mi- RING WOOD 'V _ ii';* '.;•?* -- J *y v * t. ^ t£v** 7^' 'l^v? • ' / «' * * » ~*k vr;t<-, ,/r: ^V; \VT f*. ^-•'i' £•' Mrs. W» H. Phillipy Mid .daughter, Euth, of Morristown, Ind., are visiting in the home of the former'* sister, MTVE. C. Hawley. « Mr. and Mrs. G. E- Shepard and family spent Friday afternoon at Crystal Lake. * Mr. and Mrs. Charles Prey and family of Deerfield spent the week' end in the Sj H. Beatty home. Frank Hawley of Chicago spent the week-end in theHhome' of his father, ft. C. Hawley. C. A. Matsen and children of Chi dago spent the meek-end in 'the August Pearson home? ~ Dorothy Garr and Dewey Beck at Chicago spent the week-end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carr. V / " 4 Mr-^wtf 'Mrs^oie Weber arid fami l y o f M c H e n r y s p e n t S t t r i d f t y i n t f c e Nick Younp home. „ ^rs. Lucinda Francisco of Woodstock was a guest in the W. A.-Dodge home over the week-end. , , Mr. and Mrs, Floyd Foss 'of McHenry spent Saturday .evening here* Mr. and Mrs j iohtt May and son of Waupaca, Wis.,; were visjtQjrS here, Saturday. ' "'7"" / ; * Mr. and Mrs, C, ft Davits apd son, It 4pkr home at IltMfnoia,IU., » few days with 4Wbr oooains, Mr- and Mi*. 6. E. Shepard. *' Harvey Binngartner ct Detroit, Mich., arrived here Saturday evening for a week's visit in the "W.. JL Dodge home.. His wife *nd mm who have •pent the past few weeks here will return home with him. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bell of Richmond ' attended tHb "Homecoming" here Saturday. » Leonard Carlson aa <enjoyhjg a /two week's vacation from the Bowman Dairy Co. Miss Ruby Davis of Woodstock spent the week-end i» the "Ben Walking! © n hoaae. - Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Shepard and family spent Sunday with McHenry relatives. Mr. andr Mrs. Hay Peters spent Sunday night and Monday with rela^i 'taves at Belvidgre and Hunter. Mrs. Charles Carr entertained her sister and two children of JDubuque, Iowa, over the week-end- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fisher children, and Leslie Douglass attended the theater at, Woodstock Tuesday evening. ' Mr. and Mrs. 3ehrmtm of Lake Fo rest spent Friday, in the August .fttiv son home. . •- • „ Mr. and Mi*. Elmer , and Florence Ofeen spent . Sunday in Olsen home at McHenry. Sugene Thhma* and MM Weidrich attended we theater at Woodstock, Sunday-eiwning. I . Elsina Lew of Muskegan, Mich., spent the 'fcreek-end in the home of her aunt, Mrs. Viola Low and family. - | Miss Imogpne Ingram of Maywood is spending a few week* with Mrs. Jennie JBacon. i Mr. and Mrs. George Bacon of Aritioch were callers in the Mrs. Jennie Bacon and W. A. Dodge homes, Sunday evening. Mr,, and Mrs. Glenn Jackson and family of Solon Mills spent Sunday in the S. H. Beatty home. ' Mr. aryLM,rs. .Clyde Harrison ©f Chicago and Mrs. Eva' Perking &i Richmond spent Saturday with^'Mrs; Jennie Bacon. J Mrs. Viola Low ancr sons, Walter; and Robert, are visiting in the home of the former^ sister,- Mrs. Charles Frev at Deerfield. Miss Ruth Williams and Phillip Fiorest of Chicago were callers in the Mrs. Jennie Bacon home Saturday and sen ashmgUm --By-- National Editorial Aeeeciatiow reXl evening. J. T5he McHenry Laundry Phone McHenry 18< and our driver wUl call The Modern Laundry " Dry Cleaning, Pressing and Dyeing v JOHNSBURG FBXD J. SMITH, Proprietor Chevrolet Sales. General Automotive Repair Work Give us a call when in trouble EXPERT WELDING AND CYLINDER REBOR1NG Ij)ay Phone 20QJ Night Phone 640-J-2 r IGA GRAPE JUICE IGA FLOUI* 7: IGA SALMON, Pink 1 IGA CORNED BEEF IGA PORK and BEANS? cans 13c IGA SHREDDED WHE^T 10c ART SMITH Fresh Fruits and Vegetable# Smoked Meats ^ Phone ISO West MeHrarjr pt. 19c § lbs.-18c 23c 2?c Giving recognition to the fact that the people exercise the unalienable right to cuss the government when taxes are raised the Administration is faced with a real problem of educating the 'f>ters into the intricacies tff government costs. No matter what party >holds the reins their "educat tional" policies .must be biased on manipulation of facts and interpretations of affairs in order to develop a favorable public attitude. , - Mr. Hoover and his associates have found that the folks do not fully understand or apprepiate the debt holiday stunt. Likewise, the publicity accorded wage and salary cuts and dividend reductions, particularly this week, will- not put the average taxpayer in an amiable mood for a threatened raise in F«d«ral,, taxes next year. Obviously it ia a situation fraught with danger to politicians and calling for something naoJ*e than snappy slogans and campaign catchwords. Senator George H. Moses of New Hampshire has been m town displaying his old-time bag of political tricks. There has been much • ado about his threat to vote with , ifche Democrats to control the Senate, provided the Republican Progressive groups oust him from his chair as President pro tempore of the Upper House of Congress. The intentions of Insurgents and "Old Guards" to shelve Mftes were chronicled here months ago, but a recent magazine article by Moses revived the quarrel on the Republican side. Last winter Moses whispered-to-his fellow p&ixi sans that it would be good strategy to walk out and permit the Democrats to control and take the blame for whatever the Senate might do during the next year. Apparently, his fence-building tour of his home state has shown him that the unhorsing of his Readership ^ Washington will militate againsVnim. His opponent for the Republican Senatorial nomination is the present Governor, an enterprising yoiing man who has gathered his forces while the Senate's "wisecraeker" has been trying around. As 'a consequence Moses has made a complete turn since Congress, closed down and now wafits the Republicans to hold tjhe fort and save his job. , Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hitchens spent Senator James J. Davis of Penn- Friday evening with friends at Lake sy,vania evidently subscribes to the Geneva- - - - • . pronouncement last week of the Sec- Mrs. Lewis Hawley entertained her retary the Smithsonian Institution, sister and^ husband from "Fulton, 111., that there is prqye Monday. Walter Savory and eon, Willis. Thomas Walkington, Lewis Hall and Mrs. Harfy Hartley and Mrs. Harry Kist of Chicago spent Thui#day in the home of their sister, Mrs. Ed. TTiompson/ •.« j Miss Dorothea, Howard of Kenosha spent the week-end in the Ray Merchant hofflie. j Edward Thompson of Chicago spent Monday and Tuesday with his parents, Mr. and Mirs. Ed. Thompson. I ^Eighteen friends of George Thomp-j son very pleasantly surprised him on Thursday- evening, the occasion be- j ing his 15th birthday anniversary. ! Games were played/and a jolly time was enjoyed. Lunchfo*f was served by his mother. Mr. and Mrs._M6rton Lady and daughter, EvelynT and Mr. Frost of Chicago spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Rainey. ^ | Mrs. Ed. Thomson an<3U-Mm "Nick Adams spent FridajKat'McHenry. Mrs. Roy Ne%r spent Saturday at Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. fcL O. Allen of Chicago and Mrs. A. J. „Fitzsimmons of Cassville, Wis., were Sunday guests in the F. A. Hitchens home. Mrs. John Neal of Oak Lawn and Miss Julia Negri of Chicago spent from Wednesday until'Friday in the Roy Neal home. Mrs. Wetterer ^and daughters, Mildred and Irene, of Chicago spent $3un- •day in the L. £^%ftwley home. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Hitchens of Chicago spent Wednesday night arid Thursday in the F. A. Hitchens home. Mr. and Mrs. Don Rocco of Chicago spent the week-.end in the Roy Neal home. Carl Halstrom, spent the past week on„a fishing trip in Canada. Mirs. Frank Fay and son, Carlton, and Mrs.- Wynne Kelley and son, Zane, spent Friday evening at Woodstock. . no evidence to "that the fortune of individuals can be told by fortune telleia, spirit mediums or astrolfegers," and is, therefore, setting his house in order for next year's Senatorial race- The Senator has urged Senator Caraway of Arkansas, Chairman of the Senate "Lobby" Committee to go ahead at an early date with the .inquiry into the charge that was hurled at him in the last Congress during the consideration of the Hawley-Smoot Tariff law. A statement was issued by d, „ // ^ ^ f - FRESH pram your air. ttuu «us. ivttyfcji oimpson spent Saturday afternoorrat Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wagner and daughter, Marion, of McHenry and _ _ , , Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Tonyan and fam-' Senator D*V1S ksf spnn8r denying ily of Fox Lake were Sunday guests that received securities or Hev. and Mrs. Collins and son, money from a corporation interested Roger, of Orangeville, 111., and Mrs! in ^ suKar tariff, but the commit- Allen Collins and two sons of Beloit te® waa not spared to go ahead were callers in the J. V. Buckland with the investigation at that time, home Saturday and attended the' Already there are* two potential homecoming. I candidates and possibly a third who Mr*, arm Mrs. J. D, Smith and son,1 «iight enter the primaries In opposi- Earl, of Urbana and Mrs. Frank tion 10 Senator Davis Major General Turner and daughters Vof'Lincoln, 111., Smedley D. Butler, the bombastic were guests in the:, Mrs. Maxy Hodge Marine, who is to retire this fall, has home last week. i indicated that he might seek the sen' Mr. and Mrs. George Young and family spent Sunday with McHenry relatives. Mr. and Mrp. Howard Buckland, J. V. Buckland and Miss Flora Taylor spent Sunday in the George Dixon home at Eagle Lake, Wis. Frank Stonebraker is spending a few days in Chicago. H. Phillipy and daughter, Ruth, Mrs. Frank Stonebraker and Mrs. E. C^ Hawley left Tuesday looming for the W.isc°nsin Dells. % 6 Mr. and Mrs. W, A. Dodge, M*. and Mrs. Harvey Buwgartner and son, atorial nomination. Chairman Fletcher of the United States Tariff Commission is resigning that office in September and has intimated to some of his friends that he may seek to remain in public life. And, then thene is Gifford Pine hot, who may sidetrack presidential aspirations to run for the Senafa^ With such competition it is little wonder that the present incumbent wishes to have the investigation before the- lobby committee at an end. It is expected that the report of the Wicker sham committee deploring General Electric Harvey, a&d Mrs. Lucinda Francisco crowded conditions of the prisons will stimulate the interest of communities in obtaining federal penal institutions. True, some localities are against the building of prisons because of the possibilities of riots, etc, but others realize that it means increased trade which largely offsets the dark features. Senators and representatives work diligently to obtain the government buildings in their district as patronage- If it is decided to parcel out ; prisons in addition to Federal lioepi spent Monday With' Mr. arid Mr$. George Bacon at Antioch. Thomas Dempsey of Chicago spent the week-end as tWe guest of iMisa Nellie McDonald. Mrs. D. C. Bacon of Crystal Lake and Miss Cora Walters of St. Charles Mo., were dinner guests in the Wayne Fom, home Tuesday. 1 ' the A. L. Laurence home- :' . Mjr. and Mrs. Frank Fay, and son, CaHton, spent Sunday at Kenosha. . . ItraK Din^if fcy I«fcn , Ja fafe|r aai tile Jitter on t^ SldUan aide. The enrrenta in thia atrait do^tl i ffaet pr--at eenalderable difBeidtlea tena*- igators, eapedally in a Mtrang wind. Frances Helms of Woodstock spent tals and post office buildings, the leg- Sunday here. | Wators will have no objection to Ethel Johnson pf Chicago spent picking these political plums. t Sunday inj Miss friendsAn M he L. E. Hawley home. ie Schroeder is visiting Chicago. Mrs. Frank^Richards and :JLV Reach foto the cool depths of your General Electric Refrigerator. Choose a crisp salad, a chilled gla&s of tomato juice, a tempting 90W cut or a frozen dessert. You will find each of them pure, appetizing^ wholesome. Why wait for this greatest of all home conveniences ? Tomorrow....., for a, small -down payment you can become one of the more than a million General Electric i ^Refrigerator users, who now benefit by year yround savings. Remember every General (Electric is backed by a 3-Year Guarantee. 9-n - no D O W GENERAL % ELECTRIC. ALL-STEEL REFRIGERATOR ^4 ' ' it™-**- ApHmil Houk md C^»»rrci*l E*i|w1in -- RiialL Tmt Cailm" CAREY ELECTRIC SHOP son of Woodstock Sunday guests in the S. W. Brown home. Mrs- B." T. Butler and daughter, Helen Ruth, were Elgin visitors Moidday. ' The Ringwood Homei Circle will meet at the home of Mrs. Dibble at Greenwood on Thursday, Aug. 12th. This will be Capaul sister da^, v "Raising the Wind* Scratching the must is a sailor's method, not yet extinct, of raisTng a breeze, says Nature Magazine. Some nautical authorities say the foremast should^be chosen; others the mlzzen. Still another wiiui-raisin process is to stick a knife in the masi with the h/indle pointing in the direction from which the wind ia deaired .to' 'igovr. .. • - 4 Composition of Sholle Sea shells are made up of alternate layers of a horny materiai and calcium carbonate containing a little organic matter. C«4r M ^ v -31m eeodor weistM :*mm« and haa a »water wtef *»raad mm tha altt attalaa a wefgM of fro* 20 to % poondlr and a wing spread of from to 11 feet The albatron attaina a weight of from 16 to 18 poanda and, a wing apread of from 10 to 12 feet - N^ibl.v'W' .. th« (Me* fc >|>I ylaata. • fathe ctfiBtflewcr. which. it i thecabgM*«^enln a wttdatate Tto broccoU.^BUe, and bruaael aprovt are atao offspring of, tlda^ waa " .plant ' '£-TYP. % h eau onsoie anqm as a oar 'ERE*S a range jouH wane to own. Come and look it o*er while- j ~1 this Summer Sslf it nn; Yfln'H like ifa arp^irinr kettle rnp. board and ks newest advancements for perfea cooking aadl Sv^. bdang. Learn about these Seven Star Fdmurei. Console Range Witt I f /"V Witbtut $ * f OvrmHtml §•Ovrw Htat g-\ Cm/TW V/yf CMfW . y Vr *10 Album*ct ymr OLD stovt A betnty in mottled green and ivory enimd;'" bl»ck jtptn front frame. Large utility drawet for pots and kettln. Three compartrocM drawet for spoons, knives, forks. 16-indt oven. Racks have safety stops. Qven and broiler have enamel linings and a specially' designed burner. Larjt cooking top. * Easier, more cooTcaieat cook- * Burner tray is «eif wpjisrese . ' lag with higher oooUng top aa4& makes a coovenieat semce shelf, lower ores. * Roomy ovta hsi seif-sappori>- . . , . ' . inK racks; can't fall owt. ine vessels where *Heat it retained m o*en ^ Handy drawer beneath broiler "1 Drawer-type broiler makers " *./"./ keeps small utensils at your fia- broiling easy. Pan and grid a4k-".'"; ger tips. ' jusuble to several height*. ;^r ^ . Oven heat control, of coune. Grey and white fit gseen and ivotjr ia&k.. Gteat value at ^89-30 ^ 7 ; $10 AUcrwatKt for Ytmr OlJ R**gi in the pnkh«»e of this or aiqr odwr oonsole range: - ' Come and learn of the money-saving vahaes. You caor buy for a sum down, balance monthly - - » " WESTERN - VVgas *»i> electric companyr C. E. Collins, Dist Manad&r Wl Invite % Wo»d«r of Sd*ncS° .• , . A man's nationality and the condition of his health can be discovered by microscopic examination of a single hair. . .1.. :^v- ^ High>Clasa Unfortuaatos recent study of the Intelligence of drug addicts showed that 30 out of every 100 addicts wereahove the average in mentality. - ' -v . * • . • ' . FULL LINE OF PERMANENT WAVES $7.50 value for $5.90 $10 values for $8.40 $15 values for $is.oe STOMPANATO'S Recognized Beauty Artists of America and Abroad TeL 641 226 Main St., Woodstock Open evenings until 10, D. S. T. Friday, 8:30 to 2 p. m. (Daylight Saying Time) ?*• *tmi The following typfs oi tracks will 1>e on TOWN CAR DELIVERY RAINBOW COLORS 131 in. FAN13. ' AMBULANCE ; POLICE PATROL % ? FUNERAL COACH DIJLUXE PANEL 131 in.; AA PANEL 157 in. A PANEL DROP FLOOR "UNATURAL WOOD PANEL CLOSED CAB PICKUP CANOPY TOP CANOPY TOP EXPRESS 157 in. SERVICE TRUCK WITH HOISfT PACKERS EXPRESS * , PORTABLE FEED HEAVY DUTY EXPRESS ICE BODY - MECHANICAL DUMP GARBAGE DUMP COMBINATION C0AL & COKE DUMP HIGH LIFT COAL BODY DUM* ^. STOCK RACK 131 in. STOCK RACK 157 in.- FARM BODY 157 in. . y - - FARM BODY 131 in. - ^ A PANEL DELIVERY. -- - STAKE BODY 157 in. * STAKE BODY 13* in.> j 1 : GRINDER These trucks will be in a variety of colors and it wiiTbe well worth your while to inspect them even though yon are not in the market for a track now. A Track Show Right In McHenry & If there is any particular type you want a demonstration of, just phone us by Thursday night and we will arrange for it. •- ; ^ PRESKNGK r* * ^ MOTOR SALES Barr* After We SeU" Fhona SO i"-; rrK; M<^snry, IlL %>•* :f :.rC • -•--«* •" Cf v'% **S *1* ? .t....