: ; A* fto# Kngwood MefM* <# *®*. Nick AdUii went t» lfteHenry to help her celebrate her birthday on Thursday afternoon. PdMt were amtdad to Mrs. Edgar Thoniae the VOIXk prise, Mrs. Ed. Thompson first, Mrs. George ~ «me MUEHKY PLAIHDEALtR, THUiSDAY, APSIL 10, 18S0 ' *'wwr-* 1 ShepArd second and Mrs. Paul Meyers third, while Mrs. Thomas Dohetty receipted the consolation. At the close of tin games refreshments were served. ML E. church services will -be at 9:86 and Sunday school at 10:30 next . Sndty morning and continued so v throughout the summer. All are welcome*. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Neal and family were Chicago visitors Wednesday evening. Mrs. Sam Beatty and Mrs. Viola Low were Woodstock visiters Thus* day. Mr. and Mrs. Gas Carlson are the parents of a daughter, born on Thursday, April 3. Mrs. Ben Justen and Mia. Joe Jus- 1 ten were Chicago shoppers Tuesday. 1 8. W, Brown was a McHenry visitor Thursday afternoon. Mrs.- Ed. Peet attended the flower show in Chicago Saturday and Sunday. , Charles Thompson of Greenwood ' :i was a caller in the William McCannon home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hopper have moved to Chicago, where the former is employed by the Bowman Dairy Co. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Neal have moved from the Buckland house to the house vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Hopper. Howard Buckland and family of Colorado will move to Ringwood, where he will work for his brother. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carr, Mm Rilla Foss and Mrs. Frankie Stephenson were Woodstock visitors Wednesday. Mesdames G. A. Stevens, Thomas Kane and H. M. Stephenson attended Social Wheel at McHenry Thursday. Mrs. Hodge of Lake Geneva spent Sunday with Mrs. Mary Hodge. Byron Hitchens of Chicago spent Saturday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hitchens. Adrian Thomas- of Chicago spent Saturday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard were callers at McHenry Friday afternoon. Thomas Dempsy of Chicago spent the week-end with Miss Nellie McDonald at her home at Keystone: Mr. and Mrs. Leon Dodge and family were Woodstock visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Weber and son of McHenry spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard spent Sunday with the latter's parents at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wiedrich, Mae and Roy Wiedrich spent Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Olsen at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carr and Mrs. Frankie Stephenson were Woodstock visitors Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Elmer Olsen, Mrs. Leslie Olsen and Florence Olsen were Woodstock visitors Saturday. v Miss Olive Jepson entertained the little members of Tier Sunday school class at a party at her home Saturday afternoon. Games, were played MnH lunch was served. Miss Marian Peet assisted her. , The Ladies' Aid society met at the home of Mrs. A. Wi Smith Thursday • afternoon. Ten members were present Mr. and Mrs. Irving Walker and • ~ family of Waukegan spent Sunday witll Mrs. Hannah Walker and son. Mr. and Mrs. Romie and daughters of Salem, Wis., were guests in the Frank Dix home Sunday. Fred Wiedrich and son, Roy, and Frank Wiedrich and daughter, Lorn, vfore visitors at Sharon, Wis., Toesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr spent Tuesday at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Matsen and family of Chicago spent Sunday in the Gus Pearson home. Mr. and Mrs. Davis Wallrington of McHenry and Misses Ruby Davis and Fern Lester and Frank Walkington of Libertyville spent Sunday in the Ben Walkington home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hawley of Chicago spent Sunday in the E. C. Hawley home. Harry Turner of Solon Mills spent Sunday in the George Noble home. Ralph Simpson of Chicago spent Sunday in the William Beth home Mr. and Mrs. SfcROtd Pierce of Wil- HamrttrM* Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. LaM. Miss Doeotfcjr Carr and friend, Mr. Beck, of Chicago spent Sunday with her -paBMBts,- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Carr. Mr. and Mrs. Del Bacon of Crystal Lake, F. L. Waterman and Mr. and Mrs. J. Rieke of Barrington spent Snnday with Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Hawley. Mr. and Mrs. Max Beth and son, Billy, of Chicago spent Sunday night and Monday in the William Beth home. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Turner and daughter of Aurora were callers in the George Noble home Sunday evening. Floyd Hopper of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Russel Hopper and son of Elgin spent Sunday afternoon in the Ed. Hopper home. Mr. and Mrs. George Bacon and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Nelson and daughter of Antioch spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Dodge. Raymond Hall returned to his home Sunday evening from the hospital. « (Continued from Page He is getting along nicely. Frank Wiedrich and daughter, Ethel were Richmond visitors Friday. Mrs. Tena Carlson and son, Fred, L and estimates prepared in the interest of the abandoned project. "Whenever any underground improvement shall have been completed under our supervision we shall plat its location on the proper record book of the city as part of oar regular duties.'* When the James Anderson Co.'s surveys were completed and blue! prints made they showed the following defects in our sewer system as installed under the plans, surveys and supervision of the Wells Eng. Co. 1. The by-pass to the Fox River is lower than the river level: hence river water backs into the plant. 2. The pumpage of all sewage Is required: by providing high and low sewers a large part of your present pumping expense would have been eliminated. 3. The pumps installed are clear water type instead of non-clogging type; furthermore, they are of insufficient capacity: hence they have never operated successfully. 4. The size of piping from distributing manhole to pump weft to settling SON RENEDTtD BY MEW KONJOLA "fids New Medicine Did AH That Was Claimed For It", Says Happy Man mm THERE'S A X»U ». Ic*l» » * vu» r * , V and wife and Fred Scharr of Chicago tanks are inadequate; a twelve inch _ ... • I J A. iha spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lew is Hawley and family. Mrs. Agnes Jencks and daughter, Mary, of Chicago spent the week-end in the G. A. Stevens home. Mrs. Mabelle Johonott of Chicago spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. T. A. Abbott. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hnsie and Mr. and Mrs. Ely of Crystal Lake were callers in the George. Harrison home Sunday. , v Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Stevens were Woodstock visitors Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet and family were callers in the Arthur Feet home at Greenwood Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wade Sanborn of Spring Grove spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Abbott. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Nejil and fam ily, Mr. Negri and Mrs. Lewis Hawley and children attended the show at Woodstock Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Harrison and daughter, Lora, and Marian Peet spent Tuesday afternoon in the Henry Hinsie home at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Beatty spent Friday and Saturday-in Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Schroeder and daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sherman of Woodstock drove to Beloit, Wis,, Sunday-. Harold Bell of Richmond was a caller in the George Young home Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. George Bacon and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Nelson and daughter of Antioch spent Sunday with Mrs Jennie Bacon. Miss Lois Esh of Spring Grove spent Friday night snd Saturday with Edna Peet. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Jackson and family of Solon Mills were Sunday guests in the S. H. Beatty home. Mrs. Charles Frey and children of Deerfield were visitors i»t the afternoon. Mrs. Walter Frit* of Solon Mills called on Mrs. Gus Carlson in the home of Mrs. Jennie Bacon Sunday. Mrs. William Hendrickson and Mrs. Leo Karls of Richmond and Mrs. Jim Randall and daughter, Mae, of Keystone were Friday afternoon callers at Mrs. Jennie Bacons. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn TTanford and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wilkesses and daughter, Joan, of Chicago and Mrs. W. L. Colford of Miami, Fin., speak Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith and family. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Thomas and family spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Warren Thomas and family at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Randall of Hichraond spent Sunday evening with "Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Otsel and daughter, Irene, and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Otsel of Highland Parte and Mr. and 'Mrs. Leslie Otsel and children of Waukegan were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Olsen. Mrs. Minnie Coates entertained her sister and niece and family from Dundee Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fay, Mr. and Mrs: James Rainey and Cecil Rager were at GenoacCity Sunday evening. Mrs. Thelen-Pich invites her friends and patrons to attend the Spring Millinery Opening at her shop on Riverside Drive and Pearl Street, McHenry, "Saturday, April 12. 44-2 Dixie Highway Motor Service, Inc. ANNOUNCES A NEW Daily Freight Service to and From Chicago, to Lake Zurich, Wauconda, Volo, Fox Lake, Pistakee Bay, Johnsburg, Ringwood, McHenry and Woodstock. Truck Leaves Chicago Terminal 11 A. M. Dafl#4 CHICAGO RECEIVING STATION AND TERMINAL Aig So. Desplaines St. Phone Monroe 01Q5r6-7-£-d-10 CRYSTAL LAKE PHONE 43-R Deliver out-bound shipments to CHICAGO RECEIVING STATION and save pick-up charges. Fox River Chicks Visit Northern Illinois Largest Chicks Hatchery. 50,000 Chicks each week. See chicks before you buy them. Chicks delivered to your door in lots of 500. prices rigfa*. CaUlW^rWlO Chicks on hand at all times. -, • 58 S. Spring St., Slgiiv'm. pipe is expected to carry the sewer from aw eighteen1 inch main, iud in turn, a four inch pipe is expected to carry the discharge of the twelve inch pipe then* comments. •These mistakes are so apparent even to a layman that a further criticism of the design and construction is unnecessary. Why your attorneys should prefer to work with the engineers who are responsible for such an abortion as your system and dsposal plant is a matter which you will do well to investigate before further action is taken in the matter. We understand that the opposition of our firm originated with your two attorneys, Henry Cowlin and W. M. Carroll, We do not suppose that these gentlemen will presume to openly criticise our plans and specifications for the proposed reconstruction work. If they do so we will appreciate the opportunity." , Now we will explain what happened on Special assessment No. 24. After the Anderson Co. made their surveys, blue prints, etc., a representative of the Wells Eng. Co. hurried to interview the members of the Board of Local Improvement and at the next meeting of the city council he tried to make light of Anderson Co.'s work, saying they did not know anything about sewers, etc., when they well knew the Anderson Co. were the engineers on practically all sewer, water and paving improvements in Lake Forrest and practically all of the North Shore district. The result was a majority of the city council members voted to fire the James Anderson Co. and hire theWells Wells Eng. Co. agreed to do all theif work on repairs across Boone Creek free of charge. The contract price of this part of the work was $3,484.00. This is what the Wells Eng. Co. did: their estimated cost of project was $11,400.00 and the contract price $9,885.00, while they paid the contractor $10,115.20 or $280.20 mors than the contract price. Their own contract price for this work as per their agreement made at council meeting would be based on 1 % of $11400.00 less $3484 or $7918, com. $79.16. 2r/c $11400.00 less $8484.00 or $7916.00, com $158.3#. 3% of $10115.20 less $8484.00 or $6631.20, com. $198.94. Total amount of Wells Eng. Co. $434.42. They maJe out their vouchers for $831.45 and the present Board of Local Improvement paid the bill. Therefore,the Welb Eng. Co. were overpaid. $397.03 on this sewer job. Walther was paid and the James Anderson Co. $200.50, making a total of $782.58 to add to the city's big debt. Although the Wells Eng. Cd. Collected $300.00 for spreading the assessment roll they failed to include in the assessment roll the following pieces of property (even after being told of same at the hearing at Woodstock and promising to add same the roll.) Henry Ahrens 2 lots, C. Owen 2 lots, also all of lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 in block No. 11. Lots 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 in block No. 12. Lots 1 and 2 in block No. 13. These last mentioned lots are in ex-mayor Wattle's subdivision on Elgin road and within our sewer system and are as susceptible to our sewer and disposal plant as any lot located north of Boone Creek. The Wells Eng. Co. also agreed to add td the roll the subdivisron of «utlot No. 18 which also lies within our sewer ^system and contains, I think, 7 lots. This subdivision had been accepted by the city before the spread was made. This makes a total of 20 lots they omitted. Can anybody explain the reason why? As it now stands this special assessment will run short. Had the $270.20 on these 20 lots been added as requested and agreed upon, the bondholders would be secure, but as it is who will pay the shortage? The property owners can not be taxed again and the city is not allowed to pay it. We have not gone into the other special assessments but are afraid there are more of them in a similar condition. In conclusion will say that most of our information was gathered from the treasurer's book to April 1, 1926, the treasurer's annual statements in the l'laindealer; our city clerk's record books and last but not least from Aid Stoffel's records saved from* the publications of the council proceedings published in the Plaindealer far a number of years. WM. BONSLETT JOHN STOFFEL TREND TO V A L U E ; ; - AMERICA IS CHOOSING en- .... a Buyers today demand known ) goodness ... dollars must bring real return vand so motorists are buying than MR. HERMAN SCHLETTERT "Well, Konjola did all that was claimed for it in my case," said Mr. Herman Schlettert, 620 South Twentieth street, Quincy, 111. In addition to that, it greatly benefited my eightyear- old son. I suffered dreadfully from stomach trouble and constipation. Even though I watched my diet carefully, after every meal my stomache bloated terribly, causing distress and pain. My nerves were on edge, and as a result of constipation' I suffered with severe headaches. "Nothing I tried did any good until I put this remarkable Konjola to the test. Before I had finished the first bottle I was satisfied that I had chosen the right medicine. Within a month I felt better in every way than for years. I started giving my son Konjola and he is gaining in weight and strength; is full of energy, and always hungry. Konjola has my most sincere indorsement." Thus Konjola works, quickly yet thoroughly. One does not have to wait long for results when Konjola is given a chance, but for complete results, it is recommended that from six to eight bottles be taken. Konjola is sold in McHenry at Thomas P. Bolger's drug store, and by all the best druggists in all towns throughout this entire section. \ Fight Evil at Start Every evil in the bnd t> eadlly crashed; as it grows older it becomes IW i •/*. 3.rJ ' r r f* •* V - ir, * h- A " X|r,5'|h '•> ' '%•> * ' , *'*'1 4 , ,/ Buicks as any other car priced abov«T $1200. I TOTAL IN U. S. BUICK 2nd Car in U.S. 3rd Car in U. Si I I «--litl* 1111 • ttwmmmn. , 1,465,988 730,652 639,511 [ **• h , ' -viy.*- * : $ * " Man and women in all walks of life are now seeking positive value. They are demanding the most and best for their dollars. And*so today more than ever th* trend is to Buick. the combined sales of these fifteen mokes-- but they are giving Buick a greaterpropofj fion of the total sales in its field than at any| previous period in Buick history. See Buick with Body by Fisher--compare it No* only are motorists driving 700,000-- •--consider the tremendous buyer prefermore Buicks than any other of the 15 makes ence revealed in the above figures--and of cars in ifs price class--not only are they " you'll agree that Buick does provide greater; •warding Buick from 35 to 50 per cent of value in all elements of motor op BUICK MOTOR COMPANY, FLINT, MICHIGAN - ^; Canadian FwtorUs 0'™ion of . ieWef i HdiiiUjlIT IT • ' "1' 11 Gwpwww* twicfc mm* Marina Motor On* Overton & Cowen %)> • K 4 3*'sV * "'H*', : . • p, Mrs Erma Richards of Woodstodt visited in the home of Mrs. Lewis Schroeder Sunday. Clark Huson of Elgin spent Thursday and Friday with Mr. and Mrs. C.' J. Jepson. „ , Mr. and Mrs. ^ M. Stephenson were in Chicago Sunday. Mr. Negri of Chicago is visiting nis daughter, Mrs. Roy Neal and family. Mrs. Lewis Hawley was a McHenry visitor Friday. Miss Dorothy Peet spent the weekend with her parents. . -r'r-r» ' '4 1v*- n L the time T O B U I L D ay s prices ma home builder's maiket . 0j>:t in touch w i t h your cor i or building material dec • V ESTERN UN'TE GA S ir d aECTRir COMPANY