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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Oct 1929, p. 11

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wwm. Hettermann Motor Sales *, :V -•cv, All kinds if car amUruck and general repairing, also welding, doi& by expert mechanics. St., West McHenry Phone % ' »»»•!•!• •«••>•••••<•»•»• •>• •»• »•»»•»•»•••»»»» I » » • > < • » • " • % .0^. $'? WEST SIDE GARAGE : • m General Automobile Repairing Kills Wife to End Her Suffering Lawrence, Kan.--Because he could not bear to see his invalid wife suiter longer Fred Erb, seventy-five, today shot hnd killed her and then turned the pistol oft himself. The pistol jammed. Unable to end his own life, he called police to come and get him. 1 1 The couple had been married fifty-eight years. The wife was the same ag3 as hei husband. Mrs. Erb had been an invalid three years. Her husband was recovering from an operation he underwent several months ago. xnshohohchchshmhchshohohmhmhchmhohohmhm FINDS SON AFTER 37-YEAR SEARCH Res. Phone, father Easily Identifies Long* ;V^/y:"';fcyiLost Youtk l •y- v-,;# *n*c:r ¥ - 4-** 3^ IJENERAT ELECTRIC. COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATORS ^. p THIS announcement is of paramount importance to ' 1: - t firms or individuals confronted with the problem of v preserving perishable foods in large quantities, Aftc| - ^ j«ars of research in its laboratories, General Electric h«s • ^ perfected s line of commercial refrigerators radiccdfy different and more efficient. Now, for the first time it is f . possible to buy as one complete unit a cabinet and refrig- ^ ^ •* " ; crating mechanism specifically designed for each other ^ *' ^.Working together for greatest efficiency at lowest ,T ' 'jt \ ' Operating cost. riuwirr^ALLT «>iit ELECTRIC > GOM^IEBaAL. KGPKieERATOB,, ! Carey Electric Shop •<c,«'>4 Phone 351 Green Street McHenry fe. > . - •; I,M? V*£v • % - 'r- ' "'•V i'.-. •A search of Sr'yitw ended here thy other day when F. H. Bixler, thirty-nine rears old, of Kent, Ohio, accepted A. A. Wiihite, sixty, as his father. Thirty-seven years ago "Wiihite left his small son with the boy's grandmother at Emporia, Kan. Wiihite went to Oklahoma. ,Returning in a few weeks, he could not locate the baby, then less than three years old. The mother had died previously. A few weeks ago, Bixler, at Kent, appealed for newspaper aid, saying he was certain he had been taken to Ohio when a child from somewhere in Kansas. He supplied other scant details. Wiihite saw the accounts in newspapers and wrote Bixler, who hhd taken the name of the man who took him to Ohio. Bixler went to Kansas City to see Wiihite. The order man Instantly identified him as his son. Bixler said he would change his name to Wilhit^ and the father asserted that although he had not seen his son since he wax an Iflfant, the family characteristics were plain In Bixler's face. Wiihite holds to the belief that his mother-in-law kidnaped the boy from Emporia, ,Kan. Bixler says he remembers a woman who fled with him to Ohio and died there in a short time. An Alfred Bixler. he says, then took him to the home of his (Bixler's) mother, who reared him. Neither of the men can fathom the reason for th# kidnaping. THElCATERPILUEir LIKE LOCOMOTIVE WHEELS RUN ON STEEL TRACKS Endless track chains brid&in& the soft spot*, &rippin& the feronnd to pull the load, distributing the wei&ht so your found isn't packed. J^QSrnVE TRACTION Vi % EASY STEERING NON-PACKING That's Why! ^SY RIDING The farmer's demand for "Caterpillar" Tractors is increasing rapidly--he can use it to prepare his seed bed, plant his crops, cultivate and harvest diem as well as plow--he increases his profits. We will send you a book describing "Caterpillar" Wheels upon request. Send for it today--ypu %vill incur no Bulldog Is Killed in Battle With Wildcat Winchester, Va.--A full grown bulldog lost a desperate battle with a wildcat In a wooded section Just west of a fashionable suburban district along the Valley pike south of towa. The dop, belonging to N. H. Carpenter, Jr., general manager of the Shenandoah Boxbonrd corporation, was found on his master's premises clawed and torn about the head and body, and died while being given treatment at a veterinary hospital. The wildcat survived the battle, for Its howls were heard daring the night in the same locality. A dozen or more residents of the neighborhood armed themselves with «botguns and clubs and with flashlights made a search for the prowler, but it eluded pursuit. Presence of the cat impelled housewives to keep indoors rather than hazard an evening on the front porch or lawn. A daytime haat for the cat was to be mads by a larger force, it was said. Golf at a Cant a Hole Offered to Frenchmen Peris.--Popular golf at one cent a hole, pay as you play, has been instituted by the two English professionals, Aubrey and Percy Boomer, at St Cloud, in an effort to make golf a game for the French masses. At the price, the Boomers furnish a miniature course and provide the players with a brassle and an iron club, which they <^rry around themselves, thus eliminating caddy fees. There are 18 holes on this course which has taken the name of the Golden Valley coarse, just one good drive away from the St. Cloud Country club, where Aabrey Boomer hung up his recofd of 61 and Horton Smith took the French national championship a few weeks ago with a pair of 06s. « ration. W.B. 431 8. Jefferson Street ChlcagOf uttnoia ^W' Hobo Foils Escape From Argentine Jail Buenos Aires.--A hobo, sleeping on the sidewalk outside the law courts jail here, prevented the escape of many prisoners, some of whom were former companions, by spreading the alarm when he heard the rasp of a saw on the steel bars of a jail window. Police discovered that the prisoners had succeeded in cutting a number of crossbars and in another minute would have been free. The hobo was permitted to resume his sidewalk slumber. Oldest Lighthouse in England Up for Sale London. -- England's oldest lighthouse is for sale It Is situated on the Mersey embankment at Leasowe and has a good command of the sea. The lights of the beacon were extinguished in 1908. Now the property is being listed by real estate'agents who describe it as an ideal spot for a catering business or even for s private residence. ValatkU Material* At least ten square miles of finest go to the pulp mills every day in the year to keep the printing presses of the countrj running.--Farm and Fire-, HopeTeu "They're so old-fashioned," said one of the neighbor women the-other day, "that actually, my dear, they frequently stay at home on Sundays."--Fort Wayne Kews-Seutinel. Frenchman's Climr Trick A racketeer of Paris profited richly by investigation of French tariff laws, but ran into a difficulty, the Living Age records. He gained the title, le marchand de canards, by finding that wild duck eggs are duty free, and noting that they cannot be told from domestic duck eggs--before they hatch. He did a thriving trade with farmers, being able to undersell all other egg dealers. When, however, he attempted to call again on his customers, he had to make a getaway as fast as had been that of the chicks two w^eks after they had left the shells. Try our classified ads--they sure bring1 results. % lafaat Mentificatira ~ Identifying babies is so hard sometimes that the authorities of the canton of Argovie, Switzerland, have adopted the Bertillon system for new born babies in order to avoid litigation concerning the identity of the child in later years. Babies must be measured, weighed, their finger prints taken, and any birth marks noted on an officio! form, for which the doctor and nurse are responsible, as well as for the legal registration of the babies. Further, the parents of the child must sign t£e document, so as to avoi£ *Ay -mistake. •' --! '"-M" -• First Lady'a Worries Mrs. John Adams, wife of the second President, found it necessary to bring with her much of her own china when she took over the duties of first lady, and with disastrous results to the china, judging from a letter written to member of her family shortly after her arrival, deploring the fact that "many things were broken or stol " en." Her efforts to replace the missing pieces evidently were fruitless, for she remarked later in the letter that "Georgetown affords nothing,' '--£>©- troit News. ~ One short whistle £of 7a locomotive means apply the brakes; one long, station whistle; two short whistles are given tn response to hand or lantern signal from one of the crew; two lontr and two short for read crossing; one long and three short mean flagman returns from west or north; five Ions, flagman returns from east or south, three long, train parted; three short mean to back; a series of short mean cattle on the track. BACKACHE If functional Bladder Irritation disturbs your sleep, or causes Burning or Itching Sensation, Backache, Leg Pains, or muscular aches, making you feel tired, depressed, and discouraged, why not try the Cystex- 48 Hour Test? Don't give up. Get Cystex today. Put it to the test. See for yourself how quickly it works and what it does. Money back if it doesn't bring quick improvement, and satisfy you completely. Try Cystex today. Only 60c. ..Thomas P. Bolger, The McHenry Druggist. Ride the Marigold Coaches through the popular resort centers direct to Chicago or Lake Geneva. Low fares, fast, frequest service. Experienced drivers. Finest "Pullmans of the Highways." SOUTHBOUND McHenry To LILY LAKE $.19 one *«?, YOLO $.15 one way ' WAUCONDA $.25 one way LAKE CORNERS $.30 one way, LAKE ZURICH $.4® one way, XT. PROSPECT f.70 one w»y* DESPLA1NES * $.80 one wav, " DEMPSTER & MILWAUKEE AVE., $.90 one way I0MS CENTER $1.00 one *sjr» WOUTHBOUNO McHenry To GENOA CITY . $ .35 eft* Sim? LAKE GENEVA i $ .55 diteway Save time by transferring to Rapid Transit "L" trains at Niles Center--soar above the street traffic to the heart of ChicagD. Save money by using the special Marigold Coupon Book-- $16 worth of rides for $8--a twerfty per cent reduction. For all information McHenry Ticket Office, Justen's Hotel, Phone 16. MHTTROPOLITAN MOTOR COACH COMPANY Howard P. Savage, General Manager Lllllflllfll r i Dividend Notice THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS of Public Service Company of Northern Illinois has declared the regular quarterly dividend of $1.50 per share on the Company's 6% Preferred Stock, $1.75 per share on the 7% Preferred Stock, and $2.00 per share *on the Common Stock, payable November 1,1929, to stockholders of record, at the close of business, October 15,1929. A. £ PATTON, Secretary; PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS Serving 6,000 square miles--307 cities, toapf and communities--with Qas and Electricity Lvvvminga ^ f4; ri"» l. f •; t $ :• f ; A *4 - a, -T -m CHARLES LEONARD, Auctioneer U; Having decided to quit farming, the undersigned will at public auction on the old Frank Miller farm, lo- . Gated two miletf north of McHenry and one and one-half niile west of Joimsburg. cm ike Rixiitwood -goad, U. SL . Highway 12, on MM. J,.. •Ml 5 T • m Commencing at 1 o'clock p. m. sharp, the %lkwing de§^ bribed property, to-wit: \ 2 HEAD 0* HORSES Gray and black team weighing about 1200 lbs. eacli^ j ^ HAY, GRAIN AND MACHINERY About 8 tons of clover hay, about 8 tons of mixed hay, timothy arid red, top; about 225 bu. oats, 292 shocks of , iorn in field. . # ^ IfcCorniick grain binder, McCormick corn binder, 14- in. flock Isl&ifd sulky plow, Buckeye seeder, McCormick ^ Blow or, Rock Island corn planter, Rock Island 14-in. _./ fralking plow, Osborne pulverizer, pair bob sleighs, ;$j grindstone, Pony corn sheller, Deering hay rake, John J)eere corn cultivator, McCormick-Deering manure" ~>| Spreader, 2-section drag, Osborne hay tedder, feed cooker,, v i *2 wagons, milk wagon, Cowboy tank heater, gas tank, 58 ^ I grain bags, double harness, single harness, and other - • -y# articles too numerous to mention. „ TERMS OP SALE--All sums of $25 and under, Cash. ; Jt, ^ Over that amount a credit of 6 months will be given on. ^ food bankable notes, drawing 7% interest^No property 'M Temoved until settled lor with clerk. tr 1 • Philip Schafer GERALD J. CAREY, CLERK • ' : J# Could You Seledt than Dollar Ddy ^ ' J • ^:• '* to Invest Hunterville Park r Large River Front Lots $175Q Close to town, stores, schools, churches and cement highway. North Shore busses stop two blocks from subdivision. Your last chance to get in on the ground floor on any subdivision near McHenry. .These lots are increasing in value and we would advise immediate selection. |We shall be glad to supply full information without obligation. KENT & COMPANY V-;W | Phone 8 I ' >• •' ; -L . Realtors---SubdividerS McHenry.Ill, •/,: ' • • ... • • X i

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