* !r &*, .fcf'a. - . .J . . i . - . _ -.1 , ' ' » • "" ' • •"* M'HENBT PLAIHDBALER, THTOUsWAY, WOVEMBER 5, 1931 - *t f Hlf • earn saw* J <v;~ t ~vl :wm J**.,.. 53?-*sfe»f:ta<ags-^ "" *•- i.C ST^i -jL/asx M*- . t 3*4*: ^ ** "• '! *,, \ rV ^ i ,^T, » jf w* • J.-4 ^ •4 <8* €tub MiWS Hallowe'en Party i The members of St. Clam's Court, l^ady Foresters, enjoyed a Halloween party in the church hall on Wednesday evening of last week. The guests •11 came dressed in costumes appro- 5 ||»riate to the occasion and were di- - fee ted to enter the hall from the rear "Jn true Hallowe'en style. Here they •.'. %-ere escorted through the darkness by jrhostp with their pathway marked by Jrleaminp jack-o-lanterns * until they •ntered the hall which was beauti- •ffully decorated in pumpkins, corn ftalks. and yellow and black crepe •jpaper. A beautiful feature of the /decorations was a witches caldron ^%anping over a realistic fire in 9 tepee com stalks and this with other dec- ; Orations gave evidence of the work ;*0£nd interest displayed by the com- •'.Zipittee in charge. Bridge, five hun- ;4red and bynco were played and six ^ *" frizes awarded,'after which a baked * ;'r lam dinner was served at tables dec- *•? *•', . , <* -©rated in black cats and the Hallow - colors-. .... 4y '"V" * f'T • The prizes' for the . best costume? "1 "• •- „>-vere presented to Mrs. Will Justen » *V*jind Mrs; Celia Justen, who were at- ' v tired as bride and groom, making a &-£V.4 *t"'^ost.charroing;-co;uple.': ; r. Hallowe'en Party' Mrp. Georgie A. Meine was hosteM !• to a party of friends at her home on kv- ' Waukegan street Saturday night at a fi * T'-Mallowe'en party. The home was !i£$L r. Ibeautifully decorated for the occasion , in autumn leaves and flowers and in ' . The Hallowe'en colors of orange and for*". black. • - The guests, air. came attired in cos- ; tomes appropriate for the occasion . . . -••and the evening was spent in telling J . 'Hallowe'en stories and in bunco. Prizes in bunco were won by Mrs. A. Gausden, Mrs. Phil Gulnto and Mrs. Charles Hoebler. > Refreshments were served with the guests finding their places at the table by means of appropriate place cards* Those present were: Mrs. Charles Hoebler and Miss Anna Burkhardt of Chicago, Mrs. Rose Mueller and Mrs. Frank Mathieu of Johnsburg, Mrs. Jacob Thies, Mrs. Adeline Gausden, Mrs. Phil Guinto, Mrs. Emma Freund, '. Mrs. James Powers, Mrs. Fred C. Schoewer, Mrs. Peter J. Schoewer, Peter J. Schaefer. 1 iJmfj Skewer Miu Verm Pitaen, a bride of this week, was guest of honor at a linen shower, given by her sister, Miss Edith Pitzen, at Bickler's hotel, last Thursday evening. Fi¥ie tables of bunco were played and prizes were awarded to Mabel King, Nellie Staines and Mrs. John Karls. Decorations were in green, yellow and white, the prevailing color scheme being carried out at the luncheon which was served after the games. Guests present were: fttrs. Mike Pitzen and daughters, Vera and Edith, Misses Loretta, Katherifte and Vendelina Diedrich, Viola and Nellie Staines, Louise Wolf, Bernice Weber, Isabel Schmitt,' Mrs. John Karls and daughter, Evelyn, Mrs. Celia Fox, Verona Britz, Mabel King, Mrs. A. Noonan, Madeline Worts, Mrs. Jesse Wormley, Bertilla Freund, Mrs. John Weber and Mrs. J. C- Bickler. CMttWffrtlttr dub The members of the Get-Together club surprised Mrs. Joe Huemann at her home at Johnsburg Tuesday evening in honor of her birthday anniversary. She was presented with a beautiful gift in honor of the occasion. Bunco was played and lunch served. Those present were: Mrs- A. Buchner, Mrs. Frank Mathieu, Mrs. Mat Freund, Mrs. Rose Mueller, Mrs. Mary Thelen, Mrs. John Mertes, Mrs. Clara Adams, Mrs. Wm. Maynald, Mrs. Peter 8chMf£r and Mrs. Joe Huemann, Jr. Social Wheel The Social Wheel met at the home of Mrs. F. A. Hitchens at Ringwood last Thursday afternoon. Twenty-six members and frietids were present to enjoy the afternoon which was spent in bridge with prizes being won by Mrs- Lillian Stevens, Mrs. Minnie Miller and Mrs. Mattie Smith. The next meeting will be held in the church parl6rs next Thursday,, . November 12. Election of officers will be held at this meeting and a one o'clock luncheon will be served with Mrs. Minnie Miller as chairmanrcf the c o m m i t t e e : ' - * ^ ' - Community Party A community Hallowe'en party was held at the Ostend school house Friday evening with about fifty-five people in attendance. The room was decorated in Hallowe'en colors with pumpkin?, cornstalks and colored lights carrying out the prevailing i4ea of the seasorv. Games and Hallowe'en stunts were played and lunch served with young and old all spending a very happy evening. L'/ v\; ?" Surprise Party A party of friends surprised Mrs. Russell Meade Tuesday evening in honor, of her birthday anniversary. She was presented with a gift in: honor of the o^asion. Five hundred was played and prizes were won by Mrs. James Campbell and Miss Ro* Vean Marshall. Refreshments were served, including an attractive birthday cake. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. James Campbell, RoVena Marshall, Marie Powers, Clyde Carr and Earl Marshall. 5 ! K. ffM. Cart Partjr " - v Fox River Valley Camp, R. N. A-, sponsored a public card party at Woodman k&H Tuesday evening. Prizes in bridge w£re won by Mrs. Simon Stoffel and Mrs. E, E, Bassett, in ftvw krffadfed they were awarded to Mrs'. F. -C. Schoewer and Lelah Bacon and in bunco1 they Went to Mrs. Pet«r J» Schoewer, and Mris. Frank Wattles. Lunih was served." Emerald Bridge Club Meets Mrs. Vincent Martin was hostess to the members of the Emerald Bridge club Tuesday afternoon. Prizes at e$rds were |fon(by Mw- Thomas Wilson, Mirs. N.- J^Nye and Mrs. Albert Vales. Refreshments were served at the elosfc of the afternoon. School Parties The children of the lower g-ta^es at the public school enjoyed hallowe'en parties on Friday. Some of the children came masked and dressed in costume and the day was full of thrills for the youngsters., some of whom were attending their very first Hallowe'en party. The children played games ^and had lunch and the ^ay wits ,a happy one for them. ... H Mid-Week Club The ladies of the Mid-Week curd dub and their husbands were entertained At the home of Mrs. C. W. Goodell on Wednesday evening of^last week. Six tables <of bridge were in play and prizes were won by Mrs. J. J. Marshall, Mrs. C. H. Duker," Mrs. Ben Diets, F. A, Bohlander and E. E. Bassett. Birthday Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Louis Althoff entertained a party of friends at their home on Waukegan street Thursday evening in honor of the former's birthday Anniversary. Five hundred was played and prizes were awarded to Mrs. Wm. H. Althoff, Alex Adams and Mr- and Mrs. John R. Freund. Lunch was served. Guests were: Messrs. and Mesdames Peter J. Schaefer, John R. Freund, Nick Adams, William H. Althoff |lr- Alex Adams. "• . A '• Mid-Week Club The xiext meeting of the'Mid-Week, Card club jwill be held Wednesday afternoon, November 18, at the home of Mrs. Charles Rietesel. 1TATHAN M'NISH 1 Entertains Friends ' Mrs. Joe Frett entertained a party "of ladies at her home at Johnsburg Tuesday evening. Three tables of five hundred were played and prizes were awarded to Mrs. John V. Freund, Mrs. Ben Stilling, Mrs. Jacob A. Miller and Mrs. William Oeffling. Lunch was served. Linger Longer thb The Linger Longer club met at the home of Mrs. Fred C. Schoewer Friday evening with two tables of bunco in play. Prizes were won by Mrs. Charles Mertes, Mrs. Louis McDonald and Mrs.. Peter Weber. Refreshments were served at the close of the games. , Nathan McNish, 63 years old, of 262 DuPage street, Elgin, dropped dead at 3:30 o'clock Monday afternoon in front of the K. C. club rooms in Elgin. He was a former resident of this vicinity, living at Barreville until eleven years ago when he went "to .Elgin to live. TTe was born in McHenry county, August 23, 1867, and was a member of the Crystal Lake camp of Modern Woodmen. • Surviving him are his son, David of Peoria; one sister, Mrs. B. F. Thomas, of Carthage, Mo.; and'one grandchild- Funeral services were held this (Thursday) afternoon at 1:30 o'clock at Elgin with burial in the family lot in the cemetery near Barreville- F NOTICE Examinations for teachers' certificates will be held in the office of the county superintendent of schools in the Court House in Woodstock on Friday and Saturday, November 13 and 14, beginning at 8:30 a. m. 23 - ETHEL C. COE, Co. Supt. Simaini It Up* The bird learns no fly by flying, not b» helnr tr>M n^ont in oft a lot of cash your pocket, thare temptation to make a lot of needless expenditures. Then, too, there's the everpresent risk of losing som% of it or miscounting in making change, to say nothing of possibly forgetting what bills you paid. Stop using Cash and * • » P& « • SM# $ PAY BY CHECK! Open an account with either of these dependable Banks and thus always have both a record and a receipt for every dollar youVe out! - Start That Account To-day! Remember to attend the Red, White and Blue Carnival and Dance at the Bridge Ball Room Armistice Day Night' Sponsored by the American Legion Mrs. IK. J. Kent spent Tuesday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Weber spent Sua* day at Ringwood. James and Joseph Walsh were El» gin visitors Sunday. Miss Margaret Trent is now employed at Barrington. Will and John Sutton were Elgin visitors Saturday night. Mr, and Mrs. John Dreymiller visited at Woodstock Sunday. Miss Rita Martin spent the weekend with friends in Chicago. Miss Alvera Antholz visited at Ringwood Sunday afternoon. Miss Rosina Karls visited relatives in Chicago over the week-end. Mrs- Gertie Davis of Chicago spent' the week-end with relatives here. , Mrs. E. R. Siltton and Mrs. Albeit Vales were Elgin visitors Monday. ' Miss Ellen Walsh of South Bend, Ind., spent Sunday with home folks. „ Misses Genevieve and Dorothy Knox were Elgin visitors Saturday/ Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Kinsala of Cht»' cago vjsited relatives here Sunday. Mrs. Blanche Meade of Ciysfejf Lake was a McHenry visitor Monday^ Edwin Sherman of Lake Forest spent the week-end at his home here. Dick Wegener of Chicago spent the week-end at his home on Main street. Mr. and Mrs. George Stogel of Woodstock visited relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Simon of Chicago called on Mrs. Rose Mueller Friday. Mrs. J*./ McCabe and daughter, Lucy, ^were Waukegan "visitors Sunday. Mrs. Martha Page visited Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Davis at Iroqtiftis, 111., last week . " " Mrs. Alice Leppert of Fox Lake visited her mother, Mrs. Minnie Miller, Tuesday. Mrs. William H. Althoff spent Mon. day with her husband at the Hines hospital. v N fH. Petesch of Oak Park played golf at the McHenry Country club Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Bolts of Dundee were callers in the Louis Althoff home Sunday. j Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Sholes of "Chicago were recent guests in the, M. J. Kent home. Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Meyers and children were Woodstock visitors Sunday evening. Mrs. Walter Warner and daughters of Elgin visited relatives here the last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Truax of Crystal Lake were ^IcHenry. visitors Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. David Stanley and son of Woodstock were Sunday afternoon callers in the W. A. Sayler home. Mrs. E- R. Sutton and Mrs. Thomas Bolger visited Mrs. Walter Warner at Elgin Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lange and baby of Waukegan visited »n the William Bacon home Sunday. MV. and Mrs. Henry Lange and baby of Waukegan visited in the William Bacon home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Perkins and family of Yorkville visited in the James Perkins home Sunday- Mr. and Mrs. James Rainey of Ringwood visited her mother, Mrs. Alma Thomas, Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Rossman and children of Carpentersville visited in the Albert Rossman home Sunday. Mrs. Nellie Jensen and daughter, Edna, 01 Woodstock called on the former's mother, Mrs. A. Frisby, Saturday. Mrs. Ellen Ensign visited Mrs. Emma Fohrman at Elgin and Mrs. Mary Seiler at Hampshire a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoebler and Miss Anna BuHchart of Chicago were week-end guests of Mrs. Georgia A. Meine. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Mieade and little daughter of Elgin spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sayler. Mrs. Mary Harris returned to her home at Wauconda Friday, after a few days' visit with Mrs. J. E. Wheeler. Mr. and Mrs. William Althoff and son, Bernard, of Johnsburg were Sunday evening vistiors in the Louts Althoff home. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Althoff and Mrs. Wim. H. Althoff visited the latter'a husband at the Hines hospital, Chicago, Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Schoewer were Chicago visitors Tuesday. Mrs. R. J. Gebel returned with them and will be their guest for the remainder of the week. Mrs. Stephen Walsh and son, Richard, and Mrs. Mary Kennealy and Mr. and Mrs. William Garrison of Elgin were Sunday guests in the James Frisby home. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Purvey and son, >Tack, and Miss Clarice Miller attended the silver wedding anniversary dinner of Mr. and Mrs Jay Compton at Woodstock, Sunday. Mrs. Will Belcher, Miss Annabel Fish, Mrs. Clifford Harvey, Mrs. Warren Thomas and Mrs. A. F. Alexander of Woodstock attended- the Eastern Star meeting Monday night. Among those who attended the Eastern Star meeting at Libertyville on Oct. 28 were Mrs. J. E. Wheeler and guest, Mrs. Mary Harris. Francss and Elsie Vycital, Mrs. A. Eddy and Mrs. J. Beavis. Tho^e who accompanied Mrs. James Perkins to Grayslake on Oct. 27 were Mrs, James Beavis, Frances and Elsie Vycital, Mrs- J. E. Wheeler, M!rs. J. R. Smith, Mr*. Andrew Eddy, Mrs. E. E. Bassett, Mrs- John Fay, Mrs. iMary Harris. Banks of McHenry ; Hew to Be a Hi|kkr«w It Isn't hard to be a highbrow. You Just pretend to understand wherf another pretends to be awed by a messy daub of paint.--Birmingham News. BrUMf Tali Chasing rainbows is a poor way to provide fee a ntny ,;v:; O LONG more to be desired than sadness; so long as gaiety rathef than gravity is the handmaid of happiness; so long as hope of the future is to be preferred over the experiences of the past; just so long will our National Holidays be celebrated in a spirit of victory rather than that of sorrow and retrospection. : - V RED. and BLUE CARNIVAL AND Bridge Ball Room. Armistice Wedm^W Evming> Nov. 11 GIVEN AMERICAN LEGION . Music by. v , , •: > ' Frankie Gans^ Skylarks Admission $1 Ladies Free Attend the big Fodtftafl Game in the afternoon-- St. Mary's, Woodstock vs. McHenry H. S. at High School. » This Ad Is Donated to t|»e American Legion by Harry Townsend, Chevrolet ' Carey Electric Shop Wattles Drug Store/ , Overton & Cowen John R. $nox _ - ; McHenry Flour Mills Barbian Bros. v McHenry Plaindealer HSI