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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Jun 1929, p. 2

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WAUCONDA THE M'HEHHY PLAINDEALER, THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1929 I r: and Mrs. Eugene 3tuft<»r and #on oif Arlington Heights and Mr, and f!rs. Arthur Stroker and daughter of alatine snent Thursday with Mr. and Hrs. G. D. Striker. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Paddock and Mr. and Mrs. Homer Cook spent from Wednesday till Friday at Springfield, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kruger and Ions and Miss Dorothy Dillon of Champaign spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Watson at Liberty- V,1Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Tarnbull and daughter, Evelyn, and son, Loren, flpent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Will lhaw at Kenosha, Wis. ^ . (V Mayflower Chapter O. E. S., held V their "advanced officers' night Monday -^IveTunfr, June 10. The following guests 'lield offices: Perry Peterson, Wauke- 5 tan, W. P.; Mildrer Hoffman, Mayflower, W. M.; Ona Wheeler, Mcfieirry. Sec.; Harry Mathews, May- ;' $ower, Treas.; Adeline Boehmer, Mayjlower, con.1; Jean Rose Ferris, Anttioch. A. C.; Mable Mathews, Mayflower, chap.; Dora Jecks, Algonquin, j %>arshall; Eva Herchert, Nunda, orjg- anist; Pearl Pearson, Nunda, Ada; Caroline Kruckman, Libertyville, ftuth; Mary Meyer, Palatine, Esther; liable Ocock, Nunda, Martha; Ro- ($erta Williams, Gray slake,* Electa; , £mma Hans. Lounsbury, wader; Har- V ly Francisco, Mayflower, sentinel; Willard Darrell, Mayflower, honorary sentinel. Mrs. Vivian Scott of Chicago was guest of honor, Miss Mable Griggs. x>f Waukegan and Frances Meyers of Mayflower were soloists, and Margaret Schubbe of Nunda, violinist. Each officer received a gift. A basket of roses was presented to Mildred Hoffman, Vivian Scott, Mable Griggs and Isabelle Grantham, worthy ^matron. Dainty refreshment^ ware served. The hall was beautifully decorated with roses. » Mr. and Mrs. Fred Croker of Libertyville called at the homes of Mrs-. Florence Green and W. V. Johns Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lon Geary of Lake Zurich spent Friday evening with Mr. and MTS. Harry Grantham. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Clark Nicholls a son Thursday, June 13, named Eugene Clark Nicholls. Mrs. Viola Carr and Dr. and Mrs. Stephens of Chicago spent Sunday , here. Mr. and Mrs. Hairy Grantham and children spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. L^e Geary at Gilmer Mrs. Ernest Gossell entertained heT sister and husband of Woodstock Sunday. Mrs. Howard LeVine of Chicago spent Saturday at the Dr. J. A. Ross home. Mr. and Mrs. Mr®. Arthur Boehmer entertained friends frtnh LaGrange Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Asa Crabtree tailed on Mir. and Mrs. H. L. Grantham Sunday. Mrs. John Dobner and family called on her mother at Mundelein Monday, Mrs. Alice Basely left Wednesday for Dubuque, Iowa, to visit at the home of her brother, Orren West, and sister, Mrs. Day of Anamosa. Miss Dorothea Stroker has returned home from Northwestern University to spend the summer months. Mrs. John Brown and daughters, La Verne and Evelyn, spent last Thursday with relatives at Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Turn bull attended commencement exercises at the Empire theatre in McHenry Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Maether and children of Libertyville spent Sunday at the Vedder Stone home. Herman Turner, brother of ^rs. James Immengo suffered an ugly gash on his face Thursday morning when the chank slipped off a truck he was trying to start. Dr. Howard Le Vene found it necessary to take five stitches to close the wound. Mr. and Mrs. John Roney spent Sunday here. Mr. Roney returned home Friday from a trip through Ireland, France and England. Harry Houghton of Glenn Ellyn and Mrs. Eva Barron of Grayslake called at the Ray Seymour and W. V. Johns homes Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grantham and daughters spent Saturday afternoon at Waukegan and attended the Geneva theatre. Oliver Knigge was a McHenry caller Friday. Undell Grantham is spending this week with .his aunt, Mrs. Gib Burnett of Slocum Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kramer spent the week-end in Chicago, . . J Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sandman of Lake Zurich called on Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grantham Sunday evening. Harold Hapke of Gary, Ind., spent the week-end here. Mrs. C. H. Downs spent Tuesday in Chicago with her daughter. Dr. and Mrs. Elmer Golding of Libertyville spent Sunday here. Arthur Lawrence and daughter, Virginia, spent Thursday in Chicago. Mr. arid Mbrs. H. E. Kicks and Charles Barker spent Monday at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Meyer and son, Donald, of McHenry spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grantham. Mrs. E. H. Dahms and daughter, Henrietta, and son, Harry, spent Saturday at Barrington. Miss Ruth Knigge and girl friend of Barrington were Thursday callers here Mr. and Mrs. John Brown and family were guests of Mrs. John Brown, Sr., at Volo Sunday. Robert and Stanley Smith spent a few days with their cousin, Harry Ease, at Roseville. Mr. and Mrs. William Gossell and daughter spent Sunday with relatives at Fourth Lake Mrs. J. J. Ahearn and daughter, Ellen, of Oak Park spent the weekend here Stanley Jepson and Glenn Blackburn rode their bicycles to Richmond and back Monday and visited relatives Miss Hattie Powers of Elmhurst spent the week-end at the A. S. Powers home. Mr. and Mrs. Fran* Kaiser and son of Waukegan spent Sunday with MTS. Celia Derry- Richard Basely and family of Grayslake spent Sunday at the Louis Cypher home. Will Harris and daughter, Madeline, of Lake Bluff spent' the week-end with relatives here. Misses Blanch and Edith Snell of Waukegan spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wheelock. Misses Anita and Louise Basely are visiting* relatives at Antig(o, Wis. Hiram. LVQ OikwU Chairman R. J. Branson, of the house committee to Investigate the employment of legislators, other state officers and employees by local governmental subdivisions, has found this yne of the busiest of the three regular sessions In which he has served. The Investigation has taken so much of his spare time that he has not Introduced any bills in his o\vnrn»me though doing much toward furthering the passage of many of which he'was not personally the sponsor. He has' served as a member of the Republicsm steering committee in addition to &1% regular committees, Senator, Florence Fifer Bohrer. Bloomington, introduced a senate joint resolution which provides /or the appointment of a committee by the governor to study the child welfare legislation of Illinois and its operation, with a view of revising or codifying the same. The senate concurred In this resolution. The fifty-sixth general assembly has .adjourned, although members will return June 20 to consider communications from Governor Emmerson and adjourn sine die. More than 100 blfls were passed In the last two days of the session. Governor Emmerson had about 50 bills In his possession when adjournment came and a large number were given him for consideration afterward. The governor will spend the Intervening period in studying these and hearing argurv;nts <or and against lb* bills which bave been passed. Before the senate adjourned members decided to jet the salary propo; sition alone and defeated the bill introduced by Representative Calvin T. Wpfks. Chicago, which would h&v© Increased the pay of members from $8,- 500'to $5,000 a session.' Ufhtah^t Freak" Strange pranks are often ptayad by forked lightning. It recently wrote Its signature upon a Mlddletowa (N. Y.)„ man who was struck by a bolt. His skin bore a pattern of bright pink lines, the burns of the electric CUP» rent that bad flashed through his body. After a day or two they faded out and disappeared. The same rare frelk has been reported befpre, writes Robert E. Martin In Popular Science Moattdy. J Tfcoaght for Today Many a man goes throogb cognito to himself.--John Holmes. ' • life in- Andrew The fifty-sixth general astembly^ius adjourned but several officer^ are still at work cleaning up odds and ends. Representative Harry Baxter, Newman, who was chairman of the contingent" expense Committee, is. still on the Job. He has a force of men placing desks, chairs, lamps and other equip-*' ment in storage until the next session of the legislature. The equipment is placed in th§ custody of Secretary of £»tate William J. Stratton» Mr. Baxter has devised a bookkeeping system showing the disposition of all supplies issued and each committee has been charged with whatever they used. All items on hand at the end of the session have been returned for credit. This committee purchased everything used by the house and has maintained a very busy office, ( i ' ^Representative Charles /jfclood, "Keehes. who has Just served for Jrtii? eighth time at a regular session of tie* legislature as ^ member from the forty- sixth district, holds the distinction of having been the pastor for 21 years of the Christian church at Little Prairie. The church was founded over 100 years ago by Governor Emmerson's grandfather, who was pastor for a time. Reverend Wood introduced a bill providing that the Bible shall be read in every public school at the opening* ,of school: but the bill was tabled. He secured the passage of 11. B. 735, appropriating money for the refund to the city of Mt. Vernon of one-half of the cost of reconstructionof paving along the east side of the appellate court building. ^ The senate has defeated the bill introduced by Representatives Thomas J. O'Grady, Chicago, and Charles H. Weber, Chicago, providing for the repeal of the search and seizure and prohibition laws. The vote was as fol? lows: Aye--Abt, Adair, Boehm, Broderick, Carroll, Courtney, Denvir, Finn. Haenisch, Huebsch, Hughes, Joyce Leonardo, MoPennott, Marks,' Mendel, Michel, Roberts, Starr, Steinert and Woods. Nay--Kalley, Baker, Barbour, Barr, Bohrer, Boyd, Carlson. Cutlibertson, Dunlap, Felts, Flagg. Hamilton, Hanna, Jewell, Kessinger, JLantz, McCauley, Mason. Meents, Meyers, Miles, Mills, Paddock, Reynolds; Smith, Thompson and,Wilson." 82 ACRES PER HOUR THIS "CATERPILLAR" USER NEAR MARENGO WASN'T DELAYED BY Tip WEATHER t ' This Spring' %a» eofcceptionally bad. Wet weather delayed the planting of oats, barley and wheat But Mr. Clarence Lockwood near Marengo used the "Caterpillar" Fifteen and took advantage of the weatherxby pulling 26 feet of § discs,r HE DIE) HIS WORK WITH A Positive --Steering --Traction Non-Packing "CATERPILLAR" Send for the "Caterpillar' booklet--"Row Crop*" In keeping with a policy announced some time ago, Director Rodney Brandon of the department of public welfare has begun the deportation of alien prisoners in the state penal and criminal insane hospitals. Governor Emmerson has approved 18 pardons, conditional upon the men being deported. Coal miners of southern Illinois lost their battle in the house to abolish the "bug light." The contest on the bill was national in its scope. Thomas Edison was among those who urged its defeat on the ground that the electric lamp was used for safety in mines where there M much gas. - Four hundred and forty-one Mtlf passed the house and the senate in the session which came to an end last week. Of this number 280 were house bills and 100 were from the senate. To date Governor Emmerson has vetoed only one bill. , • An* Airplane trip over the middle western trunk lines of 'the inland waterway system, starting at St. Louis and going as far northwest as Yankton, S. D., has been planned by Congressman William E. Hull, Peoria., Congressman Hull Is the leader of the middle western forces oft the rivers and harbors committee of the house. His trip Is the first step in the program of congressional leaders looking to the definite declaration of policy by congress at its winter session that the entire Inland waterway system shall be completed within four years, and that money enough shall be appropriated to make this possible. , jHcHSNRY ORAVE% j| > EXCAVATING 0#. A. P. Freund, Prop. Road Building and Excavating /&. of Every Description Estimates Furnished on Bequest High-grade Gravel Delivered at any time--large or small orders given prompt attention. Phone 204-M < McHenry HAMILTON HATH CUTTING 8H0PPE Exclusive , LADIES' ANP CHILDREN'S / HAIR CUTTING By Appointment Qply Hoars--8 to 11 a. m.; 1 to 5 p. ta. PRIES RU>G. Phone McHenry 255 Office Boors: 11 to 12 a. n^-2 to 4 I and 7 to 8 p. m. Sundays and Holiday! by Appointment DR. J. A. STREET V # PHYSICIAN AND SUSG£GH Res. and Office Phoni 274 Pries BM*. McHenry, HL Telephone N*. 106-R V HENRY V. SOMP1L V'v General Teaming Sand, Gravel and Coal for Sale Grading, Graveling and Road Work Done By Contract or By Day " JPhone McHenry 649-R-l s 1EVO. Address, Route# McHenry, HI. ^ Representative Claude Rew, Harris-, burg, offered a resolution for a state commission to make a study of the "bug light" bill, which was defeated. Efforts are being made In Lincoln to trace 'the history of a walnut table, back to November 4, 1857, when It is believed the piece of furniture was-, presented to Abraham Lincoln by '"Uncle Blllie" Miller, Springfield, ai a gift on the fifteenth wedding anniversary of the Lincolns. . Representative F. W. Lewis, Robinson.,, offered a Joint resolution taking to task the states of New York, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Minnesota for not taking a part in the water diversion suit at Washington. The resolution will be presented to the senate June 20. Phone 126-W Reasonable Kates A. H. SCHAEFER Draying McHENRY- v ILLINOIS DR. JOSEPH C. FEELEY Dentist McHenry - - Dlinob in McHenry: Fridays 10 tl p.m. Saturdays9 7:30 p.m. Sundays by appointment. Artificial teetfi made by the Davies process. Latest electrical equipment and modern methods. Riverside Drive over Barbian's grocery and Market The state of New York is the only Other state in the Union having a law similar to S. B. No. 505 which was passed by the house and sent to the governor for his signature. This bill was introduced by Senator Florence Fifer Bohrer. Bloomington, and provides that upon conviction, felons are given inio the custody of the department of public welfare after the -sentence has been imposed. The bill In no way mitigates the sentence of the offender but provides for an Investigation and an examination of thr offender's history and career, both social and individual, and of his men -tal, moral and physical characteristic^. After examination the department of public welfare shall place the offender In a given class and he shall be sent to a penal institution where he may be given special training. The prisoners shall l»e divided into classes with respect to their relative intelligence and amenability to correction and the causes-of mental traits to which their offenses may be attributed. The pur pose of this bill is not" to make life more pleasant for the convict but to project society by fitting him for reentering society because it must bo remembered that all such men ami women may sooner or later re-enter society. ' Representative Ed P.. Petri, Bell©-. vlfle", was in charge of the gavel for one and one-half hours just before thi house adjourned recently. Represent^ ative Petri had two bills passed in th# last session--one pertaining to county connecting roads and the other con* cerned with fire protection dfstrictsk Discussion as:to who Is tfie young* est member of the house has brought forth another claimant for the honors William B. Gil more, Champaign, yho* is only thirty-two years of age, waa born on March 2, 1897. The state constitution requires that a representative be at least twenty-one years Of age, and a senator twenty-five. . c. W. XLONTZ, M. D. '"Physician and Surgeon (Also treating all diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat and the Fitting of Glasses) Ofllce Hoars--8 to 9 a. m., 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. Sundays by Appointment Office at Residence, Waukegan Road Phon# 181 McHenry, 111 Stoffel & Reiliaiisperger Insurance agents for all classea of property in the beat companies. WEST McHENRY ILLINOIS MtlMi BKTTXX GLASSES BXTTXR VISION BKTTXR SERVICE NL KERRY FREUD i, 1553 Devon Ave., Chicago Near Clark Street, Phone Hollycourt 2731 Insure-In Snre-Insnruci • * * W I T H-- ; % Wm.G. Schreinef Auctioneering OFFICE AT RESIDENCfl 8S-R ' McHenry, IUino%| t, -- 4>ri;.n * ; WM. M. CARROLL Lawyer Office with West McHenry State Bank Every Wednesday ^ Phone 4 McHenry, Illinoff East Side Garage W. B. CURTIS, Pr**» - • . ' Tel, McHenry 266 " """"'7 We do alf Kinds of mechanical aft<f 'elgctftfea! repair work, specializing in generators and starters, and ignition work of all kinds. Gas and Oils - Lnnchroora in Connectiofl II IS II. IE 8. Freund & Sou I f . - X I General Building Contractors Phonel2?-R Cor. Pearl and Park Sti. McHenry, I1L * • We buy and pick up cripples, brokett down Farmers: Cows and Bulls, These animals must be alive. $io«oo per head. i Horses not* wanted• TtfephOM Ilfc • We pay all telephone calls** 52-5 pd. • n, ;.v • i>v flhe Chevrolet SixNftffers * Director Henry Kohn, of the Stat® department of* purchase* tinU construction, who has been "undergoing treaty ment at Mayo ,brothers' hospital, ft! improving in condition. * ; Epidemic meningitis In- the Stat* continues to prevail at a rate high** than has been experienced before in more than a decade, according to Dr. Andy Hall, state health directoMr., Wt B. Lose Company 431 South Jelicrson Street ' CHICAGO, ILL Randolph 6IO4 m . ^ 'The i&idfeumnjer peeling of thp board of directors niuPnilmlnlstrntive coinniittfe of the IH'nois C'n'niher of Commerce will be held at ltockfortf. Friday, June 28. t The bill Introduced by Representative Martin li. Lohmann,'Pekin. providing for a $14,000,000 bond issue for conservation purposes, has passed tho senate. » . Bituminous coal mines in the United States produced during the week ending May 18 nearly 10.600.000 tons of coal. Of that amount Jllinois produced 000.000 tons. Tire Illinois Cool Sales association and tiie Illinois Chamber of Commerce are co-operating in every respect to influence residents of Illinois to "Bfly Illinois Coal." V . ' £ • - y- - IRFV* • • If A'/ i" ' . '.>£ V, ri- ..; " • T 1#"" • \ 4 . * • A resolution by Representattt© BL D. Sparks, Shelbyviile, commending, the record of President David Kinley. of the University of Illinois, who will probably retire from his present position soon, has been offered. Eleven Illinois citl&s .wW*d£nstruct public school • buildings this summer that.will cost an estimated $2,12^000 Speaker of the House' David E Slianahan, Chicago, has rounded o^it a ctsreer that has been equalled In very few men In the United States He has Just completed h's fifth term as presiding'ofHcor of the house. Democrats stud H»puhlt*'ans.allke are prills ing Sprakei* Rhi'nrhaii for his fairness to both' parties in the recent session To h!»i ^roes went cr"d'l which wifl in the h!, torv -of this state. The house has adopted a resolution by Representative Houier J. Tlce, Greenview, to allow the state department of public health to use several house committee rooms for offices be^ tween sessions of the legislature, otherwise it would be necessary for these rooms to remain vacant. Self-Loading Pistol A parabellum pistol is a self-load ing magazine pistol carrying eight cartridges In the removable magazine in the butt When discharged. It automatically ejects tbe empty cartridge case and reloads. It la °'f f 'Lager pistol." \ Araw of Proof He's armed without that's Innocent Pope. Oofocto ia Ivory t Sometimes what appear to be cracks in ivory beads are Instead what a jeweler calls "checking." Tbe process of aging soiPetimes results In surface cracks. There are natural flaws In tusks due to tbe air spa cop and tbe drying out of natural otl%, Wcifht of Wkalo The norma I whale is said to wdgb 4bout • ton to each foot of length. - F Never in all the history of tho automotive industry has a lowpriced car provided caachwork oC such outstanding style and quality, as the new Chevrolet Six. »- The smart new bodies are buHt by Fisher, with all the mastery fin design and craftsmanship for which the Fisher name is famous. Lines are long, low and graceful-- seats are deeply cushioned arid luxuriously upholstered--interior hardware is fashioned by Ter«y stedt--and finishes are m6dishly smart and lustrous. In construction, too, the net# Fisher bodies represent a marke<J - advance. Built of selected hare wood and steel--they provide measure of strength( endurance comfort and safety unapproachc in any other low-price* automobile^ Visit your Chevrolet dealer today. See and inspect this sensational new Chevrolet Six. |v- The •**' The iww The Co--0,1...... The 8*da*... •525 The COACH >525 •595 •675 - r S^S3r..$72r: $59| 40d *54^- IHTm oeu«»»»M«i • I.TIIHI JTJp 2t2K!....»695 "GZit&gr9 aSr^cJdSO Hettermann Motor Sales to WMtMdhat|,BL A SIX IN THE PRICE RANGE OF THE FOUR •.Wf

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