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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Jun 1931, p. 8

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Poyle of Villa visitors in Mc mm Norma V : * " Entertain First Consiaa t ; ^llr. and Kn. Robert Thompson entntiioed a party of first cousins at tbsfcr heme on Main street, Sunday. XKaaer vu served at one o'clock and * delightful afternoon was spent in MUfds, with hifh honors in bridge bein* awarded to Mrs. Duncan Rigden SUM Charles Owen, while the consolatioas went to Mrs. Charles Owen and . Parry Alexander. TTioee present were: Mrs- Ada Smith, Mr. and Mrs. •Qeorge Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Granger Smith and son. Gage, of Elgin; Mr. aund Mrs. Harri30h Smith, Oliver Owen and Miss Maud Granger of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Owen of Evanston, Mrs. Duncan Rigden of Oakland, CaL, Mr. aad Mjffc Many Alexander of Hebron. : t Social Wheel • . The 8ocial Wheel met at the home • iof Mrs. T. J. Whlsh Thursday afternoon with twenty-one members and jgoests present. Bridge was played and prizes were won by Mrs. Ben Diets, Mrs. K. L. Riter and Mrs. liOian Cox. Refreshments were served. The next meeting will be at the home of Mf%. James Bouril on Richmond road, Thursday afternoon, June ' QS&PpWVf*- • - Ui ' V. , . '^'--l*lcait IW : Members of Riverview Camp, R. fT. A., Juveniles and their mothers and all children eligible to become members will enjoy a picnic in the city park next Tuesday, June 23. Each one is to bring their own lunch, beverages to be furnished by the camp. There will be games and a time for everyone. at Mid-Week Card Ctak The Mid-Week card club met at the home of Mrs. H. A. Asmalsky on Wednesday afternoon of last week. 5 Five tables of bridge were played and ' prizes were won by Mrs. J. J. Mari shall and Mrs. Wm. Spencer. Thel t next meeting will be with Mrs. J. A. . Crayer next Wednesday afternoon, .'¥%% .K-'-- 1 " X X . • filMrmU Bridce-CMh V * * MrS. ft. J. Nye was hostess to 'the ! members of the Emerald Bridge club : Tuesday afternoon- Prizes in bridge were won by Mrs. Albert Krause, ' Mrs. N. J. Nye and Mrs. E. R. Sut- ' t»iL Refreshments were served. FEE* ,•• fliseellaaeoas Show# A miscellaneous shower was* given the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Jrown at Crystal Lake, Wednesday afternoon of this week, complimentary to Miss Martha Brown, a brideto- be. Bunco was played and prizes !nw!re won by Laura Weiser, first; Cornelia Rosing, second and Mrs. A1 (Wagner, third. A lunch was served. Wi!Ba» B. Althoff spout Saturday at Milwaukee, Wis. Miss Theresa Brefeld of Chicago spent Sunday at her homo hore. Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Schaefer spent Friday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Althoff callers at Johnsburg Sunday. . W. A. Sayler attended court Woodstock on Monday and Tuesday Mrs. Ruth Hopper of- Ring-wood visited friends here last Wednesday. Mrs. H. Jensen of Woodstock wa* a caller in this city Thursday. H. E. Buch was a business visitor at Elgin' Monday- Howard Wattles was a Woodstock visitor Monday. Mrs. W. Bonham « Chicago is spending the week with friends here. Miss Maud Granger of Chicago spent the week-end at her home here Miss Floribel Bassett visited at DeKalb Sunday. Miss Mary Brefeld spout a few days last week in Chicago. Lyle Bassett and Elmer Freund were Richmond visitors Sunday. Miss <ifildred Minnich of Oak Park visited friends here Tuesday. Mrs. Wm. H. Althoff was a Chicago Visitor Friday. i F rands Benslett of Chicago was a McSenry visitor Tuesday. William Martin of Chicago spent Sunday with home folks- Edward Ban was a Chicago viaitor Thursday. Miss Grace Martin of Chicago spent Sunday at her home here. Miss Nancy Frisby visited relatives in Elgin a few days last week. Miss Helen Welch, of Chicago spent Sunday in Mc Henry. Carl Patzke of Chicago spent last Thursday with his family here. Miss Mildred Minnich of Oak Park visited friends here Saturday. Fred Kamholx, Jr., of Chicago spent Thursday at his home in this city* Bruce Klontr spent last week with his grandparents at Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Joe May of Fox Lake Visited relatives here Sunday. H. C. Hughes, Glen Anderson Jimmy Carlson attended the ball game in Chicago Thursday. Mrs. H. C. Hughes and A. G. Bishop visited in Waukegan and Antioch one day last week. Miss Kathleen Powers has returned from a visit in the home of her aunt at Russell, 111. Misses Lois Bacon, Rita Bacon and Bernice Weber were Elgin visitors Monday. Master Haines Fay of Elgin spent the week-end with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Fay. Mrs. W. Woodburn and daughter of Woodstock visited friends here Sunday. r wrnmm was a (past TE Hw Immm if Hr. and Mr. Park Henry. Mr. and Mrs- John Brefald ani chil dren of Waukegan were Sunday visitors in the B. J. Brefeld homo. A. G. Bishop of Medford, Ore.,- spent Monday as the guest of his aunt, Mrs. T. J. Walsh. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schraitt and children of Chicago visited in the Fred Kamhols home Tuesday. Miss Rita Martin is spending the week as the guest of Miss Mary Goodffellow in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. George Hatsonr and daughters of Woodstock wore Mc- Henry visitors Salter evening. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Covalt spent Saturday and Sunday at St, -John's Military Academy., Floyd Covalt, Jr., who Has been attending St. John's Military Academy, is at home for the summer. Miss Miriam Sayler spent the week-end as the guest of Miss Ann Ella Walkup at Ridgefield. Misses Leila and Anita Basely of Wlauconda wore McHenry callers Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Sayler - and daughters of Woodstock visited his parents, Sunday. Mrs. Charles Ensign visited her brother, Lorenzo Thomas, at Richmond one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. Freund and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard N. Smith motored to Holy Hill, Sunday. Mrs. Jack Behlke and daughter, Jane, of Chicago visited relatives here over the week-end- Mrs. F. H. Schroeder and Mrs. George Legel of Crystal Lake wore McHenry callers Monday. Miss Ruth Holm of Williams Bay was a caller in the home of Mrs. B. Frisby Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Woodward of Racine were Saturday visitors in the J. J. Vycital home. Mr. and Mrs. James Bouril and family are enjoying a trip through Canada and Wisconsin. Dr. and Mrs. A. I. Froehlich and daughter, Adele, returned home Monday, after visiting his parents and other relatives at Winnebago, Minn. Mr and Mrs. Frank Chapman of Woodstock visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Walsh Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Althoff and children visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, at Johnsburg, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Blake and daughter, Lucille, and Evelyn Freund visited the formers sisters at St. Joseph's Convent at Milwaukee Tuesday. Week-end visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Martin were: Misses Grace Martin and Helen Welch and Messrs. Gleason and Randall Addy, William Smith and Wil-. liam Martin, all of Chicago. . )tls.Jflarjr McCabe, who has been in OMeago. for sararal months, will spend tho soauaer in this Miss Walsh, ft (Urtiiiil at Rosary College/ River Forest, is spending the* summer at her home here. Miss Cefeb and Mr. Davls ttf Chfcago %oa» .Sunday visitors i* the homo of the former's iMssnta, Mr. asd Mrs. F. E. Cobb. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Beeley of Kmsaa City, Mo-, vrorf guests of tho former's amtf, Mrs. ft.; A. SayJar* on Wajtaeeday W last vM. A. G. Bishop Mt WVttnesday for his home at Medford, Or*, fcfter a short visit with relatives and friends here. Mr. and Mrs. L. G- McCraeken and son, Dean, returned homo Monday night,- after visiting ' relatives ta Greenville. UL Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sohmalfeldft of Kenosha were Stfttday visitor# hi the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. N, May. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Blaka and daughter, Anna, Will Blakfc «Ud Mrs. Anton P. Freund visited wftS^stmrs Ildefons, Jeremia and Arcadia, at Milwaukee, Thondlf. Mrs. Duncan Rigden, who has beta a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson, left for Chicago Monday, leaving that city Tuesday night for her home at Oaklai& Cal. Miss Mildred Thompson has returned from a ten days' visit with relatives at Terre Haute, Ind. Her cousin returned with nor and wilt spend the summer here. Clarence Thennete, * Student at St Francis college, Milwaukee, is spending his vacation in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs- John Thennes. Mrs. Albert Wagner and Mrs. Edward Wagner of Chicago, wiih Mm E. F. Kelter of McHenry, are spending two weeks at the Kelter cottage at Lake Defiance. Mr. and Mrs. Julius -Smith and son, Earl, of lirbana; HI., and daughter, Mrs. Frank Turner and daughter, Jane, of Lincoln, 111., were week-end guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs, H. C. Hughes. Rev. John Theobald of Columbia college, Dubuque, Iowa, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Theobald, of Meyer, Iowa, and Albin Winkels of Mclntyre, Iowa, were week-end guests in the home of the former's sister, Mrs. W. W. Freund and fam- - ~ WEDDING DANCE > A wedding dance will be held at Nell's Columbia Parle, Johnsburg, Wednesday evening, June 24. Music by Fox River Skylarks. Admission $1.00 per couple. Everybody invited. -- • f-2 PAR* Prooessional and BlifciKfly Panee-- " Dancers, Tivy Wlen, Leora Shocky. GfMttass of Spring, Straus--En- Mafetou, piano Grieg--- Gtftevieve and piano, Anthony--Elean#t ' piano, Anthony--Donald How- Lilies, piano duet, ia Johnson #nd Dance, ptaoo, Frim _ Lisat-- tsdd. Accompanist, Franois SBJST Mriwty the Deep, piano, Hamer-- Marie Miller. Maattrka, piano, " Carey-^-Ooaeviova ' Ferwerda. Bettear Be Good, trio, Fillmor«--Betty Boh, Merry Jayne and Charles Redeker. Consuela, piano». Friml-^AUco May Waidloy. Do You Know My Garden, vocal, Wood--Helen Miller- Cherry Blossoms, piano, Anthony-- Loraine Knox. Military March, -dueV Clark--Evelyn and MOdrad Kunda. SlumheT' Sdttg, pihno and voice, l£rog~ man--^Marjorie.Z>uker. Ave Maria, vocal, Gounorf--Angela Tonyan. "* June ftole, piano, Wood--Eleanor Nienstedt; Apple Blossoms, piano duet, Wood- Merry Jayne and Betty Bob Bo* d®ker :y ^ Cotton Pickers Dance, piano, Martine --Tivy Wien. Valse Parisiene, piano, Roberts--Ethel Granger. L'ardita, vocal Italian, Ardite--Lillian Schroeder, Raindrops Dance, "piano, Adams- Evelyn Baymiller. Shooting Stars, piano ensemble, Hoist --Rita Freund, Francos Getchell. Flutering Leaves, piano, KooUing**- Evelyn Karls Shadow Ballet, marimba solo, Binx-- Lois Esh. Dance of the Robins, piano, Wood^- Alice Austin. Old Fashion To\rt| Vocil, Squires ^' Mary Pierce. Bancelle, piano, Wachs--Juanita Keg. Hungary, piano duet, . Koelling--Angela Tonyan, Kathryne Diehl. Tanzweise, piano, Helmund--Mnxine Anderson. Sword of Ferrora, Bullard; I Just Stay Home, Hoffmister, vocal- Bob Peterson. Prelude, piano, Rachmaninoff--Lois Esh. April Moon, sop. and alto duet, Batten --Mrs. A. H. Herdklotz, Kathryne Vocal duet, Offenbach-- , Kathiyne Diehl. Solo Dpaesrs--Lauretta Hopkins, Mary tkam. 'ttfISS CARUTHERS' RETURN" A musical caniady in two acts pKwm *r*w i y CAST Mrs. Jonsa, matron--Flora Kalut. Mary, maid of all works, in reality Thyrsa Caruthers--^Lauretta Hop- VhftU" Anav Mtre«s^Lillian Sehroedar. vocal teacher--Kathryn* «tik--Mary Pierea. Mrs. Jones' nioce Jalljf•, •»-, Act Act Time ^ New York. fffH Evening. I JlaiiMi Kat and Lucile Staff es. BARN DANCE , will be a barn dance ^t farm, naar Griswobl Jtcne tt» . Admission 50© 3-b|| t |>REGIOUS snapshots of the folks it JL home . • . record pictures of stock and crops... appealing poses of vacation visitors. They're all yours to enjoy . and re-enjoy for years to come if you "Kodak on the farm." .; . * Any Kodak takes'p#^^ him the start. They're att easy to use. And you can buy an Eastman camera here for practically any price you want to - pay. Gomein when ^ ^ \ m- I Thomas E. Phone 40 Green Street /r- \ ' T; % ^ T •}*» >-'•. t \ .>**?• I-*': **• - c , \ ~«f" - Read" These siaiemeniTsIE oAf# cCAoMnDaLiLtIi-FoAnM SBC A# BL ~ MONDAY, JUNE t* •••' . * *% •V • West McHenry State Bank 501,072.0$ - - A S S J E T 8 . BONDS tAND2 SEC5URI--TIES • '• •• - V• " : • ; .: i BUILDING AND FIXTURES OVERDRAFTS ° ; OTHER REAL ESTATE ^ OTHER ASSETS JV CASH AND DUE FROM BANKS 94,424.91 ^ 21,971.62 121.5$ ^ 22,789.00 558.38 120.313.66 rrei,85i.2r L I A B I L I T I E S - OAMTAlf Stocg ' ;•••• • • ••-... *'•'£ ; "1b^.b6 SURPLUS •* 40 QQQM undivided i^rrraH" „'m CONTINGEHT FOMD : . ' ' . 10M0M D E P O S I T S . ' " ' -•.- e-4 2- .5 74' . 32 *761,851.27 \<e 3 <» ~*v S^i is-rii '•"TT • v^>'- >.V State Bank oi Mcllcnry iimm : ~ A S S E T S LOANS AND DISCOUNTS BONDS AND SECURITIES ^ i-&?' •' v 66,475.01 BUILDING AND FIXTURES OVERDRAFTS "T; rr 173W.25 i a - i i f , ; - , ; ; , - . ' . ' 1 9 , 2 8 1 . 9 2 OTHEK ASSETS' CASH ADD DOE FROM BANKS SH-ir. 3,587.10 V ,' 37,284.85 : ; »-"• ** ' r %IA B I L I T I CAPITAL STOCK ,^^, SURPLUS UNDIVIDED PROFITS ' ^ "tC • - •<-?v^.-. r ,-0 ^ ' « "itmM - i,ooaoo - •. 3,162.954 k. • 593.45 ^ $143,766.40 D I R E C T O Simon StoSSel r l. Wao« 'S .' v.. ^ • j " ' X fm us % S% , w < • > ? \ •>#•' • '• l¥p&S*. -- Bohlatider Richard B. Walsh Frederick Beller Janes P. Nichobon 5S •• -4 ixife •i,.* 'Hit# ik r - :.T~ •1 V:;>». J5wS*6t8ai -<;g

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