%' J - -r^r VOLO lGr. Had IDs. Frank Wflaon *nd < ^l^^nndBpn visited Mrs. Milton Dowell 4 Tuesday at the St. Theresa hospital, Wanke&m. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Passfield visited i ^ at the Charles Dalvin home at Wau- ^ conda Saturday. "*•"7^ Boy Pence moved to the old Wanea ijfi P&wers place near Wauconda. Mr. and Mr*. . Lloyd Fisher ami daughter motored to Wankegan Wednesday evening1. Otto Klem has built a new Bar-B-Q stand in Volo. He gave a dance Saturday night and a good time was enjoyed by all present. Vinnie Bacon and Mrs. Roy Passfield called on Mrs. Milton Dowell at Waukegan Sunday. Mr. Osgood of Waueonda was a business caller here Msg the past week. The many friends of Mrs. Milton Dowell will be pleased to hear that she is able to be up again. Speed along, Beatrice, and soon be home again, and well be glad to see you. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Scheid and Mr. and Mrs. Clark Nicholas visited at the home'of Mr .and Mr*. Harry Hironimus Saturday evening. B. C. HaHoek was a caller in this vicinity Thursday. Miss Ada Dowell spent d few days last week with 'Bertha and Marion Davis at Slocum Lake. William Daley of Wauconda was a caller here Tuesday. f%v5^ Originally a Prayw • <" iA_ * The word bead comes from "bede," the old English word for prayer. JOEMBBUSO Miss Helen Smith of Woodstock spent Sunday with her parents. Miss Olive Hettermann spent the week-end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. George Miller of Volo spent Friday evening in the home of the latter's father, John Pitsen. Mr. and Mrs. ^rank Kempfer and daughter of Chicago spent Sunday with friends here. Miss Mildred Schaefer and friend were Woodstock callers Sunday afternoon. Miss Mary Althoff of Elgin spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Althoff. Mrs. John A. Miller entertained her card club Thursday afternoon. V The Four Horsemen Pinochle club r Pure Silk Costume Sim MX ,.. •, v ,, v ^ Main and Beitoi - i tfy ' i., . y*-*/ ' *** UTIEN'S Ncpkoawl Woodstock Nelly Don Cotton Frocks and Handy Dandy Aprons $1.00 op •will meet at Muellers Friday Mrs, Joseph May of Matt*!--, the week-end with her father* Miller*-- *' w '--Critics CritUbwj '• It is quite cruel that a poet cannot wander through his regions of en* chantment without having a critic forever, like the Old Maa of the Sea, op> on his back.--Moore. (ft* , * ' <$) « ' ' ' / sjfr; M ^ T-^k r *....... # v:- .f&tmxe ... ;.y< ' It" ' . V -i. ^ • >v 'U ^ Jp • " , r New Haft ttewest hats, IS flfc® newest straws, felts, riblHMi fel(s, and ribbon belting. Every one is copied from an expensive original, and there are colors for iraf smart spring outfit. v Costume Gloves 42.39 if A special offer of line, glace kid gloves in the new shades of tan, brown, gray, and black with vivid contrasting colors. Slip-on, gauntlet and batton styl#k» Smart Blousef All the attractive stripe^ prints, plaids and solid colors in cotton, jersey and silk pongee. Over blouses and tuck-in styles. Sisti 82 to 38. * Beautiful NEW DR You can have the dress style you like best, at this one low orice. These are exceptional frocks inT>eautiful silks, woolens, and the new sheer fabrics that will be worn all summer. Jacket frocks, cape frocks, afternoon frocks--all beautifully made in solid color and printed fabrics--and you will find it economical to buy a season's supply from this lovely, fresh Stock. Pastels . .^Tivid colors,. and the newest inky shades. Sizes for women and misses. % You've never seen such wonderful coat values, in NEW styles. Collarless coats, scarf coats, sport and dress coats •• many trimmed with rich furs that you'd expect on milch more expensive garments. The finest of woolens, in the season's smartest styles for women and misses. It will be wise to buy one for sport, and one for dress at this low price. Choose a suit or ensemble from this beautiful group, in the most youthful, attractive new styles. Peplum suits .. redmgote suits .. bolero suits .; and three quarter length jacket suits in beautiful woolens and silks. Each ensemble comes with a darling frock, which alone is worth the price of the entire outfit. Sport, dress, and afternoon types. Sizes 14 to 20, 32 to 38. Smart New Pajamas "Fruit of the Loom" fabrics in one piece, two piece and peplum styles, bright new patterns and flare pants hofrfojng. >*•-$;. ' # ' r\ .. J1' . m