THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER * IKRSONALS Published every Thursday at McHenry, El., by Charles F. Reuich. Entered u second-class matter at the postoffice at McHenry, Lk, §tt the act of May 8, 1879. $?y Subscription Rate* Om Year Wz Mentis it-r . .s,v . fe.'S.i' \" • •« n A. H. MOSHER, Editor and Manager Rtdlaa Production A ehettiical plant which takes eight years to make one ounce of its most valuable product is to be found In Chechoslovakia. That product is radium, the annual output of which Is 1UI grammes, equivalent to one-eighth of an ounce, worth about $2,500,000. Three hundred workers are employed iVR. v k and thousands of tons of raw mate 1%. /flat art fconeumed each year. 1" ' ' • r',sk:- >*;'• ' ' Well to Remember A registered letter is not accepted 1 the post office unless th$ return i«ard appears on the envelopd^". " What fun! A goods* «l stilts free at Bolger's. ILLE] THEATRE, -fcOORfTOCK, Woodstock's Beautiful Play House Matinees Sun.-Wed.-Sat. 2JO Eveaings W ' ^'••VvS FRIDAY-SATURDAY Gary Cooper p. •; Wyoming Up • with k! June Collyer i.;";:1:,, • also - . ; Talking Comedy aim I*"' , ) Movietone News jgi' n , 1/. s*y "A Mao From »» SUNDAY -- MONDAY "King oi Jazz" with Paul Whiteman and His Band Featuring ~ John Boles Also Talking Comedy Movietone Newv ~ WEDNESDAY THURSDAY -- FRIDAY 41 Jobta In * , "Miray" A Joyous Jolson Jubilee Jokes, J ass and Jollity Talking Comedy /Movietone Newv INQUIRING REPORTER TAKES TRIP TO THE LOTUS BEDS The Inquiring Reporter was getting "fed up" on all this talk of tyie lotus beds. "Is all this sales talk you give the people before they board your boat merely sales tallT or are these lotus beds as pretty as you say?" he asked Capt. Frankie Gans. "Well, now," replied Capt. Gans, "that all depends upon the person. If jnou don't believe all that I say about these beds and this trip, why don't you try making it yourself?" "OK," says the Reporter, and when the boat pulls oftt at 1:30 he's on it When they get well under way the Reporter begins to see that it is not all bunk that he has been handed. In fact, he thinks it was even a little mild, and "Oh, my!" when they sight the lotus beds the Inquiring Reporter was quite in a trance at the beautiful picture until some unknown child remarks: ¥Oh, mamma, all the water lilies like those in the pond back of Uncle Sed's farm," which recalls to the Reporter's mind that old saying, "Children should be seen and at the same time be kept*quiet while on ex* cursions." However, Mr. Gans does not seem to notice the remark. In faqjt, he is wrapped up in a dime novel about "Daredevil Dick." He says he just read these books for an "experiment" to see "what the other half reads." The boat docks at O'Connor's "Blarney Island" and we are told all about the lotus flower and also the souvenir post cards and perfume "that you can't get anywhere else." On the way home the Inquiring Reporter asks a few of the passengers how they like the trip and gets an- Mrers all the way from ^Wonderful" 'If 'OK." The Reporter says himself that 'wonderful" about describes the trip. Bolger's Drug Store is giving away stilts! AMONG THE SICK Miss Lucy Hughes underwent Jtfr operation in Oak Park last Thursday. John Erickson, Jr., of Pistakee Bay who has been very ill with pneumonia, is able to be out again. Alex Adams has been *iek at his home the past week. Mrs. Charles Peters is HI at her home at Pistakee Bay. J. D. Erickson of Pistakee Bay has been on the sick list the past week. Joe R. Smith had the misfortune to hurt his right hand while at work at Foley's garage at Richmond, Monday afternoon. His hand became caught in a piece of machinery, bruising it badly and burning the flesh, also. Janice, daughter of Dr,. and Mrs. C. W. Klontz, had the misfortune break a bone fn her foot Thursday afternoon while at play, which necessitates her going about an crutches. Everett VSifEusen, who wfcft Seriously injured a week ago when struck by a motor boat while in swimming in Fox River near Pistakee Lake, is still in a serious condition at St. Theresa's hosptal, Waukegan. His recovery is uncertain as yet. Mrs. Jarnecke of Pistakee Bay, who had her left hand caught in an electric wringer about two weeks ago, with the whole top of the hand torn off, is still in St. Theresa's hospital, Waukegan, where the is getting along nicely. Donald, little son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Schaefer, underwent an operation for the removal of Ms tonsils Thursday. Bolger's Drug Store is giving away stilts! Cover Charge Dine and dance to your heart's content. Play! Save fun! Make all the Yip, Yip, you want. Bring the wife--the sweetie--or the whole family, Music by Frankie Cans' Orchestra. 9 to 1 Standard Time. Riverside Tavern Half mile north of Burton's Bridge, four mii«a Southeast of McHenry, Ave miles Northeast of Crystal Lake, flv« miles Northwest of Wanconda. Chicken Dinners The finest home cooked milk-fed chickens served in a full course dinner every Saturday and 8unday for only Mrs. Mary Green was a Ringwood caller Sunday. Jack Choate of Fort Worth, Texas, is visiting friends here. Alfonse Diedrich of Chicago spent Sunday at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Holly of Chicago visited here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Nye attended the air races in Chicago Friday. Will Green is working at the National Tea store here this week. Miss Lillian Breypr of Milwaukee, Wis., visited friends here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Conway and daughter visited relatives here last week. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Schaffer attended a funeral in Waukegan Saturday. George Tonyan attended the funeral of J. Scott Matthews in Chicago Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Egan of Chicago spent the week-end with relatives here. Ernest Sloey returned to Chicago Monday after spending a week in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard' Carlson of Ringwood spent Thursday evening in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Marsh of Chicago were guests of Mrs. Catherine Schneider Friday. Miss Verena Justen of Chicago spent Sunday and Monday at her home here. Mrs. Anna Priest of Chicago spent Sunday and Monday in the Mrs. .B. Frisby home. Mr. and Mrs. John L. May and son of Waupaca, Ws., spent Monday with relatives here. Mayor and Mrs. John R. Knox were visitors at the Dells of Wisconsin several days last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Montgomery and children of Oak Park visited relative? here over the week-end. Mrs. Leo Zimmer and daughter of Barrington spent Tuesday afternoon with McHenry friends. Miss Dorothy Kuhn of Chicago was a visitor in the home of Mrs. B. Frisby Sunday and Monday.. Mrs. Douglas Stockham, who spent the summer at Pistakee Bay, left this morning for her home in Alabama. Dr. and Mrs. F. J. Aicher and his mother, Mrs. Anna Aicher, returned Saturday from a trip to the Dells. Mr. and Mrs. John Seidle of Altoona, Pa., are visiting in the home of the tatter's aunt, Mrs. Caroline Schiessle. Mr. and Mrs. Mat Blake, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Blake and Mrs. Peter Blake visited at Cassville, Wis., Sunday and Monday. Mr7 and Mrs. Wm. Vandenboom accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. H. Kinsala, spent Saturday and Sunday in Waukegan. Edward Bonslett and friend of Albany, Ind., spent Labor Day at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bonslett. Miss Irene Conway returned to Elgin Monday after spending a week's vacation in the home of her father, M. A. Conway. H. J. Schaffer spent Wednesday at the Woodstock golf club as the guest of Messrs. Wynkoop, Mason and Rogers of Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Groh and daughter, Angela, of Chicago were weekend visitors In the home of Miss Anns Stock IUKI brother. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mikulas, son, Rudolph, and daughter, Mayme, >cf Brookfield were guests of Mrs. Albert Vales Thursday. Miss Grace Martin returned to her work in Chicago Sunday after spending a month in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Martin. Herbert Ziegler of Chicago spent the week-end in McHenry. He was accompanied home by his mother who spent the summer in the Mrs. B. Frisby home. Joseph Hoffman of Chicago was a McHenry visitor over the week-end. Mrs. Hoffman and son, who spent last week with relatives here, returned home with him. Labor Day guests in the home of Mrs. Kathrine McCabe were Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bennett, Charles Bennett and William Clancy of Chicago the Misses Margaret and Agnes McCabe of Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Goodell and their niece and nephew of Fort Atkinson, Wis., who just returned from abroad and Miss Ellen Marshall and Mrs. Braper of Green Bay, Wis., vis ited in the C. W. Goodell home Fri d«y- FOR SALE FOR SALE OR RENT--Modern 6- room furnished all year around home, with garage, on Fox River. Rent reasonable to responsible people. E. D. Herzog, 1340 Otto St., Chicago. Tel. Buck. 5540. 14-2 iELTOVAR THEATRE I Crystal Lake Phone 644 FOR SALE--Tomatoes for canning. Peter A. Freund, R-J. Tel. McHenry 614-R-l. i 14 FOR SALE--Bay team,.wt. 1600 each, harness and wagon. Call McHenry 293. "' 14-tf FOR SALE--Pianos, in first class condition at $35, $3j0, $75 and up. Battery radios free With the purchase of tubes and batteries. Nye Jewelry, Music and Radio Shop, West McHenry, 111. 12-tf FOR SALE---Have flue high-grade piano, walnut case, popular small size, practically half paid for, but my client feels he cannot continue payments. Do you want this piano at $7 a month? It is stored near here. Write J. L. Ludy, Adjuster, Box 196, Chicago, for details. Must dispose oi within 15 days. 12-3 FOR SALE--Pure bred registered Holstein bulls, excellent breeding, good type; all ages. W. H. Brandenburg, Birchmont farm. Ingleside, 111. 6-tf Possess Sral ia Peaae In your occupations, try to possess your soul in peace It is not a good plan to be In haste to perform any action that It may be the sooner over. On the contrary, you should accustom yourself to do whatever you have to do with tranquillity, In order that you may retain the possession of yourself and of settlfvl penr*e.--Mn<lnme (Juvou. SpmUSI mt Serasew.,^ A young fellow from Fargo who should have known better than ask the question, inquires "If there are many women preachers In the United States?" "Millions," sighed the Tribute editor, gazing at his wife's picture on the desk. "Millions, my boy; and they're not all to Hie pulpits, either." -V^;- - • If'/" . u . k G r ® w i n * • ft Wight be possible to start ^ pfne by planting cones, but not practical. Usually a cone after being buried becomes damp and closes in such a way that the seeds cannot sprout. Cones should be dried in the 6un. the seeds ahaken out and planted.--Exchange. Miss M&Ivina Brtyer of Chicago spent the week-end with her parents at their summer home at McCollum'a lake.. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Marshall and Children left Monday for a several days visit with relatives at Champaign. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Cole and daughter. Dorothy, of Oxfordville, Wis., J. Gilbert Bollineren Miss Eileen Deerlierger, Fred Steinmetz and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dowling of Chicago were week-end guests fn the home of Mrs. F. O. Gans. What fun! A good Mf .if stilts free at Bolger's. - - "Shaft** Hon**" Always Fair That "Bug's House" has aev^T > wanted for a tenant, and never bap been Investigated by the sanitary a«* thorities, was stated by its owner du(£ ing a recent census In England of places with peculiar nances. How thift "Bug's House." which ta In Sun-e^g,.^ got Its name years ago, far a mystery. - • Hinds Ecclesiastic - $ fv'fl fhotar" is a Hindu priest--one the sixteen season priests who Intercessory prayers. The kiddies can get stilts free 0" npiiiv flfAva FOR SALE--Great Dane puppies, 3 mos. old, pedigreed. W. H. Brandenburg, Inglc-side, 111. 6-tf FOR SALE--Well secured 7% First Mortgages on McHenry Residence Property. Inquire at Flaindeater office. 19-tf FOR RENT FOR RENTCall 82-J. -Nicely furnished room. •14 FOR RENT--Four-room flat, furnished with heat. Modem. B. Joos, McHenry. Phone 135-M. 11-tf FOR RENT--Modern 7-room house, known as the WehtWorth Home. Inquire at Marshall's McHenry Bakery. 7-tf FOR RENT--Eight-room modern house, electric lights, furnace heat, cement basement, large porches, tennis court, beautiful oak grounds. Barn and oth buildings in good condition. W. H. JSrandenbuife, Ingleside, HI. 6-tf w. ED WANTED--Capable young woman for housekeeper in modern home. Must like children. Phone Woodstock 207-W. 14 WANTED, A DOG; BITCH, preferred: A little girl has had her pet run over and killed. She wants a female dog, collie or shepard. Not over two months old. Price must be reasonable. Address F. L., care Plaindealer. 14* WANTED--Housework or any general work by day or hour. Call 82-J. *14 LOST LOST--Lady's light green hat, near McHenry. Reward. Clare, care Mrs. Joe Justen, McHenry. 14 MISCELLANEOUS UPHOLSTERING--All kinds of furniture reupholstered and repaired, work guaranteed. Work called and delivered. Chas. Rasmussen, «. Center St., West McHenry, 111. Tel. 107-M. 12-tf JEWELRY ON CREDIT: At Fred T. Ferris Jewelry Store, Woodstock, Illinois, you may buy on credit Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, Silverware; clocks all of the best grades and all at cash prices. No advance Jn price. Nationally advertised merchandise that you know by reputation. Come and sec for yourself. FRED T. FERRIS, Jeweler, Woodstock, Illinois. 12-tf JOE KVIDERA, CART, ILL. Livestock Dealer •J;Pairy Cows a Specialty? Satisfaction Guaranteed if ^ Phone Cary 37-J . 11-tf ' ift-v- 1 Special parties for clubs and societies arranged by appointment. Pboae Grostai 8026-Y-L ^ • 'VSV. FRI-SAT., SEPT. 5-6 Richard Arlen in "BORDER LEGION" SUN-MON., SEPT. 7-8 Sunday continuous 3:00-11:30 WflBl*-- HI MO mwm \ ttttnogp MrIK hnCllfc TUES-WED., SEPT. 9-10 ICING OF I wth RAUL WHITEMAN AND HIS BAND FARMERS--DEAD OR ALIVE ANIMALS-- We buy and pick up crippled and broken down cows, horses, pigs, sheep and old plugs. To be used for Silver Fox food. From $2.00 $o $10 per head. NOTICE We buy dead animals also. We pay more for dead animals if you call us as quickly as the animal dies. Telephone Barrington 256. We pay all telephone calls. *4-8 TUNE--and keep your piano tuned. Tuning makes your piano a musical instrument. Phona?-27*-J or write J. H. Defhl, Woodstock, I1L 27-tf / Clcimi High Distinction The National University of Mexico was reorganized in 1910, but claims the distinction of being merely the reestsbilshment of the University cf Mexico, which was founded in 1GU5T, and Is the oldest university la tie Americas. Tabby Cats "Tabby" cats got their name from a Bagdad street called "Atabi," where taffeta was sold. The wavy markings resemble the coats of "tabby" cats. Hence the name. Must B« Natural It is impossible to simulate honesty; honesty begins with yourself.--Rabbi J. B. Wise. '••• :<;#A •" '•' -v'% r-r-r ' 1 yt 1 f . ( "vSsS 1* fm1 930 i 2 5 4 5 6 7 B 9 iO 1112 13 14 13 16 17 IB 19 20 2U3 U29 ?3£0 2#4 8a »A 2J7. Call at Bolger's Drug Store for a free set of stilts. REPUBLICAN Mass Meeting FOR THE . nth CONGRESSIONAL Roosevelt Hall NOOSEBEART Friday, September Ifi at 1:30 P. M. v' - ' • s " ALL ran •*' • STATE/ OONOBE88IONA£* UOISLATIVK - * * AND COUNT* ttANDIDATM • WILL BB PKESEHT I • • . Prominent State Officers ^jjUl also speak. Don't THE FIRST BIG^ RALLY OF xxx CAMPAIGN C. I. DOYLE State Chairman F. i. 4TRANSKY Secretary } Now Comes September The first oi the month brings with it notification that the monthly bills are again due--there's the electric, gas, telephone, and numerother bills -bother cmer-^r^ The ones that do not mind receiving those statements are those who carry a substantial balance in the bankl: They never need to worry, because when the day oi payment arrives, all they have to do is sit down and write a check and the | bill is paid and forgotten. Polks, how is your account at the Do you carry a neat bal- FARM LOANS--First mortgage only. Quick Service. Reasonable charge. We also buy farm first mortgages. R. M. Frits, 2nd Floor, Htttyrd State Bank Bldg., Harvard, 111. 44-tf ATTENTION Holders of D. A. Derby Securities Co., Standand Shares lMllittl Co. and II. N. Roberts Co. stocks will find it greatly to their a4*JUitage to write Earl C. Willis, Seafrufc Bldg., Davenport, loWa. *4 Educational IndictmeBt It Is a simple tp«t that an appalling amount of time is Bpent In childhood in learning things which don't matter, remembering things which will never be needed, and doing silly tricks which an intelligent man need sever waste his time upon.--Donald Rose. I,,. The Roller's Drug ancef Or maybe you have no account at the present tinu| t These banks have banking plans to suit your needs, whether it be a checking, or savings account. m:" mm* 3% Paid on Savings Accounts West McHenry State Peoples State Bank; of McHenry A Real Advertising Offer I ^ WHILE THEY LAST / V v "Present This Coupon and $1.00 at our Store and Receifi 1 Strand of Imported Pearls retail value $3.00 3 os. box Gold Cream Face Powder $1.00 V2 oz. Bottle French Narcissus Perfume $1.00 Vl o&Bottle French Jasmine Perfume $1.00 '"'. Jif'SAttructive Gift Rek ' • Total Value $6.00 All lor $1*°° ^ This Sale made possible by the Importer standing part of the expense of advertising GRADE MERCHANDISE AM Ten Cents If Ordered By Mail ^ We are very fortunat? in being able to offer our Customers these exceptional values at such a low price. THOMAS P. BOLGER, The McHenry Druggist i