SS*1R 'mm 18, 1930 "tern**. -fAymg; •# 'A '-^65*"T i&> v ^ajfj Christmas , ;5 ; ^ Modern Woodmen Elect / J' ,©n Wednesday evening of last week * soff!c§rs of the local Modern Woodman Camp were elected for another year. The officers elected were: jf. Consul--Glenn F. Peterson. •' j: jfast Consul--Wm. J. Welch, j Advisor--Lisle E. Bassett. Banker--F. M. Ensign. ^Clerk--E. E. Bassett. Sscort--John C. Keg. Trustee--Martin N. May years). Watchman--Job F. Vasey. Sentry--Andrew Eddy. physicians--Dr. D. G. Wells, Dr. A. iL Froehlich and Dr. C. W. Klontt. The installation of officers will be lfeeld at the meeting of the camp on :<&U»aiy 28. (&TN River view Cnqt Elects At the regular meeting of Rivei view Camp, Royal Neighbors of America, held at their hall last Tuesday) evening, election of officers was held; with Mrs. Varina Marshall being elected as the new Oracle of the camp. The officers elected were: Oracle--Mrs. Varina Marshall. Vice-Oracle--Mrs. Calla Perkins. Past Oracle--Mrs. Maud Rothermel. J Chancellor--Mrs. Ella Gans. 4' Recorder--Mrs. Florence Cobfc» 1 Receiver--Frances Vycital. * f> •i Marshal--Elsie Vycital. 2 Inner Sentinel--Margaret Bienapbl. " Outer Sentinel--Wilhemina Keg. Manager--Magdalena Bohr. Musician--Gertrude Schaefer. fhyeiciaa--Dr. D. G. Weils. Eastern Star WcHenry chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, has received the following invitations to installation ceremonies of neighboring chapters: Waukegan Chapter, Thursday, Dec. 18, at 8:30 o'clock. Norma Peterson and Otto Sarvella will be the newly installed worthy matron and patron. "Ifireifc'tie Store of Christmas Cheer. Gifts from every1 land; of every quality, and at almost any price await your careful choosing here. The Season of Love and Life and Laughter is upon us. For thousands of years the human race has had some form of Festival where Love was expressed and Thanksgiving to the unknown Forces of the Universe. But Christmas--for Christians--is the Season ot Love because the / f$v % , WUb v cugence irora the Decalogue and brought Forgiveness; and Hope and Love t© us to be celebrated one for all and each for the other at the #nd of every year. Here we have assembled gifts of every: type for your convenience but with the merchandise goes Service, Sjnperity in the hope of Joy and Gratitude. 6&T CD.A. Meeting - About forty members of the local Court Joyce Kilmer, Catholic Daugh- „ ters of America, were present Monday Vivian Scott will be installing officer, evening to enjoy the annual Christmas I' Nunda Chapter, Friday, Dec. 19, at party given at their hall on Green j 8 o'clock. Elizabeth Shales and Harry street. The hall was decorated in the j Shales will be the worthy matron and colors of the season with a beautiful patron and Edythe Powell installing Christmas tree spreading the spirit, officer. of Christmas cheer among the mem-j Lake Forest Chapter, Monday, Dec. 29, at 8 o'clock. Mary Jensen and Alexander Pirie will be worthy matron and patron and Vivian "Scott installing officer. Give A Camera hers. Gifts were exchanged during the evening and those who were present at the party now feel sure that Christmas is at hand. Nine tables of five hundred, bridge and bunco were in play during the evening and prizes were won by Mrs. Agnes Adams and Mrs- Dorothy Adams in five hundred; Birthday Party A party of friends surprised Miss ^ ... . , Hazel Kramer, Saturday evening in Lena Stoffel and Mrs. Anna Barron in j honor of her sixteenth birthday annibridge and Eleanor May and Mary j versary. The young people attended Bolger in bunco. Refreshments were J the ElTovar theatre at Crystal Lake served at the close of the evening. On: after which they returned to the home Monday evening of next week the an- of their hostess where the remainder jmal children's party will be held. of the evening was spent in games J hnd lunch was served. Those present :• 'Surprise Party [were Jessie Schroeder, Rita Freund, A party of friends surprised Peter, Hazel Kramer, Eleanor Sutton, Anita Weingart at his home east of this I Bacon, Hubert Smith, Rollo Chambercity Saturday evening in honor of his J lin, Eugene Sayler, Alvin Baur, Ray birthday anniversary. He was pre- Rothermel. cented with an appropriate gift from his guests. Four tables of five hundred were played during the evening and prizes for the ladies were won by Mrs. Edwin Freund, Mrs. Peter Weber, and Florence Blake while prizes for the men went to Mat Blake, John Shpoty and Peter Weber ments were served at the close of the evening. Those present werePMessrs. and Mesdames Mat Blake, Thomas Kane, George Young, Ford Jackson, Peter A. Freund, John S. Freund, "John Shooty, Mat Viola, Peter Weber and Gas Freund, Ben Fjreund and Florence Blake- There are "Brownies" for the youngsters and the Ansco for "her" or "him." A gift this Christmas and pleasure for years to come. *\ Smokers' Gif Cigars by the box. Cigarettes, 200 in Christmas pkg. .J.^..»r......v|l,S5 Tobacco, 1-lb. tins. "•'$ Pipes, from $4.00 as lowiai ..„..4Sc Cigarette lighters, $8.00 down lo $1.00 Ash Trays, many designs and prices. ; v For Xmiic Whitman's or Julia King's candies in beautiful gift boxes, several sizes--always appreciated. , Special Christmas Candies at spscial prices: ^ v - 2 ^4 lbs. special 5 lb. special $1.19 Toilet Sets: and lovely sets for women, in beautiful boxes, many to select from at prices to suit all. Toilet case for men, containing shaving soap, talcum, and lotion, an attractive and useful gift $2.00 Give A Purse and A Penny Birthday Party Miss Helen Clausen of Woodstock entertained a party of friends at her home on Tuesday evening, Dec. 9, in honor of her seventeenth birthday anniversary. The evening was spent by playing aeroplane bunco, singing and dancing- Prizes in bunco were awarded to Evelyn Holtz, first; Clara Johan Birthday Anniversary Mrs. Nick Kennebeck was surprised by a party of friends on Wednesday evening of last week at her home at Griswold Lake in honor of her birthday anniversary. Music was enjoyed Refresh- and games were played and at a late hour lunch ws served. She received many useful gifts in memory of the occasion. The invited guests were Messrs. and Mesdames Elmer Schaid, Nick Freund of Ringwood, Peter W. Freund, Earl Brown, Ted Kaelin, Peter J. Schaefer, Tony Freund, Will Harris, Roy Goin of Woodstock and Jack Harris and Nick Kennebeck. MM R. N. A. Xmas Party The members of Riverview Camp, Royal Neighbors of America, will hold their Christmas party on Tuesday evening, Dec. 23. The meeting will be at seven o'clock sharp and the party will begin at 7:30 o'clock. There . , 7 i will be a Christmas tree and exchange sen, second, and Lydia Mericoli, con- 3uuq ^bui jaquiaui XaaAg -s^i3 io Relation. Later in the evening a most their children and those who have no delicious lunch was served. Those who children may bring softie child who were present were: Ella Nichols,' will enjoy the party. The children Eleanof Mentzke, Cora Jones, Helen; will be asked to recite or sing selec- Rohme, Martha Miller, Viola Engels, j tions that they already know and a Swank leather purses for woaften. Sturdy billfolds for men. They come in all the new styles at various prices. The latest leather purges for the young ladies, green, blue, red or tan .75c Hand tooled, embossed steer-hide purse for the still younger ladies $2.00 -Exquisite little steer-hide purse for the wee lady $1.25 A Gift and A Game Dorothy Nichols, Mary Justen, Evelyn Holtz, Lydia Maricoli, Clara Johansen, Irene Jensen, Techala Ellstrom, Helen Matzen, Harriet Belcher artd Mildred merry evening is being planned. Entertained Card Club Mr. and Mrs. John Kilday very pleasantly entertained the members of their card club on Tuesday evening of last week. Four tables of five hundred were in play. Prizes were award-1 ed as follows: First, Mrs. Russell i > Gibbs and* Frank St. George; second. I '.:¥ > Bon Bon Ctak " Mrs.* John Molidor entertained the members of the Bon Bon club recently. Luncheon was served by the ucuific, set-uwx. hostess at one o'clock, after which the j Mrs. Albert Justen and John Molidor; afternoon was spent at cards. Prizes j third, Mrs. ' Ed Cook and Russell went to the following: First, Mrs- Joej Gibbs; fourth, Mrs. Joe Freund and Many pleasant hours will go with your gift of playing cards; here you will find the newest round bridge cards; the latest designs and the best quality. Include a box of Poker Chips, 100 in a box, these will please "Dad" or "Brother." % Perfumes Freund; second Mrs. Ed. Cook; third, Mrs. Joseph Wagner, while Mrs. Frank Masquelet received low. The members of the Bon Bon club were entertained by Mrs. Albert Justen at her home on Thursday of last week, when a delicious three-course luncheon was served by the hostess. The afternoon was passed in playing five hundred and prizes were won by Mrs. John Molidor, Mrs. John Kilday, Mrs. George Justen and Mrs. Frank Masquelet. EnAe.-taine Friend» • ' Mrs. Peter J. Schaefer entertained a "party of friends fit her home Friday afternoon with bunco serving as entertainment fcr the guests. Prizes in Joe Freund. After the games refreshments were served. Social Wheel Mrs. J. E. Wheeler entertained the Social Wheel at her home on Main street, Thursday afternoon. Five hundred was played and prizes were won by Mrs. Lillian Cox, Mrs. Ella Gang and Mrs. Ben Dietz. Refreshments were served at the close of the games. The next meeting will be held in four weeks. Entertained at Kinsala Home _ A few friends were entertained at the home of Mrs. Henry Kinsala Monday evening. Cards were played and high honors were won by Miss Mary bunco were won by Mrs. Albert I Kinney and the consolation went to Justen, Mrs. Leo Blake and Mrs. Wal-I Miss Kathrine Kinney. The guests ter Donavin. Refreshments were [were: Mrs. Earl McAndrews, Misses Served at the close of the games. The [Mary and. Kathrine Kinney, Mrs: P. invited guests were: Mrs. Georgie A.VH. Weber and Miss Clara Schiessle. Meine, Mrs. Nick Adams, Mrs. Frank Thurlwell, Mrs. Walter Donavin, Mrs. P. J. Schoewer, Mrs. Ben Miller, Mrs. Albert Justen, Mrs. Jacob Stoffel, Mrs. Annie Thurlwell, Mrs. Emma K. Freund, Mrs. Leo Blake, Mrs. Peter Freund, Mrs. Louis Althoff, Mrs. Caroline Schiessle and Mrs. Henry Kinsala. : Entertains At Party. ^ 'Writ. Joe Justen was horaMt"'ttf a party of friends at her home on Wednesday afternoon of last week- Bunco was played during the afternoon and prizes were won by Mrs. T. W. Win- Tcel, Mrs. Jesse Wormley, Mrs. Ben Justen and Mrs. Jacob Justen. At the close of the afternoon delicious refreshments were served. Those present were: Mrs. Ben Justen, Mrs. William Justen, Mrs. Henry Stilling, Mrs. T<^W. Winkel, Mrs. Jesse Wormley, Mrs. H. B. Schaefer, Mrs. George Bohr, Mrs. Jacob F. Justen, Mrs. Jacob Justen, Mrs. N. Justen, Mrs. Nick Justen, Mrs. Henry Degen, Mrs. P. W. Freund, Mrs. M. Bohr and Mrs. Schaefer. * Entertains Card Club Mrs. Simon Michels entertained the ladies of her card club at her home on Riverside Drive Thursday afternoon. Two tables of bridge were played and prizes were awarded to Mrs. Simon Michels, Mrs. Fred Justen, and Mrs. .Albert Justen. Refreshments weze Served at the cloee of the games. West Side Card Club Mrs. Elizabeth Laures entertained the members of the West Side Card club at her home on Main street, Friday evening. Five hundred was played. Prizes were won by Mrs. Caroline Schiessle, Mrs. Emma Freund and Mrs. P. M. Justen. Refreshments were served at the close of the games. © Give "Her" Perfume! A gift that will please Mother, Wife, Sister or Sweetheart. There are tiny purse size flacons, or large, attractive bottles in beautiful boxes, all containing fragrant, mysterious, haunting odeurs. The names on bottle, box, and flacon suggest Paris; Gay, Vital, even wicked Paris. Houbigant, (famed throughout the world) Powder and Matching Perfume. Coty's, (accepted at Deauville, Can- 'nes, on the Riveria) Perfumes and Powders to match- Karess, Armand's, Three Flowers, Blue Rose,. Lucretia Vanderbilt and a host of others. The perfume section is the most popular for gifts. By all means give her Perfume; Poudres and other toilet helps: INCENSE. BU RN ERS--Carry ing with them the spirit of mystery and romance--suggestive of far places and mystic peoples--a gift of beauty and utility, too. From $6 to 95c PERFUME LXMPS--In many attractive designs adding a note of loveliness to any room as they cast their sweet scents about--a gift for the dainty homemaker. $12 to $2.50 SERVING TRAYS--Exquisitely made--black background with a gorgeous peacock in all its naturally brilliant colors--others with ' butterflies, dainty and colorful--many other designs. $5 to $2 Tlt$RMOS BOTTLES--A practical gift that will briflfe pleasure many • times to the recipient--for those who like to picnic--for those who travel--for those who carry lunches. $3.75 to $1.25 PMLSH LIGHTS--A most useful gift! Every man likes one in his car--every woman likes to have one, convenient to use where . lights are lacking. $2 to 39c •BSLTH SETS--Consisting of bath salts and body powder in attractive _ containers and in various scents--a dainty gift that ^She" will (appreciate. .v MANICURE SETS--For both men and women--some with a few pieces, some with most complete equipment--a gift that will be used and kept for years. From $40 to $2 HEATING PADS--A thoughtful gift--every home and nearly every * ' person has need for this most useful article at some time--give it to the older people--to the invalid--to "her" or to •"him." $4 POCKET KNIVES--Especially for the "boy"--but "Dad" and '"brother" and "hubby" ajre only boys at heart--there are many to select from. $2 to ..." 65c 1NGERSOLL WATCHES--Give him a wateh for "every day" use, - j&feone he can use when he's hunting, when he "wants to leave his , i good watch at home. Wonderful too for the boy's first watch. " $12 to ...'. $1.50 rORS--Strainght edge razors with hone and strap. While it is a practical gift it is one that will be really appreciated by the . man who shaves himself. $13 to $2.0# MISCELLANEOUS--Hundreds of gifts and remembrances in ex-. quisite taste are here--sales attendants will be glad to show and - ^ help--many objects fitted for presents are not catalogued. Prices range from-26c tot ' ' ' ./ Lowly Gifts--Useful Gifts--Precious Gifts and Gifts to Fit Any Purse lbums to Suit Every Purpose and Purse ^ecorate Your Home , For Christmas Snapshot Albums Autograph Albums School Day Albums Christmas Bells, ho% wreaths, Electrical Display* for Christmas trees, and Dennison's inexhaustible variety. Make this your Christ* mas Store. Fairy Tales and Adventure Some one has said to "makie this a book Christmas." If you are giving books come here for what you need. Almost as many books will greet you here as you will find in a good book More. All late and modern titles on the new themes and in the new manner. Classics for those who prefer ; them. Our list of Children's books is the best in McHenry County. Be sure and give the "kiddies" a book this Christmas- '• Fountain Pens, PencilT ' The Gifts That Last •'s Fountain Pens and Pencils, world famous and universally satisfactory-- with a guarantee--are here for every price and purpose. Other kinds as welk' Come now while selections are easy. Stationery Writing Paper, : Again Boxes of writing papers Jj| every variety, some of them in packages that, alone, without the contents, would be an acceptable gift. Among discriminating people of taste there is hardly anything more accept- i able than a box of. fine stationery- Some housewives who pride themselves on their attention ' to little things have an extra box for the guest room so the visitor may have, ready at hand, the conveniences for the formal letter or the hasty note note. • Our Chrismas stocks are Complete for | your selection. Greeting Cards Entertain Friends Mr. and Mrs. N- J. Justen, who are 'living for Florida after the holidays entertained a party of relatives at their home on Waukegan street Sunday afternoon and evening. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Freund, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Freund, Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Barbian', Mrs. Kate Barbian, Mr. and Mn, p. M. fasten. METHODIST CHURCH You are invited to attend services! at the M. E. church every Sunday. Morning worship, 11 o'clock. Sunday school, 10 o'clock. The children of the Sunday school; will practice at the church after school j every day this week and at 2:30 j O'clock Saturday afternoon for the Christmas program, which will be at 7:30 Sunday evening. The boys' class will meet at the church Saturday morning to decorate. - - An electric percolator not only makes good coffee but does it hurriedly. How about giving one to the lady this Christmas ? The Carey Electric Shop has several different designs. rYlS In this very wide selection of cards you will find something suitable for everyone. There are tiny cards and large cards, all with envelopes, make S your selections EARLY.' le to 35c t_ Bolger's DRUG STORE u Always Busy ** McHenry, 111. , Registered Pharmacists Always in Charge Book Ends Beautiful bronze book ends in many desigMs. Some are in polychrome, to fit the color scheme of any interior. Rich and rare and beautiful ornaments. The Trumpeting Elephant; the End of the Trail; miniature reproductions of the greatest figures by famous sculptors. Exquisite figurines and all at prices to please the most captious buyer with the longest shopping