THIS H'HKNKT PLAIHDEALER, THPMDAY, HOVXKBKK 5,1931 • - *>--«jin>in Franklin devised as IMt for reaching books on high •helves. A Jong wooden handle had (wo hinged clasps affixed. They wera controlled by a pull of the rtrtoi IB the hand. Cat Your Own Patten* "really wishes to be lit mind and character, he mnst follow the Ideals ire has set for hir not'follow those of the Work I* Not All Practical 11V all men and \vom«„ i'hAve attained positions of distinction afld inflnence have shown qualities than the capacity for hard rAmeriran Magazine.' The' Cro-Magnon type of .human beings lived in Europe probably for about 15,000 vtears. They were physlcallv much superior to the human beings of today; their brains weighed one-sixth more than our?, and their average height was'6 feet 3 inches.-- Exchange. . '. ; . , /' , r ' ;UuwlAn,-lnrt^' Florence - Ray, D. C,^ Chiropractor and Masseurist ofke Hours--£ to 5 and 7 to 8 p. m. Sunday by Appointment / . • ^X*Ray. Serfiefe'}• • - One mile from McHenry oil Route 20 V ' J - ' at' J-T .• ; A ~*t Henry Kennebeck residence : - v ' * 2 1 - 4 DR. C. Optometrist and Optician WALSH'S DRUG STORK >-7-- Riverside Drive erory Saturday afternoon, 2 to 7 p. m. f(ye^ examined and glasses made tor order only " . Also all repairs Telephone No. 108-R ~P~\ Stoffcl & Reihansperger Insurance agents for all classes property in the best companies. WEST McHENRY - - ILLINOIS CONNEL M. McDERMOTT ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Hours--Every evening, 7 to 8:3® ' All day Saturdays Fries BMg. Cor. Green and Elm Sts. Tel. McHenry 258 McHenry, IIL • - Phone Richmond 16 Dr. JOHN DUCEY VETERINARIAN TB and Blood Testing RICHMOND. ILLINOIS McHENRY GRAVEL A £ EXCAVATING CO. A. P. Freund, prop. Road Building and Excavating Estimates Furnished on ; Request • High-grade Gravel Delivered at any time--large or small orders given prompt attention Phone 204-M McHenry HENRY V. SOMPEL General Teaming Sand, Gravel and Goal for Sale $radin£, Graveling and Road Work Pone By Contract • of ®very Description / .'»V -tpBt- By Day Phone McHenry 649-R-3 l ^ McHenry, 111. Those Wanting Something Different' 7^ Find Appeal in Bungalow Plan By W. A. RADFORD Mr. William A. Radford will answer questions and give advice FREE OF COST on all subjects pertaining to practical home building, for the readers of this paper. On account of his •wide experience as editor/author and manufacturer, he'Is, without doubt, thw highest authority on all these subjects. Address all inquiries to William A. 'Radford, No. 407 South Dearborn treet, Chicago, 111.; and only inclose t stamp for" rfeply. ; ' Practically every orie who builds a •home,-except those who put up houses to sell, wants and seeks individuality. Few people erect homes with any other expectation than that they will live in them many years. For this reason, they select designs that are different from those in the neighborhood, for that is what lends distinction to the new home; It reflects the "individuality" of the owners. Nothing is so inartistic as a^row of houses that all present the same , appearance. Undoubtedly the reader has cast his eye along a street In which the homes were all built at the same time, by the same builder. There may be slight changes in the roof lines of the different houses; the porches may be larger or smaller, and placed at different points; but the general effect has a "sameness" that leads to the thought that "here is a neighborhood of a(j people who have no ideas, or, rather, no ideas different from their neighbors, when it comes to building a home." I To meet this desire for something different from the general rim, architects have racked their brains, called "on their experience and education and have evolved from their minds so many different home designs that there fs little if any excuse for the prospective builder to have anything but a bouse,that is distinctive. Of course, in following this idea no one 4 right of the hall through a cased open ing Is the living room, which Is unusually large for this type of house-r 13 by 22 feet. At one end Is a fireplace, which may be fitted with a gas grate, wher«r;gas is obtainable, and on either side of the fireplace are bookcases. Over each bookcase is a window, while at the other end of the room are four windows. These windows, coupled -with the double, folding french doors leading to the sun parlor, make the room .light and airy. Th« sun parlor is of exceptionally good size, bei'n^ 10 feet wide and 15 -feet long. These two rooms may be thrown together, making both available for entertainments. Also, what will appeal to the housewife Is the opportunity for artistic furnishings, and arrangement of them, that this robin arrangement affords. / To the rear is the dining -room, an other large room, 12 by 15 feet in dimensions,! while at the rear is the kitchen, 7 by 11 feet 3 Inches. A door leading out of the dining room connects with a short hall. At either end of this hall are two bedrooms, each the same size, 10 feet 3 Inches by 12 feet 6 Inches. Between the bedrooms and direjctly opposite the door into the dining room is the bathroom. A goodsized closet iSjj connected with each bedroom. Another feature of this btingalow is the fact that its roof arrangement provides for a good-sized attic, the dormer windows on either side making it practical to partition oft rooms that may be used when necessary for bedroouts, or for playrooms for the children, or for any other purpose the housekeeper may desire. A basement extends under the whole of the house, providing space for storage and for the heating plant and for the laundry equipment. The dimensions of the house are*26 By 48 feet,,with a 10;f6ot extension at the front for the sun parlor. Considered from the viewpoint of unusualnesji/ combined with comfort that^c-omes from lar^e, well-lighted rooms- and the convenience of the compact arrangement, this bungalow design will be found very desirable b.v the.home builder who wants a house that has "individuality." A report of the state department of public health states that during the week .October 11-17 there was a 28 per cent julmp ih the prevalence of diphtheria arid a 42 per cent drop .in infantile paralysis- The state prison commission, among other things, recommends the formation of a new board of pardons and paroles, with each member paid a good salary an<f prohibited from engaging in any other business. In a unanimous opinion, on October 20, the Illinois supreme court held the prevailing wage law unconstitutional. The court's decision opens the way for resumption of work on many millions of dollars of public construction work throughout Illinois. P. O. Address; Route 3 WM. M. CARROLL r - L a w y e r . tHEce with West McHenry State Bank Every Friday Afternoon Hwm 4 , McHenry, Hlinoit flwee 126-W ^Reasonable Kate* A. H. SCHAEFER . Drayiag; , HiHENBY^ ILLINOIS -In Sure-Insurance WITH .G.Schreiner f- Auctioneering 0 * OFFICE AT RESIDENCE ' Phone 9i-R f • ; McHenry, Illinoii Floor Plan. wants to pick-a house that is so different from its neighbors that It looks out of place, but it can be and must he, to give the satisfaction that a home builder (leserves, an outstanding building. -- The bungalow presents many opportunities for variety. Also, any of the -different home building materials may be used in its construction. This gives a chance for a row of bungalows <• to be very dissimilar and still give harmony to the appearance of a street or neighborhood. Such a bungalow is shown In the accompanying, illustration. A study of thfi exterior lines will tjhOw how distinctive It l*t ThfePe are lew straight lirlt?!*, but the angles and corners are graceful antl, as a whole, it Is harmonious. This home, of course, will c< st more than the average bungalow of simple design, but for those who want to put a little extra money into a home, It is a design that can be highly recommended. The sun parlor, with its five sides, in each of which there Is a window, orj windows, and the brick pillars that apparently support It, ,1s unusual. So are the roof lines and the entrance door at the side. ^ To realize how much room It hast and its good size and convenient arrangement all that is needed is to study the floor plans that accompany the exterior view. Two steps up lead to a small pltaform and to the exterior door. Inside is a small vestibule, out of which 'up three steps lead into a hall, through french doors. To the Leaded Glass Available for Use in Small House Liaded glass in the old English manner, with medallions or heraldic crests suitable in feeling and cost to the small home, is now available In rectangles or diamonds for as little as $1.25 a square foot in either domestic clear or colored glass. Medallions or centerpieces range from $4 upward. Installation costs vary according to "locatloij. Here Is news that will be really. Interesting to owners of small homes. Much of the charm and individuality of early English. Georgian arid Colonial houses was due to the use of leaded glass In their window openings. Along Vrith a growing appreciation of these old-time homes has come 'a revival of interest in leaded glass such as was used in,th<tai. Leaded panes are so much more interesting than mere sheets of glass and give a room such a cozy. Inviting appearance--at the same time adding a note of smartness to the exterior--that a tyuise Is materially Improved, and its resale value Is Increased through their dse. And now, thanks to the owner of one studio, the twenty-eighth generation of workers In stained glass, leaded glass wln jows are ob^inable >t a reasonable cost. Tha olden-i|>»ife feeling that things made during the period when good craftsmanship was the rule is one of the most appealing things about these leaded windows. Color is another. A bit of color judiciously Introduced in living room, dining room or stairway window brightens the Interior and make! f«r charm and Interest. The Illinois Agricultural association has declared, that hog cholera has broken out in almost every county of the state. A -statement of the U. S,. Department «f Agriculture wairns farmers that, vaccination is the only means of giving bogs immunity against hog cholera. • Trench mouth has more than tripled in prevalence in Illinois in the last two months according to a report by Dr. A. Hall, state health director. i Acording to a report from the United States bureau of mines, Illinois held third place in bituminous coal production during the week ending October 10. The total tonnage for the week in Illinois was 892,000 tons, an increase of 137,000 net tons,-over the preceding week. Secretary of State William J. Strat-. ton recently called attention of Illinois track operators to th© reduction in their motor vehicle fees under an act of the last General Assembly- Truck fees will continue to be based on combined weight of the vehicle and the maximum load. However, the legislature reduced tile minimum fee from $12.00 to $10.00 thereby affecting considerable saving to small truck operators. Secretary Stratton . suggests that all truck operators carefully follow the schedule of weights and fees printed on the reverse side of trtock ,application forms in making oat their applications and submitting their fees* -h " V* VAite Sugar Sweeter Uncrose is the sweetening agent hi OTgar, White granulated sugar fg 90 per cent sucrose, while brown sugar If between 96-99 per cent sucrose. Brow® sugar may seem sweeter at times, but; white granulated sugar really contain# more of the sweetening agent. His Otrifwal Faalt "As a rule," said Uncle Eben, Mde man dat says nobody can't fool him has stahted out, de fus* thing, by foolta' his se'f."--Washingtott fi^M'- s -4 J, Useful Toad '• A jffdtit toad hat been observed to catch *28 flies In less than half, an hour. Who Conquers TTlhmTf He conquers twice who conqaera himself" In victory.--Cyrus. ^ Farm vs.'City ' ~ On a farm a man has a chance hlnk things out.--Country Horn a. to S - V ; ; A ' . ' A t H o m e ^r 'greatest orutoi-s neve^'opeo their mouths in the presence of thelir wives, except in > astoirlshment.r-Col'f Weekly. Atty. General Oscar E. Carlstrom has recently advised that nothing in the law forbids a school board member from voting a contract to his employer, unless a pecuniary profit to the board members is involved. Attorney General Oscar E. Carlstrom recently expressed the opinion that a sheriff is- entitled to his pay without going to the county board for it. In a recent address at Rockford, Director Rodney H. Brandon, of the state department -of public welfare, outlined five remedial measures that Governor Louis L. Emmerson's commission on child welfare legislation will place before the General Assembly at its next regular session in 1933. The five measures are: the enlargf;- Calls («r Planning^ The problem of latmchiug a great; modern ship Is no mean problem, con* sistlng in shifting a weight of soia% thousands of tons down to the water over a length of several hundred feet by means of innumerable pieces oi wood and some hundredweight* of soft soap and tallow. . ---- European Cheese Consumer* France and the Netherlands lead til the per capita consumption of'cheesej each person In both countries aver< aging 13.5 pounds annually. Germany : is next with a consumption 'of 9.5' pounds per capita. ' . Implicit Reliance . ' ' When the motor car wut? In Ita peri mental stage, we were always fussing with it, taking it apart. A» soon as It demonstrated /Its reliability, we at*once dropped onr anxiety about It and got reckless Jrf our driving.--» A raerlc&n Magnzir.e. • FARM BUREAU SERVICES We have auto, life, employers' liability, fire, lightning and windstorm (where it does not conflict with loca| mutuals) and hail and <?rop insurance. See the Special Agent in your terri* tory or call our office, Woodstock 443,' and secure your share of Jhese bene#- fits. . SPECIAL AGENT$ ^ K. E. Cristy, Rirgwood; Lloy^ Beiu well, West McHenry; Charles Ji. Almet 8 I to ANY IRE'S a rare opportunity for you to equip your entire home with the world's famous Aladdin kerosene (coal oil) Mantle Lamps at a big saving. Bring in any old oil or gasoline lighting device of any make or condition, and you will be given the generous allowance of $1.50 to $2.00 for it, depending upon the style of Aladdin you purchase. Bring in as many old lamps a* you plane as long as you purchase tax equal number of Alaidins. Never begbre has such a broad, liberal, generous offer been made on the new Instant-Light Aladdin Kerosene (coal oil) Mantle Lamp -- the most remarkable of all modern white lights. Certainly now you can well afford all the joys and comforts the Aladdin will bring to every member of your household. The Aladdin line comprises table, hanging, bracjeet, vase, and floor lamps in a variety of handsome and durable finishes." ' ment of mothers' aid; neW principles, „ , , „ , , _ , in adoption; amplification of juvenile Schroeder Crystal Lake; court procedure; a new attitude to- ^avang Woodstock; R T. Burroughs, ward illegitimacy; the county unit bill. "arv^ St?1"le£ Churf' "f "ey,;. £ • | Carroll Curtis, Harvard; Art Garheb, State highway police will start mak-! Huntley; Earl Hughes, Woodstock! ing arrests Nov. 1 for violations of'^0' A- ^Woodstock; Eldred the new law requiring colored lights £>hnson, Spring Grove; Geo Kosatka, and reflectors on trucks at night, fox Rlv«r ,Grovej ^has. Nichols, He-J "Warnings will be .issued until the ^on" Walter gchuett, Woodstock^ first of November," Chief Walter L. £arl Swenson, Sprmg Grove; J R. Moody said in a recent letter, to ser- Wells, Harvard; Ford Hanford, Mc? geants and officers under his direc- r._en.r.y' n W^'nn> Richmond. tion. | McHenry County Farm Bureau WOODSTOCK Since the declaration of the invalidity of the prevailing wage law, Director Henry H„ Kohn of the state department of purchases and construction has ordered that the waterway engineers immediately re-advertise for bids on projects that ha,ve beco delayed...,: Come In NOW--Our Stock Is Liitiited Don't wait. Come in at once and inspect this new 1932 Aladdin. See it demonstrated. Remember this offer is limited both as to time and quantity. Our stock will not last long under so generous an offer. The offer positively will not be extended, so hurry your old lamps in while the opportunity is with you. Only for a Limited Time Octl5a/bNo\sl4- Inclusive »aSrAladdinM LSlsE Will Brighten hnd Beautify/ Your EMTIRt HOME / John J. Vycital "The Orange Front Store*! Phone 98-M Oreen St. Director H. H. Cleaveland of the Department of Public Works and Buildings and Chief Highway Engineer Frank T. Sheets have announced that bids on $8,000,000 worth of highway projects will be received by the highway department during the first twelve days of November. _ The Illionois state hospital at Anna, in the heart of the fruit belt of southern Illinois, will supply its population "and that of other institutions with vast quantities of canned fruits and vegetables this winter. Thus far, the cannery has turned out 30,000 gallons of canned peaches and canned apples, 2,500 gallons of canned tomatoes, 1,500 gallons of jelly, 25 barrels of apple vinegar and 25 barrel* of cucumber pickles. " Slick Tires Wreck Cars Paints That Are Not Discolored by Smoke - Smoke Is the enemy o/ a white housej_Xook at the homes in your neighborhood that once were white. Smoke had a lot to do with' their present appearance. Thafe are specially prepared paints whinfe because of their chemical composition, are not readily darkened by smoke gases. If your house Is white make Inquiry regarding these paints. Illinois will wage intensive warfare | against botflies and other common j parasites infesting horses and mules,\ during the months <?f November and < December. Dr. W.'H. Welch, chief, veterinarian in the state department) of agriculture, outlining the necessity t of co-operation to" combat successfully this menace to domestic animals, asserted that the Illinois state government, through the animal industry division, will exert its efforts to aid horse owners interested in this program,. 0 Standardizing Homes Principles of good houBe construction are becoming standardized, a recent survey in 32 cities showed. Modern electrical equipment, sanitary plumbing, convenient kitchei.s, insulation of walls and roof, central heating with modern equipment, are now being used generally. \ S. H. Freund & Son CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS i Phone 127-R McHenry Our experience is at Your Service in building Your Wants E||i itt -Fish Ro« The various species of fish produce varying amounts of eggs. The Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) averages 1,420 per fish, while the sturgeon* average 1,680,000 eggs per fish. 7 Charity True charity is spontaneous and finds Its own occasion; it Is never the offspring of Importunity nor of emulation.--Ballou. The production of 60 tons of pompkins where only weeds grew prior to this year, has beeh reported to Director Rodney H. Brandon, of the state department of public welfare, by A. C. Everingham, garden and dairy consultant at the state penai farm at^ Vandalia. - ' Don't risk your neck this fall and winter on smooth, slick, Jlipperv tires. Now is the fogical time to buy. Cold : Weather is not hard on tires, fey equipping now you'll get the protection of new tires all Winter and they'll still be. as good as new next Spring. -JGet the greatest safety tread ptfcnown--the Goodyear All- ^ Weather -- at the low est prices in years. According to the Illinois and Federal departments of agriculture, Illinois raised 39,661,000 chickens last year. - According to a recent report of tilt? Illinois Commerce commission, Illinois motor bus lines carried nearly ten anillion less passengers during the year ended June 30, 1931, tban they did the previous 12 months. Freight handled EACH Early Razors ' The ancients used to shave themselves with brdnze razors. They made I by motor truck companies in Illinois a bronze or brass of tin and copper, SP ECIA L S Gallcns Light, Medium, Heavy or Winter Oil for which they hardened so that it took an edge like steel. " V ; : Hidden Treasure , There are many places in Britain where legend says that great treasure lies hidden. One such is Bransil castle, an ancient stronghold in Herefordshire. This treasure is said to be wsitched' ovw hy a {Aaick crow, during the year also showed a de- i crease of nearly 10,000 tons. Striving to lend all possible protection to Illinois motorists, the Illinois Commerce commission, during the year ended June 30, '31, authorized Illinois railroads to install protective devices at 115 crossings. Abput ninety of these installations wAe Of the flash type of fety signal. TIRE REPAIRS Factory Methods WALTER J. FREUND Battery Charging and Repairing Tire and Tube Vulcanizing Phone 294 Work Guaranteed West McHenry 6«ody<ar Speedway Lifetime Guaranteed Price Prior Size of Each In Pair* 3<fc4.50-21 *4.85 $4.70 28x4.75-19. 5*68 S.ST 29xS.M-19 f.«9 GOOD USED TIRES 91 UP