$ 4 ft - v * : .r «jfc»-jr .',. ?;* > y r o t g w o o d ^ * ' , . - , • » ' - ; . , _ * < W » - - " " v' %' ' '^'." .• ' '••"•" ' *; ^ ^*s * V * K * * -- " f . Give Candy to your Hostess on Thanksgiving s"'"~ w^9« <; Whether your friend, your mother, wife oft lister, a box of our candies f>e appreciated as a token off* thank*^ •,••••• ;,- JOHN KARLS a •!*& . **Comein please--Go out pleasedw Central Garage JOHN8BURG FRED J. SMITH, Proprietor Chevrolet Sales. General Automotive Repair Work Give us a call when in trouble * EXPERT WELDING AND CYLINDER RBBOBING Day Phone 200-J Night Phone 640-1-2 S. H. Freund & Son mtv-^ l>« fi General Building Oontractori Phone 1274ft * Cor. Pearl and Park Sftn. McHenry, HL 8 * WEST SIDE GARAGE Otto Adams, Prop. General Automobile Repairing ' . TeL y Bee. Phone, 639-R-2 ETHYL ANTI-KNOCK COMPOUND ETHYL GASOLINE CORPORATION *t«v VOOH US » k/ The M: •/$ e volatility of Pgfco Ethyl ii regulated to conform with Varying seasonal temperatures. tyinter Test Parco Ethyl is Hlvecially refined for quick IW weather starting and very liestwinner driving result*. STARTING Gasoline inlown The amazing thing about the quick starting feature of Winter Test9 Parco Ethyl is the fact that of its great power, speed |nd mileage has been sacrificed to produce it. Its cold weather Volatility is refined into and clear thru it~~not merely added to it in |he form of casing'head mixtures. That's why the last quart of Parco Ethyl in your gas tank start? just as quickly as the first. That's why its patronage and popularity are growing by leaps and bounds: Mrs. J. A- Carr of Elgin was a week-end guest in the hone of Mrs. George Harrison. Karl Bradley of Woodstoek nu a caller here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wiedrich spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. H. Kelley and daughter of Crystal Lake spent Sunday in thC. Wm. Kelley home. Mae Wiedrich spent Sunday in the Warren Thomas home at Woodstock. The Home Circle met at the home of Mrs. Claus Larson Wednesday with Mrs. Lora Klintworth and Mrs. Viola Low assisting hostesses. A one o'clock luncheon was, served, followed by the regular meeting. Mr. and Mrs. H. M- Stephenson and Mrs. Viola Low attended the Armistice Dinner at Richmond Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Carr and Mr. and Mrs- Roy Carr of Kalamazoo, Mich., returned to their home Thursday, after visiting here since Monday Leslie Oetzel of Highland Park and Mr' and Mrs. Henry Olsen and son of Chicago spent Friday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Olsen. Mr. and Mrs. George Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Harrison, Mr. and Mrs- C. W. Harrison, Mr. and,Mrs. Charles Peet and Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson attended the funeral of Mrs- Martha Harrison at Wauconda Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McLean of Woodstock spent Friday with Mrs, Frankie Stephenson. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Schroeder and daughter were Elgin visitors Sunday. Mrs. Jennie Bacon spent Sunday in the Will Hendrickson home at Richmond. I Mrs. A. C. tyerrell of Solon Mills visited in the Lewis Schroeder home Friday. \\ Ben Stevens George Biggers visited in thev Wilri'am Shotliff home at Spring Grove Sunday. Miss Minnie Hermanson returned to her home in Harvard Sunday after nursing in the Oscar Tabor home since Tuesday. Frank May of Chicago and Leo Blake of McHenry were Ringwood visitors Sunday evening- Archie Biggers and John flogaii at tended the theatre at Woodstock Saturday evening. Edward Thompson of Chicago spent Wednesday and Thursday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Thompson. Mrs. Kirk Harrison and son of Elgin, Mrs. Mayme Harrison and sons of McHenry and Leonard Brown were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. C Pearson. Mrs. A. E. Dunn of Williamstown Mass., is visiting her brother. C. J* Jepson, and family. Charles Coates of Genoa City spent Sunday in the Fred Wiedrich home, Fred Shau and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wetterer and three children of Chicago spent Sunday in the L. E. Hawley home. Mr. and .Mrs. Leslie Olsen and daughter of McHenry and Florence Olsen were "callers in the Fred Wiedrich home Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schuetze of Monroe, Wis., spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Dr. and Mrs. Hepburn. Ralph Simpson of Chieago s£ent the week-end in the Wm. Beth home. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet and familyv were Woodstock visitors Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Shepard and family spent Saturday evening at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Lynch and Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Lynch and children of Rockford spent Sunday in the Joe Biggers home. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Beatty and Mrs. Viola Low and children spent Sunday in the William Hendrickson home in Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Colby and family of Crystal Lake were callers in the G. E. Shepard home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Nelson and daughter of Antioch were Ringwood visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Weber and famuy of McHenry spent Sunday in the Nick Young home. Among those from Ringwood to attend the card party_ at McHenry Thursday afternoon were Mesdames George Young,. Nick Young, Ben Jus ten, Ed Thompson. Ed Whiting and Thomas Doherty. Mr. and Mrs- George Young •if it or 8 at Woodstock Wednesday. Mrs. F. A. Hitchens spent Thursday "fa Chicago. Marjory Hawley spent Thursday with her aunt,' Mrs. D. C. Bacon, at Crystal Lake. Mrs. Jennie Bacon and Mrs. Viola Low were Woodstock visitors Friday l&oming. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Shepard were McHenry visitors Friday morning Mrs. Ed Peet and daughter were Woodstock visitors Friday •V-5? twice Toi a _ Tales """™ i Interesting Bit* «f News Taken From the CahnMtt of tho Ptaindesler Ftflgr ani -f _ Twcaty-iva Tiara Aga Fifty Tears Ago C. T. Eldredge has commenced buy* ing, dressing and shipping poultry to Chicago and Eastern markets. His poultry house now presents a lively appearance. Mrs. Franzer, a widow lady, living on the East side of the river, died on Saturday evening last, after an ill' ness of only a few days. George Owen accidentally walked into a hole cut for catching minnows in the creek back of his place, on Monday night and was obliged to break his way through the ice to tbe shore before he could get out. The boys are now having a glorious time skating on the pond and river, and each day an army of boys is seen going with skates over their shoulder to the ice. D. S. Smith and his brother-in-law were robbed at the Commercial Hotel, Chicago, on Wednesday last of about $70 in money and other valuable papers. Twenty-five Tears Ago What promises td be the most pleasant event of the season will bo the Thanksgiving dance at Stoffel1 hall, November 30. Clyde Curtis of Chicago died at tho home of his father, after an illness of a few months. The remains were brought to McHenry Sunday for burial. Theron W. Day of New York and Miss Delo Knox of Elgin, formerly of McHenry, were married in Chicago at high noon, Monday. The city standpipe has this week undergone a thorough cleaning and users of city water can nosw rest assured that the water is free of dirt and germs. A gang of Chicago Telephone men are here this week, stringing additional wires. The McHenry exchange has nearly reached the two hundred mark and new patrons are constantly being added. Peter Doherty has just completed one of the most modern bams to be found in McHenry county on the farm of J. J- Flusky, two miles south of McHenry. Robert Frisby, who, about four months ago smashed Several fingers had the middle finger amputated Tuesday by a local doctor. The hill on Waukegan street, down past the school house, has been graded during the past week and is a good improvement. SPRING GROVE Uncle Ebon "A man can't have too good an opinion of hisse'f," said Uncle Bhen, "pep. vlded he's wlllin' to hustle aroan' an' hones'ly try to deserve it."--Washington IST-t--a- r' The ladies of the M- E. chufrch want •to tfiank all those who so generously helped at the supper served last week. Also do they wish to thank the band from Ringwood for the music. Mrs. Math Nimsgern entertained at an Afternoon card party Wednesday. Three tables were in play and prizes were won by Mrs. Alice Wagner. Mrs. P. Seigler. Mrs. M. Nimsgern and Mrs. Nick Nett. George Freund of Fox River Grove called on Tiis father Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank May and Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Freund motored to Woodstock Monday and were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Olney Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Math Nimsgern and family spent Sunday at Waukegan. Charles Henney of Hebron opened a blacksmith shop Monday in the Nick Freund building. Little Walter Richardson had the misfortune to fall from a chair Wednesday and break his collar bone. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sutton of Richmond were supper guests of the former's mother one evening last week. Charles Behrens was a Chicago passenger Saturday. Mrs. Alice Wagner, Mrs. B. L. Orvis and Mrs. Jennie Oxtoby motored to Carpentersville Tuesday and spent the day with Mrs. Leonard Franzen. The card party given by tho Christian Mothers Sunday evening was a success. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Winn, Mrs, Sarah Winn and Louise and Guy Winn motored to Rock Falls Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Piggott of Chicago were Sunday supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Oxtoby. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shotliff and son of Alden were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Orvis. Mrs. Laura James and daughter and Mrs. Joe James, Jr., of Rockford called on relatives here Sunday. Mrs. Mollie Harms and Mrs. Tom Madden were at Kenosha Friday and called on Mrs. Jane Motley, who is much improved in health. Mr. and Mrs. 'Henry McMillan spent last Wednesday with relatives at Hampshire. Edimrd J. Knox of Geneva called on relatives here last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. P> A. Huffman and daughters visited relatives in Chicago Saturday. Glenn McMillan of Chicago visited at his home hare Sunday. Eugene Leisner of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday with his sisters here. Knox of Geneva visrslsti** here from Wednesday until Sfttulfty. Mrs. 8. lynott and sons and Mm Vera MeMiQkn of Hampshire vihited £ < * « W m M i l l a n f r o m Wednps&y until SfcMSy Mr. and Mrs. 3, A. Flanagan rad daughter of Evanston visited at the home of B. J. Shine Sunday. Donald Fitzgerald, Sihrin Duba and A Waldron of Libertyville called at tho home of M. Knox Sunday.. Mrs- M. Knox and son, Robert, attended the funeral of Michael Kirby in Mr. and Mrs. James Pierce of Chicago were guests at the home of P« A. Huffman Sunday. Thomas Bsrnston of Elgin it spending several days at the home ef B. J. Shine, Mr. and Mrs. Henry McMillan *1*. * ited relatives at Carpentersville Sunday. Misses Marie Boree and Harriott Bartlett of Evanston visited at tlati home of B. J. Shine Sonday. Aurora Monday. Mr. Kirby was tka father of Mrs. Edward J. Knox of Geneva. 1 & J another chance to prove its worth marketing statts'days beforehand-- celery, fruits, cranberries and, oh, so many' ;i>ther good things . ... You'll „Hheed a Frigidaire to keep' them and tasty. ' Kitchen preparation* begin j^arly, too. A Frigidaire will Carefully guard these Delicacies of die Day. : iM. htm good che dinner l*t "lien) there's much of it left '. * . then again Frigidaire will take care of everything--keep all its savoriness intact for days ttiktil everyone is hungry agpun. •feii - ' ' f t ^Surprise? Of coiirse t^e mdiu T^inust have a dish that's new ^^|ind different. .. Why not a i tlfrozen salad from Frigidaire's cold compartment? 1 And afterwards when (do ant* The popular new "Grtyline" Frigidaire, with storage capacity of 5 cubic feet, is only $10 down and about 30c a day the "Little by Little'1 way. See it at your Public Service Store. r t ir • - - i •>- SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILUNOIS . X. J. LARKIN, Dist. Mgr. Williams St., Crystal La%" Telephone 280 "•iSrf •i •l-'i/.i; ? - (,^ i p 'v. #; .,3j .: 't;. i a- v - ' & ' W - r. -si ism ;m-, MM Grew Sl*wly' Refrigeration, in the modern sense. Was Invented in 1861, but it was some years before It became satisfactory for transportation purposes. Valvoline Oil ,Company M* TUI nT.AfWTTTKT) COLUMNS FOR QUICK RESULTS 0. Baxter Howe, M. D. Dr. Howe Specializes in Diseases of the Blood, Skin, Nerves, Stomach, Bowels, Liver. Kidney, Bladder, Nose, Throat, and Chest, and Genito-Urinary diseases sf Man and Women in general, u Wmm 10 to 12 A. M.. 2 to « P. M. OFFICE 236 MAIN ST. Phone 664 WOODSTOCK, ill: : # ^0Mmw AW Itf In New England hardwood and solftwood seem to grow Invariably in rotation, 1. e., when a forest of coniferous trees such as spruce or pine Is cat, the next growth is of deciduous trees, such as maple or birch.--Exchange. • PILES T£AUI> An old Chinese Proverb wf "Nine la IS suffer from ptlee," but the pain end Itching of blind, protruding or blMdioc piles usually M« alleviated within a few minutes by eoothin^, Dr. Nixon's Chlnarold. fortified with a rare. Imported Chines® Herb, having amaslnff power to reduce swollen tissues. It's the new eat and fastest acting treatment ovt Ton can work and enjoy life right from the start whileJt^continues its ». Don't delay. JLet [n a dana^roue andeoct- Try Dr. Nixon's China * rald'uBM earfwrtstM to satiafy ooeapletely and oe worth 1M toes whlle lt contlni heSu aettoo. Act i ^operation. 8 oosvle-- -- . . ftte TT"**1 cost or your money b"-ck. P. Bolger, Druggist Whi Wotofists .are baying TIRES ROW li iOoodytar prioee are al botteiauW-M |L Cost of punctures added to delay*$n' ! bad weather, is greater than the miles left in old tires are worth. ^Slippery roads of fall aad winter '^make the full grip of new Goodyears . -; desirable precaution. I ew Goodyear treads during wintw -;-wear down slower than ever--about TWICE as slowly as in summer. It economy to put on new Goodyears uow- they will be practically as good "^as new next spring. Ride with pride -Siand enjoy Gf>odyear protection all ^winter, the time you MOST need it. the QUALITY TIRE within the reach or ALL T Guaranteed Goodyear Pathfinders Superior to many high-priced brands. Backed by oar all year service. Full Oversize Balloons 29x440 30x4.50 30x5.00 30x5.25 31x5.25 31x6.00 32x6.00 33x6.00 5.65 6.75 &30 9.55 9.90 12.10 1^55 12.90 OversiteConM? 30x3^4 oversto 31x4 32x4 . v--: 32x4Vt 33x4'/i 30x5 (8-ply) . 32x6 (10-ply) 8.80 9.50 mo 13.75 19.70 SHL55 Tire and Tube Vilceiiiitag fkMe 194 All Werk Omaranteed Your old tires are worth morcTon a trade now than they will be later! Get our offer on new Goodyear All- Weathers or Double Eagles. . USED TIRES ,w. " Good ones at $2 to $3 -- -Jtk* - er J. Freund Weet MeHeary, 111. M