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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Sep 1930, p. 3

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* *• • -!j / < <» ; ' v • , ' •*r' * -*• vi ^ ' :.:;S •vfMM MNaWOOI>1si Mj*J"5-»'> ",a ^til 4v1 tartained Tteet, %v members, four visitors ail< •dren were present.' The fpllowiog fleers were elected: VyfiFrfiflfntr--Mn Bill* Fnn . Viol* Lot; Mr. and Mwljyle Hopper of Chicago are enjo^j a tw» weeks vacation. They tfpeit a few days in Kea~ tufefcy. • • '*'•' ' - "*1 George Y&tonfr was 'an Elgih vfsito# Saturday. Mf. and Mm.' David licrw atid f4n#^ ily of Muskegtfti, sMich., spent Sitat^ Jumps. v Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schuetz of MUNI, WW., IKM SHM&y ill ttrUT Hepburn home. Mrs. Schuetze reja^ ined for a longer visit. Mrs. F. oImOt and daughter, who spent the Wfeek with them, returned to her in Kenosha. and Mrs. Joe Weber and chilpf Htclfenry spent Sunday in etary--Mrs. Viola urer--Mrs. C. J. Jepson. Miss Lucille Peet rprised at her home n, when a group e in to remind her niversary. Games »j dainty luncheon wi received many pretty Mr. and Mrs. Ferd C ity spent Wednesday Hfm. Kelley home. Mrs. James Conway 4>mpson of Libertyvilli^jefe Ringwood, Monday, v ^ £.V>« Mrs. Clarence Ritte: 1 sited in the home o 4*ank Fay, Wednesday. Miss Viola Rager of Chicago spent sirl tfle week-end at >er horae hew * program at Greenwood Saturday. S lepard home #ft>a»<ji)iv J Jeqcks and a of Evf"8^on Mr. and Mrs! ByfX" of' ****"• Mrs. Lillian i licago spent! Friday in the E. 4. cegan and home. John Emmons of r. and Mrs. Lee Hu- • of Mundelein were in tha C. J. Jepson Smith and daughter, "Mrs. W. A. Dodge were fSitors Saturday. gwood and G^'iwood 4-H held their achievement day 1 itchens Feme., Mrs;•$. FH&- 1 y atid Mr?. Frank Stcooeliralger were itors in Waukegan Friday. Stevens. f?iwi Wi^dr<66 »wks a.>f?hl«»^'€lsHi: oj .Scu , Mrs. Gii^ Pear^cuv^and .Mrs. Elmer Ols£ft hnd MfW Florence' Ofteii^jjent .mone1 the Woodstock shnnn&rft , ^ oun&» WICK Adafn?, Kd Thompson Mrs. Norman Taylor, Mrs. Clyde1^*^** ^*1**1 iaftcHemy. 1 uggan and Mrs. Harrold Duggan rf Mr- and Mrs- George Young and res i ie Among shoppSra ridirwel4 Mrs. Leon Dodge i and Paul Meyers attended a jpwtf •*; 1 r. and Mrs. George Shepard, Ken- jthe home of Mrs- Engels Thursday. 1 ^ Mim Pun Wlednch at' daughter. Bertha. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. ^en«ed an Dan FeTIr Bwrtty. Mrs.--Vioh* Low and Borathy • Crjrst^l. L ike Sunday. j Mr. an<! Mrs. Sam Rann of ElgTii F^d Carlson, Mrs. E. Carlson qpsi son, H. Godsen, C. Peitne, / lersi and Mrs. Frank HanA icago and Mrs. D. C. B^twri Steers of Crystal Lajtc «Mrs. Roy Neal entertSained, 1|wes at dinner Thursday. W^sent were Mrs. Thomas Kan <?i/A. Stevens, Mrs. E. |5. W Lewis Hawley, lit >eder. Mrs. A. J. Nimiof H an out-of-town guest.-\||ridg# fed the dinner. x lr. and Mrs. F. A. Hitdherfp ani1 ino Butler and daughter^ Helen, ended a Butler reunion at ck Sunday. . and Mr| |«i Mrs. Pet Wi Mrs. M| sient Sur ^ening vtith] ^hieugff* fek %^th I •^.Carl Fay 4|ys the pas !^tnk Fay. plr. and M; liighter lefi after iths in R^ri Irs. Anna'^Ton; her sistehL irsday. \ jMrs. Nick Young spent Friday with daughter at Mcttenry. liss Nellie McDonald and Bernice Uth spent Saturday in Chicago. |Mr. ftaild^Mrs. Wm. Bet^, Jfr^ of icago s^ntt P4PWKre4)9ni^ the |pe of the Saturday afternoon in the S. H. BerfV" Harrison of Elgin speg^ Wkh his parents. J Wdk Belcher and Mrs.^Hilly s orlWoodstock were Sund^ Ht t^e James Rainey home. av dinner guests in the EdgaJ » Mr. and Mrs. W* s and ilv, Mrs. Lucy Thort^ rrjtt Tin ; as and Alice Ma^k Mr. and Mrs. Julitja^ ichmond were afternoof if evininfe guests. - V 'ounday Jiinner guests in the S. e were tyr. and Mrs. Ch^% family of Deerfield, Mr. ar( Smith of Oak Park, an and daug4|* s. Rae D£» l^n TT^tidricW ins of Ricffd lflR^Slenn JacksM noon calla^ lAg HQI ayoH SO^ rtj j.*va?a mo yfKitn HO'4 5ja-:«s w»-2 s>a« ,bm<yt ft w X)/l iWl 3JA8 atV? .k .0 *U->1 ;>:dv. rofefox Lai __ «. A^fe Laurence, of Chicago vi|- onday and Tuesday, n s^, of Woods to^t ^bnday with * ^baroeder. « " f JChicago speft elUe McDonald V *nts.< dbiety will hold'** hall, W«^ > ;n sister, Thomas the week-en the home of hi The Ladies Aii dinner at the Woodman nesday, Sept. 24. of McHenry vi^ •^Leonajfi TOVAR THEATRE J WESTEIVN k ymiller aM f M?Henry weae Monday evening callers in the Georw Shepard home. Bruce and Delmar School stal L8)k6 Phone 644 of Woodstock were 'visitors in Axel Carlson home, Tuesday. j. Vi Ci*rance. {ioward fWl family of Elgin and Mr. and Mv|. oi-ard; a# Woodstock" «=pe?t. Suad^ ; with Mr. and Mrs. Leon Dodge. THtfRS0»Y*- "FRIDAY Sept. 18-1 ^ itm.f - •* ?--35" sAttrW)iyw<ri' Sept'# ' at Boatoo. - blfUNDA* ei£i»- Sept.^ /rg^r »• Sonday contiauoos 3:00-11:30 HcfMul D«pi9]r In f *Whi A Ma" MONDAY- TUESDAY --... SCBltjj- ; £)aiJ033A : (aRUMPV; i uii' t | <lQcoxmount <?kiw^ The picture of the year ,? Put Out :Gm Buoy^, .-->Iyme(sjire dolu^ off shmf* cruising: tnlg ieasbfi, th« gal l>uoyS Cape Ann and Nauset, Cape Cod, hn* lng recently been extinguished by t$l Insets' ttdferrtto* 4bod lensie*. 4. < The captain* of the steamship CaW> ^df^Tet.'antly reported that the Ann" gas buoy was hot burning an£ tfce> UshthosiM tender AaaUMf was ordered to investigate. ** When the first officer of the ten^T opened the hood hundreds of horni^p flew out and he was severity stuiw. He eaux^t socjie ^f the hornets presented ttlem'fo Captaltt ^aton, *K prt-intcudaat af jlifhthousps, as a|ir doocft * vtxvmim «tf;shor^* Newlrweds* Caller* Staged * " Big Rat KiHMg Blgi Jot»esO>oro, Ark.--Icni c«b fetch Wa pride of some people by entertalatof with a lifeless party, but persons attaaded a courtesy to a young m|pp> rled couple here recently were unbijft* afcift. Aggravated with the routine^ " a social, the men folk hoisted dabs and chased rata ftboat the com cribs at the home. hoar 199 rats were dead. THURSDAY Sept. 24 25 ;j j} | I.B. Warner in 99 Cmi mm* C*!I Tl*rc« r. Mldaietowpu N. *.-^A cat and a h$rd •J^&eaf k' tdGWbfary truce here jM * p«a»*r«-hy yho SSW the b|rd alight on the cat's back for a ride across a lawn. The bird ap" pea red to take delight In flying back and £or^i from Its unqpu&l perch. Lion Carrying Trap Killed by Hunter. Dnrango, Colo.--Kulck Malt^*] \ len, a trapper working in this" < • vicinity, told of ^nldenly finding' ! » hfWa^lf %te^ta with a hugfe* • mount iiii Hon. Infftriated afte^.! carrying a trap on his hind lej>( ftr t*o. 4ays. *' ' Jlaltreo* sent two bnlletV crashing into the animal's skuU**< killing it ^ MMMMMMMMMMMIIlb! z* •I-1 '• v %' Try our classified ads for qnick sale mi M Tiaa YAcr&strHT .£2jascdiiaj^ YjarwaH M 3ht FIsMHIIHBIsM, 1MUM1IJL1, SAP 1.18.HW) ~ - I I I O P O I U i II I • ' H ' . I lAJa^ilAJ'l /JlKIiU'M . 3'•* I . H - y E - i • "9ft H H . 1 - •i • -~!f b> : •' *•>! m t • i i >>- -I i -..r, ! ' •*-. i T i><n »: : i li . ,VX" • •>'•> -v: V '* I 'A *f. . *9-* .V. £ t . JJii \rU tr« ill ".A 3 Vi | ? m 3C A n"? > ; " S.i' h WIJ J i n " " " I nj • I ••/ if s 1 IAflT0^^.McGee's Store--McHany J:'A *0 8SSOO a HA SHSMQO I *1 fvi*5aKi2£ im as •: mi d tmi 3T.ll*. .ji'jbftSjl tovKSII 3**?f •en#tdK HOnl -V MOd aOH ttpa '.t'otarT •TKT sft g <J-i Ww&l-? £. tsi\ s.*&t nmi <-4ar»hj* so •9^iT>%) ;jr" • 1-lAft Um »>w off A .#£{ ,<»{*>£ L»K . »«adda^~aJtA am t»na»|Hs«fi .?«M t«*•«*! 3t*AJ3 1J>«A 2AM0HT *% U jntg w ^ QHA ZZ3HT1h - r YTIHAJUO: -»$A <*i x ^ Wf »ni"J. «»;<*' al fcn»*« 't» t 9faj' ,H | ^-rav •**i *Jsmt #3%*k- •}o>i <n qe,< t&mt 'ill 9'1j rfttl* JK^VJ d9id w -,vtin4 ;-Mi '14tt*nusa«t' . »rfr. ,|*d\ 'fe^sa • r, "' r' '• ^. W»WW!il .* •i«9 M SWWtt.jRs.r*! '. at ^mrins4 I iotitoH;<*n .«ots 0^' lartt- ^»l.iiab||c3i'- ia - at TTIO M't sjM . , . .-OS rg# 1 • .0»<ao* :»1kar« ^ ft ^ al ««»•>; js.y.1'1. „ t iB<i a! it lad* tjfn .jii.-Sjjv »<D ur*d min 1 *' !t / ' i JOT li 1* »»a4 t ,a»s ,^Aft %i tJ sniff! -n fco »^!>ev»ri.cT a»d' «B • •-,> W "** ».Joioo t»4al 5»> i*** aO--3J#?? aoi t*S «>»'-!;?.I ->.iJ ,tr-aq *a£,j[ if'i 4 at«* J*.I .fttiVrl'sK dflw .I'Txt-S .•-raa '•»»4 05JI aija&Jlarf em -'tafi:,* '«• oaf A . ' wo.J «a f>» »vi f-> a *} fl «kU .ihow »M a! .t*jw 1<intix V,«*' <WI lUt*A£l£*>•«> Maj> ,>t #)a- ^3* HO _ 3JA8 HOI »-r «>r pim* * *&*» ^ J4rt3 a*s' ii* jmdTiC* '• Htrsixu ad?Sa1 »* V9#zti.i xol m v«t«ia9' dJiw •** *Ji M t^«ta &-is ief »f ^dar.oaa^^i .i»a .•;* <w -o« *.>a cmo ,<»£! . Al.')m1i »,«r «>f .0*^2 „s>>aS Jit -•* r>^kty*5 «l TJh*:(fs<n w.HM «j «»#!t .aacti!* {ai "" ' I'M* -4.T.V r --3ia JiOl, r *' «• • -ttHNf! ; :&*" •• m, ,o^' n srwftnf a Ms vWi *x»* aMiW Mli ksa ^ 'a* *»• i " ^ . -- --y", , * . fr+ff- •ym aoi' " >•.-." •" ~ "!»>« »•. .. ~->***&. a - ia . **> b'mA* ^ *<* #,. "iatsta* ^ ^gjg •30"f • f-«*!'»• Ni -tit*** '•#««<{ ou»l.iaa'-~&aA<i *01: oe.ii. IT*K{* •>«<{? ••?: a9v -Xshtna^ m o*K*hr oamwvK hnst»-A ail lisd* i* ha I'tsqu c%a5 *3r»dl< rroti? naaw 3 .«K w *X*fe ttftia ISftl -ftfl ,-iiI-nfUi^HaM JiJ 4a 3ial.-ba^»« ' .trar,8 t«M asi«^ nailqrmdad'. i Viiiiiiiiaagia •niuniaawmi i . A il>--mi •iMiirffia^ i ' i i<i#i W|tuM h»a To^ilkl JSB%H ,H JC ijahg'itjrfT s'hashl • twbiiy. ?'iK *t:> • «o«n -.rii; »b'itd a : i* tn$mncaJr*Jfls! • <»il .«iM ; n<|4 -..'l.ra n,«p3 i .i+{(iK bsiWiK iwtaf Ivt.)eu : ^aaet b»^j»r'! ^s'T3S-r5 i(»n iMff-a.j} .annod.' fa b»«i #••.•"! 4 vibwoT, «4aC9.. «»4 i ft . • i>i oaas'.} ,ia& ixut'947 t<» 2»-»y «« -.»i->»«KvW.aat a« "Nwlj'ta soa^aO -lay»,ai»ac3 «t<*# •j>MW £39*90 'li V ,>fK i i i c - * " ( w a • •' ?,1 i ^§rfqW>l' s ,1 k! ^ ••***?. •bA . ;,fT9V>dT .iM A; ' "a-rObr. -' •-•- • .: " • . At£ *%•+•/? »1 Sa>H»T^«arM«-. a-iM b^a tY -Ih9 \>ijf3aV-;j- ;irelf':^*iY«««bA hn «n.»r-a M. «bfl^r.r ioT;Pi< -i^ta ^M ,15«di!A jU •r<s !••> ;a »inSW• -i«m{ ta .-"M. -boa' ,jK ; rrooiiTWl'a ^at>"%M' -V .«ytM b<i» ,iM nq % i»«'-s-»*b .tjchH 1 uiti ,a»sap .'^qxi. * ;'.*'" j a b-m. sjj b9»t«TiK>»b ->{f: to *}x*vi ?w»«nma?}*?(ts *dt alia sdJ >o a-sofo »H} it Jb lr>vi9i norm aJa*m trQ .jwrj bc?s b*i iti .lUiliini) viali iK rffyS rsM nM .tfyi^ -3 # lalg m-*i«a3 ;-aA4t x.<j '-croH ?*>n bt*cf W !ti* .hcrtlKt-n ^rfjiow i-lo* ^rff IIS Eiiw s*4! ?xmx "»d? ^aiTCb snoi fa e«9if>L£>.t.n .fix •T<K>J«A* „l£ 'tt' -iq^ ;nix^orr-aH a-i ,».;?i*|. n..y .Aa .•» i.a»** vfc'i . _ «> . rt, rick>rsn^ A3H> aoi c. 3*1. ^Uad ,3».«»w /|jci«s * S irfiwfS. .iirarai s^*al , ' li?': mrt > fe^a a?a«y. j,- •» a*'-r 11 fife brt« TW I •*: • * .to • ^ « s t f t h f i« , ( i ? w S •rafe^sB jSTftha* WSSJ' si . . . . . . , . » T 1 , 3 s 0 • la^m ds^araiioM *,4T ^*<fo 3 «g iT<> xoaX "i adal .nM ^ ^ abn»ri* i«.os * rff;*1 '• m„ . , •a ,n»«m »,B ,4. J, ;««f }• .W.H..K II orfJ 'lo »ae»i 'ai * ' ' •$ iaw antJ^xn <aA$ ~»dl--^ ' -wmiU) d«f3 fc«a3 i»l crania*. ;<$ dirf>"tnaa nu mr&n a«i->salaH .^ *r*«Mwa V; iW«fo ^ .-wl asteoifltfa s^'«n»soof: ^jU ^ .a r M '. Imrtiw* *' .ar>«w a%tbi!W in %i awti -mm : .«Mi « «is .t^" .0 .3 VtK J»na si ». »rf> .?« bam* >t!>* »TaM»4«rtl • #« ^ 4NMN(»»m »TA4jS'/.t »HT' J' u j,. - ^ A--... - c»«it ta '*4 Wlw>%aai» - t.f***a > •.ti. - • "** "lir.ius^ ?qqeH~ -r-.-'T ; b!*d t&sl" uois o*>;istd a . M ^ - - * i : « » ' « * a r t ? \>? T u t t i i a H R serves ar.s^j*--•r^3S M ,,??i iohjs-riHfi -V TC " •: . „ • . '., ^on know darnod good and well that the clothes you* * nc-i-io^--T bay from Bay McGee at McHejirv are as good as v6i^J M* -^.-cto-'buy anywhere^i : ^ -V IS* H It .-.p.: .«»• TZZTw'. You kaow ^ W-wyii|»^y&:iww' anything that just as likfe as hot some one walkh to tho door with ^ - . k , » , « t - « ! • , 7 , , . « . . , fmtn •?»» ;M .icV !< bfta mt at trta'S bns.1 •^i. 8 ,-imsD x»{>«V 4rr&>. -IWuq vab^vT n;\ Ka ' -taw o^ocd b«t* s&w.)- W There are a thousand others to take your placed But at-Hay McGee's Store there is a friendly *-^,a hand <'lasp, and a welcome whether von buy or not. oa^-i <y e«a shpes you w««r,away from Ray McGee'^ Stor^ ai'Q, t,"^,jH)u;-chats.,about/ the Wife ajji! the J^i4s; about the ?<. ». as well fitting; as stylish, As durable and as reasonabii" ^tisoroij^ or. tiui lire out J8r9jc*l8st aod • • I •'--.II..I.I. priced as shoes bo*u.«g•.h*/t a••»n \n)Iace; no matter where. feskfl vou to C9nt€< SfRfti. fa. * 4**2 •+ i , . v vj Jf "J J**-' . * •. «••' tPKAW You already-kijow^ witlK>ut our-tdling you, that tlwev t* He means it. - y « o t < ar«» S»o^ sn u isSV * Hats you'^et from Ra>r Mr(Sk*^, in ('Henry are of the^ ^a* finest,and the ,iaost pUajit £u,ri,of.ih^ latent ,s^vjp?Jan^ t -- W itt price as* any on# cat* buw anywhere^ . b .-^ar. •Well ' • tin*-.'. &.a OSI.ZJ It *« to'ugli 8kddia^ for him if y^a4^f9tt *** &,r\ *jV» *1 **•»?. i-rTi.f'-* *Af i* ,JKl jfc.^ •id • toA jr-'jir •> *(• '•; -'a ,-^v J,-J»S5 lit, • *0 can be proud of neckwear ^bought ffoni'^af7- £ ThatV^fetv*nd ^^i»#»ifrt!a™d-jff>od«aBd ^U)«M*»»a«, . It is tiie-finest in the market, tli^.seJectwauiriiS^ ^^ adjustments kt Ray McGee's|tlia| :}ryp» H A -Iasis.a»> »i"Your Undepsrear?your Hose the cSmfurlahly drcisod m«h rfe.'T.ere'for yW . ^ tiks ktU^' • 3v«*tXS,t You kuaw. tlmt thfi. iU4Gu£^'turs£ jvho raakea the«w -t*m «qpauMr* j lAJLi^OSllKcGee r>T;r.,are of the bes^-ttf^qutitftf-fttgh and the price lowi -•' wouldn't wen ask foe,in.a qi^irtore. AndjMcGee - -- ^ \ * •-:• * i-" .:f^to5a8 Had, really glad to mak^them; smiles while,lie does it ; aid.11 the Accessonea^.^ ^g,yon '«mF5S hiwU2 If you filid a^i>iJiiug Uclu^ ^ back ~ a! "%33wntO i •.Aer\ k-J^VlXTT Ji»ia?4.;cvdq a* nv-a-sat-j i- !«W ^ - M ready4or.weai\gamejit^iu such <iuaiitities makes thenv^ a_ln]^ a_liink.^e . mu. ..()u ^^"rancisco;»»'New fix it, free of cost. York, i» N"f# ^hr1<*}iiTS or Suit yoti bay m McHenry Vou knowtijat -theydo mu}ce one sty If of« w » fexaotly tlie'»am« ^ ,».• You know he meana it; ^y<ni k»otr darned ---Tr---_ ' _>a, ^ Veil he does. good *.i> r. . •-•'•} 2 ^9 V rj-» ^«n H .« M«teaTss :»tc ? • *V5 i-»>a <vV btskai >v;...--.• IMT « Glothes' for Mo Henry stores and another styie^foit^ r;, Wttoiore;"; ^ 1 ,* ha Aid-that's the reason so many of the oitt folk who, ^/od ' buying •*' That's0 18 Wis# , and just <#$* °^ee'BrB&tcoO' $abds ^^come to McHenry for the summer put h3 .«iclothes 'til they get to McGee's at McHen As a matter tfM^t^yow^hwiW 4nM»i tlfii \ff lit the^^h^ ™*son so many city folks, after vacatio better values are to bejit^d jn the' country tovm Thea#'-,^ef°re scliool opens in the yaff,v^p®ft^ to country merchant has few^r austom«rs; th^v are more?1 *tiMcHemy for their outfits, . particular* harder tw sell and they buy less 'frequently. Bay McCfee selves his customers;%serves The result is tliat tllp creapl of patterns, cloth and^J ^t^wishes} -serves their needs and. even selves A ,. "make*' more often «o»* to towns Uk^ McHenry thanwhims. He has the time to do it: he has the * ' to the larger cities. The-city merchant has ttLousandisj^^jg^ has the stoek. ^ >.sactiyf3*i iv©lf cUuusstity>imU"e'Bts); mIllillilniounuss oufi mIlirernu tiou lp-FilcCkiv ftirUoXmU;, tthuetjyj posst«j3-ji^.' v . « > • ± 4' "f'kv; 4*: a ^ v his door in a never ending swarm; they read his adver-* s a friendlj service,; r(Wl interested, t ervice; tisements every day in a. doaen newspapers} his rent,^ ^jwillitag awd a welcome service. 1 ia somothitig enorfnOUisV' Even though liis profit be the^ri .. if you haven't yet been here iK^'t you o* me^iamedi|• f i»Vi normal"ma,r k, up" he i»ust do* -a»K v^|as™t vMt-Vtm e-rHof ^tsi^^^lReefor vourselft , ^ •' » i£; rim •-• ' ,.T • s • j If you are an old cu^tomer vpn^yau cc me in and r1? .Mtt M J «T«vt v* »di 'i y-.j, & «a>*iq "«£*•> *» ' t f**i aaa--ar^'.iT Wt.. tehdtsc 9Jtat'T' *•*&&>*»W Jjrfi^f .B pmttiS k*' »*.^c<9 • «r*l \c»i ...w&a; aii ,*»i4 i«i Ml Jfeiar»aH ;US iO ••nit their best Their '~"~ nclvvitiWD* ^aoi9pro • - £«*B# ya q •Jti# * itBarnstflg If'*, and, if, odL« o • tlAatl--Jieas to meet his vv^rue*4- ^ *fhe «oiSntry merchant is feonstantly doing business ' ^r^'e you againi .* *• ) -xa r. <*#* ** b, witb tom and^ with Dick ^ well ip with^ Joe am1q ^ ' i{l)W1 are satisfied m miii iSk Harry, but h<' ^n^ob'it wij® the same ®en^"H>y chance you have ever been dissatisfied;won't you ^o : ' 1 i11 now> this very week, atid let us "make good"? ^ ajit ne*eifc8e«a^a«r??s;*£>ee how gladly we do it; see how weUiwejdo It; k K a or yourself, how well we'serve. 1 i ?-a rki a.!f// fS .v;v,r! t... vm***# »I «haW 1-aW | -v-5 .>.41 \,jp% HarriMltM ^4 over h*d ••<•»•(! i--mty auMu YOUr Hat|an^SKo^i Swatt Kktf^WHtn^firr yim, -r~% *iO*xrfMi 'tr* ! 1) ' f v> o^rr^ iH »>/. JiA 'i '. . IK - u '•V4 J Jj ' ; ^ .- . »aw-l »!*J *<.» - .• mant --*> ^k•> i-a t <*tTJ :T'M;."'t j.- < 1> i4 SMJ r-1 ,*.**».;f -W *xu?*;r r t\\"«Wi» •*•>* -rif i.iir^.i »w? •».?•? s^-r.w. -i^| » X**1"C> \-rT JZU T zrrct ^.} V • m%;-a•'* ?*>•*•»f.c aJ?a a.~SK:* tr'cMir ?tao-krjn-w'V-M S •; •c»a»'a -sj ,'ixtf^-? >t.-d« ?i» ot .%a»#-• r ,? 5I.-.1 'S STORE A. Man's Store for Men. McHENRY S nr;- *il ivit .-7-M t f r*w i-": ^ Tut.* <*&: £t*i±$ aoiria**!. :H tf' »ai-fi a Jon 4. .»i; £-> *H"* a#, a^taisat ^ >=«*" ot *>iii aii-st :I 'Wuf ast Jaifev .iiiJa vain g^ia' »i»rt a #u *3P*» *5lf friTA , " 4 d '.;jr ' tw? s..'al' . •C- " .j*: tAaasuT VAaas>icsvyi YAC&S3H7 ifowaH Stmi.'tiV. si •>. "saaslsd sd? • : ' «t)r* vg'^- • ' , -f- t i«#A ' t«£TPj >rfi Y *£i0 y. xit % A i ? •;i #s ^11 " -A , ft . ^ "ti - a 'uylvft mmv* "• ' 4 ^{?«f * v/fe +:ia5S " M t-a»: i '."fe •a-'iii'W" <? n r*i . « • ii&iaS" •ii- ' '• *Qf j: - ° t*t ' y' • V « {ab : &£:• t? r» ' If 3-ti #of 'r* -.i»« . ~:?y ,i •jhtaw •'ipt.i'. J %^r*? r>. 'T-r' '"- ^c^d? J , V1 ••.\JOW-. aO" " iwlhr j 1| Ja VI ' tt) v ' .M ' r? »«io > >tla !SSW#*'; ' - 's »<CT Hi^' 5^ 4l? i rto.d • 02 . Rlq fti - >ys vf X) -J& nis !'• »4f/. V:Sy .--w,W ij - J'-" v.3 DT«»r« M v v jml • I Ii«3- -?i • ••:$ • '-j •0i, "4 >«w * •s£i r"*t: --V: ;:lCf 3 >4®; "v'S4 V. >-y ' ; iX :• :£h :,'i * > - : n i'~:M i r ^ '

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