•p™ "iy,r „. ;<•»•»- »,iK. „r ,-i. .-i^ , * *« • 1A *> ^ * j* "** ', ;•;**** ^'\ /r*• a*°KW?: i"sX^iCM-^w^rT'-2^ *> **<^ > vV} -r :> / ^ "* ^ iwv, | - r:^.,.,", v#, •' r„* a.".^ "? r, s* " '" - 4 THE M'HEMT PLAHIDXALK&, THURSDAY, AU0TJ5T 29, 1929 sevwmi weeks bone. Arthur Stroker of Palatine >8 assisting in the local bank during the absence of his father. Bruce Granger of McHenry Is spending this week with his grand# mother, Mrs. Tillie Toynton. \ I Mr. and Mrs. Albert Baseley re-i turned to their home Tuesday, after spending a few weeks with their daughter at Antigo, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bitters and daughter and Arthur Roth and family of Chicago are spending a few days at the E. J. Cook home. Gus Dahms and son returned to their home in Chicago, after spending a short vacation at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Dahms. the Joe WAUOOTOAff*? ^fet hd» •t- Hr. and Mrs. C. H. Downs entertained relatives from Chicago Sunday. Russell Mead of Rockford called on M*. and Mrs. Ray Paddock Friday. j Mj:. and Mrs. J. S. Haas entertained relatives from New York last week. Mrs. Will Shaw and son, Gordon, of Kenosha visited relatives here la3t week. Eugene Jykes of Norwood Park is the guest of Francis Blanck for the week. MeK,n Knigge is enjoying a visit with Harvey Dahms in Chicago. T. I. Morey of Waukesha spent Sunday at the George Hapke home. Miss Grace Walace is now employed at Lake Zurich. MV. and Mrs. Myron Francisfo left "Wednesday for a visit with relatives in Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fenton and family of Chicago spent Sunday at the AQles Fuller home. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Olsen of Chicago spent the week-end at the home of the tatter's mother, Mrs. Arthur Boehmer. -George Jepson and family and Mrs. i2|»:iA. Jones spent Tuesday with Miss Iva Tumbull at Camp Epworth, Belvidere. Miss Mary Jepson returned home Tuesday after spending a week at the home of Miss Nellie Cross at Rockford. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wilson and daughters of Arlington Heights spent Sin day with Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Qpantham. Mrs. Dar Granger and daughter of licHenry called on Mrs. Lillie Tonyan UMirsday. Misses Ruth and Esther Knigge of B«rrington spent the week-end at the George Knigge home. Miss Bernice Rahfield has returned to her home in Chicago after TERRA COTTA Miss LaNette Covalt of Crystal Lake called on Mrs. Marion McMillan and Miss Mjarion Shales Sunday. Miss Mary Knox of McHenry visited Relatives here Thursday. \ Mrs. Fred Davall called on Mrs. Frank McMillan Friday evening. Charles and Bertha Klein of Crystal Lake visited at the home of Ray McMillan Sunday evening. Robert V. Knox called on relativesin Woodstock Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Peck and sons of DcKalb visited at the home of Frank McMillan Friday evening. Vernon J. Knox was a Chicago visitor Tuesday. Glen McMillan of Chicag* visited at his home here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Skidmoe and daughter of Chicago called at the Leisner home Monday. Mrs. Nels Person visited relatives in Chicago from Friday until Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Alyward and Jean Conway of Elgin called at the home of P. H. Conway Monday. Special , PnrilffV Price on * om ry Saturday, Aug. 31 .. Schumacher Scratch Grains-- ;/ 1 f $2.75 value, Special, per cwt. $2.45 Our Own 20% Protein Egg Mash-- $2.^t value. Special,^* CW't. $2*00 -' *4* -v. Scraps ' k' ' ' " ^ vy$4.25value,Special,pertwt, S4.00 sr ••• •'- k -V •• vSfitlv^ opvCMHi 300 lbs. each to a customer .25 OilMea|«- %-jy. Regular value 165.00, Special, per ton, 9oU-vO Afeart Prices fer Saturday, Aug. Ji McHenry Co. Farmers Co-Operative Assn. Phone 29 There Is a Difference f •" • A • '-r* '1:v To better serve you we are stocking 8 distinct qualities rf sole leather, each plainly marked. ^ See counter display, or, we will gladly show you the actual stock we are usihg in our work. We have madathls change in oar system to permit thi ll* pairing of all reclaimable sho--. We give you a price commensurate with the quality of material and workmanship desired. Good leather hide comes from over good meat section: i. e^ Tenderloin, Sirloin and Porterhouse. -i Inferior leather hide comes from over that part where the Chuck and Brisket are found. There are no exceptions. You select your meat by quality; why not your leather! Shops advertising "low prices" always use poor leather-- believing that you do not know leather quality and therefore you can be mislead. AUDITOR'S NOT! STATE,OF ILLINO fipvirp nv /" AUDITOR OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS The undersigned Auditor of Public Accounts hereby gives notice that he has appointed Theodore Hamer of Woodstock, McHenry County, Illinois, Receiver of the CITIZENS STATE BANK OF MTBENRY, McHenry County, Illinois, and that the feaid Theodore Hamer has given bond and is the qualified and acting Receiver of said bank. \ All persons having claims against said bank are hereby notified and requested to present the same to said Receiver forthwith and to make legal prpof thereof. All persons indebted to said bank are requested to make immediate payment to said Receiver. Dated this 17th day of July, A* D. 1929. * > OSCAR NELSON, Auditor of Public Accounts. 7-18 State of Illinois WM. M. CARROLL, Solicitor State of Illinois, , * McHenry County, ss. ^ In the Circuit Court Of McHenry County. * ' Louis AlthoHf, r vs. Matthews-Tonyon Company, et al In Chancery--Gen. No. 23705. Public Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of a decree made and entered by the Circuit Court of McHenry Cdunty, Illinois, in the above entitled cause on the 29th day of July A. D. 1929, I, Fred B. Bennett, Master in Chancery of said court, will on Saturday, the" 7th day of September, A. D. 1929, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day at the front door of the courthouse in the city of Woodstock, McHenry County, Illinois, offer for sale and sell at public vendue to the highest and best bidder for cash in hand, the following described real estate, to-wit: Lot number 9, excepting the East thirty-three (33) feet thereof, in Block Number three (3) of the original plat of the village of West McHenry, said lot being located in and being of the South West quarter of section 26, in Township 45 North, Range 8, East of the Third Principal meridian, in the city of McHenry, County of McHenry and State of Illinois. TBRMfi OF J3AL&--Caih on day at' sale at which time a certificate of pufchqse will be issued and delivered as provided by said decree. Dated this 8th day of August, A. D. 1929. FRED B. BENNETT, Master in Chancery of the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois. 11-4 &LOCUM'8 LAKE Harry Mbtthews was a business caller at Lake Zurich Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell and children were callers at Grayslake on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Brooks were Sunday callers at the H. M. Detrick home at McHenry. George Harner of Chicago spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews. Mr. and Mrs. W. Brooks of Waukegan spent last Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Maiman of Wauconda spent. Sunday evening at the home of the latter's parents here. Harold Wheelock of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Meyers and daughter of Waukegan were Friday evening callers at the home of Mr. and Mfs. Harry Matthews. Randolph Cannedy of Charlemont, Mass., spent last week at the W. E. Brooks home. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell and children were Sunday calers at the home of Mrs. Jane Eatihger at Wauconda. j Oaths Phiffips spent the week-end at the home of his sister at Park Ridge. He also attended the Police field day in Chicago. Miss Pearl Foss, Leslie Foss and guest, William Berg of Chicago spent the week-end at the Dells of Wisconsin. Clara Smith wis a dinner guest at the home of her sister, Mrs. Joe Haas nt Wauconda last Wednesday. Willard Darrel returned home Sunday after spending four days in company with C. A. Bevans, at the Wi!- kenson Agency at Frankfort, Indiana. Mrs.yElla Parks,. Mr. .and Mrs. H. Parks of Park "^Ridge and Mrs. Fues of Woodstock we^e Sunday evening guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and son, Robert, and guest, George Harner, called on George Roessleim at the L. A. Mills farm near Mundelein Sunday. Herman Christian, who has spent a few weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Convers, returned .to his home at Oak Park Sunday. * ... Arthur Wackerow attended a show Woodstock Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Davis and children spent Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrp. Esse Fisher near Volo. Miss Pearl Foss and friend, Mlaxig Brackfield gpent Friday at Grayslake, I PARTY AT FARM HOME! lb1, and Mrs. Clinton Martin entertained a group of' friends at their home west of this city Friday evening. Five hundred furnished the entertainment for the guests ami high honors were won by Mr. and Mr3. George Johnson while the consolation went to Mrs. Ralph Walkup. Refreshments were served at the close of the evening. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Reed, Mass Sylvia Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Walkup of Ridgefield, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Page and Henry Howe. 1*- THE AGATHA SHOP ? New Brooches Bill Folds 1 ^ . Berkshire pattern dinner set of 100 pieoeA-> ••*, Sweater Sets for Baby / - Pieces embroidered and to be ei Gift Bath Salts Gifts ^or one and all Cards for* all ocassions £ Hemstitching arnish, Ena iiim •dMiMiiiiM A Stock That Is Complete ,-iJjBlffipii Iiiluiinpw J Bill! mill III III..HI III-IIMI .11111 iinm il GEO. B. KANE iverside'Driv^'^ v^el. 20 Reason Price Truth The price you pay for any merchandise is always the quality determining fartort jpftt d««&. ##!* tmJpm at Brisket prices. . « *<• ; No. 3 Selection If you Tell us This leather grade is what so-cajled cutters claiming it to be the best grade. . We are honestly showing you the tanners' grading of it. We claim but one thing for it; it is low priced. We are earnestly striving to serv^jMjffU ...... -- Wfe know that we can satisfy you." •'?'<*: t ill trust us, we- will copsicenfciously ttSO tilkt HffitSTtaf" btst suited to your shoes. # . t line of work you are engaged in, and we will recommend best tannage of ieatbfr for |wu special Mlivity. $o.2 Quality ^ Quality «L;2^ #*1.50 'M:- Boy's half soles • Women's half sole* Girl's half soles Rubber heels, men's ... No. 3 • Quality^ 45 .80' .75 .75 .70 .35 Eabber heels, women's .30 1.25 1*15 1.00 .50 .50 This woik is done by a shoemaker, not. a cobbler. •M Bernhard Popp .. mm ' Phone 102 FRED B^ BENNETT - ^ Solicitor SALE OF REAL ESTATE State of Illinois, County of MJcHenry, ss. In the Circuit Court of McHenry County, May term, A. D. 1929* Fox River Valley State Bank, Complainant, . vs. Harry R. Levine, alias H. R. Levine, Grace Leyine, Fremont Hoy, trustee, Joseph C. Holly, successor in trust, Acting Recorder of Deeds of McHenry County, Illinois, second successor in trust, Clarence F. Hoy, successor in trust, The Ringwood State Bank, aad Henry Freund, Defendants. In Chancery--Foreclosure Gen. No. 22829. Public notice is hereby given that in pursuance of a decree made and entered by said Court in the above en titled cause on the 16th day of January , A. D., 1928, I, Floyd E. Eckert, having been appointed Special Master in Chancery of said Court in the above entitled cause on the 21st day of June, A. D., 1929, will on Friday, the 13th day of September, A. D., 1929, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the front door of the Court House, in the City of Woodstock, County of McHenry and State of Illinois, sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder for cash the following described real es tate in said degree described, to-wit: Lots number three (3) and five (6) in block one (1) of Joseph C. Holly's Edgewater Subdivision, it being a sub-division of all that part of the North East quarter of the North East quarter of section number thirty-five (35), and the West half of the North West quarter of section number thirty-six (36), lying on the North Easterly side of Fox River, all in township number forty-five (45) North, range eight (8) East of the third principal meridian, situated in the County of, McHenry in the State of Illinois. Terms of Sale--Cash on day of sale. Dated this 10th day of August. A D., 1929. FLOYD E. ECKERT, Special Master in Chancery of the Circuit Court of McHenry County Illinois. 11 Bunions or Beauty Bunions ruin the appearance of a dainty foot. Great disfiguring swellings make pretty slippers impossible. Pain and suffering age the face. But Bunions are now needless. Pains go quickly | and swellings are reduced la a jiffy with Jiffy Bunion Plasters Wafer-thin plasters that cling closely la the skin, keep the medication in constant application. Proven successful ia thousands of cases for over 20 yean. Get a package today and be free from pain in a jiffy with JIFFY. Absolutely guaranteed to help you, mg your money back cheerfully-- Without any red tape rlamdealers at Watues. Gothic LIGHT GOLDEN JUBILEE f 7 Kor Bunion* 1 A«'H Shoemaker , west McHenry, m. JIFFY Thomas P. Bolgcr "Tl» Mdlmry Drufgfrf Ph«tt 4t McHenry, R Sky Harbor-- ChicagalantTs newett aviation center -- relies on proper illumination to beckon flyer* tatd guide them to aafe landing 'FIFTY years ago, on October twenty-first, Thomas A. Edison announced the success of his incandescent lamp. In addition, he initiated the system by which electricity is produced and distributed for light and power. These inventions marked the beginning #! widespread changes in living and working conditions* - v- "'Cities have been transformed; homes have been mad®' Aore beautiful, more comfortable, more healthful; travel has become more rapid, safer and more enjoyable; enlightenment has spread; amusements have multiplied; the opportunities for useful employment have been y widened immeasurably; and innumerable conveniences ||iat were unknown have become commonplace. Ilever in the history of the world have the benefits of Stay other invention been enjoyed by as many people as are participating in the advantages that electric light has brought to mankind. fhroughout every civilized country there is reason for , Sejoicing becaus^of the achievement that is fcrated in this year of Light's Golden Jubilee. (Bye Service Compj IP NORTHERN ILLINOIS E. J. LARK IN, i>ist. Mgr. r * PUBLIC SERVICE CO. of Nalll. Crystal Lake 284 101 Williams St., Crystal Lake IB. The old Ditch Mill of the Foe Rioer Valley is shown in resplendent relief --one of the many striking effect* achieved through modern illumination. / •>•./?, .Y-r. *