Entered u second-class «*ttwr at the poetoffica at McHenry, EL, trn. "ihr the act of May 8, 1879. Otic Year 0*. A. H. M06HJBR, Editor aid Manager »-tnftp-i A Feut ef Hap* All men are quests where h6pe lieth ) h.- fo;trt Ori^coitrrif4. t* Woodstock's Beautiful Play House Matinees Sun.-Wed.-S«t. 140 Evenings 7-t • . 0:" f Special 50c FAMILY MATINK ' « Sunday THURSDAY Screen Show 7 and 10 iStage Show 8:30 On the Stage J. B. ROTNOU* PLAYERS ^Present of John Slater" On the Screen jTHUESD AY-FRIDAY Jack Oakie in "Sea Legs" fbmedy and Movietone ... : News •- • - r. *SATURDAY GIFT NIGHT "Ber HID" with Helen Twelvetrees Richard Cortes Marjorie Rambeau Rin Tin Tin and Movietone News iss SUNDAY-MONDAY Gary Cooper Marlene Dietrich Adolphe Menjol in "Morocco" also Comedy and Movietone News TUBS. WED. Charles Rogers 44 »» s also Comedy and Movietone News PERSONALS Nick L. Freund of Chicago a pent a few days last week with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jnsten and son and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burger and family were Sunday dinner and evening guests at the William Walk home at Fox Lake. » Week-end guests at the home of Mrs. H. L. Ritter were Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Grignon.and son, George, Mr, and Mrs. I. A. Ritter and son, Raymond, Mr. and Mrs. John Swatic and father, Frank Swatic, and Mrs. G. Colin and son, Jack. 'Mrs. E. E. Bassett and daughter, FloribeV* visited the former's uncle, "B. "C. "Martin, at Delavan, Wis., Tuesday. Mr. Martin, who is 75 years old, has been in poor health for some time, and is failing rapidly. "Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fletcher and daughters, Betty and Virginia, of Elgin visited friends here Sunday. Mrs. Fletcher was formerly Miss Esther Richmond, a teacher in the McHenry high school several years ago. Those from McHenry wro attended the funeral of Mrs. Adam Leitner at Elgin, Monday, were: Mrs. Albert Krause. Mrs. J. W. Rothermel, Mrs. John Niesen, Mrs. Mike Worts and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kaiser and family. p Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis McDonald were Mr. and Mrs. Lee Lockwood and Mr. and! Mrs. Johnson of Crystal Lake, Mr.! and IVlrs. F. E. Cobb of this city, Mr. and 'Mrs. V. Zillian of Cary and Mr. and Khrs. Guy Still of Woodstock. FOR SALE--7-room house and garage, located in Spring Grove. Very reasonable. Inquire *©f Frank L. Adams, Ringwood, 111, 87tf BEFORE YOU BUY SHOES see our bargain counter. B. Popp. Expert shoemaker and repair shop. Main street. Phone 162. 38-tf FOR SALE--Five-room bungalow, one block east of Fox River; reasonable for quick sale. Inquire of Stephen G. Adams, R-3, McHenry. *39-3 AM FORCED TO DISPOSE of my Baby Grand piano; less than year old; standard make; is now in Elgin; will take about half price; terms to responsible party; must act quickly. Apply W. J. Duncan, 6118 Dorchester Ave., Chicago, HI. 39-8 FOR SALE--Lumber wagon, in good condition. George Meyers, Phone McHenry 82-R. »3j) FOR SALE OR RENT--5-room bungalow, nearly new and strictly modern in every respect. Closed in porch, garage, large lot, assessments paid in full, newly decorated. This house is built first class throughout. Owner will sell reasonable for cash or on time. Address "W,"^ care McHenry Plaindealer. 37.3 FOR SALE--Rag rugs. Frank Gustafson. W. McHenry, corner of Center and John streets. 35-tf FOR SALE--Hay and straw. Also pressing of same. Our prices are right-and satisfaction assured. Benwell & Henkel, West McHenry. Tel. McHenry 606-J-l. 36-tf Virginia'! Natural Bridge The earliest mention of Natural bridge, Va., was made by Burnaby In I7"i9, at whldb time it was the prop erty of the crown of England. Records indicate that George VVashinxtmn may have made a purvey of this territory uhout 1760. A jLrnet or parcel of land containing 157 .Acres, including the Natural bridge, was granted to Thomas Jefferson, ffuly 177 f. by George III of England, tar the sum of "20 shillings of 5«od and lawful money." POTATOES FOR SALE--No. 1 Irish Cobblers; good eating and also good for seed. $1.30 per bu. We deliver. Dave Segel, West McHenry. Tel 92-J 35-tf FOR SALE--Well secured 7% First Mortgages on McHtnry Residence Property. Inquire If Plaindealer office. > ' 19-tf FOR RENT FLAT FOR RENT--Reasonable. H. C. Kamholz, West McHenry. 36-tf FOR RENT--A modern cottage, ona^ half block east of river. Thomas McLaughlin, McHenry. Phone 137-M. 99 ---- Legal Precedent One legal author:;., s "In th«> Anglo-American legal sv .rem a decision by a court, made on a qujstlon of law arising in a case and necessary to its determination, is an authority, &r binding prece<\ent, In the «ame court or in other courts'of lower rank, In subsequent cases where the same question Is again in controversy." Phis is called the doctrine of precedent, or "stare decisis et non qui eta movere," which means "to stand by the decisions and aot disturb what is settled." Zenith of Advancement " the whole history of civilisation is revealed in these six words: "Wish I Had a better --Minneapolis Star. WANTEI! WANTED 15 Horses before March IS, in - trade on tractors L» V. LUFK & SON Grayslake, Illinois 87-4* FARM LOANS--First mortgage loans on farms, low interest. Now tafc. ing applications* for 1931 loans. R. M. Fritz, 2nd Fl., Harvard State Bank Bldg., Harvard, III Phone 147. 29-tf MISCELLANEOUS VALUES AT YOUR NEARBY A & P FOOD STORE FREE--With every order of 400 or more., state accredited Corn Belt Chicks placed on our books during February for future delivery, we will give, free, 60 lbs. of starting mash. Prices lowest in history-- Leghorns $9.00; Heavies $10.00 and $11.00. Custom hatching 3c per egg. Headquarters for poultry supplies. Simplex oil burning brooder stoves, hard coal stoves, etc. Radio program over WLS 7:80 every Wednesday j evening. Make our hatchery your I headquarters. Corn Bah Hatcheries., Woodstock, HI, 87-8 SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED Rag Ruga Made to Order AU Work Guaranteed B. POPP Phone 162 Main St. McHenry UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT en afed Steak Dinners^ • Meals at all hours Plate Lunches a Specialty pall Mcfienry 16 for reserv BALDI V m Rich Roof Treatment Makes Thj6 Model «*§.; Stand Out as Very Attractive Hoiiie I: *vV|f? , ' » « i t \ ) J f Famous DAIRY mj^m^Wholesotne gtffiMess 6f COMMUNITY DAIRY milk, cream, butter, cottage cheese and buttermilk secure in the knowledge of perfect purity. Community Dairy milk is pasteurized and clarified.^ ^ KITCH IVJIVI LIVINO-R 0V21 Fl«ft Floor Plaifc > Mr. PURE CANEp 10 lk 49c 100 lb. Bags - - $4.90 > * Gold Medal, # lbs. 18<^ Sonnyfield Flopr, ? 54^ Ks $1.05 •ury and Ceresota Flour '/is $1.49 PAISY AGED American Cheese . . if. 19c - . CARNATION. PET OR BORDEN'S Evaporated Milk . . . 3^ 23c GOLDEN HUE Oleomargarine . . . • ' •'&'* 1 1 < IONA SLICED Pineapple 5 SULTANA Peanut Butter . . . MISS WI8CONSIN P e a1 1 -sr .• *. .• .• .• • • f. H.B.C. FIRESIDE COCO JUMBLES Cookies . . ORWI • IB. ' 2FT' . t I EARLY OHIO POTATOES per peck ^IDAHOS per peck _ J0RAPE FRUIT, 96 SPINACH . "" ^.SPARGUS, lb. „ -X4 ^ ^ 6 for ;>.V . ' •2 lbs. 130.;;, r r PERSONAL Hi8{? P"ces are not a sare sign of high quality. Neither are low paces a sure sign of good values. B u t t h o t r a d e m a r k , A K - P , , t h e h i g h e s t q u a l i t y a n d t a l w a y s a sltfn o* g k « P* e l o w e s t p r i : r • CfcTf'J fl-.;- EC "jy* f &r :i. ! AAP Food St©!!*! 1 • MIOOLE WESTERN DIVISION The Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Com" a » JOE KVIDERA, CARY, ILL. Livestock Dealer *-£7 Dairy Cows a Specialty Satisfaction Guaranteed - » Phone Cary 37-J 11-tf JEWELRY ON CREDIT: At Fred T Ferris Jewelry Store, Woodstock, Illinois, you may buy on credit Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, Silverware; clocks all of thie best grades and all at cash prices. No advance 'n price. Nation ally advertised merchandise that you know by reputation. Come and see for yourself. FRED T. FERRIS, Jeweler, Woodstock, Illinois. 12-tf By W. A. RADFORD William A. Radford will answer questions and give advice FREE OF COST on all subjects pertaining to practical home building, for the readers of this paper. On account of his wide experience as editor, author and manufacturer, he is, without doubt, the highest authority on all these subjects. Address all Inquiries to William A. Radford, No. 407 South Dearborn street, Chicago, III., and only incloM .two-gent stamp for reply. The roof treatment of this house la a factor In Its design which make* it stand out as an ynugually attractive •mall home, entirely free from any of that box-like effect which is such a common fault of small homes. This attractiveness is also aided by the wide-shingled wall finish, the neatly placed shuttered windows and excellent entrance detail. These together form a harmonious and well-balanced whole. Though the foundation area of this house is quite* small (bat 28 feet wide and 22 feet deep), five large rooms and bath are provided. On the first floor there is a large living room occupying one entire side of the house. It measure* 21 by 11 feet and there is open fireplace at one tide with UPHOLSTERING--All kinds of furniture reupholstered and repaired. Good work guaranteed. Work called 1 >r and delivered. Chas. Rasmussen, S. Center fit* West McHenry, III. Tel. 107-M, 12-tf rUNE--and keep y iur I uning makes yout pianr> instrumt'Ct. Phone 27A-Jp; H. Delhi, Wooden**. HI pmno fumu a m tmr;i 1 or writ# J. • &,• Simplicity of nUiinut Simplicity of uifiiint r, rote Jeffrey, Is the last aUnfrunent *r t <> very long afrnld of belrafe u." \ \ the dread of b<Mnff T-w <. .tinnr.*. Few Left for Expert .Of'all the peaches that are cottMnerclally canned in this couutry, people in the United S'n'es eat i.hi four-iifths. S. H. Freuod & Son CONTRACTORS 4JTO BUILDER! Phone 127-R McHenry Our experience is at Your Service in building Your Wants * * flanking door* opening onto the porch. At the opposite side of the central stair and entrance hall are the dining room and kitchen, both of ample size to accommodate such a family as would occupy this home. On the upper floor there are two bedrooms at opposite sides of the central hallway. These are both large V"" ^ %' ' S y°°r ®"\d' fabriea % " ^aiblc * ^ ^Tur thorough SL-expun«^- J try ^ r $1.00 and Suit*. fUK) 0pxtains prapes BED-PM 6-9'* I BED-RM Floor Plan. rooms and each contains a big closet of the type which every woman will appreciate. The bathroom is conveniently placed in the front gable. The bedrooms, by the use of doors and windows, can both be given effective cross ventilation while at the same time retaining ail desired privacy. Horahonivi Cudy Horehound candy Is flavored with aa extract from the leaves of the plant known as horehound.' This plant belongs to the miqt family and was called hor >hound or hoarhound because of tl»»» white, downx appearance of the and leaves, suggesting hoar fr Gaelic Language Deasmumhnn O'Clelrlgh says that as a living language Gaelic reached Its acme of perfection" In the Seventeenth and Eighteenth centuries. Thereafter It declined, as there was a law a?atnst Its use. Now (Jaellp is the oflicial language of the Irish Free State. MURDER! Prices Slaughtered^ " i£r. ' Just received another shipment of broken lot SHOES--ChiU dren's, Ladies'and Men's. Values Bp W36, Going From 89c to $189 ,; If you can find your size in these shoes you will get the best bargain you ever had. Come in and v if we 6kn fit you, while the selection is good. B. Popp Wear u well S m > l MOD! PfcoM 16$, 'ia, fixpert Shoe Repairing % Main Street t ANNA HOWARD Formw Paatoltee Wins-- ^ v' ^ ?/-• 'JBreen St. Them pAGE AFTER PAGE of excellent illus- , trati< including trations; covering all types of business ig yours. Ad copy arid attractive layouts. This modern after ad of punchy matrix service is'offered free of charge EXCLUSIVELY in this community to advertisers in this paper. Take advantage of this glowing opportunity. • <Sf... -u ," .