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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Nov 1931, p. 4

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, ** ,i;n > *;. 'j £ : 4 v|- •, ^ **#? ^.X-Sf6**^ -, -V- .*» •-•• / X{ 3p 'Ti r>; .'< -V >-'<%r:" : .- yVt «i itt"-v Mwmv PT.ArKrmt At.yg THlJBflBAT. * 4' «, . T t", ' - " ^ - . 1 ' t . 4 , ••: t • *-»• *f * '«»rVi h *" ~ *•>-<•*. ~*.:c» . w -*&, v„^ •, ^ ^ - '-f1 * • v**;;" ^ - a r *"tr ^r; ,•: THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER Pobliafced every Thursday at McHenry, I1L, by CharkM F. Benich. Entered u Mcoiuhclau matter at the poatoflfc* at McHemjr, EL, •i$m the act 6f May 8, 1879. '>• One Year .. Months \ A. H. MOSHER, Editor and Maaacer NOTICE OF APPLICATION j ; Notice is hereby given of the filing #, ' toy the under«ipned with the Illinois i Cownerce Commission of an applicai " lion for a certificate of Convenience and Necessity to operate as a Motor . Carrier for the transportation of property between Crystal Lake, Ill'i- '.• 1 >:ois, and Chicago, Illinois, and the '. Illinois points following 'jPark Ridge, Palatine, Waukegan, CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Council Room, Nov. 2, 1931 Tne' city aldermen, with Mayor Knox presiding, met in regular meeting Monday evening. Aldermen present: Barbian, Doherty, Kreutzer. Overton, Schaefer and Wattles. Motion by Doherty, seconded by ; Kreutzer that the minutes of the pre- , vjoug meefjng be approved- as read. Want Ads FOR SALE FOR SALE--Two large lots ia Crystal Heights subdivision, Crystal Lake, 111., very cheap. Inquire of Mrs. Laura Nellis, R-2, McHenry. P' 16-J-2. « Great Destroys Vast Area Being Washed ; !3ThI*mer by Each Sifeii. 7 ceeding Rain. * FOR SALE--23 Spring Pigs, also 4 large sows with fall pigs. Edd Peet, Phone 623 Richmond. *23-2 FOR SALE -- Some White Pecan Spring Ducks. Inquire of Plaindealer. *23 FOR SALE--Baled hay $nd straw. Also pressing reasonably done. Tel. McHenry 606-J-l. 12-tf greenwood, Lily Lake, Fox Lake, He- > jyj0^j0n carried. • j' bron, Dundee, Niles, Crystal Lake, | Motion by Overton,, seconded by JDesPlaines, Barrington, Cary, Mar-, Rattles,-, that the Treasurer's report »<•., vard, Wauconda, Ring-wood,A. den, j be approved as read, showing a bal- ^ rCarpentersville, Wheeling, Norwood ahce ^ $630955 Motion carried. 'Slf'-^^ark, Mt. Prospect, Fox Hiver Giove, M"0tjon by Doherty, seconded by "•« " JRidgefield, Big Foot, Volo, Johnsburg, j Barbian, that the Collector's report Be ' ^ 'bertyville, Algonquin, Edison *aT*> j accepted as read. Motion carried. \ -"*• iArlington Heights, Grays_Lake, wood, j Motion by Kreutzer, seconded by •l^tock, Lake Zurich, McHenry, Kich- s^aefe!*, that the Clerk's report be i|nond, Elgin, Half Day. ! accepted as read. Motion carried. Information as to the time *nrtj Motion by Barbian, seconded by '/v. v j>laee of hearing upon this application Schaefer; that the fo]lowing bilb be ; secured by .Communicating,paid u read and 0K'd by the finance :,yith the Secretary of the .I"™"* committee. Motion carried. Commerce Commission, Springheld, rohn Walsh> Qc^^j. „..$135.00 : Illinois, or the undersigned W. C. Feltz, October salary .... 110.00 Kose Motor Service Co., 302 McHenry | j^r M. ,NiWn cam FOR ..SALE--Essex Coach cheap. Also 30 caliber pistol- Call 215-R. McHenry. *23 Ave., Crystal Lake, 111. ?Henry M. Walker, Attorney, 127 No. Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. I^rank A. Powers, Attorney,_ 300 W. Adams St., Chicago, III. *23-2 j M. M. Niesen, October salary, j John R. Knox, salary Albert Barbian, salary, Peter Doherty, salary, Herman Kreutzer, salary ..4.. R. I- Overton, salary ~ ' ' Jacob Schaefer, salary D., T. SMILEY, Attorney Frank Wattles, salary, ...... . EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Peter a. Neias, thre« ra„„thV Estate of Everett Hunter, Sr., de-j sajary • ceased. ... v « IP®*®' A. Neiss, stamps and com- The undersigned, having been ap-, missions pointed Executrix_of the last will and|D. T. Smiley, services 150-t»0 60.00 24.00 15.00 10.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 75.00 testament of Everett Hunter Sn, de- Andpew Hanson, labor, water- ,teased, late of the County of McHenry works and State of Illinois, hereby j Mayme Bii^'commissioM "I" notice that she will appear before the -- -- County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the -December 1931 term, on the first Monday in December next, at which time fill persons having claim§ against said estate are notified and requested to E. H. Merrick, gravel Kent & Co., auto policy John R. Knox, convention expense Geo. Meyers, sand and gravel H. E. Buch, supplies and labor attend for the purpose of having the Chas. Ensign, labor, waterworks F H Wattl ye, same adjusted. All persons '"d^ Dave Johnson, labor in park " to said estate are requestedI to make ^ ^ ^ £ immediate payment to the iinder-| ^ ^ ' !,- 4- "Signed. Dated this 13th day of October, A. D. 1931. ^ EMILY H. HUNTER, ^ • ' Executrix 7.50 2.29 22.50 24-85 9.00 35.00 41.80 4.00 28.80 .50 > PLYMOUTH AND DODGE CARS • Sixes and Eight*' „ DODGE TRUCKS DEPENDABLE USED CARS Here are a few good buys, Come in and '00k them over "at prices that are right." ,, 1928 Dckfee Fast 4 Coupe. 1931 Dodge Canv. Coupe. ' ,Jf ' ^ • 1929 Dodge Victory 0 Coup#.. ' », 1931 Dodge Six Sedan- ~"S Ford T Coupe.'.. .• - - <• s Ford T Tudor. , .V 1929 Ford A IVidor. . 1929 Chevrolet 6 Coupe, ' 1929 Chrysler 66 Sedan. 1928 Buick Master Sedan. 1928 Pontiac 6 Sedan. Several other good buys which will, of be listed later. Watch our ad every Week. These cars are reconditioned and sold with a guarantee. DOWE & HAWLEY Howard Cairns, Sales Manager Junction U. S. 12-111. 20-61 ' Phone 327 Sheet erosion, the unendtitg process which steals a part of the topsoll every time there Is rain enough for water to run downhill, is a major cause of land depreciation, H. H. Bennett, soil scientist of the United States Department of Agriculture, said at the annual meeting of the American Forestry association at Ashville, N. C. Sheet Erosion Widespread. "Sheet erosion Is much more wide spread than gully washing, but it Is more gradual and less noticeable," Mr. Bennett said. "Excessive washing has virtually destroyed more than 17,000,- 000 acres of formerly tilled land in this country, but there Is a vastly larger area whose surface soil is slowly but constantly being Washed thinner and thinner by every rain. The washing away of the topsoil is rapidly lessening the productivity of our |pnd. "Our country-wide yields are not Increasing, even with all tfye benefits ' of research and extension services directed toward this end; indeed, crop s yields are decreasing in many local!-* ties. The better soils are largely In s use. In many parts of the country the area of these Is being diminished through the evil of erosion; that is, more aqjl tnore of these lands are ber.;'.'! lng converted Into Inferior lands." ! * Land impoverished from overcropping frequently can be made to produce profitable crops through the use fertilising^ fckd • soil-improving McHenry FOR SALE ON LIBERAL TERMS-" Good 178-acre farm oh good road, 1 mile to new proposed cement road, 4% miles to three good towns with milk plants; all buildings newly painted and improvedgood 7-room dwelling; good large basement dairy bam; cement silo; new tool house, 24x40; milk house; hog house; hen house; well; windmill; cistern; fair fences; all in one body, including 22 2 50'goot* dairy cows, some Guernseys, 23 ? (good young heifers and calves; 2 good horses; new harness; new wagons; mower; hay rack, etc.; 45 tons hay in g^gjbarn, 17% tons dairy feed in 100-lb. jbags; 3% tons baled straw; 1 mile | to school; possession at once. Other M&bi What ft Sajrs When you hear a locomotive whistle for a grade crossing, you had better believe it.--Florida Times Union. service A. H. Schaefer, freight and drayage Public Service Co., power, sewer lift 16 08 Public Service Co., street lights 147*79 {afms for sale or <» liberal terms - -- • - • - - ' " with good titles. Stoffel A Reihansperger, TeJ. 300 West McHenry, 111. 21-3 1LLE THEATRE 45.20, FOR SALE--Domestic Rabbits, per 1.80 j pound, 25c/Peter A. Freund, McHenry 10.001 Route 1, P*hhooin e 614-R-l. 21tf Public Service Co., street lights J24.71 Public Service Co., power, pumping water Public Service Co., city hall lights, Public Service Co., service chg. E. H. Merrick, labor; and material 10.00 j FOR SALE--Big type, black Poland The McHenry Plaindealer^ stamp- | China Boars and Jilts, with grand ed envelopes 15.751 champion blood lines. Prices right. Motion by Doherty, seconded by James Hunter, McHenry. Tel 617-J-2. Overton, that the city attorney be au. j 18-tf Woodstock's Beautiful Play House Smiley's bilf^for^il^OO^6 Motion FOR SALE--Wel1 secured 7% First ' j Mortgages on McHenry Residence SATURDAY haeet Night--2 for 50c "HONOR OF THE FAM w ELY" With BEBE DANIELS SUNDAY-MONDAY * Continuous Sunday 2:30 to 11 50c Family Matinee to 5:00 "GET RICH QUICK WALLING FORD" With WILLIAM HAINES JIMMY DURANTE % ERNEST TORRENCE i LEILA HYAMS TUESDAY WEDNESDAY Guest Ni-pht Tuodav 2 for 50c WARNER BAXTER in "THE SQUAW MAltf "J. B." ROTNOUR PLAYERS EVERY THURSDAY Inquire at Plaindealer of- 19-tf carried. Motion by Doherty, seconded by!?0per^*- Kreutzer, that E. FT Merrick be ai-jz!__ lowed $10.00 for labor and material! on ^waterworks. Motion carried. | Motion by Doherty, seconded by , AQ_ T ~ ~ ' ~ ' Wattles, that the petition for appor-! L09T--Roand «>ver for new washing ' tionment of special assessment Nov machine- L081 truck between 24, as presented by Anton J Schneid jMcHenry and Wonder Lake- Finder LOST THURSDAY-FRIDAY v GRETA GAIiflO in "SUSAN LENOX" - •ft"' ^ m Jk ' <4% wm f. PnU liiae of Nationally Advertised Permanent Waves |S7.5° 10 value, »8>0() Jo* ^.... *13.00 NOV. AND I>EC. SPECIALS YOIH ( HOH I-: OF THKEK FOR Haircut, Shampoo, 4* 4 Pinrer Wave, Waceelt, 5 | aQ\J Pacial, Manicure, or BOc each Eyebrow Arch. eacn SCHOOL CHILDREN SPECHL (From 5 to 14 years of age) p 0% Haircut and Wave, aU ,tyieB QQQ VERY SPECIAL EVERY TIES. AM) WEI). COMPLETE PERMANENT WAVE Including- Sbampoo «d .et. $3.00 For Hair lleaotj Trj ARBiCML STEAM TREATMEKTSRetards-- Orey and FalUnr eliminates--Dandruff, pr. v< nts - Dry Scalp, reconditions--Permanent Wave Jrice, 11.00 or e for $5.00 > hampoo •••_• 50c extra lltra \ lolct R#y Treatmt-nts . SI .00 PriTiite Booth* for ladle, and Oenta At your .3 Btrbtri S BSeeaain ty Artiatg STOMPANATO'S Two Ultra Modern Exclusive Shops Poi the Whole Family _ Tel. 64 5, Woodstock, 111., 226 Main St. Op«n Evenings until S P If, . Clean Soft Water Used , er, be allowed. Motion carried. Motiop by Doherty, seconded by Barbian, that the city pay the expense incurred by its officials attendthe municipal league convention at waukegan. Motion carried. Motion by Barbian, seconded by Overton, that the petition of the American Legion asking all business houses in McHenry to close for the afternoon of November 11th, (Armistice Day) be granted. Motion carried. Motion by Kreutzer, seconded by Schaefer to adjourn to the call of the Mayor. Motion carried. ! JOHN R. KNOX, Mayor PETER A. NEISS, City Clerk. "Eugenie" Hats Boom Business in Corsets Hartford, Conn.--Connecticut corset manufacturers report a decided improvement in business, attributed to the new "Empress Eugenie,, style for women. « One Bridgeport firm has added a ni^ht shift, a New Haven firm plans a five-story factory addition which will give employment to many, and a Norwalk firm expects the second biggest year in 26 years. The new mode calls for slim figures, Corset maker# explained.' . return to. Carey Electric Shop, McHenry. ^ - 23 rounD FOUND--A row boat on the river. For information call 223-W. 23 FOR RENT Average Price of Auto Shows a Drop in 1930 Washington.--The average price of American motor cars in 1930 dropped $53.08 from the 1929 price, according to the American Motorists association. The average passenger automobile fn 1930 cost $o68.36, while the average 1929 price Was $621.75. Similar compilations for the last four years showed that the 1930 price was $103 less than in 1928 and . $188 less than In 1927. The figures show that 2,808,000 cars were produced in the United States .in 1930 and this large production Is valued at $1,645,000,000. -ft f + f+if) f 1 Spears Big Salmon in Old Indian Style Biddeford, Maine.--A 3xqualnt <> t»ld Indian custom has been revived here by Arthur Lambert, a millworker. Standing on the f <U;e of a rockbound pool In m Saco river, he hurled a bme made spear Into a 14- pound salmon, the biggest taken from the river this season. FOR RENT--Four room furnished house with garage on Riverside drive. Call 167 or 170. 21tf crops, he said,' but land worn out by 'erosion is essentially hopeless. The topsoil censing the essential elements for pUrtt growth and when this soil Is eroded away, the subsoil in the majority of cases fails to produce as good crops as the original topsoil and often is worthless, the bureau of chemistry and soils has found. Methods of Prevention. Mr. Bennett outlined some of the work being done by the Department of Agriculture in the study of erosion and methods of preventing It. He suggested better Uuui utilization, better protection of cultivated slopes with terraces and other means, and the use of certain lands for forests as preventives of soil flrofiion. A far-reaching, practical, national program of soil protection and^etter adjustment in land usage 1^\an immediate need, he said. • ' Thorough study of erosion problems Is now being made by the department at eight regionaV experiment stations established during the last two years. ^These stations, which eventually may number 20. are established on farms were erosion is a serious regional problem, and are for studying methods of erosion control and of holding on the land more of the rain water. A number of the. states are carrying (p supplementary work on erosion. Heli«« Prwlscliea The United States is the only country which has developed helium, it has a monopoly on its use so far. However, helium is likely to be found wherever oil is found; for instance. In Alaska, Russia and Siberia. The richest helium section i£ in northern Texas and in the surrounding area of 200 or 800 miles, taking in Kansas and Oklahoma. It is found in this section in quantities sufficient for extraction. - ' 7"* ; -v.-,,; -v : ••• Gold Dolbn The smallest gold coin made for circulation in the United States is the $2.50 gold piece, the dollar gold piece not having been issued for general circulation since 1889. Slashed prices that are cut to the bone on all of these fine, guaranteed Used Cars. Gome in and see for yourself, You'll be surprised, 1931 Buick --8" FoUr-Door Sedan, Demonstrator. 1931 Buick "8" Sport Phaeton 1929 Buick Standard "6" • Coup^T /V •' 1928 Buick Stai^«iii| ^6" Four-door SedaiL 1930 Chevrolet l^z-ton Truck. 1925 Nash Coach. Overton & Cowen Ed Vogel GENERAL AUCTIONEER FARM SALES A SPECIALTY P. O. Solon Mills, ID. » Reference Past Sales SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Must Have Been Smart "Where King Bolomon showed most of his smartness," said Jud Tunkins, "was in bein' able to be the richest man, in spite of the fact that he had too many *vives."--Washington Start Odd Water Bottles Ostrich eggs are used as water bot* . ties in the Kalahari desert country of Africa. A BARREL N OF FUN For EVERYONE 3 Times a Week on the Radio MlIBPHYj Monday, Wednesday and Friday Radio Station WLS, Chicago Jokes. Songs, Fun and Frolic sent to you by the manufacturers of Murphy'• Guaranteed Mineral Feeds for livestock and poultry and by your local Murphy Man. Listen to them 3 times a week. * . , ; L. S. FRANTZ - Phone 4335 : * SOUTH ELGIN, ILL. WANTED BEFORE YOU BUY SHOES see our bargain counter. B. Popp. Expert shoemaker .and repair shop. - -Main street. Phope 162. 38-tf MISCELLANEOUS M NOTICE Owing to the depression we are continuing our low priced specials during the months^ of Nov. and Dec. (See our display ad in this paper) STOMPANATO'S Two Ultra Modern Exclusive Shops for the whole family Tel. 641 Woodstock, Jll. 226 Main Street dl Open Evenings until 9 p. n. 23-8 Clean Soft .Water Used PAINTING AND PAPERHANGIN6 Neatly Done--Prices Right LOUIS H. BAKER, Over Barbian Bros. Store on River- *23 side -Drive, McHenry SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED Rag Rugs Made to Order , - 4A.I1 Work Guaranteed ' B. POPP -V PMSttts t62 Main St. McHenry UPHOLSTERING--All kinds of furniture reupholstered and repaired. Good work guaranteed. Work called for and delivered. Chas. Rasmussen, S. Center St., West McHenry, Hi. Tel. 107-M. . 12-tf JOE KVIDERA, CARY, ILL. . Livestock Dealer t Dairy Cows a Specialty -- action Guaranteed Phonte Cary 37-J il-tf INOV. 7 Only STORY BOOK OF GAMES FEEE WITH EACH PUR CHASE OF 2 PKGS. KELLOGG'S KRISPIES ^! : .23^ Sunshine Krispy Soda Crackers, Fancy Hand-picked Navy Beanf lb. box 23^ lbs. for 19^ Baby Bice Poy Corn--suite pop ... 4 H*. 25c^ Old Hie "^Chester or Morton's Figaro, sqioked salt I 10 lb. can. and Tissue 1000 sheet rolls All Wool Dress Serge, per yard 3 FORL9E "• v ' ----.59^ Dead Animals Dead and Crippled Cows, Horses, Hogs, and old Plugs Prompt Service $1.00 to $10 a head. r Telephone Barrington ££& : Reverse Charges •> Outing Flannels, 36 inches wide, a good assortment to choose from, per yard 12 Yank-ovef Sport Jackets, sleeveless, for boys and girls, tan or green, chamoisette, attractive contrasting trim on neck, armholes and pockets, elastic botton, ea<dt Erickson's Dept. Store Main Street « , A" | , ;• - •• .y "•.-'4 • ; •A?* * - *. l - r 4 ^ ^ ^ X- v*' ARMISTICE-DAY |^8 aU go ltd the Bridge Ball Roo^ nesday night of next week. That*® **HE place where the Legion is holding £ u r " -a big red^^ white blue CarnivaJ. * v », 4 \ <* tiil 'r; ^<; f . .'•? J^r; <•' S k ^ ^ ^ R i v e r s i d e D r i v e ^ 7 . ' U s / * ' v ; I VC ;??COME in please--Go out pleased'* 'J-F'": J*V Tfcii ii m Mi ^ M fca ta ^ ^ M • ** 1* I* fe lfii fe Mi I* M K> RIVERSIDE GROCERY and MARKET ,-rn Week-End Specials ©OLD DUST CLEANSER, can , 5^ ORANGES, medium size, per dos. -24^ EATING APPLES, DeUcious ^1^ 35^ SOAP CHIPS, bulk .^... 5 lb. bag 49^ GINGER ALE, Dry, Green Mill, .3 large bottles 50^' PEACHES, PINEAPPLES OR PEARS, faiicy quality 2 larg® cans for_ Meat Specials PORK LpIN ROAST per lb. y ^ 17c SPRING CHICKENS, large roasting, p^ ^ 5^ HOME-MADE PORK SAUSAGE, per lb.' HAMS, whole or half, Armour's Star, per lb. ^ SIRLOIN STEAK, per lb. ^..1 .29^ Barbian Bros. Phone 276 WEST SIDE GARAGE Otto Adams, Prop. Tel IIS General Automobile Repairing* - Res. Phone, 639-R-2 .JJ.1 - vhi-C' OUAKER MAID WITH PORK, TOMATO SAUCE 16-OZ. fifmi Broad • , • 1S-OZ. LOAF Ov * S^hittiorWlac«tml ^ 5c Sparkle G^brtbi Dossort PKQ- 5c lona Brand Lima Beans 5c Santa Clara Prunes &zt! 5c Birdfs-Eye Matches 2 BOXES SC KKchm Klenzer . 6c NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY'S PRETZELS LB. lona Brand Tomatoes can 10c PACIFIC _ ^ „ _ Crepe Toilet Paper 3 ROlX8 10c COLD STREAM PINK SALMON 3-25 »-LB. 4Ee Swansdowti Cake Floor PKQ. CalumetBakinsPowder 1SaN z 25c PiHsbuiy Pautako Flour %G B25c Egg Laylns llash . $1.94 Pure Cane IUGAR. 10-lb. bt«, 48d 100-lb. bag $4.80 3EET SUGAR, 10 lb. cloth bag $aily Egg Scratch Feed, 100 lb. bag $1.34 FEODUCE SPECIALS SWEET JUICY GRAPEFRUIT, sise 70's each 5> FANCY ROME BEAUTY APPLES, 6 ^s. 25^ WANCY HALL SWEET POTATOES, 0 lbs. 15^ JUICY ORANGES, sweet, med. size, doz. 25<C^ r ' C: • . • GUEAT ATLANTIC A PACIFIC TEA CO., Middle Western DMtiaffo • T' ' " 'AJ'"^v..^

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