mm tWm *jf«1 . >•:.: H -,•-: * ; • * ' # : ' * - N O T I C E ftf' "l" ^ * £2 , ?-* **"•***«« wi } dr.*. G. *os*m %».;, & .„•' | V" if Chicago, St ^ f 'j Win be at Nye's Jewelry Skt#'"iii r 'Tuesday of each week. Eyes ««•<•• L"Jr^«d ud flaaw fitted. Ko chaise for »• •' $' * exaatnattan. l\\ . GUld^nCs «7«« a. specialty. THE IfHENRY PLAINDEALER, THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 1930 ",.K Dr. JOHN DUCET VBfBBlNABIAN WM. H. CARROLL "" " Lawysr OAn with West McHeary State Bart Every Wednesday 4 McHenry, Iffiaals -'••M McHENEY 12S-W Reasonable Rates •IDraytaf r? r. l^icmfONn, ILLINOIS XeHXNBY ORAVEL a I EXCAVATING CO, J-v,- A. P. Freund, Propi':" A' Road "Building and Excavating ^ of Every Description Estimates Furnished OB It ' Bequest ' High-grade Gravel Delivered at any time--large or small orders given prompt attention. Phone 204-M - McHenry • •* HENRY V. SOMPEt General Teaming f:' Sand, Gravel and Coal for Grading, Graveling and Road l^ork Done By Contract or JJy Day Phone McHenry 649-R-l P. 0. Address, Route d McHenry, M. Telephone N«. 108-R Stoffel ft Reihansperger bwurance igorta for all 'classes if property is the best companies. WEST McHENBY - - ILLINOIS tasnre~Ii Sure-lisurtnee WITHWm. G.Schreiner Auctioneering OFFICE AT RESIDENCE Pfcaae 9S-R McHenry. Missis HERMAN J. SCHASTER l^cal and Long } Distance Hauling and Moving Lire Stock Hauled Rigbt to the Yard Phone 178 koHenry, m Length of Passion Ray the Passion play begins at eight o'clock in the morning, and, with a two-hoar interval for lunch, continues until six o'clock In the evening. r IK --Cream--Butter I Direct from our Dairy J The richest milk, cretin and butter, pure and fresh from our sanitary dairy, delivered to your door every morning in the week--on a standing order basis. Our dairy products cost no more but their quality is far superior to all others. Community Dairy Phone 660-J-l Ben J. Smith, Prop, Phalin & Kennebeclfc (G. A. Stilling Garage) $torage»Repairing"Oil~Qreasing r\ Phone 28 « •• JdT Corner Ehn Street and Riverside Drive op. Route 10 |pv.rt Aii EXPENSE CRMSE DGL-LJXE: To Santt Ste. Marie Mackinac Island Chicago andRetarn PLAN YOUR VACATION to leave on the Great Ship "SEEANDBEE" from Cleveland, September 8th; returning September 13th> Cruise on Lake Erie, the Detroit River, Lake St. Clair, die St. Clair River, lake Huron, beautiful Sc. Marys River and Lake M^higan Stop-overs at the famous "Soo" Lodes, with sightseeing trips at Chicago and Mackinac Island, wonderful scenery- Endless entertainment. Excellent meals. All expense, including fare, meals, M«<*fnnii1' accommodations And sightseeing trips . From Cleveland, only $75.00 Alii for special C&B Line Cruuc De Luxt FoUtr 1BE CLEVELAND AND BUFFALO TRANSIT CO.? CmI 9th Street Pier Cleveland, Ohio VOLO GARAGE Jtate Highway 20 and Rand Ro|f}, Z4-HOUR SERVICE ry.& Expert Mechanical Work Rapid Flat Rate ®W)l^What your job is going to before we start work Phone McHenry 628-R-l 8 '5 VSV v^iW1 • y; u COMERS AND GOERS Of A WEEK IN OUR CITY As Seen By Plaindealer Reporters and Handed In By On.* Friends ' Julia King of Wilmette visited here Sunday. k' I Eugene Sayier tpwt Tuesday la .Chicago. i j I Mrs. Weir Rede was a Chicago visitor Tuesday. * Miss Clara Smith was a Chicago visitor Monday. F. G. Schreiner was a Chicago visitor Tuesday. N Supt. C. H. Duker warf t Chicago visitor Saturday. / Mat Weber spent several days last week in Chicago. Francis Bon&lett of Chicago spent Tuesday in McHenry. Miss Clara Miller spent the first of the week in Chicago. Leroy Conway of Chicago spent Sunday at his home here. " Theresa Karls of Chicago spent Sunday at her home here. Silas Swales of Williams Bay spent Monday night in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Eddy visited relatives at "Marengo Sunday. Leo Smith of Chicago Heights spent the week-end at his home here CONGRESS PRAISED "The recent session of Congress has given conservation generally far more support than any previous session," states Mr. Willoughy Walling, Chairman of the Executive Board of the Izaak Walton League, in a special report to the League's national officers and directors. "The Seventy-First Congress has not only made considerable larger appropriations," he continues, "for the extension and protection of our forests, our national parks, and our fed? eral fisheries and migratory bird work, but it has launched a number of new conservation programs \ and adopted new conservation principles of vast, far-reaching importance to the welfare of the American people. In this outstanding program the organized strength of the'League, and the work it haS done during the past eight years to meld proper public conservation sentiment, has had a very definite and prominent pari. We are more and more being recognized in Congress, as the leading national conservation organization." Mr. Waliing reviews the outstanding accomplishments of this session and states that the passage of the Mrs. William Aebischer of Chicago1 Shipstead-Newton-Nolan Superior visited relatives here last week. Dick Overton assisted in the Buick garage at Crystal Lake last week. Frank Kraft of Chicago visited Mrs. Mary Sim%n a few days this week. Miss Charlotte Erickson is spending two ^eeks with relatives at Beloit. Mrs. J. R. Smith and son, Edward, spent Sunday at the Wisconsin Dells. Miss May Keefe of Elgin spent Sunday evening in the E. Knox home. Dr. and Mrs. A. I, Froehlieh and daughter visited at Woodstock Sunday. Miss Apna Popp and sister, Rosa, attended a picnic at Belvidere Saturday. Mrs. Anna Webster of Chicago is the guest of Mrs. T. W. Wiakel this week. Mrs. George Kuhn spent a few days last week with her sister in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Overton and daughter visited at Crystal Lake Wed- :nesday. | Grace Martin spent several days this week with Helen Welch at Evanston. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rietesel and family spent last week at Spider I Lake, Wis. Junior Karls of Chicago fa spending a two weeks vacation with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. William Rarls and children of Chicago visited relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Robinson of Forest Bill, during the closing hours of a hectic session, is the greatest victory of all because this measure was so bitterly fought by thoroughly organized, amply financed opposition. This bill withdraws all remaining public domain lands in that region so that -they may be made a part of the forest; it protects the natural water levels and prevents flooding except by special permission of Congress; and it establishes by law a definite policy of preserving all shoreline timber on federal lands within that vast wilderness area. It 1* the first time Congress has seen fit to so recognize scenic and recreational values. CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Council Room, Aug. 4, 1930."" The city aldermen, with Mayor Knox presiding, met in.regular session Monday evening. Aldermen present: Doherty, Kreutxer, Overton, Schaefer and Wattles. Absent: Krause. The mimatts of the last meeting were read and approved. Motiori by Doherty, seconded by Wattles that the treasurer's report, showing a balance of $7778.89, be accepted as read. Motion carried. Motion by Kreutzer, seconded by Schaefer, that the clerk's report be accepted as read. Motion carried. Motion by Overton, seconded by Schaefer, that the collector's report be accepted. Motion carried. nuumsun 01 Motion by Overton, seconded by Woodstock spent Sunday evening with! ®c|iaefer» that the following bills be relatives here. ' P««d: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heuser andl salary for July .^$100.00 family of Chicago spent one evening McHenry Band, rehearsals and last week here. I concerts 360.00 Joe Young and family of Spring, Valv°Hne Oil Company 10.00 Grove visited in the Mat Blake home ??8.1.11 Glosson, Ibr. at city hall 299.45 one day last week. Herman Schaefer and George Fr\sby, Jr., were business visitors in Wisconsin Wednesday. Mrs. Mary Hoffmeier of Chicago is spending two weeks with her mother, Mrs. Mary Simon. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Newman and Mrs. Mary Simon visited at Woodstock Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Carl Schmitt and children of Chicago are spending a few day# in the Fred Kamholz home. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Thurlwell of Tulsa, Okla., spent Thursday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Smith. Miss Lenore Cobb returned to her work in Chicago Friday after a several weeks vacation at her home here. Mrs. Alma Thomas, Mrs. Ella Smith and daughter, Clara, visited E' SayIer Elgin Sunday. Misses Genevieve and Dorothy „ „ Knox, Claire Whiting and Richard iPub- Service Co., electricity .... Conway visited in Chicago Saturday. | Schaefer, freight and *r- and Mrs. T. J. Walsh spent' drayage Wednesday of last week in the home John R- Knox, mayor's salary of their son, Richard Walsh, at Evans- R- P- Conway, clerk's salary ton. " * " - McHenry Public Schools, overpayment on water meter Louis Althoff, Ibr. and material 111. Bell Tel. Co Chicago Oxygen Gas. Co., mdse John Stilling's Tire Shop, mdse. McHenry Plaindealer, pub. approp, ordinance West Side Garage, mdss, M. M. Niesen, J&ly salary Standard Oil Co., mdse M. Engeln A Son, supplies Geo. Meyers, Ibr. and mdse Pub. Service Co. street lights 131.28 Pub. Service Co., street lights 112.41 Pub. Service Co., electricity .... 17.20 Frank Masquelet, spec, police services Walter Krause, Ibr. R. F. Conway, postage and phone calls John Walsh, July salary 53.25 11.20 M *J2 12.34 6.60 1.65 60.00 1.65 2.90 9.00 12.00 2.00 1.45 185.60 79.60 5.16 24.00 75.00 Mrs. Joe Smith and sens spent the Week-end and the first of the week with relatives at SaxvUlc. WIS. - _ ' Marjory Phalin and Antonette Huetch of Chicago spent the weekend in the home of the former's Barents. Mrs. Ellen Ensign recently celebrated her seventy-second birthday with her sister, Mrs. Mary Noyes, at Richmond. Sister Thomas Aquinas and Sister Mary Kathrine of Rosary College were guests in the J. J. Doherty home Saturday. Edward and Lillian Vales, Frank Kuba of Chicago and Hilda Hansen of Alabama spent Saturday in the Albert Vales home. Lyle and Floribel Bassett and Cora Sweet and Henry Vogel of Richmond enjoyed a trip down the Black Hawk trail to Dixon Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Thurlwell of Tulsa, Okla., and Mrs. J. R. Smith and son visited Mrs. Henrietta Colby at Crystal Lake Friday. Mr. ahd Mrs. Ed Nelson and Miss Helen Stone of Chicago were guests of Mr. and Mra A. J. Schneider on Tuesday. They enjoyed a trip to the lotus beds on that day. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson, Miss Maud Granger and Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson spent the week-end at the "Pines" state park at Oregon, Hi. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Holly of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Holly and son and Mrs. Thompson of Lake Geneva, \ Wis., visited Mrs. Nizzie Holly Sunday and helped her celebrate her birthday anniversary. Among those who saw the Cubs play baseball last Thursday were: Augustine Freund, Harold Bacon, Mrs. P. H. Weber, Robert Weber, Clara Schiessle, John Bolger, A. E. Nye, Fender Walsh, Kathrine Walsh, F. E. Covalt. 1640 20.00 15.00 1190 15.00 20.00 H. J. Kreutzer, alderman sal- «y R. I. Overton, alderman salary P. Jt Doherty, alderman salary Jacob Schaefer, alderman salary Albert Krause, alderman salary F. H. Wattles, alderman salary Motion by Doherty, seconded by Kreutzer, that the "Tax Levy Ordinance" to the amount of $14,400 be passed as read. Motion carried! Motion by Overton, seconded by Schaefer, that an ordinance levying a tax for public benefit purposes for the city of McHenry, in accordance w'th House bill No. 485 passed in the 192S session of the legislature of the State of Illinois, amending section 33b of an act in relation to local improvements as passed June 14, 1897. Motion by Doherty, seconded by Schaefer, that an ordinance providing for the issuance of funding bonds in the amount of $20,000.00 of the city of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, and providing for the collection of a direct annual tax for the payment of principal thereof and interest thereon. Motion by Kreutzer, seconded by Wattles, that an ordinance calling a special election to vote upon the approval of Ordinance No. 105, as follows: "An ordinance providing for the issuance of funding bonds in the amount of $20,000 of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, and providing for the collection of a direct annual tax for the payment of principal thereof and interest thereon." Motion by Overton, seconded by Doherty, that the meeting be adjourned. Motion carried. JOHN R. KNO£, Mayor. X. *. CONWAY, Clerk. Read all abbot how to save money at Erickson's August Clearance sale. Restoring the Old Some people never exhibit any Ingenuity when they try to make over old clothes, but give them an old rocking chair, a few tools and a pot of paint and they can fashion a garden SJiair that ^ould grace the White Howe.--Country Homk San<Uy MtdkktieB ^ A good dinner may make up for a poor sermon, but we never have known a man who was content with a poor dinner because he had listened to a good sermon.--Exchange. Anglo-Saxon Place Names The Anglo-Saxons gave names to many localities from their supposed resemblance to parts of the human body, as headland, a neck of land, the mouth of fl river, the brow of a hill, the foot of a/ hill, an arm of the sea, and ae on. 'Jmrim Snow Hati Wmrm- - _ Eskimo huts are made of snow, and as long as there is a supply of blubber to fill six or eight lamps, the place Is so warm that the children go about naked. i - ;• JOHN OEFFUNG Distributor of Prima Smratps Distarfbtttor Slieridaa Soft Drinks McHENRY, ILLINOIS DON'T THROW AWAY! 30% OF YOURx MILEAGE! Goodrich Air Containers will save HI mm mom < •Ar.vivw.-,> • % A m £ y*-. - - .v? MAINTAINS cotiect air pnwuie -- STRENGTHENS tfca against shocks--MINIMIZES need forth* care--PREVENTS dan» gwoua blow-outs--ADDS 25-30* more mileage--SEALS puno j,;t; totes on running wheels--OUTLASTS the tire, maybe several '; • YES...and put an end to roadside trbubles, minimize the amount of care your tires require, strengthen them against shocks and bruises, and do away with oid-fashioned, trouble-causing inner tubes! Air Containers take the place of inner tubes.. .but they're more than any inner tube ever could be. Glance over the list of things they do; above. Then come in and see m. Goodrich Air Containers JOHN STILLINO'S TIRE SHOP \n * Sc$ ,-i* % |S£ \A;':4 \ , f-• ' >i >4 y.A ,w i vv... ' m i\f • , , - J ' •: '* * T Oar Wasiung Accessories A . Greasing Storage Tire Repair^ Battery Charging Road Service TeL 157. McHenry, I& HERE TOO... o More people ride on . ww - J Tires . . do you know why? •• . v.- ^ • •;> •A • ' Ti •! .-'If-. M £*J*r,--Jt; 9t9it4mf%---4k^s 1# GotfdWrs aVe Be& Every year you see more and more peo] riding on Goodyears. Goodyear tires overwhelmingly lead in public preference. Isn't it time YOU knew why? Come in; we'll show yon; you'll be dollars and miles ahead by using Goodyears. Su- • perior quality at no extra cost due to their sales leadership. Now is the time to gist yours--backed by our Friendly Service. Looking for low prices? See onr lifetime guaranteed Goodyear Pathfinders. II full Oversize Balloons , lig Oversize Cords 20x4.40 SQx4.5S 39x5.00 3*x5.25 31x5.25 5.6SN, jS0x3 ('i «^*%lx4 . 8.3# 32x4 9.5$ 32x4 9.9#* - 33x4 Vt 13.75 Walter J* Freund l TIRE AMD TUBE VULCANIZIHG BATTERY CHARGING AND REPAIRING Phone 120-R ALL WORK GUARANTEED West McHenzy, HI Tsr;7^ HRSimif?W iP Sv«'. *