„ , 4i. * .. *d*. f f f »•••••»V+VV sm&V Display!; ^EUSEB iHEBHBI) • iV THX M'HENRY PT.ATHT)R*T.Wt THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1939 |» '1 ' i ' ~'f i 'y'% m&M,V T »•, 'pp&iWW* I Store Home Warmere--it> the Fi*e-. place Radiona. - * . " • Here's a heatiljjf' TOgr -gntire home just like a basement furnace. But it requires no basement. Easily installed Jivi^ tail. t,.r - : * Full j&ifeelam enamel finish. . ' . . The Cheerful Glow of Open Fireplace is what you get when the Outer Doors are Opened Large f<*d door to takelarge and long sticks of wood 11 ^^nTt wfuco^. or large chunks of coal. Will burn any kind of fuel with equal satisfaction. Large air passing space on all four sides allows free and unrestricted air passage. It is a real four-sided heating unit. The most powerful heater that has yet been produced. Be sure to see this great heater before you buy any heating system. JOHN F. BRDA PHONE 161 GREEN STREET lihe Riverside Radiona--It Broadcasts Heat SLOOUM'8 LAKE John Blomgrren was business callfer at M)cHenry Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse and Mrs. Wayne Bacon and children were business callers at Waukegan last Thursday. Mm. Harry Matthews and Mrs. Willard Darrell were business callers at McHenry last Wednesday. Harry Matthews and son, Robert, were callers' at Grayslake Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wright and guest, John Dolzole, ,of ^California, were callers at the home of Mrs, Clara Smith, Thursday^ Thomas F. Corley of Chicago was a Monday caller at the H. L. Brooks home. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse and daughter, Frances, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Earl Davis and children to Lake Bluff last Sunday. Roy Winkler and Miss Catherine Fleming of Chicago spent the weekend at the home of the former's parents at Ardelou farms. Mrs. Jack Geary and two children spent the week-end at the home of Miss Helen Bernier in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Darrell were callers at McHenry last Thursday. Sunday guests at the home of Mr and Mrs. Henry Winkler were Mr. and Mrs. Charlss Snyder of Grayslake, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Gilli and children and Mr. and Mrs. George Eisner and children of Barrington. Mir. and Mrs. Willard Darrell were Sunday supper and evening guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews at .Crystal Lake, Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren were Saturday supper and evening guests George Cr. • V r' ;|v vN m • Hen's Suits and Overcoats, J: 7 n cleaned and pressed Ladies' Plain Coat, cleaned and pressed Twp Weeks Only & $1,00 $1.00 Trimmed Coats, ^ » cleaned and pressed $1.50 and $2.00 Reasonable prices on repair work. Lake Couoty Modern Cleaners and Dyers JOE CHIEPPA, Prop. Green Street ' ;; A, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26 Bath Towels, 20x42, 4 for Men's Winter Weight Union Suits, Boys' Winter Weight Union Suits, Fast Color Dress Prints, yd. Dress Percales, yd. Dress Ginghams, yd. Women's Dress Frocks, Girls' School Dresses Bobolink Silk Hose, Muslin or Crepe Gowns, Men's Dress Shirts, Part Linen Toweling, 10 yds. Men's Jersey Sweater Coats, Hardwater Soap, 4 bars . Dutch Cleanser, 3 cans . Parlor Matches, 6 boxes Splint Clothes Baskets,... Mrs. Clara Smith was a dinner guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Werden at Wauconda last Wednesday. MIrs. Louise Werden returned home with her for a visit until Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Bloihgren and Mrs. Raymond Lusk of near Round Lake spent last Friday at the home of Mir. and Mrs. Emil Lundin in Chicago. • Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and son, Robert, returned home Monday evening after spending a few days with relatives at Mpline and Davenport, Iowa, fhey also called on Mrs. Allie D. Tidmarsh at the Eastern Star home at Jtockford. Leslie Foss spent last Tuesday in Chicago. Chesney Brooks spent Tuesday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Foss of Libertyville and Miss Fearl Foss of near ' Mundelein, spent Thursday evening at ! the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Foss. I Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Williams and | son, James Howard, of Crystal Lake | spent Sunday at the home of Mts. Clara Smith. * Mr. and Mrs. J. Berands and daugh- ! ter of Grand Rapids, Mich., are spending this week at the home of Mr. and 1 Mrs. William Foss. Harry Matthews attended the farm i sale of Sheridan Burnett near Antioch | last Wednesday. | Mrs. William Foss and son, Leslie, ! were business callers at McHenry last ! Thursday. i Miss Neva Toynton and Miss Loverin of Wauconda, Orval Granger and Miss Grace Granger and friend of McHenry/were Sunday callers at the W. E. Brooks home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mulholland and children of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Shields of Salem, Wis., Miss Pearl Foss of Mundelein and William Berg of Chicago were Sunday guests at the William Foss home. Willard Darrell, in company with H. C. Gilkerson and E. Harris of Grayslake and William Fink of near Wauconda, attended the annual meeting of the Illinois farm Supply Co. at Bloomington last Wednesday. A carload of Irish Cobblers and Red River Potatoes at the Farmers Mill.-- --Phone 29. 21 STOMACH TROUBLE QUICKLY ENDED BY NEW KONJOLA Man Relates Fine Experience He Had With New and DiffenM* Medicine JOHN $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.45 MR. RICHARD STEPHENS "For three years S suffered from stomach trouble," said Mr. Richard 0. Stephens, 803 Coxspur street,' Ziegler, Illinois. "After every meal I suffered with gas, bloating, heartburns and pains in my side. Constipation added greatly to my misery and the strongest laxatives gave but tempo rary relief. It was a very discouraging situation and I had about given up hope of finding relief. "I heard a lot about Konjola <<and decided to see what it could do. Day by day I improved. My appetite increased and I eat whatever I want without suffering afterward. Gas and bloating are no more and I am rapidly gaining in weight and strength. Constipation has also been eliminated. Konjola is certainly a wonderful medicine and I praise it highly." Konjola is sold in McHenry, 111., at Thomas P. Bolger's drug store, and by all the best druggists in »U to^JUi, throughout this entire TERRA COTTA Miss Mary Ballow of Chicago was a guest of Miss Alice Leisner and Mrs. Nels Person several days last week. Glenn McMillan of Chicago visited* at his home here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Sullivan and children of River Forest called at the home of M. Knox Sunday. Mrs. Fred Kiein of Cary spent several days last week with her daughter, Mrs. Ray McMillan. Mrs. Christina Buss has returned to the home of her daughter, Mrs. P. A. Hoffman, after spending the past five weeks with relativ.es in Wisconsin. Miss Mabel Knox of Rosary College spent the week-end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Jollett and Mr. and Mrs. Rosch and son of Chicago called at the Leisner >home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sund and daughter, Darlene, of Carpentersville visited at the home of Henry McMillan over the week-end. Vernon J. Knox of Notre Dame visited al^his home hen Saturday and Sunday. Miss Evelyn Bohl of Crystal Lake called at the home of Frank McMillan Monday evening. Mrs. Fred Bergman of Chicago was a guest of her sister, Mrs. Nels Person and Miss Alice Leisner Friday. Misses Fhillis Hoffman, Ruth Anderson, and Marie Knox, and Clayton Starritt, together with the other members of their ecology class spent Friday in Chicago. Mrs. Elmer Luecht of Chicago spent a few days last week with her sister, Mrs. Ray McMillan. Harold, Robert and Vernon Knox, and Misses Nellie and Lillian Doherty and Neill Doherty attended the Notre Dame-Wisconsin game in Chicago Saturday. Mrs. Ray McMillan is quite sick at this writing. Mrs. Louis Young and Miss Mary and Melvin Walsh of McHenry called at the home of M. Knox Monday. A carload of Irish Cobblers and Red River Potatoes at the Farmers MilL-- --Phone 29. 21 TramtrMior'i P«ntity Who swerves from Innocence, who makes divorce of that serene companion. a good name, recovers not hts loss; but walks with shame, with doubt, with fear, and haply with re- 'worse.-*-Wordsworth. ??? Cmraf* Ever Victoria*!' Courage, combined with wit, energy and perseverance, will overcome difficulties apparently insurmountable.-- Smiles. Is OM Etpttiiiu The expression "ship of state" was first used hy Machlavelli tn his politic cal treatise. The Prince." It was used hy Longfellow in his "Building-of the Ship." • JUmoWi Pregreliv The almond was first grown in the Mediterranean basin, ;and Its first important cultivation IB the United States he»sn Ui 1800. ror"-: Ecoaojnic Law The law of diminishing returns an ecomonlc taw, which states that 'in any given stage an increase of t>or or capital applied beyond a cefrain point in the cultivation of lanii causes a less than proportionate increase" in "the produce raised from A given area. This law is generally a*>. tributed to Ricardo. but it was sdUh covered considerably eqriier. Plaindealers at Wattles. "fv'j jl v v v vA A • vv v v v Av vA vA vA k w A wv vA vA ^ • vvA vA vA vA v vvA Av * vvw vv McHenry's Leading Market^ Dollar Day Specials! Picnic Hams j-V - lb. 22& Jb. 194 * ? tt T 7T fT T B*con Square# Bacon .1 " ' 4 lbs. for $1.00 Fancy Bacon Ib. 30^ Home Rendered Lard 7 lbs. $1.00 Sliced Liver a . • l b . 1 5 ^ Veal Brains .--j-' lb." 15^ Veal Hearts ,^,,:.l.u..4^...1b. 20^ Veal Ton^nes lb 20^ Bulk Pork Sausage Jb. 25^ X**n.cA-.'-T ^ Spare Ribs Pork Shonldot Pork Butts Pork Loins Boiling Beef Bulk Kraut Rolled Roast. Beef -5 lbs. for $1.00 -lb. 20^ ::^L....;ifc 27^ 3 lbs. for $1.00 .£ lbs. for $1.00 i, ..--.Qt. 15^ Jb. 38^ ]*RESH FISH AND OYSTERS EVERY FRIDAY Telephone 80-M Geo. J. Schreiner, Prop. Plaindealers at Bolger's. Yes, the of the Exclusively at Buss*Page Motor Sales SCREEN-GRID .1.. IN THIS No stopping the success of this radio innovation! Its fame and popularity are spreading like wildfire! The small home sees in it the answer to a "big" radio problem! Where a bulky, massive cabinet will not fit into a crowded room--this table of finest burl walnut veneers can be placed anywhere! It completely encases the famous MODEL 55 SCREEN-GRID RADIO and super dynamic speaker! ' The unsightly wiring for aerial, ground and power connections is neatly concealed in the table legs! If you're thinking of buying a radio--any time--any place--see this one first! Free installation! Nothing else to m. WTkhr I? ...... - w •"i.yl: • Other Cabinet Models as Low as $159 Complete» BUSS-PAGE MOTOR SALES **We Serve After We Sell' PHONE 30 McHenry, Illinois