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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Jun 1930, p. 6

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$>\ ' ;^v;< " *> r< "It >", • Ducmry of !»<•• , Iodine was discovered in 1812 by Ooortols, a French niter manufacturfK,. Be was boiling the ash from seaj* wd In copper kettles. Upon the addition of unusually strong sulphuric fcdd to the residue in his pots, he saw jrioiet fumes arising from them. It &named from a Greek word meanviolet color. Peculiarities of Echoes Echo effects are often different when a hall is full. It has been found that an echo which may be there if a hall is filled with women may be en* tirely absent when the audience is a male one. The silk of women's garments absorbs sound far less - than the thicker tweed and woolen clothing of men. , SAFE FOR ?ABt " IsfCommunity Dairy Miifc T' ';k * \ ' 1 ' Milk that comes from contented cows, tuberculin tested and properly fed. As a further precaution our milk is pasteurized and sealed in sterilized, airtight bottles. Surely, this is the milk you will want your baby to have. Community Dairy Hume 660-J-l Ben J. Smith, Prop. VOLO GARAGE Jtate Highway 20 and Rand Roa|t 4-HOUR SERVICE Expert Mechanical Work Rapid Flat Rate Know what your job is going to cost before we start work Phone McHenry 628-R-l <vdr=3Bi--a^gaaeBB i Peterson Garage and Repair Shop Located in the Morrow Building, West McHenry, recently known as the Chevrolet agency. I am now fully equipped to handle all kinds of car and truck repairing { > Alvin C. Peterson Business Phone 256 Residence Phone 137-W LESS LABOR C L E A N E R C LOTH |E fe; i W&iS:,. ASTWORKf Yes, indeed, Ab new Haag 75 makes fast wock of kmndedng. And ftt takes jmt about all of ike work out of it, too. YouTl never go back to Hand-robbing and soaking again, •nee this Haag does your Laundering. It deans clothes ifcoo--even heavy pieces, work clothing and blankets. And you can* trust it with your finest, sheerest; things as w<elL The agitator protects them from •D chance of injury. The new wringer, with its 1 Mbxm-type rolls of soft rubber, "smoothes'* water jbom the clothes, and Is most careful of the buttons, YouH surely want to see this \* asher. It is available flfcher with 4-cyde Briggs & Stratum gasoline engma (f* iOnstrated) or X H. P. GcJ^al Electric Justen & Sons Green Street, McHenry Mi THE H'HENBT PLAINDKAUttl, THQlSDAY, JUKI 5,1934 •* • ; wfflay pbbowus COMERS AND GOERS OF A WEEK IN OUR GIT!" As Soon By Plmindealer Re porters and Handed InT*}-x By Our Friends ^ Mrs. Weir Keck was an Elgin visitor Thursday. Mrs. Fred -Breyer spent the first of the week in Chicago. Jacob Buss of Belvidere visited relatives on Decoration Day. A. L. Payton of Lake Zurich was a McHenry visitor Wednesday. Miss Adeline Perkins of Waukegan spent Sunday at her home here. Miss Ella Ibsch of Chicago visited relatives here over the week-end. Mrs. Clara Johnson of Crystal Lake was a McHenry visitor Thursday. Mrs. George Young of Ringwood was a MfcHenry visitor Thursday. Miss Hazel Bacon of Chicago spent Memorial day at her home here. Mr, and Mrs. Diehl of Woodstock were McHenry visitors Thursday, Mrs. Josephine Heijner visited relatives in Chicago over the week-end. Miss Maud Granger . of Chicago spent the last of the week at her home here. Mrs. Gertrude Davis of Chicago spent the week-end with, relatives here. Ted and Malvina Breyer of Chicago spent the week-end at McCollum's lake. Mr. and Mrs. Will Wilson and son of Chicago were McHenry visitors Friday. Mrs. Lester Page and son returned home from the Woodstock hospital, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Weber of Milwaukee visited relative's here over the week-end. Mary Brefeld of Evanston spent the last of the week at her home in this city. Mr. and Mrs. P. L. McOmber of High wood were McHenry visitors Decoration day. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. McCracken arid little son, Dean, are visiting relatives at Greenville. The Borre family moved this week from the H. J. Schaffer house on Main street to Richmond. Mrs. Edward Dowling of Chicago attended the Commencement exercises here Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alexander of Hebron visited in the Robert Thompson home Decoration day. Mr. and Mrs. John Wirfs and James Geary of Oak Park were guests in the B. J. Brefeld home Sunday. Miss Miriam Sayler spent the weekend as the guest of her little friend, Grace Stenger, at Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Patzke of Chicago spent Friday in the home of his parents on Main street. Miss Lilly Breyer of Milwaukee spent the first of the week with relatives an4 friends in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. William Cowan of Harvard attended the Commencement exercises here Thursday evening. Mrs. C. W. Goodell went to Chicago Saturday, her brother, Vaughn Jones, returning to this city with her. Mrs. Nick Groh and son, Clarence, of Chicago visited in the home of Miss Anna Stock the last of the week. Misses Nellie McDonald and Bernice Smith of Ringwood were McHenry visitor Thursday evening. Robert Knox, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Knox, has gone to Cleveland, O., where he will spend the summer. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Nogle and danghter of Wootfcitock attended the commencement exercises Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Reynolds, daughter, Ida, and son, George, of Chicago visited friends here over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. T. Kimball and her mother, Mrs. J. P. Smith, of Chicago were McHenry visitors Decoration day. M iss Eleanor Kreutzer has resigned her position at the office op Br. A. I. Froehlich and has gone to Chicago to work. Mrs. Ed Brefeld and children and Miss Theresa Brefeld spent Tuesday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Brefeld. Mr. and Mrs. Edward .Dowling of Chicago spent the last of the week in the home of her mother, Mrs. Ella Gans. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McCabe and daughter, Patricia, of Appleton, Wis., were week-end guests of relatives here. Miss Gertrude May returned home Friday, after spending the week with her sister, Mvs. Albert Rosing, at Libertyville. / Mr. and Mrs. Rob Richardson have moved from Ridgefield to Crystal Lake. They are former residents of this vicinity. Mrs. S. S. Chapell of Chicago spent Memorial day and the last of the week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson. Ellen Walsh of South Bend, Ind., spent a few days the last of the week in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Walsh. Miss Anna Krumpen who spent the winter here has gone to Richmond where she will live with her niece, Mrs. Mary Adams. Mrs. Alice Altman of Chicago en tertained the Irving Park Catholic Woman's club at her summer home at McCollum's lake, Monday. Mrs. Mary Chomer and daughter, Mary, will leave this week to make their home in Chicago. They have lived with Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Cobb for the past few years. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith and son of Chicago spent Decoration day with friends at Howell's Villa. Mrs. Smith, who was formerly Miss Margaret Stenger, also called on friends far this city. C. W. Stenger and family of Waukegan visited friends here on Memorial day and also on Sunday. On Thursday the Stenger children in company with Mrs. Gribble will go to Green Bay, where they will spend the summer in her cottage. IN SIX WEEKS JONJOLA SCORED " FINE VICTORY "I Had No Idea Konjola Could Give , fSuch Wonderful Results,^ Says Quincy Lady * Syr*? £ , V .A . - "t • t. i SSiKSWSSKSW . MRS. JACK BROKAMP Tens of thousands of men and women have expressed amazement: and delight with the Konjola, thq medicine of 32 ingredients, goes tdi; the very source of the ills this modern^? medicine is designed to relieve. Con sider, for instance, the case of Mrs. Jack Brokamp, 719 Main St., Quincy,; 111., w*ho says: "I am satisfied there is no better medicine than Konjola. For over fouEJj. years I suffered with indigestion, kid ney trouble and nervousness. Appetite was poor and what little I ate caused misery. At times I lived for days on broth or milk. I lost weighty and became very weak. Well, I had no idea that Konjola could give such wonderful results. In six weeks I gained sixteen pounds, and it is a pleasure to live, the way I feel now." Isn't that the kind of medicine you want; one that makes good like Konjola hag in numberless thousands of such cases ? Konjola is sold in McHenry, Illinois, at the Thomas P. Bolger drug store and by all the1 best druggists in all towns throughout this entire section. Odd Parliamentary Rule M. P.s may not lock any of the doors in the British house of commons, all the door keys being in the care of certain officials. Phone Richmond 16. Dr. VETERINARIAN RICHMOND, ILLINOIS McHENRY GRAVEL * # jSXCAVATINO 00. A. P. Freund, Prop. Road Building and Excavating - of Every Description Estimates Furnished OB Bequest High-grade Gravel Delivered at any time--large or small orders given prompt attention^ Phone 204-M McHenry XENRY V. SOMPEX. •' General Teaming Sand, Gravel and Coal for Said Grading, Graveling and Road Work Done By Contract or By Day Phone McHenry 649-R-j, 0. Address, Route § McHenry, HI. "V, -wte* WM, M.CARROLL Lawyer Oftee with West MrHenry State BuHt Every Wednesday 4 McHenry, IUinofaf Telephone No. 1SS-R ' Stoffel ft Reihaospergvr insurance agents for all classes of property in the heat companies. WEST McHENRY - - ILLINOIS Insure--b Sere--Insurance -- WITH -- :i Wm. G. Schreinei* Auctioneering OFFICE AT RESIDENCE •3-R McHenry, Illine!* Phone 126-W • Reasonable Batcf1 A. H. SCHAEFBK Draying McHENRY * I ^ > ILLINOIS , -ft, if. * Phone McHenry 133-M JOHNOEMG Province of Beftttly Where men are not kept In mind of beauty, they become lower than the beasts; for a dog, I will maintain, Is a very tolerable judge of beauty, as appears from the fact that any Uberally educated dog does, in a general way, prefer a wonian to a man.--Francis Thompson. Prtblm for tli* Cnoaw 0n« of the objections to "The Star Spangled Banner" is that It has a robust melbdy which Is no good at aU tor a "crooner."--Washington Star. Central Garage :'£7r-"T JOHNSBtmc . . raw* j. smith, >wnhn» • • Chevrolet Sales. General Antomotivejtepair Work 1 s t G i v e u s a c a l l w h e n i n t r o u b l e ' v - S EXPERT WELDING AND CYLINDER RBBOBING f Day Phone 200-J Night Phone 640~J-°2 ?>• • f ? i ^ '• -4 : USE THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOE QUICK RESULTS r'.'v ^ ^ t Ttt WISE TO CHOOSK A J r- : ; rj.:, •. , ' i -foilr"* • wins iiatfomvhic approval / On January 1st of thii year, the Chevrolet Motor^Gompany announced a new service policy--the most liberal ever offered in connection with a lowpriced automobile. Immediately it was greeted with enthusiasm by Chevrolet buyers everywhere --because its many unusual features materially add to the economy and lasting satisfaction of Chevrolet ownership. Briefly, it provides-- --for free inspection and adjustment at the 500- mile mark, and free inspections every 1000 miles thereafter. --for free replacement of any ,'495 OR PHAETON Th» Club Smdan... 9665 Thm Sedan *675 Th* Special Sedan. 972$ (A wire wheels standard) Trucks: Light Delivery Chassis. 9365: Sedan Delivery. *595; IH Ton Chassis, SSM; lHTon Chassis with Cab, tilS: Roadster Delivery (rick-up boa extra), S440. ALL PUCES V. O. B. FACTORY, FLINT. MICH. ROADSTER The Coach or Coupe '565 Thm Sport Roadster 9555 The Sport Coupe.. 9655 material--tfictuding both parts and labor--that may prove defective, within the terms of the standard warranty. --that this replacement will be carried out by any Chevrolet d ealer in the United States--regardless of where the owner may have traveled during the warranty period. Backing this policy is one of the largest service organizations in the automotive industry--consisting of over 10,000 authorized Chevrolet dealer service stations in the United States^ alone. Come In! Learn all the other reasons why it's wise to choose a Chevrolet Six! V CHEVROLET SIX Harry ?ownsend taarlStrMrt Chevrolet Sales juid jtervicc MeHMn# "VhrV' - ' SIX-CYLfKint* sntOWTBIVCSS AT LOW cost! Has So Little Distrl>ut4»r <if prima SrvrraoeB Distributor Sheridan Soft Drinks McHENRY, ILLINOIS READ • these features! Tread--wider, thick- Sf, tougher, deeper-cut. 2 On the Sidewalls-- thick, wide, tapered bars and circle riba. S Six-ply Heavy Doty body of sturdy Supertwist-- 4 Big and Handsome-- klgh quality, full overgUe tire of. rujffed Strength. iOoodyeac, world's largest builder at tires, caps til climaxISee the iNevf Heavy Dntjr flK^ndard Lifetime Quaranteed fhth&ndec Look tX These AmSiamr Mam! SSk4^0 u,r. 81x5.00 SlxS.25 SSz6.00 ^Sx6.00 SSxSVi Overall* S2x4 29x4.40 IHIIIItll.l I «»•--». - 7.00 S.SO ,10JS 13.20 .. 13.60 | 5.60 Carefully mounted free. Save on tubes, too! Remember: These Goodyears are backed by our round, oa-the-grouiid service--REAL SERVICE! Walter J. Freund TIRE AND TUBE VULCANIZING' •m-. j • \ : i ^ Phone 120-fc " > ALL WORK OUAiAMTKID BATTERY OHAROIMO AMD RBPAIRIHO Wwt MoBtarj, •J&ii •, ( J 11

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