• :• •• '•• , • •'&-•.' • ' \ *•- T-^S . ; - v , - / v Y PLAlND ftftaMMiad -every Thursday at VcHeaqr, IlL, by Charles P. B-lrh, Bntered ea second-class asattw at tihs « im the act «f«ay 8, 1879. poetnike at VtHoay, HL, >» A-- ; WnntHa --I-.. Al.Afi . - • • ' ; * • A. a MOSHBR, BdiUr«d Manager \;' Hist for How* Aqawiw A large-sized aquarium which forms '« wall panel may be .the solution of a dark hill problem in rfiny home One cms recently was mounted In an entrance hall where there was no winlow. The light came through the aquaria m from a sun parlor, creating as unusual and exotic,-effect Fish and aquatic plants fonaed a mural decoration. , . ' Di«Cl«« Hiai . jm Want te fea»e perfect tt/tib, you should, according to an expert; partake ever? daf <rf two apples, ft pint of orange Juice, two bananas, at least om lettuce, and two o&er kinds < * vegetables, and np 1o tow glasses of milk. Be daes Bot state what yon should eat te support th« other, parts of the body. Want Ads FOR SALE FOR SALE--"One pump pun and cate^ 12-prRgr; one hunting: coat and cap; one pair higii-top shoes; two boxes shells. Gur. *»d clothes only used two dey*. $40 takes 'all. Writ© J. R. Justen, 511 Fourth :St, WSauScegan. _ FOR RENT ' FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT-- Near Fox River. Inquire at Plaindealer. . «_s fy" "f' * * *- ••' k-s-< - • . Woodstock's Beautiful Play Hous* Now Summer Pflc-- in. jM*t, as* 40* Week Days SSe SATURDAY Warner B«xt«» ^ • . •.*-••• • ^nrreBder? with UUaHjra FOR RENT--ReftUd Apartment with gacage. Rent very reasonable. ' inquins at Peoples State Bank of Me- Henry. g.tf (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) j^. v, Report of the emtitkm e< Peoples State Bilk of McHenry Located at McHenry, State of Illinois, at the close of business on the 30th day of Jane, 1982, as made to tli© Auditor of Public Accounts of the State of Illinois, pursuant t< RESOURCES Cash, Other Cash Resources and Doe from Banks ....$ 25,0C3.18 U. S. Government Investments ..... ittther Bonds and Securities Loans on Collateral Security ....*. . "Other Loans tLoana on Real Estate •Overdrafts (Banking House, Furniture And Fixtures Otter Resources 11,265.29 17,419.25 6,940.05 82,026-4# 2,650.00 4.55 19,511.10 160.00 FLAT FOR RENT--InqwW at Nielsen Studio, McHenry. 6 WANTED sukday - Monday Continuous Sunday, 2:30 to 11 Warner Baxter Karen Morl<«r "Nan About WANTED--Girl for t work and care for a ! Phone 624-R-2. general bouseyear- old baby. 6 W ANTED--A 80 or 40-acre farm, with some woods on. Not over |100 per acre. H. G- VoeDter, 849 Fletcher St, Chicago. WANTEB--Watches and clocks far repair. Expert repair man with 80 years' experience in the testing room of Elgin Watch factory^ at Nye Jewelry §nd Music Shop. t. 50-tf Trtal Resources ... |114,919.91 LIABILITIES Cspitsj Stock $ 26,000.00 BurpJaa ......--1,000.00 Undivided Profits (Net) .... 73.57 jDomand Deposits --.... 58,166.33 Time Deposits ................... 80,6?9.?1 Total Liabilities *^.,,^....>314,919.01 S, Floyd M» Fose, Cashier of the Peoples State Bank of McHenry, do solemnly swear that the above statem «nt is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, and that the item* and amounts shown above correspond with the items and amounts shown in the report made to the Auditor of Public Accounts, State of Illinois, pur suant to law. FLOYD M. FOSS, Cashier. State of Illinois, County of McHenry. ss. Subscribed and sworn to before ms this 5th day of July, 1932. ROSALIE STILLING, (SEAL) Notary Public. <a mi. w< •mhtdum. goo4 b»Sy ®r la" t£ob£ua&fe wAhaetathrae,r ocfr lQ»ii-e ^ Jf Zth . Ih aa^i a*M**l1bue A *b4o dtyh aararfeo rteo, ' b# wall, you flMMt by curln# • «o*|.' 4. «mT«m tk* «eeL--«ata. ITALIAN QOOO THINQ« BO9CELLANB0US ^1'RAY DOG--St. Bernard dog camo to my premises Friday night. Owner can have same by proving ownership and paytng fharges. Will Brefeld, Ingleside, 111. "" § TUESDAY ^ WEDNESDAY "Scandal For Sale** with Charles Blckf «r# Rose Boswortli THURSDAY, FRIDAY "The Trial #f Vivcnne Ware" with Joan Bennett PIANO TUNING--Special rate, $3-50 | until July 14. Repairs reasonable. 120 years experience. Formerly with • Cabl© and Lyon & Healy of Chicago, I doing Work for concert artist?. O. R. Werner. Leave orders at Nye's Jewelry and Music Store, West McHenry. Phone 123-J. • r 6 (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION f t Report of the Condition of 1 The Rinffwood State Bank Located at Ringwood, State of Illinois, at the close of business on the 30th day of June, 1932, as made to the Auditor of Public Aecounta of the gttte of Illinois, pursuant to lav, RESOURCES Cash, Other Cash Resources and Due from Banks 8,724.58 Other Bonds and Securities 9,000.00 Loans on Collateral Security - Other Loans Loans on Real Estate ....... Overdrafts Banking House, Furniture and Fixtures -- i/t'ner Resources 6,607.42 26,637.83 10,950.33 98.75 9,500.00 308.13 SPOT CASH For Tout Tar or Truck AUTOMOBILE DISCOUNT CORP., 840 S. Genesee St., Wwae 7tl# Waukegan, III. •6 GET PAID WEEKLY--Liberal terms to right man in choice territory as sales representative Tor Wisconsin's Greatest Nursery. No delivering or collecting. Healthy work with good pay in a business of your own. Stock Northern grown, with.liberal guarantee. Company established over 30 years. Write McKay Nursery Company, Madison, Wisconsin. 4-4 UPHOLSTERING--All kinds of furniture reupholstered and repaired. Work called for and delivered. Chas. Rasmussen, S. Center St., West McHenry, 111. Tel. 107-M. 62-tf Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays--Short Time Only PERMANENT WAVES Qp|fpl A I C ITALIAN OLIVE OIL, Receadi- ~tioning Process, $6.50 value, 2 Persons for $5.00 STOMP A NATO'S Reconditioning Oil Process, $10.00 value, 2 Persons for $10.00 Complete with Shampoo and Finger Wave (Haircut Extra, No Service) Stent panato*s Special Method Haircut, Thinning Split Ends Treatment, $1.00 value 'for 50c RADIO REPAIRING--Let us look over your radio and put it in first class working order. Prices reasonable- Vincent Wirfs. Phone 68-J. 48-tf Every Day Extra Values at Low Prices Full Line Nationally Advertised Permanent Waves 13, $5, $6.50, $8, $10 Gorgeous Natural Waves With Fascinating Ringlet Ends. All Waves From $5.00 and Up lnelude One Special Haircut, Shampoo and Finger Wave. Service until Grown Out- Shampoo and Set 50c ZOTOS" llad^ne-Lesa Permanent $25.00 Value for $10.00 BEFORE YOU BUY--see our Bargain Shoe Counter. Expert shoe and sewing machine repairing. Popp's Shoe Store. West McHenry. Phone 162. 46tf Students Build Plan# and It Oklahoma City, Okla.--The Central high school class in aerodynamics de^ elded It wanted to be practical. Members pooled resources and the result was an airplane given the Department of Commerce stamp of approval. The plane, built of old material dur* ing class periods, was claimed to be the first project of its kind carried through and meeting federal regulations. Lack of funds and policy of the school kept the board of education from financing the plan. Students bought material and an old plane, tore it down, and under supervision of an aviator friend built an airworthy craft They planned to form a flying clnb and hire an instructor. fm» IF Free! Two Mar- O-Oil Treatment Shampoos and F i n g e r Waves. «Standard Price Value $4.) With Lvery $8 and $10 Permanent Wave, Except Zotos. Total Resources --$71,027.09 LIABILITIES Capital Stock -*.$26,000.00 Undivided Profits (Net) .... 1,088.84 Demand Deposits 26,930.79 Time Deposits 18,007-46 In Italv « ttttjto &U* may prepare the meal for a workman's table. But ft* (ftoM with more WiSSS much elaboration ll IMd. la recipes using *«*t«d eheese the correct mixture is one-third Qroyere , and two-thirds Patmsadn. Rlaotio a la Milanalee. --Thlsi fa a very thick soup which, with the poor, i# pat on the bread, thu# making a substantial meal For as« at a dianer St should be considerably diluted. Cat up helf of a large onion la fln* pieces, add butter the fits 3 of ii» egg and fry to a bright brorn, a(36 one pound of washed jind toaksd rice and one quart of bouillon. Oook until the grains are soft but not crashed. Set the dish aside to kfeep hot, add one-fourth pound of grated cheese and two ounces of butter. Season with white pepper, salt if needed, and a bit of nutmeg. Potage ait Chou.--Boil one-half pound of rice and the heart of a firm cabbage In boiling salted water until tender. Drain and chop the cabbage in large rough pieces. Put back into the soup pan with three ounces of butter, three onions minced, and lightly fried in the batter, add one qaart of good soap stock, salt and mixed spice. Boil up for half an hour. Set aside and add grated cheese to flavor the soup before serving. Herrinfl or Mackerel a l'ltalienne_ Split and trim, removing the heads and tails of the Ash. Let the flsh soak four hours in seasoned oil and vinegar. Usfe salt, pepper, sliced onion, and chopped parsley. Drain and dust them with floor and fry them in oil. Serve crisp and hot. Extras,--Pge] one-fonrtb p pound of onions and one-half pound of mushrooms, add a "clove of garlic and cut into into strips. Fry In three SflfiCS? of jitter until the oolong begin to color. Add a t^s^oofiful of flour, salt, pepper and let that color, then thin with stock to make a sauce, season to taste and simmer half an hour. Cut the whites of six cooked eggs into strips, leaving^ the yolks whole, add to the sanc« thoroughly heated, serve. Have you a houqe to rent--try the classified ads. THURSDAY, JULY 7,1939 Cftty Octmdl Prooeedingi vv Council Room, July 6,1982. Thifl monthly meeting of the Cfty Council was called for Tuesday evening because the regular .meeting' night fell on July 4th, our National holiday. Mayor Knox presided ,with Aldennen Barbian, Doherty, Kreutaer, Overton, Schaefer and Wattles present. Motion by Kreutzer, seconded by Doherty, that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Overton, seconded by Wattles, that the treasurer's report be approved as read, showing a balance of $6,007.59. Motion carried. Motion by Kreutzer, seconded by Schaefer, that the collector's report be accepted as read. Motion carried. Motion by Barbian, second by Schaefer, that the clerk's report be accepted as read Motion carried' ^Motion by Doherty, seconded by Overton, that the following bill* be paid as read and approved by the finance committee. Motion carried. Jehu Walsh, June salary 185.00 Jun* «aln«7 --... 110.00 M. M. mesen, June salary 6&0Q Mayme Buss, commissions ...... 7.W Johit J- Vycital, supplier ....... as Carl N, Web*r, special police service 24.ft0 John Stillirg'a Tire Sliop, gas. " oil, etc. 8^ H. E. Bach, supplies and labor 37.871 McKenry Lumber Co., coal .... 2.88 Mueller Co., supplies" 17^67 <?eorg>e Meyers, grading, m gravel and labor ^.^160-50 111. Bell TeL Co., service .50 Public Service Co., street Kgrhts 146J0 Public Service Co., street-* lights Public Service Co., power, pumping water Public Service Co., power, sewer lift Public Service Co., city hall lights Jos. W. Freund,. insurance Peter A. Neiss, commissions.. Motion by Doherty, seconded by Kreutzer, that the bond of Mayme Buss for city collector, as principal and Wm. Spencer and Simon S toff el as sureties be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Overton, seconded by Wlattles, that the bond of Andrew Eddy for special police, as principal and Clarence Niesen as surety be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Barbian, seconded by Kreutzer, that the bond of Peter Wirfs for special police as principal and Ben J. Brefeld and Edw. J. Mischke as sureties be approved as ---J 1CAU. AU.VMV1I VOlllVUi Motion by Overton, seconded by Wattles, that the tax levy ordinance be passed as read. Ayes, Barbian, Doherty, Kreutzer, Overton, Schaefer, Whttles. Nays, none. Motion carried. Motion by Kreutzer, seconded by Wattles, that an ordinance levying a ta* tor public benefit purposes for McHenry, In accordance *rtth s«ctioB 8S-B, of an act in re- ™11 *? ^ improvements, together Wttb all amendments thereto- Ayes, Barbian, Doherty, Kreutzer, Overton, Nays, none. Motion carried. Motion by Overton, seconded by *7$?' **** audit report of J. W. North 4 Co., of the city's books be^pted as read. Motion carried. Motwn by liberty, seconded by Kceutzer, to adjourn. Motion earried » .JOHN R. KNOX, Mayor. PETER A. NEISS, City Clerk. Color SaaM in Do fa Dog owners can try a simple little experiment to find out whether or not their pets have a color sense. Throw a pink candy--or a raspberry when they are In season--down on grass and see if the dog bas any difficulty in finding it. A collie will very often have to smell for the prize, but there are doga of other breeds which will locate it by eye alone. You can safely say that tbey are able to distinguish colors. Flral Peita|t Sttnpa , *s Hie postage stamp grew out of th* aecesslty for issuing a receipt for • ^ •Mney paid in advance for the ear-7" -IC riage of letters. Sir Rowland Hill, British postal reformer, conducted for •MM years an agitation for cheap-.. postage and uniform rates, and the" postage stamp was one of his pro- ^ posals. Great Britain became the first' " t •taup-Issuing country in 1840, when at: 4 f •umber of Bill's suggesUooa pm* adopted ". • - -r. «- rr;." T esed'C; ie dayt . be-p: Bafiaalag Evaniay The term evening Is generally te designate that portion of the between sunset and darkness. It r/ ,.t Stas.et a different hour every day of*V!- y*ar, according to the hour, min- "» nte and second of sunset. For con- j venience in social affairs evening iff*/! SWeralljj jnfumed te begla at o'clock. \ 124.71 * 60J20 2i.7e 1.44 66.66 14.00 •'^..^fNkaHaale VMiwi - • " find th^ weather stripping' causes your windows to stick aad Pi"ove difficult to open and close, dip a cloth in hot paraffin and rub along the stripping, it will mak« nice smooth tracks for the window sash. • -WJ"h"W"""k of Stat* R«ad« . ' The bureau of public roads say* thie/^" • /width of *fcate and county road* b) « federal natter. The' federal gorm> neat nay have something to say .about ^-rthe width of those roads ssaliig fedsrsl •IS, but the width would vary with V v" iach road and drcumstancee. ' , city «f lb. M ; -- / ilaieropoMs Is a cemeten^'or ground, eqpecially one of great slse or one found near the site of an ancient dty. : • Total Liabilities ^--....„...|71,027.09 I, A. J. Richardson, Cashier of the Rin^rwood State Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, and that the items and amounts, shown above correspond with the items and amounts shown in the report made to the Auditor of Public Accounts, State of Illinois, pursuant t a - ' • A. J. RICHARDSON, r?BT!ntr: STATE OF ILLINOIS, County of McHemy. sa. Subscribed and'sworn to before ine^ this 5th day of July, 1932. 1 MARJORY WHITING, <SEAL)H • Notary Public- BEAUTY AIDS--Three for $1.00 or50c each Boy» and Girls Under 13 Yean Complete Permanent Wave....$2.00 Haircut, Shampoo and Wave, Each 25c Boy's Haircut and Tonic. 25c We use genuine supplies and wind the entire head regardless of the price. At your service. • Barbara 6 Bentity Artlata STOMPANATO'S Ultra Modern Exclusive Barber and Beauty Salon. 'Tel.'#41, WoodBtock, ill., 226 Main St. (H>en Evenings until 9 PM. Prices subject to change Clean Soft Wfttaj- Ueefl Lip Reading Coed Makes Good Grades in College Norman, Okla.--Ability to read lips has enabled Mary Elizabeth Scott, Oklahoma university freshman, to attend school and maintain a good scholastic average. Mine Scott lost -her hearing as a result of scarlet fever when three years old. She completed elementary and high school after learning to read lips. She made a "B plus" average during the first semester. She Is studying to be a librarian. to Study 41 Eclipse Effect on Radio Boston.--How a total eclipse of the sun affects radio broadcasting, will be determined by scientists representing station WEEI of Boston during the eclipse to occur in New England August 31. WEEI made preliminary studies along these lines dijrlng the eclipse of 1925 and has arranged for an observation site at Norway, Maine, to be in- the path of totality for the phenomenon of 1932. The effect on both low and high wave broadcasting will be studied. " Historic Home a Museum Richmond, Va.--The historic Moore house at Yorktown, where the article# of surrender were signed by the B?it« ish, French and American officers,; soon will be turned tupo a museum for the national park, it baa been announced here. Feet Tell Fortune, Orthopedics Assert Chicago. -- Orthopedic surgeons now tell fortunes by studying feet. In the case of a woman: Short, thick toes denote lethargy and lack of Imagination. Long toes and long feet mean temperament High arches mean the subject is aristocratic; Jow ones, that she wt)rks for a living. The bigger the feet, the prettier the woman, x+lL •- - 1782 Masonic Book Is Valued Relic Allentown, Pa.--The rites of the Ahiman Reazon of Masonry and a sermon dedicated to George Washington are printed in a volume of Masonic ritual published in 1782 and now a valued heirloom held by Mrs. Ethel Reichard, here. The book, its pages discolored and dried by the years, was th« property of Robert Oarr Wilson, the owner's great grandfather, and was presented him when he became a member of Masonla lodge, No. 2, Philadelphia, second oldest in the United States. "Washington was a member of the Alexandria (Va.) lodge No. 1, the oldest. The sermon, printed after the ritual, was delivered by Rev. Smith in Christ church, Philadelphia, on December 20, 1779, in the presence of Washington. A scrawl on the flyleaf bears the name of "BenJ. Meredith," but there is no explanation of its significance. Awfeot of ?£"How to play £ridgs AUCTION mt CONTRACT ne Ferguson PRACTICAL AUCTION BRIOOB* Copyright, 1931, by Hoyle, Jr. During the coon* of a diacusnon at One of the New York Card Clubs the Other night the writer made the stateanent that, in his opinion, an average player would lose from 500 to 1500 points in an evening's play at Auction or Contract, either J>y bad bidding or ARTICLE No. 36 AUCTION BIDDING^ "\i> bad play or both. There was considerable difference of opinion so the writer ' tuggested that a player of average skill l>e selected and that a record be kept <>f any bad bids or plays that he might . r-lnake during an evening's play. ' The test player was selected and .three other players, of whom the writer Was one, made up the rubber. It was the duty of these three to call attention to any mistake of play or bidding by . the test player and, if in the opinion of all three it was a' loSs that could have |been saved by average skill, it was Charged against him; but not otherwise. I'lay continued for about three hours and, during that time, the test player fnade only five mistakes, two as to the play of the hands and three as to the bidding, but those five mistakes tost Over 1000 points. The mistakes as to §>lay were animportant: one due to failure to count trumps, which cost tame; the other to a failure to size up n opening lead as a marked singleton. The latter mistake only cost contract ' land a small loss. V The following example hands have aroused considerable interest and-much 'discussion. Decide upon the proper bid in each instance and then compare * with the writer's analysis. . • - Hand No. I : Hearts-- 8 Clube-- A,^ffv»,4 Diamonds -- 7, 6, 5, 2 S p f ^ . - K , Q,j No score, first game. Z dealt and bid one diamond, A bid one heart, Y one no trump and B two hearts. What should Z now do with the hand? Z should unquestionably three clubs and force his partner to choose between clubs and diamonds. If Y has anything that looks like a no trump, Z should make game either in diamonds or clubs. In the actual play, Z bid two no trump and Y Z failed te make game while, at diamonds, they could have made five odd. With a two? suit hand of this type always Nd both suits if you get the chance. CONTRACT BIDDING: '7 At Contract, the bidding would la the same up to B's two heart bid. Z should then make a forcing bid of four clubs and thus command or force Y to try foe game either in clubs or diamonds, the suit that best fitted his hand. EI Tovar Theatre CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL. 4<Vt1laeb Meet Beautiful DeLuxe Thtstti** Announces Quid Re-Opening J •" ^Saturday, July Saturday/ July 9 ^iidmis8ion 10-35* fames Cagney in 'THE CROWD ROABS" Suil-Moil, July 10-11 (Oont. Sun. from 3.00) Ann Harding' in "[WESTWARD PASSAGE" ON THE STAGE SUNDAY ONLY, JULY 10 'PICKAkD'S CHINESE SYNCOPATORS, Special Vaudeville Flash Act with 9 People, direct from . 5 : R. K. O. and Publix Time t Tuesday Only V.AAtV All Seats 10c , Kay Francis in ^ •"MAN WANTEtF ^Wed. and Thurs. ildmission 10-35c Ruth Chatterton in "THE RICH ARE ALWAYS WITH US' EXTRA SPECIAL Popular Imperial Push-Up Permanent Wavef , * ; formerly $5.00, now Paradisier French Steam Wave, with lovely Ringlet Ends, including free shampoo and finger wave, formerly $7.50, now _ --...--.00 Shampoo and Finger. Wave, each 35<£ Lehman's Beauty Shop 303 Washington St., eorner Washington and T,ryon Sts., Phone 690 M WOODSTOCK, ILL. s Y xA B: : Z Bullet's Penetration A bullet has more penetrating pow» sr at 30 feet than at 2 feet, because It has "gone to sleepy like a top and th# "wobble" Is gone. AUCTION BUDDING: N6 score, first game. Z dealt and bid one spade, which A doubled. Y passed, B bid two clubs, Z bid two diamonds. A bid three clubs, Y and B passed and Z bid three diamonds. A passed and Y bid three spades. Whit should B now do with the foregoing hand ? B should bid Tour clubs. A's double of one spade and subsequent bid of three clubs should indicate more than a fair chance for game. B's hand is much above the average and worth a three-club bid, irrespective of A's double and raise. As a matter of fact, A B could have made five clubs and game, but B doubled three spades and defeated the contract by only one trick. In the writer's opinion this double of three spades is unsound. ^ CONTRACT BIDDING: ^TheJuddiPg at Contract ribpuid- be Na.1 --i*. . .- -V• . :t A Z 'I flearts--8 qube-- Q, 10,fcLf ; : Diamonds -- A, Q, 10, 4 Spades--K, 8, 7, 5 No score, first game. What shenld 2, as dealer, bid with the foregoing hand at either Auction or Contract? •»" The dealer should bid one diamond. This is another hand of the type discussed many times in these articles. The singleton heart is a danger spot, so the diamond bid is better than one no trump. If partner bids one heart, then the dealer should bid one no trump. y i. MaMailHM Ne»4 A, f, 4, 2 Clubs -- K, 10,9.2 Diamonds -- A, Q, 9 Spades -- 5, 2 -HandNe.* A i4«* s Z t " none . -v^r' No score, first game. Z dealt and bid one spade, which A doubled, Y passed* B bid tv c clubs, Z bid two diamonds. A bid three clubs, Y and B passed and Z bid three diamonds. A passed and Y bid three spades. B doubled three spades and ail passed. What should A lead from the foregoing hand at cither Auction or Contract ? A should open the five of spades. 2 has bid two suits, spades and dia-"v^ Bionds, and Y has showed preference for spades. That probably means that he is shoi* of diamonds anu, if so, it is very necessary to lead trumps and thus try to prevent Y from trumping A'a good diamonds. As a matter of fact, the lead of the spade is the only one that will defeat the contract. If A opens the club, Y Z will just make their contract. Note that Hands No. 1 and No. 4 Md by a aad BnP partners. ' i f l f l l TRIDAY AND SATURDAY Oaa 24-oi. bottla el Aawrtcsa Hoa« Bi »«wja arMt piwlwi of 6 baMha. Ptai Sc dep. oa boala. AMERICAN HOME PURE QUALITY BEVERAGES |>Im Dry Pala at GaMaa Ginger Ale • Root Beer Pearly Nectar Sparkling Water ££ Lime, Lemon or Orange Soda ,\r •*.7\ HfeSrBiinlreifafcB^t Coffee Our B»eakk»st Blend i2' Campbell's ^3«-25c SwansDown SX^23C i »-25c 6^25° large 24-oi. bof's Certo Twelve mM B Chocolate, Caramel, or Vanillin Ravor Household Moods !S:' i- 2Sq TaSat Saw -- Fai yaaSM Mas Fels Naptha LuxSoap4 "GeMaa Bar" So# IM Malm laSal Saaa far Yat 10~45c A. W. Krug, Mgr. Green and Elm Streets MONEY SAVING FOOD DISTRIBUTION NATIONAL * T E A C O . * FOOD STORES *