'.r'rf^r^s ,«fwpF»i|^nwrW ! .4 •t - if Du|«mm "Tutki like the jaice of the poppy. fa smalt quantities, calms men; in large, heats nod irritates them, and If attended by fatal consequence* in -Landnfc m' W Beetboveit'i Infirmity Beethoven was hard of heating as ^(Krly as his thirtieth year, and was totally deaf for years before hla death. When dying ins last worua were. 1 'shall hear now." Run-Down, Weak* Nervous? "To have plenty of firm flesh and til* Utility to do a big day's work and fed *T8ke a two-year-old" at night, you ' must relish your food and properly digest it. If you can't eat, can't sleep, can't work, just give Tanlac the chance to do for you what it has done {Qr millions. Mrs. Fred Westin, of 387 E. 57th 8ft. North, Portland, Ore., says: "Tanlac cured my stomach trouble com- ettely after three years suffering. It ilt me up to perfect health, with a gain of 27 lbs." r Tanlac is wonderful for indigestion ;'<*--gas pains, nausea, dizziness and , ljiadacJ.es, It brings back lost appetite, helps you digest food, and gain strength and weight. No mineral drugs; only roots, barks and herbs, nature's own medicines. Less than 2 edits a dose. Get a bottle from your druggist. ' Your money back if it doesn't heto. Henry L. Cowlin, Aftorney-at-Law, Crystal Lake, 111. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE OF FIMN' FINAL Si -State of Illinois, McHenry County, ss. Estate of William W. Hanshaw, Deceased. To Louise Huffman, Hazel Mann, Jennie Bagge, Ralph Munshaw, Dwight Goodwin, Caroline Rhodes, Sophronia Williamson, Earl Goodwin and TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: v You are hereby notified that on Monday, the fourth day of May, 1931, I, as the Executor of the last Will and Testament of said deceased, will present to the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, Illinois, my final report of my* acts and doings as such Executor, and ask the Court to be discharged from any and all further duties and responsibilities connected with said Estate and my administration thereof, at which time and place you may be present and resist such application, if you choose so to do. LAMBERT M. MUNSHAW, * Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Wm. W. Munshaw, Deceased. 46-2 "Ns Clothes^K&sher Oily %' lijpuw; Foil 6 Sheet Size Porcelain Tab Mmniavm Turbinitor Balloon Roll Safety Wringer - ' Not a cheap machine--no cutting down in capacity-- same quality porcelain tub as on machine, $60.00 more. v LET US DEMONSTRATE THIS NEW WONDERFUL VALUE FREE--JUST PHONE 251 Special April Offer Electric Alarm fOVVJI {Klcctrlc Clock with Alarm] • ** * > v With any washer purchased this month. 1: £ Special Terms--Only $5 Down •Carey Electric Shop Phone 251 McHenry, 111. Save and Beautify Your Hair with OUR OWN reconditioning Oil Process PERMANENT WAVE $10.00 value...^ $8 FREDERICK VITA TONIC WAVE or NESTLE TRIPLEX WAVE, wet, dry and Croquignole Winds, $10.00 value for. $8 GABRIELEEN Reconditioning Oil Process or KEEN STEAM OIL $15.00 value for... ^13 VERY SPECIAL--NESTLE WAVE-- $7.50 value $5 -All waves are pre-tested--no guess work. - ">• No extra charge for long hair genuine supplies--beware of substitutes AU Waves Include One Haircut, Shampoo and Finger Wave We service all of our Permanents until grown out. Short Bob, Shampoo and Set 50c Long Bob, Shampoo and Set 75c OUR EVERY DAY SPECIALS 50c each Hair cuts, all styles, S h a m p o o , F i n g e r Wave iShort Bob), Tissue Builder Facial, Marcel, Manicure, Eyebrow Arch, Eyebrow Dye, Eyelash Dye. CLEAN SOFT WATER USED Barber and " Beauty Salon 6 BEAUTY ARTISTS 3 BARBERS Telephone 641 226 Main Street Woodstock. Tlliao^* OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9:00 P. M. Phalin & Kennebeck (G. A. Stilling Oarage) Storage~Repairing~Oil~Qreasing Phone 28 Bat Street and Riverside Drive on Route fll* % - '.T ji FRED B. BENNETT, Solicitor JOHNS BURG State of Illinois, McHenry County, ss. In the Circuit Court of McHenry County, January Term A. D. 1931. Gen. No. 24511--Bill for Partition. Albert E. Westerberg, Elmer Westerberg and William L. Westerberg, by John Carlson thetr Mack Mend, Complainants, ¥S> . Erhard Wpstprhftrg. pt nl Dpfendants. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that in pursuance of a decree made and entered in the above entitled cause by the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois, on the 11th day of April A. D. 1931, I, Maurice T. Johnson, Special Master in Chancery of said court, will on Tuesday, the 28th day of April A. D. 1931, at the hour of eleven o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the easj front door of the courthouse Hi the city of Woodstock, McHenry County, Illinois, offer for sale and sell at public vendue to the highest' and best bidder, the following described real estate, to-wit: Lots twenty-five an4 twenty-six of Fair Oaks Subdivision according to the plat thereof now a matter of record in the recorder's office of McHenry County, Illinois, recorded August 28, 1919, in book 4 of plats on page 5 said subdivision being located in and being a part of the East fraction of the South half cf the Southwest quarter of section thirty-six in township forty-five north of range eight East ef the third principal meridian, situate, lying and being in the County of McHenry in the State of Illinois. Also a part of the East fraction of the South half of the Southwest quarter of said section thirty-six bounded and described as fellows, to-wit: Beginning at the Northeast corner of said lot twenty-six and running thence Southerly along the East line of said lots number twenty-five and twenty-six* (above mentioned) 123.6 feet to the Southeast corner of said lot number twenty-five thence East parallel with the eighty line to the West line of the highway running North an<) South; thence North along said West line to the eighty line; thence West to" the place of beginning, situate, lying and being in the _ County of McHenry and state of Illinois. TERMS OF SALE Part of the above described premises is subject to a trust deed recorded in book 149 of mortgages on page 279 of McHenry County, Illinois records, securing the sum <3f $4,625.00, and said portion of the above described premises so encumbered by said trust deed will be sold subject to the said trust deed. Thirty-five per cent of the amount of bid in cash on day of sale, and the balance in cash .when, the court has approved said report and deed of conveyance is ready for ijdeli very. Dated this 16th dajTof April A. D. 193L , \V 'SlAURICE T., JOHNSON, 45-3v'^ Special Master in Chancery. SHERIFF'S SALE v- By Virtue of an Execution issued out of the Clerk's Office of the Cir cuit Court of McHenry County and State, of Illinois', and to me directed, whereby I am commanded to make the amount of a certain, judgment recently obtained - against Chris Tessendorf and Mary Tessendorf in favor of Meta Oerkfitz out of the lands, tenenlents,'goods and chattels of s4id Chris Tessendorf and Mary Tessendorf, I have levied on the following property, to-wit: The Northerly half of Lot No. 11, in Block No. 8, of the Plat of the Village of Huntley Station (now village of Huntley) as recorded in the Recorder's office of McHenry County, Illinois, in Book 59, of Deeds, on page 23 and in Book 62 of Deeds, on page 109, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the most Westerly corner of said Lot on the Easterly line of Rail Road Street and running thence south, 19% degrees East, along said Easterly line of said Street 72 feet; thence North, 70*4 degrees East, parallel with the Northerly line of said Lot, 132 feet to the Easterly line of said Lot: thence North, 19% degrees West, along the Easterly line of said Lot, 72 feet to the most Northerly corner of said I*>t; ithence South, 70% degrees West, along the Northerly line of said lot, 132 feet to the place of beginning: said Block being located in and being a part of the E% of the NW% of Section No. 33, in Township No. 43 North, of Range No. 7 East of the third Principal Meridian, situated in the Village of Huntley, in the County of McHeniy and State of Illinois. THEREFORE, according to said command, I shall expose for sale, at Public Auction, all the right, title and interest of the above named Chris Tessendorf and Mary Tessendorf in and to the above described property, on Thursday the 30th day of April, 1931, at one o'clock P. M., at the front door of the Court House, in the City of Woodstock, in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois. Dated at Woodstock, Illinois, this 3rd day of April, 1931. LESTER EDINGER, Sheriff of McHenry County, 45-8 Illinois, Fred B. Bennett, Attorney EXECUTOR S NOTICE • Estate of Clara M. Schneider, Daceased. The undersigned, having been appointed Executor of the last Will and Testament of Clara M. Schneider, deceased, late of the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that it will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the June Term, on the first Monday in June next, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. , Dated this 1st day at April, A. D. 1981. THE STATE BANK OF WOOD- 46-8 STOCK, Exeevtor. * Twice - T o l d Tales 11MM of latere* Takn Fran s-;. -ti|e Files of the Plaindealer • i • of Years Ago/ -.kLuV'.. ' J . Ijj'AllI . FIFTY YEARS AGO At the election on Saturday for one school director, A. H. Hanley was elected as his own successor. Messrs. Perry & Gfiswold, proprietors of the steamboat, "Mary Griawold" are building a scow for the purpose of bringing down wood as soon as the lakes open. Jos'. Swa^ish, who lives on the east side of the river, was obliged to move out on Tuesday night, the high water making it dangerous to remain in his house. , The dalh St Bishop's mill has been in "a good deal of danger the past few days, but by constant watching they have been able to save it. There has been firing all along the line, both up and down the river, for the past few days and the slaughter of ducks has been immense. Israel Wright, father of Robert Wright, died quite suddenly on Tuesday morning. FORTY YEARS AGO Wm. Tesch is building a new residence west of Fred Nichols' residence, in the south, part of the village. An election has been called for Saturday, May 2, to elect" »-.Board of Education in this district. Superintendent Wentworth has commenced operations at the Brick Yard, getting ready for the simimer work. John H. Miller of Johnsburg was married on Tuesday, to a Miss Huff of that place. Detective Benthusen captured two burglars at Genoa Junction last Fri day, for robbing the depot and express office of that place. He caught one in the ac^ and he squealed on the other Alderman Granger received a young lady boarder at his residence last week. Nine and three-quarters waS the weight and Charles is happy. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Louise, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Guy L. Clemens, died Frfday, April 13, aged 1 year. George Henry of Chicago has rented the Henry Colby store building on Water street, and will open a firstclass meat market therein on April 20. J. S. Brown & Son,( who during the past six years haveconducted the drug store at Ringwood, have, by mutual consent, dissilved partnership. The younger member of the firm, S. W, Brown, purchased his father's interest and will continue to run the store. A boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bacon of Chicago on April 11. Quite a (number of cottage owners have been at the Bay during the past few weeks, getting their cottage^ ready for the coming season. "* The village election Tuesday proved a very tame affair,, only 102 votes; being polled. * T-" ^ Jim Chamberlin and Roy Schaefer returned home from Chicago Thursday evening. Mrs. John M. Schmitt and Mrs. John Hiller were McHenry callers Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Michels and family of Harvard spent Thursday witn Miss Helen Schaefer returned heme from Antioch Tuesday evening. Miss Helen Smith of Woodstock spent the week-end with her parents Miss 'Olive Hettermann of McHenry spent Sunday with her parents. Miss Laura Meyers of McHenry spent Thursday afternoon with her parents. Misses Laura Meyers and Alvera Reinbolt motored to Elgin Thursday afternoon. Misses Helen Schaefer and Laura Meyers were Antioch callers Thursday evening. Mrs. Ben J .Schaefer and daughters, Roser Marie and Anna, were Chicago visitors Saturday. Mrs. Joe Guccardo of Ingleside will be at the home of her- mother, Mrs, Wm. Oeffling, every Tuesday, where she will give piano lessons. Mr. and M?3. Richard Guyser of Chicago spent Monday in the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Oeffling. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stoffrel and daughter-of Volo and Mrs. Jim Chamberlin and daughter visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Schaefer Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hiller, the newlyweds, will occupy the Joe . Michels house. v A large number of people from Chicago are beginnning to live in their summer homes along the river. Peter R. Freund motored to Wi** field Sunday afternoon, where he visited his wife., who is ill. John Pacek returned to his school work in Chicago on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Freund of Chicago visited the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Steve H. Smith Sunday. Misses Mildred and Susan Frett and John Freund of Chicago spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schaefer." Mrs. George Wirfs of McHenry visited Mr. and Mrs. Joe Klein Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. George King visited at the home of the latter's parents Sunday, where a large group celebrated the marriage of Anthony Miller, who was married several weeks ago in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. George Obenauf and children of Grayslake visited the latter's father here Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Bohr of Mc- Hejjry were callers here Monday. Frank Mathteu motored to Chicago Tuesday on business. \ " :----- J " Is Not AU Practically all men and women who have attained positions of distinction and Influence have shown qualities other than the capacity for hard work.-"- American Magazinef * .SALE OF SUITS Friday and Saturtay? Regular.$30.00 to $40.00 SnitP I • ,.<f > FOR $20.00 Sizes 36 37-38 Regular $8.00 and $9.00 K • 1 *0R $5.00 call for and deliver xd '>•:•••'* ..-v.? V'" L ^ <' *•"> v --v"; - ,Ny. Hunter Bld£. Phone McHenry 271 " '».J "*< i i ^ ^ >: ^ •: ; v v*'* v f ,,'.-1; •. • Am ©reen Street DUCO Viir COLOR frso in the home QUICK FASCINATING T TNTIL you try, you have no U idea how a dash of sunny Duco colc^r brightens up a room. Skill is not needed to finish things with Duco. It is delightfully easy to apply; and it dries quickly, so that the bother and danger ef wet paint are avoided .--but not too quickly for easy brushing. Duco colors are clear aad sparkling,-and its soft lustra is permanent. Try Duco once, and foot! PHONE 4* THOMAS P. BOLGER ^||IE MeHENRY DRtGG^T Mi.Himiiir Avoid Settling Dispute*^ "He who Is truly wise," said HI ff«,' the saffe of Chinatown, "conceals hla wisdom when men engaged in contention seek some one tt> decide their disputes."-- Washington Star TWENTY YEARS AiGO A very pretty Easter Monday wedding took place at St. Patrick's Cath-' olic church at nine o'clock when Miss: Harriet Welch was united in marriage! to Mr. William Dewey of Indianapolis/ Ind". John H. Miller was elected president of the village board of McHenry' on Tuesday. The body of James p. Beeks of Chi-: cago was found lying on a cot in the cottage of Emil Lasch by Harry Fox; on Thursday morning and from all' indications the man had been dead,; for at least twety-four hours. A boy was born to Mr. and Mrs.; M. J. Walsh on Friday. . As a result of the petition sent to the Borden officials, that company ia now advertising the old mill in Ceni terville for sale. Looks like the ol<f land mark is doomed. TEN YEARS AGO The heaviest and most severe snow storm since the winter of 1920 visited this section last Saturday. A. E. Nye, who for a number of years was superintendent of the Mc-4J Henry public schools and who is nov? head of the school system at Coal Cityr 111., was elected president of th$ "Grundy County Teachers' association at a meeting April 8. John E. Pufahl, superintendent of the local plant of the Borden Milk company was elected president of th% school district No. 15 on Saturday by an overwhelming majority. The McHenry high school nint made their first debut against tha strong Crystal Lake team last Friday^ holding them to the score of 7 to 1L Solid Ivory A certain prominent statesman tells the ptory that one day Just after his young son had inquired, "Daddy, where do congressmen go when they die?" af voice from the family radio broke In and they, little ohlldren. are the animals thnt furnish the beautiful white keys f >r mother's piano 1" PAINTS - VARNISHES DUCO m PflNP NEW CHEVStOIJET ttoeive LANDAU PHAETON rmtalm «. l m n « r f . . . . . . . . . . Owv fortabla eoape or • racy nmdatar. }>-| IT Htiwnbkinl. RalUUr|tilU....v THE COACH SPORT ROADSTER Roomy •Mrarl Mt PHAETON Htll«»i»ln la Top fabric buM- • i t j p f -- l o > . T o p b o o t • t a n J o M , m V SPECIAL SEDAN bnal;. Sis do Ho* who STANDARD FIVE-WINDOW COUPEf An exe«ptk>D*l «(la* In •> itlmctlw | FIVE-PASSENGER COtTPE SM(liMll Maaiy. M a* raw UTCA whwb. 8p»d.l fate w«l>». WU •nd dUtinclWe dc Ian grUlo and eowl la STANDARD COOTE SPORT COUPS STANDARD ROADSTER I ^InaMty oar at raac desk. Too boa* STANDARD SEDAN A Im ear tor |«Mnl family oaa, »mart- S^^g fo# pilfUIIIIMlfi Qetting • Up Nights il flcttlBC TTlP Mights, Backacho, frequont day call*. Lteg Pains, NerrouaneM, or Burning, duo to functional Bladder Irritation, in add condl- ' Wks %w-price field la there such a wide selection of fine coaohcraf t as In the Chevrolet line--and Chevrolet alone tn Its daaa provides the many recognised advantages of Body by Fisher. This means not only attractive styling; handsome interiors and fine, modem appointments--but also the safest* most durable body construction known-- wood-and-sted sdentlfleaUy Chevrolet gives you * smooth, easy running si?-eylinder motor thatdevdope fifty horsepower, ymt operates tcilh less expense for gas,, oil, tires and upkmmp than any other cmr you can buy/ When you get ready to buy a low-flea* elr, inspect the line of new Chevrolet Stsee now on display at your dealer's. • V- . fast. the system in IK minutes. atlna Praised by thousands for rapid and positive aetlon. Dont gfve up. TryCjrstez (pronoaoesd Bias tea) todar, under the Iron-Clad Guarantee. Moat quIeUy allay these ooadiUona, lm prOT'£»Sfc BOLGER'S DRUG 8TOIB griMpni energy, or money • M HAR|iy TOWN«EHP . ^ dmilU Balaa m IU '-*Kt \ _