pi , „• 7;.* ss^.:>T\x*h jp^pr t7p'/;' -1 _,-^r"*. •*9=^ r*'y*** i<vji-/,-• T -*rj. f": * . ' . . . ' ' k" I* ? »'1 ' THE M'HENRY PLAINDKALKR, THURSDAY, ATOU8T 20, 1934 - - -,U RINGWOOD fcVv. ^ Mrs. ThoAas Doherty entertained - Ipe Bunco, club at her home Friday afternoon. Frizls were awarded to Mrs. N. Young, Mrs. N. Freund, Clara 4 .Gratton and Mrs. Leon Dodge. At ^wjie close refreshments were served. _r Howard Shepard spent the week- ~~ end in the home of his grandparents, , 1 Jtr, and Mr*. J. F. Claxton at McHenry, - , t>5 Mrs- George Worts "and son, George, ^ ^ McHenry spent Thursday with her ' L^iister, Mrs. Ed. Thompson. A'< Clark Huson of Elgin was a guest * 'iti the home of his daughter, Mrs. C. ! V $* Jepson and family Friday. John Thompson, Fred Rogers luid yike Walsh of Chicago spent Friday i|i the Ed. Thompson home. ' /: Mr- and Mrs. Joe Weber and chil- 7 J#ren of McHenry spent Saturday afternoon in the Nick Young home. £££; Mr. and Mrs. Roland McCanon re- ' turned hopie Sunday from Urbana ^.•;.yr%here Mr. McCanrion has been it- Ending summer school. *7* " Mr, and Mrs. Edgar Thomas and v/ jfemily Were Sunday dinner guests in *" .".'ifee Homer Mann home at Woodstock. .^they celebrated Seymour. : Mann's * v,eighth birthday.' v. ' / ,• ' "• Ray Peters is enjoying a two weeks' vacation from his duties at the Efowman Dairy plant- Mrs. August Pearson and Mrs. Clarence Pearson attended a luncheon at Waukegan Thursday. Mrs. Edgar Thomas and daughter, Hitey Jean, Mrs. William McCannon and Clara Gratton were. McHenry visitors, Saturday. Eugene Thomas and Mae ^iedrich were guests in the Warr?a<^Thomas home at Woodstock, Sundajf. Charles Carr and Mrs. Frankie Stephenson were Woodstock visitors Saturday afterno^i. Louise, Eva anlr^ntone Williams and Bertha Tonyan were Crystal "Lake visitors Friday evening."" ' Frank Wiedrich spent Saturday evening at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Thomps and sons, Julius and Edward, of Woodstock called on their son, Eugene, at the home of August Pearson, Friday evening. jp Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shultze, of Monroe, Wis., and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Block and daughter. Marion Jean of Kenosha spent Sunday an the Dr. Hepburn home* «i Mr. and Mrs, A. E, Kawley Wf Elgin and Jsnies. and David Sthroeder oL-Lambard, 111.; spent Friday with Mrs. L. E. Hawiey. Mr- and Mrs. Deart of St. Charles spent Sunday in the Frank Dix home. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Brown spent Thursday at Madison, Wis. » Kirk Schroeder, Lenard Brown, Harold Evans and Glenn Siedschlag attended the ball game in Chicago Wednesday. Mr^ and Mrs. Bert Merchant and son, Lee, Mrs- Ruth Hopper and son, Elmer, Mrs. Rillah Foss and Mrs. Frankie Stephenson were Sunday dinner guests of Wayne Foss. Mr. and Mrs. Pat. Moriarity and daughter. Elizabeth, of Chicago spent Sunday in the Ed. Thompson home. Mrs. Nick Adams spent Sunday in the Jacob Adams home at Johnsburg. 3 Mrs. Frank Stonebraker, Mrs. E. C. Hawiey and Mrs. L. E. Hawiey attended the theatre at Woodstock Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. M.Stephftnson attended the theatre at Woodstock, Sunday afternoon; Billy Dix is visiting in the home of his graiiupareTitsi at Paddock Lake, Mrs. Fred Eppel and Mrs. F. A Hitchens spent Friday afternoon with Mrs. Ralph Walkop at Ridgefield. Mr. and Mrs. Q«>rg:e Young and family spent Friday evening at McHenry. 1 ; Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hitchens spent Sunday evening at Grysttal Lake. • Miss Nellie McDonald spent the week-end in Chicago. The Ringwood Home Circle was entertained in the home of Mrs. Paul BrfeMe at Greenwood on Thursday afternoon. This was Capsul Sister Day and each member foutid out who her capsul sister was for the past year and received a gift from her. A pot luck supper was served- There were twenty-eight members, six visitors and six children present. Mrs. Jacob Justen, Alma Justen, and Elvira Blake of McHenry, Mrs. Ben Justen and daughters, Bertha and Bernice, and Sr- M. Alma spent Tuesday in the A. Healey home at , Qak P a r k . . ; ' ~ - Alice and Marion Peet spent Thursday and Friday Vith relatives at Richmond. Miss Virginia Breeding of Bath, 111 ., is visiting in the F. A- Hitchens ;home. . v Sr. Mr Aima of Danville, • HI., < Is spending a few weeks in the home Cf her sister, Mrs. B. Justen. Mrs. Ernest. Lind and daughter, I Ruth, of Delavart, Wis., spent Wednesday and Thursday with Mrs. Waldo Frederick. Mrs. Frederick returned home with them for-the remained of the week. J Mrs. Ben. Justen and daughter, Bernice, Sr. M. Alma and Francis Huette, visited in the John Shafer home atvArlington Heights, Wednesday. j. ' ' 2 1 Mr. And Mrs. Nick Young were McHenry visitors, Saturday morning. The McHenry County Achievement day was held at Marengo on Wednesday with a large crowd in attendance. Our girls and boys brought home many nice prizes and ribbons. The Sunshine Girls Glee Club, under the leadership of Mrs. Kenneth Crispy was awarded the prize. In serving Marion Peet received first prize for Underwear. First prize,11 darning--Ellen Smith- 2nd jjrize, underwear--Helen Harrison 3rd px^ze, dress exhibits-Helen Harri- \ g o n . . . . 4th prizV, darning--Helen Harrison. 5th prize, patching--Helen Harrison. 2nd in second year work in style show- -Helen Harrison. * -3rd 'in 'ail fdffiF' years l^slyle • show^-iH^Ien..Harrison. As a reward Helen Hartison wifl'have her Way paid to camp next year.' The Boys' awards were: Earl Harrison received 1st prize of twelve dollar&^for the best calf. 2nd prize of Sn dollars t# Frank Harrison. They will enter their calves at the Aurora Fair. 5th prize of six dollars was awarded 'to Floyd Freund-, Other boys who entered their calves and won three dollars were: John Christy, Clarence and Loren Harrison, Charles and Floyd Freund, Granville and Owen Carlson. Among those from here to attend besides-the 4-H girls and boys were: Mr. and Mrs. .Walter Harrison, Miss Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Channing Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Smith, George Harrison, Henry Hizer Mrs* Charles Peet, Mrs. C. J. Jepson ami son, Harold, Mrs. Ed. Peet an<| daughter, Dorothy. A picnic lunch was enjoyed^ I " : /! 1 • .- -r.. Strawa for H««l|ur >. ' Some of the straws used In women's hats are bakou, from the pandanos., plant in Java; Manila hemp, from^y abaca in the Philippines; leghorn," turin, florentine, ffom wheat..straw In'. Italy; split bamboo, pandan, from bam-" boo in Java; panama, from carludo-> vlca. (looks like, palm), in Colombia #n<f Ecuador; I'orto Kican straw froia yaray palm. In Porte Rico. * ' •% tf ' y . - r- -V • Central Garage - • JOHNSBURG y; ^ • JTRED J. SMITH, ^ Chevrolet Sales. General Aatomotive Repair Work ••-••U- .• Give us a callwken in trouble - EXPERT WELDING AND CYLINDER RE BORING » "tiiy'f^hone 200-J.- Night Phone 640-jf^j ISDollar ^waited for it--Werve planned for it--1 ains you *c-)4r* Buy these fine No-seam Sheets 2 for Choice of two sizes: 81 x 99 inches, wnd 81 x 90 inclies. Good quality sheeting, without seams. Always sold for 79c and 85c-- Dollar D&y at Ackemann's, buy 2 for $1.00 First Floor ~ E L G I N . I L L I N O I S , August 20, 8 a. Shop First af Ackemann^ to S p. m. ACKEMANN BROTHERS, ELGIN, ILL. Women's & Misses' v. Wash Dresses 2 for «1 Fresh, new frocks fashioned of gay colored prints and batiste. Absolutely fast color. Styles for wear now and this fall. Sizes 14 to 44. We urge you to be here at 8 o'clock for this value! 2 for $1.00. - Second Floor % Fine 45 Guage Super Twist Silk-New French Heel Each Pair Perfect Pair Lace top hosiery is always much higher priced .^_. the first time uti $1.00 pair! Long wearing super-twist silks with French heel and famous cradle foot. Choose in Sandee, Reve, Matinee, Plage, Grain or Nude. All sized. Full fashioned,1 of course! $1.00 pair. First Floor .iX Ruffled Curtains and Cottage Sets 2 pairs «1 Yon can't remember when you could buy ruffled curtains or cottage sets at two pairs foi $1.00--but you can now! .150 pairs, while thoy last, 2 pairs. $1.00. v x - First Floor " .L , ACKEMANN BROTHERS, ELGIN, ILL. No Telephone Orders ACKEMANN BROTHERS, ELGIN, ILL. Women's & Misses' Phoenix Lingerie 2 for «1 ~ Phoenix quality tfnderthings, Pantie3, Bloomers, Combinations, Vests, fashioned of lovely rayon in flesh, peach* nile and white. Regular $1.00 values, Dollar Day at Ackemann's, 2 for $1.00. Second Ftoor Travel Prints and Silk Satin Crepe Beautiful New Fall Patterns and Colors-- > Special Dollar Day VaUfe Yard s There^ iWttfilg smarter than travel prints and satin frocks and suits ... .and you won't find a, better Dollar Day>alue!' 39 inches wide. $1.00 yard. New Fall wool fabrics, speci&141.00 yard. ,vVv': ;r ^ ^ First'Flow w Fresh New Rompers for Tots 2 for <1 2. Here's proof that the "good old days" are here again. 2 rompers for $1.00. Many other remarkable values in the Infants' and Children's section. * . Second Floor" r.,. i ACKEMANN BROTHERS, ELGIN, ILL. Ask £or A Guest Parking Tag Alt Ackemann's New Fast Color English Prints t : 5 yds. »1 Use these new Fall English prints for children's tmd grown-ups' garments. Guaranteed washable quality. 36 inches wide. Dollar Day at Ackemann's--5 yards: $1.00. First Floor " ACKEMANN BROTHERS, ELGIN, ILL. 4-Slice Electric Toaster--Special • *1 Toasts^slflces"quickly and evenly. Dollar Day at Ackemann's, $1.00 6 lb. Electric Iron, special $1.00 Downstairs Store - ACKEMANN BROTHERS, ELGIN, ILL, Men's Sl Neckties 3 for 1200 silk ties in this group, each tie was made to sell for $1.00. New patterns and colors, 3 for $1.00. ^ i JI»V Store ;V Men's Fine Broadcloth Shirts Collar Attached Styles-In White, Tan, Green, Blue- . . _ r ±: Sizes 14 to 17" Special 2 for You'll have to hurry for this value! Men's broadcloth shirts in wanted collar attached styles. Colors are blue, tan, green and the ever popular white. Sizes 14 to 17, sleeve lengths 33, 34, 35. Each shirt brand new!; .WM10ksy last^ for $1.00. en s Stor •' ACKEMANN BROTHERS, ELGIN, ILL. 6-fli Step Ladders* with ppil rest >.:• <1 The first time we have ever offered a step ladder, 6 feet high for $1.00.--Don't overlook this value! Each step reinforced. While they last, $1.00. Downstairs Store ACKEMANN BROTHERS, ELGIN, iLL. ACKEMANN Department Store Colonial Table Lamp You'll have to see this three candle colons ial lamp to appreciate its remarkable beauty. Regular $3.50 v&ine. While they last, $1.00. . ">"••••• Thini Ftotr Uj:.; i- -