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About sixty affair was a miscellaneous shower guests were present to enjoy the even-! with bridge and five hundred furnishing. A very interesting program was inK the entertainment for the evening, given which Herbert Reihansperger ! In bridge the prizes were won by Miss and Shirley Smith opened with their Genevieve Carey, Miss Dorothy Walsh song, "Dr. Denny and Nurse Jane,", and Mrs. C. J. Reihansperger, while in in costume. Other numbers on the pro-: five hundred the prize went to Mrs. gram were a group of readings -byj Thomas Doherty. Twenty guests were Mrs. J. A. Brown, a vocal *oIo, "Moth.j present to enjoy the evening. er of Mine," by Mrs. Joanne Rulien, a duet by Mrs. Rulien and Miss Ropp, violin solo, "Minuet in G," by Joseta Merrick, accompanied by Miss Min- On Thursday evening Miss Carey was guest of honor at a kitchen shower given by Miss Helen Bolger at her home at Woodstock. Four tables of WEEKLY PERSONALS COMERS AND GOERS 07 A WEEK IN OUR CITY At Been By Plaindealer Reporters and Handed In Br Our Friends visited nich; a group of selections on the cards were played during the evening xylophone by Margaret Herrold, and and prizes were won by Miss Dorothy a group of three beautiful vocal solos Walsh, Miss Genevieve Carey and by Mrs. Brown of Waukegan. Following the program a game con- Miss Elizabeth Vogt. Guests at the party were: Mrs. Arthur Groom and Sisting of musical contests was en-; Miss Elizabeth Vogt of Geneva, Miss joyed and refreshments of straw- j Genevieve Carey, Mrs. Gerald Carey, berry shortcake and coffee were served each guest receiving a favor of sweet peas. Ten Years Old Knox was ten years old on Mrs. Mary Carey and daughters, Evelyn and Florence, Mrs. Thomas Doherty, Dorothy Walsh, Mary Walsh, Mrs. George Phalin, Mrs. Paul Doherty and Mrs. Leo Rohles of Elgin. On Friday evening Miss Mary it Saturday, May 10, and celebrated this ( ^alsh entertained a party of twenty event with a birthday party at the j friends in honor of Miss Carey at a Math Laures home on Route 61, Sat- j miscellaneous shower. Five tables of urday afternoon. Games were played: bridge and five hundred were in play with prizes being won by Ralph Jus- during the evening and prizes in ten and Philip Borre, and a good time bridge were won by Miss Mercedes was enjoyed out-of-doors^ most of the • Bolger, Clara Barbian and Marian time. When it became time to think { Wallace of Chicago, while Mrs. Mary about something to eat the boys enjoyed a weenie-roast in the grove and a delicious birthday cake was also served. Those present were: Donald Justen, Paul Justen, Orval Freund, Ralph Smith, Anthony and Allan Noonan, Gerald Miller, Alex Worts, Gene Adams, Leroy Smith, Ralph Justen, Clarence Justen, Angelo Unti, Frank Johnson, Philip and Paul Borre, James and Joe Blake, Marvin Meyers, •Wirfs and Irvin Laures. Carey received the prise In live hundred. > ____ Attends Party at Spring Grove Mrs. E. E. Bassett attended a party at the home of Mrs. Wade Sanborn at Spring Grove Saturday afternoon. Other guests were from Ringwood and Spring Grove. Bunco and five hundred furnished the entertainment for McAndrews, Arnold the afternoon and prizes were won by 'Sylvester m- IvX Ladies' Aid Society The Ladies' Aid society met at the home of Mrs. F. E. Cobb on Friday afternoon of last week and several matters of business were transacted. Plans were made for a bunco party to be given at the home of Mrs. Minnie Miller on next Thursday afternoon, May 22. All members are asked to attend this party which will take the place of the regular meeting of the Society and also to invite their friends ai» that a good crowd will be present. Instead of putting on a bakery sale as had been recently planned it was decided that instead, each person will be solicited for one dollar equivalent to the amount expended in baking. A committee was appointed to attend to this. Mrs. E. E. Thompson, served. Bassett and Mrs. Edward Ice cream and cake was Entertains at Crystal Lake Mrs. A. E. Herrold, who recently moved to Crystal Lake, entertained a party of her,friends from this city on Wednesday evening of last week. Bunco was played and prizes were won by Mrs. Paul Meyers, Mrs. Roy Smith and Mrs. J. J. Marshall Other guests were Mrs. Bienaphyl, Mrs. F. J. Nickels and Mrs. F. M. Ensign. Oar Want-Ads are business bringers «f> : V r ! EMPIRE THURSDAY-FRIDAY May 15-16 DOLORES DEL BIO in ' "EVANGELINE" . VKapfaone Varieties * Iim Saturday, May IT r "•TWIN BEDS" - Entertain Card Club Bff. and Mrs. H. C. Hughes entertained their card club at their home Thursday evening. Three tables of bridge were played and high honors were won by Mrs. A. J. Schneider and H. M. Stephenson, while the consolations went to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Monear. Entertained at Ringwood Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hughes, Mr. Md Mrs. Leslie Olsen and Miss Arline Harrison attended a meeting of their card club at the home of Mr. and Mrs Ray Peters at Ringwood Friday evening. Five hundred was played and prizes were awarded to Mrs. George Young, Clarence Pearson, Mrs. H. O. Hughes, F. A. Hitchens, Mrs. Leon Podge and George Young. • ^ Daughteft of G. The daughters of the G. A. R. will hold a social meeting at the home of Mrs. P. M. Justen on Tuesday afternoon, May 20, with Mrs. M. M. Niesen as assistant hostess. At this time the sheet and pillow case set will be given away. This will be the last social meeting of the season and all friends are invited. Emerald Bridge X Harry Frye of Berwyn friends here Sunday. , ( Paul Kamholz of Chicago - spent Thursday at his home here. Miss Elizabeth Vogt of Geneva visited friends here last week. Miss Lenore Cobb of Chicago st>ent Thursday at her home here. Percy Forman of Crystal Lake was a McHenry visitor Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Noonan were Chicago visitors Thursday night. John Sutton of Chicago was a McHenry visitor over the week-end. Miss Dorothy Freund of Lake Villa spent Sunday with McHenry relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Schpewer are spending the week in Chicago. Mrs. E. E. Bassett attended a party at Spring Grove Saturday afternoon. • Mrs. H. J. Ball of Chicago spent the week-end at her cottage at Orchard Beach. Miss Frances Michels returned home Wednesday from the Woodstock hospital. ^ Miss Dorothy Page apd Alvin Wood of Glen Ellyn were guests of Hamilton Farr, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Walkup and daughter of Ridgefield visited friends here Saturday. Miss Marian Wallace of Chicago was a guest of Miss Mary Walsh the last of the week. Mrs. Harry Oder of Chicago spent Mother's Day with her parents, Mi\ and Mrs. John Fay. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wielding and children spent the week-end at their cottage on Fox River. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Foss and son, Charles, of Barrington spent Sunday in the J. F. Claxton home. Mrs. Paul Bonslett of Crystal Lake spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Overton. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Walsh spent tiunday in the home of their son, Richard, and family in Evanston. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Doherty spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bolger, at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hayes and daughter of Barrington were Sunday afternoon callers in the F. M. Ensign home. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Martin and children left this week for Jacksonville, Fla., where they will make their liome. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schmitt and children spent the week-end in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kamholz. Mrs. J. J. Rothermel and Mrs. Frank Freund visited the latter's daughter, Mildred, Wednesday. William J. Welch returned home Tuesday from Glencoe, Minn., where he was called by the serious illness and death of his niece. Everett Hunter, Jr., went to Chicago Tuesday to see his parents who were enroute from Florida to Mayo Brothers' hospital at Rochester, Minn. Miss Rosalind Nye is spending part of her vacation at her home here, having been employed as secretary-sten-1 ^ ographer for a contracting firm in ssmos CLASS PURR PLEASES AUDIBKOS (Continued from Front Page) ley, made a big hit and were excellent in their parts. Spud, who was busy giving himself away to Malvina, was shadowed closely by Mickey and their love affair was a source of great amusement to the audience. The part of Rfrs. Forrest, haughty sister-in-law of Tad Forrest, was very well fitted to Bernice Weber, who car. ried it out well, and Marguerite Carlson as Annabel Spriggins, the village old maid, was costumed exactly for the part. The entire cast is deserving of credit as a whole, every member showing that he or she had worked hard, enabling them to put the pro duction over in good shape and dis playing no small amount of talent in the realistic impersonation of their roles, and they held the attention of their listeners to the final curtain, when all misunderstandings were cleared away. Edwin Hergott expressed the thanks of the class for the fine attendance. Hilda* Pepaiar in Gmnmmmy Germans believe in hiking; for this nation now has 2,300 hostels for tts chief walking, club of 86,000 members, where bed and breakfast are found few cents. 'fMors ya - ' wmn M The word "another" was originally two words of which "an" was the Anglo- Saxon for "one." In the course of time the two were fused and now form a solid compound,--Literary Digest. CARD OF THANKS We wish in this manner to thank the McHenry Fire Department, neighbors and friends, who helped at the time of the Are which occurred at the McHenry bakery Sunday morning, May 4. Their assistance and co-operation following the blaze have been of untolg. value and is greatly appreriatisjfrn iV •60 Mr. and Mrs. J.-JJMarshall. Read the ads and i Try our classified ave your dollars, ads--they CARD OF THANKS I desire to thank everyone who help-* ed at the time the barn blew down oa^V my farm daring the recent storaL Mrs. Martin Freund. -Duty of the Good When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they.will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.--Edmund Burke. i-y.- "*1 yV' l*i " Catholic Order of Foresters The Courts of the Muldoon District, Catholic Order of Foresters, are ac tively engaged in the promotion of the Forty-Seventh Anniversary Cele bration of the Order which will take place in the Hotel Sherman, Saturday evening, May 17. John Dunlap's orchestra has been engaged. The grand ballroom of the hotel will be reserved exclusively for dancing, while cards and bunco will be played in the Exhibition hall, Club rooms and Mezzanine floor. The price of admission is $1.00. Thirty per cent of the net receipts will be distributed among the Courts to be used for the relief of members who are sick or in distress. The Foresters are creating a fund to erect an old peoples' and orphans' home, and the profits derived from this event will be donated to that fund. Altar and Rosary Party St. Patrick's Altar and Rosary Sodality held a business meeting and card party Wednesday afternoon in the K. C. hall. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. John Stilling, Mrs. Peter Freund and Miss Etta Powers. The sheet and pillow cases, donated by Mrs. Christina Buss, were awarded to Miss Shirley Covalt. METHODIST CHURCH You are invited to attend services at the M. E. church every Sunday. Morning worship, 11 o'clock. Sunday school, 10'o'clock. Mothers' Day was observed last Sunday with music and an appropriate sermon by the pastor. Th* church regrets deeply the loss of their choir leader, Mrs. Lillian Cox, who now sings in the choir in the First Presbyterian church at Woodstock. The official board of the church wil! at Aurora ^ast meet at 7:30 Saturday night-at the home of Mrs. F. E. Cobb. BIRTHS /'C A daughter was born to and Mrs. Leo Freund at the Woodstock hospital, Monday. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Simon this (Thursday) morning, daughter. Vjv i? \ ly5; 1 W * of Dollars Dollars saved are the best foundation upon which to build for your financial independence in later* years. These banks are especially anxious that you make them your savings headquarters and wet invite investigation oi our ability to serve you. 3Mg* 3 % Paid on Savings Accounts West McHenry State Bank Peoples State Bank ol McHenry l" A A A AAAA AAAA A AAAA A A A a V V V V V V V VV V " V V V V V V • V ™ with JACK MULHALL PATSY RUTH MILLER Metro Comedy . Pathe News SUNDAY -- MONDAY May 18-19 #&NDAY Matinee, 2:30 i • t- r DAVIE5 members of the Emerald Bridge club at her home Tuesday afternoon. Sev- [ \ eral games of bridge were played and j | prizes were won by Mrs. Thomas Wilson, Mrs. Albert Krause and Mrs. Vincent Martin. Refreshments were served at the close of the games. Royal Entertainers The Royal Entertainers met at the home of Mrs. Jesse Wormley on Thursday evening of last week. Five hundred was played and the first prize 1 was won by Mrs. H. L. Ritter, the second by Mrs. T. W. Winkel and the third by Mrs. Ben Hiller. Refreshments were served. Entertains Bridge (M Mrs. F. O. Gans was hostess to tfee members of her bridge club at her home oh Wednesday afternoon of last week. Two tables of bridge were played and prizes were won by Mrs. F. O. Gans, Mrs. George Worts and Mrs. Mat Freund. Refreshments were served. a,.- I1 mOT SO DUMB" Aesop's Sound Fables ; Metro Talking Comedy "A PERFECT DAY" THURSDAY-FRIDAY May 22-23 ' "SUNNYSIDE UP" with r .JANET GAYNOR .„ jlv'iCHARLES farrei^ with V"' Vitaphone Variety" • , • • t-1 Coming "HO, NO, NANETTE" Note--All Pictures are Vitaphoue Productions and Prices are 20c-40c. Matinee 15c-30e ) Wauraain Bridge Club Mrs. Theo. Schiessle entertained the ladies of the Waumain Bridge club at her home, last Thursday evening. Two tables of bridge were in play during the evening and prizes were won by Mrs. Theo. Schiessle and Mrs. Fred C. Seheewer. Refreshments were served.' Just Eight Club The members of the Just Eight club were entertained by Mrs. George W. Hess at her home on Center street last Thursday evening. * Two "tables of bridge were played and prizes were Won by Mrs. P. M. Justen and Miss Clara Stoffel, after which refreshments were served. v, ^ Entertains Sewing Cldb . Mrs. Henry Heimer entertaine^ fhe members of her sewing club at her j home on Main street Thursday afternoon, where a few social hours were spent in sewing and refreshments were served. Chicago. Mrs. Joe Monahan and daughters, Margaret and Josephine, of Whitewater, Wis., are visiting a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Amman. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ringer of Athens, Ohio, who are visiting at Wauconda this week, visited in the home of her sister, Mrs. H. B. Schaefer find family Sunday. Miss Clara Rorer of Gilman, 111., visited her grandmother, Mrs. Samaatha Button, the first of the week. Mrs. Button, who is 99 years old, is quite well and enjoyed the visit of her granddaughter. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson, in company with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alexander of Hebron and Mr. and Mrs. George H. Johnson, attended the funeral of William Salisbury at Elgin Sunday afternoon. Mrs. C. W. Goodell, Miss Ethel Jones and Warren Jones were Chicago visitors Monday where they attended the funeral of their aunt, Mrs. C. J. Devlin, whe passed away on Sunday. Burial was at Mineral Point, Wis., on Tuesday. Sunday visitors in the home of A}r*. B. Frisby were: Mr. and Mrs. Walter Warner and children of Elgin; B. J. Frisby and son, Weston, of Chicago; J Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blum of River Forest and Mrs. John Walsh and son, Ray, of Fox Lake. Among the out-of-town guests who attended the wedding of Miss Charlotte Frett and William Tonyan on Wednesday were: Mrs. John Dent and son of Toledo, Ohio, Mr. and llih. C. E. Frett, Mr. and Mrs. A. W, Stucker, Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Frett and F. A. Connolly of Chicago. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph May were Mr. and Mrs. George May and children of Zenda, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. John May and son, J. C., of Milwaukee, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rosing and son, Alan, of Libertyville and Mr. and Mrs. John R. Freund ahd son and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Blake of this city. T T t T T T T T T tT T T t T T T t T T ff Y i X i Gifts for the Graduates Something Graduation time is almost here again and the question of What to give is puzzling some of the parents and other members of the family, including intimate friends. At this store can be found any number of beautiful and useful gifts that will please the young people who have finished high school and are about ready to begin a new jife. Start them out right with a gift that they will appreciate for several years to come. tJKere- are a few suggestions; f ; ' AftONG THE SICK Mrs. Joe King is ill at her home at Johnsburg. Mrs. Alby Krug and baby returned home from the Woodstock hospital, Sunday. Mrs. Kenneth Cristy of Ringwood went to the Woodstock hospital last week for treatment. j Albert Buch, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Buch. is at the Woodstock hospital where he was operated on for appendicitis on Tuesday of last week. FOR THE YOUNG GENTLEMAN Any young man would greatly appreciate a new Rasor ir a Pocketbook. We also have a large stock of mighty interesting Books that the modern fellow likes to read. Very suitable for a moderate graduation remembrance. . How about some Golf Clubs for your^graduatng son, brother or friend? ^ -- . r . »> • M r- ;<-* jjfr* ft F OR THE YOUNG LADY Certainly a very acceptable gift for any young lady is a delicate perfume or beauty preparations. We the right thing--Perfume or Perfume Seta. Another desirable gift--an Ivory Toilet Bet. Or an Incense Burner or one of those Girl Graduate Books, and other interesting books. •> ..Eastern Star- MlHenry chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, is invited to attend advanced officers night at Waukegan on Thursday night, May 22, Skatgp Year Ova DMtiay ; According to dietetics, you can't sat your cake and have "V too.--Path finder Magazine. Fountain Pens and Pencils far Either Girl or Boyv ^ care of that Purchase Today, while Stocks are Complete ; . a-ft;-'! THOMAS P. BOLGER^ ;•>- -y^jThe Graduation Qift Store" McHenry, Illinois \ Green Street M