Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Pearson enterj tained the Fire Hundred club at thei* r-'F'C 1>MM Thursday evening. Prises were awarded to, Mrs. F. A. Hitchens *nd • |G4orge Young and F. A. Hitchens. « 5- ' At the close luncheon served, -•v/' Mr. and Mrs. Clark Huson of Elgin •. apent Thursday in the C- J. Jepson home. • % Mrs. E. P. Flanders and Mrs. C. J. Pearson attended the funeral of Clifford Sherman at McHenry, Thursr - *' f day afternoon. i t Mrs. D. C. Bacon of Crystal Lake ' *, „ and Mrs. Cora Walters of Elgin spent Friday afternoon in the E. C. Hawley home. J Fred Schau returned to his home in J^LC Chicago Thursday after a few days in t T< the L. E. Hawley home. " Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stonebraker Mrs. E. C. Hawley spent Friday f. V, afternoon. at Woodstock. : Miss Tillie Oxtoby of Spring Grove ' and Frances Helms spent Friday in }. j"; Mrs. Lewis Sehroeder and daughter ^ ^ Jesisie, spent Friday In Elgin. ' 1 it> Mrs, Frankie Stephenson spent M*.' 'V "Wednesday afternoon in Woodstock. t ; - - Mesdaaaea Viola Lou, Kay Peters, i- C*Baatty and J. F. McLaughlin gs;>|v|3i fperit .Thursday afternoon .in Woodfttock. ' • fl x Mr.. and Ifflre. Alec. Anderson; _ • and *-Vsj family spent Thursday afternoon, in v'» Woodstock. , ' Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ladd and James , ; ' ; Thompson were visitors at Woodstock Friday. " : |. Mildred, Irene, Arthur and Raymond Witterera of Chicago spent , "/ i Friday in the L. E. Hawley home, i, 1 Mr. and Mrs. David Mahaffey of - • $ Grayslake were callers in the E. P. Flanders home Friday. i Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Shepard and -family spent Friday with the latter's parents at McHenry. Howard Shepard 'remained over the week-end. -! Among those from here to attend | the quilt exhibit at McHenry Friday |were; Wayne Foas and Mesdames, W. A. Dodge, E. P. Flanders, George Harrison, Rilla Foss, Ed. Peet and daughter, Dorothy, S. W. Smith, Lonnie Smith, H. M. Stephenson and J. C. Pearson. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Miller and Mildred Flanders of Crystal Lake | were callers in the E. P. Flanders home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. GeorgeBaeon of An- *:tioch spent Sunday afternoon and | evening in the home of the latter'* parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Dodge. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Sehroeder ' attended the ball Sunday. The Seizor 4-H club held their -regular meeting June 21. The {president, Helen Harrison, attended a - ; meeting of the presidents at Wood- . stock June 18. At this meeting the 7 different dates were planned. The * ^president gave a report on these ; dates at our meeting. The girls m game at Union, tlMir*wool until I* then t*k their sapper and motored to Twm Lakes for a swim. Altogether it was a very pleasant day. Marion Peet, Reporter. Sunday dinner guests in the George Shepard home were; Mrs- Henry Foss and *on, Charles, of New York City, Mrs. Letah Davis and son, Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. John Dreymiller and Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Claxton and sbn, Will, of McRenry. Mr. Brown and sons and Harold Jepson of Rockford spent Sunday in the C. J. Jepson home. " Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hitchens attended the ball game at McHenry, Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George Young and family attended a party in the Axel Carlson home at Woodstock Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Butler and children of Chicago spent Sunday in the B. T. Butler home. Mr. and Mr&. Clayton Bruce and daughter and George Bigger* attended a party in the Axil F. Carlson home at Woodstock, Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Young spent Sunday morning at McHenry. Mr. and Mrc, Matt. Nimsgern and family of Spring Grove spent Sunday evening in the Nick. Young hoiae. Mr. and Mrs. Wm Thomas and family and Mrs. Lucy Thomas jf Woodstock were callers in the Edgar Thomas home, Sunday evening. Ralph Clay and daughter, Maxine Betty, and Lucille Peet spent the week-end with the former's mother at Apple River, Wis., Lucille remained for a week's visit. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Weber and family spent Sunday in the Nick Young home. Will -Beth is enjoying a thwe-weeks vacation from the Bowman plant. He is visiting relatives in Chicago and Michigan. Mr. and N Mrs. Wm. McCannon attended the funeral of Mrs. Sarah Johnnott at Richmond, Monday afternoon. LaVerne Whiting of Spring Grove spent Sunday in the Bdgar Thomas home. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Peet and family spent Saturday evening in the Wm. McCannon home. The Ladies' Aid Society held an all-day meeting in 'the Ray Peters home Friday. A pot-luck dinner'was served. Fred Weidrich and son Fred, ^nv spent Mrnday in Chicago. Adrian Thomas of Chicago spent Thursday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Thomas. „ Fred Wiedrich and son, Roy, were Richmond visitors, Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wiedrich were callers in Woodstock, Saturday evening. J. V. Buckland and Miss Flora Taylor spent Sunday afternoon in the Lloyd Gratton home in Woodstock. 4N* iW ipfsk. ingten honta. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sitter of Kenosha spent Sunday in the Frank Fay home. Mrs. Georgia Harrison and daughters, Bernice and Olive, of Woodstock spent Sunday in the Chauncy Harrison home. Owen and Granville Carlson of Woodstock are visiting in the home of their sister, Mrs. Clayton Bruce and family. Mr. and Urs. Edward Thompson, Jr., of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Thompson. Mrs. Nick. Adams spent Thursday morning at Racine. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Loughridge of Kalamazoo, Mich, spent the weekend in the W. A. Dodge, Leon Dodge and Will McCannon homes. Mrs. Jay Hawver and Mrs. Hawver of Lake Geneva were callers in the H. M. Stephenson home, Sunday afternoon. Mir. and Mrs. Lyle Hopper of Chicago spent Thursday and Friday in the S. W. Smith home. Miss Mercedes Smith is spending two weeks in the Lyle Hopper home in Chicago. * Mr. and Mrt. Ralph Smith aild family of Harvard were Sunday dinner guests in the S. W. Smith home. ; Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Jackson and family qf. Solon Mills, Wis., Ev* Perkins and William Hendrickson of Richmond were Sunday guests in the S. H. Beatty home. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Foes of McHenry spent Sunday here with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Carlson uf Woodstock spent Sunday in the Alec Anderson home. Miss Libby Allen of Woodstock spent Friday here with friends. Mrs. S. H. Beatty spent Saturday at Woodstock. Mrs. H. C. Hughes entertained the Scotch Bridge club at her home at McHenry at a picnic Wednesday. Mrs. Viola Lou accompanied some of the members of the Auxilliary from Richmond to Elgin Friday evening- Mr. and Mrs. Mclntipe of Beloit spent Sunday in the Ray Peters home. Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Lode and formily of Fremont Center spent Sunday in the C. J. Jepson home. Mrs, Henry Wencel of Chicago is visiting her husband in the O J. Jepson home. The Daily Vacation Bible school closed with a fine program at the church Sunday evening. Their work was on exhibit and much credit is due the teachers, Wayne Foss, Ellen Smith and Dorothy Peet. Mrs. Ellen Whiting entertained her bridge club at her home Tuesday afternoon. Luncheon was served. Mrs. Jennie Bacon spent Sunday in the Frank Buckert home at Richmond. Among those from here to attend tM fenem! of Ml*. Sarah Johounott 'M MdMMA. Itr. and Hn. lr. li: m^kmrnn, Mr. and Mrs- Wm. MdCaimon and Mesdames F. A. Hitchens, Rilla Foss, W. A. Dodge, E. E. Whiting and daughter, Zura, Charles Peet, Lewi* Sehroeder and Thomas Kane. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Dodge and family spend Monday Averting at McHenry. Mrs. Edgar Thomas visited in the J. S. Randall home in Richmond Monday afternoon. The Junior 4-H club girls met at the home of their leader, Alice Peet, Monday afternoon- The meeting was called to 7>rder by the vice president, Kathleen Justen. Plans were made for demonstration, day. The girls worked on their undergarments and some cut out dresses. At the close thtf girls enjoyed a picnic on the lawn. On "Wednesday evening the girls' and boys' 4-H clubs will attend' a weenie roast at'the Clinton Martin homo. King of Ethiopia Plant to Emancipate Stares Addis Ababa, Abyssiola.--"Eth ioplt wlH be without a slave in fifteen years." , ' v ' ' Tills announcement was made by Ras Tsfart, emperor «f Abyssluia, when he declared his ictention to emancipate all (Oaves within his kingdom; Meaeures designed to free the •laves in the shortest time possible were recently discussed by members of the Anti-Slavery society and the Ethlopiaa government. It was estimated the number of slaves in Abyssinia last year amounted to about 2,000,000. Domestic slavery In the country Is a recognised Institution, but slave trading is punishable by death. Princes* Hat-Sixpence Sb6 Earned at a Nurse London.--A silver sixpence Is trees ured by Princess Arthur of Connaught, niece of King George, as the only money she ever really earned. The princess is a highly trained nurse and sometimes asserts in the casualty department of the Iflddlesix hospital. She recently attended a little girl whose father, a poorly dressed laborer, Ignorant of the princess' identity, pressed the coin into the royal nurse's hand, whispering, " 'Ere y'are, aslsa, get jroursel*,* ««f> ef ~iee «r a packet af fltga* 'Ham's S«presMty Sefentf&s tell us that what hs* lifted man above the brute creation with which he has so much in common is the fact that he can touch each of his fingers with his thumb! No other living thing can do that. Try experiments with your own hand and see what a difference It would make if you could not do this simple-seeming Mu'i Maay Uhmii Be Many tteeases are ateded nowadays that one Huntingdon nan holds ten--for shooting game, idling game, employing men, keeping a dog, carrying a gun, slaughtering horses, driving a car, owning a wireless set, running a car on the road, and jUoting a plane.--London Mail. How'* Yo«r "CurrMcy**? We stamp our own values upon ourselves ana cannot expect to pass for more.--Exchange. 4 " THC BME15B • --rn*8 McHenry, Illinois Phone 291 NOW OPEN EVERY NIGHT , EXCEPT TUESDAYS LAST TIME TONIGHT Barbara St&nwyck >: -r^So Big' FRIDAY -- SATURDAY ';' ^ ALTER HOUdTOfcV LEWIS STONE ANITA PAGE AUd a celebrated cast in "Night Court" A gripping story taken from life. Also Selected Short Subjects SUNDAY -- MOHBAY ^ j u l y t - 4 JACK HOLT "Behind the Mask" Comedy A Clever Short Subjects * WEDTHURS. JULY 6-7 r,:' TWO--BIG FEATUWBferWO "Cheaters at flay" also America". Two outstanding protections. You mu«t see them FRIDAY-SATURDAY JULY 8-9 JOAN CRAWFOBD in "Letty Lyntoa' Un ef War ttita," said Hi Ho, the sage of Chinatown, "have sung so inspirtbgly of war that the youth of each mtsr atlon is tempted to experiment to flad oat what it is like."--Washington Star. Old Csfpital Trees SIM t#tn grounds at the lie^ed to be over old, are said to be the oldest the District of 'Columbia. ores FOR THE FOURTH Food IW a Call 2-4ay holiday. Whe&ee an outin| or will stay at bone, youH fin^joaf the foods von want at AftP. And H'li M an^UKmwy u you bay them at these special low pwVoes. rnmox PAit otY os se&uiAa -j ! •< flflTANA IRANO . 29 c PLUS BOTTLC DCP09IT lUk 10< rm. maxvv^ HOUSE 'J a 29* Campbell's Pork and Huns 4i»^>z.can»19c Bafali Sandwldi Spread • 2 pint jam 25c N.B.C. Cocoanat Finger Caoides lb. 15c Ftredde Marshmallows • 2i-uu pkqs.25c Quaker Maid Ketchup Quaker Maid Chm Sauce 2tt-oz.BOTa.25c GnmvAfMrrm* Cracker Jack . 5 fonl5c Encore Queen Ollvas • • • *r.iM Sic ftRAWDMQTHeiTS _ ^ Sandwich bread, 24-6*. loaf .9e Lucky Strike and Chesterfield Cigarets-- tins of 50 _..„.29c Ocean Coco, Hard Water Soap, 5 ban 25c Fairsex Toilet Soap .„3 ban 10c Roberts & Oake Baked Ham, lb. 29c Boiled Ham, lb 25c •\H .-c3£ FRIDAY and SATURDAY ONLY ' Watch Our Window for Sugar Specials EIGHT O'CLOCK COFFEE 3 tw. Sic i RED CIRCLE COFFEE 23c BOKAR COFFSIU. 27« i*' • -• McHENRY ICE CREAM Not a Luxuryr but # Food-- ,: •'*/v-f? . ' ,r - - V V . - V , . •J if" "That Delicious Wisconsin Cream"_ -57 Try This Week's Special A thrcc4ayered brick, Fresh Orange Pineapple Nut, Vanilla Ice Cream, New York with Cherries \ :--V : .J- -v' ,-L:, This Special can be procured at the following places Walsh's Pharmacy, Riverside Drive •Rainbow Sweet Shop, Elm and Green Street Palace Recreation Parlor, Green Street ^ ~ I. G. A. Store, Main Street, West McHenry L. Huck Cafe, Elm Street, and Riverside Drive Broadway Bar-B-Que, on Route. U. S. 12 Either Is good - 'wtfi are ta when made by K cHenry Ice Cream jtm buy tea cream ill bulk or brick form it is both luscious and wholesome. We only fresh fruit flavors and pure --J..'?-:: • sr--'? ' '• ;r,T--„ r-. u. *'<' •' • • v ' j' *> t--'