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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 May 1931, p. 4

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s:, f4 ?A'SJS, 3r& THE M'HENEY JPLAINDEAIJER Publish*! every' Thursday -at If<1 wiry, DL, fcjr Entered _u second-class Matter at t (the *r the act, of May 8, 1879. at McHs ^:M^€0w^>k i * mmm. AGAINST An ap ^ see that tJi* sale of y BL. One Year Six Months 0© ..41.00 A. H. 1KM3HBR, t-Mitor and Manager llcHeiiry^Biiral School ':<v • , ftromotional Exmaaes 'zm€. r"&ff. :• ? The Mellftrry Rural School Promotional exercises will be held Fsiday evening. May fel5, at 8 o'clock al the McHenry higfc school auditorium. The following program is to be g'wen: Recitation--Stfas and Stripes--Ctem ens school. . . ' • i)ialogue--Litfce Tots Tea PlU^I " ; • Prairie schooL Recitation--Cast»r Oil--Maple Sqnase dialogue--Getting Ahead of the Beys < , --Lily Lake. $hree Selecti^s-r-Primary •?. Rythsa ' Band--Ringweofl. JSwfJogue--A Proposal in Grandma's Diiy--Ostend > Dialogue--An Up-4»£Date Proposal-- J Ostrnd. |^>ng---Greetings We Giv# te the Springtime--Johnsbarg. - rffcialogjve--Adventures Five Gela- * tine Men--Cherry Y4Jley. Selection*--Violin Trio--,-Ringwood. Hialogue^rPlaying Married--Lincoln. Dialogue--<Jousecleaning ITime--Lily 'Lake. fXalogue-^nsae at a Railag? Station t--Prairie. P!^em Paddle Tear Own £*noe-- 4ohn«burg. fHalofruo--Byrori'# Accjdent=-£ris- ... iwold Lake. JPIay-The Co^t M # Single *. HajT^ipn. Adnnapipri 25 <**£«. Sapor-Clock One of 4fee world's most Intricate Kocki Is in the old tower of Cornelias it l.ierre, Belgium. The - timepiece fjot only indicates the time from Greenwich, but virtually keeps track pf tj\e universe, giving the signs of the Zodiac, the solar system, days of the week, phases of the-raw* amMIm fides. • COINS, 2,300 YEARS OLD, EXCEL OURS Aldent Grecian Coppers /A*e i Superior to Penny. r; Mad* Only for Radio Phonograph records made for radio broadcasting--known as electrical \ transcription--cannot be played on home phonographs, Although these r .appear to be similar, they are made ^ ^or radio purposes only, and they dlf* ./li from the standard phonograph v *.*. «*cord. , ,, . * ' VY^'v^rvv^wwwwww^rvw^ 1LLEI THEATRE, , -WOOOJTOCK. ILL Woodstock's Beautiful Play House Matinees Sun.-Wed.-Sat. 2M Evenings 7-9 Sundays 2:30 to 11:00 ^ Standard Time SATUEDAY GUEST NITE Two Will Be Admitted For 50c Buck Jones in "Hen Without Law" "Love Barh&in" Comedy Movietone News SUNDAY-MONDAY Continuous 2:30 to 11:00 50c family Matinee 2:30 to 5:00 PrHtteton, N. J.--The Amestaan penny,.although produced through ithe application of the most m©6ei® metallurgical knowledge, Is distinctly inferier 4o durability to the CorlntMan ,bronze rCftins made by the ancient Greeks, It.was revealed here recently in the. repeat of Prof. Donald P. Smith and Dr. Eofle R. Caley of the Princeton university department of chemistry, whohave just completed analytical study <qf some Greek coins over 2;300 yeare ,ol)S. The report also reveals that coins tive <city .of rSicyon were made by mas* production <methods. As in modern anints, 'the raeti^ was hammered oat Imto sheets and the design later stamped with a die. Both the Corinthian «ad Sicyoni^p coins were obtained fejr Prof. T. tieslie Shear o£ the Princeton department,^ art and archeology dtttlag -explorations In the neighborhood <ef iGorintk and recently submitted to the chemistry department for examlnatloii. Although the Coriotjblaa «cdns were made In a more laborious way, the report states that "Coriothias fcronze was, for the use for which It was intended, much the better. «tn«« it peas extraordinarily hard. Indeed, (tie feest of the colas examined Is. in tM* re«(>ect, distinctly superior to tfe# preset United States bronze coinage, although the latter is made with sperial reference to this quality and tn accordance with the most modern metallurgical knowledge." Corinthian bronzes are Inferior to the Sicyonian coins hi one respect It was disclosed, at they are less capable of resisting corrosions for a period of 2,000 years. DAIRY COWS FOR SALE--Will have at my barn at Cary, Thursday, May 7, another load of top choice mixed dairy cows. Reds, Roans, £uern£eys and Holsteins. These cows are abortion and TB tested snd are accredited, bought in the country, not :second or third handed; no sale or •stockyard cows. Satisfaction guaranteed. Joe Kvidera, Cary, 111 Phone Ctoy 37-J. 49 Virginia Man Hasn't a Drop of His Own Blood Blnefield, Va.--The case of Joseph P. Lawrence, sufferer from pernicious anemia, i» attractlpg natlop-wide attention. Lawrence appears a perfectly no* mal man, but not a drop of blood In his body is his own. Every bit was contributed by 20 other persons and he has undergone 51 blood transfusions since December 17, 1929. His system refuses to manufacture Its own blood. Lawrence, who before becoming ill weighed 210 pounds, now weighs 160, a gain of 44 pounds from December, 1929, when he weighed only 116. He looks well and drives hjs own automobile, but he cannot work, and ever so often has to hgv# more blood furnished to him. In little more than a year he has gone, through 54 operations, counting the transfusions as operations; has had more than 50 X-ray examinations, and has been examined by a score of doctors. • He la thirty-one, six feet tall, and one of a family of seven children. Want Ads FOR SALE ^lllMAL NOTICES FOR SALE--Household ftaaitnN). Telephone McHenry 223-W. 49 FOR SALE--Thompson TVT, 9-pass enger boat, Johnson No. 12 alternate firing motor, fully equipped. Original cost oyer $400. Will sell for $250. Entire outfit new summer of 1988. J. Muller. Apply at Joe Haemann's Garage, Johnsburg. 4S-2 BUI.V FOR SALE--2%x7 stave stock tank, new engine and pump jack, slightly used. George E. Adams. Tel. McHenry 603-M-2. *49-f PUR SALE--Bronze turkey eggs. $4j80 -a dozen. Walter Brandenburg, Ingl^jde, 111. Phone McHenry 632-J-2. 49 FOB £ta!ULE--Early Murdock seed corn, dttflled and graded. Inquire of Lewis XoPonald. Fhone McHenry 613-J-2. 49 FOR SALE---Oats and barley. William Justen, jRingwood, 111. PKone Richmond *48-2 FOR SALE-4M ice boxes. Electric Shop. Carey 48-tf FOR SALE--Goed bicycle. H. C. Kamholz* West McJI#nry= 47-tf FOR SALE--Early Murdock Seed Corn, also Bome Yellow Early, germination 99 per cent. James Hunter, McHenry, Tel. McHenry C17-J-2. 47-tf POTATOES FOR SALE--No. 1 Irish Cobblers; good eating and also good for seed. We deliver. We have a few Early Ohios left for $1.25 per bu. These potatoes are not cold storage, but kept at my home, therefore will make excellent seed potatoes. Dave Segel, West McHenry. Tel. 92-J. 41-tf FOR SALE--A quantity of Early Yellow Dent Seed Corn. Germination 98. John Blake. Tel. 636-J-2. 46-4 HORPf RICHARDAftUH FAYWtAY • Sals;*.' • •; - •II ^ . •?< '- •v • f'. £• '-i/*. fv- • v . ^ ^ tfv $/T '* * - .r*l f.- - Hide Gems in Snowballs and Throw Them in River Hartford, Conn.--Two seventeenyear- old youths, John Halotek and Joseph Fedzyna, have confessed to the police that they concealed several hundred dollars' worth of stolen Jewelry In snowballs which they threw Into the Park river here recently. They pointed out the spot to detectives, a place where the water is 20 feet deep, but the river Is now frozen fast and no attempt will be made to dredge for the gems until spring, The boys, who admitted that the Jewels were the loot of 50 robberies of homes, said they were frightened when a confederate was arrested and decided to dispose of their plunder. They thought that throwing snowballs into the river was as. IneonspljsuoM a way as any. ^ FOR SALE--7-roont bouse and gar- Hge, located in Spring Grov'«. Very treasonable. Inquire at Frank L. Adams, Ringwood, 111. 37tf BEFORE YOU BUY SHOES see oar bargain counter. B. Popp. Expert shoemaker and repair shop. Main street. Phone 162. 88-tf FOR SALE--Rag rugs. Frank Gustafson. W. McHenry, corner of Center and John streets. 35-tf FOR SALE--Well secured 7% First ^ Mortgages on McHenry Residence _ Property. Inquire at Flaindealer office. 19-tf FOR RENT FOR RENT--Five rooms with sun porch and bath, second floor. Call McHenry 216-R. 49-2 PASTURE FOR RENT--Have 125 acres good pasturage with plenty of water and shade. Priced reasonable. Farmers Oil .Amb. Phone McHenry 305. 49 FOR RENT--Six-room house, modern, and garage. Located on Main street, McHenry. Inquire of Win. J. Welch. Phone 100-J. 46-tf FLAT FOR RENT--Reasonable. H C. Kamholz, West McHenry. 9t> 1! L. Cowlia, Atcom«y-ar,-Law, Crystal Lake, 111., EXECUTOR^ NOTICE OF FILING •VJNAL SETTUOlENT^^ State of Illinois, McHenry County, as. Estate of Albert T. Balke, Deceased. To Evelyn Bottiger, Julia Bottiger, Albert Dombreon and the unknown heirs of Albert Balke, and TO ALL WHOM IT AY CONCERN: You are hereby notified that on Monday, tfce firstrday of June, 1931, I, as -the ExeewWx Of the last Will and Testament ©f said deceased, will present to the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, Illinois, my final report of my acts and doing* «s such Executrix, and ask the Court "to be discharged from any and all further duties and responsibilities connected with said Estate and my admnmrtjration thereof, at which time and pla*e you may be present and resist tmgfc application, if you ckoeae so to do, MINNIE S. 11 BALKE, 4®-3 Baecutrix WM. M. CAJRROLL, Attonfay EXECOTOB'S NOTICE - Estate of Wl Smith, Deceased. The undersigned, having been appointed Executrix of the last Will and Testament of Will Smith, deceased, late of the County of - McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that she will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the July Term, on the first Monday in July next, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. ^ted^ day of April, A. D. Catherine smith, 47-8 , Bwwtrii iNirf Ttinneli • * The longest tunnel open for traffl$ Is the Simplon tunnel, through the Alps mountains, which is 64,971 feet, or 12.3 miles. This tunnel was opened in 1905, and a twin tunnel In 1921. The longest in tJiis country is the Cascade tunnel, constructed by the Great Northern railway through the Cascade mountains in the state of Washington. TblR tunnel is 7.79 miles In length, and wag dedicated by President janaary 1a, '*•- TE L*w to YBULOW OLEO mihois fkxmers to ltw prohibiting the eolored obMaiftoine is enforced in their respective counties was issued by Frank Gougler, director of produce marketing: for the Illinois Agricultural Association. ' If any storekeepers in McHenry county are selling colored oleo,. said Mr. Gougler, they are doing so in violation of the state law and should be prosecuted. McHenry county farmers will do well to bring such violators to the attention of the states attorney and insist that they will be prosecuted. By so doing they will help themselves and their own industry by broadening the outlet for butter. A chain store at Belvidere In Boone County, was recently prosecuted for selling colored oleo and fined $100. The Boone County Farm Bureau, the local Pure Milk association unit, the Prairie Fanner collaborated in bringing the case before the local justice. Similar cases are being prosecuted in Lake county. Following the convio tion butter sales in Belvidere in creased 200 pounds a day. " WiadadHa fer Pvaapiag Wladwitts were orlfftmiiy used hi the Nvsar East, not for grinding corn, but for pumping up water in places Wih«Jr%it was aad Is all tee scan* "r«w Cariboo uf| There are 400 caribou in continental United States. They are on Isle Boyale, In Lake'Superior. Gt«jkI Jury's "Tr». Bffl" Sf A trae bill is the Aiding of a Jury charging a certain person with the commission of an illegal act. In other words, when facts are presented t» the grand jury by the proasruUil tending to show that a crime haa1 oeen committed and a certain persw is accused of this crime, that perse* Is indicted and the finding is known as a "true bill." Mad* Sewing Machine Success The earliest step in the perfection of the sewing,machine was taken by Ellas Howe, who conceived the idea of placing the eye In the needle near the point, Instead of at the head, and thus paved the way for. Mr. Singer and his rivals. ftaisi Aatricaa Otf|t ^ <0hprt*r oak was nearly seven feet ta diameter. "It was In Hartford, Conn., and blew down in a storm on August 21, 1858. Its age was computed to - be nearly one thousand years. A section of the trunk has been preserved in the rooms of the Connecticut Historical society; the remainder was kept or sold for small souvenirs. In a hollow of this tree was concealed the charter of Connecticut, rescued from Andros l|j 1687*. according to tradition. ^ .V -->3^ ^ 11 '1•1' Vii'ji 'm . . \ *«'..• - v v i - Tree Skyscrapers . like giant conifers that product gam copal grow as tall as 210 f?et Ifc the Netherland East Indies. Mother's- Day FLO WERS & PLANTS ',.v* • . from b McHenr& * Floral Company "Mi BOLQER'S , i Friday and Saturday •vC- ~ FOR BOATS r-. ^.^^4 ; - v1^:' Phone 647-J-S, Call POUUOT Lilymoore Sub. Ronte 20 McHenry, ift-' m, - m If there's anything yon need in •A hiprry, give ns your order €Nrer the phone, and wo'll d»- Hver it in jig time. Oor phone namberB A call to either wiH get yon hnmediftte attention. 'Mi.. ttiis new grocery &n£ inM&er dupries everything yon need for your table, whether it he high grade meats or groceries. .^getables, fruiti, 'St,* >£'. Jnst give ns a ring or come and visit the store yourself. Complete satisfaction is assured, both on the quality ef our merchandise or the service we render. We deliver at 9 and 11 a. m. and 2 and 4 p. m. Regner's Grocery & Market Green Street •s Telephone 3 and 99 AY 9 €h*d-£: WANTED BUTTER % lb.r^lli oi "HUladale", PiaMt - / -gCrMMMry Bnttir albs. 49P WANTED--Four or five room house j to rent. What have you? Leave! name at McHenry Plaindealer office. *49 WANTED--First mortgage loan on my McHenry residence. Address "G," care McHenry Plaindealer. 47-3 Added Attraction Comedy - Movietone News Talk&tone TUESDAY WEDNESDAY "Doctors' Wives" with "Warner Baxter Joan Bennett 'HELPING GRANDMA' Our Gang Comedy Movietone News ? THURSDAY ONLY On the Stage Bell's Hawaiian Rem in a Beautiful Stage Presentation On the Screen "Hen Call It Love" with Leila Hyams forman Foster Comedy and News Kansas City Police to Have Own Radio System Ransus City.--A localized radio system will be Installed by the police department here as a means of rapid communication. Bids have been received on the construction of a central broadcasting system and the Installation of receiving apparatus la 40 department automobiles. The department has a permit from the federal radio commission for erection of a 2.rj0-watt station. The original outlay would involve expenditures of approximately $22,000, and the annual operating costs would be about $20,000, FARM LOANS--First mortgage loaas on farms, low interest. Now taking applications for 1931 loans. R. M. Fritz, 2nd Fl., Harvard State Bank Bldg., Harvard, IU. Phone 147. . 29-tf MISCELLANEOUS NOTICE--I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by anyone except myself on or after May 1,1931. Milton Dowell. 49-3 $25.00 REWARD for the arrest and conviction of anyone destroying any signs belonging to the Bald Knob Hotel will be paid by the B. and K. Protective Assn. ' 49-3 French Coast Strewn With Wrecked SKtps St. Nazaire, France.--Following the disaster to the salvage ship, Artlglio, blown up by an accidental explosion In the Bay of Biscay, naval experts report that the coasts of France are littered with dangerous sunken wrecks. Already salvage ships have raised 22 vessels sunk between St Nazaire and Belie isle, where the Artigllo went down. It is estimated there are several dozen more, all dangerous to shipping. Raceland-A very fine grade of pink Salmon, No; 1 tall <BwinSy each ... * • * .• • Baby Stuart lted Alaskat Sockeye Sainton, 'N& 1 tall can, each SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED Rag Rugs Made to Order All Work Guarantied B. POPP Plwi 162 Main St. McHenry.] JOE KVIDERA, CARY, ILL. Livestock Dealer , JDairy Qqws a Specialty? Satisfaction Guaranteed ~Am Phone Cary 37-J 1141 Pill6appl6 ffcrndetl Sliccd, 8 slices,large No.?l-2txn«ach Dole's No* 1 grade Sunny Isles Pineapple, large 'K'Tfi puis, each • . • • • ^ * ' u - % Baby Stuart Sliced Pineapple, whale jdic^, 8 tQ the No. 2 1*2 can, each J -V r % %|a|A ClTltflflll "Old fashioned," with one brown glazer stone Mull wjf ftU|l ware stein,3 lb. can, each ^ ^ t v - : V* • ? Malt Symp Blatz, with stein, 3 lb^ can each • Itertii'i wide brew aUliBMfferyar« Man With Three Guns Is Victim of Holdup Seattle.--John Gamble, town marshal of Botheli, always kept three guns within easy reach at his gasoline service station, but he was unable to get any of them when a bandit hit him on head and robbed him of $00. UPHOLSTERING--All kinds of furniture reupholstered and repaired. Good work guaranteed. Work called for and delivered. Chas. Rasmussen, S. Center St., West McHenry, 111. Tel. 107-M. 12-tf Dead Animals Dead and Crippled Cows, Horses, Hogs, and old Plugs Prompt Service • r' $1.00 to $10 a taf ^Telephone Harrington 260 •' Reverse Charges ." 16c ttwdiagt per yari 9c f SATURDAY IS BARGAIN DAY AT * { ERICKSON'S DEPT. STORE Phone 154 Main McHenry s• mJML sr*' iaiaHiiriiiU -sr&pr

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