m ' A•:! THXM'HEKRT PIJUOTXALXR, THURSDAY, OCT. 6,1932 S»".- JOHHBBUBO Ifiss Evelyn Thennea of Volo visited with Herlinda Freund one day last week. ^ Mr- and Mrs. Louis Althoff and son, Cletua, of McHenry were visitors at 1% home of their parents here Friday evening. Miss Amelia Weber visited a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Weber at Milwaukee. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Michels and MA. and .Mrs. Joe P. Michels were Monday evening visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Miller at Lily Lake. v Miss Katherine Althoff of Elgin visited Sunday with heme folks. Joe Huenuum was a Woodstock caller Friday. John, King of McHenry and Joe King motored ta Kenosha. Wis- Fri day to visit with their brothftr, l^riuis King- Mr. and Mrs. Jirmnie Chunberlin visited with Mr. awl Mrs. George Obenauf at Grayslake Monday evening. Fred HueBer and Elmer Hetterroann were Woodatcck callers Tuenday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Michels, Mrs. Joe P. Michels, sons, Clarence and Arnold, and Miss Shirley Huff motored to Elgin Tuesday. Leo Smith and Joe Thelen left on a trip last Monday on a week or two vacation trip through Wisconsin- Miss Evelyn Meyers and sister* Annabelle, were Woodstock visitors Friday. ^ John Lay of Spring G^tve visited with William J. Meyers Thursday evening. Bernard Althoff of Wheatland, Wis., was home Sunday to spend the day with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Niesaii were Woodstock callers Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Irvm Smith and daughter of McHenry visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Michels Sunday. Miss Gertrude Williams of McHenry spent Sunday afternoon with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Williams. George King was a Solon Miils caller Tuesday morning. Mrs. John Freund and family, moto »d to Woodstock Tuesday. Paul Weber of Spring Grove was a caller here Monday evening. Mrs. John Lay of Spring Grove attended the Forester meeting Tuesday evening. Mir. and Mrs. Stephen Schmitt of McHenry visited with "his mother, Mrs. Joseph Schmitt, recently. x Mrs. John Oeffling and Louis Adams of McHenry visited with their parents, Mr. and b Mrs. Castor M. Adams, Sunday afternoon. Nick Huff, Clarence and Raymond irfeund ox Spring Grove were Monday evening visitors here. Fred Huemann of McHenry was a caller here Wednesday. Miss Clara Roser of Fox Lake spent Sunday with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Huemann and daughter and Mrs. Anna Lunkenheimer motored to Iowa Saturday. Arnold Rauen of Spring Grove vis ited with John H. Freund Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Albert Schmitt and Mrs. Wm. Hiller motored to Woodstock Wednesday. Miss Emma Freund, Miss Jeanette Bishop of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. John Rauen of Spring Grove spent Sunday afternoon with. John H. Freund. Miss Alma Justen of McHenry was a Sunday afternoon caller here. Mir. and Mrs. Joe Regner of McHenry visited with her parents Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hiller were Woodstock shopper^ Saturday evening. Mrs. Steve King and son, Eugene, spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. John King at McHenry. Miss Veronica Britz of Fox Lake, Miss Mabel King of McHenry and Misses Clara and Regina Klein motored to Waukegan Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Oeffling and daughter and Mrs. William May and son, Richard, were Woodstock callers Thursday. • Mrs. George Zornstorff of Spring Grove visited with Mrs. Joe P. Miller Wednesday. , Mr. and Mrs. Steve May and Mrs Joe King were Woodstock cajlerj Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs Nick Miller of Richnir> rc' visited witr Mrs. Steve King Wednesday evening, Joe Smith of Beloit, Wis., was a business caller here one day this week. Mrs. Albert Huff, daughter, Shir ley, and Miss Dorothy Mich*' i were McHenry shoppers Friday afternoon. Mr- and Mrs. John Freund of Mo- Henry spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Castof M. Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Welke of Chicago spent the week-end with her par ents, Mr. anj Mrs. Peter Freund. Joe Justen of McHenry was a caller here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Huff, daugh tr, Shirley, motored to Woodstock , oaturday evening. ^Mr. and Mrs. Alex Frrand motored out from Chicago to spend Saturday and Sunday with home folks. The Lady Foresters held a meeting Tuesday evening. There were fortyeight members present. Prizes in five hundred were awarded to Mrs. Henry Nell, first; Mrs. Steve May, second, and Mrs. Joe Huemann consolation. Bunco prizes being awarded to Mrs. Ben Stilling first; Miss Irene Smith second and Mrs. William Oeffling consolation. Lunch was served at the closing. Mr. and Mrs. Ray TTorich of Woodstock visited with Mr. and Mm. Stephen H. Smith Sunday. Mr. ami Mrs. Jacob Thiel visited with Mr. and Mrs. Mike Gorshi and son Kenneth at Woodstock Sunday evening. ' Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Steffes of Mc- , Henry were Sunday evening visitors here. Math N. Schmitt; Joe Schmitt; Adam Bildnfer and William J. Mayan visited with John Layat Spring Grove Sunday evening. UNGWOOD The Ladies Aid Society met at the home of Mrs. C. J. Jepson Thursday and canned fruit And vegetables for the Methodist Old Peoples home in Chicago. Mesdames H. M. Stephenson, F. A. Hitchens, L. E. Hawley and Lillian Stevens attended Social Wheel. McHenry Thursday afternoon. ; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Shaefer announce the arrrival of a daughter at their home in Cincinatti, Wednesday Sept. 28th. Mrs- Schaefer was formerly Miss Eleanor Dodge of this place. The young lady will answer to the name of Sally Rae. , Mesdames Nick. Adams, William McCannon and Ed. Thompson were callers in Elgin Thursday. Mrs. Walter Fritz of Solon Mills and Mrs. Clayton Bruce and daughter Phyllis were callers at McHenry, Thursday afternoon. Mrs, Wynne Kelley spent Friday with friends in McHenry. Mrs. George Young spent Thursday and Friday with McHenry friends. My. and Mrs. Axel Carlson and daughter of Woodstock were callers in the Ciaytcn Bruce h,g«ne Wednesd »j» afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Gust Pearson and Clarence Pearson spent Thursday afternoon at Lake Forest Mr, and Mrs. Irving Walker and family of Waukegan spent the weekend with M]rs. Walker and son Fred. Mesdames Edgar Thomas and daughter Hiley Jean, Viola LoU and George Shepard spent Saturday afternoon at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Bruce and daughter were Sunday dinner guests in the Walter Frits home at Solon Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Thomas and family were Sunday dinner guests in the Wm. Thomas home at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. • Gust Pearson and Mr, and Mrs- Clarence Pearson attended the funeral of Etnil Johnson at Lake Forest, Friday. Mrs. Harry Hartley and son Harry Jr., of Chicago, John Pint, Mrs. George Worts and son and Mrs. Paul Meyers and son spent Sunday afternoon in the Ed. Thompson home* Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith, Bernice and Mercedes spent Sunday evening in Chicago. „ Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Biggers and grand-daughter Gloria Biggers of Chicago and Mr. 4nd -Mrs. Wagner of Oak Park spent Sunday in the Nick Young home it being Mr. and MrB. Youngs 25th wedding anniversary. - Mr. and Mrs. Mahaffey of Grayslake spent Saturday afternoon in the E. Pv Flanders home. Mr. and Mrs. Waterfall of Woodstock spent Sunday evening in the S. W. Smith home. Mr. and Mrs- Roland McCannon and son David and Virginia ' Jepson spent Saturday afternoon at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs Ed. Thompson daughter Grace and son George were visitors at Woodstock, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Flanders were Sunday guests in the Clifton Miller home at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young spent Sunday evening in the John Young home near Spring Grove and helped them celebrate then- 10th wedding anniversary. Mrs. J. C. Pearson and mother Mrs. Mayme Harrison attended the theatre at Woodstock, (Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Neal and family of Chicago spent the week-end in the Roy Neal home. Charles Coates of Genoa City spent Sunday in the Fred. Wiedrich home. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Stephenson were callers at Woodstock Saturday. Fred Wiedrich and son Roy were Chicago visitors Monday. Miss Dorothy Carr and Dewey Beck of Chicago spent the week-end in the Charles Carr home.^ Mr. and Mrs. Doherty of Chicago spent Sunday in the Roy Neal home. Mr. and Mrs. Miller of Milwaukee spent Saturday evening with Mrs. Dix. and children. Mrs. Lester Carr and sons and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich and son Frank spent Saturday afternoon at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Hanford and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hammel of Chicago were Sunday dinner guests in the S. W. Smith home. Mr. and Mrs. Chauncy Harrison and family and Mrs. Ella Harrison were Sunday dinner guests in the Lonnie Smith home. Among those from hero to attend the Republican picnic at Fox River Grove Sunday were, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Keefe and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ford Jackson, Helen, Zura and Sib. Whiting. Mr. and Mrs. C. Anderson and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gadwood and daughter of Chicago spent Sunday afternoon in the S. W. Smith home. Mr. and Mrs. Alee Anderson and family spent Sefemday afternoon at Woodstock. < Mr. and „ Mrs. Burton Ball and children of Hunter and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kompsf of Sharon, Wis. spent Sunday in the Ray Peters home. Mrs. Jennie Bacon attended a gold-' en wedding at Marengo Saturday. The Ladies Aid Society will hold an all day meeting at the home of Mrs. Ed. Peet, Friday. A poi luck dinner will be served. Mr- and Mrs. Rasmijssen of Elgin and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ayver of West Chicago were callers in the H. M. Stephenson home, Wednesday evening. Mesdames H. M. Stephenson, Lewis Schroeder, Thomas Kane and Lillian Stevens attended the W. R. C- meeting at the home of Mrs. Hunter at Richmond Friday. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson spent Sunday in the Clinton Carr home at Chemung. They were accompanied home by Mrs. Byron Martin of Delavan who will visit there for awhile. Miss Julia McLaughlin of Chicago spent the week-end with her parent* Mr. and Mrs. J- F. McLaughlin. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler and family spent Saturday and Sunday in Chieagd. Mr. and Mrs. A. Gr Merreli of Solon Mills were Sunday callers in the S. W. Brown home. Mr. and Mrs. Alec Anderson family were callers at Hebron Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Kalph Simpson entertained a few friends at their home Saturday evening. Cards wm played with prizes awarded to; Mrs. John Freund and Nick. Adams, first and Mrs. Irving Smith and John Freund the consolations. At the close of a pleasant evening luncheon was served. Mrs- S. W. Brown visited friends in Chicago, Tuesday and Wednesday. School Notes There are 20 pupils in the Primary Room. let Helen Ruth Butler, Leon Dodge 2nd Marrion Hawley, Doris Laurence, Robert Anderson, Shirley Neal, Audrey Merchant, Betty Thompson, Eleanor Shaefer. 3rd Russel Laurence, Esther Smith, John Doh&ty, Frances Dix, Robert Low. ' / 4th Howard Shepard, Shirley Hawley, Rosalie Whiting, Hiley Jean Thomas, Amy Harrison, Estella Miller. There was only one day of absence for the month of September. Perfect spelling lessons for September were Howard Shepard. Mrs. E. E. Whiting was a visitor. Mr. and Mrs. W. Thomas and Mrs. Lucy Thomas of Woodstock were callers in the Edgar Thomas home Monday evening. Mrs. George Bacon of Antioch was a visitor in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Dodge, Tuesday. Mr. Dodge returned home with her for a few weeks, while Mrs. Dodge will visit in the home of her daughter at Cincinnati, Ohio- Miss Viola Rager went te Chicago Mionday to visit friends. She will go with a party of friends to Starved Rock for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. MeLaughlin and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McLaughlin and son spent Monday in Chicago. Roger Quinby of Western Springs spent the week-end in the Clay Rager home. Mrs. E. C- Hawley entertained her bridge club at her home Tuesday afternoon. Luncheon was served. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Shepard visited relatives at McHenry Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McLaughlin and son of Dowes, Iowa, are visiting in the home of the former's brother, J. F. McLaughlin and family. Upper School Notes v There are twenty-four pupils fin the upper room this year: Nine in fifth grade; four in sixth grade; six in seventh grade; five in eighth grade. Eighteen of the twenty-four had perfect attendance records for the first month of school. The upper grades plan to publish "The Ringwood Crier," a newspaper, every two weeks. They hope the public will support their paper. The first issue had It circulation of fortyfive. The upper grades wish to extend an invitation to all parents and friendto visit the upper room. City Council Proceedings Special Meeting •. Council Room, Sept. 28, 1932. With Peter Doherty as mayor pro tem presiding, the meeting was call3d i to order. The following aldermen! were present: Barbian, Kreutzer, I Overton and Wattles. Schaefer was ( absent. i Motion by Overton, seconded by' Kreutzer, that a resolution regarding I unpaid "special assessments be passed ! as read. /The aldermen voted as fol-1 lows: Ayes: Barbian, Kreutzer, Ov-i erton, Wattles. Nays: None. Mo-' tion carried. Motion by Barbian, seconded by Overton, that the city council purchase a bouquet and present it to Mayor Knox, who is confined to his home. Motion carried. Motion by Kreutzer, seconded by Wattles, to adjourn. Motion carried. ; PETER J. DOHERTY, Mayor Pro-Teis- PETER A. NEISS, City Clerk. Council Room, Oct., S, 19324 The city council met in regular monthly meeting, Peter J- Doherty, 'V1:' Twice Told Tales iww or iweiesi the Files of the Plaindealer ef Years Ago > FIFTY YEARS AGO Wyman Smith, one of the first settlers of the town of McHenry, and who resides near Richmond has been calling on old friends here the past few days. R. Bishop is repairing the residence formerly owned by Herman Owen, and is also building a bam on the premises. When completed it will be occupied by Thomas Walsh. A sad and fatal accident happened mayor pro-tem, presiding. Aldermom ®t the farm of Alexander Nish, who present: Barbian, Kreutzer, Overton, J lives near Barrevilie, on last Friday Wattles. Absents Schaefer. [forenoon. Mr- Nish and Hiran Bryant Motion by Kreutzer, seconded by j were shingling a bam when the Overton, that the minutes of the pre-; scaffolding gave way, preceipitating vious regular and special meetings be them both to the ground a distance of approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Barbian, seconded by Wattles, that the treasurer's report be approved as read, showing a balance of $6,140.48. Motion carried. Motion by Overton, seconded by Wattles, that the collector's report be accepted as read. Motion carried. Motion by Kreutzer, seconded by Overton, that th^ clerk's report be accepted as read- Motion carried. Motion by Overton, seconded by Wattles, that the following bills be paid as read and OK'd by the finance committee. Motion carried. John Walsh, Sept. salary ........$135.00 W. C. Feltz, Sept. salary 110.00 M. M. Niesen, Sept. salary : 40-00 Mayme Buss, commissions f Water rents ^ John Stilling's Tire Shop, gasoline McHenry Art. Stone Co., labor on waterworks Peter A. Neiss. commissions* telephone calls, etc. Ill- Bell. Tel. Co., service ...... Public Service Co., street lights Public Service Co., street lights Public Service Co., power, pumping water Public Service Co., power sewer lift Public Service Co., city lights Carey Electric ShopO canopies and labor -- .... Motion by Overton, seconded by Kreutzer, to place a new street light on.Park avenue in Wattles Subdivision and one on Grand avenue in the Kent Subdivision. Motion carried. Motion by Overton, seconded by Kreutzer, to adjourn. Motion carried. PETER J. DOHERTY, Mayor Pro-Tern. PETER A. NEISS, City Clerk. 6.11 M 9.00 9.10 .50 «...; 146.80 49.27 f©.90 15.88 1.62 hall 51.75 eighteen feet. Mr. Nish received injuries from which he died the same evening. He was sixty four years of age and leaves a family <rf eight children, i FORTY YEARS AGO The Republican Rally last Wednesday evening was a successful affair in every particular. The City Hail was packed to its utmost capacity to hear Hon. R. W. Coon speak on the political issues of the day. He made an excellent talk, showing up the shams and pretenses of the Democratic party in so plain a light that no one could fail to understand. The Democratic Mass meeting and Pole raising, in this vijlage on Saturday last drew out a very small crowd in the afternoon, but in the evening the hall was comfortably filled. The pole was raised successfully and with, out accident. It is 84 feet high and presents a neat appearance- The rain enterfered somewhat with the speaking in the afternoon, but we believe the programme was carried out in full. While there was not as much enthusiasm as we expected to see, the Democracy seem to be well satisfied, with the meeting and in this case we certainly ought to be. With certain defeat staring them in the face it. is hard to whistle we admit. RMponaibility Divided A round robin is a protest or petltfbti to which a number of signatures have been affixed so that no name heads the list and the responsibility of the signers is evenly distributed. Numismatic Prise A coin Issued over 250 years ago was found on a farm near Grimsby- Ont. The coin was believed to have been issued in 1666, at a time when small British coins were scarce and merchants were permitted to issue their own coins. On one side of tht piece was the inscription: "John Bar seas, coal man in Milford Lane. 1666." G CALL AND SEE * This Standard HCHUHIIIL Oaly TWENTY-FIVE YEARS" AGO Post master Renlch of WuoasiocK moved into his new quarters in „the new Odd Fellows temple last Sunday The removal to the new home was marked with an "open house" for a few hours last Saturday evening. T. J. Walsh and family are again residents of McHenry, having moved into their home on Elgin street the first of the week. We learn from good authority that a man was recently shot at McCollum's lake, but not seriously. The victim can undoubtedly explain matters more fully than we. TWENTY YEARS AGO Governor Chas. S. Deneen, Republican candidate for re-election, will be in McHenry next Saturday morning Oct. 5, to address the voters of this vicinity. The governor is traveling in his own private car and will arrive at the McHenry station at 10:10 a. m. He will make his address from the platform of the car bearing the distinguished visitor to this village. The treasurer of the McHenry County Fair association reports the total receipts as $8,361-10 and the disbursements, $8,354.12. The village fence which until recently has enclosed the public park will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder on Saturday, Oct. 12, at 4 dWock. ' VOLO Mr. and Mrs- Sylvester Lefferman and daughter of Fremont Center spent Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kaiser. Mrs. George Scheid Jr., of Wauconda was a Tuesday caller at the Dow£ll Brothers home. Mrs. Rose Dunnell spent Wednesday with her daughter, Mrs. William Hironimus at Round Lake. Miss Vinnie Bacon was a Mundelein caller Monday. John Wagner Jr., returned to his duties on the Wagner's Milk Trucks this week, after a vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beitzel and family of Waukegan spent Tuesday at the John Molidor home. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and family called on Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hafer Monday at Fremont Center. Mrs. Richard Dowell and Mrs. George Scheid Jr., visited Mrs. Richard McGHl at the Waukegan Hospital Wednesday. Misses Veron& and Lillian Vogt of Waukegan spent the week-end here with their sister Miss Emma Vogt. Mr. Frank Gould and Leona Beitzel of Libertyville spent Wednesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kaiser. Mrs. Frank Hironimus and family, Mrs. Earl Hironimus and son and Alleen Baseley spent Tuesday with Dr. and Mrs. Kochens at Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bacon and family of Round Lake called at the Bacon home Monday evening. Mrs. Esse :Fisher spent Thursday with Mrs. Ray Seymour at Wsuconda. Miss Vinnie Bacon was a Barrington caller Thursday. Mrs. Harry Passfield and son John called at the home of Mrs. Namoi McCandless at Round Lake Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Al. Raupe and family of Prairie View called at the home of the latter's brother S. J. Wagner Monday. Mrs. Frank Hironimus and family spent Wednesday evenin# at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Henkel Sr., at Waukegan. \ Mr. and Mrs. Esse Fisher and Mrs. Arthur Kaiser accompanied Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and daughter to Waukegan Friday. The Volo Home Bureau unit will meet at the home of Mrs. Hary Passfield Oct. 12th. It will be an all day session starting at 10 in morning and ending around 4 in the afternoon. Everyone is requested to bring something as they are going to have a pot luck" dinner. Mrs. Edith King will give a talk on "Christmas suggestions". And in the afternoon our Home Advisor will be present, Miss Florence Kimnelschue and she will give a talk on "Food Digestions*'. Mr. and Mrs. William Waldmar.n' Jr., William Waldmann Sr., of Chi cago spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Waldmann. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dunker Sr., of Crystal Lake spent a few days the past week here with their son and family Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Lefferman, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kaiser were Wauconda callers Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs- Joesph Lenzen attended the card party at Round Lake Friday evening. Mrs. Lenzen brought home a prize. Mr. and Mrs. Decker and family of Waukegan spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kaiser, the letter's brother. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. George attended the show at the Empire theatre at McHenry Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Passfield and, family Mr. and Mrs, Frank Wilson nd family, Mr. and "Mrs. G. A. Vasey na son, Mr. and Mrs/ Joesph Fui* a: an' field and son, attended the birthday party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Eddy Saturday evening. Mrs. Frank Wilson and daughter spent Friday Afternoon with Mrs. Jo* May at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dunnell, Mrs. Rose Dunnell and John Worti spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bohne at Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Michelson spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Dowe at Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. William Dunker daughter, George Northrup of Woodstock spent Wednesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker. Mr. and Mrs. William Dowell aad daughter of Dundee were Sunday supper guests at the home of Mr. aa^ Mrs. Roy Passfield. Mr. and Mrs- Frank Wilsotl aad family , were Batavia caller's Saturday. Dr. and Mrs. Kochehs of Chicago spent Saturday evening at the home of the latter'd parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hironimus. Mr. and Mrs. Joesph Wagner aad family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Martina at Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. Kovar of Ingleside Mr. and Mrs. John Saneowski and son of Berwyn were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. George. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Passfield and family, Mr. aad Mrs. Joe Passfield and son spent Wednesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dalvin-at Wauconda. John, Joe and Junior Wagner and Norma i Molidor attended the Cubs and Yankee ball game in Chicago Saturday. Mr. and Mrs- Eddy Rqssduestcher and son spent Saturday evening fat Chicago, with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Krueger of Wauconda called on the tatter's father John Walton Monday. Miss Roberta Dowell spent the week-end with her sister Mrs. Charles Dalvin at Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Yorwood and daughter of Elgin spent Saturday at. the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Kirwin. Miss Hilda Oeffling of Waukegan spent the week-end here with her parents Mr- and Mrs. John Oeffling. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Benwell and daughters of McHenry spent Sunday with the latter's parents Mr. and Mra, G. A. Vasey. William Rossduestcher of Statesville spent the .week-end here with relatives and friends. Miss Sarah McEmmeel of Racine Wisconsin spent the week-end here with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dunnell of Waukegan called on Mrs. Rose Dunnell Sunday. Arthur Wackerow spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Jones at Batavia. Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Geary spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hafer at Fremont Center. Mrs. Elmer Gottschalk of Ela Center spent Friday at the home at Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher. Mrs. Frank King was a cue** businesss caller Monday. "V- . J •' - ^ - V • «rt . - ' v - - Carey Electric Shop McHenry, HL *TEN YEAW( AGO Considerable of the corn through out this section will remain uncut this fall. One farmer informs us that it will not pay to cut some. Since the replacement of the flashboards at the Fox river dam the water in our beautiful stream has once more been raised to a point where power boat navigation is made safe. Farmers about this section are complaining regarding the scarcity of help. Some of the farm owners, we are told, are forced to do their own work, while others are obliged to put in unusually long hours in order tp keep up. M. A. Thelen, who for a number of years has conducted a harness establishment in this village, has just accepted the agency for the Paige and Jewett cars. 5 easy to save money this way.. * The popular low-prictd Thar wasbtr is picturta abovt--now only $69.50 cash--only $6.95 down "Little by Little". Samt model with' 'skirt" is only $49- 50 cash--$4.95 dtrwu. lllluullU3 VI wTRuvQ VTT^ doing their own washing today who never did it before. No wonder! Electric washers have never been priced so low--they save you a dollar or mem every week on your laundry bill. There's no hard work, either. You simply load the tub and the agitator rubs clothes dean. (No preliminary soaking is necessary.) A motordriven wringer gets clothes ready for the line. In two hours the average wash is done. Let us demonstrate in your No obligation. ' >'e "• sa i :: •:« : Public Service Stores im- JIMMIE AND UNCLE JOHN ICAMT SBC MUCH OffFQUMCE BETWEEN REPUBLICANS AMD DEMOCRATS, UNCUfc JOHW.AWD IUKE Roosevelt*; idea Of a*TA*ip* for revenue TVE HEARD PLEXTY KICKIN6 ABOUT OUR TARIFF« THEY Say 'T I* RESPONSIBLE FOR MUOfOFOOR. TROUW.fi WELL, JiMMiE, )V« 6LAD TO SEE YOU TMtHKiM6fc)R1bUft SELF, BUT £>ONV LET ANYONE STRIM6 >&U WlTX A LOT Of SWEET S0UNDW6 WORGS ONLY TWELVE VfeARf ACO WE WERI OPERAtfr* tMoe* A similar, TARIFF. THEY CAU.EP tT THE UNDCRWOOO TARIFF. HCBOfUtS WERE "SHUT oown evwn'WIIERE. MOM PEOPLE WlERE OUT OT WORK THAW EV» BEFORE LET* STEP OVER *>THE UBWA*V, ill SUtxHbO. it Jar. Slw. THAT WGHT, UNCLE JC44M? 60 Faoo. CLOTH EVERY TH THERE IT t«, ALL OVER. YtotIR HOMC TOWM Paper, y&u were only mine years old them. Ti<t Firstthmsthe republican Congress had to c*> after it got w was To CHAH6E THAT TARIFF LAW W ORDER To PROTECT OUR LABOR IMG KEN. THEN *ACTORJI$ WERE IMMEDIATELY STARTED UP. JOBS WERE OPENED FOR. OUR WORKtMS PEOPLE THAT* SO, uncle JOHN, ON EVERV P&6E IT TELLS OF P60P1E SUFFERING FROM THE awful Costs LIVING,-^ Jimmie decides not to be young IVE CERTAMLY MAD MY E.YSS TKArt A6000 opemeo. Uos t of Hfc fellows QonV KNOW ABOUT TMETNUFF. THEY believe A LOT OF 1MIS Campaign stuff. Tm certainly <?OM6 "lb TELLTWcM, AND I'M MOT GOING To BE So YOUNC AKO EASY AGAIN 1 SL06AN, JlMHtf* 00NT6E FIND OUT FOR tbUR.SSLF / (LEAO UtSttMLY.