: THE M'HENEY PLAINDEALEE, THURSDAY, FEB. 9,1933, . « F " " f ' ft \ ACOfM^S STRIP r^kJ^ VJB rt# bacon The blizzard Tuesday hampered even the Knights of Columbus bowled, as enough of them were snowed in to prevent the rolling of the regular •weekly schedule. ~ The annual American Legion basketball tournament held at Antioch each year is now in progress with ten teams of grade school ^ge entered. *It will wind up Saturday night with ** the two survivors battling it out for the prize trophy. . Smiths . Conways Barbians Winkels K. OF C. LEAGUE Standing The more ambitious of the skaters just had their blades all set to go after the recent freeze up when the old blizzard- came roaring in,to spoil the ice. Have to resort to sleigh parties and the sych for ,their pleasure, butfor me the good old fireside. • , •••••' V. ^ you like basketball at" all' you should take ixj the comity .tournament .that started at St. Mary's, gym at "Woodstock last riigbt with ^IcHehry; ©lid Harvard playing the opening bat- TJjq four-day stand '.winds lip the Finals Saturday night, . i snow coiifiinK. at tiie- tijhe. -,of ibe McHenry (bounty 'Tournament is-' •« Repetition of the weather of two years ago at tournament time when the roads .were rather badly tide up. Barbian The crowds were held to a minimum,Nye at that time and if the weather man has his way about it the same outlook may be expeeted this year. CONWAYS-- Art Tonyan ...... 171 Bolger ...... 161 A1 Tonyan .. 199 C o n w a y l & S t •it*-*;#!© MOHS TRIMS GRANT IN CONFERENCE VICTORY J. Frett A1 Buch j. Wihkel SMITHS-^ Unti Sutton fetillirg .'it. South' ,• 1t*1o p- ,208 146 McHenry high walloped Pox last- week for their first conference victory of the year, their second win over Fox Lake and their third win of the season. All in all, quite an important game, the more so because it put the boys in the proper frame of mind to enter tlye county tournament which started last night with McHenry and Harvard doing battle in the opening contest. The heavies won, 26-21, but the game was much closer than that all through the earlier stages and the Orrmen won only because they got the jump in the wanihg moments of the game after the count had beer, tied at 18 all late in the third quarter. The lights also won but were quite 158---<4821 lucky in doinjr so though they put- 172-- 541 nlayed the Granters all the way. jThe 186-- 511) kirfs were way off on their shots and _ mjsped setups time and again. A. 722 647--2052 j Freund in particular was enjoying a Jnigljf off from his usual accurate 202^ 071shooting. +.v-:' 168^409] Lockwood started, off the heavies 170^ 557f^»th a basket 194 119 179 174 WW nt* . ' * Advice For Motorist In Filing Tax Return With March 15, the deadline fta filing federal income tax returns, rapidly approaching, thfe Chicago The McHenry troop • of the J3oyJM°tor Club has secured from author- Scouts held a very interesting pro- itative. sources a list of the various gram at the high school gym Monday deductions which may be made by evening which was witnessed by ppr- motorists of Illinois arid Indiana in ents and friends of the boys. The arriving at the income on which they program was scheduled to begin at will be required to pay the federal tax., 7:30 o'clock and was'in active charge,! There are certain items for which of Scout leaders,' A. J. Wirtz, assist- deductions may be taken on all motor ant Scoutmaster; George Frisby, vehicles, whether used for pleasure or Bruce Granger, Ray Hughes and business. These are: License fees, Stanley Vycital, patrol leaders, and/'^y vehicle tax, personal property ind George Johnson and Richard Vycital, Etate gasoline taxes. Indiana residents senior patrol eladers. ^ ; may also deduct fees paid for driver s The meeting was a most successful • license. ". ' , one and gave evidence of the keen ift-1 Loss#a sustained by reason >f terest the boys of McHenry are tak- damages to the, automobile, provided ing in Scouting under the leadership th* damage was not caused by the of M. Ii, Schofennoltz, who is actively willfyl act or willful negligence of the* interested in making the boys' organ- taxpayer, and provided that such loss! ization a success- The real interest .has rot been compensated for fey in-1 of a capable leader creates greater surance or otherwise. '•• , *[ interest among the bojjs and results,' '-Damages fdr. injuries. to persons or; in $ better organization. \ :":.|for <lpstruction of probity,! unless .... . . .. , The varipus events were aittitfunced., :silch-'injuries or danmges are/cateei ,.A ^ Kreutzer by - $h<i? Assistant - Scouttnaster: A; J. hy theMIlful,act or^ willful neWligeflc^ 198-r- 518 s o <?d his fircone Howard added a,] Wrrte ami consisted i^ a group jof'^Plhe'taxpayer Staking the deduction, j row and ,\\ hlting missed ttvo j thrilling- games and stuijts,- •" int^r-' I^°sses arising from ; farts', stiitf'W ens^n . broke, the ice .for.j FpeVs^l with sdngs, qMattets.and sex- wtecit:~x)x 'Oth'^'Casually,froA ^ Under Ctvll Seiiric* Appointment of postal service. „ ptnyfees Is no longeroa matter rt»f political favor. Those who seek such positions must undergo a civil service examination, and selections are- made from those making the highest grades. When one gets a Job sun<l£r ci vil service rules, he can be removed only for cause, unless the Job Is entirely abolished. Always Leap Year Girls of Assam do all Hie proposing,, and If the'man accepts, the marriage 'takes place and the husband must H*e with his wifes people. v ^ ^ Complicatio** of Matrimony ^ Unfortunately many women itiiit many men are married to perfectly good husbands arid wires who are models of all the virtues, but who are dull and tiresome and tedious and who bore them to extinction. I'erhapa their sitfTtring is greater than that ofc. those *#o are married to entertaining villains.--Washington Evening Star. ' 'Greenland'* Name tjreenland was discovered by Norsemeri^ Miout fl(M) A. D. it is a tradl* tlon that the name Greenland' was given to It by Krie the'lied in <>SG, for the purpose of attracting immigrants from Iceland by the%tti-acttve» ness of the name. . . .; ' free- 817 666 738--2021 ! before Clemenson ' , i^rant with a ohe-pointer. / :186150 ' -147--' 4S3, a^'a ir> <^^9. a. goal :: 144 170 163-- 477 ^ .7-l ;and th.e : m: 182 183^- ...... ;:i70 ' 189 189^- 548, v Revived,^ by^Jbhe ^tefmi^ityh Ipfex- ' ^T^ke on a spirited rally arid BARBIANS-- 6©8 691 682--1981 Jay Bozeman cut down Layton in playoff for the second>lace in the three-cushion tournament in Chicago J to give California the first two money places in the contest. Cochran won the big money and shewed clearly his superiority. Imagine playing a game of billiaids for $2,2C0 cold cash in thii day and age. Not bad! * , Brittain Freund 179 156 199 148 192 145 145 168 682 650 OLD Hughes . Meyers . Bicklers Grangers TIMERS LEAGUE _ Standing - ..." 7878 7317 7175 ' 7143 V HUGHES-- Wattles The Pleasure Club got* another j M. Schmitt . trimming Sunday when they journey-, j Goodell ed qver to Bobbie O'Farrell's home'j_ haunts and lost to his bowling team. The difference was only about a hundred odd pins but some of the boys have asked to have the individual scores kept secret. " Suffice to say that Ed Smith and Dar Granger led the locals. ' Schmitt , Hughes 212 162 180 148 200 146 162 169 139 198 back into the r-irg when Clemenson •"> - • l^ored a trio of goals and Watson 153-- 624the hand with a Pair while all 144 445 M(,Henry cotild do was miss free 146 - 490 ^rows though Wally did manage to 135^. 451 [ snrak in a basket just before the i whistle so the score would show the 578--19J0 Lakor<? leading 11-9 at the half. Things went along nip and tuck in -the third quarter and just about si* minutes after the start the score was tied at 18 all. Then Lockwfood unti?d it just as he had tied it, with a basket, and McHenry -held a two-point advantage for the first time since the first period. That ln«t quarter was- a corker, the 210-- 568 morp PO because McHenry won. Whit- 162-- 486 ^ into the fracac! with a basket 189 538 a Wdt^on countered. Then Kreut- 141L_ 428 san^ fifth of the game, but 201. a P°'nt back on Kirsala's i foul. Both sides missed free throws Ohio State is leading the Big Ten basketeers -with five straight wins but even the most, rabid alumnus would haVe to admit they are a bit fortunate. Their la?t two wins over Minnesota and Wisconsin have been by 'Wilson ore-point margins. Northwestern is Adams still riding easily in second place,; Perkins ready to step into the lead should the Bickler lead pony decide to quit in the stretch. GRANGERS-- Sayler Freund ...... Johnson .... Covalt ........ Granger .... 902 203 168 122 158 195 . BICKLERS-- Beavis 514 903 2619 Whiting got the last bloxl ; oi the prgnie with a final basket to run lfi0 j..,. the score to 26-21. - -- t 170 48{>i Tlie lights won 17-15 in a game they 169-- 40R! CJon!'j ,^ave wa'ked home with but 139-- 4fi7i , cor tent with victory as th»v 165-- if?o F "5(i nev#r Iook « sift horse in the mouth. The affair was see-saw throughout with the home boys leading 7-5 at the quarter. Then Mc- 158 144 135 160 200 846 797 803--2446 171_' 4KQ Pnry went into the lead 11-9 at tlje 197 .in- and kept enlarging tbe margin «7 jor until it.rPad 15-U at the three quar- . 0 , 14<l^_ A\fi ter Pos'tion. With the game appar- 169 201 entl-y tucked away the Grant youngod/! sters kept firjnff accurate]v untij the 131 173 187 176 167 157 105 161 137 Have you noticed the big improve- MEYERS--i inerit in the MCHS cagers since the Karls start of the season? It all sums up Page to a better defence as the zone meth-! Schaefe? od as introduced by Coach Orr is just Barbian beginning to show results as the hoys' Mcycrs are mastering it to a certain degree. The last three games have shown a big step forward in their defensive work-. Let's hope they continue to improve. 834 729 FORESTER LEAGUE Steading fJlichmond has changed the position df their basketball floor in the Village Hall which serves as their makeshift gymnasium. The playing floor now runs the opposite direction, that, north and south, instead of east and west. From the standpoint of both players and spectators the change was a welcome one and playing conditions are much better now. They certainly are making the best of a poor lot* „ 186 123 179 155 182 186 153 181 187 153 nr.ra nom Kame was tied at 15 all when the gun 77»--2342 Went off. Bacon's basket in the overtime period was. the Only event of importance and, was enough to win the game. / 124--446 180-- 456 172-- C32 167-- 509 174-- 500 775 860 817--2452 . Woodstock has organized ft ^Inipr pong club with a dozen young men entering the ranks. The game is rapidly * becoming one of the most popular, of any of the depression sports, its scientific angles and the exercise pos- • sible while playing it making it apt" p peal to both the active and the setewtific minded. Therfc in some talk- of promoting a eounty championship tournament, ad practice . up, all you devotees. r . H. Smiths Heimers ...... HEIMERS-- G. Justen „ 'iSi. Steffes J. Miller G. Webfcr L, Iieka^r |153 159 161 134" 145 169 157 lftl 127 178 155 181-- 497 161-- 483 124-- 385 143-- 466 174-- 498 H. SMITHS-- A. Blake A. Justen ..... J. Thennes Gi C. Boley ........ H. Smith 768 778 783--2329 147 168 158 156 163 154 172 158 203 167 134-- 435 170-- 510 158-- 474 138-- 497 201-- 531 E. SMITHS-- Weingart Thies Baur II. Weber Ed. Smith 792 854 801--2447 Ed Smith took home the orangey - donated by brother Art for the highest score of the werK at the Palace. Arid all he had to <lo was roll a measly - ornfAxro • 237, the lowest weekly high fof a lorig. it long time. Big Ed has been go.incriQ' p , great guns ever since he wept hn\'-1 J^eimer wire over at Wood=tocTc and certainly j deserves the fruit. Someone shoul'i oj offer a .dozen lemons-and there'd be ' °n plenty of suitable bowlers to award them to. I8i 133 140 190 202 142 178 149 158 Z37 192-- 465 120-- 431 168-- 457 186-- 531 179-- 618 Weights and The liter is a tittle larger tbufi the United -Stiit.es tjnart. wbirh in turn-Is only about, four-fifths of rli'e- iiniterial quart. Measured in cubic inches, the liter is 01,022 cubic iucb(;s ; the United Sfates_qinirt is 57.75 cubic inches; the Imperial quart Is (JH.&i cii-bic inches. The German metric pound Is r»00 grams or half a kild-nint; this fe equal to one-teutlj more than our •pound -weighi. ^'C:. he is happy arid the feorigs 'giv^ri by by Insurance or ot-herwin^. tb(v. boys ;duririg the "progiSam mad^<v Is terett on money Ivoi^owed for' tffe?'; t^tis fact vefty eVKTent an^ -in^^ tiirn .purchase of a ckr, o-r ihe flimd*U|it„ of nwrcle their paren^ grid' fxiends happy -finaVc® charges. 'However^ . that with them. • . • . ^ Port ion ( of the chai'ges covefin^ The meeting was bpened-by an '8d- "pre'mitu»;',.<rttvinsurance to protect the dress-.of welcome by Sunt. C. H. Du- finarc^ company's Interest may not kerv who spoke highly of the work be- be deducted. ing accomplished by the Scouts and The items for which-deductions may urging the public support of the or-1 ma^e on vehicles used for business ganization. I purposes solely are: The buglers brought a thrill to their I The co«t of ga«oline, repairs and listeners, after which the Scout oath other .operating ainHhiainterance exand law was given by Stanley Vycital. Pense's, including depreciation. The An interesting program followed as latter item is usually figured at 25 printed below and the meetiher closed, Per ^ent per annum of the original with the Ringing of "America/' by thV-'Purc*,asc On cars used partialentire assembly and the dismissal by Jy for business and partially for the Scouts leader, M L. Schoenhottz. pleasure,- these items can be deducted The program foloWs: only to the .extent-'--.W its use for Welcome--Mr. Duker, , business purposes. Buglers. For example, on a car used 25 per Scout Oath and Law--&vfycltol. .cent for business, it is permissible «o R Face, L Face. About Face, Para'de 'deduct 25 per cent of the operating, Rest, R. Dress, Etc.--B. Granger, ^maintenance and depreciation ex- Antelope" Race: Artificial Resuscita- penses. There is no fixed method of tion and Fireman's Carry, and measuring the percentage of use for Chain Tag--R. Vycital. business and for pleasure, but one Quintet Singirg "She'll Be Comin1 acceptable method is to use the tirrte Around the Mt "--Peterson, G. An- the vehicle is employed for each purder? on{ Whiting, Frisby and H. An- P«s.e. Mileage is probably also an . derson. acceptable basis. Quarte^Singing "My Wild Irish Rose" I In surance premiums. On cars used --IT. Anderson, J. Justen, Hughes 011Kv partially for business, a proper and R. Vycital. ( proportion of this cost .maji be de- Trio Singing "When Your Hair Has ^c*od, on the basis outlined above. Turned to Silver"--Schaefer, H. An- - • Motor club dues--are deductible as a 'derson and Whiting., , business expense only when the mem- Granger's Stunt and Frisby's Stunt. ' bership is maintained solely for Straddle Rail Relay, Un4ressing R^.. . business purposeslay-- S. Vycital. j» No deductioris are allowed for the Vycital's Stunt and Frisby> Stunt fmoney spent in ' the pui^hase of an Sextet-Singing "Nellie Ate Soriie Oys- automobile, whether far pleasure or ters'--Kinsala, Two Noonans, Cos, .business. This is considered a capital F. Johnson and C. Anderson. I expenditure and-, if the vehicle is for Everyone Sings "No Flies On Us." business purposes, Is subject to'tli^ Solo by Bruce Granger. claim for depreciation noted. Paul Revere Relay. One-legged Battle Royal and Five Boys' Legs Tied Together. Everyone, Also Crtwd, Sing One Vi&e of "America^^^ Grangeti Dismissal.. Capttire cf Quebcj The/capture of Quebec, by Sir Da vid KMi, to<i!; place ou .July 2it, 1G29. The victory was an easy one as Chainplain and his few half-starved followers were 'titrable - to .resist the attack. Very little profit results!, however to England. as^New T rance was restored to France in lf*"2 Poet Cervantei Very Ppor '•MiguelCervantes (1547-1GM5), Span »ftpent most of poverty. When Life -!• Not Watted Evidently your talent is to oil the wheels «f life for thoKe around you. Such a life cannot be w-Jisfed. 796 864 845-2505- Baseball players that aire signing up •the contracts (greany reduccKl) are capturing the greatest space on "the sport pages these days and; one is again reminded that it is only days until the Cubs and Sox leave for the western coast. Sort of hard to picture the ovals flying about with ao much snow on the. ground. Jiabe Ruth still leads*the publicity with the reports of his thirty-ninth birthday whichf he celebrated Tuesday. Here's wishing him many more of them just for the good of the national game. 205 188 144 166 190 188 173 146 177 193 .Sympathy / After you get. »,viiip*tJiy you find It Isn't worth anytWrig. ft i» mostly, foam.'; , " GIRL SCOUT NEWS Milton, Poet, Born it» 160fl John Milton, poef. was horn in, 1^0% Aticf jBkNM* LKONARD, Auctioneer I will sell The Girl Scouts held their regular meeting Monday, after school, in ^mw ViSCO-- 'iyng:I at public auction at my inif ourefrn«n°ne<5VK °r'W " JO"> !'P,we on Highway N,o. 61, neir tll4 ing 4>ur troop. Songs were . sung, [ Terra Cotta factory, on : games played and a review in knot -- tying. , . The candy sale, held last Saturday at Mrs. Pich's hat shop by Patrol No. Xi retted $5.95. We thank everyorie who helped to make this sale the sucees? it was, especially we thank Mrs. Pich for her hospitality. We will •announce later in this column how this money will be used. Another sale is 11 HORSE--Bay colt, c6mine 3' vears planned to be held in two weeks in old. . V C*nterville by Patrol No. 3, the place MONDAY, FEB. 13 beginnin« at 1 o'clock, the following: 11 HEAD OF CATTLE---6 cows with calves by their side; 5 heifers coming 2 years old; 1 bull over one year old. to be announced later. - ' TI1.0 Ciial Scouts and thoir leader, at SQC-ftEg .capacity, With automatit tended the Boy Scout program at the high school Monday evening and enjoyed the various stunts. There will be no meeting in ths Scout . rd*^n next Monday as a valentine party Will; be. held at the home of Mrs. Klontz from 4 until 6 o'clock. Each Scout is to invite one friend who is ^in terested in Scout work arid Would like to join our troop. JANICE KLONTZ, Scout Reporter. 1 Double Deck Wisconsin Ihcuba- 893 877 Roqiantic "Fade-Out*' A '• romantic disappcare'rice- of..aH illiiRtrioirs nian occurred about Sf^t A. D when W11 Tao-tztr. greatest of - all (Chinese painters, Hnisbed; his famous landscape on the wall of the imperial palace. At the unveiifry? before the royal court, he opened a ' door" in the painting, stepped through It and ««§; never seen again.--('olbtT's. - Souvenir Cell Stolen A aotivenir bell taken frote;;fh^v!(fe;" mous raider Kmden, whi/'b wrouglji So'- much havtw^ainong the Allied shipping during the war. was^stolen from Its place on the gate of the Carden Island naval depot. Sydney. Australia. It had been there for.yoa'rs. bolted do.wn. Tfiis isnt a "Believe it not" corlitriri, but Glenn Wattles, a member of the Old Timei-s league, was third high for the week's bowling at the Palace with his series of 568, which included two games of 200 or better. Ed. ~ *, » » , «, « Smith's 618 in the Forester league «*•* Shed Antler. Every was high and day Hughes' 599 was! Tbe various species of deer second. Clay is Glennie's captain "so ! antU<rs ev?r*v -v,'ar- between January it is no wonder the HugHes clan lead I *n<? ^4V<?h, and •gtov by the league by a comfortable margin 1 1 epfeniii^r or October. now that a new star has been uncovered. Keep your eye on himr boys ,«nd sign him up for next year- Carbon Staff of Life Carbon, In its various, forms/ may N considered the aituaf stafT of life because the carbon atom alone enables other atoms to combine la groups froJtc whicl^. ail kinds of sul^ areformed. a new set With the ception of one Chinese species, the males of all species of deer hare antlers which they shed'In this" manner. The reindeer and -"caribou are - the only specie* !which the fi-inales - have antlers. Renovating the Umbrella To renovate a shabby umbrella, brush It well with a solution of ma? , „ monia and warm water. -. 176-- 509 135-- 518 TOPINOTCHERS 4, II JEILB^.A lEFT-HANPc^ SITS A NEW WORLD'S RECORD of 36.914 M1 ^JSHELSc^CDKN 9,0 MlM'jre.9 egg turners, slightly used; 2 ReliaDle Incubators, 2G0-egg capacity each, with automatic egg turners; 1 Old Trusty Incubator, 250-cgg; 2 Electric Brooders for 800 chicks; 20 Metal Brooder Coops; 5 Metal Chick Feeders; 1000-lb. Platform Scale; 1 Bone Grinder; 1 '^-hp. Gasoline Engine. j MILTON FOX I CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL. ' EI T©vair Theatre, Crystal Lak^ FRIDAY -- SATURDAY Feb. 10-11 , Atfmission 10 - 25c . William Powell and Blond- H' in "LAWYLR MAN" Special,, Added Attraction Mr. and Mrs. Martin Johnson's "CONGORILLiT wm$-WIf &jsS r *$ .iLi AQ,000 mmi LWITAI5SEC? the topv mwm HE[pjrkW;ANeE,iu. CfOHTt&N C0,?-i HOLERS mki Minute 4' " &o W -uM-im, ILLINOIS SUNDAY -- MONDAY Feb. 12-13 AdthiifHion 10c-25c before 5:00; I0c-35c thereafter Edward (i. Robinson and Bibe Daniels in "SILVtR DOLLAR" Liberty Magazine 4-star picture TUESDAY; FEB. 14 jmrgk in Nite) Adni. 10-15c ('live Brook« in "SHERLOCK HOLMES" WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY Feb. 15-16 Joan Blondell in ^CENTRAL PART" Timber Lands Cannot Be SoM / ^lore than 4,000.000 acres of timfttf lands In Germany cannot be sold for debts, having been owqed by famllies for generations and must remain In the possession of the eldest 80% "Stick-Tight" Burr. Yield Tea . The little pond sunflower w brightens streams and jnarshes With Its blussoms in late sumnier and later Is better known for its "stick-tight" , barfs yiejda a tea^k.noWD as Kokoolaa . . 1 I n l l a w a i l . ° ; • • 1 .j. Saturday and Monday" Feb. 11 an<A E'khorn brand, Longhorn " Cheese, per pound ii'iis Oatmeal Finest quality bulk rolled Oats, per pound ................ 2c Navy Beans ^ Toilet Soap %e Toilet Paper ', •. ^ Grape Fruit 6c Pisieapple No. 21 j cans Doles ^unny Isle « sliced--the finest packed Boys1 Winter Caps 359c ,nfant s Knil V hi,e Wo°' Legging jg _ I'ants, $1.00 and $1.25 values, per pair Caps Infant's Wool Knit Caps and Bonnets, $1.00»va}ues, each ..... nVPl*c1lAAC ()ne Iot- ,mc buckle, Children's, ~ •UVva boys' and small men sizes, pair. T)t*aCCOC Ladies'Jersey Dresses, M<Fm. $100 values, each ......... ifc Dept. Store fc-.'THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY Glad You Like Thank, you for your appreciation of our new » schedule. Thursday, Friday and Saturday are now Chicago's areat week-end shopping days at "NationaP'. Watch for values <tf National's Thurs., Fri. and Sat. Sale Daysl Macaroni or Spaghetti Rolled Oats224lb«5> Nourishing and Delicious L__ Breakfast Food . bQg ^71 1 carton Domirso ^gjg'ar Pure Cane -- f tr Yo^r oaKing Day: Gold yedai 59c Enter the Gold Medal Word-Building Contest and Win a Priie! Nai'l Evi23. rjlllk .£• 5« Pu; t.- lc-.: Ccjk, Good Luck Oleo 23c Dated Package Insures FreshneM Red Cross 2 HC Macaroni cr Spaghetti Kosto 20c Rich. Creamy Detsert Prunes . 2N^23C Hwnt't Royal Purpl* Sauerkraut . 3"-325c Campbell's -p^r • 6-- 25c FRUITS and VEGETABLES Carrots 1 2^9° Full of Healthful Vitamins Fancy California . Delicious Apples ^ 5 ^ 23° Fels Hapitia . 10> 45c Vitsnncnt .)o9 Food . 2 19® A. W. KRUG. Manarer McIIENRY. ILLINOIS •X . '• -V'--i