liiKJ III I M • ;J-- . ; . •>•*-. < wr1; - THK VHXRKT KAIHinUBti THUKSDAT, OCTOBEB 44, 1929 "?* tST-.fiP •- . WlteirfILK-t® '•: "#,< mamwoop ;•• f~ • iV'VWSi, •life Ud Mnl Max Beth and ten of Chicago spent Tuesday night and Wednesday in the William Beth home. Mesdames Ben Jus ten, Nick Young and Miss Agnes Thompson witnessed the Steindorfer-Barle wedding at Mc- Henvy Wednesday. Mrs. W. A. Dodge and daughter, Eleanor, were visitors at Waukegan Tuesday evening. Mrs. Viola Low Wt§ an Elgin visitor Friday. r x Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Shepard and family were Woodstock visitors Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Jepson of Waoconda spent Thursday evening in the C. J. Jepson home. Mr. and Mrs .G. E. Shepard were Richmond callers Friday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Huson of Elgin spent Thursday in the Chauncey Jepson home. Mrs.* William McCannon entertained the Bunco club and a few friends Wednesday afternoon. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Ed Thompson first, Mrs. Emma Merchant second, Mrs. Viola Low third, Mrs. William McCannon fourth, Mrs. Thomas Doherty the punch prize and Mrs. George Young the consolation. At the close a cafeteria lunch was served. The Lndies Aid Society will hold their bazaar and chicken dinner, Nov. 20, at the M. W. A. hall. There will be plenty of aprons and fancy work for «ale. Come and bring your friends. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Olsen and son and Mrs. Sam Beatty were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frey and family at Deerfield Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hopper and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hopper were Woodstock visitors Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Peck and son of Egin spent Sunday in the C. J. Jepson home. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kelley and daughter of Crystal Lake spent Sunday afternoon in the William Kelley home. Mr. agd Mrs. Joe Weber and son of' McHenry spent Sunday in the Nick Young home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Block of Kenosha are the proud parents of a daughter born Oct. 18th. Mrs. Block was formerly Miss Marion Hepburn. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Matsen of Chicago are the parents of a baby daughter, born Oct. 16. Mrs. Matsen was formerly Miss Grace Pearson. Mrs. Joe Smith of McHenry spent Tuesday with MTS. George Young. Mr. and Mrs. Aromey of Paddocks Lake spent Sunday witb their daughter, Mrs. Frank Dick and family. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Hawley spent Synday evening at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Phillips spent Friday evening at Solon Mills. Mrs. Kerwin of Volo spent Sunday with Mrs. Cossman. Miss Wynne Keley spent Saturday afternoon at McHenry. Mrs. W. A. Dodge spent Thursday and Friday with her daughter at Antioch. 1 Mr. and Mrs., David Stanley of Wioodstock spent Sunday afternoon at William Kellups. Miss Vera Reinboldt and grandmother of McHenry spent Thursday in the George Young home. „ Carl Fay and grandson of Chicago spent Sunday with Mrs. Jetfnie Spaulding. Mr. and Mrs. George Bacon of Antioch sp£nt Sunday in the W. A. Dodge home. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wagner and daughter Marion of McHenry spent Sunday in the Abe Laurence home. Frances Helms of of Winnetka spent Thursday with her parents. Mrg. Walker and son Fred and Mrs. Emma Merchant spent Saturday and Sunday at Pecatonica. Sunday visitors in the George Young home were Mrs. J. R. Smith and Mrs. Ed Buss of McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. Math Nimsgem and family of Spring Grove and Mr. and MTS. Frank Wagner of Chippewa Falls, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard and family in company with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Henzie of Crystal Lake spent Sunday afternoon and evening in the Sam Price home near Dundee. Harold and Mae Wiedrich and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr and son attended the show at Crystal Lake Wednesday night. MT. and Mrs. Martin Klintworth and family were Woodstock visitors Saturday evening:, Leo Brunswick of Genoa City was a caller in the E. J. Hopper home Sunday afternoon. Miss Tillie Miller of Crystal Lake spent Sunday with her parents. Lee Merchant and mother spent Saturday afternoon at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. John Young of Spring Grove spent Sunday in the John Miller home. Fred Wiedrich and son, Harold, were Richmond callers Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr and son and Mrs. Frankie Stephenson spent Sunday at Rockford. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mann it>f Woodstock were callers «in the E. J. Hopper home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Olsen and daughter of McHenry spent Sunday at the Elmer Olsen home. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hopper of Elgin spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hopper. Roy, Harold and Lora Wiedrich attended a gasket social at the Harrison district school Friday evening. Mesdames George Noble, Frank Dick and Minnie Coates were Woodstock visitors Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Shepard and family spent Monday evening at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. David Speaker and family of Kenosha and Mr. and Mrs. William Rutcliff of Waukegan spent Sunday in the CJay Roger home. Mesdames G. A. Stevens, JH. M. Stephenson, F. A. Hitchens and Thomas Kane attended Social Wheel Bryon Hitchens of Chicago spent Saturday and SuWiay at his home here. at Mrs. T. Walsh's at McHenry Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hitchens speht Sunday with friends at Maywood. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Kitchens, Mrs. Rillah Foss and sons,; Wayne and Floyd, Mrs. Frankie- Stephenson, Mrs. C. J. Jepson and Mrs. Louis Schroeder attended the bazaar at Solon Mills Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hitchens were guests in the J. F. Butler home at Forest Park Sunday evening. There were 65 that attended the meeting of the Milk Producers at th<» M. W. A. Hall Monday evening. Lunch was served by the Ladies' Aid society. A carload of Irish Cobblers and Red River Pbtatoes at the Farmers Mill.-- --Phone 29. 21 Foiling Counterfeit*™ The medallion, rulings and cirmlar ornaments on genuine paper money are mathematically correct, and are made from a machine upon which $150,000 was spent In the production, and Is therefore beyond the reach of counterfeiters. Engraving by hand inn never equal this work. "Chaia StorW it was in the grocery field that chain distribution first made Its apt> ea ranee. Chain groceries now do about one-third of the grocery business. Jfext in size are the 3-and-10- reat store chains. Variation in ffiamonda Individual diamonds vary gre&tly in the degree of hardness. There is also a great difference In crystallization.-- Pathfinder Magazine. Did yon see our second carload of potatoes? Can't hardly blame you if you didn't, we hardly saw tiuun ourselves, 600 bushels and all sold in a single day, - J Why Do They Sell So Fast? That's easy. They are quality potatoes and that's what the people of McHenry enjoy eating. Late Potatoes Yes, we have ordered a carload of Irish Cobblers (360 bu.) and (250 bu.) of Red Rivers. This will be your last opportunity to buy Quality Potatoes. Don't delay. Phone your order today. IRISH COBBLERS $1,70 per Bushel RED RIVER8 $1.75 per. Bushel ^ £c extra per bushel for delivery McHenry (o. tars Cooperative Assn. P hone 29 American CfcrUtiaas Although only about one-half the population of the United Ststes is Included in the membership of Christian churches, It is estimated that 80 per cent of the inhabitants hold the beliefs of Christians. Tomb of Spani*li Kings A short distance from Madrid, the temple of the Escorial was built by Philip n in memory of the martyr, St. Lawrence, who met his death on this spot. Here many of the Spanish kings *re buried. ' Learn Nothing From History "Almost every man thinks h» couI<| conduct a government," said Hi H*> the sage of Chinatown, "in spite the historic fact that all who rise t# power sooner or later fail in the at* tempt."--Washington Star. Riverside Grocery & Market Specials That Count Coffee SSSfc 3«-.~ $1.00 Fruit Special 1 do* ©randies, Slbs, Eating Apples* 5 lbs. Sweet 5 ©fape Fruit or 2 lbs. Grapes and 1 lb. " * ' ^ <|j* -j Cranberries .v._ XeVrvr Peaches SNioz e ZC*a n 5 Cans $1.00 Household Special 1 Chipso, large package, 75c Broom, 3 Cans Dutch | aa Cleanser, or 3 Rolls Toilet Paper %P 1AJU Butter Cartons 2 DM. $1.00 Special 1 Large Ohipw, 3 Bars Toilet' Soap, 3 Cans Dutch Cleanser, 3 Rolls Toilet Paper and 6 Boxes Matches .. Bottle Gaps JJ^Jrosrfftor S1.00 Meat Specials Bacon 4»>. Fork Shoulder Roasts 5 m $ 1.00 ALBERT BARBIAN, Prop. Phone 180. f McGee's Clothing Store Men's Suits SPECIAL DOLLAR PRICES . • . -..-i $25.00 valued $30.00 values i: $35.00 values $40.00 values • './":•W f1 26.50 31.50 36.00 •aiSFE/Js-- v: ;« Here are very good values on seasonable goods, we are offering these prices for one day only--Saturday, Oct 26--McHenry s Dollar Day. C|This merchandise is all new, Fall merchandise, in fact, some of it just arrived this week. Our Men's Clothing is practically all Hart, Schafiner & Marx made and bears a guarantee of absolute satisfaction or money back; our jpther lines are correspondingly good.\ Boys' Suits SPECIAL DOLLAR PRICES • i-.-. j Ages 6 to 12 years, two knickers, $12.50 values $8.85 Ages 13 to 18 years, two longies *21.00 value^^,;^^^,,,^, ..$16.85 Men's Soft Collars Regular 35c, 3 for $1.00 ^/Collar Day Special at One Dozen for $1.00 %flea's Overcoats Boys' Overcoats mud Top Coats SPECIAL DOLLAR PRICES 525.00 values ).00 valueg $35.00 values $40.00 values $45.00 values $22.50 27.00 - 31.50 - 36.00 ... 40.50 Pojri' IUiie Corduroy ^qcoats Sheep lined, lamb collar, all around belt, 12 to 16 years, $8.50 values. Dollar Day Special at --_-- _ $6.39 SPECIAL DOLLAR DAY PRICES Ages 4 to 14 years, $7.50 values special at $5.85 Ages 5 to 14 yens, $10.00 values, special ar:V;» ; ~ $7.85 Boys' Leatherette Coats Agood warm coat for .school wear^ also suitable for girls, sheeplined, lamb collar, all around belt, muff pockets. $10.00 value. Dollar Day Special at $7.85 Mien's Flannel- ' ette Shirts A good warm Work Shirt, fancy plaids, regular $1.75 value, Dollar Dav Spec ial at ......... .. $1.29 Boys' Flannel ette Shirts Fancy plaids, a good, shirt for school wear. Regular $1.50 value, Dollar Day Special »t : $1.19 Many other items that are not listed. Come to McHenry Saturday, Oct. 26 Men's Cotton Ribbed Union Suits Fall weight, long sleeve, ankle length, closed crotch, steam shrunk. Regular $1.50, special for Dollar Day at $1.00 Men's Moleskin Ulster Full length, sheep lined, Iamb collar, sixes 40 to 46, $21.50 values, Dollar Dav Special' at 12.85 * rIK ?I "vvS' '* A McGEE * * ii McHENRY, ILLINOIS • fe: •f4 , 4 .» X * =1 Vrlffi1y *