14# -**$ ">» TH£IgHSNRY PLAIHDEALKR THURSDAY, SEPT. 11, 1930 i &• A' -%V -s L ' V . A'.* - flPRIHO GROV® !•- • 4 I - llr. and Mrs. Eidred Johnson in company with Mr. and Mrs. Ford Hanford, attended the Aurora fair Thursday. Mrs. Frank Wagner, Mrs. Joe Wag. ner and three children motored to Wankegan Monday. Guests over the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Math Nimsfern were Joseph Petges and lady friend Mr. and Mrs. Zeigler, and Mrs. Ketter of Chicago, and Mr. and Mro. M. Degen and son of Kenosha. The many friends of Robert Thompson are sorry to hear that he is not improving as fast as should be expected. /Mrs. Bern Watts, Mrs. Otto Schuenamann and Mrs. Fichtler have returned from a weeks visit in South Dakota. William, Laurence and Viola Roepke and Miss Frances Ward motored to Chicago Sunday, where they spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ward. Gus Roepke, Sr., returned home after spending the week with his daughter. There will be a public BINGO party Sunday, Sept. 21, at St. Peter's church hall. Everyone welcome. Miss Frances Ward of Chicago enjoyed the past week with Miss Viola Roepke. TICK BR. F. O. NORTH, 0. D. ef Chicago, 111. Will be at Nye's Jewelry Shop on Tuesday of each week. Eyes examined and glioses ttted. No charge for examination. ' Children's cares a specialty. RkhMndlt/ m Dr. JOHN DUCET VETERINARIAN ILLINOIS till ni*i - ( McHENRY GRAVEL & EXCAVATING CO. A. P. Freund, Prop. Road Building and Excavating of Every Description Estimates Furnished on Bequest High-grade Gravel Delivered at any time--large or small orders given prompt attention. Phone 204-M , McHenry JOHNSBURO WINS FIRST CttANFI01f8HIP GAME Defeat Algonquin 3-2 Sunday--Clip Hooae of David Beards In Close Contest Friday Johnsburg put on full steam ahead over the week-end and , collected a couple of victories that raised theiT stock considerably'm the community. On Friday the House of David nine, With the^r long whiskers and everything proved unable to cope with the skill of the capable Limce and the upriver lads won a close t>-5 decision. Sunday found Algonquin putting up *» futile scrap for the county championship and Johnsburg again won, this time 3-2, with Linke striking out fifteen and allowing four hits . The Algonquin game was the first of a three-game series to determine the champs of the county, each team having proved itself the best in their respective division. The next game will be played Sunday at Algonquin. LaBahn, stellar hurler for the southern champs, allowed but eight scattered hits, but his teammates could not rally on offense and cracked at critical moments on defense and cost their team the victory. The game was close throughout and held the crowd until the last man was out in the ninth. ALGONQUIN-- Rohersen, lb 5 Zalesky, 2b .„..._.....5 Bailey, If ..„......~......4 Schnette, If „....3 LaBahn, p ...~...........2 G. Zalesky, c SLOCUM'S T.A¥^ rs£ Ife and Mrs. Jack Geary ancl sons were callers at McHenry Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse fend daughter were Woodstock visitors Saturday evening. W. E. Brooks was a Barrington caller Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Eisner and children of Barrington were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Winkler at Ardelou farms. Mrs. Johli R. Knox of McHenry spent Friday at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Davis and children spent Wednesday evening at the Dowell Bros, home at Roseville. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Williams an<] son, James Howard, of Crystal Lake were Saturday evening callers at the home of Mrs. Clara Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kirk and two children and Robert Lowe of Aurora LEGAL NOTICE < FRED B. BENNETT, Solicitor State of Illinois i\ McHenry County, ss. In the Circuit Court of McHenry County, May Term A. D. 1930, ^ Citizens State Bank of McHenry/*- -- vs. N. H. Petesch, Violet E. Petesch, et al., Howard Perry, et al., vs. Theodore Hamer, Receiver, et al., Bill to Foreclose, Gen. No. 23996. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that in pursuance of a decree made and entered by the Circuit Court of McHenry Countyk Illinois, in the above entitled cause, on the 19th day of July A. D. 1930, I, John C. Friedland, Special Master in Chancery appointed in the above entitled cause, will on Friday, the 3rd day of October, A. D. 1930, at the hour of t^n o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the east front door of the courthouse in Coaatrjr's Appl* Oatpat The value of this country's apple crop Is about $100,000,000. There aio about 32,000.000 barrels of apples sent to market each year. Y«11*W So*|(t«A Both male and female canaries sing. The male bird has, perhaps, the sweeter song. When yon want the finest foods on the market, ask for "Ferndell Brand" at Erickson's. 15 Try our classified ads for quick sale WEST8ID1 E GARAGE; • * Stij Otto Adai l1?- B», PMf. , i • ' ".'2 Genertl Automobile BepifriQf TeL 188 " _ ' Ree. Phone, 6S9-E-1 • • ' • VJ USE THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOR QUICK RESULTS ,5-7 •:" r'f *>i,**72 xn •'* , j*' • , the city of Woodstock, McHenry were Sunday guests at the Ray j County, Illinois, offer1 for sale and Dowell home. (sell at public vendue ro the highest Mrs. Hattie Nelson and Miss Vir- bidder the following rirTrlbod roal Jurs, 3b ... Decker, cf Ritt, • JOHNSBURG-- H. Smith, 2b --«... J. Britz, rf ....... H. Freund, ss A. Linke, lb. E. Linke, p A. Smith, 3b L. Smith, If ...... G. Freund, cf .. .4 4 „..S S4 2 4 7 2* 4 4 .„..4 4 *~.4 JS ..4 .....'..4 J. Freund, c ...» 3 33 3 8 8 27 5 RIFLE CLUB ~ HENRY V.'SOMPEL j.-*'. General Teaming Sand, Gravel and Coal for Sale Grading, Graveling and Road Work Done By Contract C or By Day Phone McHenry 649-11-1 P. O. Address, Route 3* ^ McHenry, HI. 5 » ifill f;'<. ' WH. M. CARROLL"" Lawyer OSce with West McHenry State Bank Every Wednesday 4 ~ HeHnry, 1 "• ' McHENRY 12S-W BeaaonaUe Katea JA* H. 8CHASFEB J*"*- ILLINOIS Telephone No. 108-R Stoffel & Reihansperger Inrarance agenta for all dassea of property in the best companies. WEST McHENRY - • ILLINOIS Insure--Ii Sure-Insurance • WITH- \ Wm.G. Schreiner Auctioneering OFFICE AT RESIDENCE 93-R McHenry, Illiaais faERMAN J. SCHAEFER Local and Long > f Distance Hauling V and Moving Live Stock Hauled Right to the Yard " Phone i75 „ McHenry, tjO. - Lester Bacon, Sidney Frye and Jack Smith, all members of the local rifle club, are now enjoying attending the National Rifle Matches at Camp Perry, Ohio. Frye was in the money in the Winbleton Match, 1000-yard individual event with any sight permissible. The three men are attending the meet as member of the Illinois State Rifle team. The team matches will be held this week and then the boys will return home to report to their team members on the progress made at the yearly tournament. Full particulars will be given in next week's issue. Competition .it the camp is very keen this year with as many as 1,653 entrants in some of the events, which makes it necessary to take considerable time in shooting them off. September 14th ^will find the members of the local club assembled to shoot off the N. R. A. match, a 200 and 600-yard event for a medal to be given by the National Rifle Association. Results of the Dewar Small Bore Match, held Aug. 24, with 20 shots at 60 yards and a similar number at 100 yards: • • . . 5 0 Bacon . 194 Thompson 191 Frye ........................ 195 Nickels ......... 183 'Klapperieh 183 Freund ^ 182 Simmons 164 Weber 166 Smith 175 * Did not finish.' 100 Total i 189--383! 185--376 j 174--369 186--369 185--368 183--365 172--33S 169--335 •--175 TEBRA GOTTA irpenters- Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Huffman and daughters, Myrtle and Alice, were Elgin visitors Saturday. Mrs. Henry McMillan, Mrs) Nels Person and Miss Alice Leisner visited the former's daughter at Cam ville Tuesday. Mrs. Jack Walsh, son and daughter, of McHenry spent Friday evening at the home of M. Knox. Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Shine and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Flanagan of Evanston called on friends here Sunday. Misses Florence, Mabel and Marie Knox were Elgin visitors Saturday. Mr. and M1"*- Irving Lawrenz of Chicago were guests at the home of Henry McMillan from Friday until Monday. Mrs. J. A. Flanagan and daughter, Mary, of Evanston were guests at the home of B. J. Shine from Friday until Tuesday. Mr. Flanagan was here Sunday. John Bulger and Harold Bacon" were callers in this vicinity Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Lawrenz, Mark McMillan and Miss Marion Shale3 spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Lynott near Hampshire. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilcox and family of Woodstock called at the home of B. J. Shine Sunday. Misses Mildred Flanders, Martha Woodbury and Jeanette Curran of Crystal Ldke called on friends here last Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. "J. J. Doherty and daughters visited relatives here Monday evening. gil of Seaosha spent Tuesday at the H. L. Brcok* home. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Runter, Ruth Brown and Althea Coss of Wauconda were Friday callers at the W. E. Brooks horn*.. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mulholland and chifdren &nd Mr. and Mrs. William Foss and son visited at the hotfe of Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Foss at Woodstock Monday. Mrs. Raymond Lusk and daughter, of near Round Lake spent Saturday at the Blomgren home. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary and two children visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Zimmerman at >|Barrington Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ogben of Elgin and friends of Crystal Lake vis- 0 ited at the home of Mrs. Clara Smith 0 Saturday. 1 Belle Harvel of Griswold Lake 1 spent Saturday with Myrna Bacon. 0 Mrs. Lucille Bohman of Chicago O spent - Saturday and Sunday at the 0 home of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks. 0 Mr.^and Mrs. Willard Darrell and 3 Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Esping attended the Aurora fair Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Snyder and son of Grayslake spent Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hen. ry Winkler, Sr. Forrest Geary and Stanley Olsen of Wauconda spent Saturday at the home of the former's grandparents here. Milton Dowell and Miss Ada Dowell of Roseville called at the Ray Dowell home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Karchs and daughter of Chicago spent Tuesday at the William Foss home. Orissa Brown and Althea Coss of Wauconda were Wednesday callers at the home of H. L. Brooks. Mrs. John Blomgren, Mrs. Harry Matthews and sons and Mrs. LeDoyt Matthews of Crystal Lake were Wednesday luncheon guests at the home of Mrs. Raymond Luak near Round Lake. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Schaffer of M<s Henry and Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Maiman of Wauconda spent Tuesday evening at the Henry Geary home. Mrs. E. Bacon and daughter of Roseville, Mr. and MrsrBavis and Mr. and Mrs. Johnson of Wall Lake, Iowa, were Sunday callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon. Mr. and Mrs. F. Clauson and Bob Dunn of Chicago were Saturday supper guests at the Wm. Foss home Mr. and Mrs. Archie Tripp of Shitland, 111., and Miss Lillian Tidmarsil of Wauconda were Sunday dinner guests at the W. E. Br6oks home, k the afternoon they called at the Darrell and Matthews homes. Stanley Schaffer of McHenry spent Friday at the Henry Geary home, William Reber of Elgin was a caller at the William Foss home Friday Sunday callers at the W. E. Broofca home were Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Roeder, Mr. and Mrs. John Williams and Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Zeihm of Chicago, Mrs. D. I. Granger and children of McHenry, and Mrs. James Nish and son and daughter of Barreville. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Foss of Lib* ertyville and William Berg of Chicago spent Sunday at the home nf Mr. and Mrs. William Foss and helped them cclebrate their 29th wedding annfyersary. estate, to-wit: Lot number eight in block number one of Owen's outlots to McHenry according to the plat thereof recorded in the recorder's officc of McHenry County, Illinois, in book 59 of deeds on page 265; also a part of lot number two of the County Clerk's plat of the south half of section number twenty-six in township number forty-five north of range number eight east of the third principal meridian, according to the plat thereof recorded in said recorder's offic? in book 2 of plats on page 38, bounded and de- *rrih«d as follows, to-wit: Con* mencing at the northwest corner of said lot number eight and running thence along an extension of the north line of said lot one hundred eight feet, more or less, 11 the edge of the Mill Pond; thence southerly along the edge of the Mill Pond to the point where the south line of said lot number eight, if extended west, would intersect said edge of the mill pond; thence east on a line parallel with the north li»e of said lot to the southwest corner thereof; thence north, along the west line of said lot, sixty-six feet more or less, to the place of beginning situated in the County of McHenry in the State of Illinois. TERMS OF SALE Cash on day of sale, at Which time a certificate of sale will be issued as provided by said decree. Dated this 5th day of September A. D. 1280. JOHN C. FRIEDLAND, Special Master in Chancery. a smart *0 who serves delicacies made in % 1' »• . r W ;| fV*£ ^ ' • ^ PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY Or NORTHERN ILLINOIS ; / f' * 1%, Phalin & Kennebeck (G. A. Stilling Oarage) Storage"Repairing"Oil~Qreasing Phone28 - Corner Elm Street and Riverside Drive on Route SO JOHNSBURG Mrs. Ben Schaefer is still numbered with the sick. Miss Helen Schaefer was a Wood* stock visitor Tuesday evening. Helen Smith of Woodstock spent the week-end with her parents. Miss Leona Schaefer of Chicago spent the week-end with relatives and friends here. Miss Helen Smith and friend motored to Chicago Saturday evening. Miss Olive Hetterman of McHenry spent the week-end with her parent!. The Johnsburg boys played ball with the McHenry boys Monday afternoon, the latter winning by a score of 6 to 4. John Pacek returned to his school work in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Freund are pro* paring to move into their home now owned by Nick Schaefer19 of Wait* kegan. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stoffel and daughter of Volo and John Pitzen visited at the Ben Schaefer home Monday evening. Miss Isabelle Schmitt of McHenrjr spent Friday evening with her par* ents. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Debrecht and son of Chicago visited in the home Mr. and Mrs; Peter Schaefer one daf last week. ^ Miss Viola Adams of McHenry spent the week-end with her parent^ Mr. and Mrs. Peter Adams. Bill Lowe of Chicago is spending a few weeks with relatives here. ' William Smith was a Woodstock caller Friday. Mrs. Joseph May and daughters, Gertrude and Eleanor, and Mr. anq Mrs. John R. Freund, son, NormaR.' and daughter, Margaret Joanne, of McHenry visited the form*'# father, Frank Miller, Sunday, A New 6«c Chevrolet w i t h D u a l W h e e I s f, - s *v 1 •-! •*- 0V: \ NEW HEAVIER REAR AXLE FOUR-SPEED TRANSM|SSION NEW LARGER TRUCK CLUTCH 6-CYUNDER SO-HORSEPOWER ENGINE • ^ ^ DUAL WHEELS FULLY ENCLOSED BRAKES v.: iim M - •* I- •" - - -S-- tight light MivwyOiaufc with Cab (Pkfc-wp b« •jMNteter Mhwy [PkM *9 fao« Mtief Otowh wtth Cab .>>365 M70 *440 •S95 '625 •'X % UTILITY m-TON CHASSIS •520 Met of V/rton chasm with or without tab includes front fmndert and aprons, rvmning boards, cowl, dash and complotoly equipped instrummnt panut, hood, hood lamps and span rim. DUAL WHEELS $25 EXTRA ee 1%-toa iod«h iMMing ipwi wh«»l. All pricms f. o. f>. Flint, Michigan | new fix-cylinder lVi-ton Chevrolet truck--with dual ; Wheels--is now available at Chevrolet dealers every* Where. It Is big and powerful, rugged and dependable. offers many new features of outstanding value to the, ffiodern truck user. And no other truck of equal capacity Costs less to operate and maintain. Your neareslr Chevrolet dealer will you ",rlal '•** ' demonstration--any time. llEATURES OF THE NEW CHEVROLET TRUCK Jfual wheels at slight additional cost, with six truck-type |Brd tires--bigger, heavier rear axle--completely inclosed four-wheel brakes--new heavy-duty trucktype clutch--new, stronger steel channel frame-- 4-speed transmission--SO-horsepower valvo-ln head six-cylinder engine* y w ~ t ^ CHEVROLIT MOTOR COMPANY, e«aae«i Meters DtTROIT, OrMratlH MICHIGAN t T w i s ' i f ' ' e c H •4^.<x. /ia.