/-*i - "y?: Vb& r -> ^. rr-Tf f: ^jr ®.f«- •~*a&>i.' >'«*m •': f ;>r-3r* '"T'j ** K -^'.' "^r .„.,.$4L r^lfMa Emily Snitix of McHenry.visand Mrs. Peter OeffUng Chi- Uir. fl Ringwac the ltoir Mrs. . Schniitt ited with Mr. and Tuesday. Miss Mildred Schaefer was a e^ko caller Thursday. Kiss Rosella Freund of McHenry -visited hef sister,-Jftrs. Joe L. Freund, Thursday. . Misses Helen Blank and Helen Schaefer were Algonquin visitors Wednesday evening- Miss Helen Smith of Woodstock • *pmt the week-end with her parents. V Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hollander of Chicago visited the latter's mother, Mrs. Joe Thelen one day last week. Mrs. Ray Horick of Woodstock visftld her parents, Mn and, Mrs. S. HSmith, Thursday.- Miss Lois Freund <rf Chicago is spending her vacation with relatives And friends here. Misses Helen Schaefer.. and - Helen Blank spent Wednesday evening With friends at Fox Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Chlmberlin afld deughter^ Semite, visited at Volo last Thursday evening. -.V-.'-'^ames Chamberlin and nqjhew, x;pfalter Schroeder, wertf RingyrOod ,visitors Thursday. • " Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pitzen spent ;'.C • JViday at Spring Grove. ^ - - >Mr. and Mrs. Elmer SchrOeder and family cf Chicago and Mr. ami Mrs. james Chamberlin and 'daughter .vis- '-x:?'Jied "Mr. arid Mns. Ben Schaefer S*t-. " urday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pitzen were HcHenry callers Saturday. Brother James Freund of HsJy Gross church, Milwaukee* ^s spending ' • week's vacation at the home of Mr. lOtd Mrs. Jacob H. Adams. Mrs. John P. Schaefer and the Sisters of St. John's parish were Waukegan callers Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Adams of Ringwflod spent Sunday evening at ome of his patents here John P. Schaefer and Francis itt motored to Woodstock Wed Tuesday . Miss Florence Scharian and girt ffiend of Chicago spent the week-end fa the Scharian summer home. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Guyser and v".f*;.#ildren. of Chicago are spending t&eir vacation with the latter's par- «Bts, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. OefFling. Miss Josephine Haitman of Chicago spent a few days last week with Genevieve Adams. Mr. arrd Mrs- Richard Guyser and . Jlr. and Mrs. Frank Weingart motor- •d to Wilmot Saturday. -- . Misses Helen Meyers, Betty fcempfcr and Helen Schaefer visited MisS Helen Blank at Crystal Lake Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Schroeder and . family of Chicago are now spending ';:';/.,flieir vacation at the home of her ; ;ijfifcther, John Pitzen.. Walter Manning spent Sunday afternoon and evening at the home of ptr and Mrs. Jacob H. Adams. Miss Evelyn Meyers entertained a - "Jew of her friends at her home last ' J- -^fhursday evening. - J Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stoffel and -daughter of Volo visited the latter's r^lbther, John Pitzen, Sunday. '/ Peter R. Freund and children mo- , . tored to Arlington Heights Sunday, trhere they visited Mr. and Mrs. John -Bchaefer and family. . -V Mr. and M^s. Joe Michels, jr., and '•/ jjhildren of Qrystal Lake visited here Sunday Mr. and Mrs. James Chamberlin and daughter visited in Chicago Sat -arday. , _ ' Elmer Schroeder returned to his ' Work in Chicago the first of the week, and will spend the week-ends here * With his family. Mr- and Mrs. George Obenauf and Vr7?lbildren of Grayslake,visited relatives herje Sunday. I. Mrs. tJohn A. Miller entertained a • ^JBew friends at her home Monday : -Evening. Cards were played and a . .JuncB was served. ^ f ,»Mr. and Mrs. Joe Guzzardo and children moved from Ingleside to the' house formerly owned by Mr. and! Mrs. Win- Oeffling. Stanley Pacek was a Chicago vis . ""tor a few days this week. i Anthony Freund amkJJkk Guyser attended the ball game in Chicago Tuesday. ~~-- ~ " ; Mr. and Mrs. Cap BicUer of Chi ^ ipago visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Freund ' Sunday. • .i-i Mt. an4 Mrs. Joe J. Freund and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Freund mototed ^ .'lb Chicago Wednesday. VOID Jr, is remodeling his house by building on ft paripr *nd dining room. * Kri Bma Gottschalk of Lake Zurich apent Monday with Mrs. Lloyd Fisher. MH. Charles Davlin and of Wauconda spent Thursday with her sister, Mrs. Joe Paasfteld. - G. A. Vasey has purchased a mm Ford truck. Earl Hiremmus and Milton Dowell spent Saturday evening at the George Scheid home, at Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Jacobson and Ftnk, Heekal of JlfeleMda spent Theradftyevenmr at the Lloyd Fisher Wackerow was a Woodcaller Saturday evening"" Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kaiser, Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Wagner and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher attended the dance at Ivanhoe Wednesday evening. Mr. and -Mrs- Frank Dowetl and daughter of -Elgin spent the weekend with the former's parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dunker of Crystal Lake spent Sunday here with his brother and fannly, Mr. and Bits. Herman Dunker. Nick Hycuri of Waukegan a few days at the Fisher hi Wattar Davis is' now amploye Mrs. Ida Fisher. Mrs. Esse Fisher, Km Lfeyd Ffeber and Mrs. Ida Fisfcar c^Xe< on Lester Wallis at the Libert^vaie hospital Wednesday^ Mr. and Mrs. Irvirt Mulidor of Lihertyvitlte were- Tola carters Sunday. Mr. amjL Mrs- Joe Passferd motored to Wauconda Wednesday evening. ^ !,/ . "Eirl Barron of Grayslake WM » Monday caller in this locality. ^ / Mr. and Mrs. Clark- Nicholas and* son visited here Tuesday evening. Midget WkalM The smallest whales are feet long when fully grown. v' *'k4 ' ' - r \ H' ' t, , '•* - \ • 1 ;.4~ "• ,« ; T. 1 Hi; Vi' fr •: • " i . 1 -r>., ,*r a. T. • ' p't' T'l i ->, *> • > K\' ':sj mM Cariboo Saved Ttapper Herbert Porter, Alberta trapppr,* tnreH himself In a fall and crawled hfs cabin «f logs in the wilderness to rest and wait for his injuries to *eal. He biid but two days' supply #f food so be took up bis station near (he cabin door and shot and killed 4tarib<»o as it passed his cabin. He gianaged. to dress out a quarter and on this for " thrpp weeks until ielp arrive«l. ° He bad great difficulty keeping the meat fresh and a portion of It he dried. When searchers found him he was somewhat emaciated but felt well. t Madm Filling Ornamental * When certain tree surgeons are . galled opon to All the cavities of aii- ~vi£i£ trees with the usual composition •hey try to be practical and servlce- «ble,'seldom ornamental. Bnt a Minnesota tree doctor was called on to 411 a.large cavity in a tree in the ]jongfellow gardens, Minm^sota. In- > «plred by the Longfellow epic "Hia- WathB'" f^shioned a cont of t!ie In- . 4ian in the cement in bold outline, jn this park, dedicated to the great ' American poet, no figure couid have ' • tteen of more poetic fitness. Ueiahablted lelaw|i I?: Trfstan da ^unj^a, In the south jtlf lantic. is one of a group of three small |. Islands, two of which are uninhabited. 11:%rhis group is believed, to be the most I* Isolated uninhabited group on earth. I.SThe two uninhabited islands are Nhamed Nightingale and Inaccessible. ^&he Co cos, or Keeling, in the Indian -i ocean, includes 20 islanOi jg^L« af which havens# Inhabitant*, 'iry ¥ trL ^ ^ ^ %>fr, V 1" % ...m sTV \Jy *V",; •[**$&,'*• y ' i * Home Bnilding BANISH THESE NOTIONS iVo«r JF you've cyer dreamed •a : * Jit's cheaper to pay rent than ,, build or own your hooer4^ WBONCl"" f Home building is a compli» * cated and often foolish uoaer» taking iox tbe inexperiencedi : ^ , > WRONCl • • \ * •• • • takes * lot of money «•> jbuild an attractive, conreni* •i" ho««' The house that costs the lcasf the cheapest. WRONCf^ "1 , lowr>priced hone Cannot ontain beauty, convenience, |aor quality. WRONGf Yon can't be sure of you're getting when you gpwr home. WRONG t H'.'T'-'i % owning your own home--beautiful and convenient--^modern to tii£ minute--a sp a c i o u s l a w n -- p e r h a p s a g a r d e n -- t h e n you must have b r e a m e d ofa h o m e b u i l d i n g p l a n l i k e t h i s ! } * * " » v M ' * ^ »: H ' ' 1 T 1 i For this new plan is complete--including help in planning, complete attention to construction, handling all details, relieving you of every bother or inconvenience, and arranging o for the most liberal financing terms ever offered. ^ 'jll.IT- . t We place our entire responsibility and years of experience behind this plan, so you can own your own beautiful home as easily as you would buy a washing machine. t Through our affiliation with the National Homes Finance Corporation* only 25% of the total value is required from the owner--usually a clear lot represents most of f this, sometimes all of it. We furnish the remaining 75%, through 6% mortgages, and you have 15 years to pay it off. The low monthly payment of $8.44 per thousand dollars borrowed - includes both principal and interest. •'> Under this new plan your home is assured of beautiful design, efficient planning for convenience and economy of construction, as it is designed by a leading architect. Only the finest "Certified materials"arc used. Construction is handled by thoroughly experienced and competent builders only. We supervise the job personally during Construction. ' 1 Not a worry do you have. No extras-- everything you desire Is included in the original specifications. No mortgage renewals--your monthly payments complete the purchase. No nionthly payment until you move in. Every detail arranged for --even the title search and Xqgal requirements are handled by us. V - When your home is complete it is ready for you to live in. .Then we turn the keys over to you--your dream home, beautiful and. comfortable and with its in-built quality guaranteed by ~ a Bonded Certificate of Quality. f Investigate this ideal way to build -- this liberal plan for applying your rent payments on**- llie purchase of your own individually-designed and built home. Ask us for details by phone - or mail. Or come in and see some of the beautiful home designs prepared by recognized tfchitects for this wonderfully safe and convenient home .building plan, > • - ' -- • • . ' . • • • - ^ r' ^ 'V',: . «1r- • , H V i V ** - X,!-i ' if '<• v ' . •J-1' wVS:"' *<•»; 'i• :-4 -A-*" .• .i Experienced Contractor* One major requirement of our new home building plan is that all workmanship must be of highest quality throughout. We invite you to cooperate with us in this program to build more beautiful and better constructed homes for the people of our community. ^ We feel sore that the experienced quality builders of Our city will take real pride and satisfaction in providing the expert and painstaking workmanship required •ttder this plan. Such qualified contractors are expected to take in active part with us in making this plan a •Puree of genuine satisfaction to every omoatfe . Detailed information on request; k _ T0 Mmrtgmgm ' - v • Mnrefttors and Building : & JLoan Associations ' f , Seven saieguards are provided in our new home building plan: Good design, quality materials, quality workmanshjp, personal supervision* sound financing, insurance and bonded guarantees-- these are standard requirements to protect the owner and to provide a strong and tin4 varying security for die mortgage investor. Our liberal financing plan will enable many families to build aatfely and with assured satisfaction. Local iSMes of mooey^ will be and first, whenever m QUALITY ARDJSERVICE WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS * - t II < r; ^ t .,1 4!