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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Feb 1932, p. 10

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s ' '• IV-v- •• AY,ttB»VAftYlI,lMa ' ;:ir,, ". it: i».i.. •yfiWM>8 Schodl Not& wmm » *•*1 ••;.•. ftV ll" «fCBilELSB McHenry, III Good Sound- Good Pictures-- TONIGHT--LAST TIME Don't Miss This One . "Richman's Folly" GEORGE BANCROFT SATURDAY ; S U N D A f Feb. 13-14 ' ; ' Big Dougle feature ^"SOOKY'pgi also viM u .11 BERT LAHR and CHARLOTTE GREENWOOD COMEDY AND NEWS WEDNESDAY THURSDAY Feb. 17-18 HERE IT IS "FRANKENSTEIN" Juai 2 Days -- Don't Miai ft LOOK WHAT'S COMING "Hell Divers", Wallace Beery and Clarke Gable. "West of Broadway", Ed Brendel, John Gilbert "Suicide Fleet", Win. Boyd "Cuban Love Song" Lawrence Tibbetfe - - -- "Cisco Kid", Warner Baxter. "Emma", Marie Dressier. Mr. tal Lakt, of M¥. and Mrs. Albert Pepping, Sr., were married at 9 o'clock Tuesday in St. Thomas church, Crystal Lake, the Rev. E. A. McCormick reading high mass. Mrs- Elizabeth Butler, accompanied at the organ by Dwight Goodwin, sang the mass. The bride, lovely in a gown of white satin and veil of lace,-carried a bouquet of calla lilies and lilies of the valley. She was attended by Miss Lillian Freund, of McHenry, who was attractive in a gown of pink silk and carried a bouquet of pink roses. Albert Pepping attended his brother as best man. The single ting service was used. Only relatives and a' few guests were in attendance. At one o'clock a wedding was served to twenty-eight guests at the Crystal lodge. Mrs- Pepping has been employed for i some time with the Bryant Insurance } Agency, which position she will retain. !dfc. Pepping is employed in the I. O. A. store of which his brother, Albert, is proprietor, Mr. and Mrs. Pepping have furnished an apartment In -the ElTovar theater. building,.. . .t^e^jtl^; .»$. homa.'to friends. ; V/.;-!.:. ;•••, • Fear of Yellow Race* " i The "yellow peril" refers to a scare, :originally raised in Germany in the 'late nineties, that the yellow races would in a very few years have increased in population to such an ex* tent, as to endanger territories occu» pied by the white race. The expression began to be used in American I.Journalism in 1898 In consequence of " articles on this subject. RESOLUTION " WHEREAS, February 22, 1932, is the Two Hundredth Anniversary of the birth of George Washington; and WHEREAS, The Congress of the United States and the Fifty-seventh General Assembly of the State of Illinois have gone on record favoring the Celebration of the Birth of George Washington; and WHEREAS, The County ,authorities have been requested to co-operate in this, the Bi-Centennial Anniversary of the birth of him, who was "first in war, first in'peace and first in the hearts of his countrymen," the' exemplar of American citizenship Therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, By the County Board of the County of McHenry ?n Special Session this 9th day of Feb- S ruary, A. D. 1932, that they hereby request the co-operation of alf the Civic, Municipal, County, Fraternal, Patriotic and Religious Organizations in said County in making the celebraton a success. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVE)), That the County Clerk cause this Resolution to be published in all of the County newspapers. L. A. STOCKWELL, Chairman. Attest: R. D. Woods, Clerk. 37 Sfcould Be Wi.ely Usad The tongue is, at the same time, the best part of man, and his worst. With wisdom, none is more useful; and without it, none more mischievous. Nft? M7, Otdar met in The busy one with much taken care of an for the, future. An old-time party for the members will be given in the hall on Feb. 20, with Mrs. George Johnson as chairman of the committee. On Feb. 26 Mrs. H. L.' Ritter will head a committee to hold a public card party in. the Eastern Star hall. Past officers' night will take place on March 10 with Mrs. Alice Lindsay and Dr. R. G. Chamberlin in the east. A bakery sale is planned for Mav 28. The Good Will Star club will hold its meeting following the first Eastern Star meeting of the fnonth. The second meeting of the month will be a social one with some entertainment for members after the meeting. Plans W6re made and patterns selected for two quilts to be made by members for the Eastern Star home at Rockford and one at Macon. At the meeting- Monday night, Mrs. Ony Wheeler was appointed instructress of the chapter. The new rituals will be ready on Feb. 15 and those who desire to buy them may give their orders to the secretary, Mrs. Emma Fay. • - According to the new ritual, an assdciate patron will be elected at the first meeting- in March. " The grand chapter school of instruction will be held at Rockford on Saturday. Those who are planning to attend are the worthy matron, Mrs. Jennie Eddy, Mrs. Opr W'heeler# Fran, qes and Elsie Vycital. M. E. CHURCH Toff are invited to attend services, at the M. E. church every Sunday. , Morning worship,. 11 o'clock. Sunday school, 10 o'clock. Ptarmigan'* Plumage •' 1 The ptarmigan, a species of gricmS# found in northern Canada and in the high Rockies, changes its-jdress three times a year. It wears dark plumage in summer and gray in autumn, but in the winter time its feathers match the snow, "v C!iffliou»e Ruin* In the caves formed by erosion in the aide walls of canyons in Mesa Verde National park, there are about 2,000 clifL'house ruins, varying In. size from a one-clan structure of a few rooiqs to great prehistoric villages which housed hundreds of people. An error waa made in regard to the French I students corresponding with French students. It is the French II class that i« carrying on this correspondence. Mildred Thompson was the first to receive a reply. A valentine party was given by Miss Kortendick's foods class last Wednesday evening. The sewing room was attractively decorated with hanging hearts. Refreshments were served and games were played. On February 2 the girls went to a swimming meet at Harvard.' "The Harvard girls won from McHerfry by two points. We feel rather proud of this as our girls are considerably out practice. *A large crowd attended the game last Tuesday night when the faculty played the Harvard faculty, and defeated Harvard by 10 points, the score being 30-20. The high school's third team was sadly defeated by the grade school. The crowd seemed to enjoy the volley between the two all-star high school teams. The boxing bouts were given Tuesday night at the high school . The matches are as follows: Guy Duker (155) vs. Jerry Meyers (158). ' . Tony Wolf • (182) Ohesjwr Howard (143). Lloyd Lockwood (134) vs. Roy Schaefer (121). Bill Bacon (138) vs. Leander Laj (148). v Bob Frisby (15T) Vs. Milton Brefeld (152). Louis Johifton (1*3) va. Merle Davis (151). Chuck Peterson, (163%) v».- Itey Howard (170). ' " •*". .i Card of Thanks In this manner we desire to express otfr appreciation and thaTtlcs to neighbors and friends for expressions of sympathy and a'cts of kind assistance, for the beautiful floral offerings and use of cars during our recent sad bereavement. J. F. Knox and Children. Sirs. Elizabeth Laures. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wei1i£pei, Mr. arid Mrs. Mat Laures, * Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Landgren. Mr. and -Mrs. Howard Christensen. Uncle Eben : m jes* shows you," said Uncle "how opportunity ain't equally divided when dar lsn' mo' dan one rabbit to four or five hunters."--Washington Star. GARD OF THANKS We desire in this manner to acknowledge our sincere thanks and appreciation to our neighbors and friends who so kindly extended their assistance and expressions of sympathy at the time of our recent bareavement. 37 August Rossman and Family. Plaindealers at Bo^ger's. * ** i'l ' }*J * ... Abraham Lincoln was a man of the people and a man for the people, that is why he is,so deeply esteemed by the people the world over• THE West McHenry State Bank and the Peoplesr State Bank of McHenry are banks for the people ancl of the people. They have been run since their founding on conservative and reliable lines. They are friends of the people a;id as such are carefulguardians of the people's money and investments. / , f THESE BANKS WILL BE CLOSED ALL DAY FEBRUARY 12 West McHenry State Bank Peoples State Bank of McHenry •~3$i On Friday and Saturday, Feb. 12 and 13, Bolger's Drug Stare is again offering unusual prices on items to be found in a firstclass drug store. This is not a mammoth, stupendous, gigantic carnival of bargains, but simply a lot of items advertised with a price appeal for the purpose of getting people to come and visit our store. We have been having these monthly sales now for some time--the response has been very gratifying. However, we realize there are many people who have neglected to take ad- 35c site" 150 S0° ®romo Quinin •Mo AJpen * Neuter »12I *1.25 ^ Strip Int 17* $5.00 Heating Pads perfect in every detail. Absolutely guaranteed last a life time $3.98 McKESSON'S MILK OF MAGNESIA full1 P.rt* 3 Bars of Palmolive Soap 1 box Palmolive Beads-- 25* Sl.,. 10c Palmolive Soap 4 Bars for 25^ $1.00 Stti01 goc Yotey ELECTRIC POP CORN POPPERS 49^ AS GOOD AS A $10.00 ONE $1.00 Super Liver oil 69 CptyW** lalcvi® gjuKoUenaalW FRIDAY and SATURDAY at BOIGER'S : vantage of these savings and we especially iimte those to oosie and see us Friday and Saturday. As an extra inducement we are going to serve tho«e Famous Chocolate Sodas--which regularly sell for 15c--for only 5 cents. Last December we sold over 500 sodas on one sale-day--mostly to children, who are welcome to come and eat all they can. .This month we especially invite the grownups to avail themtlves of this treat. --You know these Chocolate Sodas an u$.--"We'll be waiting for you." .iwlve lamo MINERAL OIL Absolutely the finest obtainable Pint ..... . . . . ; . 4 9 4 Quart Gallon $2.00 IMPORTED FROM RUSSIA SEE WHAT YOU SAVE 75c Rubber Gloves •.v,..--:- $1.25 Bath Spray • " 75c Dextri Maltose .... SI 00 Beef, Irnn and Wine 25c Colgates Tooth Paste 50c Woodbury Hand Lotiott 60c Woodbury Cold Creme 25c B &B Baby Talcum 35c Put Cleaner $1.00 Cod Liver Oil J39 d 89^ for 25^ ~ 334 s36^ •17 & -27 & J69d HOT WATER BOTTLESl and Fountain Syringe-- $1.25 values-- 89* WAHL PENS AND PENCILS OO cent off SHAVING NEEDS |75c Shaving Brush 49* Palmolive Talcum 16* Gillette Blades 83* ^oap 1Swav Shaving Cream 30* $1.00 Gem Razor and 5 blades $1.00 and tube McKesson Shaving Cream FREE YOU CAN'T OVERLOOK THESE $1.00 McKesson Aspirin „...u™^^.^y69< $1.00 Ingersoll Watch 75c Popular Books $1.Q0 Briar Pipes % 29* 60c Whisk Brooms •„J..!.39^ f/JLOc Theme Paper 3 for 10<| ; I i ' i ' iii' i' it • " ff- FARMERS SPECIAL ATTENTION All Fully guaranteed HOSPITAL COTTON 1 lb roll 39^ ADHESIVE TAPE n 1 p. by 5 yards 50c 31* 5 yds Sterile Gauze 65t 43* BANKERS CIGARS--25 s $1.25 Kow, Kare 25c 2 lbs. Epsom Salts $2.00 Cooper's Disinefectant ..... 65c Gray lawn Louse Powder. ..... lOc Bag Balm 25c Fleck's Poultry Powder ..... f5c Lee's Germozone '$3.00 gallon B. K. Antiseptic gal $1 11* 1.29 30* 45* 13* $25.63g 75c RUBBING ALCOHOL 39* Regular $1.25 50c Pepsodent Tooth Paste 65c Forhan's Tooth Paste 44* 25c Listerine Tooth Paste 50c Prophylactic Tooth Brush, both for 47* Morosan Tooth Brushes-- 25c 13* Dr. West's Tooth Paste 2 FOR 33* THOMAS r. |hON^4$ . "THE McHENRY DRUGuiST A COMPETENT HEGISTERJE^P PHARMACIST ALWAYS IN CHARGE BOL6ER - McKEHRY, ILLINOIS B0c 8to^onery 33«fr 27* ei.50 lag*™*} Alajn» ClocTt 69* y/ H.00 site ' Coty's Powder 69* $l0° AdJeriki 69^ 88* 59* AgaroJ ' 98* Tonic 45* easolvent 2for15# Birdse^j

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