• "'.h : -•»" - ,rv"; THS M'HKNRY PLAINDEALKB, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10,1031 K. 5 • -i ' * .; ^ t?.' ^ *»». Is- " ?•> 3;; •-*>,' He . ^••: fr** , •:: ^ •• v?:"* /' J, Early River N»t1|*IIm The first trip up the Ohio river by gieamboat was made In May, 1815, by, Enterprise, of 75 tons. She traveled from New Orleans ,td Louisville lb that year, the trip taking 25 days, the steamer Washington made the game trip in 1816 and inaugurated iteamboat navigation in the Missis- ^npiTsiigy, ....nd^Lgr.^yg . V. ss^'*. *' 1 . l,: Cv *: • Ij Relic of <M London > 'eilmpse of London's accumulated {past are constantly turned up by the Spade, according to the Times. At ft, Mary Magdalene, the parish church It Ea.*t Ham, the remains of an inchoate in a leaden coffin have been Jound. with a cross on his breast-- lither Saxon or Norman. * -- 1 ClMmical T«nM Isomerism refers to substances which are made up of the same chemical elements in the same proportion, but in which the atoms are differently arranged so as to produce substances having different physical and chemical properties. Examples are methyl ether an ethyl alcohol. The formula -for both of these is C2 HGO. Allotroplsm is the occurrence of the same chemical substance in different forms. For example, carbon ajieears as * diamoad, as charcoal, as graphite, etc. .; V V Virginia Had th* First •jtlH} ftrst windmill was huHt ^ -VU> rlufa at Windmill point, on the James 'ivor, in 1621 by Gov. Sir George eardley. - • **k •* It may be, necessary to run that car of yours longer than you expected. For that reason it pays to have it over hauled. Often only a little work is required to put it in tip top shape, which if neglected might mean the ruin of OVFWLED DODGE AND PLYMOUTH CARS HeatedGarage for Winter Storage by day or montit Junction U. S. 12 and 111: 20-61 McHenry tget through the Storm, Mother5 V-- -.u»- it tt*i your voict qui. kivaiul, lemrly tilny plact at any Itmt a*4 at tkt The young folks planned to come home for the weekend. Saturday morning the blizzard struck the countryside and Mother was afraid they had been caught in the storm. Then Jean andTed telephoned. Although they couldn' t come, they had a pleasant, h e a r t - t o - h e a r t "voice-visit". A telephone call to the folks hack home is always enjoyable. When weather conditions keep you at home, you can still "visit" with Motherland Dad--even though they are fifty or thousands of miles! away. Make a habit of telephoning home . . . it's great fun and inex. pensive, too! SAVE AltCAREY'S Qtoi c; o;rit : v>c>c-;c* IS *»." ENJOYING IT SO r By FANNIE HU (fi br McClare Newspaper Syndicate.i (WNU Service.) lowest prices in history--now $49.95 Popular Model 31 $ Note these features ,; --Full 2,-in. Balloon Roll --Lovell Wringer, saf^ty re lease --•Large size tub, everlasting Porcelain, easy to clean --Full 6 sheet capacity ^ - --Triple Vane Turbinate* :^lent'^^Belt --Leak-proof Drain --beautiful "two-tone finish ii/'i;-/.' yy$* $1 Down -» $1 Per Week Buy Right- Save Money "«o Canvassers' Commissions, Mo Useless Trucking Costs Ho Excessive Demonstration Labor > Ho Demonstration Depreciations |CNOW--That You Get a Hew Machia* CAREY ELECTRIC SHOP IT WAS • a satisfaction to have reached tiie age of flfty-two and able to afford that trip to Europe. First class, mind you, and for a family of five. None of those tourist trips, either. The Magnus family, the three boys, Dora and Pop, were not going to be tied down to schedule or belong to any traveling delegation with "tourist"^ labeled all over them. They departed Meyersrilie 6n6 perfect . June morning .with what they, called an "elastic itinerary" and, except for the necessary precaution of hooking passage on one of the largest liners for outgoing and returning date, !;tid plan* t© 'wander as l^e wind did blow. V What with Dora, wlttme pretty Hi-own eyes all her life had been fixed upon tbe \*ision' of Paris shops in which to wander; Steve, her eldest, who dreamed of becoming a civil engineer and must see the greai engineering feats of the Old world; Bobhie, the second boy, who was bound he would collect hotel laibels from ten Kuropean metropolises; Leonard, only eleven, who wanted to see the Alps .that had been crossed by Napoleon, there were plenty of reasons for the Magnus family', to travel ad. lib. Even Top, who declared .that with everything so new to him it did not matter much what, lie saw first, expressed » great desire to visit Sheffield, England, as early as possible In the itinerary. It was not unnatural that one in the retail hardware business over ft period of. twenty-eight years should harbor a desire to see Sheffteld. " : R was worth it, fill right, that trip, Pop kept assuring himself every minute and. every inch of the way. Why, just to be able to buy a map of the city off one of those vendors perpetually haunting the sight-seeing busses of practically every town visited, was worth the price of ..the trip ifself. Great think for a man to be able to afford his youngsters the finest opportunities to sharpen their young minds. No education like travel! And the wife! To see her in Paris was wortli evet*y ache in every bone of his body. Dora just bloomed, that's what Dora did. Great thing, travel, k man got fed up on the being soaked part, No us* denying that. Certainly is the limit the way tjjey tried to put it over on the Americans. And for his part, Pop Wasn't going" to pretend anything about the galleries! Fine thing for Dora and the growing hoys. Why. travel made a. conversationt^Iist of one, and Pop did not Intend to have his boys Ignoramuses, like the embarrassed young men on. the backs of rjnagazines, who had' not 'purchased certain sets of books." " Those advertisements on the backs of magazines had directed" at Pop more than one secret jibe. You canliot teach an old horse new tricks, or undoubtedly he, at his tinre of life, would have set about to correct his own deficiencies. Well, thank God, Dora, sweet one, did not seem to mind his social short comings. But the boys .were going to have their chance. Gallerfes might not be the place for a man of fifty with callouses and a back of the neck that seemed to be the nesting place of cricks, but It was a pleasure Just to loaf around the streets and hotel lobbies waiting, while Dora fcnd the boys did the galleries or Napoleon's tomb or that &f the Unknown Soldier. Something to remember for a litetime. Something worth having saved up for during a lifetime. There were, of course, minor catastrophes. Th« second month out, Steve developed a tendon In his left heel which made it difficult for him to walk the miles of galleries, and half the time he napped in the hotel, while Dora and the other boys made the rounds. Theu, too, as lyck would have It, Martin, Pop's most valued employee of twenty years' standing, fell from a ladder and broke his hip, and that left the store practically In the hands of young Monroe, a salesman of comparatively recent standing, in whoni Pop placed no great confidence". But on the'principle that , this was probably the trip of a lifetime, Pop's and Dora's lifetime at leasf, and certainly one which the boys could not to repeat for many a year to co»e, Pop wrote a fifty-page letter of Instructions to Monroe, and proceeded to discipline himself to "forget business." Vienna was a fine town f Except for the fact that no one seemed ever to have heard of "Wiennerwurst!" It was a treat to be able to sit out in front of a cafe and for a few pfennig drink as fine a glass of beer as had ever been brewed back home in the good old days. And Pop jiad certainly taken a fancy to Munich, where you could sit in the Hofbrau house while Dora and the boys saw the sights, and even if you were no more of a drinking man than Magnus, whose limit was two mugs of Munch •a, could enjoy the fine spectacle of camaraderie among thee* seemingly leisurely people. Now with Italy--oh, line, and all that--It was nevertheless different To begin with, German, especially aftjBf you had been in the hardware business in Meyersvllle all. these years, was something you had picked up from customers who lived in a part of town vulgarly known as "Saurkraut Patch." One felt at home with the Germans, because there were so many of them in Meycrsville. But the Eyetallans certainly were hard nuts to crack. No getting next to those fellows. Fine for Dora and the boys* Steve had a chance to see some of tho big tilings Mussolini was planning lit an engineering way, and Rome and Florence certainly were filled with mighty old tilings. Butr funny, Just next to Impossible to get a decent dish of spaghetti In Italy. Well, it was all part of the philosophy of "live and learn." There was the whole thing in a Nutshell. Live and learn. Dora was living this trip! To see her eyes shine over the blue crepe dress from Paris. testified to that. Boys were too young to realize It, but every single day was storing up in those young minds Impressions of a "lifetime. Days might drag a bit for Pop, Monroe and his 111 equipment. for running the business might weigh more heavily than Pop would have liked, but just the same the rowans Justified the end. It was at the conclusion of the thirds month that Pop came to what, for. him, was a heroic conclusion. After nil, trip of a lifetime; boys art the formative--period ; Dora having the time of her life--the thing to do, even If he had to wire his brother In; Wichita for a loan of one thousand dollars <m collateral of his balding loan association stock, Was to suck it, out another month! Two weeks in Paris was mighty little for a woman who had looked forward .to It all her life. Why, as th<> guide he had engaged to do the galleries With them had remarked, "the Louvre" itself was worth two weeks of intensive study," to say nothing of the fact that the Eiffel tower and places like that were worthy of Steve's careful consideration. And history! To stand at the top of the: CMunps Elysees and look down that 'fine street was to live all over the-: days of Napoleon who had planned out that street. Yes sir, it might mean long hours of sitting around the street cafes of the town, - and Pop certainly xlid not care for the syrupy drinks or the Inky coffee that.seemed the order of those terraces, but agaitir on the principle--only come to .Europe once, Pop, as his surprise of th« voyage, sprang his news to the family-- after the money had been wired for from Wichita, the original return passage canceled, and the new pasf sage for six weeks later purchased. It seemed to Dora that if ever her; influence over her three sons had reached its triumphant peak it wair during Top's release of his tidings one evening in their narrow hotel sitting room in the Hotel Griffon in Paris.' Leonard, whose nostalgia for hi*- • swimming hole at Cracks creek baclt home had been something with which his mother had secretly struggled the summer through, began frankly to cry, but then -Lennie was the baby and Pop never even noticed. Bui Steve, who should have known bet* ter, actually started to be rude to father and explain that the tendon in his heel and all been a hoax to escape one more day of the agony ol traipsing Europe, and except for the heel of Dora's shoe, dug into his instep, would have wounded his father for life. The same way \flth Bobble. There was a dreadful" moment when it seemed - that the boy would explode some of the secret nostalgia with which Dora had-been coping all these months had she not Jumped quickly into, the breach," tiding over the disaster of letting Pop know the horrible truth. •Why, dad, that's mighty darling generous of you. But I declare, honey, I think I and the boys have h a d a b o u t e n o u g h . . . " "There you go again, sacrificing your own desires to what you imagine are mine. This time, though, I've foreseen all that. This trip alift over, honey--It's Just about to begin for you and the boys--you're not going to say when you get home that you didn't see Europe. See that package there! That's guide books!" As Dora afterward explained, tearfully, prayerfully, to her three insurgent sons. "Stick It out, darlings-- for my sake! If I can make tlfe best of it, surely you young ones can. We'll be home again tn eight weeks, darlings. | know It seems awful long now--but mother will do her best to let you out oil the traipsing. Stick It out, darlings, for Pop's sake, typ |f enjoylng It so!" InMrttl Work mi Art "The Deatk of Socrates," painted and exhibited in the Paris sUOn in 1787, Is the work of Jacques Louis David. It Is one of the four paintings classed as the artist's masterpieces and Bhows the Greek philosopher about to drink poison In a well surrounded by his disciples. Sir Joshufe Reynolds, who saw the painting at Paris, described It as the greatest effort of art since the Sistine chapel and the Stance of Rkphael. In 1812 Napoleon tred to purchase It, but was not successful. W!f. Did "Pretty W*1P In hls journal, James Boswell cites a conversation between a Mr. Markham and Doctor Johnson: Markham--"Had you a wife?" Johnson--"Yes, sir, I had that honor." Markham--"Was she a good wife?" Johnson--"Why, pretty well, as well as General Ogle-, thorpe's." The general, who had been thirty years married, professed subjection and was glorying in it. Eigbt Daily Papers tfie capital of Mauritius, an lflfertt Ift the Indian ocean, with a population of 50,000, has eight daily »ewspap«ra ' ^ ^ ^ • 1 .1 i MiaW.il ill•im* JTi'I* * < 'C *>{ Rotten Buiihu There u^e times when business it rotten because it's a rotten business.-- New York American. • m AaMricaa History i Only after the World" war\id E* ^ ropean universities begin for the drat time to establish courses in Ajroerkae.{ " ^ v ^ IIIII|J«III Mil Djrilfl ))t ll,!|( Hill,m W ^ , Biblical Not*. --"J> ij The word reverend occurs only one# ^ In the Bible, "Holy and reverend It : ' his name." "v<- '• • ' . Ir'f.f ^ J)*y Phone McHenry 256 Night Phone McHenry 1^^ Peterson's Garage ' * TIEES--OIL--OAS - f ^ . . . - Expert Repair Serviee One Block East of Fox Biver Bridge, Ronte 20 ** "i £- * ^ •;.y^ •P: i*-. V • ' .J"- at record breaking * V • x, - "t, J f* '<• V f v /? -> ^ v Millions more people 4 rv. C; Tires. Why? Bank on it the reason is," Good years are the best values. We can prov:©; this to you, by actual test. 5Gallons of Light, Medium, tfjO QA Heavy or Winter Oil, for.,. WALTER J. FREUND Prestone, Glycerine, Alcohol, Chains, Batteries anil Vulcanizing of all kinds Phone 294 Work Guaranteed West MeHenrf:. GOOD YE A&PATHFINDER ' % r- •v , v; . Each in Skto • Emk Pairs 29x4.40-21 .$ 4.98 9 4.80 29x4.50-20 5.60 5.45 30x4.50-21 . 5.69 5.55 28x4.75-19' 6.6| J 6.45 29x4.75-20^ .i.............. . 6.7|i . " 6.57 29x5.00-19 6.9| •&=; 6^0 30x5.00-20 .. •% 7.1# 6.90 28x5.25-18 . 1.9% 7.65 29x5.25-19 »»»«'« MMM 8.1t -1 7.90 30x5.25-20 . 8.3# 8.05 31x5.25-21*" . - 8.5f „ • 8.35 28x5.50-18. 8.7t i ; 8.50 29x5.50-19 . 8.90 > 8.65 32x6.00-20 11.4T I 11.15 33x6.00-21 . 11.65 11.30 Pricee Subject to Change Without Notice GOODYEAR SPEEDWAY : , Each in Size Eadi Pairs 29x4.40-^1 .ee'w^eeeieeiiBfl*! .$ 4.35 $ 4.25 29x4.50-20 • 4.76 „ 4.63 30x4.50-21 . 4S8I 4.70 28x4.75-19 . 5.68 5.57 29x5.00-19 ...........as... • 5.9« 5.83 30x5.00-20 . 6.1$ 5.95 31x5.25-21 . 7.3T • r - 7.26 30x3 Vi . 375 3.65 Prices Subject to Change Without Notice • X 4 ~ . i -?•>' 1 m that gives service ts the best gift of all/* -- Sonts Golf-Archery Gam* a Hit Bonarro, a game combining golf and archery, has made a hit in Canada. It is played with bow and arrows instead of golf clubs over a course similar to golf. The equipment consists of one or more bows, arrows of various kinds for target practice, distance shooting and hunting, quiver, bow case and other accessories. The game requires the technique of target practice and hunting, and scoring is along the line* of that in golf. Toyour boat* .., . . . t o b e e n j o r a d f o r y e a n . . . l o n g alter other gift* arc gone and forgotten. The latest models of uwfal Come ferricc appliances aow art being shown at the display room of the Western UaiM Gm tad Electric Company. We in rite you to Wcw fhett sahibits, to note tbe low prices, and to purchase on our easy payment plan --a small suip down, balaac* monthly, with small cartywif chsiy . Rabbits Spread Blase Babbits have been added to Nevada's fire menace. Fire fighters who battled a 20-mfle blaze on Peavlne mountain reported that much of the •rapid spreading of the fire was*caused by rabbits running, with fur ablaze, from the burning areas through the brush, setting new Area. •Tito g*7* a Gas Appliance Gift SUCT&OtUX. Gm Rtfrigtnfrr Ch« perfect food protection... •parting. in cubes... convenience and comfort all through the year. Noiseless no moving nam. Operating costs amazingly lew. Come in and let us demon- Mate. Latest Electrolux models ^ --a size for every home. Gas Fireplace Heater _ Quick warmth, good chest, »ckied bctury in the home. $e* the arm fucpUcc bc*iet intxMa. Tbe one ilimtnrrd below, with 10 radiants -- to bUck, |20; la mtroon, brown «od <"***. of hen $ 11 and up. Small dowa payment, easy terma, hmII CM* tying, charge. *91 ' GrnaSi McHenry Caa Make M«cl> Trouble MI like a man dat tells de truth,** •aid Uncle Eben, "because I kin trust him. An' I don't mind a man dat tells a falsehood, cause I kin ketch him at It But de man dat mixes up de two is terrible hard to keep up wiUm"-- Washington Star. Wail Goes Far Dow* The deepest well that has yet been dug is abf|| » aatta iM tbfjMmrters deep. Salvage Fro* Filnaa * 4 At the end of the normal life of a •notion picture, three years, the film Is burned and the raw silver extracted from the ash. This is quite considerable, 200,000 pounds of film yielding •iHHtt 3$0 pounds of the metaL . First Street Ligbtiag Anttoch, in the Fourth century, Is believed to have been the first city to make ai^ gj&ppt tp lig^t Ui at nitftc. Gas-Fired Incinerator Quick!y burns all garbage and rubbish. Pro«ccts brtith. promote* cktoti- Bets, lives Ubor. Sntii down pijimtat; biliict Moatbiy. HEAT YOUR HOMI with GAS--R|tt Reduced Nearly 1*) The Grand Gift! You CM Kivt tutomatic g*s htti with your present boiler or furnace The Rcpublit Burner hts into your itnia or hoc water boiler of wttm iu foroacc. Makes tt M el- 6oem ^«s heatiog OImk. latttlimoos as lo«ai)2IV Only $49.50 for this j Console Rang* V , $6] widi Ov«« Hcst OMtfd ¥ . Wbai finer home gift could,i>; dm be than chts modero: V ttagr " New design, in wbite .^. a»d gr»f or ivoqr and green' porcelain enameL Large po« Mkd ken!* drawer Handy cut' 1try drawer. Burner tray nukes Convenient shelf. Ovenhas heal lt«J doors Oven and broiler eoaroei-hned. Smaii down paymmi, e*sy terms, smaii cazrytag charge Self-Action Gas "Hot Water Service' This automatic storage water heater will girt your home continuous bot water tcrvice for a few cents a day. Avenge family size as low as $49.30, with your old heater. $4.9i *owa, per month; small Carrying charge.^ lit I v ** - z . - si , > * -rv N-'-. .. :ifif pte.,' WESTERN UNITEF) Wgas^d electric companyL^ . 0. S. OOLUHS, District ManaglC • , » • >?' • • df «... v-V • is- •* y #'* % J V*! J