"; - > " ' v * ' ' v" • ' * THE M'HKKEY PLAnfDRALKE, THTOfiDAY, H0V. 3,1 m -Vir"" TMC "n*" "*« PHONE 291 LAST TIME TONIGHT "70,000 Witnesses" 4 FRIDAY SATURDAY Nov. 4-5 'Heritage of the Desert' ALSO ON THE STAGE Little Shirley Ray A Paramount Screen «Star will appear in person and do I clever singing and dancing act SUNDAY > . I vLAUREL & HAR0Y . 'Pack Up Your Troubles' WED.THURS. • Nov. 9-10 TOM MIX in etubNtfwa OBSERVE BIRTHDAY ." Mr. and Mrs. George Wort ^entertained a party of relatives and friends at their home on Riverside Drive Saturday evening in honor of the latter's fortieth birthday anniversary. Decorations were in keeping ^with the Hallowe'en season and a pleasant evening was spent in cards with prizes in five hundred going to Arthur Brink and Mrs. William Guge. Refreshments were served, i*cluding an attractively decorated birthday cake. Those present included the brothers •and sisters of Mr. Worts, Mr- and Mrs. William Guge, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brink, Mr. and Mrs. Edward FLORENCE FREUND HONORED Mi*s Anna Bl*ke and Mrs. Leo Blake entertained a. party of friends at the home of the latter, Thursday evening at a miscellaneous shower in honor of Miss Florence Freund, a November bride, who received many lovely gifts from the guests. ST. CLARA'S COURT HALLOWETKN PARTY Hallowe'en reigned supreme with its ghosts, witches and jack-o-lanterns, at the party given by members of St. Clara's Court, W. C. O. F., on Wednesday evening of last week at the parish hall. Abouf fifty members Belriehard and Mr. and Mrs.. Earl Roberts of Elgin; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Laura Blake, Florence Cards and bunco were played With; were present to enjoy the evening, nil prizes in cards being won by Mrs. Joe j appearing masked and in appropriate L. Freund, first; Elvera Blake, sec-; costumes. They were met by the cusond; Carolyn Bauer, third, and Angela ; tomary ghosts and goblins, who wel- Tonyan, consolation. Prizes in Bunco! corned the guests as they arrived and went to Elceda Freuncl and Mrs. Hu- j led them over devious pathways and bert Freund. A delicious lunch was through winding alley?' and dark passerved. Guests were Mesdames Hu-isageways until they (Were admitted to bert Freund, Joe L. Freund, Joe | the hall by the back way and through Bauer, Peter Freund, Joe Freund, j an opening of none too generous di- George Freund, Nick Adams, Math j mensions through which some found Adams, Anton H. Freund, John R. I difficulty in passing. Once the wind- Freund, Jacob Stoffel, Irvin Schmitt,' ing trail was completed the guests Tony Blake, Henry Nell, Peter Blake found themselves in a prettily decoand the Misses Angela, Ascella and rated hall wilh cornstalks, pumpkins Esther Tony an, Elvera, Lorraine and; and other Hallowe'en decorations in Davis of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Theo Worts of Barrinsrton, and Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Schaefer. MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER Mrs'- R. F. Conway was hostess to seventeen guests at her home on Riverside Drive on Wednesday afternoon of last week. ITie parly was in honor of Miss Florence Freund. a bride-tobe, and was a miscellaneous shower with many lovely gifts received by the honored guest Cards were played during the afternoon and lunch was served with Hallowe'en decorations prevailing. Prizes in cards were won by Mrs. Paul Schumacher and0 Mrs. Peter Blake and in bunco the prize went to Mrs. Anton Schmitt. and Alvina Freund, Rocella and Elceda Freund, Martha Hettermann, Angela Miller, Isabelle Blake, Evelyn Freund, Carolyn and Frances Bauer. v HONOR BRIDE-TO-BE 1 Miss Florence Freund, a November bride, was honored guest at a misprofusion. A pot-luck dinner was served at 6 o'clock with the tables attractively decorated in Hallowe'en colors and candles with a large black cat aa » cinterpiece. Preceding the dinner a grand march took place in which the costumes were ' , .. Blake, Joe L. Freund, Peter Freund, Anton H. Freund, Math Adams; Henry VISIT GRANDSON ON BIRTHDAY Nell, Leo Blake, Ben Bauer, Joe Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Walsh, in1 com- Bauer, Russell Gibbs, Hubert Freund pany with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chap-«an(j Jog Freund, and blisses Viola man of Woodstock, were dinner guests stilling, Rita, Lorraine and Elceda in the home of their son, Richard B. Freund, Isabelle, Anna and Elvera Walsh, and family at Evanston on j Blake, Alma Justen, Angela Miller, Sunday. The day marked the seventh birthday anniversary of Master Richard Walsh, Jr., and was a happy day for every one. Following the birthday dinners* ^delightful evening was enjoyed. - SAMARITAN VOLUNTEERS We, the Samaritan Volunteer Workwish to take this means of thanking the City Mayor for the privilege of passing tamboiirtne through your city. I will give you a report as given in our home paper. Of the past ten Months of our relief work I wish to aay first we have fed people from nearly every state in the union. Cash recieved, $973.51; Garments giver, 7,820; baskets of vegtables and groceries, 874; loaves of bread; 4,030; Ipoxes cottage cheese 16,222; quarts of buttermilk, 4,995; pounds of cornmeal, 418; pounds of flour, 400; pieces of furniture, pounds of coal,-8,000; cords of wood, 172; quarts of milk,. 8,085; We will thank you for any help yon may care tp give us. Capt. Guy Robinson, , 1020 Fourth St. Beloit, Wis.' SOPHOMORE PARTY The long anticipated Sophomore party was held at the high school Saturday evtiiiing and was a Hallowe'en masquerade. The Freshmen were invited guests and expected at this party to be initiated, but escaped easily this year with the reading of some of the characteristics of each one. Hallowe'en decorations were used and appropriate games played, interspersed with dancing. Refreshments in keep- cru-i a i w¥ttmti i*r Witt <h. season were served. ^ ' ' I of Mrs. J. A. Craver last Thursday ^ MARRIED FIFTY YEARS; J afternoon with a good attendance of Mr- and Mrs. Mathias Warner of'members and friends present. Six SSgin celebrated their golden wedding j tables of bridge were in play and Sunday when guests numbering fifty'prizes went to Mrs. George Kuhn, cellaneous shower given by Mrs. Geo. j judged with Mrs. J. C. Bickler receiv Frawd and Miss Rocella Freund at fog the prize for the most comical the home of the latter on Tuesday1 costume and Mrs. Charles Michels the everting. Many lovely gifts were re- j prize for the most appropriate Halceived from the guests. Cards were lowe'en costume. played and prizes were Won by Mrs, | After dinner the evening was spent Henry Nell, Mrs. Russell Gibbs, Mrs. hn games with Mrs. Charles Michels Jc*e Bauer, while in bunco prizes went. j and Mrs; Anna Meyer receiving prizes to Rita Freund and Isabelle Blake. | and in cards with the prize in bridge Lunch was served at the close of the j going to Mrs. Charles Michels,1 in games. Guests were Mesdames Peter i bunco to Mrs. Phannenstill and in five homi BimisAtr raws hundred to Mrs. George Freund. LINGER LONGER CLUB Mrb. > Frank Meyer was hostess TO the members of the Linger Longer club Thursday evening- Bunco was played and prizes were awarded to Mrs. P. J. Schaefer, Mrs. Fred Schoewer and Mrs. Peter M. Weber. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Pteter M. Weber. RIVER VIEW CAMP Riverview Camp, R. N. A., will have initiation at their next meetiiigon Tuesday evening, Nov. 8- A large crowd is expected, lunch will be served and cards will be played after the meeting. All dues must be paid to the recorder not later than this meeting. Caroline and Frances Bauer, Eva and Alma Schmitt and Marie Hithpv PARTY AT HALLOWE'EN Miss Carmen Freund entertained-* party of friends at her home Saturday evening at a Hallowe'en party. Appropriate games were played and also an enjoyable game of bridge with prizes won by Anna Fox and Eddie Haegner, Maxine Bacon, Emily Odvooda and. Harriet Boger. Lunch was served at the close of the evening. Guests were Maxine \ Bacon, William Hines, Shirley Covalt, Jerry Novak, Evelyn Karls, Wilbur Schooty, Beatrice Weber, Joseph Francek, Agnes Fox, Harold Waldvogel, Emily Odvooda, Louis Vaverina, Anna Fox, EASTERN STAR • McHenry chapter, O. E. S., has received an invitation to attend grand lecturers' night at Bethel chapter, Elgin, at 7:30 p. m., Friday evening, Nov. 11. The worthy matron and worthy patron have been invited to assist _ in the escort for Ida Cornell, who will, j0}jn Pisquawa, Harriet Boger, Eddie be in the east. (Haegner, Carmen Freund, Charles Mrs. John Fay, Mrs. Minnie Miller Prancelt and Mrs. Andrew Eddy visited Liber-' tyville chapter, O. E. S-, Wednesday night when the latter filled the chair of Electa. _ The date for the meeting of Richpiopd chapter, at which Mrs. Eddy was to be worthy matron, has. been postponed from Nov. 9 to Nov,;20. The quilt to be given to the O. E. Shome at Rockford will be put on at the home of Mrs.; Eddy this Thursday and members are invited^ to assist with the quilting. PARTY FOR FRIENDS Misses. Marjory Phalin and Antoiiette Huetch entertained a group of friends at a Hallowe'en party at the former's home Saturday evening. The spacious rooms were attractive for the j n^n^. occasion with Hallowe'en decorations CL%B AT LAKE ZUftlCH On Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Froehlich of Lake Zurich entertained the members of their card club at their home' in that city. Decorations were in keeping with 'the Hallowe'en season. Cards were played and prizes were won by Arthur Froehlich and Mrs. H. B. Schaefer- Refreshments were served. Those present were Mr. and nMrs. George Worts, Mr. and Mrs. H. B Schaafef and Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Cobb. • »• included the couple's nine children and: Mrs. Minnie Miller and Mrs. E- G. j and Hallowe'en games were played. twenty grandchildren. Among the' Peterson. The next meeting will be ritildren is Walter Warner, a former with Mrs. J. W. Smith -next Thursresident of McHenry. » Jday afternoon, Nov. 10. » TUuimatkywdBmmm. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY " :r> lS'& MANAGER'S WEEK SALE Get acquainted with the manager and sales staff of your nearest "National" during Manager's Week. We are all eager to show you real values in good food. National offers you courteous service and money-saving price* at this sale and at every other sale throughout tne •y ear. AMERICAN HOME COFFEE The flavor sealed In airtight can 14b. can 25 NATIONAL DE LUXE COFFEE Best Blend of Cof- Varwim Ft--h r*d cat 30 MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE V'ita Fresh Process Guar. Fine Flavor Mb. can 32 nnl Whole Wheat ItQlSlwll S Breakfast Food |arf« **«• Wheaties Pillsbury's Kosto Whole Wheat All the Bran pkgt. Pancake Flour--New 20-01. 19c 19* 15c 3*»20c 2 pkta~ 19* > 3 22° Salada iib 14C 16c Buckeye . -sr 39c Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Low Regular Price! Creamy Dessert -- Chocolate Vanillin or Lemon Flavor Bagdad DatesTwoSt Foulds' or Noodles • Brown Label K-lb. Black Scientifically Bananas Ripened Tomatoes Spinach Cabbage Fancy California New Crop Wisconsin . ». 5c 2^13* 3 19* . »'• 1* Bridge also served as entertainment INITIATE CANDIDATE^ Fox River Valley Camp, R. N. A., held its regular meeting Tuesday eveat which time the initiation of candidates took place. Following the meeting cards were played and przes were awarded^ as follows: Bridge, for the guests and prizes were mer- j Mrs. E. E. Bassett; bunco, rsi. o*. ited by Donald Bolger and Kathleen \ Wegener; pinochle, Mn?- °®e 1 er' Givens. The guests were Donald and ^ve hundred, Mrs. Fred C. c eower. Mercedes Bolger of Woodstock, Lillian Lunch was served at the close ol the Doherty, Clarence Anglese, M. JSchoenholtz, Leroy Conway, James Mahoney and' Marie *Hoskoskie of Chicago, Kathleen Givens and Haro}d Phalin. v.! G. B. C. CLUB PARTY G. B. C. club, composed of the Junior and Senior girls of the high school, enjoyed a Hallowe'en party at the high school Monday evening with the teachers as their guests. The party was truly a Hallowe'en affair with everyone masked and in costume with prizes for the best costumes being awarded to Clara Justen and Lenore Frisby. Hallowe'en games and evening The next meeting will be on Tuesday, Nov. 15, when there will be a card .party for members and friends after the meeting. Anotltfr good time is being anticipated and attendance is desired. OSTEND SCHOOL PARff The entire community turned out to attend a Hallowe'en party at the Ostend school Friday evening, when the school room was crowded with masked and costumed people. The prize for the best costume for the adults went to Loren Thompson and for the o children to Winifred Benwell. There stunts were enjoyed followed by danc-1 were also prizes given for thosrf*whom ing with prizes awarded in the' no one Could guess their identity and games. A baby contest was put on for the benefit of the teachers with the prize being won by Mis# Miidrcd Minnich. " ^ " HALLOWE'EN PARTY Members of her card club gathered at the home of Mrs. Fred C. Schoewer Monday evening in observance of the Hallowe'en season. Hallowe'en decorations were in evidence and the home was attractively arranged^ for the occasion. Five hundred was played and prizes were won by Mrs. Fred C. Schoewer, Mrs. Adelaide Gausden and Mrs. Verne Harmon. Lunch was served at the close of a pleasant evening. CLUB SURPRISES MEMBERS Members of his card cluTs surprised Louis Althoff at his home on Waukegan street on the night of Hallowe'en in honor of his birthday anniversary. This was also the first meeting of the chib for the season. Three tables of five hundred were played and prizes went to John R. Freund, Peter J. Schaefer, Mrs. Leo Blake and Mrs. J. R. Freund. Members of the club are: Messrs. and Mesdames John R. Freund, Wm. H. Althoff, Nick Adams, Leo Blake and Peter J. Schaefer, the .two to win these prizes were Mrs Lloyd Benwell and daughter, Winifred. * Hallowe'en games were played under the direction of Miss Clark and( her sister, Letah Clark, fortunes were told and there was a white elephant' sale. A very happy evening was eivjl joyed by the guests and the party URM? most successful. On Tuesday the Ringwood unit of the Home Bureau held an all-day meeting at the home of Mrs. W. BHarrison with twelve members present. Roll call was responded to by "Rug Suggestions." In the forenoon the minor project chairman taught Swedish weaving and Italian drawn work and ten brushes were made with orders taken for twenty-five more. The food chairman told how to smoke apples with sulphur and the health chairman, Mrs. C. L. Harrison, read an article on colds by Dr. Evans. The home management chairman read an article on '^Suitable Books and Magazines for Growing Children" and told where to get them. The community interest chairman read an article on "Books for This Year," reviewing ten books. The major project chairman, Mrs. Jepson, and Mrs. Ed Peet, gave the lesson on rugs, hooked, crocheted and seventeen strand rugs being started. The community interest for this month will be the preparation of a Thanksgiving box for a needy family. Special social activities for the month will be a tour to Walworth on Nov. 3 to see a quilt display and visit an antique shop. Special activities for the month of October were u Hallowe'en party held in the M. W. A. hell at Ringwood., which was also a masquerade, undet the direction of Mrs. Roland McCannon and her committee. Games and folk dancing Were enjoyed and Mrs. C. L. Harrison was in charge of a game which caused much laughter and many creepy feelings. Lunch was served. The special community project for October was a donation of vegetables to the children's home at Woodstocl?. The November program promises to be most interesting with four visits from a specialist front the University promised. On Nov- 7 Mary Louise Chase, assistant state leader, will be guest speaker at the regular advisory council at Woodstock. All board members, unit chairmen and vice chairmen are asked to be present. * On Nov. 8 Miss Edna Wall, child care and training specialist, from the extension department of the. University of Illinois, will give the third and last^ lesson on child care andi training at the M. E. church at Crystal Lake. The subject will be "How To Teach Children the Beginning 'of Life" and "How to Teach Children to Co-operate «>" , On Nov. 15, 16 and 17 Isabel Hitchcock will talk on home furnishings and meet (he local leaders and talk oh redecorating. On Nov. 21 Edna Gray, clothing specialist, will help Home Bureau members with their sewing problems. i--n m. » e l^o reno.u.n. .L. --w.i{*1*1 or<yvtvnnn1ar f l lO trend of the styles this year and the afternoon will be devoted to your problems. The Ringwood unit will sponsor a tour, a party and a Thanksgiving bas&et for the month. On Oct. 27, Mrs. Ed Peet, Mrs. Jepson- and Mrs. B. Butler went to Hebron to the R. W- Stuart home, where they met Isabel Hitchcock, home furnishing specialist from the University, who conducted a local leaders' school. On Friday the same lesson was given at Woodstock and those from Ringwood unit to attend were Mr3. E. A. Thomas, Mrs. C. E. Martin and Mrs. Lloyd Benwell- AMONG THE SICK Little Mary Ann Noonan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Noonan, was taken to St. Joseph's hospital, Chicago, where she was operated on Sunday for the removal of a cyst in the stomach and appendix. M. E. CHURCH You are invited to attend services at the M. E. church every Sunday, Sunday school, 10 a. m. Morning worship, 11 a. m. Sermon subject: "A Rule of Gold or the Golden Rule." REV. L. H. BRATTAIN, Pastor. m&m POLITICAL ADVERTISING Smash the Political Ring URGES , CONNEL If, McDEinOTT ; . Candidate for Attacks Political To the Voters of McHenry County~ For many years McHenry County has suffered from lift invisible fprai of ^^ernment inimical to the best interests of its great bo«y of intelligent citizens and taxpayers. •••• ; .This-political clique controlled only by the " higherups" of officialdom and dispensers -Of patronage has ruled McHenry County with an iron hand, has apportioned the offices where and ambng whom it has pleased, and spent the taxpayers' money with utter and reckless disregard of economy. • • ' This political ring fears any candidate not under its control or on its payroll. It will not support any independent, courageous, honest candidate and especially the important one for State's Attorney, knowing that he would (not be subservient to their interests, nor influenced in the administration of his office by any bosses, but on the contrary would maintain it with honesty and justice in behalf of all the people of his county.* This, my friends, explains the reason this political ring fears and go yiolenftly opposes my election for State's Attorney. It doeknot want a candidate for that important office who will\not be subservient to it. This ring demands in order tb continue in power and control of offices and of the taxpayers' money, a man who will meekly obey its* orders. r Knowing that I have pledged myself to help smash this political ring, and that I will conduct the office of State's Attorney, with absolute freedom from any political superiors, and with strict economy and efficiency, it is reported that this political ring, for its self preservation, has compelled the endorsement of my opponent by certain younger members of the local Bar. I do not complain where such endorsements are based on honest Opinion. But where such endorsements are obtained upon threats that unless given, the political aspirations of such younger members of the Bar will be dealt a death blow by the ring, it is my duty to call such conduct to the attention of the voters. The younger members of the Bar must have the inherent right of political self-determination. It is to tliom we look for future statesmen. It is indeed gratifying that many able and respected Republican lawyers refused to endorse my opponent. By simple inspection of the legal directory, the names of the letter lawyers may be ascertained. I want to take this opportunity of ' thanking the voters of McHenry County for the courteous, kindly demonstrations of good will they have shown me in this campaign. It has been an honor and a pleasure to meet and converse with them^ With all the facts in their possession I have no fear of the outcome of the election next Tuesday. If elected, and I am confident I will be, I again pledge you an honest, efficient and economical administration of the State's Attorney's office in McHenry County, taking orders from no political boss or bosses, working solely for an<J3ii behalf of all the people in all walks of life. Again I thank you with all my heart, (Signed) CONNEL M. McDEEMOTT I ••-v ' . • . ' » : • ,v. v; -.y. DINNERPARTY . lift, and Mrs. Peter Dohetty Entertained at a dinner party Thursday evening. Dinner was served at six o'clock with the guests present being Rev. Fr. Esser and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Dwyer and daughter of Huntley, Mrs. Margaret Gilles of Wooctetock and John Bolger of this city. DINNER IS SUCCESS The chicken dinner, which wa» sponsored by the Altar and Rosarjfe Sodality of St. Patrick's church, las% Sunday evening, was a huge success Many attended from a distance^, among them being Vincent Shea andi Miss Ethel White and a party of friends from Chicago, and Mr. and; Mrs. Ed Fleming and friends from Kenosha. LADIES' AID MEETING TODAY The Ladies' Aid society met thii Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. James Perkins. A busy after* noon was planned in sewing on apront and other articles for the bazaar and chicken dinner to be held at the church on Dec. 1. [ ;•£>' W. KltUG. Manager McHENRY, ILLINOIS M O N E Y S A V I N G F O OD D I S T R I B U T I O N N A T I O N A L T E A O O . * FOOD STORES EMERALD BRIDGE CLUB Mrs. Vincent Martin was hostess to ttoe members of the Emerald Bridge club Tuesday afternoon. Prizes in bridge were merited by Mrs. Albert Vales, Mrs. Albert Krause, Ifxa. £. RSutton and Mrs. N. J. Nye; """ DANCE AT H. 8, GYM . A dance will be given at the Mo- Henry high school gym Saturday evec tiing for the benefit of the Athletil association- Music by Nye's RhythiB Aces. Admission 25 cents per person. Everybody welcome. « 4J: FIREMEN DANCE &C-L The Antioch Fireipen will hold their fourteenth annual dance and card party on^ November 11 at the Ford Garage in Antioch. Benson's orchestra, a 11-piece band, will play. Cards «& & *harp. Ticket* 50c per person. AFTERNOON CLUB MEETS Mrs. H. C. Hughes entertained the Members of her card club Thursday afternoon. Bridge was played and were awarded to Mrs. Alfred DEMOCRATIC MEETING A Democratic meeting will be held at thte Community club hall in Johnsburg, Friday evening of this week, Prominent speakers will address the audience. You are invited to attend. IS ;wi You are anxious to hear the McHenry orchestra concert, so buy your •i'M, This deluxe ehromepiated mandivich toaster and 3-cup both tor jUxyi e. Handy smaH-MMpW' ••lator. Solid copper with «fcromium (vfL cord. Left, Sandwich toaster and table grill. Beautiful embossed design finished in chromium. AJominuifi grids. Nichrome heating eleowat Below. Full-aire percolator. Copper finished in chrome. Instantaneous heating ele- «--«rt.Ce-- wkh^ft--»dL This deluxe ehromepiated mudutieh toaster aud S-eup *olatow^m P U B L I C S E R V I C E S T O R E \ . < U . • •: •