*;v «•> , .r K ^ . *• •«,, ( "PL * , ^r&- L- ^ <-v * , . . ,KV„^ 4 ' V-. ' V ^.v /• Vi T:it > 3fc}'~ < WTOWOOD J$»b. t ,.^.3.; :?-;r li;/ • ' • **V Hi T'l'vS# : T v »\ *75 r" "^:.:-«i - F' ', B*-V \ ^ "*•'% Hn. Leon Dodge entertained «tt» Banco club at her bom# Thursday afternoon. Prizes were awarded to Mm. Viola Low, Misa Mae Wiedrich, Mrs. Thomas Doherty and Mrs. Nick Young. Luncheon was served. •Hie Farm Bureau, Home Bureau ill and 4-H club girls and boys held a • weenie and marshmallow roast at the howe of Mr- and Mrs. Clinton-Martin, Wednesday evening. Mrs. B. T. Butler entertained, her Bridge club, Tuesday evening. Prizes mere awarded to Mrs. Andrew Butler and Bernice Smith. Luncheon v served. Mr. and Mrs. Alec Anderson and family went to Chicago Friday, to?1 remain over the 4th. Olive, Mildred and Virginia Jepson went to Elgin Friday to visit relatives over the 4th. Mr. aifB Mrs. Joe Weber and family «f McHenry spent Thursday evening fat the Nick. Young home. •A DR. €. KELLER *** . v, - - ^• Optometrist said Optician 'Sfy office hours in McHenry . are Smiday and Monday of each week;, at my summer home. Entrance is across from Joe Frett's home on Riverside Drive. Make date by phone--McHenry 211-R. ~ V \ * CONNEL M. McDERMOTT ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Boors: 8:30 to 11 a. m.; 1:30 to Srp. w. ^ Evenings, 7 to 8 ^tilling Bldg. Riverside Drive . * m McHenry 258 Plume Richmond 16 |H% JOHN DU '"••XVETERINARIAN * TB and Blood T BICHMOND, ILLINOIS - A All Kinds of -* #V i n s u r a n c e ; P&eed with tile mo»i rauiint a, Companies % fa* and talk it Phone McHenry ft N*- HENRY V. SOMPEL '••General Teaming "Blind, Gravel and Goal for Sale Grading, Graveling and Road [Work Done By Contract ' of Every Description *'•* :# .X%' or By Day % Phone McHenry 649-R-l .»• : tr McHenry,.Dl. . P. 0. Address, Route 3 m •j i •if-t ' 'M telephone No. 1Q8-R; Stoffel & ^eihanaperger - bMnrance agents for ail classes of property in the beat companies. JMSST McHENBT Axel Carfson ul son Qraav'tWof Woodstock spent, Thursday in the home of his daughter Mrs. Clayton Bruce and family Owen Carlson who! has been visiting in the Brace home^ the past week returned home with them. Walter Low^is visiting in the home of his aunt Mrs. Leslie Allen near Hebron, Mrs. J. F. McLaughlin and daughter Julia, Dorothy Fisher and Mrs. S. H. Beatty spent Wednesday afternoon at Des Plaines. Mrs. Ed. Thompson and daughters Betty and Grace Mary and Mrs. Wm. McCannon visited Mrs. Wolkos of Milwaukee at the John Stecker home near Greenwood Wednej^ky. Mrs. and Mrs. Davis Walkington and son of McHenry ^pent Thursday evening in the Ben WAlkington home. Mr. and Mrs- Byron» Hitchena of Chicago were visitors in the F. A. Hitchens home, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Shetterly of Dayton Ohio and Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Schmidt and Clarence *oung of McHenry spent Tuesday evening in the Geors^ Young home. * ; Carlton Fay is home from Urban* •where he will spend the summer with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Fay. Mrs, George Bacon of Antioch spent Friday and Saturday . with her parents Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Dodge. Miss Mercedes Whttmg of Chicago spent the week-end in the Lewis Schroeder home. Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Thompson , Jr. of Chicago spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Thompson and family. Willis Buckland of. Green Lake, Wis. spent Friday ir\ the home 6f his cousin J. V. Buckland. - Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington spent Saturday evening in Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Simpson spent the week-end in Chieago. Mrs. George Worts and Mrs. Paul Meyers of McHenry spent Friday in the home o£ their sister . Mrs. Ed- Thompson. - Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bumgartner and son of Detroit, Mich, arrived here Saturday f6r a visit with Mrs. Bumgartners parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Podge. Miss Florence Olsen of Zenda spsnt •$ihe week-end in the hotne of h.jr brother Elmer Olseri and family. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Shepartl and family were Woodstock visitors, Saturday afternoon.. Miss Ruby Davia of Woodstock ftspent over the 4th in the Ben Walkington home. - Mr. and^Mrs. Burton Ball and fam- Jply, Pearl Bailey and Robert Ball of Hunter spent Sunday and the 4th in the Ray Peters home. Mrs. Lewis Schroeder "spent tile Week-end in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jepson spent fJunday at Marengo. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wiedrich Roy <Bnd Mae Wiedrich spent Saturday Evening in Woodstock. i Miss Eva Williams of Chicago spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. fcnd Mrs. Henry Williams. Miss Mildred Jepson spent Wednesday and Thursday ?t Grayslake. Mr. and Mrs. George Young and family spent Sunday morning at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Fredrickson «nd son spent Sunday with relatives at Woodstock. . Mr. and Mrs. George Young spent Sunday evening in the Peter Weingart home at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson and Mr. and Mrs. Ruebin Nelson and son of Waupaca, Wis. are visiting in the Kenneth Cristy home. Adrian Thomas of Chicago Spent Sunday and Monday with his parent! Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Ford Jackson spent Friday evening in the George Young home. Mr .and Mrs. Wm. McCannon spent Saturday afternoon at'Woodstock. Twice T o l d i Tales •r ^.% -0 Our • Washington 1 -yf.LLetter -Bj- Nstional Editorial Association. ILLINOIS lasore -ln Surt-lospnce •WITHWm. G. Schreiner Auctioneering • •;i : OFFICE ^AT RESIDENtS PWooe 93-R McHenry, IIHneb A. P. Freund Excavating Contractor Trucking, Hydraulic and Cr&ne Service Road Bnitafeg Tel 204 M McHenry, 111. : Ed Vogel GENERAL ^ AUCTIONEE# ^ FARM SALES A SPECIALTY F. O. Solon Mills, IS. 4teference Past Salsa SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Items of Interest Takes Fron the Files of the Plalndea|pc ,ti Ye^rs Age' FIFTY YEARS AGO That McHenry is the leading dancing town was proven on Tues iiy evening when the following numbers are reported from the different places, Riverside House, 113 couples, Parker House, 287 couples, McHenry House 75 couples. Washington, July 6--No better summary of the present economic and political situation can be given than to repea| the centurtes old comment in Homer's Illiad, "these issues lie in the lap of the Gods". In this instance it is the laps of the American people and not the Grecian deities- The Congress in winding up its affairs tTtIW.TT.Wl veto • & , ' '5--. MV. and Mrs. Lloyd E<fify of Oriys lake called on the tatter's parents M:\ and Mrs. Harry Passfield Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller visited the former's sister, Mrs. Wm. Miller, at Ringwood Monday evening. Mrs. E. Bacon and Mrs. Esse Fisher spent Friday with Mrs. Anna Case at 'Wauconda. Mrs. A. Stadfield ta visiting her daughter Mrs. Pete Diedrich at Mc Henry the past week. Mrs. Richard Dowell and Mrs. George Scheid Jr. motored to Woodstock Tuesday on business. Mrs. Herman Dunker attended a meeting of officers at the Lake County Home Bureau office at Grayslake Monday. Mrs. Leslie Davis and daughter leaves the country in a highly jof slocum ^ spent Tuesday with emotional state as to its real per-1 her m and Mrs, Esse Fisher, formances and worth. Time which Mr Herman Rossduestcher took permits sober judgment is the great jei hty ^ from Camp Duncan to debunking force. The tempest over - • - • policies affecting Congressional and Administration affairs has been so Mr. and Mrs. Roy FfcssfieU attended the Fourth of July celebration at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Danker attended the funeral of Mr. William T. Huffman at Crystal Lake Saturday. Mrs. Rose Dunnell spent thi? past week at Elgin with relatives. Miss Betty Oakes of Chicago spent the week-end here with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Passfield and family were McHenry callers Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert W&ldmann and family spent Sunday with relass tives in Chicago. > Mr. and Mrs. August Carlson, Mr. and Mrs. George Carlson and family of Waukegan, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hironomus and son, Mr. and Mrs Harry Hironomus and family of Grayslake, Mrs. Frank Hironomus Miss Vera Vasey left this. Tuesday for Detroit Mlrfcigiii wtiec* sh*. wftl visit Mr*. J. J. JTUfcer fniiaai1| Ms* ^ Dorothy Dillisa of tittP IoaBty. and family enjoyMl Fbvft of Snly at the home of Mr. and Nicholas. Mrs. Archio Wallia and sons ot Gages Lake culled m Diamond Powder * ^ Diamond powder is obtained from ^ the diamond-.cBtting process and by crushing inferior diamonds. The •»» • mond powder is applied with olL , §? •m H. M. Holmes met with a severe | _ ove^ Waukegan Tuesday where they visited and almost fatal accident one day last ~ week, by the horse getting frightened the Y. M. C, A. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kaiser, Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and family called at th0 home of Mr; and Mrs. Sylvester Wagner Wednesday eveniu-j. Mr and Mrs John Molidor, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller, Mr. and Mrs, Arthu» Kaiser, Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and family attended the fire and upsetting the ouggv in which h,4strong that perspectives will not be was riding. He was injured in the of partiBan for several back and side, but fortunately no| W^s\ , •_ . , bones were broken. He has been con- Chastened Congressionttl ?wup3 are fined to the house ever since, but isl^T* f thelr reported Jnuch better the time of l^8t th? ,tempeT pe?le ^ writing1* ' jchafgea from. indifference to muv If thVuwless individuals ^ho of!^« otters savoring of r Round Lake Monday evening late have made free use ofboits and I \,.The dePre98,0,,h^ b!"ou^ The farm is owned by Mr. Frank Reid. to the citizens a keener realization of j M €hariPS Dalvin and family the importanf part politics play in! Mfs Joe passfield and son) Mrs. Roy Passfield and family, Miss Roberta Dowell spent Thursday afternoon with ' Mrs. Harfv Passfield. Mrs. Lloyd Russell and family motored to Round Lake Friday where they visited relatives. * ' f Mrs. George Scheid Jr. and oars, on the river, without as much as saying "by your leave sir", are not., ... . , - , , , , , careful they will get brought up with he I™**16 ^ but' r ter. In other words; the folks now comprehend that economic laws are a round turn. It costs money to build boats and keep them in repair and to haye them used in this lawless manner and after being daubed with mud and filth left to float down the river is more than the owners propose to stand. --Stand from under. FORTY YEARS AGO Someone, with re!ther the fear of God or man before his eyes, poisoned the fine English mastiff "Minn";, . . , , , ,,. . . .. , . . owned by Geo. W. Owen one day last ?ut ^k-hful pubhe. A belt tightened week. It was a detestable act, and !£° coun1£ract, f * one which should be punished to the j h<>m® sold out for unpaid axes makes fullest extent of the law. Mr. Owen ^ ™n, thmk m0re^ i°f Po'^'^^factors offers a reward of 25 dollars for evidence that will convict the party who done it. We shall this week interwoven with political principles and policies. Hard times have aroused the public spirit to such a point that the politicians will not be permitted to shelter their meanings | da;'_hter Ip^t>riday"at the Dowell ilnder . ambiguous pityrases. . The candidates and their henchmen face Brothers home-, . . . . , Mr. and Mrs. Clark Nicholas and the immediate problem of habituating j s(m f Wauc0Bda called on Mr. and themselves to a new trend in public Mrg Arthur Kaiser Thursday eveaffairs^-- meeting a id winning a wearv i m• ng". {( Mrs.'.*. Lloyd Fisher, Mrs remove the Arthur Kaiser motored to Round Lake Friday on business. Mr. Paul O'Larry of Chicago and Miss Adeline Rossduestchef called at the home of the latter's parents Mr. and Mrs. C. Rossduestcher Wednesday m our old quarters. When we are fairly settled come and see us in >ur new quarters. The many friends of Frank B. j Doran, a former resident of our adjoining town of Nunda, will be much pleased to learn of the honorable position he now occupies in his present home in the city of St. Paul. By St. Paul papers we learn that he is elected to the city government as a member of the assembly, and that the Republican reform njayor has assigned him to positions on the most important committees of that body. Mr. John Mrs. Homer Mann and son Sey- wherJ: animals have made their gras- S. H. Freund & Son CONTRACTORS : AND BUILDERS • Phone 127-R ^ McHenry Our experience is at Tour Service in building Your Wants mour of Woodstock spfent July 4th in the Edgar Thomas home. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCannon spent July 4th at Greenwood. Frank Wiedrich spent Saturday fcvening at McHenry. Miss Dorothy Carr and Dewey Beck of Chicago spent the week-end in the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carr. Mr. and_Mrs. Lester Carr and family spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich. Among those from here to attend the carnival at Crystal Lake July 4 were; Mr. and Mrs. Clay Rager and family, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young, Myrtle and Marie Young and Mr. and, .Mrs. G. E. Shepard and family and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fay. Charles Foss of New York City is visiting his cousins Gladys and Howard Shepard. 4^ Rev. and Mrs. Collins and son Roger spent Monday morning in the 'J. V. Buckland home and they in company with J. V. Buckland and Miss Flora Taylor attended the celebration at Greenwood,- Mr. and Mrs. Leon Dodge and family spent July 4 at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Georgp Dixon of Eagle Lake, Wis. are spending the week in the J. V. Buckland home.' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet and family spent July 4 at Greenwood. George Thompson son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Thompson was seriously injured in an automobile accident between McHenry and Ringwood Monday evening July 4. He is in the St. Theresa Hospital at Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. George Young and family, Mr. and Mrs- Waldo Fredrickson and son, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Freund and faaaily and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Thompson and children were among those from here to attend the »fc Crystal Lake July 4.. .. ing fields and the damage will be realized at a glance. About a half dozen of our circus-- experience--seeking young men joined the Lyons Bros, circus here last Friday. They are all' back now as the circus h«& passed out of existence. | for consolidations and economies k- • squarely with the Chief Executive who must submit definite recommendations at the next session. ... .. Coquetry It is a species of coquetry to make a parade of never practicing it.--La Sm$£foaeau4d. . / Di*aMt*r of Sum* - The4 Naval observatory says' f&rtttie diameter of Betelgeuse Is generally given as between 200,000,000 and 300,- 000,000 miles. The diameter of Ja» tares is about 400,000,000 miles. ° . •• "v..-. ,>!" * r t ;•- TWENTY YEARS AGO He increased patronage at- the airdrome goes to show that the idea-has proved a success. Every effort is being made to procure the best pictures. The day has come when a j exfstence. man can take the whole family ano a small amount of change and see the whole circus in a picture theatre.: parenti foredooms its abolishment family spent Monday at the home of Animals, clowns, elephants the trick i after election3. It would not ^ Mr *nd Mrs, George Scheid, Jr., at mule you cant ride and all without j ^ politics to wipe oufc the Farm Wauconda. undergoing the battle for life one has ^Board now as it wag creilted largely Mr. and Mrs. William Rotheimore ® in , e J®',. jon the recofnmendation of President spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and '"f' n Dettmer, the new j Hoover. The farm groups expected Mrs. Mike Wagner the latter's cement M°c^ .manufacturing firmware, j much from the Federal agency, but parents. ; now just as busy as they can be. Their now >,ave turned thumbs down. The* Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon-and new cement block machine was placed retrenchm*ent planks in the two party family of Sloe inn . Lake spent Monmto commiMion some two weeks ago , piatforms have alarmed government day evening at the Bacon home, and sinfe that tune the gentlemen, bureaus as to their future. The Con-1 Mr. William .Ames of Crystal Lake have been turing out a large number | g^gg has placed the responsibility spent t ie Fourth with Mrs. Ida Fi?her. Mrs. Robert Ames and Virginia Ames spent- Thursday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. Howard at Round Lake. f Misses Vinnie Bacon, Myrna, Beluah Bacon, Elsie, Rita Steinsdorfer and Charolette Corbis motored to Waukegan Saturday evening. Mrs. G. A Vasey, Mrs. Hermon Dunker, Mrs. Alvin Case, Miss Vinnie Bacon, Mrs. William Dillion attended the officers Training School at Grayslake Monday. The above are members of the Lake County Home Bureau of the Volo unit. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Eddy of Grayslake, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dalvin and family of Waucomla, Mr. and Mrs. George Dowell and family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dowell and daughter of Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Passfield and family, Mr- and Mrs. Joe Passfield and son, John Kniffle were Fourth of July dinner guests at the. home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Passfield. • *r. and Mrs. Herman Dunker *nd family spent Fourth of July with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dunker Jr. at Crystal Lake. Alvin Case and Herman Dunkei attended a meeting of officers of the Pure MSlk association Wednesday at Harvardof A No. 1 blocks. The address given by Mr. E Col'ier at the M. E. church last'Sunday, representing fthei anti-saloon cause, was much enjoyed by those present. The congregation contributed a little upward of $17.00 fbr the anti-saloon cause. . TEN YEARS AGO The first squadron, 14th cavalry, enroute from Fort Sheridan to Camp Douglas, Wis., will pitch tents in Conway's grove east of the fiver next Monday night and remain until after the Fourth. The unit, we are tt»hi consists of 250 horses and men. The passenger boat, which has been under construction at the Hunter boat factory here during the past several weeks was launched here at exactly eleven o'clock last Saturday evening and oft Sunday made her maiden trip up the beautiful Fox and around Pistakee Bay. Unless rain interfere the McHenry Country club's golf links will witness their official opening next * Sunday morning at ten o'clock, at which tiine Mr. Sidney Smith, Chicago Tribune's famou& cartoonist, and whose summer home is located at Howell's villa, near tkis village wiH mike the first drive. Small Bocks ° Among the smallest books Is the 27- page, Illustrated Schloss English Almanac presented to the public museum at Oshkosh, Wis., by Mrs. W. W. Waterhouse. It Is a half-Inch wide, seveneighth of an inch long and one-eighth of «n inch thick. It was printed in 1842. - / Dust Particlaa in Air The actual number of dust particles In a cubic foot of air can be counted In air samples collected with a new dust-sampling machine developed by the public health service. Rainwashed outdoor air is the cleanest found, but even it contains an average of 300,000 dust particles to the cubic4 foot, or about 174 to the cubic lnchj ibe testa shew. I-..- Biir» Short Life A fl bill is rarely In circulation over six months before It goes back to the Treasury department to be replaced by a new one. „ - ' • x . ' - * •• \ ' HiilK Oaly Oa« Target >* ? Scattering shotgun fire may right for small game, but you most use a bullet to bring down the big oneo>. It's the same way in life. Set oao goal, then keep shooting at your target Scattering your energies brings but meager returns.:--Grit. ^ F r e d ) J „ S m i t l ^ ^ P i ^ . ^ / ' J o i u i s b i i r g - - • Chevrolet Sales. General Automotive Bepeir Work Give 'na a call when in trouble t V * ; ^xpert Welding and Cylinder Reboring, /S. l)ay Phone 200-J Night Phone involved as contrasted with chalance in days of plenty. Postal rate increase on letters becomes effective today, which brings' eVening. Plaindealer office to Pekovsky's Brick the tax problem more intimately to ! Miss Frances Davis of Waucondi Block, one door south of the Postjthe attention of the public. An ir> caued at the Fisher home Thursday, office, where our patrons can find us crease of a cent in. mailing costs is | The 4-H club held a meeting June after July 1st. -We have been led to i something- that reaches the average-27. They cut out their garments^ and make this move in order that' we!citizen and makes him conscious of j some of them have them nearly dono. might get upon the ground floor, the!the cost <>f government. Taxes on ' They have anew electric sewing increasing weight of our machinery < checks, theater admissions, gasoline j machine. The report was .not in last and type making it unsafe to keep it and other taxable items, also hit1 Wcek on account of the meeting being directly at the pocketbook. It is a'held Monday, June 27. The 4-H club potent argument, for reducing govern-j held a meeting Saturday July 2. They ment expenditures when the burden is | had a business meeting and finished saddled on people in times when their slips. LaFern Wait gave a money and jobs ^re scarce. j demonstration on cutting and joining Back of the quick passage of th? bias binding. The next meeting will Oddie mining claims resolution in the be held July 9. and they will start Senate and House is a story remi- i making dresses. Two new members niscent of frontier^days in the West.1 joined, Ada Dowell and Beulah Bacon. It was found that a period of 12 hovers They elected a new President LaFeru would elapse between legal limit of Wait and a new Treasure Ada Dowell. working claims and the actual end of Every member is urged to come July the fiscal year. Reports indicated a 9 to Mrs. Frank Wilson's home, revival of the deadlv "claim-jumping" j Miss Roberta Dowell spent a foil which usually resulted in blood-shed | days with her sister Mrs. Charie* and endless litigation as to the owner- j Dalvin at Wauconda. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO s*"p °* mines and claims. Senator I Mrs. Esse Fisher and Mrs. Lloyd Frank Block, who has been acting p^'0 of Nevada, once a mining er- Fisher and family motored to Woodin the capacity of local milk inspector! *ineer. .^nsed the dangerous inter- stock Saturday- -- at the Borden plant, went to Chicago !lude and 0131,6(1 a resoIutlon wh,cn Mrs. Richard Dowell and daughter Wednesday morning for the purpose'Prohibited a 12 hour epidemic of claim Mrs. George Scheid Jr. and daughter of qualifying himself as a railway J'umpm^ in P**ct,cally a11 Western called on Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hafer mail clerk. Frank is an upright and ;states- Man'3 mad lust for at Fremont Center Friday. energetic young man and will, no ^old ,and eiI^er ami other prectous Joe Vasey of McHenry was a doubt, be given a ri# soon. i metalf' ls on'y curbed by stern law business caller m this locality Satur» It has become quite a common > enf°r®fe,nent* The Oddie resolution at day. , practice for owners of horses and1 the eleventh hour averted what may Mr. and Mrs- Herman Dunker and cows to let them graze along thethave been a bloody of and family called at the home of Mr. and public highways about town contrary4 la^yers- , G- Ya86y ^aturdayto the village ordinance. To thosei' Several hundred thousand govern-) Mrs. Richard Dowell andJKrs. who have formed this habit the idea|Tnt emPioyees are cognizant of the George Scheid Jr. spent Saturday may seem perfectly harmless, but to!derreSS!0n' 7, ey ,f J°Und afternoon with Mrs. Ida Fisher convince them of the great damage I P°1,tical world couldjiot withstand Mrs. M. Wagner and being done we advise them to a ! e c o n o m i c Pr e 9 s u r e- The forced pay Wortz received sad news from Waustroll over the tar walks of the village cuts the furlough system without conda Tuesday stating the denth of pay became effective last-Friday. The their sister, Mrs. Lena Gainer. Mrs. economy measure eliminated per- J Gainer has many relatives and close manently the vacations totaling two friends who will miss her. months annually and reduced it to 15 j. Math"Brown has paintedl hia house days. During the next fiscal year (the past week. Federal employees will work 11 ] John Capaller is now employed for months and draw pay for the sai.ie Mr- Herman Rossduestcher. period. Department officials havej Mr. and Mrs. Roy Passfield and the power to extend payless furloughs family spent Sunday at the home of which will probably renew government Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dalvin at Wauworkers interest in their efficiency conda. and indispensibility. I William Rossduestcher of Statsyille The tremendous cuts in appropri- spent a few^ days here with relatives ations for the Federal Farm Board and friends. indicate that this outfit is on the way Mr. and Mrs. Esse Fisher spent the In addition, there week-end at the home of Mr- and Mrs. is pending a complete investigation Leslie Davis at Slocum bake, by a Senate committee which ap- j Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher an.l An EMERGENCY GALL y . :: Aire broke out on the roofof a farmhouse near Woodstock, ' Illinois. While the farmer attempted to fight the flames, las wife telephoned for aid. The Woodstock firemen responded immediately and the fire was extinguished. The total damage was less than $55, but, it might have been $500 had there been any delay. That single call was worth many dimes the yearly telephone bill. Can any farm afford no he without such protection to property and life when the cost if so small? Order onrtoday from sw Buiint^Oitfe D TIRES Have not yet advanced in price on account of the new federal tax. You can still buy the famous Goodyear at the old pric§ We Stand the. Taxi You will never buy tires cheaper than today. Let us check your rubber. - 29x4.40--2i „„^.$5.05 29x4.50--2^ .. • 5.65 30x4.50--21 „-- > 5*75 28x4.75^9-,^. J]'- 6.70* •>c»v4 7S--20 •'* ; 6.80 29x5.00--19 ! 7.05 30x5.00--20 715 31x5.00--21 7.40 28x5.25--1^--i, 7.95 29x5.25--liT -iii I 8J20 3 0 x 5 . 2 5 - -- " * *8.35 31x5.^-r21 ^ y 8.60*- 28x5.50~l| tJ. 8.85 29x5.50--1X9 30x^50--20 30x6.00--IS .31x6.00--19 32x6.00--20 33x6.00--21 HD HD HD HDI 8.95 9.00 11.25 11.50 11.60 11.75 30x3H /' it 445 :i0x3^ 4.55 31x4 - ' . -y^ 8.80 32x4- - 9.00 33x4 10.00 3--)v4M» - ' • 11.55 33x4VI •>': 11.95 30x5 Truck 16.30 32x6 10-ply Tnidt* 27.90 WALTER J. FREUND ,"fire and Tube Vulcanizing--Battery Charging:, RepaffilS^ Car Washing. Simoniziiig Greasing, Draining, Etc. > Glass Job Ooaranteed Phone 294 • WEST M HIKE Y s j . , *" it .7;