***** r J Hi i ii I I M'HENRY PLAINDEAL Published every Thursday at McHenry, Hl^ by Charles F. Renich. Entered a* second-class natter at Che kr the act of May 8,1879. at tCcHaaqr, EL. m. One Tear Six Month* Subecription Rates >|2.00 41.00 A W MOSHER, aid Mutfcr K:Ty$J* Wl'.- ( Xr WEEKLY PERSONALS COMERS AND GOERS OF A WEEK IN OUR CITY Aa Seen By Plaindealer Reporters and Handed 2ft Ry On* Friends Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Phslin were Elgin visitors Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Weber were Chicago visitors Wednesday, Miss Etta Levey of Ridgefiekl called on Mrs. Ella Wheeler Sunday. Herbert Bennett of Woodstock visited his sister, Mrs. W. Sayler Sonday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smith and children visited relatives at Ringwood Sunday. Will Smith of Kenosha, Wis^ visited in the Thomas McLaughlin home Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Schaefer -and children were Lake Geneva visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thurlwell visited relatives in Chicago over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dowling spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. F. O. Gans. Mrs. R. T. Wray and daughter, Sayler home Saturday. Mrs. George Phalin was a Woodstock visitor Saturday. Emily Steffes is spending the wesk with relatives in Chicago. Miss Mary McAndrews of Chicago was a McHenry visitor Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Lester of Elgin visited friends here Sunday. Miss Verena Justen of Chicago spent the week-end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. John McVey and son of Chicago called on friends here Sunday. Herbert Ziegler and Ray Marks of Chicago were McHenry visitors Son day. Mr. and Mrs. John McCHave of Chicago called on friends here Sonday. Misses Berniee Weber, May Justen and Lois Bacon were Elgin visitors Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Bidder of Chicago visited in McHenry; over the week-end. Mrs. Warren Fierce of Richmond spent Tuesday is the guest of llrs. John Keg. Mrs. P. H. Weber, daughter, Helen, and Clara Schiessle were Elgin visitors Wednesday. Mrs. R. I. Overton returned home Sunday after a week's visit with relatives in Elgin. Dr. and Mrs. Vernon Besley of Freeport were callers in the W. A. 'APJHUI( JMH* spent a recent Mr. and Mrs.' W. J. Donavin and children spent the week-end with relatives in West Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fowler of Chicago were Sunday visitors in the hokne of Mrs. Emma Kennebeck. B. J. Frisby and son, Robert, of Chicago were Sunday visitors in the Rita Dhu, of Elgin called on friends here Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Behlke of Chicago spent Sunday with her father, J. J. Bach. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Smith visited in the George Young home at Ringwood Sunday. o Francis Bonslett of Chicago visited I home of his mother^ Mrs. B. Frisby his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William] Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bonslett of Bonslett, Sundky. | Crystal Lake visited his parents, Mr Hilda VanHeirslee and Florence Al- j and Mrs. William Bonslett Sunday, lis of Waukegan were guests of Miss Harold Phalin attended a Public jLaura Michels Sunday. [ Service company banquet at Crystal Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hunter, Jr.,! Lake on Wednesday evening of la*t Wisited her parents at Walworth, i week. Wis., Monday evening. j Mr. and Mrs. William Cohan, Mr*. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Linaweaver of.Schlitt and E. J. Cohan of Chicago ^Chicago were Sunday guests in the (were calling on friends in this city Thomas McLaughlin home. j Sunday. Mrs. WiH Aebischer and sons of Chicago spent the week-end with her imother, Mrs. Kate Stoffel. Elaine and Genevieve Jackson of Solon are guests in the home of their Jackson, this week. 1 Mrs. Catherj,e Youn* daugh- • t<*. Mrs. Stephen N. Stfinnvv, were . |\v Milwaukee, Wis., visitors Monday. Weber went to Chicago Surt- «ay evening where he spent a lew Ways visiting., friends and relatives. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Bob Matthew* and three daughters of Chicago were Sun- §5t'r' day visitors in the Thomas MeLaughff home. p-' Mr. and Mrs. Adam Leitner and L - daughter and husband of Elgin were II V !4 Sunday guests In the home of Mrs. ^ Ella Wheeler. ^ Woodstock's Beautiful Play Him**. I Matkiees Sua.-Wed.-Sat. 2JO Evenings 7-9 FRIDAY-SATURDAY All Talking Victor McLaglen in "ON THE LEVEL" Vic's latest role is as peppy as any of his other big ynrrcnnrn like "Cock Eyed World" sad "Hot for Paris." also Talking Comedy and Movietone News SUNDAY -- MONDAY Billie Dove Most beautiful of all stars singing and dancing in "THE PAINTED ANGEL" Ail"' with Edmund Lowe From story "Give This Little Girl a Hand" by Fannie Hurst Also Talking Comedy Movietone News TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY Irene Bordoni in "PARIS" With Jack Buchanan and Zasu Pitts I>!kinS' Singing, Dancing, Color, Beautiful Girls, Georgeous Gowns, Dazzling Ensembles. J Songs, 200 Fast Steppers and Laughs. r-";7 , also talking Comedy Movietone News gp--P----i-- . Margaret Farmer returned to her home at Beloitj Wis., Monday after being the guest €f_Charlotte Ericksoi for a week. Mrs. Daniel Curly returned to her home at Tea, S. D., Friday, after spending the past ten days with rela- ' tives here. Walter Warner of Elgin was a week-en<! guest In lfeHtnry- He was accompanied home by his fciie and children. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Martin and family of Woodstock were Sunday evening guests in the E. E. Bassett home on Main street. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hunt of Oak Park have returned home after spending a week in the home of M& and Mrs. W. A. Sayler, Miss Ellen Grady returned to her home ut Lake Geneva, Wig., Tuesday after visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Burke. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rietesel and family left Sunday morning for Spider Lake, Wis., where they spend a week's vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Webster Twig and John Adams of Chicago were Sunday visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thurlwell. Mr. and Mrs. George Dightman of Walworth, Wis, visited in thf home of their daughter, Mrs. Everett Hunter, Jr., last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Biehl and daughter, Lucille, of Chicago were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Weber. Mrs. J. W. Pendergast of Springfield, Wis., and daughter, Gladys, of Milwaukee, Wis., were Sunday guests of Miss Kate McLaughlin. Mr. and MTS. John Thurlwell and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Thurlwell of Rockford were Sunday afternoon visitors in the Frank Thurlwell home. Mrs. Thomas Kane was a ttMrwHvyf visitor Tuesday. Wesley Hale of Chicago was a caller here Thursday. Miss Leta Jacks of Evanston visited friends here Tuesday. Miss Floribel Bassett spent. two days last week in Chicago. ^ Mrs. J. C. Jolly of Crystal Lake visited relatives here Friday. Fred Kamholz, Jr., of Chicago called at his home here Sunday. Mrs. Walter Warner and children of Elgin spent the week-end here. Mr. and Mrs. William Spencer visited relatives at Waueonda Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Al Pepping of Spring Grove visited friends here Tuesday. Albert Buch is an employee in the new drug store on Riverside Drive. Mrs. W. F. Burke and J. B. Kelter were Lake Geneva visitors Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Claxton visited at Mundelein and Libertyville Sunday. Miss Lillian Conley of Woodstock was a McHenry visitor last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd/Eddy of Grays - , lake were McHenry visitors Friday evening. Miss Kathleen GWens returned home last Wednesday from a visit at Racine. Mrs. John Bolger and son, Donald, of Woodstock visited in McHenry Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schmitt and children of Chicago visited relatives here Friday. Sister MarcellenuS of Peoria visited her grandmother, Mrs. Annie Frisby, last Thursday. Miss Lenofe Frisby is spending a couple of weeks wfth relatives at Waukegsn. Mrs. Gerald Carey returned home from the West Side hospital in Chicago Saturday. Helen Metz of Elgin was the'guest of Harriet Brown several days the last of the week. Donald Wagner of Toledo, Ohio, visited several days in the home of his uncle, Cloice Wagner. Edward Dwyer of Chicago is spending his vacation in the h6me of his aunt, Mrs. Walter Walsh. Edward Bonslett of Auburn, Ind., visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wfr liam Bonslett last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Williams and children spent Thursday in the Henry Williams home at Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heimer of Chicago spent last week with his mother, Mrs. Josephine Heimer. Miss Helen Welch returned to Chicago the first of the week after spending a week at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Damm and children of Kenosha, Wis., visited in the William Bacon home Sunday. Miss Edith Repke of Evanston and Paul Kemholz of Chicago visited in the home of his parents Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Arvedson and children of Milwaukee, Wis., spent last week in a cottage at Hickory Grange. Mr. and Mrs. John Blatden of Chicago were visitors in the home of Mrs. Catvline Schiessle Suqday and Monday. Mrs. M. J. dcitaetfer of Crystal Lake attended the card party given for St. Patrick's church, last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Knodler and chil dren of Chicago were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heimer, one day last week. Edward M&ttheWs, who spent a week at the Mayo Bros, clinic at Rochester, Minn., returned, home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Westfall and daughter, Doris, ,of Chicago visited in the Simon Stoffel home over the week-end. Mrs. E. J. Mansfield and Mrs. Wright of Woodstfccfc Visited the former's sister, Mrs. E. E. Bassett, Monday. v Mrs. Mary Avttild, daughter, Loretta, and son, Itobmas, of Chicago were guests of Jilrs. Ellen Whiting the last of the tWek. Mrs. R. J. Real and daughters, Laverne and Shirley May, of Chicago are visiting her sister, Mrs. Peter J. Schaefer, this week. Mr. and Mrs. George Hutson and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sayler and children of Woodstock were callers in town Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. For test Sholes and daughter, Joan, of Chicago were guests in the M. J. Kent home the latter part of the week. Misses Helen Welch and Grace Mar- FOR SALE--One Advance Rumley l(Wnch silo filler, only used one sea son. Henry M. Smith. Phone Mc Henry 666-W-2. 11-tf FOR SALE--Boat, 25-fout cruiser, lo. cated in Oakhurst' Subdivision. Call on Saturday or Sunday. E. Kiehne, Brookfield, HI. *11 FOR SALE--Twin bads, inner spring mattresses, wire springs, vanity dresser, piano. Practically new. Inquire at 5 & 10 cent store, Riverside Drive. *11 FOR SALE--Fask motor boat; beautiful lines; 60-hp.; 6-cyl. motor; Bosch mag.; mahogany trim; seats 7; $475 takes it. Jm F. Mras, Pistakee Bay, McHenry, HI. Phone McHenry 652-R-l. A.7 9.4 FOR SALE--One used 26-48 all steel Woods Bros, thresher. Nearly new. Tonyan Bros.. McHenry, 11L Phone 642-J-2. 8-tf FOR SALE--Fore bred registered Holstein bulls, excellent breeding, good type; all ages. W. H. Branded burg, Birchmont farm. Iftgleside, 111 6-fcf FOR SALE--Great l>anfe puppies, 8 mos. old, pedigreed. W. H. Branden burg, Ingleside. HI. «/ 6-tf FOR SALE--Well secured 7% First Mortgages on McHenry Residence Property. Inquire at Flaindeatar office. 19-tf FOR RENT FOR RENT--Vacant September 1. •Cottage near Park and bathing beach. Four rooms and sun porch. Mrs. Andrew Miller, McHfehry. 11* $ • y on ac- „ of Paris sad IAMob was belli in Monreale «f( Palermo, 1734, and died In London, 1818. Like L ii pot and AldrJc, Panermo y one of the cleverest Imitators of stradlvarius violins. Of a wandering dtoesttton, he often changed his residence and worked In London, Paris, and also la Ireland. Some of his lnstruiqents have a marvelous finish and his red varnish Is of exceptional quality. His instruments are scarce and sometimes branded. In the early English newspapers, and the first copy of the Boston News Letter, printed in 1704, regarded by maliy as the first newsptper in the present meaning of tho term, .included ads under RattlMuln'i Rii|( She biological sarvey sajw a rattlesnake adds from two to four rings a year, usually one each the skin is shed. The snake seldom has more than 10 rings, because the terminal rings are worm^down or broken oft Safety la Si If you lira in the average city or* suburban home with houses of at lsast equal height around you, lightning |» apt to make you a victim only once In every thousand years or so. Conn, try Hoafe. • ******. !4 Woodstock is broadeastiftg WJJD Monday and Wednesday morn- , ings at 8 o'clock each week, Central' Standard time. 10-3? FAVOaEn AT ANT TABLE count of this overwhelming demand for new FOR RENT--Four-room flat, furnished with heat. Modern. ! B. Joos, McHenry. Phone 135-M. [ 11-tf FOR RENT--Seven-room modern house; newly decorated; oil furnace, hot water tank and water softener; good location in iiorth part of McHenry. Inquire at Thelen-Pich Millinery, cor. Pearl St. and Riverside Drive, or at Plaindealer office. 8-tf FOR RENT--Modern 7-room house, known as the Wentworth Home. Inquire at Marshall's McHenry Bakery, 7-fcf cars we FOR RENT--Eightooom modern house, electric lights, furnace heat, cement basement, large porches, tennis court, beautiful oak grounds. Barn and oth buildings ift good condition. W, H, Brandenburg, Ingleside, 111. 6-tf MISCELLANEOUS JOE KVIDERA, CARY, ILL. • Livestock Dealer •*. Dairy Cows a Specialty • Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone Cary 8?»J j - * " '•r%50$ FARMERS--DEAD OR ALIVE ANIMALS-- We buy and pick up crippled and broken down cows, horses, pigs, sheep and old plugs. To be used for Silver Fox food. From per head. NOTICE We dead animals also. We pay more for dead animals if you call us as quickly as the animal dies. Telephone Barrington 250. We pay all telephone calls. *4-8 some ent values in recondition- I , "V ed used cars * on Corn Fed Beef Always W*U Hotliing is quite so appetizing as a tender roasCf Our regular customers will tell you how goodp our meats are for they come from stock tha| has been properly corn fed. Phone us your ot|^ der today. * * Regnei's Market dnd (irDcery Phone ' 'The Home of Good Eats' Main Street McHenry TUNE--and keep year piano tuned. Tuning makes your piano a musical instrument. Phone 274-J or write J. H. Delhi, Woodstock, AL 27-tf FARM LOANS--First 'mortgage only. Quick Service. Reasonably charge. We also buy farm first mortgages. R. M. Fritz, 2nd Floor, Harvard State Bank Bldg., Harvard, I1L . 44-tf Miss Kate McLaughlin was a Chi cago visitors Saturday where she met «.• Mls8e8 "elen We1ch and Gra< hheerr ssiisstteerr,. Mrrss.. OO.. CC.. MMuurrrraayv o«ff Gen . spent two days week in the eva and spent the day with her. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Donavin and daughters returned to their home at Monroe, Mich., after spending a week as guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Donavin. Mrs. Edward Buss, son, Edward, Mrs. Elizabeth Buss, daughter, Mayme, and Mrs. Caroline Schiessle were Mundelein and Waukegan visitors Thursday. Mr. andt Mrs. Peter Beinson of Ridgefield and Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Benson of Crystal Lake were Sunday visitors in the home of Mrs. Ella Wheeler. Sister Mary Eudelfia, Sister Mary Switheate and Sister Mary Elenarins of Aurora visited in the home of the former's mother, Mrs. Catherine Young, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mester and family and Mrs. J. Moroski and daughter, Grace, of Chicago were callers in the home of Mrs. Elisabeth Buss Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Stoffel and family of this city and Mrs. Will Aebischer and children of Chicago visited in the Charles Stoffel home at Kenosha, Wis., Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith and family of Harvard, Mr. and 'Mrs. Arnold Reinart of Elgin and Mr. and Mrs. George Young of Ringwood were Sunday visitors in the home of their mother, Mrs. Catherine Young. Mrs. J. J. Rothermel and two sons, daughter, Florence and Miss Pauline Pufahl returned home Sunday from a two weeks vacation and camping trip in the vicinity of the Wisconsin Dells Mr. Rothermel joined them oh Satur d,ay a"d made the return tlij with can not afford to pass Among, our stock at present Civil War Ntcuilty Shlnplasters, or fractional currency, were issued during the Civil war because of • the disapoetfance of coin from circulation tjbottage of small coin. lfra^ tlonal money wdjpme et^Vogust 1862. The last^fpil fifth, issue was made from ffe)|ruary to February 1#|. ^ ( \ r, home of the former's sister, Mrs. Glen Robinson of Woodstock. Mrs. Nellie Stanton and daughter, Mrs. Laura Jorgenson and the latter's daughter, Beatrice, of Long Lake spent last Wednesday afternoon here. Mrs. Fred McOmber, who has been spending several days with relatives in this vicinity returned to her home in Sioux Falls, S. D., Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Will Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Harris and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Freund were Sunday guests of M. and Mrs. Roy Goin at Woodstock Mrs. Edwin Walsh and children of Chicago, Mrs. Walter Walsh, Edward Dwyer and Mrs. Mary -McCabe spent Thursday at the Bolger cottage at Fernwood. Mr. and Mrs. Merk Jensen of Riverside and Mrs. Hans Jensen of Woodstock were visitors in the home of the latter's mother, Mrs. Annie Frisby, Saturday. McHenry friends are in receipt of cards from Miss Mildred Minnich of Oak Park, who, in company with her mother, is touring the east. Miss Minnich will resume her work as teacher here in September. Mrs. George H. Johnson, daughter, Marguerite, Mrs. E. E. Bassett, Mr3. L. A. Erickson and Mrs. C. W. Goodell spent Tuesday afternoon at the Richmond golf course. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Butler and children of Chicago returned home Thursday after spending their vacation in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heimer. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Froehlich Mr. and Mrs. George Penny and sons of Winnebago, Minn., who have been guests in the Dr. A. I. Froehlich home for the last two weeks, left fit Vhetr hone Saturday morning. i- Glils Hardier Than Beys' "boys are harder to rear then girls" was recently given support by statistics issued from the children's bureau of the Departtfilnt of Labor. These data reveal that, although mora boys are born in the United States than girls, the latter have SO per cent more chance of living. During tha first year, 130 boy babies died for every 100 girls who fall' to survive. Wear u well s 11< > 1 v i < > K>1 WE SELL YOU SHOES FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY AT FACTORY PRICE^-A BETTER SHOE FOR LESS MONEY THAN YOU CAN GET AT MAIL ORDER HOUSES AND BESIDES YOU CAN TRY THEM ON BEFORE YOU PAY FOR THEM. < ifclrtt lb* To MeaMfiv. Expert Shoe Repairing We carry a complete line of beltfa*-- «*tt toand or V-Ml B» POFP Tel. ISft Mala St. 1930 Ford Tom Sedaa (Driven Very Little) 1930 Ford Tudor Sedaa Demonstrator 1929 Ford Coach 1929 Ford Roadster 1928 Ford Conk . 1929 Ford Town and of coursf all kinds Chevrolet* The Illinois State r A i K August 16 to ll # Preterits the Greatest Educational and Entertainment Program I • ^ i in Its Histoi# y. Saturday, Aug. 16--All Veterans' Day Sunday, Aug. 17--Sacred Concert Day | Monday, Aug. 18--Children** Day 7^. Tuesday, Aug. 19--Springfield Day ? ^ V 'Wednesday, Aug. 20--Chicago Day ; ' $*hursday, Aug. 21--Governor's Daf v J^riday, Aug. 22--Farm Bureau Day " Saturday, Aug. 23--Darby Day; Gonvao^a [ Harness and Running Races Daifr J| 'wo New Features ,f All Veterans' Day-^-Derby Day 1 _ Free Attractions, Firework* Horse Show in Evening Free Camp Parking Spam tin Page Mote# Sales "W« Serve After We SeU' Phone 30 McHenry, UL * <• • A ml Bobolink Silk Hose! A AU* SILK HOSE, special per pair WOMEN'S HOUSE FROCKS, tleeveless and short sleeve models -9Sll^ Setter qualities in regular and extra sixes ^1.95 to $2.95 SAYOir XTTOIES,vwrts, bloomers, panties ' stepins i, 69^ and 79<^ SEAMLESS BLEACHED SHEETS, miiili . 1(11. Ill ijlTiyii!iI'ljlrfi • wjiwiii !^i»B nljiIII«•*¥ ' if i v," John ! WEST SIDE GARAGE Otto Adams, TdlS Oeseral Automobile Eepairii^ Bee. Phone, 639-B-2