r*> ]{ '»! ^ ' **A *« f'-f-#-" tU-rv'% V?.•'•» X#MH««* AW Society ' More than twenty membara *nd visitors of the Ladies* Aid society were entertained at the pleasant fiome of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Claxton Thursday afternoon. Following the tnisiness meeting, Mr. Claxton entertained with several Selections on the violin, acccm]30pied b$ Mrs. J. ACrsver and Mrs. E. E. Bassett. Refreshment* were^erved. Out of town guests present were Mrs. G. E Shepard of Ringwood and Mrs. C. E. Davis of Iroquois,' 111-. v* "" Through the courtesy W Wm. " H. Althoff, plans were made to 'hold a Ladies' Aid day at his hardware store on Friday, where members of the society, will assist as clerics and the society will receive a per cent of all sales of the day. Members are askedto do their buying at this .store on Friday an'd in this way help the society as Well as the owner of the 6tore. It was also decided to sell ice cream and cake on the lawn between < Althoff"s store and Stoffel's insurance office oil Friday: evening during the batid concert ; on Main •••Street? " v.Thfc , hextKlnej&tHtg. b)T' ,th&.-V Lasiies* ; Aid sdcie.tyvbe held -riesft 'Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Otto Johnson at McCoilumV * lake. Meet at the M. • E. church at 2:15 js'trkjek. -v Banco v ..will ••"he:. plfiyfScT .wth ; e c h a r g e ; o f t e n , C e n t s . v . / ' ; y ' \ ; J* r. ^ . r'•* **; : VlAflS nuuffi ru« COUNTt CONVENTION The officers of the Royal Neighbor convention of McHenry county met at the home of the president, Mrs. F. E. Cobb Tuesday afternoon to make plans for the county convention to be held under the auspices of Riverview Camp next month. It w^s decided to hold the convention in Stoffel's hall on Wednesday, September 23, the afternoon session to commence at one o'clock daylight saving time and the evening session, at 7:3Q o'clock. . ^ Mrs. Erna Barthel, supreme recorder, will be invited to "be the guest of honor for the day. . ^ Tpe county convention officers, are;' Oracle, Mrs. F- E. Cobb, McHenry; past „ oracle, Lovina Thomas, Woodstock; vice-oracle, Mrs. Lillian Sayler, McHenry; second vice-oracle, Mary Janbrin, Harvard; recorder Mrs. Barbara Krause, McH&rffy; assistant recorder, Clara Larson, Woodstock; receiver, Edna Pflaum,- Algonquin; chancellor, Mrs. Ella Gans, Mo Henry. HUNT GRVl JURIED BY FARMER -* TFJ•'" >FET ^ \FW!g. m ^ ** V **** ^ Legal Dispute Probable If Fortune Is Found. Celebrates Eightieth Birthday , . - On Monday evening the childr^Ti, grandchildren and. gueat-grandchitdren of Grandma Thelen met at the home of Mr. and - Mrs. John «M. Schmitt, at. Johnsburg,' to help her* celebrate Ther': eightieth birthday • anniversary. . Cards ahd, bunco" were played after.which lunch wa-s "sefcyftf, followed hy . singing and a general good time by a^l. Those present were Messrs and Mesdamtss Henry Thelen, Jos. Kattnsr, Frank Wagner, J. MSchmitt, Jacob A. Miller, Fred, De-, Thorne, John"'Schmitt, John Theleft; a - *» _t Ben Thelen, Joe'E.'Miller, Ed Bauer, ••-••••a nrpnse a y ^ . Henry Heinfy, ^Geo^ge Wagner, Wm >.A of, young girls pleasantly, i A T vr surprised Miss Eva Schmitt, Hiller, A. J. Schmitt, Joe M. Schmitt, A1 Schmitt, George J. Schmitt, Lao HilteV, Albert Justen, „ Russell Gibbs, and Florence DeThprne, Alois Kattner, Gregor Kattner, Joe Wagner and Arnold Miller.- 1 Thursday night of last week, the oc- • casion (being her seventh birthdSy. ! Bunco ,<was played and prizes were won bx. Misses Anita Schaefer, Regina ' Klein, Rose Stilling, Helen Mic,hel3, . while the booby went to Ester Ton- *yan. Music, singing and dancing wai enjoyed. Delicious refreshments Vere served at a- late hQur- Those present ^were: Misses Ester arid CaroTyn Tonyan, Clara and Repina Klein, Rose and Margaret-Stilling, Anita Schaef- _. . . er, Helen Miller, Anna Thelen, Flor-fhy naming her favorite tree. Games ence Smith and Helen Michels. Miss Schmitt received many beautiful gifts and when the young, folks left they wished l»er many ' more happy 1>irth- < i a y s . . . . ' . Sunshine Girls CluS ' The Sunshine.- Girls 4-H club pf Ringwood met at the home of Alice Peet on August i. The meeting was opened by the secretary. The rdll call was -read and each girl responded Honors Recent Bride . ' lliss Leila Kelsey of Chicago was hostess to a group of friends at the home of her . grandmother, Mrs. W. T. Wheeler of Woodstock, on Friday evening in honor of Mrs. Elmer Kinsala, a recent bride. Bridge was played during the evening with awards merited by Miss Thfelma Ackman of Union and Mary Harriet McConnell. A luncheon was served at the close of the evening at a table arranged with garden flowers,.jjink and whit.e predominating. The attractive centerpiece was a redding cake with a doll bride and bridegroom, the gift of a friend. Mrs. KUisala wai remember' ed with miscellanebiii^ gifts. were led -by Mary Celine Adams. The girls were very happy over their success at the county contest at Woodstock <>n July 29, and appreciated the letter from Miss Greaves in which she praised them. The secretary closed the meeting and the girls left for their homes. ' METHODIST CHURCH You are invited to attend Sunday school at the M^E. church every Sunday at 10 o'clock, daylight saving time. There will be no church service until August 23, as, the pastor, Rev. W; Bonham, is away on - a vacation visiting relatives at Council Bluffs, Iowa. ^. /- R. N. A. DUES The next meeting- of- Camp, R. N. A., wilt be held Tuesday night, Aug. 11. All dues must be paid to the recorder, Mrs. F. E. Cobb before this meeting. Members of Fox River VaHey Camp, R. N. A., are asked to have dues paid Surprise Farty party of friends and relatives surprised A. P. Freund" at his home Sunday evening in honor of his for-ito the recorder, Mrs. F. C. Schoewer, tieth birthday anniversary. Five hundred was played and prizes were won by Mrs. Bernard M. Schmitt; Miss Bertilla Freynd, Mrs. H. E. Buch, Bernard Schmitt, Stephen H. Freund, and Wilfred Blake. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Freund^and daughter, Bertilla, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Freund and children,- Mr. and Mrs. Carl J- Freund and children, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Blake, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Buch and Mr. and Mrs. Beraard M. Schmitt. Birthday Parly Little Miss Betty Regner, daughter of" Mr. and Mrs. Joe Regner, entertained a party of little friends at her home on Green street Tuesday afternoon in h<3nor of her seventh birthday. Games Were played during the afternoon with each child receiving a prize and lunch was served with a birthday cake decorated with seven oandles as the center of {attraction. by August 10. Famou* French Sailor Herve Kiel was a Breton sailor who jsa ved {he French - squadron, when Jbeaten. at Cape la Hogue and flyingbefofe the English, by piloting-It. Into th^ harbor of St Malo (May 31, 1692). He was so unconscious of the service he had rendered that,; when asked to name his reward he begged fyr a whole day's holiday to see his wtfe^ ^Browning In 1867 wrote the poem "Herve Kiel." Sunbury, Pa.--Search has been renewed on the Oberdorf farm In Upper Au$£sta township near here for a mythical burled fortune, which, If found, would probably Involve three families tn legal dispute oWr its ownership, ! y The money was reported buried 100 years ago by Peter Oberdorf, Sr., a ' prosperous farmer, who trusted neither man jior bank and secreted his money in the ground near the graVe of the original settler of the site, Martin Warfel, who establisbW a 'homestead there in 1T20T , Tells Secret on Deathbed. : Ofeerdorf told*>,no one of his fbrtuae until on his deathbed. Then , he called a daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth : Stroh( accohling to family traditions, .and told her of the treasure, hidden near the Warfel grave iri "line with a certain fe'nce and tree. . Mrs. Stroh proved equally secretive concerning,, the" mouey and" kept knowledge of it to, hersfdf, until a year betore her.; death, about; forty years' •t,' 1, " She"hadnot 'ispo^tii of the money before, slife is ^pcirted tb!"have salS, because she had no need foe if and feared that, knowledge of Its existence wouM cause trouble within the family. Those to whom she told the tale were not so scornful of money and immediately started to search/for it. But the fenc«s and other landmarks had been moved in the Intervening years and even fhe exact locatloji of "the Warfel grave was In doubt. Fhwdly the searchers determined on a probable location and awaited springtime to renew their hunt. . ^ Hunt Ends in Quarrel. During the winter dispute over the ownership of the fortune, if .found, arose. Heirs to Peter pberdorf claimed "itr descendants of Mrs. Stroh, to whom it was .reported given by the original owner, held it was theirs, and the occupants of the farm • ^entered their claim. ' The dispute widened and tW hunt • was abandoned. That was forty years ago. Since then the families'regarded any attempt to find' the treasure a waste of -time. Recently the story was recalled, old documents relating to the money and Darlene Merchant, Club Reporter^, to the boundaries of the land reread and tHe Search renewed. . . Survivors of each of the original claimants await developments to reassert their claims to ownership of what is believed to be a sizeable fortune In gold "and silver cdfa. . ' >.4' JBridge Party F. O. Gans was hostess at a party at her home on Pearf street Friday evening at which time bridge was played and prizes wtrre won by Mrs. J. W. Rothermel, Mrs. Casper Bickler and Mrs. Craig- The guests present/were: Mrs. Edward Dowling, Mrs. Cnarles Heimer, Mrs. C. Craig arid --Mrs, fcasper Bickler of Chicago and MTPXL Heimer, Misses Clara an<J Elizabeth Miller, Mrs. Jacob Bickler, Mrs. J. W. Rothermel and , Albert Kxause. 4-H Qoba . The SHehrito Hill Tribe of the 4-H clubs met with Gladys Howe on July 30. The first work of the afternoon was to make a patch after Which the meeting was called to order d the roll call given. Gladys Howe, reporter. > Work*7 Swiftly" If often happens that if a, lie be be- ^KeVfed only for an honr, it has done Its »ork and there Is no Vurther occasion M»r it.--Swift. 1 • V*. ' Never Before Never Again! A Special Sale like this, which will start Saturday, Aug. 8, at which you will be able to buy shoes for the entire family at a fraction of their read value. School shoes, ranging from 50c and up, "will be our specialty. We will have gym shoes at 35c and up. Remember the date and come early so you can have first choifte in. our big selec tion. B.Popp Free for Five Years on Bond, Man Is Locked Up Jefferson City, Mo.--James L. Dye sits in a cell at the Missouri penitentiary and wonders just why official, red tape had to be broken when it looked sufficiently tangled up. Dye was sentenced in St. Louis for robbery on December 10, 1925. He was let out on bond while the Supreme court* studied his appeal. The sentence was affirmed, but court attaches forgot to notify St Louis officials. . after more than Ave years, .when Dry had decided" that he had' bgen forgotten-, and was not^ a bit worried about 4he fact, a curious St. Louis official noticed the unfinished record, made an investigktion, and caused Dye's arrest. Now the St. Louis authorities are checking old records to see how many more of tfie town's citizens should be with" Dye but have been kept out of prison by similar cases of official forgetfulness. ,' ' Phone 162 Main St. 7 ^ " Asks $15,000 for Teaching Man to Use Wooden Leg St. Louis.--Eight months' instruction In the arf of using ah artificial leg waQ worth ?15,000, Meyer E. Fre.- lich declared In filing a claim for that am<M»pt against the estate 6f his dead pupil. , Frelich is seeking that amount for giving Instruction to Benjamin Cohen, whose body was found in the Mississippi river. • Probate Judge Holtcamp. took the claim under advisement. Frelich said Mrs. Cohen called him and asked him to give lessons to her husband after she learned that he was adept in the( use of his own artificial leg. Frelich dtf lms Cohen agreed to bequeath him Cohen's total estate amoudtw W>,ooo. Edible Bird's Nest ' The nest of the selangave is jirfcluable as food. It is used as avd«>Mcacy by the ChJjjese. It has * t*he shape and size of a half teacup, is attached to the' rock in tlie interior of a cave and has the appearance of fibrous gelatin. It is composed of a mucilaginous substance or isinglass, secreted by special glands, and is not, as was thought, thuit made from a glutinous seaweed. Meadiaf Brokea Cfciu A splendid cement for broken rhlnf It made by mixing plaster of parts with the. white of an egg, until the consistency of a cream. Hemy J. "Miller apent Btonday at Waukegan. Mrs. Hickey of Chicago spent the week-end in McHenry. Jack Trent visited relatives at Normantown last week. " ' JEi J. Cohan of Chicago Was a McHenry caller Sunday. Rollo Chamberlin vis^d Chicago over the week-end. ,, Miss Ruth Holm of Williams Bay called on friends here Sunday- Mr. and Mrs. John McGlave of Chicago were McHenry callers Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D, 1. Granger visited relatives at Wauconda Sunday evening. Mrs. P. M. Justen returned home Thursday from a two weeks' visit at Denver, Col. Misses ^Arleen Bacon and Mildred Minnifh were Lake Geneva visitors, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Louiif Althoff and family visited at Wilmot Sunday evening.... . - Mrs. Anna Mollohan of Ridgefield spent Friday and Saturday with friends here.- . Mjss Ethel Granges ^and sister, Mary Mae, visited relatives at Wauconda last week. Mr, and Mrs. peter Thorsell/yisited their son and"family at Roselle the last/ of the weeV.', -. s 4 Paul Brisfeld 'VtettoV Friday. ' '. I /"* Mrs. M- J. Walsh was ft Waukegan visitor Saturday. Mrs. W. A. Sayler Wu ^ Woodstock visitor Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Spencer "were Elgin visitors Tuesday. Jeanette Bishop visited relatives ,at Spring Gi-ove this week; Mrs. Thomas Kane was a Chicago visitor the first of the week. Carl J. Freund attended the ball game in Chicagb Tuesday. •» Miss "H elen Welch spent til© first of the week at Genoa City, Wis. Mr. and Mrs- B<.*n Dietz attended, a funeral in Chicago Wednesday. . Mrv and Mrs. Mat Karls of Chicagb visited relatives over the week-end. Charles and Chris Vonderheit of Chicago visited friends here recently. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Nickels and children were Crystal Lake visitors Sunday. Will Martin of Chicago spent part of his vacation at his home here this week. Miss Eleanor Pries of Waukegan is visiting Mr.,and Mrs. George Bohr this' week. MJSS Juliet Grady of Lake Geneva is a guest in the W. F. Burke home this week. Mrs. M. .L. Hufmeyer of Chicago spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Mary Simon. j Mrs. Frank Egan and children of Chicago spent one day last week With Mrs. George Lindsay. Mrs- Dora Hahn of Racine, Wis., visited in the home of her niece,^Mrs. J. J. Marshall, this week. Miss Virginia &able of Morton Grove is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. George Bohr this week. Mrs. M. J. Walsh visited Mrs- H. J. Cannon at the hospital at Waukegan the first of the week. ^ Mrs. Casper Bickler of Chicago visited relatives here last week. Mr. Bickler spent the week-end here. Mr. and Mrs. Fred H, Cooley spent Sunday at the home of the latter's grandmother, Mrs. Mary A. Simon. Mrs. Henrietta Reed of Oakland") Cal., is visiting her father, William Simes, and other relatives in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Hellter and sons, Bernard and Roger, spent\Sunday at the home of ^Irs. Mary ^ A. Simori. _ Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Pries of Waukegan- were guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Bohr Sunday, after they returned from a trip to the lotus beds. Mrs- Robert Sutton and Mrs. Gilbert Kraft and daughter, Evelyn, of Richmond spent a recent day in the home of the former's father, William Simes. Mr. and Mrs, Ford Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Mat Blake, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Wilbrandt and' Mr. and Mrs. Mat Glosson and son, George, were Kenosha visitors Friday night. w Mr. an.d Mrs. V. Froehlich and Mr. and Mrs. George Penny and sons returned to their home at Winnebago, Minn-, Tuesday after a visit in the' home of Dr. and Mrs. A. I. Froehlich. Sunday callers in the home of Mrand Mrs. George Lindsay were: Miss Gladys Larkin, Oconomowoc, Wis., Harry West, Watertown, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. John Heisler and daughter, Crystal Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Reed and daughter, Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mathieu motored to Whiting, Ind., last M%>ndayt. where Mr. Mathieu played at the Lake Front Park. It was entertainment and picnic given by the Standard Oil Co. for their employes. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Foley and little aon arrived here from Cleveland, Ohio, Saturday. Mr- Foley returned home Sunday evening but Mrs. Foley remained for an extended visit with I her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J- M. | Phalin. TWIM «WI«I» Irothis 'Owpmi last week.' . Ifr. and Mrs C. E. Dark of quois, I1L, visited relatives to vlein«ty last W««k. , Miss Ann Ella Walkup^ of 'Ridgefteld was the guest of Miriam Sayler over the week-end. M.r and Mrs. John McVey and daughter, Rosemary, of'Chicago visited friends here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs/ John May and son, J- C., of Waupaca, Wis., spent the week-end with friends here. Miss Eleanor May returned home Sunday frqwi a week's vacation spent at Libertyvjlle and Chicago. Mt. and/ Mrs. Emil Schneider of WoodstooK visitei!* in the home df Mrs. Ella Wheeler Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard and children of . Ringwood were Sunday visitors in the J. F. Claxton home. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rosing and son, Alan, of Libertyville, spent Sunday and Monday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Bickler of Chicago are, spending the week at the home of Mr. and; Mrs. Henry* J. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Anderson of Chicago spent a few days this week at their summer home at Pistakee Bay..••••; -•'7.. -'r-'r; Little Mary Lou Conelfy of Chicago is spending a few weeks with her grandparents, Jtr? a$d t'rett. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sayler and daughter, Joyce,rpf Woodstock • were Sunday visitors in the W. A. Sayler .home. C""." , Mr. and Mr«. Charles; Hei^ier of Chicagq spent their' vacation, at the home of flfrs. Josephine Heimer last week. "• Mr. and Mrs. Chris Lane, theatrical booking agept of Chicago, spent Sunday with Mr. and MUG. Frank Mathieu. Mr. and Mrs.'\Jtf. J. Justen, son, Peter, and Mr. and Mrs- J. W. Freund, left Monday for a week's trip to Rhinelander, Wis. « Mrs. Edward Dowling of Chicago spent last week in the home of her mother, Mrs. Elli Gans. Mr. Dowling was a week-end guest. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heimer returned to their home in Chicago Tuesday after spending several days of their vacation here. Mr. and Mrs. Earl McAndrews and children returned home Saturday evening from a week's visit with her relatives at, Mankato, Minn. day in Chicago. Misses Nopnk and Marjory,1R3iitta9 of Rinrwood, fMHnft Sutton of Harvard and Leone^Givens of XeHeQry spent the week-end at Twin Lakes., Miss Margaret Blake of Milwaukee, Wis., arrived th^ first of the week for a visit in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Thennes and other relatives here. Mrs. C. Craig, Mrs. Charles J. Heimer, Mrs. Henry J. Miller . and Miss Clara Miller motored to St. Charles on .Monday, where they spent the day. Mr. and Mrs. V. Froehlich and Mr. and Mrs. George Penny and children of Winnebago, Minn., were guests the 'past week in the home of the former's son, Dr. A, I. Froehlich and family. Mrs. John Higgins, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Higgins and children and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ludeman of Whitewater, Wis., made a short visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Amman, Sunday. , vr. ana mm. a. 1. ri^emiea^uutgiL. t«r, Adele, and their guests, Mr. and %. Mrs. V. FroehlfcH and Mr. -and Mrs. "0" OSiTgt Penny and children of Winnebago, Minn., were visitors at Lincoln 5- Park, Friday. . . ' . Mra- Margaret McCarthy returned • to her home in this city Saturday ,af- . ter spending the past five weeks at ~f '•< Sioux Falls, S. D., where she was * called by the.illness. and ndjBa$i brother, Jamea Cleary. ' " ri w ' -'*• * HAIR BEAUTY AT ST^MPANATOS The Stompanato Barber and Beauty Salon at Woodstock, calls attention to their new individual--treatments for hair beauty. . The Arnoil Medications now being .2#.* - used by them are said 40 bring out -j* ^ ^ fhe full glory and beauty of th» hair ^ and to prevent the hair from falling - St1.- out. These medications are used ex- • clusively at Stompanatos. Try our classified briny results. mi'm. NEVER SO LOW! .89 Bewitching newness! The mest coming little styles we've sec^i in many a moon! Don't delay getting one.. Almost the minute Paris decided on the styles, we had secured thecopiee! V •; • v ^ ^ Black, Brown, Wine, Green, arid Blue Nobby Style Shop McHenry, Illinois • ^ ors Stronger than any Bank stands the v C o m m u n i t y b e h i n d i t . , . • Z u A CITY is judged largely by the strength and quality ^ of its banks. r s It is therefore our constant aim to add to our fastgrowing list of customers, every citizen of responsibility so that we can present to the business world that combin* strength assuring security and growth, ^ We extend you a cordial invitation to join Hi* Saftey Deposit Vaults giving absolute security and privacy , • West McHenry State Bank -J l ~ - ' " '• • i- ^ APeoples State Bank £ !«£ McHenry ELY TOX ^ v"sr/ 4 - ' ~ FLIT ALL KINDS OF FLY KILLERS uito Lotion A: kvatters BOLGER'S THREE REQISTERED PHARMACISTS m T,: .•* • } • • • . tN CHARQE igr r?jar--~£\ ' •zszzm. 1 << V:. ^ •' ..... V x-y. " 1 ' -- 7 • • -