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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Dec 1931, p. 8

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' 7:7". \7 "* *;:*yfr *H* M'HKNBT PLAINDBALUR, THUE8DAT, »EOEM£Ht 17, 19S1 %P3*iAr »:0. s^* CmM sun H*ar, However *•/. Then there was the case of the show was BO bad that, after about ten ^sipolnutesi a man came out and asked •~|he lady at the box office if she could . Change his seat to one behind a pillar. Opinion. I V. ••••;' .-Few of Ut tu More than 3,000,000 dangerous microbes are said to lurk in the average dollar bill. But we can't hold onto one long enough to count more than ten.--- ^HFatlifii.d^r Magazine. Great Collection of Maps ' The Library of Congress, hut a..csik. lection of 1.000,000 maps. Clvfl War Bounty Jampor* A bounty jumper In the Civil war was one who upon payment of bounty enlisted lp the army and afterward deserted from the service. Usually a man who did this successfully once repeated the performance until he had accumulated quite a sum of money or was caught at the game. V 1w.ll Fortiliaei • Germany is estimated to use onefotirth of the world's . chemical plant fertilisers In an area "slightly larger, than the combined areas of New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana. Every farm In the country Is fertilised at least every two years. C6\ •IS ** - , ii'M 'B v;.,:y A- Sans Elegance Is No Gift To pive is to flatter to excite and to leave all ; of a flutter; and to flatter, do not forget tliirt " •in all the world there is nothing- so d6se to the heart of a woman as, her-opinion of her otra £ood taste, and when that opinion is an opinion justified, there is no gift* lik« perfimje. _ -C - <. WHAT LOVELY GIFTS OF PERFtJMB. . • V;'AT BOI/IEB'S Finest rare imported and domestic perfumes may be had in individual bottles, daintily b 0 & d , j o r i n t h e b e a u t i f u l c o m b i n a t i o n g i f t s G t e . ; fetjtGERir PERFUME SHOte A^A A A A A A^A .A A^AA^A A A. ^ 4 ^ "A" "A" "A" "A" "A" "A" "A" "A" "A"^" "A" "A" A REAL Kitias Gift BOUDOIR LAMPii $1.50 UP ' TABLE LAMPS $ 4.00 up ^ FLOOR LAMPS ^ $G.OO up . SMALL RUGS $1.75 to $5.00 BRIDGE TABLE SMOKERS 50c PULL-UP CHAIRS $6.50 up HOOVER VACUUM SWEEPERS $21.95 WALNUT CEDAR dHESHB $14.00 UP BEDROOM HAMPERS In Orchid or Green $6.50 HERE'S A HINT FOR YOU MEN Give the wife a lifetime gift FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATOR PARLOR SUITES -- $80 to $150 3-PIECE WALNUT BEDROOM - SUITES $85.00 INKER SPRING MATTRESSES $15.00 UP Jtad, then, here are a few suggestions: ' END TABLES MAGAZINE RACKS FERNERIES BRIDGE SETS LADIES' DESKS SMOKERS FOR THE MEN RADIO BENCHES ~k MIRRORS LOUNGE CHAIRS PICTURES ^ EATON BEDSPREAD AND ^ PILLOW SEtt JUDGE CARLTON PROUTT Judge Carlton Prouty, 67 years old, a summer resident of McHenry for the past eighteen years, died' at St, Francis hospital in Chicago, Dec. 10. He had been ill with diabetes for many years. Judge Proutjr was born Nov. £0, 1864, in Washington, D. C., during the war. He was a resident of Winnetka for fifty-four years. He was active in city affairs, being at different times a justice of the peace, town collector, attorney, treasurer and trustee in Winnetka.- H«i was very fond of outdoor life. ^ Surviving: him are his widow, Maiy B. Prouty, two sons, Richard B. and Carlton, Jr., and daughter, Mrs. Dorothy P. Scott, i WILLIAM KELLB1 Kelley of Rin^wood the Elgin State hospital, Friday. Funeral services were held in Ringwood; Monday afternoon from the M, W. Ahall with burial in Ringwood cemetery. Those from McHenry who atr tended the funeral were: Mrs. Clarence Whiting, Mrs- Albert Jjtrause, Mr, siwd; .Mrs., JPraijk WattJesf, Mrs* Albert Purvey/ John lialsch apd Joe May. :,p:/ •KV- [ Club News £ES3SZSOE59aE!D , e ; Old Friends Meet ; A**jarty of old-time friends was entertained at the home of Mrs. Jame3 Sayler Tuesday afternoon in honor of the seventy-eighth birthday anniversary of her mother, Mrs. Ella Wheeler. A pleasant afternoon was ^pviit in visiting &iid ieiiuiuaeis initio, after which luncheon was served with table decorations being in the Christmas colors. The guest of honor re-, ceived many pleasing gifts from those present as well as many cards and remembrances from other friends, all of which were much appreciated. All of the guests were over seventy years of age, those present being Mrs. Ella Wheeler, Mrs. Jennie Bassett, Mrs. Alma Thomas, Miss Ellen Doherty, Mrs, C. S. Howard, Mrs. Ellen : l£hjsigri and Mrs. J. F, Claxton. . NQT1CJE QJF APPJ •tffce !S hefby given of the filing by^ the undersigned with the Illinois Commerce Commission of an application tot a certificate' of convenience and necessity to operate as a motor carrier for the transportation of property, between Chicago, Lake Zurich, Wauconda, Volo and \McHenry, Illinois. Information as to the time and place of hearing upon this application may be secured by communicating with tha Secretary of the Illinois Commerce Commission, Springfield, Illinois. DOWNE MOTOR EXPRESS CO. 1; J % Casgiui H. Downs, 29-2; : • . * / President ' First Slag* Coacb** ; Not until 1766 &as there a regular fin* ot stage coaches between New York and Philadelphia. The Journey was thmade lb three days; but ten years later a new stage, -called the "flying machine," was started, and it made the trip in two days. : ,*j<jijS.«®tck For*«t Pr«Mgr*« ^ One of the most beautiful forests In Scotland, the Achraw estate, has been sold to the forestry commission of Scotland for afforestation purposes. Tt covers more than 8,000 acres near Aberfoyle. .Originally it belonged to the duke if Montrose. •mm ' %: Early Ship S«M«r The first act of the first congrei*.. passed on July 4,f 17», Included a clause allowing a ltKper cent discount of tariff duties on all goods Imported J. J in ships built and ow eOiAnieririB. ^ ^ dtlaaBs. " ' Sponge Re«lly an Animal Tbey are found at all depths, tH# : deeper water yielding sponges of be& ter texture and longer wear. They are not round in beds. Divers walk along the" bottom of the sea, tearing the sponges from the rocks or coral to which they Cling. Sponges are oat, of then lowest forms of animal life. ^ ; MRS. ED • HOPPER / N:, Mrs. Ed. Hopper died at her home at Greenwood Wednesday night'of th:s week. Funeral services will be held in. the Ringwood church Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Deceased was the mother of Floyd Hopper of Mc- Henry. 1 ; Emerald Bridge Club • " ; ' " N. J. Nye entertained members of the EJ^nerald Bridge club at her home Tuesday afternoon. Prizes were won by Mrs. E, R. Sutton, Mi-s. Albert Krause arid Mrs. Albert Valea. ' •• Refreshments; were served at .the close of the g&m&s, . • - • SntertxiaB C3A «-* * - Mrs- Nick Weingart entertained the Five Hundred club; at her home last Thursday afternoon. Refreshments were served at the close of the games and prizes awarded to Mrs. Peter Weber, first; Mrs. George Weber, second, and Mrs. Fred Smith, consolation. Mrs. Nick P. Justen spent Wednesday' in Chicago. Miss Lena S toff el was $ Chicago. visitor Saturday. ? Miss Lena Stoffel ^ a Chicago visitor Saturday; v ;• Mr. and Mrs. Joe Weber spent Suitday at Ringwood. Miss Stevens spent the week-end in Chicago and Joliet. Miss Stevens spent the week-end irr Chicago and Joliet. ' Miss Helen McDonald, spent the week-end in Chicago. 4 Eleanor May of Chicago spent Sunday at her home here. Mrs. H. Degen spent a few days this week at Kenosha, Wis. Eleanor Kinsala of Fox Lake spent Sunday with home folks. * Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bungard were Sunday visitors in Kenosha. • Mr. -and Mrs. D. I. Granger and family were Wauconda visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Robison of Woodstock visited relatives, here Sunday. Vern Long and Harry Laurence of Chicago visited friends in McHenry, Sunday. Jack Purvey of Northwestern University spent the week-end at his home here. Miss Leone Conway returned horpe Sundky night, after a visit with Chicago relatives. Mr. and Mrs. James Boyle and son and Chester Vastine of Chicago sipent Friday at McCollum's lake. Mr. and Mrs. James Boyle and son and Chester Vastine of Chicago spent Friday at McCollum's Lake. Bernard Frisby, Jr., of Chicago was a Sun<Jay visitor in the home of his grandmother, Mrs. B. Frisby". Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bolger, daughter, Vivian, and Miss Mary Bolger were Waukegan visitors Saturday. Mrs, Paul Meyers and Mrs. George Worts visited their sister, Mrs. Ed. Thompson, at Ringwood, Sunday afternoon. Miss Margaret Agnes and Elizabeth McCabe, brother, Henry, and Miss Margaret Russell of Waukegan spent Sunday with their mother, Mr». P, McCabe. ,. ?3aiertain at Carfti Mr. and Mrs. Wiora entertained a i»arty of friends at their home Saturiay evening. Dancing a(nd cards were enjoyed and prizes awarded to Mrs. Peter Weingart and John Shuette, first; Mrs, Peter Freund and George Shelton, second, and Mrs. Thurie Ross and Peter Weingart, consolation. . Just Eight Cl*fc Mrs. r*. J. Aicher was* hostess to the Just Eight club at her home on Waukegan sllreet, Friday evening. •Bridge was played and prizes were merited by Mrs. George Johnson, Miss Elizabeth Miller and Mrs .G. Wy. Hess'. Refreshments were served at the close of the games. Social Wheel Mrs .H. M. Stephenson was hostess at a one o'clock luncheon to the members of the Social Wheel at the Universalist church parlors, Thursday afternoon. ^ A pleasant aftemoofi was spent in playing bridge. Royal Entertainers The Royal Entertainers met at the home of Mrs. T. W. Winkel Thursday evening. Five hundred was played and prizes awarded to Mrs. N. E. Barbian, Mrs. T. W. Winkel, Mrs. Geo Bohr and Mrs. C. Joos. Lunch was served The next meeting will be with Mrs. Mat Steffes. ; : ^ Riverview Camp' Riverview Camp, R. N. A., will hold their regular meeting Tuesday night, Dec. 22. THC FoMPigFo V McHenry, lit • ^;/0(K»d.Soun^.-|||s|| Good' Pictures-*-;'.'jO Plenty Heat-- • - ; SATURDAY - SUNDAY Dec. 19-20 BtlSSA LANDI and - , VICTOR McLAGLEP "WICKED" Comedy and News, ' FRIDAY -- SATURDAY Dec. 25-26 JAMES DUNN and LINDA WATKINS ^SOB SISTER'* also n LAUREL AND HARDY "ONE GOOD TURN" ^ * v v > y would Christmas be without a GIPT OF CANDYf ml: ^raiTMAN^ TPAGE A SHAW'S, JULIA KING'S COMING SOON; JOAN CRAWFORD « and CLARK GABLE ; in "POSSESED"* JACKIE COOPER and WALLACE BERRY in "THE CHAMP" WARNER BAXTER in "CISCO KID" ^RMER SHEARER • , • and • ROBT. MONTGOMERY in "PRIVATE LIVES" And all other really big pictures • Shows 7 and 9 p# n». _ ; J>on't Miss Them PRtCiS .. 10c and 25c v ':sPECiAti; m lbs. Delicious Chocolates Iter? Best • Candy^^, It's Christmas Time S2.49 -1 Mr J rrP: %•' Q • * mft sWa »-R«» » » »»}•»-t» »t- •!< » » » » »»•»»»• I*II*I 1*1 I*I I*II*I IJI I|I I|I m AIKAI. 1^1 fill) •4 ^ BEAUTIFUL HANDBAGS at reduced prices" i '-iMiGIN WATCHES--Ladies' and Gentlemen's , I>RESSER SETS RADIO LAMPS : ^ FITTED OVERNIGHT CASES / % PEN AND PENCIL SETS DESK SETS MU^LgAL INSTRUMENTS AND SUPPLIES LATEST SHEET MUSIC ; -- KODAKS ' V ' CHRISTMAS GREETING OARDS , You're sure to find the,gift you are looking for *1 Gtfie Christmas Floral (Svimjaol £n| diaries.'2^ 0f Fredericks ^ " WadswortK^ CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Samantha R. Button wishes to extend her most heartfelt thanks to all those who contributed toward her happiness on her one hundredth birthday. To the mayor and the city counc il who ordered the flags displayed in j her honor; to the American Legion ! who sent the beautiful birthday cake I and the fruit, vegetables and chickens for her sumptuous dinner; to the schools for their bands and glee clubs; to the Waukegan and Harvard D. G. A. R. for their floral offerings; to the florist for the artistic birthday piece; to the McHenry County American Legion for the one hundred gorgeous American Beauty rosebuds; to the indSvidual friends who came to offer their gifts and congratulations; to Mrs. Culver, who so generously opened her home to the public and the service of ice cream and birthday cake; to oncpand all who in any way helped to give Mrs. Button happiness, she expresses her thanks and appreciation- ! 29 M. E. CHURCH You are invited to attend services at the M E. church every Sunday*. Morning worship, 11 o'clock. ? ; > Sunday school, 10 o'clock. Next Sunday will be Men's Sunday1 With a special invitation extended to the men to attend. f At 7:30 Sunday night the 'Christmas program will be given by the Sunday school. Friends are invited to Attend this program, Christmas tree and visit from Santa Claus. & Sons Qretn and Elm Street$ WImbm Cam* Doubt* ; Dubious questioning Is much better evidence than that senseless dead- Bess which most take for believing. Men that know nothing in sciences haTe no doubts. He never truly be- MCHENRY Ileved who was not made first sensible and convinced of unbelief. Never be afraid of doubt, if only you have the disposition to believe.--Leighton. HE poinsetta, a symbol of the Christmas seasoa .on the Pacific coast and which has become generally accepted as such In the Eastern states also, derives its peculiar name from its discoverer, Joel Roberts Poinsett (1779- 1851), who found It in Mexico early in the Nineteeenth century and brought to the attention of the botanical world. Doctor Poinsett (for as a young man he studied medicine abroad) was quite a fellow in various ways. He was appointed special minister to Mexico in 1822, after he had executed for this government an important previous mission to Chile and other South American countries; and Internal difficulties prevailing In one or two of the countries below the isthqius at the time of hils visit, his leadersliip 'was recognized and made use ot In restoring I order. From 1825 to 1829 he sdminis tered the regular portfolio of minister to Mexico, and published two volumes of his experiences and observations in that country. Doctor Poinsett also was -a member of the South Carolina legislature, a congressman from that state for four years, and was secretary of war in President Van Buren's cabinet from 1837 to 1841. Probably one of the world's greatest outdoor displays of the polnsettla is that maintained by the city of San Diego in Balboa park, site of the 1915 exposition. The planting occupies an are' approximating two acres, and as somt ' the stalks reach s height of fourte. feet and a diameter of more than thi Inches a foot above the ground, tii -irden impresses one as a young fort ; green with a brilliant red top. Fuli ft »ct is attained about December -JO--ut" centimes several weeks. (ft i»ii. WvtiniiriMew Nyp's Jewelry, Music and RadiQ Shop On Main Street * . & J T T T T T T T T J T T T Tj T T T T t -v «•» TIMHV Gll-r • Timely, because it comes in time for your Christmas expenditures. £ When you do your Christmas gift buying, use, y'oouurr CChhrriissttmmaass Savings Club check as your budget. : •. ' ' 7 Did you have one this year? Fine, well, now how about next year. P<>n't b« without one, it is the handiest thing in the world- J J T fT f T t T *« T I T T T T T T f T T YJT YY •• YY - •' Christma* Shopping Liat AlimMsdH AW Free Jotn SM ne* Christmas Cfaik Come in and MaMut ) :, V" •s-V " ; Join Our New "CHRISTMAS CLUB ZToday •v every purpose 1 in i ,. •. :! . - l .. . West McHenry State Bank peoples State Bank of McHenry ¥ ' • „4.;' » '»i- 'V . ...... .. v .

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