* *«<*»„ " #J -«f' p -p -- -r w t :> -. V--. • ' 4'^ •f . '; " - 4- " A. ^Vr RWGWOOI> 46m Doiothir Cterr <Jf Ckk>f»4VMt l^irdar •venter In the Loater Ctrr *«m»th CrUty ent«rt»hw<l the Bride* chit>" rt feST home afternoon. ?*i**s *£ awarded to Mis* H- C. Hughes and *Mrs. Roy Neal. At the clows, luncheon , atas served. I Mr*. Anna McNamara of Hampshire, Mrs. J. F. Claxton and Mrs. John Dreymiller of McHenry were •callers in the G. E. Shepard home Wednesday evening. , , f Mr. and Mrs. Nick Adams attended ^jhe wedding of their cousin vioia Adams at Johnsburg, Thursday. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Max Beth and son lly of Chicago spent Wednesday t» Wm. Beth home. | Mrs. Paul Meyers of McHenry was j caller in the Edward Thompson Some, Thursday afternoon. M Mrs. Nick Young entertained the Janco club at her home, Thursday ms. Prizes were awarded to Ralph Simpson. Mrs. Ed. Thoinpion, Mrs. Viola Low and Mrs. William licCannon. Luncheon was served. ® Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thomas and mily and Mrs- Lucy Thomas of oodstock wer© callers in the Edgar orrias home, Tuesday. f Mrs. Ed. Peet and Ralph Clay spent t'Sarsday in Rock ford. Mrs. Homer Mann and Son Seymour; nd Mrs. Ada Mann of Woodstock re callers in the Edgar Thomas ome, Wednesday. Mrs. Julia Kistler of Chicago spenv lursday in the Leon Dodge home. Adrian Thomas of Chicago spent ursday night with his parents, Mr. nd Mrs, Edgar Thomas. . Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Simpson spent |he week-end with Chicago relative* I Mesdames H. M. Stephenson and fViola Low attended the Legion muxilliary convention At %Harvard, •Saturday. f Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Dodge returnfsd home Sunday afternoon after a |weeks visit in the home of their jjaughte^ Mrs. George, "Bacon Oft ^•jAntioeh. Mr. and Mrs! George Young and amily in company with Mr. arid Mrs. rnest Snyder and son of Richmond pent Sunday afternoon in the James ell home at Lake Villa. Mrs. Agnes Jeneks and daughter ary of Evanston spent the week-end ; the Mrs. Lillian Stevens home. , Mr. and Mrs. George Young and Jfamily spent Saturday evening at |W oodstock.' J Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young spent ^Saturday evening at Hebron. • j Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frey and Ifamily of Durfield spent the week-end ;.iin the Elmer Olsen home. Miss Florence Olsen of Zenda spent jthe week-end in the home of her Ibrother, Elmer Olsen and family. The Ladies Aid Society will hold an lall day meeting at the home of Mrs ^Ray Peters, Friday. A pot luck dinner •will be Berved. Everybody is welcome. Next Sunday evening at the M. E. church there 'Will be an exhibit of the work of the children at the summer Bible school. Everyone is welcome .* Mrs. Jennie Bacon returned to her I home here Sunday after a visit with ^relatives in Elgin. 4 Mr. and Mrs- Glenn Jackson and ^family of Solon Mills spent Sunday evening in the S. H. Beatty home. > Fred Schau of Chicago is visiting in the home of his daughter Mrs. L. )E. Hawley and family. Mrs. Malissa Gould and daughter ; 'Jane, Melvin Wagner and Louis ; Abendroth of Elgin were callers in the Mrs. Jinnie Bacon home Sunday. % Mr. and Mrs. Axil Carlson and : family of Woodstock spent Thursday ' ' in the Clayton Bruce home. Clay Rager of Chicago is spending ; his two weeks vacation here with his "^family. Mrs. Ed. Thurwell and son Kenneth and friend of Rockford and Mrs. Frank Thurwell of McHenry spent Sunday in the A. L. Laurence home. Mrs. Ed. Thompson and Mrs. Nick Adams attended a party in the George Worts home at McHenry, Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wiedrich and . family and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr _ and family spent Sunday in the Fred - Wiedrich home. Mr. and Mr*. Lewis Schroeder the ball game at Fox Lake, RED LITERATURE IS UNDER CLOSE STUDY Frank Wiedrich and daughter Ethel and son Leslie were callers in McHenry, Wednesday. Mrs. S. W Brown and son Lenard spent Tuesday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Williams and family of McHenry were callers here, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Fisher are entertaining the formers mother' Mri. Fisher and the lattert father, Mr. Carlyle of Plymouth Ind. for a few weeks. Miss Eva Williams of Oak Park spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Henry Williams. Miss Bernice Smith entertained her Bridge club at her tome Tuesday evening. Roy Wiedrich ppent Safepdajr evening at McHenry. Frank and Fred Wiedrich spent Saturday at JameaviUe. Mr. and Mrs. G. K Shepard and family spent Friday at Clinton Junction, Wis. , • 1 Miss Ruby Davis of Woodstock spent the week-end in the Ben Walk- Sngton home* Mrs. George Dixon of Eagle Lake Wis. spent the past week In the J. V, Buckland home. Mr. Dixon came Friday for the week-end. Mrs. Henry Wencil and friends of Chicago were callers in the C. J. Jepson home, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wiedrich and family spent Friday afternoon at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Roland McCannon and son David left Wednesday for Urbana where Mr. McCannon will attend summer school. J. V. Buckland, Miss Flora Taylor, Mrs. Mary Hodge, Mrs. George Dixon and Mrs. Howard Buckland spent Wednesday at Lake Geneva. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Peck and family of Elgin were dinner guests in the C. J. Jepson home, Saturday evening. * J. V. Buckland and Miss Flora Taylor were Sunday dinner guests ia the S. W. Smith home . • Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Thomas and family spent Sunday afternoon in the Arthur Whiting home near McHenry. Mr. and Mrs- Wm. McCannon spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Emma Thompson at Greenwood. Robert Flavik and Ruth Isacon of Elgin were callers in the Edgar Thomas home, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Beth Jr. of Chicago spent Monday in the Wm. Beth home. Mrs. Ed Peet and daughters and Ralph Clay and daughter Maxine spent Sunday afternoon in Elgin- Mrs. Edgar Thomas and children, were callers in McHenry, Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hinze of Crystal Lake spent Monday in the {George Harrison home. The Ladies. Aid Society will hold a dinner at the M. W. A. Hall Wednesday June 29th. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Beatty spent Monday in Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peters spent Monday at Belvidere and Hunter. Jerome Justen entertained a party of friends at his home, Thursday afternoon. Games were played and luncheon was served. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hopper of Chicago spent Thursday and Friday morning with the tatter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S- W. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hawley of Elgin, and Mrs. L. ,E- Hawley and fam- Washington Examines Papers Urging Revolutions. Washington.--Secret books and documents Issued by Moscow which W to the outlawing of the Communist party in Canada and the sentencing of eight Oommunist leaders to five years' lasprlscnnient la Kingston penitentiary after which they are to be deported, are being given much study at the Capital. Copies of the documents, which set forth that the Third Oommunist International ts now throwing, emphasis on "mass revolutionary actions, strikes, and demonstrations," have come into circulation following an address delivered a few weeks ago before the Women's Patriotic conference here by Norman Sommeryiile of Toronto, crown ceanstri of Canada. The address was Incorporated In the Oonsresftioua! Record lest month. A Secret Brochure. Amoof the mass of documentary evidence at the trial in Canada last fail, before a Jury composed almost entirely of work'ngmea, the Judgment of wtilih was upheld by the Court of Appeals of Ontario it February, Is a JOHRSBTntO <$afte a number of people from hare attended the wedding dance at Solon Mills Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schaefer motored to Milwaukee, Tuesday. - Mr. and Mrs, William^. Meyers were Spring Grove callers Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Degen daughter Jeanette were fcfcHenry callers Sunday afternoon. Joe King and" William May were Dundee visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. William May spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Math- N. 8chmitt was a Chicago visitor Saturday. Mrs. Albert Justen of McHenry was a caller at the home of Joe P. Michels Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Lay and family of Spring Grove were callers here Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Althoff and family of McHenry were visitors in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Althoff, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Althoff and son, Bernard, and daughter, Barbara, and Mrs. Ray Karr.cy and Miss Martha' Althoff of Kenosha. Wis-, motored to Elgin Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Steffes and John Schmitt at McHenry. 'daughter, Emily, of McHenry were Mr. and Mrs. Ben H. Meyers of' visitors-at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Racine Wis., were callers at the home j Steve King ^recently. of William J. Meyers Sunday. j Arnold Rauen of Spring Grove vis- Mrs. Jacob Miller daughters Rose- j jted his grandfather, John H. Freund, lyn and Helen and Mrs. Fred Skill- , Sunday. mann were McHenry callers Wednes- j Mr. and Mrs. Ray Horick of Woodday afternoon. stock were visitors at the home of j Joe Smith of Beloit Wia^ vifaa a Stephen Smith Sunday. caller here Wednesday, > ? . i Phil Guinto of McHenry was a Mr. and Mrs. Joe W. Rothemel caller here Monday. visited with Mr. and Mrs." Russel William Byrne, Danny Byrne, Gibbs Tuesday evening. * Roger and a friend of his from CWMr. and Mrs. Albert Huff visited cago recently spent a week out here, with Mr. and Mrs. Tony Miller Sun- ; Jo© King was a Burlington caller ^day. • ' , Monday. 'Mrs. Peter Oeffling and daughter,; Mr, and Mrs. Bob Welke spent the Mrs. Jo« Micheis and Mrs. Margaret week-end here with Iter parentsiFreund were Woodstock callers! Miss Julia Weingart from Chicago brochure which was sent from Mos- j Wednesday i spent the week-end with her mother. M E«rtk'. R« Thai Antarctic has the climate of any part of the earth's surface. molt at of oar Willi--• mid. >nwcursa of thto caggtry ft eloquent ww.* cow secretly to Communists to 57 countries, lnclndlng the United States. It Is under the name of ft. Vassllier, a confidential agent of the Third International, and it treats exhaustively the enlarged program formulated by the International. It ts a hand guide to present-day tactics of the Communists, and written in 1930, It Is Moscow's latest message in tactics. In great detail, the document deals with the methods for the iltegal work of the party, gives directions as to secret codes, invisible inks, secret hiding places, and secret messages. The new plan of operations calls upon Communist parties to change their methods and pace by "concentrating on the problems of carrying out of mass revolutionary actions of the proletariat" Demonstrations Advocafsd. > :i 'The party apparatus," it says, **In response to demands, should. In the first place be fitted for the organization of demonstrations, strikes and ether mass actions. Party leaders who are not capable of organizing demonstrations and strikes should be replaced by others. "Ail political campaigns should more and more have as their tasks the revolutionary mobilization of the broadest masses of the proletariat Communist parties of all countries jhould make use of the discontent which exists among employed and unemployed workers, organize this discontent, carry the struggle to the Stage of mass political strikes, combining them with mass demonstrations --fights for the streets. "The party apparatus should now be systematically overhauled from the top to the bottom, especially In the eourse of preparation and carrying out of demonstrations and strikes. "Last year (1929), in a number of countries Including America, Oer many, and France, there were a number of great Btrlkes which the Communist parties prepared and led." The Moscow document urged the formation of groups trained to prevent by violence any Interference by t h e p o l i c e . . . . . . . _ ' . Joe Schmit^ Wftliam J, Meyers and Mr. and Mrs. William May andi Math N. Schmitt were Spring Grov6 family spent Sunday with his folks callers Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Fr^pk at Spring Grove. Michfcls Mr. and Mrs. Irvtn Smith and Floor TrMtaMt jjfeltf Composition floors aaayv Im waxed and polished. Those, however, that have a base of some soft com* position, such as asphalt, mineral rubber or mineral bitumen are soluble la gasoline, in oils and in carbon tetrachloride. They cannot, therefore, be waxed or treated with any preparation containing those solvents. Almo*t Forgottom fhe inddern novelist doesn't to shoppers | know anything about that old-fashioned heroine who was willing to work her fingers to the -bone for the nkan she loved.--Cincinnati Enquirer. Thought for Today No good ever came from looking at life In a spirit 9i distrust--Boston Traoscrlpt motored to Crystal Lake Sunday eve- daughter spent Sunday afternoon ning. , with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Michel. Mrs. John Freund and daughter Agnes motored to Woodstock Wednes- , day. Mr. ar>d Mrs. Earl J. Turner, Ray- ' mond Schaefer and his sister Anna were McHenry callers Tuesday evening. Mrs. Nick Freund, Mft. Simon Mickels and Mrs. Mary Schmitt visited with Mrs. Henry Thelen Wednesday afternoon. Clarence Michels, Helen and Dorothy Micheis were McHenry callers Tuesday evening. Mrs. William J- Meyers daughter Evelyn were Woodstock Wednesday. . t v, Mrs. Albert Huff daughter Shirley and Mrs. Joe P. Micheis were McHenry callers Wednesday afternoon. Miss v Emma Freund of McHenry visited with fier father John H« Freund Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Joe King and daughter Eleanor were McHenry callers Saturday- Mr. and Mrs. William J. Meyers motored to Milwaukee Wis., Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Althoff and' family and Louis Althoff of McHenry visited with Mr. and Mrs. William Althoff Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. William J. Meyers daughters Evelyn and Laura, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Huff, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Lunkenheimer and family, John Huff, sons, Edward .and Paul and Mrs. Anna Lunkenheimer attended the barn dance that was held at Peter Huff's Satuirday night. Quite a number of people from here attended the show at the Empire Theatre, McHenry Tuesday evening. Arkansas Woodchopper from WLS was in person on the stage. William Althoff of McHenry and William Althoff motored to Elgin Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Math N. Schmitt visited her daughter at Chicago Tuesday. George Zomstaff of Spring Grotfe was a caller here one day this week. Mr. and Mtj?T^ Joe King, daughter, Eleanor, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers nationals Balanitis FRIDAY AND SATURDAY & SEASON'S BEST FOODS At the Season9* Beet Prices NaWonol olFacsyv Itw --osow'sflnasHoodi ctfrasa tow,mu<ijy»" savins prices. Shop and Save at National where yov can b« sura of fha flnast qwatty Foods el tho lowest possible prices. NATIONAL COFFEE - 29c VOTrnhMk-hMM - CAMPBELL'S Tomato Soup KaMcjg's or Post TosnMm APPLE SAUCE * V. ft. Brand--Rnest N. Y. Stofo KIDNEY BOWSAmerican Home--Red TumFMI * 2£2SC SrSE No. 2 - , SwnICwvi N*. 2 ' * #€» MayonnaiM Kraft*!--"WrkM Free* Snowdrift* ' «17« ftplna Na «M pardMM JV« P&G Soap "•*"•10226* Sunbrlto * 4~~ I5c Flrsill# end refetaMes Bananas • New Cabbage . 3»llc Yellow Onions 3»*.10c A. W. KRUG. Manager McHENRY, ILLINOIS MONEY SAVING FOOD DISTRIBUTION NATIONAL * TEA CO. * FOOD STORES Mr- and Mrs. Romie of Paddock's Lake spent Sunday in the Frank Dixjand family and Mr. and Mrs. Steve ily and Fred Schaid were Sunday din- home, I King and son, Eugene, spent ner guests in the E. C. Hawley home. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson and Mr. and Mrs. Lenze of Chicago spent Monday in the S. W. Smith home- Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walking ton were visitors at Woodstock Saturday evening. Philip Saunders of Harvard spent Friday afternoon, in the S. W. Smith family. home. Mrs. Frank Stonebraker entertained Mr. and Mm. Doolittle uid chil- her Bridge club at the home of her dren of Grayslake spent Sunday tn sister, Mrs. E. C. Hawley, Tuesday the Walter Harrison home. afternoon. Luncheon was served. Mr. and Mrs. Dix and Mr. Wilcox ' ^r „ . ; Steffes Tuesday e' vening of Salem spent Friday in the Frank Dix home. Miss Edith Darby of Klamath Fall*, -Oregon, and Lillie Darby of New York are visiting in the home of their sister, Mrs. Walter Harrison Mrsthe Jacob S P E C I A L Commencing June 23rd to July 4th • $22.50 - $20 : at $14.85 To dose out all broken lots. Colors, Tan, Qray and Mixtures. 'MiSw wftiic Duck Pants" Tjotf K.ntcker$ Boys White Duck Pants-* Golf Knickert - 85c t*$2.25 ^ . Straw Hats $1.00 and lift V ; ' . ' * : ; ^• v- •5 1 -n, Mens Sport Shoes 6S*00 to $4.8S Main Street ing Store McHenryt Illinoit Mr. and Mrs. Joe B. Hettermann motored to Elgin Friday morning. , Miss Isabelle Freund and Missei Helen and Rosely Miller were McHenry callers Tuesday evening. Clemens Freund end Buddy Meyen were Burlington callers Friday. Miss Mabel King visited with hooM folks Tuesday. William J. Meyers and George Wirfs motored to Dunnon's Grove Friday. Mr. and Mrs- Emll Simon of Chicago were visiting at Rose Mueller's Friday. j Mrs. Charies Micheis and family I were callers here Thursday. | Mr. and Mrs. William May, daugh j ter,* Catherine, Mrs. Joseph Freund I and Miss Alvera Freund and Clarence ! Micheis motored to Milwaukee^ Wis., Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Regner were callers here Tuesday evening. Ben Smith of McHenry was a caller here Thursday evening. Mrs. William Smith and family of McHenry were callers here Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Thiel were McHenry callers Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Geerge Justen and Christ Blake were callers here Thursday evening. Joe Smith motored to Aurora Monday. Miss Laura Meyers motored out from Chicago to spend the week-end with her parents. Paul E. Gerasch was a call$i; at the home of ^illiam J. Meyers Monday evening- Miss Laura Weber, Mrs. Anna Howard and Miss Frances Micheis were callers here Thursday. Mr. and Mrs, Henry Stoffel, daughter, Marie, visited with John Fitzni Monday evening. Jacob Steffes of Mc^geliry_was • caller here Monday. Mrs. William J. Meyers, daughters, Evelyn and Annabelle, and son, Leroy were Woodstock shoppers Saturday. Mr. and Mr*. Math Lay of Spring Grove were callers here Thursdaf evening. Mr- and Mrs. John Elbert of Elgin^ were callers at the home of William Althoff and family recently. Mr .and Mrs. Barney Keller of Burlington visited relatives and friends here Friday. > Mr. and Mrs. William Krift and daughter, Magdalene, of5 Wheatland, Wis., visited at the honaa pi' Hettermann last week. TAX FREE Wbile they last- Buy Now offer is limited while oar stock lasts. We are selling Firestone Extra Value Tires at Tax, Free Prices! y When these are rfWill go ujV -Don'tdelay. Buy now and save. COMPARE CONSTRUCTION, QUALITY and PRICE Mate * Car TM St» ftrtstooo OfdMd Tyto Fnt-stono OidWd T Y9* 1M CMm Tif» Sin T»p« FhMUI# 0MM4 T>H Track mnd Bm Tlrw Cash Coch CiSh PrfcO Pair H«/» Dut» f act* Cta*srft Ptm *•» Teuton* Hri urn Ford - 1 Chtrr«l«t j CharroUl 4.40-21 4.50-20 4.50-21 •4.79 f.SC S.4» •9.3« 10.30 ie.54 Slu'b'k'r Auburn... Jordan Rro Stu'bfr <*«r«lner„ Marinoii.. Oakland.. Pwrlwi . Clir»«lrr i 3tu;b kV } 5.50-18 M.Sf H«a«y Duty 0M*«M Tf»« CM rrtM lac* 0tMM 'w ««M| Ford ..] (.hevrol«t Wbip}M»t.. j PI jr no* tli „ j Er«kin«... } Pljm'th.J 4.75-19 4.7S-90 ».» MS XS.3S tS.40 5.50-19 6.00-18 ••40 I9.M 14.40 ao.oa 30*5 32*4--. • 19.35 10.50 019.74 fl.H Chtodltr Or Soto.... !>odff Ihiraot ... <,r Pmif 5.00-19 lS.f« Vikin* 1 Stu'b'k'r | Franklin ! Hu<l»»n f 6.00-19 lo.as 11. *4 54*7 36*0--. 3*.4« f I.OJI 70.40 1M.M Hup'hilf .! Tontiae.. L« Sail* i 6.00-20 10.95 ax.34 6.00-20 ll.Of n.M Willya-K. 1 Nub / EaMt j Nwh > OUb'bO* j Buick M. | 5.00-90 ts.ta Pierc* lt'.. 6.00-21 XX.XO SX.S4 6.50-20 15.5» Duick 6.00-22 xx.oo %*.§• 5.00-11 1S.S4 rkmA. 6.50-19 n.je 13.00 7.50-20 10.4S 5X.OO . - Sluu 6.50-20 12.09 14.54 9.00-20 46.50 (]h«Troiet f OM«-biU J bnick 5.25-18 5.25-21 7«» •.if ra.ao lf.SI (^sdilUr . Lincoln Packard . 7.00-20 14.41 18.41 9.75-20 Ol.Of 1I4.H COURIER TYPE MS Oar Cask ^f»c. (Kk •SMCW mi Tiro Prte* Itch Om CMt Plica fac hit 44M1 41M1 4.7S-1* MbSKC3L •J.XO 355 3-90 a.»9 $3.10 3.55 3.90 090 7.*i §•71 . •FIRESTONE do not manufacture tires under «p«ri«l brand names for mail order houses and others to distribute. Special Brand Tires are made without the manufacturer's name. They an sold without his guarantee or responsibility for service. Every Firestone re hears the Firestofie name and the quality excels that of special brand mail •*d«w mmm SENTINEL TYPE «S •* lack * Seme** Ma4 Cm T« »'C •w ^i# . 4.M-31. 4.SS-S1.... 4.TS-W... 5.«0-I*.. . 5-15-11 •3-I9 3*95 4.03 4.05 *•90 $3.59 3.95 4.63 4.85 5.98 •*.90 7*0 9-00 9 44 f 1.44 «r ZZ---* I • Free Mounting at These Low Prices - BUSS-PACE MOTOR SALES V Phone 30 McHenry, III * . listen to the ^oice of Firestone" over WMAQ at 6t30 Standard Time, every Monday night ...r. r.i • J.-.: