•Xf ' ' (m jft* 4- .' $";* " - noose building, wliich tfttrchased at Lincoln. ^4:<x'Jk^' *%' ' ' '"" 'IS^SLOOUM JOHNSBUEO 4*i £ |, Ray Dowell was a business caller at [|-. <Qrayslake last Saturday, Mrs. Leslie Davis and Mrs. Wayne Bacon were callers at McHenry last. Saturday. ,v3-i; Mr. arid Mrs. Jack Geary and son feV: %ere callers at Crystal Lake Friday. ;££' •_; Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks were ^Bailers at McHenry Friday. ;|f, WtMy, rs. W. E. Brooks and son, Cbee- spent Wednesday In ChicagQ. * Harvey Hamilton of Richmond, Mr. d Mrs. C. G. Dowin of Wauconda d Miss Hazel Haffey of West Chicago were callers at the home of Mr. Ind Mrs. Harry Matthews last Wednesday. The latter was an oversight guest of her aunt, Mrs. Willard Darrell. Mrs. H. J. Schaffer of McHenry 4pent last Wednesday at tl»e home of Tier parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Foss and two children of Woodstock were Sunday ftests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. illiam Foss. Mr. and Mfs. Chester Decker and ion and Mr. , and Mrs. Fleck and daughter of Waukegan were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. *ay Dowel!, ' Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Parks and Randolph Canedjr of Park Ridge were tiers at the W. E. Brooks home last turday. Miss Lillian Tidmarsh and Mrs. raham of Wauconda visited at the arrell and Mathews homes Saturday. Mrs. E. Bacon of Roseville apen£ ... _ 'Thursday and Friday at the home of ^ { Ur. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon. Mrs. John R. Knox of McHenry iff ipent Friday at the home of her-par- 4Rits here. ft- Mr. and M|s. Harvey Bailey of j&avenport, Iowa, Mr. and Mrs. Elfiier Esping and William Darrell of Moline spent a few days last week at "the home of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Darnell. Mrs. Wayne Bacon and two children accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Har- •el and son to Chicago last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Foss of Libert yville were Sunday evening guests ;r; • *•• it the home of the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. George Schaid of •v!Wauconda were callers at the home Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell Sunday. , Willard Parrell, Harry Matthews, William Darrein Mr. and Mrs. Elmer JCsping and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bai-- t fey attended the Cubs-St. Louis ball 3Tame in Chicago Saturday. . Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks accompanied Mrs. Leon Larabee and son, s-arroll to their home at Bristol, Wis., Vednesday. \ Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell and two children spent Sunday evening at the lome of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dowell at llcHenry. Mrs. William Allen and son, Billy, Sirs. Mary Maither and daughter, iPhoebe, of Wauconda "were Monday Evening callers at the home of Mr. «nd Mrs. Harry Matthews. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Darrell, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bailey, M r . a n d ftfrs. Elmer Esping and William Dar- Jfell spent Sunday at the home of Mr. '%nd Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews afcrGff#* tal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Fround and son visited the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Math Freund, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Hiller and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schmitt and daughter motored to Burlington Friday, where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Siehoff. Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Freund and Miss AlVina Schumacher motored to Chicago Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. William Althoff and Henry Althoff of Elgin visited John Herkman at New Munster Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. John Lay and children of Spring Grove visited Mrs. Stephen Schmitt Friday. < Mr. and Mrs. Charles' Michels of McHenry and Hubert Michels and daughter, Ruth, visited Frances Michels at the Woodstock hospital Sun* day. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schmitt visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Hiller Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pitzen, Mra. Ben Schaefer, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Pitzen and John Pitzen motored to Beloit Sunday, where they visited with Mrs. Joe Pitzen, who is ilL Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stoffel and Mrs. Miller of Volo visited with Mra. Ben Schaefer, Monday. Miss Helen Schaefer of McHenry visited at the home of her parents, Tuesday. " i Henry Krift and daughter, Alma, of Burlington and Mrs. Mary Krift and Mrs. Alfonse Auther of Wheatland, Wis., visited at the home of Ml and Mrs. William Althoff Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chamberlin visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ben J. Schaefer Sunday. Mrs. William Tonyan visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Lay, Monday. Evelyn Meyers of McHenry visited at the home of her parents Sunday. John Reinbolt of Iowa visited with Mr. and If*. William Meyers Sanday. ••• DOT SCOUTS Invitations have been received in McHenry to the next meeting of the McHenry County Council, Boy Scouts of America, to be held at Algonquin at 6:30 Thursday evening, June 12, in the new school gymnasium. This will be the first anniversary of the affiliation between Beloit Area anc^ McHenry county ami* % yearly report will be given of the finances and various activities. A luncheon will be served by the Algonquin council and those who are interested are invited. A fire and explosion of incendiary origin, wrecked the two story frame structure of the Thos. H. Farreil Piano company at Elgin Saturday night, May 24. Within a few hours after the blast, Thos. H. Farreil, president of the compatiy, and Harry Samsky, owner of a trucking business, were arrested on'an arson charge. P. E. Bertram of Crystal Lake, assistant state fire marshall, took put in the investigation. METHODIST CHURCH You are invited to attend services at the M. E. church every Sunday. Morning worship, 11 o'clock. Sunday school, 10 o'clock. Immediately after church next Sunday there will be a meeting of the official board at the church when members will report on the collections they have been asked to make and contributions will be handed in Members of the board are asked to see everyone on thei* list before Sunday. Thirty-seven names of Sunday school scholars were read on the honor roll for May. Furniture once owned by Abraham Lincoln, and which he used in his home at Springfield before he went to Washington to assume the presidency, has been purchased by Henry Ford. -The furniture was purchased at a public sale in Springfield by a Wilton family, and was sold by Ben and Dick Lilton, who are cousins. There are twenty pieces. The amount paid was not disclosed. The furniture will be taken to Dearborn, Mich., and will be placed in the old Posville court Plaindealers at Wattles. Fox River Hatcheries SPECIAL PRICES All (Heavy Breeds--$8.00 to $12.00 per hundred. Change of prices effective at once; Call and reverse charges. We deliver to your door in lots of 300 or more.. Duck hatching every week? ' Phone I537or 5410 58 S. Spring St. Elgia, Itt TERRA COTTA Mr. and Mrs. John Shales of Elgin called fit the home, of Mrs. Marion McMillan Sunday. Andrew Henderson of Chicago «pent Decoration Day V; the home of P. A. Huffman. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Lawrenz of Chicago were guests at the home of Henry McMillan from Thursday until Sunday. Mrs. Edward J. Knox and daughter, Patricia Ann, of Marengo called on .relatives here Friday evening. Eugene Leisner of Chicago visited relatives here from Thursday until Sunday. Mrs. Leisner spent Sunday here. Henry Shales attended the funerat of his brother, A. D. Shales at Sandwich, 111., Monday. Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Huffman and daughters were guests of relatives in Chicago Sundsy. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Sprouse of Crystal Lake called on friends here Sunday. Otto and Bert Lawrenz of Chicago spent several days last week at the "home of Henry McMillan. Mrs. Fred Bergman of Chicago spent Decoration Das with her sisters here. Miss Lillian Riley returned to her * home in Brooklyn, N. Y., Friday, after spending the past two weeks with her sister, Mrs. B. J. Shine. Vernon J. Knox came home from 9 the University of Notre Dame Sunday . evening and will spend the summer at his home here. Miss Lillian Breyer of Milwaukee spent Saturday with Mrs. Christina Buss. Mr. and Mrs. Henry McMillan visit, ed their daughter, Mrs. J. S. Lynott at Hampshire last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. E. Malone in Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. David Johnson and ' Miss Gloria Johnson of CMcago visit ed at the home of B. J. Shine from Thursday until Sunday. Glenn McMillan of Chicago spent the latter part of last week at his home here. Mrs. Edwin Knox and Mrs. Ed Holle called on their grandmother, Mrs. Christina Buss, Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Bay of Chi cago called on re'.itives here Friday. Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Shine and son3, Mr. and Mrs. D. Johnson and Raymond Riley spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bernston in Elgin. George Cook and two brothers and Miss Drummond of Chicago called on friends in this vicinity Friday. Misses Mary and Alice Knox of McHenry visited relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peck of Chtcago were guests at the home of Hen- Ty McMillan Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox called on -- relative^ in Woodstock recently. - t J «' sPMtegl -Am k . ' f . 4 * ' •""/ v./'v-M.-r. • -v""" ',V7T" • * ' ^ •* *-•' * v / -• ..' ' '• "-y- ' -;r "Yi in • ruliiui r. -n"-iVMiW-i«i timii sift rr- t nn'rt - r '| TNI fS" • % TjflW""T; * W "WHERE IffcCONOMY RULES" f t ih-& Sunical •^U^fCUHGPtAO^ SOMETHING NEW, yet something that PcHenry housewives will welcome--a store where ey can serve themselves or be served by courteous -and efficient help. Unusually fine values in canned foods are being offered at the A & P Food Stores this week. Every price represents a decided money saving. Replenish NOW! Visit this new A & P Food Store while these special values are offered--this week 8 UNICAL EIGHT O'CLOCK Peaches• • 3 Hatlonal Biscuit Co'a. SNOW PEAK COOKIES No.*; Cans 50c • m . m GOLDEN BANTAM Tender, Yellow Lbs. Ne. % *. VAN CAMP'S Sean Mole Beans s" PINK ALASKA jSalmon - MA BROWN h Sweet Pickle^ 2 Tall Oini Z9C X 29C SVNNT FIELD FLOUR T 75c ' "49 Lb. BagM* . . $1.45 ^/; QUEEIt Olives v 29c Stuffed Olives 14 01. [liquid] Z9« Pit, Caraatioii «r Bohba'i MILK Y* • 3 cans 28c GRANDMOTHER'S • -V. ffV 4 Oraagt,MtH t-% A ElA or Green Japan Lb, J76 Quart * PURE GRANULATED CTTA A II Cane in Bulk or Beet in Clotli Bag IO Lbs. 52C THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA C O M P A N Y W E S T E R N D I V I S I O N Fruit and Vegetables Pineapple $3*33 F«r Canning, Preserving or Making Pies FANCY TENNESSEE*-^' Cabbage Sifc- Lb. 5c LUX Tojlet Soap ^ CAKES 20C BiijrimraleakM tkis Law " J § Am ,V ;;^ • -r::: * •• \ . 2 ^ , ' - - I -• % " m % > , • ' 4 ; 1 >** • - • ... • * 4 1 '3