _ *• *?v".-V / "' "" *'<. * " *>" ,,|: a T' ^ I**" * - *.* r^-' ;• "V* • ?-».•' 4^h ^tvg^'MC * * «*%*>•-i^«f* &*» --n ;4!>*i£ ; -"^, THX M'HENBY njUNDBALER, THURSDAY, JUNK 13,19» 't:-w.• 'v. Aaerict'i Motto It Is said Sir John I'restwlck of England suggested -the motto of tlie United States "E f'lurfbus «Unum." to John Adams, wbe cpmimrtiirated this Idea to the secretary of tbe Conti cental congress. It •was then used «• om ffevera meat -seal. MM& heact «ar national room. WJr , , Aad«M Volcanic Dwsl 5. Kcidence Utat at least six velcanlc 4i£% ernptioos deluged Pennsylvania with duet was recently discovered In tlie limestone formations near. State eel- 'A lege t»jr Prot O, A. limine, geologist WM. Iff. CARROLL, Solicitor ' " - ' SALE OF REAL ESTATE . State of Illinois, % » \ County of McHenry. as. '• 0 In the Circuit CJaurt jof .McHenry .^County, Miay Tem, JL D., 1930. West McHenxy State Ba£it, «fimplairvaarL, k" ' K. F. Sieiien, X*$kxyne .flteilen, Ger- aid1 J. Caxey, Trustee, John ;B. <Kel- ,.• ter, et «L, ftefendastte. • |- vVV . Fcwiclosare--Gen. No. .23338. V'-Jjuv? Public Notice is hensby .gives .that ' ,• in pursuance of a decree made and en- : tered by said Court Jn the above enr : . titled cause »n the 54th day of May, •f i*' • A, D. 1929, I, E. Eekert,.Master in Chancery of said ..Court, will .on Friday, the 28th dtgr of June, .-A. :D. jrSjfc':" >1929, at the hoar of tten o'clock in. the forendon of said day, at the front door of the Court House, in' the City of Woodstodk, County of McHenryjand State of Illinois, sell a« public vendue to tiie highest and best bidder for cash the fallowing described .real estate in said decree described, to-wit: Lots Number One (l) and Eighteen (18) in Bloak Number Two (2) in -Dr. i « ^<3. H. Frieger'e Addition to the V a; < "?f >aof McHenry, said Lots being situated J&. in the South West Quarter (%•) of 'the North East -Quarter ( ^4) of £ac- .. - tion Number'^Twenty-six (26), l±')\ ship Number Forty-five, (45) IC'j!-oV. of Kange Number Eight (8) "the Third Principal Uleridiai), K'r i. uated in the County of McHenry /S.J ' State of Illinois, but subject, nevertheless, to the ilien of a Trust Deed ia -the sum >of Three . . '^'Thousand Dollars ($3,000.00) given by f. Steilen and Kathryne Steiled, "•* his wife, to Gerald J. Carey, and recorded in the Recorder's Office cEf Mc- ? Henry 'County, Illinois, in Baok 160 •of Mortgages at J^ge 106. TERMS OF SALE--CASH. Dated this 3rd tfagr of June, A, !D. v FLOYD %. ECKERff, » Vaster 'in Chan«ary of the (Circult "Court of McHenry Counit> <- . ^' 1 ' « ty, IBmois. _ • *1* • Ktndfy'Shoppert dGoiuoled Mary Ellen iChft*-a • iphorping expedition in the Christmas holidays, little Mary Ellen ' had > a' dollar with which to buy a present for- dad. On the way downtown with her mother they met her aunt and little cousin. Arriving in a ! large department store, the children -received permission to go to the toy • department - while some shopping 4n . another part of the store was done ihy the elder folk. After about an fiour the mother and •aunt raw. a crowd collected at the (basement stairs and foiftid Mary Ellen in the center of the group in tears, with, several of the women • weeping copiously, she having thought 1 She had lost her dollar. Everything was lovely when mother •explained rfhe had her pocketbook and ' the present was then bought for dad. The next day while on another : Shopping trip with her mother, Mary Ellen had 00 cents that her motfier j'did not know she had. •"Where did you get that money, 'Mary Elteu?" asked her mother. "You know yesterday, when I su£ht I had lost my dollar, those n made me take U."-*todianapOlis News. * thaujfh v women ..-3k s U€L * K' -ViT - V '-••A 4- (.•V \ AM^fXm BOXING m Friday m j* Jane • 'I STATE LUTE JWQ53WG JMRENA On £outr 12, between Richmond, I1L. iGeaoa (Sty, Wia. Harold Lndi. Lake (Geneva Myuamc. , xCmar rfintgmhaa.i , Mukwonago, PMe Minrrissy ,Elld»ora,Wi«M n8«y Krqg, Builington, Wisu, ISO Ma. Joe Pete, Evaaata, BL, •«. %m LeJoy, Hippodrome, 132 lbs. Larry Aaiadee, Saat Lmmgfmtfm gjrm vs. Bob Crawford, Jack Johnson's gym,(colored) 138 lbs. Bobby Hermance, Genoa City, Wis. vs. Billy Gladstone, fiiypoinar, 122 lbs. Rusty Hoshias, Geaoa City, Wh, vs. Nick Mlcefli, K. C A. C, 145 lbs. Rudy Peterson, Evanstoa, *». Mi Jones, Barry's gym,, 140 lfca. Joey De Belle, Beloit A. C^ va. ' Meyer Frager, McConneH's gymt, 140 lbs. TICKETS 11.00 Show starts 8:3.0 Standard Time. Boxing every F*l-, jtlay night under our big tent. Sanctioned by the Central A., A- U. "prd Sol" Claued a. t Quite Ordinal^ Star "The • sun Js a very humble unit ravaid the great stellar population ac- ' cording' to a leading astronomer. It ' fs, he • says, a very ordinary star : about midway ; in the scale of -brilliancy. We know of stars which give/at least 10,000 times the light of the sun; we know also of stars which give 1-10.000 of Its light, But 'those of inferior light greatly outnumber those of superior light. 'In mass, in surface temperature, iin bulk, "the son belongs to a very, common ctass of stars; its speed of motion 4s near the average; it shoves •none of the • moj*e conspicuous phenomena, such as variability, which excite the attention of astronomers. "In the community of stars the sun •corresponds • to .- a r respectable middle- •Class citizep* • ^ ft happens-<U* be.<julte near the deniter of the local star,cloud; but this •apparently favorrt |>osItion * Is dis- ><?6nnted 'hy the fact that the star •Cloud itself is plaml very eccentrical !ly in relation: to the galactic system '(the Milky way), being in fact near 'tite confines of 'it. We caqnot claim tto be at the > hub• of^the universe. - \ ¥ ' According to authorities on bird life. the lighthouses of the New England coast cause the death.of thousands of. sea'fowl every year. In their inigratioua to and fcomrthe.southlands the birds» if caught'in a st<n*m, try to find , a safe haven. The lixed white>llghte «ee*a to have the-greatest attraction ffor them. Fly ing at high speed, >they dash themselves against the'thick lenses and are either killed ootrtght-or are stunned and fall to the ro<*1«5 <or the sea below- and perish. ><Btrangely enough flii^hing lights#and #flsotred beams ap iparently repel them, (but'the blinding, •steady white rays •take heavy toll irom their ranks. Contrary tto popular •belief,-the sea 1km* 1 do not seek soatlterc dioj^a to aaold 'Cold w«atler. : -- ' Ow of tb« Band -Satturday afternoon a <day set apant for the ^tillage hasid to (Indulge in Its areekly paactice ma*ch. On ftiis partlaular day ititay happened -te halt outside the toeal 'justice of the peace's home. The liatter <was a very itritable jnac who hated bsads. <'on«eqiMntly, h« mm far fnan 'Pleased « ha the aound fit martial nmsic rfail upon tils ears. "Look liere!" he (crfafl, rushing :upit« the bandmaster. *If sou doirtt stqp thsit Infernal din, and fdtrib .our policeman f But the baadmaster mi^'e^Mi 4o the Occasion. ' „ ' "Ton can't do that, air," he strtftnd-' "That's 1m plajte' the tr»fltf>oneV-- Ixmdqn TjU-Blts. l %srt & " In Your Home Town Paper Vl: News o/ your friends and neighbors each and every week jof the year. A complete local history that ten# you all about the warfch while happenings eaeli week. Lets you know what your local merclisirt* have in new and m&- sonable merchandise. Your home town paper is the one paper yon cannot afford tor>wbe withoiC^. < - s" " ^ ' The McHenry Plaindealer •i 52 •for $2.00 'itats D«a«to W«*lt|J ! t i The ¥amis, who live on a little island south of Formosa, have two ambitions-- to build fine boats, whose nldes they ornament with beautiful designs. and to possess silver hats--the larger the better, for by the measure of his silver hat Is the prestige af the individual judged. The first requirement 1s u quantity of silver coins, which are laboriously beaten with a stone into thin stripa The strips are then made into coneshaped hats. Some of the hats be-* longing to the more affluent of the «il> ony come down to the shoulders. Ad oblong Opening is left for the eyea. fo that the, owpef may snrvey CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Council Room, Jui>e 3, 1929. The city aldermed, with Mayor Knox presiding, met in regular session Monday" evening. Aldermen present: Bonslett, Doherty, Krause, Kreutzer, Schaefer and Stoffel. The minutes of the last regular and special meetings were read and approved. Motion by Doherty, seconded * by Kreutzer, that the following bills be paid. Motion carried. Meyer A Wen the, dog licenses, $3.00. R. F. Conway, postage, phone call?, $170. » Wattles Drtfg . fumigator, services on streets, Co., • street lights^ $36.30, John Makh, $80.00. John Walsh, salary for May, $13Ey00. Wm. Ahrens, labor on"streets, gravel, etc^ $6.75. Thos. P. Bolger, fi«t aid kit, etc., $8.50. Henry C. Kamholz, supplies, $5.40. 111. Bell TeL Co, calls, 50c. Public Service Col, power at city hall, $43 00. Public Service Co., light at city hail, $1^6. V:' ^ Public Service Ca^ powerv aewer lift, $12.00. •- ^ j- • • • : Public Service Co, vstareet lights, $131.28. Public Serviea $112.41. # M. M. Niesen, servtt^s as soperintendent of water works, $60.00. C. E. Martin, labor on waterworks, 6.75. George Meyers, labor on streets, $4.50. Jacob Brefeld, labor on water works,' $15.38. Thos. P. Bolger, fumigator, etc., $7.35. Walter J. Freund, tires, tubes, etc., for fire truck,«$45.10. ... .' . John F. Brda, gaL meastrte and ine, "osday, eVCT,nf at # ^ h t ome n of the ' j former's parents at Libertyville. | George Roesslein of*Mundelein wa I a' Sunday ca^er at the Harry Mat- 'thews home. -? i Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon and cl^« "Ubpr oft • "struts, ^^ alTM^Wmiam Davilf h°me °f ^ ! Chesney Brooks was a business call SLOCUM'S LAKE H. L. Brooks was a business ealler at Libertyville last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bacofi and children were callers at McHenry Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse and daughter, Frances, accompanied Mr. and Mrs.. William Davis and daughter, Frances, to Wkukegan last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Rombach and children were Sunday callers at the William Foss hame. Mrs. Leon Smith and daughter, Dorothy, of Fremont township were callers last Monday at the home of Mrs. Clara Smith. Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews of Crystal Lake spent last Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews. Mrs. Heffermann and guest, Mrs. Nick Goodyear, of Chicago visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Foss Friday. Mr. aii8 lbs. Wayne Bacon and children spent WWnesday evening at Ivanhoe. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Lara bee and son, Carroll, of Bristol, Wis., spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H TL. Brooks. Mrs. Anderson of Mylith Park was a caller at tfte home of Mrs. Clara Smith Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Wheelock <3t Chicago were Sunday evening callei*s at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews. Pete Weingart and two children and John Freund and soft of McHenry were Sunday mornlngj callers at the William Foss home. ' Kir. and Mrs. Earl Converse and daughter, Frances, Spent last Wed 90c. H. J. Shaffer and son, Stanley, and Mrs. John R. Knox of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Maiman of Wauconda spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Geary. Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren motored to Chicago Monday where they visited the Forest Home cemetery and relatives Sand friends. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon and children spent last Thursday evening at the Ray Dowell home. Miss Helen Berner bf Chicago spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. Jack Geary. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Geary and Mt. and Mrs. Jack Geary and son, Eugene, spent last Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Geary near Wauconda. Advanced" Officers' Night was observed at Mayflower Chapter, O. E. S., at Wauconda Monday evening, when Mildred Hoffman acted as worthy matron, Mrs. Harry Matthews as chaplain, Harry Matthews as treasurer and Willard Darrell as honorary sentinel.. , . V URGE0 TO WAR Off v INSECT KINGDOM ScMBtbt Declare* Titanic Straggle Impend*. Henry W. Ahrens, labor <m streets, $126.51. ' , * J. W. North & Co., report on • city books, $200.00. E. H. Merrick $492.55. H. E. Buch, labor on, streets, $23-35. Dr. C. W. Kkmtz, slices on board "J* Cp'st** ^ke 4 ^ of health for 1928, $15.08. • * ^ L^sll« Da^ "nd.dE*M®r "l Ben Brefeld, services on boaiA ot comPan,ed Mrs «,chard Dowell and health for 1928, $15.00. ', ESP*J'""fa«d daughter, Ada, to ' Woodstock last Monday. Motion by Kreutier, seconded by Hdrry Matthews and Chesney Doherty, that the treasurer^ report Brooks attended a Lake County Farm be accepted as Tead. Motion carried. Supp]y meeting at Grayslake last Motion by Krause, seconded by prjday evening. Kreutzer, that the collector's report Mrs William Foss ahd daughter, be accepted as read. Motion carried. pearif an(j son, Leslie, and guest, Motion by Doberty, seconded by William Berg, attended a show at Stoffel, that the cleric s report be ac- "tVoodstock Sunday evening. etpted as read. Motion-taTried I , jjr_ and sons and Miss El- . Motion by Doherty, seconded by len Williams of Williams Park and kreutzer, that the auditor s report be jjr an(^ Mrs. Leon Larabee and son, accepted as read. "Motion carried. Carroll, of Bristol, Wis., were Sunday Motion by Doherty, seconded by filers at the W. E. Brooks home.. Kreutzer, that Atty. B. F. Lang- Mts. Harry Matthews and son, worthy be employed to assist the city Robert, Mrs. Willard Darrell and Mrs. attorney in the injunction suite of x^Doyt Matthews of Crystal Lake Frederick Beller against the City of <.^1}^ cm Mrs. Raymond Lusk and in- McHenry. Motion carried. fant daughter near Round Lake last Motion by BonsVtt, seconded by Thursday. Stoffel, that rabbet; "stop" signs be Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse ant installed under the diTeepon of the daughter, Franoes, spent last Thur.*- street and alley committee on streets evenjng at the home of Mr. and wherever needed. Upon roll call the Mrs. Leslie Davis. aldermen -voted as follows: Bonslett, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. WTIliams . and yes; Doherty, no; Krause^ no; Kreut- TOn) James Howard, of Crystal Lake zer. no; Stoffel, yes. Motion ntrt c(tr-- vere Sunday guests at the home of ried. * Mrs. Clara Smith. Motion by Doherty, seconded by Wr OTd Mrs LToyd Harvel and Bonslett, that the Public ServiceCo. BeU Harvel of Roclcford were Sunday discontinue service on two 3-horse- CJ-]ers at the liame of Mr and Mrs. power, single phase motors and far- Wayne Bacon. nish service on two 5-horsejwwff, v WiTTnim Agnes of Chicago spent three phase motors at the sewer Iflt last Tuesday at the William Joss Motion carried. * v home. * Motion by Bonslett, seconded LkjJ^ Fisher and son, Mrs. Richard Schaefer, that all signs now in exist- and son, James, and daughter, ence in the city of McHenry tnat are Ada, of Roseville were Sunday callcontrary to the city ordinance be re- m ^ th« Leslie Davis home. moved at once. Motion carried. , Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary and son, IMotion by Krause, seconded by Do- Euttene> spent last ' Wednesday and hesty, that the mayor and clerk be au- Saturday evenings at McHenry. thotized to sign fhe resolution asking Mr. and Mrs. Lesllfe Davis and chilfor * permit from the State of Illinois dren spent Monday evening wit*) to emavate on R«i»ond Road. Mo- home folks near Volo. tion lurried. 1 Roy Winkle and frieijd, Miss Cath- Motxin by Kreufcaet, seconded by erin€ Fleming, of Chicago spent the Doherty, that the city of McHenry week-end with the former's parents pay to C J- Bender the «aom of $356.31 at Anle!ou farTOR. •f«er acre |Tor the amount of land de- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Geary and two scribed by the county surveyor used children of Grayslake, Mr. and Mrs.' for State ©ighway purptves. Upon .rdB call the aldermen »rted as folbws: Bonslett, no; Doherty, yes; Jtrewe, no; kreutzer, yes:; S&chaefer, yes; Stoffel, ns». Motion not carried. Motion by boherty, seconded by Kreutrrr, to a<^Murn. Motiwo carried. J. R. KNOX, M#yj>x. R. F, ^0-NWAY, Clerk. . . Atlantic City.--The future will see a "titanic'^ struggle for existence waged between man and insects, members of the New Jersey Mosquito Extermination association were t<Hd by Dr. L. O. Howard, chief entomologist of the United States Department of Agriculture. • ^ "* "Insects now consume each year the equivalent of the labor of a million men," Doctor Howard said. "They have a great* ad vantage over* human beings both anatomically and physically. Man's superior Intelligence i* All that has enabled litin to even be- Jfin to, cheek the advance of Insects. A serious struggle is ahead. "Rapidity of motion, and frequency of multiplication, quick adaptation to conditions, powers of concealment and no long fieriod of helpless infancy, (ire some of the advantages that Insects have over ru'en." As a means of preparing f^r the battle with Insects, Doctor Howard suggests that colleges and universities devote more attention to entomology as a step lo the mobilization of a trniued army of insect lighters. The importance of oiling small bodies of prater and emptying casks and tin c«m containing water was emphasised as a means of holding mosquitoes In check. Father's Day Is Sunday, June the 16th with a Gift : i You will find them at the _ -J i*'" AGATHA SHOP i Baby's Heahfoi . . . dependsan TSaby^' g6crd health, especially^ dtrrirf^ the warmer weather, depends upon the quality and the purity 01 milk he is fed. Absolute sanitation in our dairy insures our milk reaching you^r home in perfect condition. .Home-churned Batterad]% y - A J' K CommunityDairy Phonf 660-J-l Ben J. Smith, Prop. Noted Artist Spends Last Days in Secltision Gres-Sur-Loing, France.--Half paralysed and almost bliiuL one of He acclaimed composers of the ^orld. Frederic Delius, is spending the remaining days of his life in this tiny hamlet at»out TiO miles front I'aris. Tlu» man who imagined the music for "Koanga" and "Mafpot ie Itouge" no longer writes music; his greatest effort is to shelter himself from'tlie world. Each day his devoied withreads him the French, German and English newspapers. Then, If the weather is good, to give him the benefit of the fresh air for an hour or so. he Is pi^shed in a wheel clialr to the river that flews at the foot of his garden. Even the touch of bis beloved piano is denied him, for his hands tremble so that they cannot find the keys. The recognition that has come to him of recent years is too late, for Delius cannot hear the plaudits that are accorded, his compositions. , Not "The old Idea that lemon Juice had a thinning effect has been proved to be quite untrue," said a leading doctor attached to the New Health society. "A lemon takpn in the early morning Is an eicellent habit. It ma.* itossibly be an antidote lo rheumatism >>ut as s thinning substance--never." An Invitation to You the people of McHenry,Pistakee B<i§" and vicinity are cordially invited to visit the peQny farm and look over the flowers of the famous James R.Mann Peony Collection - v -- v.A. Magnificent Display of v Acres of the world's finest peonies/ About 1500 varieties ^ " c The best varieties and new introductions ^ Our own fine originations " " A •. • Now In Bloom ^ Sime of best blooms--June 12th to June 26th ;; ^ eight of season-- June 15th to J une 23rd A Sight Never to be Forgotten }* -••••v, Do Not Miss the Opportunity ^ I JULIUS J. VAN STEEN {The Congressman James R. Mann Peony Collection R. R. 1*--the Northwest Highway One-halfiMlle No. of Crystal Lake 'ST1 •: i: USE THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOR QUICK RESULTS / the admiratidh his large hat attracta\j )KWord's Many Definitions ^Of the 4H.8-.r» words defined in the Okford English dictionary, completed after 70 years of labor, the one that gave most trouble to the editors was the three-letter word "set. It has many meanings and so many extensions of meaning. The Living Age reports' that the editors were obliged to devote a 30,001>-word treatise, to it Alone. The sun sets in the west A surgeon a broken arm. A woman gives fehrffc to three sets of twins in five fjyuY- A yachtsman watches the set of his aails. It is «» untiring word, as useful as the l5-b» one tools tbait boys wed to spend 25 cents tSt. M, 'Straw Headgear OUT% -, A '-lltfaw hats where first w-Ww'tB Tlte Klerenth c«itury. They flad mush room brims and round tops trimmed with colored antedate, with a linlah * lag button that later developed Into a peak. ; Jid|ia| kr Laehs Osst Judge girls by their h6)m£ A <lii may have dreaaiy eyes and let he very wide awake. . .MTy* • t: ^ >x -' Sdf-Maip ' ' - Some men are ilw«.vs wuinting pe<» tile to tell.ihem b<»»[ hamlsome fh^y •ire. hut a woman friM sh'inrt hefurf m mirror and New®. . -w-- •*: -v "r • Moaay aad v While motley uia> mil inake'yhl) i>y, yoa can,he iust as unliappy with »Ut It.--^Oranrt* Itii|ilds I'rewf"" EDDIE, THE ADM AN © WEAR. MO RueBERHAT AMD I HAVE MOlMtUG UT AM SLEEVE lb Deceive >OU^- -THGIieJS WO MOCU5" POCUS" ABOUT ADVERTlStMGr * vou s<aaplv wRmE DOMW A GOOD SBUtt*r *tAUt OM NOUR €0009/ AMD \MB PRESEWT mOTME PUBLIC WHEM THEWRE M tBSURC AUD ttJ A RfiCEPTlVfe uood* we BROADCAST Moutseiuus TALK FOR. MOO Livelier- Sturdier Smarter JWOJLZ* ecortoft/ica/ Equlp Your Car U. S. ROYALS Why is it that people who once start using Unite8 States ^ Tires very seldom discontinue using (heii^ ^Pie ai^s^er is simple--satisfactory service• ^ , * ' - They are built to wear, hold the road on account of the wonderful tread and cause the user only the minimum of troubledg, What more can any tire do| ^ U S# ROYAL your car today with JJ. S. Royals, or, if in need of These are six great fear tares of the new U. S. Royal. Safer -- anti-skid treads. Livelier--better cushioning. Sturdier-- six plies ol^Web Cord. Smarter -- designed- for the c&r of today. Speed* ier--freer rolling, no suction. Economical--saves gasrr-wears longer. Once yoa use United States Tires, you'll forget the others. The reason--satisfactory service a gingle tire, let Us show you the -UNITED Walter J. Freund Phone 120-B West McHenry, Hi TIRE AND TUBE VULCANIZING BATTERY CHARGING AND SEPAIRIN# >v' ALL WOR^ GUARANTEED .i3"-