y \ l - < : r > . v.: :V , ;/ ;••..* - v:.- „.v - ' .. yr.' •; v , -i-Q:y,-v * 1 ^ '« V-: ;l v." *.;•; •- '• Residents organize IMPROVEMENT ASSN. ^-v„:, • mm ^ The Northern Illinois Improvement Association of McHenry County, with <£ membership of 190, is on the road to do business in a business way. Harty Wright has just received the charter for. said club, which will go on fecord at Woods^pck. The following jjTici'rs have been elected: ^President--Albert "Vales. •."v.'-V.'i Vice-President--E, R. SattW. *^r' Treasurer--A- J. DrUckfer. Secretary--Henry Harder. Diectors--Harry Wright, M. A. Sutton, Charges Herdrick. The members of the club have given Harry Wright a vote of thanks for '•;$lis work as sole organizer of the dub and proclaim him a real booster. •. The club meetings will take place lit the Community House, located on tfce East river road, neaT the dam. Plenty of work is ahead of this organization. • •4 The aim of this cl»tt> is tQ secure iietter and nioderri roadff;l'mbre local improvements for taxes paid; to keep l&e water supply pure by educational !,tidks to members and others interested; to preserve the natural beauty and '$f'a:pjmesis of Fox River by instructive '^IkS'-'to all interested. } Fifty per 'cent of the memifers are ||hfermapent residents here. COlfNTY CONVENTION V v' Members* 8f the W. C. T- U. and all ittterested are invited to attend the eounty convention at Woodstock in the Baptist church, Friday, Oct. 30. -^-All day session. Come and bring tonch. HARRIET HOWE. '• •/ ~ h STRUCK BY CAR Miss-Frances Niesen is recovering from bruises received when- she was &ruck by a car Sunday as she was crossing t^e street near St.. Mary's •-'iflttrch. /„ NOTICE DF HEARING r Notice is hereby given of the filing by the undersigned, with the Illinois Commerce J^pmmission, of an application for a certificate of Convenience. j«id Necessity to operate as a Motor Carrier for the transportation cf property between McHenry, Volo, Wauconda, Lake Zurich and Chicago. Information as to^ the time and Jtace of the hearing of this application may be secured by communicat- -«g with the Secretary of the Illinois Commerce Commission, Springfield, iii. Downs Motor Express Company, .Inc. *22-2 C. H. Downs, Pres. Receiver Ordered To Pay Additional 6% Dividend Theo. Hamer, receiver for the Citizens State Bank of McHenry, received the following letter from State Auditor Oscar Nelson, under date of Octoberjjl, 1931: 'Mr. Theo. Hamer, Receiver, "Citizens State Bank of McHenry* "Crystal Lake, Illinois. "Dear Sir:V "Your report of .Receipts and Disbursements as filed with this department, shows that you have sufficient money on hand after reserving enough for the payment of preferred claims and expenses to pay a dividend of 6 per cent- "There is therefore ordered and declared a $4,781.05, or a dividend of 6 per cent on $79,675.38, in amount of claims which have been proven to the satisfaction of the Auditor of Public Accounts and adjudicated by the Circuit Court. "You will therefore prepare dividend checks in the amounts as shown by the ..attached report and mail them, by. United States man, to the clai- "Very truly yours, Y . . "OSCAR NELSON,; p ^ . ' 'Auditor of'PuWic:;AWcS8lts;' "Signed hj? A. R. Drennaii, "Auditor in charge of Receiverships." This dividend is in addition to the 10 per cent dividend heretofore paid by the receiver. --• •>>;-•» • ' Beautiful Trinidad Y':;V'Y • Qtre langorous island of Trllidttt is aptly called the "Land of Humming Birds." The tiny, irridescent creature# swarm about the gorgeous' roses, hibiscus, poinsettia, crotons, bouganvik leas, jasmine and other flowers that gfow rampant on the Island. -' WEDDING AUTflVEESAKY , i B « n y 1 Sc<0> Marvelous Precocity Pjascal, the great French philosopher and scientist, at the age of twelve, with a few strokes and circles, discovered' mathematics. At sixteen he had written JJie most learned treatise on conic sections known since classical times. T» Scar* Off Witches ' '; fcgzag patterns so often painted on ipaHs, fireplaces and other parts of |(i house were not put there for mere 4tecorations. According to Stuart Piggott\ an authority on English folk lore, this type of decoration was used Id olden days to keep witches out of * house. Since most of them were •opposed to enter by a chimney, these itjtaes were traced on thehe&rthstone. jj-Detrolt News. Uawrittea L Literally, "lex non scri pta," meant •Bwritten law. It refers to the comnon law, as distinguished from the Statute or written la v. Choice of Usage The original and correct foriffli Of hair-brained Is "harebrained." It means flightly, reckless, skittish, and refers to the characteristics of the hare. "Mad as a March hare" had a similar application. The word, however, Is now frequently written "lmirbralned," even by good writers. Sources of Vitamins Government tests show that vitamin G, which is a food factor promoting growth, Is from five to eight times more abundant In beef liver, pork liver and beef kidney than in le*n beef, pork or lamb. In Reptile Class All species of turtles and tortoUIW are classed as reptiles by zoologists. * Knowledge and Duty Knowledge is the hill which few may hope to climb; duty Is the path that ill may tread.--Lewis Morris. ' of relatives surprised Mr ITilliam J. Meyers at their home in Johnsburg Saturday evening in honor of their silver wedding anniversary. They were presented with a gift of silver in honor of the ee< skin. Cards furnished entertainment for the guests during the evening and prizes were won by Mrs. George King, Mrs. John King and Mrs- Jacob Steffes. Mr. and Mrs. Meyers were married at St. John's church, Johnsburg*^ just twenty-five years ago by Father Mehring. They have six children, three boys and three girls, and all are at home with the exception of the oldest child, Loretta, who works in Chicago. Mrs. Meyers was before her marriage Margareth King, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John King, of McHenry. She has five brothers, Joe, George, Steve and John of Johnsburg, and Louis of Kenosha, and three sister?, Mrs. Jacob Steffes and Mrs. Jack Thies of McHenry, and Mrs. Julia Bohmer of Wilmette.. Mr. Meyers is the son of Theodore Meyers and has one brother, B. H. Meyers, of Racine, and four sisters living, Mrs. Frank Mathieu of Johnsburg and Mrs. Joe Skifano, Mrs. Ed. Senst, MVs. Margaret Thomas of Chicago. • \,v -' . ^ • Those from McHenry who attended the party were; Mr. and Mrs/John King, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thies and Mr., and Mrs. Jacob Steffes. - -K. of C. Party One of the largest Hallowe'en parties of the season was held at the K. C. hall Tuesday evening, when the local Knights of Columbus had as their guests the members of Court- Joyce Kilmer, Catholic Daughters of America, who in turn were privileged to invite a guest and the K. C. members invited their ladies. Nearly 156 guests were present to enjoy the eve* ning which was spent in cards an£ dancing, with music furnished by the Gold Coast orchestra- Mr. King, $ talented musician from Chicago, was also present and played with the or* chestra., The halb was decorated i*l Hallowe'en colors for the occasion. Refreshments were furnished by the Daughters of America. The Boy Scouts are accoiui>nohing very much at their meetings. Their previous meeting was Monday, October 26. Harold Vycital had charge and had a very well planned meeting. ' When the meeting began all the Scouts faced the flag while the buglers played to the colors. Mr. Schoenholtz gave a very interesting talk on "Health, what to do in case of a snake bite, poisonous or non-poisonous," and "The Hknds, the greatest germ carriers of the world." After his talk we played games, which were "Chariot Race" and "Knot, tying." When we finished our games we sang these songs: "Do a good turn daily," sung to the tune of "Keep the Home Fires Burning," "S'weet Ivory Soap," sung to the tune of Sweet Adeline." and "It , isn't any trouble, just to smile." There will be a Court of Honor held at the McHenry high school auditorium Monday, Nov. 10. ; The officials expect that many of the local boys will receive higher rank badges. Everybody welcome. BRUCE GRANGER. | V ' ' •' : ' V ; • Deaf-and-Dumb Alphabets The art of communicating by means of the deaf-and-dumb alphabet is termed dactylology. The one-hand manual alphabet was perfected by the Abbe de l'Epee, who died In 1789, and the two-hand alphabet, probably based on that of George Dalgarno of Aberdeen, published in 1680. Card Cm Miss Katie Weber was not the members of her card club on Wed- ; nesday afternoon of last week, Five hundred was played and prizes werf awarded to Mrs. F. O. Gans, Miss Katio Weber and Mrs. J. C. Bidder. The next meeting will be si 'h&M&^ of Mrs. Josephine Heimer. \ 'Hfeh' School Party .;.*%iM>;.anniuii Hallowe'en partjr give# by the Sophomores for the Freshmen and faculty took place Saturday even, ing at the high school. The large yym was decorated in the Hallowe'en colors of orange and black and favors Sppropj-iate to the occasion were used. Miss Geister, popular game leader, Was in charge of the evening's entertainment and a merry, evening was spent. A lurtch - was . served by„ the Sophomores. - f * * ^ ^ ^ ^ y V^f V^f 9^9 T Eastern Star Mr*. George H. Johnson acted as worthy matron at Friends Night at a meeting of the Hebron chapter, O. E.N S., on Wednesday night of last week. She was accompanied aift escorted l>y Mesdames Ony Wheeler, Lillian Sayler, Alice Lindsay, Calla Perkins, Jennie Eddy, Minnie Miller, E. Carlson, Emma Smith, Fannie Thompson, Cora Bassett, Arline Pearson *1^ Luella Stephenson. • Attend Style Show The faculty and students of the McHenry high school attended a style show aind tea given b»y the home economics class, under the supervision of Misses Helen McDonald and Lillian Kortendick at the school, Thursday afternoon. Bunco Party . Mrs. Peter J. Schaefer entertained a party of twelve ladies at her home on Waukegan street Thursday tffternoon. Bunco was played and prizes were awarded to Mrs. Frank Thurl- Well, Mrs. Georgie A. Meine and Mrs. Jacob Thies. Refreshments served at the close of the games* Hallowe'en Party Mrs. J. Vale entertained a party of friends at a Hallowe'en party Saturday evening. Those present were: Misses Katherine and Ellen Comstock, Jean Callahan, Julia and Marie Weingart, Gertrude' and Mary,Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Comstock, Mr. and Mrs- Jack Roderick, James Comstock, Joe and Guy Johnson, Henry Miller, John Weingart, Fred Huemaan, Joe Deidier and Donald Vale. Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church Mission festival services will be held next Sunday at Zion Evangelical Lutheran church at 2:15 in the afternoon. Supt. Vetter of the Addison Orphanage will deliver an address in the German language. English services will be held at 7:30 in the evening, in charge of Rev. H. Roppreet of Harvard. ARMISTICE • DAY LEST WE FORQET "In Flancters fields the poppies grow, Amidst the crosses, row on row. v LTHOUGfl « thousand weary miles ofr ocean- lie between ia and the graves of those who gave their lives in 1917 and 1918 . . . and although the years be long since their sacrifice was new . . . we have not forgotten. Nor have we forgotten the sacrifice made by those who were spared us and who live today. Armistice Day is their day. ... and we join the world in paying homage to our heroes. \ - The American Legion is continually endeavoring to see that/those whe are disabled as a result of the great^ponflict receive the proper care and compensation. Thousands of these brave fellows are crippled for the balance of their lives. They must be provided for and the American Legion gladly accepts this great task. - - McHenry Post, No. 491, American Legion, will Day by sponsoring a big "Red, White and Blue' '• : at the Bridge Ball Room (formerly the Polly Prim), McHenry, .on the evening of November 11. These ex-service men are real entertainers and they invite everybody to join in the festivities. Dance to the music of Frankie Gans' Skylarks. - r , ~ ^ This advertisement is donated to the American Legioa by tlie CHICKEN DINNER AND BAZAAR ON DECEMBER 13 The Ladies' Aid Society met at the home of Mrs. H. B. Schaefer Thursday afternoon with a good attendance of members and visitors present. Plans were made for the annual bazaar and chicken dinner to be given Thursday, December 3, at the M. E. church. Committees appointed were: Dinner, Mrs. John Fay; tables, Mrs. A. W. Krug; desserts, Mrs. P. E. Cobb; bazaar, Mrs. James Sayler, Mrs. C. R. Duker. Every member is asked to donate an article to sell at the bazaar and also to solicit at least one donation from a friend. It is expect-' ed that the usual fine line of Christmas gifts, fancy work, aprons and useful articles will be on display again this year. Donations may be left with the committee. This annual event is one of the biggest of the year and the patronage of the public is always appreciated. Refreshments were served at the close of the meeting. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. D. I. Granger D. T. SMILEY, Attorney EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Estate of Everett Hunter, Sr., deceased. The undersigned, having been appointed Executrix of the last will and testament of Everett Hunter, Sr., deceased, late of the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that she will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the December 1931 term, on the first Monday in December next, at which time all persons having claims against said estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make JnAiediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 13th day of October, A. D. 1931. EMILY H. HTJNTER, 'i ,.V' . How to ssll itt v a ed ad. • • % If-*?" " '-:V V -\ " at more to be desired than sadness; so ,iV 7 as gaSety rather than gravity is the hand* maid of happiness; so long as hope of the future is to be preferred over the experi# enices of the past; just so long will out National Holidays be celebrated in at spirit of victory rather than that of sor* row and retrospection. ^ *V *rV To Memorial Day, Independence Day and Thanksgiving, Day has been added, another great holiday, gr6wing* greater, too, as the years slip behind the curtain of the past,*.., This occasion is- Armistice Day," November 11th, k ^ration of that other day, when, in an ordinary railway ^ f -coach on a sidetrack "somewhere in France," the leaders'^ of great contending armies signed the -pact which silenced machine guns, gwinnded $ie tfmm, o * covered the field guna--let us hope--forever, • • • • V"" ' To celebrate this occasion in McHenry, Wednesday e November 11th, McHenry, Post, 491, the American on, will hold a red, white and blue carnival aad danoe he Bridge Ball Room in McHenry. - ^ •::• This plac ormerly known as C^discotirse popular music, dance music, and will make y> - : feel glad and gay. There will be carnival booths, a / • chandise booth, a refreshment booth, a game of • ^ many other amusements. There is a reception commi and a floor committee and every made to provide you with a good time. The tickets are only $1.00, ladies all enter Come--give the In the hope that it will help bring a large crowd and thus assist them in their-- peat work, this advertisement is donate ed to the American Legion with the-_|| ^ • compliments of HcKENRT CO. FARMERS CO-OP. ASSN., FEEDS aid SEEK SDSS-PAGE MOTOR SALES, THOMAS P. BOLGER, DRDG STORE v RAY McfiEE^CLOTHING •0fv. .. M - ' r ; • " ^ v • d