wrz THE M'MOtRY PLAXjfPKALER, THURSDAY, ITOVKKMK U, lgl& Birthday Surprise Party Lotis N- Seyller was pleasantsurprised at her home at McHenry honor of her birthday. Sunday eve- Five hundred was played and receiving prizes were Gilbert arris, first; Mrs. Kenneth Lopeman, Doris Dowell, first, and Alvin uff, second. Those present were and Mrs. Gilbert Harris, Arthur, iam. Raymond and Evelyn Harris , BirtMay Is Remenbered A party of friends and neighbors surprised Mrs. Elizabeth Buss at her home on Waukegan street on Wednesday evening of last week in honor of her birthday. Mrs. Busts was not at home on her anniversary so the ladies remembered the occasion at this time. She was presented with a gift from the guests. Five hundred and bunco were played and high honors were received by Miss Clara Schiessle and Mrs. Frank Thurlwell. Refreshments were served, including a beautiful birthday cake made by Mrs. Peter H. Weber. The guests were: Mrs. Peter J- Schaefer, Mrs. Elizabeth Laures, >Mr. and Mrs. Paul Zenk, Dons Dow-j ^ Caroline Schiessle, Mrs. Frank Anita Bacon spent the week-end at Evanston Mrs. L. F. Newman visited in Chicago last week. ^ ' Jacob Adams and adn, Alex, spent Monday at Elgin. Paul Schumacher is at Speedway hospital, Maywood. -a, Miss Marian McOmber of Chicago spent the week-end here- t tw,u " j T? 1 T\ all A< ; W?. vjaruune mrs. r itniR aMtar*.. aa«n«du Mrs. Romertv Sutton of Chi- ' . - : ell. "Ap" Dowell and bar!I i:ow®u „: Thurlwfll, Mrs. Simon Stoffel, Mrs.1 cago visited here Sunday. McHenry. Alvin- Huff of Waukegan ^ - . ...... - and Mr. and Mrs- Kenneth Lopeman, opnr.g Grove,,, Mrs. Seylle? was «howered with gifts and good wishes for many happy birthdays. Luncheon • was serv.ed, including a lovely cake ,'decoraied with c&ndles. • \ _ f . , Entertain Friend* ' • Mr- and Mrs. FredjC, Schoewter en ' " " party Louis Althoff, Mrs. Henry KinsalaJ Leo Blake returned home from tRe Mrs. P. H. Weber, Clara Schiessle, Woodstock hospital Sunday Mrs. N-. J. Justen and Mrs, P. M. Justen.. ^ ; f' •• Chicken Dinner Dec 3 The Ladies' Aid society met at the Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Burns of Oak JPlirk spent the week-end here. Mrs. Paul Brefeld is spending * Ttew days this week in Chicago. Mrs- Simon Stoffel and daughter, was home of Mrs. D. I. Granger last ' Clara, v'4ted at Kenosha Sunday. Thursday afternoon. Plans were dis-l Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Klein of Waucussed for the chicken dinner and kegan visaed revives here Saturday. - nn Waukeean bazaar which will take place at the Michael Bauer and Alex. Adams jisf their home on . E. church on Dec. 3. Members arel^ relatives in Chicago last Friday. asked to donate an article to be sold teruHruti - -- « of : relatives -- friends a street Saturday evening and Charles Newman and daughter, «3*«j i;. b=r«d •>'chi-^ hi» is--* award*<jf to ^W. Petgr,H. Weber. Mr?. Albert purvey. Miss Opal Post, Mrs and useful donations have already '• Friday [been received. The next meeting of J Mrs. John Niesen and daughter, Mr. and Mrs* Joe May visited at Waukesha Sunday. Miss Helen Stevens spent the last of the week at Joliet. Mies Delia Cleary of 'Chicago visited relatives here last week. Mrs. Karl Bradley of Woodstock visited her parents, Friday. Miss Elizabeth Miller ia visiting friends in Chicago thrr week. Mrs. Joanna Comiskey of Chicago called in McHenry Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hart of Glencoe were Thursday visitors here. Miss < Katie Weber is visiting her sister at Zenda, Wis., this week. Mrs. Gertrude Davis of Chicago spent Sunday with relatives here. Mr. and Mxs. Will Cowen of Harvard visited relatives here Saturday. Miss Marjory Phalin of Chicago spent the week-end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Schmalfeldt of Keflosha visited relatives here Sunday. M>\ and Mrs. Miller and daughter of Huntley visited Mrs- Anna Thomas Sunday. Mrs. W. A. Sayler and Mr. and Mrs, John Schaid were Elgin visitdrs Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Schmitt of Batavia visited relatives here over the week-end. ^ ; • • . u . 'V • Mrs. Ella Larned of Chicago vwi 3* 1 •i 3iga «f AyymrUig Ac* The exact moment when you tarn Into middle age is when you begin to discuss yonr bodily ailments and failings ; to mention doctors, hospitals, specialists aDd operations, and to find conversational fodder amid the deficiencies of your own teeth, adenoids, tonsils or appendix. That day yon have ceased to be young.--Frank Con- • ' < " / • Aboriginal A University of California research professor has found that 104 languages and dialects were spoken by, the aborigines when the first white men reached the state. «|P* C*0*v« D aiei Proa ^ (193 William and Mary_college waa founded -in 1083. An old hwtory of this college says that William gave 2,000 ponndg toward the building and toward the endowment of the college William and Mary gave 1,98.1 pounds. This money was raised out of quitrents of the colonies. The qultrejjt was the rent paid to1 the superior by the under person in exchange for his service.- ' ' -i • v, - Aadnt Cottoa Cloth Fragments of cotton cloth have been found in the ruins of Mohenjo-Daro, In India, a town abandoned almost 5,000 years ago. The "Comedie Humatrrt" Is a series of novels by Balsac, so designated by their author and Intended to form a picture of the manners and morals pf the period. The first volume appeared In 1829, but it was not until 1842 that Balsac adopted the general title. The author intended to present a panorama of his time in France. He wrote nearly 100 novels Vlthotrt completing his herculean task. Kiddie Komfort There Is nothing that children draag and detest more than to appear different in dress from their spmpanions. --Woman's Home Companion. . *S££ V;.V ^ vklied relative, at '!a week-end guest of;-Sir. and Mts-' - • -- J«rt • "jJiftenixm .« the home ot Ita-'.IW.8!™!**--.--:- M, PhaUn, - who will be assisted by Mrs. ' Mr- Mrs. Robert Blum of River. Mrs j0y,n Bolger and daughters of Wagner. . The society will F°res^ spent the week-end, with reia- j Woodstock visited relatives here Mon- „ , ,r XT n in„;„ meet every week until the bazaar ami , tlvAS T „ [day evening Mr. and Mi*. N. C. ffl«npO^>mke members and friends are asked to at> Mr. and Mrs. John % May ^ Waa- Jo4 Pauly &nd Mr. McErney of ffi. gan. Mr and Mr^ . Adelaide ! tend the meetings and help in prepar- ! Paca>. Wl®" sp€llt t^le wee en Wlth' gin were Sunday visitors in the N. E and' inJ? articles for the bazaar. Your relatives here. _ .. .. Barbian home, Weber,. Ed N ana mrs. x„. v,. • Klein of-Wsfuke- i "TM Mr. and Mrs. Albert Purvey, Mr. "^mberS and friends are asked to at- and, Mrs. J•»a cobU Ttuh;i„eos, Mrs. AA delaide prepar-, , .. : ^ " v,.,,,. relatives here. Mrs^Petef H. Ildjhelp isjrieeded, so plan to att^d the ^l^.^^^^ung _and Mrs Albwt Purvey and Mrg. clat: Mrs. Ed N. Young of McHenry-., Mrs. Thorsell Honored Members of Fox River Valley Camp. Royal. Neighbors of America, held * meetings and 'enjoy a pleasant and 8®"s of ^infrwood spent Sunday with ence waiting were Thursday Wood* profitable afternoon. i relatives here stock visitors. Miss Lucile O'Dwyer of Adarburg, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Plirvey and jy8?, a. week-end guest in the jj;r; and jyfrs. Albert Krause visited At Holy Hill Monday, l. Observe Birthday , _ , , Mr and Mrs. John Sehaid, Green Ja<* WaJsh ho™e- _ . , ... wy.wu.gj., - street/entertained their children'and'-Mrs- S,."10 ] n Stoffel and draghter, Clarence Anglese attended the fu ^M^; i grandchildren Sunday afternoon and t"*--- nrtS "ThorsS SSStoy iLCL™. At'^-^dU: Mr- *"d Kimh.Il.nd Mr. and Mrs. jolm Bre(eld and turn home m Roselle, . . . » .n woe covatoH Mrs. J. P. Smith of Chicago called on }jy 0f Waukegan spent Sunday in the B- J. Brefeld home. home in itoseue, in. nn. XIIWSW- • - ----r--~ Mrs. J. F. Smith of ( has been a faithful member and of- A ®IC*°,U* ° ZL friends ! here Sunday •y ficer of the camp, having se^ed as a^r ^j^ch «nS? i Mrs Margaret Gilles of Woodstock chancellor for several years and she manv beautiful" sPen^ Monday evening with her siswill be missed by her many friends Mrs. Schaid received many beautiful £ Mrs Pefc y er Doher^y here. She was presented with a gift ^^- j^0®6 oc^„Sfd a_Y vjld^ ^ 1 Carl Adams spj&nt last week at the from the members present. Bunco ' • ' , NnrmaT- Mr ! farm home of his grandparents, Mr. mer, Loren and Norman, Mr. and Mrs guests and prizes were won by Mrs. John 'Molidor, Reha Schaid, and Mr. ^ ' ide anc. Frank Wattles. Refreshments j£an 0fertrude Ritter of Mundelein and ?nd Mrs- Paul Marre and son of Wau. Mrs were served at the close of a pleasant evening. « ' Farewell for Schoolmate •' i6ss Shiriey Covalt entertained a party of friends at a farewell party in honor of Miss Clara Thorsell Sat- Surprise Party I Miss Genevieve Adams was surprised at a party Saturday evening given in honor of her birthday, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Adams. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Smoak and children of Antioch spent the first of the week in j the George Wirfs home. j Mrr and Mrs. Louis McDonald at- ' tended the funeral of George Ames at Terra Cotta Thursday. t Mrs. Maizie Rosing and children of Round Lake visited her aunt, Mrs. Margaret McCarthy, Sunday. urdav'evenlne" "The"ffue«"ts"as«emblVd Mrs- 0tto Adams and family, Mr. and : E<*, and dau8^r aT^he home of tl^^ostess at nin*: ^ Math Adams and son, Mr. and ?nd Fred C^hoewer are visit- ?clock and the? went to Se Fox Nick Adams- Alex Ada™. Vin-, ln^at W,auPaca' Wl^' this week villion where the 7venine L. sne?t cent Clemens and Genevieve Adams, I Jr. .and Mrs P Monarty and Mr. in dating and re SSStato i^hJ! ^ and Jack Munning and son : and Mr\ Harry Kist of Chicago spent in aancmg, returned later in the Mr ^ ^ Biu and' j the week-end with relatives here. (jr. A. Hanly ana John Aylward of ; #1 evening „to enjoy delicious refre^h- : ments. A gift was presented to the guest of honor who "teft Sunday to make her" home at Roselle. The girls . have been schoolmates for more than eight year? and regretted losing one ' of their number. Those present wewi , Carmen Freund, Mercedes Hayes, Arlette Newman, Clara Thorsell, Ruth Nye, Wanda Smith, Loraine Knox, Evelyn Karls and Shirley Covalt. • • j ' i Miscellaneous Shower Mr. and Mrs- John Botheroid of -Chi-. cago. Elgin weje among the gas men at Work in town the last of the week James Doherty has returned from the Speedway hospital at Maywood, where he has been for several weeks. Charles CampbelT at Woodstock Mr. and Mrs. John Reihansperger Miss Marcella Hergott, a bride-to- r' Refreshments^ be, was guest of honor at a miscel- n e mxJi with Mrs. •laneous shower given by the Blessed j eor^e "°"r ^"1S Thursday evening. Virgin Sodality. Bunco was played, ^ Royal Entertainers Meet The Royal Entertainers met at the home of Mrs. Jesse Wormley on , , ,, - Thursday evening of last week and 1 and Mary, ofWest Chicago enjoyed the evening with three tables V18lted Sunday »n the home of their of five hundred in play. Prizes were I S°ijr won by Mrs. Mat Freund, Mrs. C. !0„„ . - „r , Joos, Mrs. Mat Steffes and Mrs. Geo.! ' Frank' of Waukegan were Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Scott of Chicago were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Schoewer- Mrs. Emma Dwelly and Mrs. Claribel Fish of Woodstock visited Mts. Alma Thomas Sunday. C. W. Stenger, son, George, and daughter, jGrace, of Waukegan visited friends here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tweedie of Chfc: cago were guests in the J. M. Phalin home Saturday evening. Mrs. Gertrude Ritter of BCundeleln spent Friday with her parents Mr* and Mrs. Peter Thorsell. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vogel and Mrf. E- E. Bassett attended the football game in Chicago, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alexander of Hebron were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson. Mrs. O. E. Lang of Indianapolis^ Ind., spent several days last week with her sister, Mrs. A. E. Nye. Miss Bethel Draper spent the weekend in the home of Mr. and Mrs. , * " Jf V „ t a!' MarbledGreeQ Enamel >E ready for a happy surprise when you see liliaf a wondefftff rangc you now can buy at this astonishing pricfe * «a-$49.50! A console beauty of latest style, in velvet-smooth finiskl of ivory and green, with new .advanced features of cooking effr dency and work-saving convenience. Sturdily built for years of. service. Roomy cooking top, easy to work on. Handy drawer for( spoons, forks and other utensils. Large drawer to keep pots an^h kettles in easy reach, saving space and many steps. Large ove§ with heat-seal door*. Oven and broiler are enamel lined*. Now'j the time to modernize your kitchen with this smart and hancf^ ; some low-price high-quality range. A small down payment will pill it in yicftir {tome. Balance on our regular easy terms. Come in todays with Ovia, H«ac Control. Alio fimtUhed in whita aad gmy saatbled totMk. "1 ^ i were served' ^ay visitors in the L00" McDonald home. ""1 and prizes were awarded to Margaret! Schmitt, first; Regina Kattner, sec ' Mr. and Mrs. J. Walsh and Walter Walsh were dinner guest Thursday in the W. P. Woodburn home at Woodstock. Merrymakers Hold First Meeting ~ The Merrymakers held th^r first D„. M w.n. TT . - ond. and AliVe ^0^ third-' Re-:^^ °[ the 0 season at the home cf ^TS' ^",am H„eaney an9 - - • freshmcnt* - ^ at ^ _ the afternoon and the guests depart- ta^es , week-end here. ed, leaving her with many beautiful ! a°wf faivr®d edV "tod r Mw rwse. r®F rank Manads qPuriezleeat, 1J ,.MiVllis®sr Et'tthheTjones att^nd^ j el Jones attended the exec- "-- ' • 'Mrs. Arthur ^>°ard meeting of the McHenry Mrs. Frank Mrs. Peter A. Freund and Mrs N:' r:. NeigfcorhoodCardChib Mrs. Simon Stoffel was hostess to the members of the Neighborhood icard club at her home on Main street Thursday evening. Three tables of bridge were played and prizes were won by Mayme Buss, Mrs. Peter M. Justen and Mrs. W. J. Donavin. Refreshment* were served at the close of the games." New Books THIS WEEK AT *s Rental Library Bed Headed Woman This Our Exile Sparks Fly Upward Murder Yet to Come Humdrum House The Link Scissors Cut Paper Possession Mrs. Craddock Forbidden Lips Captains of Souls The Big Fellah Important Virgin Fear of Fear All Ye People ~ Sand * Belle-Mea The Lily aad the Sword The Prince Darling™" The Night Life of the Smith. Lunch was, served at the close of the games. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Ben Justen. Mrs. the members of her card club on Wednesday afternoon of last week. Five hundred was played and prizes were County Business & Professional Woman's clufc> at Woodstock Monday. Mrs. J. J. Miller, Mrs. George Lay and Mrs. George Wirfs visited the Entertains Card Club former's sister, Mrs- Peter Freund, at Josephine Heimer entertained ® Sanitarium» Winfield, Sun- Mrs. B. Liebert of Sioux Falls visited in the M- A. Sutton home the first awarded to Mrs. J. W. Rothermel ™ the wiek< She waa formerly Miss Mrs. George Justen and Mrs. J. C . eanor Sutton, daughter of Ed Sut- Bickler- Refreshments were served. [The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. N. E. Brabian. u Five Htmdred Club Meets Members of her card club were entertained by Mrs. Louis Wilbrandt on Wednesday afternoon of last week !?. Ye. bndeKT°o". spent Sunday in Five hundred was played and prizes ™18 v,cimty» evidently looking for an were won by Mrs. Joe Frett, Mrs I « place 10 spend his honeymoon. Thomas Kane and Mrs. D. A. Whiting. fe was ^ompanied by his bride-to- Refreshments were served. The next «- meeting will be with Mrs. Mat Blake. I v v • 'k Walsh ai»d daughter, -- Kathnne, and Harold Bacon attended . PUBLIC tKARD PARTY 1 . weddinp of Mis» Kathrine Kart- - The Lady Foresfrs will hold a pub and Mr. Flynn at St.< Edmund's he card party after their meeting *hurch' 0ak Park, at 4 o'clock Satur- Wednesday, Nov. 18. Cards, bunco ll. . prizes, 25 cents. The meeting will' xi. Kamholz, Jr., of Chicago spent convene at 7:30 sharp so that card* I e week*end with his parents, Mr. can begin at 8 o'clock. The proceeds >and M-rs-.Fred Kamholz. He returnfrom the party will be used for char-1 f1 Chlca^° Tuesday and expected ity work among the members. I fave the Allowing day with his ---- [.employer on a motor trip to Cali- Cani of Thanks wrnia. We desire in this manner to ex- W" John8°n o£ press our appreciation and thanks to 11. + a^lds' werG week-end neighbors and friends for the exDre- 11 ^,° ir sister arvd brother-in- 5j SL? »y»P»thy^ ,nd «c^t» of mkij„ d„e„ I «* . «'• during our recent bereavement ' MRS. JAMES HAVERIN. Gods Hofi With Unclovea Hoof A mule-frtot hog la a hog with an oncloven hoof, which is, as far as can be ascertained, of ancient African origin. This is not a result of crow breeding but is a distinct species. Mule-hoof hogs hare been found in Qermnny and Scotland and in 1908 ware brought Mo the United States. Mrs. Henry Heimer, with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Butler of Chicago, spent one day last week at Lake Geneva. nf wii . o il .! Miss Rosa,iJ'ld Nye has gone to St. nd Mrs^ Willard Colby and Louis, Mo-, where she is employed with the Specialty Sales company. Mr. and Mrs- Robert Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alexander visits ed relatives at Waukegan Sunday. William Judy of Denver, Colo., was a visitor at the home of his grand"- father, George W. Colby, over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Butler and children of Chicago spent Tuesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hen*, Heimer William H. Althoff, who is receiving treatment at Speedway hospital, Chicago, spent the week-end at his home here. Dr. and Mrs. Gv W. Hess and sons spent the week-end with relatives in Indiana and saw the Notre Dame football game Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Shales and family of DesPlaines spent Saturday in the N. E. Barbian home, visiting at Lake Geneva Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Winkel and Mr. and Mrs. H. B Schaefer and sons visited in the William Perkinson home in Chicago Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hunt, of Oak Park and Waited and Harry Hunt of Chicago visited Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sayler, Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Da mm and sons of Kenosha, Wis., spent the last of the week in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Bacon. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Webbe and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Buchner <>{ Alvado, Ohio, visited relatives in McHlenry and Johnsburg last week. Mr. and M>rs. Charles Heimer and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Craig of Chicago were Sunday guests of the for- | mer's mother, Mrs. Josiephine Heimer. I Lowell Nye and his room-mate, Joseph Jepson, of the State Normal school at DeKalb, spent the week-end in the home of his parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. A. E. Nye. Mrs. James Perkins, Mrs. James Beavis, Mrs J. E. Wheeler and Mrs. E. E. Bassett attended a meeting of the Eajftern Star at North Chicago last Wednesday night. Mrs. R. J. Gebel of Chicago, who was a guest last week in the Fred CSchoewer heftne, and her husband, who was a week-end guest, returned home with the former's parents, Mr. and Mirs. Harry Scott; Sunday afternoon. GAS ELECTRIC COMPANY. C. E. Collins, Dist. Mgr. ton. Mrs. George Worts and son, George, Mrs. Paul Meyers and son, Daniel, with Mrs. P. Moriarty and daughter and Mrs. Harry Kist of Chicago spent Sunday afternoon at Ringwood. Hugh Naughton, of Chicago, a pro Spider's Trap The trapdoor spider digs its nest tn the ground, and fits on the top a trapdoor of earth and web with a hinge that works neatly. \ Bar to Educ&tioa • There ought to be some easy way of looking up information ill the encyclopedia. As it Is now, we start looking for one subject, and get interested in the article about another, and before we find the subject we started after, It's quitting time.--Kansas City Johnson is a Supreme Agent of-the Knights of Columbus and is visiting councils in Wisconsin. Among those who attended the funeral of Mrs. Thomas Ward at St Patrick's church Tuesday were Frank Ward, Mrs. Margaret Rasmussen and daughter, Jean, Andrew Kearns, Mr. and Mrs. John Knox, Mrs. John Maher, Mrs. Mary Wall, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hoff of Chicago. A family reunion was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Bacon Sunday. Guests of the day were Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Damm and three *oris of Kenosha, Wis., Miss Fern Bacon and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lange and daughter of Waukegan, and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Bacon and baby of McHenry; Among those from McHenry who attended the funeral of Dennis Corr at Woodstock last Thursday were: Mary Bolger, John "Bolger, Mr- and f Mrs. Thomas Bolger, Mr. and Mrs. M. j J. Walsh, James Frisiby, Mr. and Mrs. j J. Walsh, Walter Walsh, Mrs M. McCarthy, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dohert.y, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Sutton, Ellen Do- Anna Frisby, Mm. Clarence Spidtri Put to Work Itt Fiji, Trobrland and New Guinea, the natives use spiders' uyebs as fishing nets., Ttrey erect a stick bent into the shape of a large lacrosse racket, where the spiders are thickest. The spider, seeing the ideal place for a web, soon takes advantage of the loop, and the natives are provided wltb a net. • • -Jt •V"~I V t T T T T T T T TT t- T Ty t T T T T T T T • f, T f T TT T T T f f V V f •VJ»K'. ¥ T J T v V T f •I* : ap' men oeiieve success 1$ a matter of spending all putting up a good front,., pearing "prosperous!" when they suddenly themselves financially emwhither to turn. ^:.;V j/'i' Next to Golden Ride , - It Is a good and safe rule to sojourn in every place as if you meant to spend your life there, never omitting an opportunity of doing a kindness, or speaking a true word, or making a friend.--Ruskin. Common sense must tell them success cannoff be symbolized by appearances. That to honestly claim it is to be able to financially master not' only reverses but every Opportunity in Life . Thrift is the key to it. These banks of McHenrf" are ready to co-operate. ••^vV fa ?x- 1 v *S.'v West fycHenry State Bank • " ^"fv-v : • ---r---•• 't'f'.y ' , Peoples State Brink of McHenry^ y*: $ •> >: U