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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Feb 1933, p. 8

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" f H 1 mmmm •? ' -• **. >i! '•mwn •& j,i * • <• • - V"*', ,'" •" " - , >'..*• r >\1. . ^ , . "X >'**>. ->»'?-%>•} rA; J>®w THE M'HKKRY PLAINDE ALER,THTTRSDAY, FEB. IA'<±* ,y»l • ' . • ". . V > "" -. J*V ;tt ? •' „ ' *' i "' '< " $?? :-; f*-: - ^ c- ,l - * Society & EASTERN STAR ACTIVITIES McHenry chapter, O. E- S., has rei ceived an invitation to attend the ">f- • ficial visit of the worthy gran$ matron at Forest City chapter, No. 590, at Rockford on March 14. Past officers' night will be observed at, the local chapter on April 8 MARRIED 54 TEARS Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Jus ten celebrated their fifty-fourth wedding anniversary Sunday and were surprised by their children and their families who came to spend the day with them. A delicious dinner was served and a happy day enjoyed by the family gatheringl • ' „ Mr. and Mrs. Justen celebrated their golden wedding anniversary four years ago and have been well and happy at each passing anniversary since then. » c_ Thc\£e who spent the day with them- 8*4 * " Plans are being completed for the were; ^ an(j Mrs. Robert Sutton '.U' „ . supper to be served at the Star hall an(j famjiyy Mr- and Mrs. William £ next Tuesday, Feb. 28. This is a pilb-;, jiarum and Miss Varina Justen of 5 ^ -lie supper with serving to commence Ghjcago and Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Jus- £>• * at 5 o'clock at 35 cents per ^ plate. ^ and son of McHenry. • ' Members friends,aje invited to at-j ; ; , h_-' • tend. . y 4* • - Cv A^R. LADIES MEET s The menu lot the supper to bej^ jgembers cf the James B. Perry L / served at the Star hall Feb. 28 will be foi.tre5.Si Daughters of the G. A. R., v- ' " roast beef, mashed potatoes, salad, met at y,orr,c of Mrs. Jacob Schae- #ar \V . M\ deviled eggs, pickles, rolls, pie1 and ^ Tuesday afternoon- Aflter the f,'-" .? • coffee, - • ' . ; .'business meeting.,cards were enjoyed HOME BUREAU IS ACTIVE . Thirty-six people attended the chair kaneing school at Marengo Tuesday with all units of the Home Bureau represented- ^ Miss Hitchcock, from the University of Illinois, had charge of the school which was most instructive. Those from Ringwood unit who attended were Mrs. C. L. Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Thomas and Mrs. L. Benwell. / Several also attended the poultry school at the Farm Bureau office at Woodstock Friday. Prof- Alps of the University instructed in the broodin and care of baby chifcks. Among those from Ringwood unit who attended were Mr$. F. R. Eppel, Mrs. C. E. ' Martin, Mjjs. E. A. Thomas, Mrs/L-, Benwell, Mr. and Mrs.<C. U HarrisOn and Kenneth Cristy. "CARTHAGE" OF NEW WORLD CELEBRATES South American 'City Ob» serves 400th Anniversary. BIRTHDAYS CELEBRATED Fox River Valley Camp, R. N. A., held its meeting Tuesday evening/ at ". . v, , . nie*uns^c«»ru» wtri-c c«juy.e« i.whicH time the January and FetePnlary Reh^a^alS hav4. ^en tC<>mmencea ajki prizjeg ^ere aWaTded to Mrs. birthdays were eelebr&ted Following cards and bunco were the priz,e irf bridge going Arlm®:, M. Justen, in five hundred Mrs. J. E Wheeler, P«wwhiJ V Miss Stevens spent the week-end at Joliet. « A. E. Nye was a business visitor in Chicago Monday. ; C. M- McDermott «u Chicago visitor Monday. Clarenfe Anglese visited at Lake Forest Saturday. Dr. Neil Doherty of Chicago spent Sunday at. his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knox were Friday Woodstock'visitors. James Mahoney of Chicago spent Sunday with friends here. " Paul Brefeld and Renard Blum of . ' r V i t i ' ' M r s . N e l l i e " B a y , - . M r s . ' - M A u d ' . L & B a t r p n BRlDK'lS SHOW tR Cl feST j-,^ndiMrs. Mary Wetzejl of Waukegftn. Miss Adeline Perkins entertained-::-;ry • ' • - . *Thursday1 evening..M a miscellaneous,;-ryf ^ AUXILIARY ENTERTAINS Shower, honoring Miss Minnie ^ef" j The ladies of. the Legiow Auxiliary . werda, a bride of this month. entertained the Legionnaires vaind rations were in pink ard white. Much fj.fends at a party *n Legion hall . merriment was caused by ,a fortune Thursday evening. . Cards were playteller, wh6 told the fortunes of all the p(j an(j prjze jn five hundred went jruest^. Airplane bunco was played to Mrg Mrytie Nelson, and in pinwith awards merited by Mrs. Martha {0 Herman Schaefer. Dancing .Page, Juanita Keg and ..Hazel Kramer. wag enj0yed and a pot-luck supper The guest of honor received several was serv^d# Mrs. Myrtle Nelson, dig* jpretty gifts. Lunch was served at a ^rjct director, gave sn interesting decorated table with an ornamental Out-of-town guests were Drcake for a centerpiece. Guests were and Mrs Anderson and Mrs. Nelson . Mrs. Fred Ferwerda. daughters, Mm- , gt# -eh^les. nie and Bernice, Mrs. A. Krug, Mrs TMarttia Page, Hazel Kramer, Juanita Keg, Helen Wegener, Helen Prie\ Darline Lockwood, Mildred Gans, Mrs. Minnie Miller and Mrs. J. Brefeld. OBSERVE BIRTHDAY Miss Kathleen Givens was honored |^at a surprise party given at the J. Af. ; Phalin »home Saturday evening;- in 'compliment to her birthday. meeting .serve a ^enteri supper" on Jl|^h,v9, about which there will .be njoire par t i c u l a r s l a t e r . > , CARD CLUB MEETS Mr«. Louis Wilbrandt entertained the ladies of her card club Thursday afternoon. Two .tables of five hundred were in play and prizes were won by Mrs. Josephine Frett, Mrs- Ed. Whiting ivpd Mrs. Joe Frett. The club meets this Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Ford Jackson.. FAMILY GAIHERING een guests were present and enjoyed Mr. and Mrs. John S. Freund enter- bunco, games and music during the tained a gathering of his immediate evening. Refreshments were served, » relatives, at their home Thursday af- including a beautifully decorated ternoon with a few pleasant hours birthday cake. The honored guest re. spent in visiting and entertainment. cejv?d many ]oveiy gifts. Brothers and sisters present were: Mr.: and ifrs. Nick Freund and Mr. and. ENTERTAINS CARD CLUB Mrs. Mike Freund of Grove, [ Mrg char]es Mertes wag hostesg tQ Mr. and Mrs. Mat Freund of Solon,members of her car^ club Thurs- Mr.andMrs Peter Freund of Johns-;d afternoon Bridge was played burg, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Freund, -r. , i,, Mr. and „M rs. Jta coub -Fcir_e undj oft «Mc - aRd prizes were merited bJy Mrs. Ed. "FOR BETTER HEALTH4* On Feb.. 6 seventy children of preschool and school age received their ficst innoculation with toxoid as a protective measure against diphtheria. Parents will please note "that these children are due to receive their sec- ( ond pnd last treatment next Monday, Ejgbt-j Feb. 27, in Mrs. Rulien's room at the M. C. H. S., at 9 o'clock. « If you have a child who is not in school, please bring them to the office at that time. A. JOANNE RULIEN. ANNOUNCEMENTS Henry. f': "" THg I iSjJJiUaJSJ fc*-- -- PHONE 291 * r ; LAST TIME TONIGHT BARGAIN NITE, 10-15c V "Sherlock Holmes" L.; _ • with r" • • CLIVE BROOK and ' MIRIAM JORDON h* • j Also Short Subjects P SATURDAY - SUNDAY "They Just had to get r----- Married" h" •• • with .1 1 • ' * • ZAZA PITTS AND L SLIM SUMMERVILLE' ' - ALSO SHORT AND COMEDY |• W ednesday Thursday fr MARCH 1 and 2 pv;' • BARGAIN NITE. 10- 15c it GEO. O'BRIEN ?g-:? • • / - • • "The Golden West" Also Short Subjects Nickels and Mrs. Letah Davis. Refreshments were served at the dose.ofthe afternoon.' ^ LINGER LONGER The members of the Linger Longer club were entertained at the home of Mrs. Peter M. Weber at Lily Lake Friday evening. Bunco was played FOR TOWNSHIP CLERK „ I wish to announce that I will; t»e a candidate for Township Clerk, April 4th. Haying served in this position fpr the past year I believe my experience should qualify me. \ Respectfully soliciting your vote. P. M. jySTEN^ FOR ASSESSOR The undersigned announces that lie will be a candidate for the office of • , „ T assessor for McHenry township* at and prizes were won by Mrs. Loui^ .v , m j ' • McDonald, TMik « P-cr anki *Mr eyer and7 |! the election to be held on Tuesday, A u.4 y Mr Ray Howard. The club : b^appreciated. JOE N. SCHMITT. meet this Thursday night with Mrsi C. Mertes. | SOCIAL WHEEL i The Social Wheel met in the Uni- : versalist church parlors Thursday afternoon, with Mrs. F. Eienapfi as hostess. _ Three tables of bridge were played and awards merited by Mrs. J. Brefeld, Mrs. H- L. Ritter and Mrs.-E. G. Peterson. WILL BE 88 YEARS OLD Mrs. Ann Frisby, living east of Fox river, will be 88 years old on the first day of March, 1933. , She takes care of her own apartment, cooks her own meals and does her own washing, ironing and mending. She is very fand of flowers and enjoys them in her yard in the summer. She enjoys reading the Plaindealer and, although she seldom leaves home, she is glad to welcome any friends who may call. FOR TOWNSHIP CLERK I desire to announce that I Will be a candidate for the office of township clerk, McHenry township, at the election to be held Tuesday, April 4. Your vote will be greatly appreciated. RAY JlcGEE, U. S. Supreme Court The chief justice of the United States Supreme court and eight associate justices are appointed by the President and confirmed by the senate. M. E. CHURCH You are invited to attend services at the M. E. church every Sunday. Sunday school, 10 a. m. Morning worship, 11 a. m. The men of the church will serve a pancake and sausage supper to the public at the church Saturday. Tickets are 25 cents. On Sunday evening, March 5, there will be a special service with special music and a sacred drama, "The Challenge of the Cross," which is being prepared by Beven ladies and a mixed quartet. This drama is one that has had "repeat requests" given in every community where it has been given. It leaus rr* to and is a fitting preparation for the Easter services. The public is invited to attend this service on Sunday evening, March 5. No. 4 The Fourth Weekly Sale Watch this space By •¥. W. THURNAU Cartagena, Colombia, IS. A.--Among the oldest of modern cities, Cavtdgena, founded in 153.1. has just entered upon the Fifth century of its existence. It celebrated the event In the picturesque manner of the country with a program of festivities and an elaborate exposition designed to recajl the wealth of romance and travail, which 400 years of life have brought to this ^Carthage of the New world" and to portray her ^ Sunday, present-day activity in commerce, ag- Wa]ter BeavijJ an<J Miss Jackson of riculture and industry. ! Libert lle hIs parents Sun_ X port of call for noted navigators ^ - of the world, from Columbus td Lind- j B^nett returned hon« Sun- 1^-Cartagena (pronounced Kar- .y ^ -- visit at tab-hay^ah) evokes at ev«ry step the • ford » • m^ndfy bf early .A.m^t-lcan history and. j ^ Gec^ has returned, th? ^mni«h Jlain, and deHgh^ vis,- R few .^eks^vWt-W Libertytors with its historic charm. Tliough 1 vjj^e - posting wVa»clont,gl«monr seroad j Miss HeIeB Prie,^„d Eari FeleraOn tq • none, rtrtnMoa. l-re^nt, Ht „f Waukegtn ^ Tharad.y strange p.iradox of antlqviity and mod-I eyCnjn^ , ernlty sule-hy^ide. ^ |, A Miss Lelah Bacon spent several days Once tHe chief port of the Spanish past week in the Ed Bacon hofne con<inerorS," it was ? the; ' ,g«atewaiy a^. ^0j0 - ' though wlHch untold rhilliorts In gold |- Raj; gftbaski^^ of 'Milwaukee^^ spent and jewels passed from the new gundav in the home o{ Mn Vnd Mrs. World to the told, fleets of, fressurie^ Ny^." Miss Lorena Esh of Spring Grove Boelc Made of* Palm Leave* A novel gift has been presented to Keuka college, women's institution at Penn Yan, N. Y., by Rev. Z. F. Griffin. It Is a valuable book, one of the ancient Hindoo Shastas, made of numerous palm leases, on which is written In Sanscrit, the sacred language Of India and one of the oldest kn<»yn4 th» life of Ram, a Hindoo^god. ""fr"- •Now is the time to light Up ^he candle of industry and economy.' Kentucky Blue Graea ma Alien Kentucky blue grass, perhaps most popular lawn grass produced la Ithls country, Is not, as Its name Implies, a native grass in the United States. It is an importation from Europe. As a matter of fact, most of the best grasses now grown in this country have been introduced foreigij sources. ft- You can't make foot printa in ilMsands of tiane sitting down. laden galleons setting forth twice yearly for Spanish ports. Today Car spent the week-end in the William tageha is an active seaport on the Car- Bacon home. ibbean, one of South America's north- J Mr and Mrg perry ghort of Chi_ ernmost points of contact with the cag0 gpent Saturday and tSunday with teeming North American continent, friges here and a port of call for many trans- I Mr and MrS- John and oceanic liners which pass here en ! R<,na> were Wauke?an vi3. route from the four corners of the jtors Monday. world through the Panama canal. | jjr and Mr3. Charles filler of Volo C«Wful and Turbulent. |Were Sunday pruests of Mr- and Mrs. The life of Cartagena lias been more George Miller. colorful and more turbulent than that • Mr. and Mrs. Harold Evans of of any city In the Americas. The early Woodstock visited frienas here Sat- Spanlsli conquistadores discovered the urday evening. harbor and decided to establish a city !. James Martin and family of Rockthere, through which the Spanish fleet ford were Friday guests of Mr. and might rtiaintain contact with the rich Mrs. M. Crouch. v new world over which their domain i B. J. Frisby and son, Robert, of was rapidly*^ becoming established. Chicago visited his mothfr, Mrs. B. But the native Indians thought, other- frisby, Tuesday. . wise, and it was only with the great- \ Mrs. Jack McCarroll and little son est difficulty that they were subdued, returned home from the Woodstock On January 21, l.r)33, the first stone of hospital Thursday. the new city was laid by Pedro de j Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brefeld have Heredia in the name of Spain. There- moved to Chicago", where they will upon, its fortresses and towers rose make their home. quickly, at a reported expense of $80,- j Miss Loretta Steffes is enjoying a 000/100 and thousands upon thousands vacation from her duties in the local of iives, perhaps the costliest «ity In telephone exchange. men and money since the building of 1 ^ Mr. and Mrs. Paul Marrie of Wau- Ronl^ or Athens. * Icegan visited in the John Sehaid Your guide points out that, like Car- home Friday evening. thage of old, it withstood many aj Mr. and Mrs. Walter Warner and mighty siege and was the site of the children of Elgin visited her mother, •greatest battles of those times. And Mrs. B. Frisby, Sunday. like Carthage of old, Cartagena fell i Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lawrence of before invading conquerors. . Chicago spent Sunday with her moth- During the period 1544 to 18iS, Car- e*> Mrs. Mollie Givens. tagena was attacked eight times, by and Mrs. George H. Johnson atplrates and buccaneers, among them tended the funeral of Mrs. Wm. K. the Englishman Drake and his coun- Burns in Chicago today. tryman Hawkins. These succeeded in j Misses Marjory Phalin and Antocapturing the city, held it for a short ! ^ette Huetch of Chicago spent Sunperiod and abandoned It Vith booty day at the former's home. valued at more than half a million du- | Mr. and Mrs. John Bolger and cats. French adventurers also sue- nephew, Walter, visited Sister Mary ceeded in capturing the city after Henry at Milwaukee Sunday, strenuous siege, and departed w-itlfe1 Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hughes were even greater treasure. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. In spite of temporary capture, Car- : Stephenson at Ringwood. tagena continued to remain Spanish, 1 . Mrs. Frank Thurlwell, Misses Lilfor, although some of the besiegers "an anc^ Emily Stoffel and Miss Helen were successful, their stay was only ; Wegener spent Friday in Elgin. long enough to plunder and sack, to 1 Miss Emily Steffes has returned to St:. : Palmolive Soap V 5 bars for 25c $1.50 Lydia Pinkham's Compound 98c 100 McKesson Aspirin, 5 gr. 39 C $1.00 Pepsodent Antiseptic 79c 75c Castoria .... -;.v $1.20 Bromo Seltzer - 89^ 25c tube Dr. West's Tooth Psurte 2 for 37^ 50c LeHnex CougH Syrtip • -" ..39 £ 15c Stork Castile for 19^ $1.00 Squibb's Cod Liver Oil .... 69 50c Kolynos Tooth Paste 33<£ 35c Gem Razor Blades 274 60c Mulsified Cocoauut Oil Shampoo 50c Armand Rouge 35c Italian Balm ^ $1.00 Minit Rub 60c Mentholatum 494 334 234 694 ~ 56< r23c --67o 75c Acidine 35c Freezone . ^ 50c Nature's Remedy Pilli 70c Hamlin's Wizaroyal $1.00 Miles' Nervine 35c Energine .'• : . 234 89c Psyllium Seed, McKeason .-^494 $1.50 quart Lees' Oermozone . 60c Bag Balm ...... 25c Kotex * . - 194 $1.15 pound Velvet Tobacco 894 35c Vicks' Vapo Rub 50c tube Pond's Cold Creain .i 25c lb. Peanut Brittle 164 $1.35 Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery 984 Mineral Oil, one gallon ^2.0® $1.00 Listerihe .. $1.25 "44". Cigars, 25 in box .. ^23< PHONE 40 THOMAS P. BOLGER "The Store That's Always Busy McHENRY, ILL-k accumulate portable wealth to the capacity of their marauding ships. There are two entrances to the harbor of Cartagena, one of which was artificially closed by the Spaniards in the early days. Today, as you sail into the "Bo'ca Chica" entrance, you view the city's mighty walls arising from the edge of the sea, walls 40 feet high and 50 to 00 feet thick. These walls. In the building of which 000.- 000 slaves are said to have lived, la- ; bored and died, are honey-combed with prison cells w^hich are today given over to occupancy by the city's poor. In them, many a happy carefree family resides with no thought of the tragic history which surrounds them, the stories that the walls of their homes might tell. Tragic and Romantic. The modern city, dignified by many evidences of its tragic and romantic history, nestles comfortably at the water side, its 80,000 Inhabitants unmindful of the historical impressions which greet the visitor. One of" the most ambitious of engineerlng projects Is under way In the harbor, supervised by a New York engineering firm. New concrete docks are being built to accommodate the many ships which call here for-cargoes of Colombian coffees which have become famous the world over for their fine flavor and aroma. Upon entering the city, the visitor finds broad modern streets as well as the narrow roads of earlier days. Structures of stee' and reinforced concrete, including the ctty's first skyscraper, rear their heads above quaint old balconied houses with grilled and latticed windows, ancient palaces, majestic temples and churches and stores of imposing proportions. .The artistic appeal of classic architecture and brightly colored adobe Walls and tile roofs, recall olden days when Impervious adventurers and ihoir ladies rode through the strets in tfilded chairs. The honk of automobile horns on the modern pavements stimulates the Inevitable thought that the progress of time brings changes In the old order. Here, i.deed, Today clasps hands with Yesterday and the two bid you welcome. her work at the telephone office, after an absence caused by illness. Mir. and Mrs. • Ed. Young have moved'from the A*rt Smith house to the Heipier house on Main street. Mrs. Finch, mother of Mrs. L. H, Brattain, left the first of this week for Indiana, where she will make her home. Mr. and Mrs. William Bamford of Rockford visited in the home of her mother, Mrs. M. Crouch, and family, Sunday. Paul Brefeld of Chicago visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Brefeld, Thursday. His sister, Mary, returned to the city with him for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. John Aylward, Irene CJonway and Pauline Kreuger of Elgin and Leroy Conway of Chicago were Sunday visitors in the M. A. Conway home. 1 Miss Hannah Glosson, Ed Tonyan and Joe Glosson motored to Kenosha, Wis., Sunday. The tatter remained for a week's visit in the home of his sister. Michael Weston, William and Thomas Walsh, Mr. and Mrs. William Fleming, daughter, Ellen, and son, Melvin, and Mrs. Anna Rose of Woodstock visited the former's sister? Mrs. B. "Frisby, Wednesday. EASTERN STAR PARTY The Easterni Star Card club met at the home of Misses Elsie and Frances Vycital Friday evening- Several tables of bridge and five hundred were in pSay and prizes In bridge Were awarded to Mrs. R. A. Thompson, Mrs. E. E. Bassett and Mrs. H. C. Hughes, while in five hundred the prizes went to Miss Anna Anderson, Mrs. Ed. Smith and France® Vycital. NOTICE ' *'fl Minouoee that I have opened an exclusive Optical office in the Pries building, corner of Elm and Green streets, McHenry, with rooms adjoining Dr. Froehlich and will render complete optical service Tuesday Evenings--7:00 to 9:00 Thursday Afternoons--1:30 to 5:00 Dr. Paul A. Schwabe - OPTOMETRIST ' PHONE 6?4, WOODSTOCK For appointments , or leave message with Dr. Froehlich No legislature or congress is going to vote us into prosperity. Each man who gets there will travel on his own feet and ho one finds safety^ in shaping his course with the crowd; MERRYMAKERS MEET The Merrymakers met at the home of Mrs. Peter A. Freund on Wednesday afternoon of last week. Five hundred was playwl and prizes were awarded to Mrs. Jacob Schaefer, Mrs. Catherine Schneider and Mrs. Albert Vales. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Albert Vales. Give each customer your whole attention--and just as considerate attention to a little buyer pi » bi* one.-- Elbert Hubbard. r If you would have a faithful servant and one that you like, serve yourself. K. OF C. ENTERTAIN The Knights of Columbus enter tained a party of friends at their hall Tuesday evening with plenty of music, dancing and cards furnishing entertainment for those present. Lunch was served by the Catholic Daughters of America. Quick Photography A "new method of photo^aphy makeiB it possible to synchronize the flash with a film moving past at a speed of 200 miles an hour. This makes It possible io* study motion in liquids and gasses and analjni beating of a fly's wings. 4 - At BOLGER'S J5 Week-End Special PECAN KRUNCH This being a short month, we've tried to crowd in a little extra enjoyment for yoif--and finish February with a special that everybody agrees is always a delight. Delicious Pecan Krunch--in smooth Luick Ice Cream--and we sincerely believe it is the finest Pecan Krunch brick we have, ever sold. Be sure to serve it. 26 Old Fashioned Fastnacht St. John's Hall, Johnsburg, Feb. 27 Masks and Make-up at Bolger's X7 Rubber Gloves A new and better glove week-end only 19c 28 Anderson's Candy Special MADE IN RICHMOND Full Creamed Assorted Caramels ~ 39c a pound If you like candy, you really should try this 29 Playing Cards Poker Chips, Checkers, Checker Boards, Cribbage Boards, Dice, etc. We will sell on Friday and Saturday as good a deck of Bridge Cards as is possible to buy, for only 29^ If you need playing cards, now is your chance. 30 The Secret of Charm is Color PUTNAM DYES DIAMOND DYES GYPSY DYES RITT DYES TINTEX DYES DIPIT DYES PRODURA DYES You can make dyeing interesting 31 60 Sheets for 5c Theme Paper Tablet, for use in school, Typewriter Paper, 100 sheets 10<* 32 THERE IS APPROXIMATELY $7,000.00 PER YEAR SPENT FOR SALARIES OF * POSTAL EMPLOYEES IN McHENRY. THIS FIGURE DOES NOT INCLUDE THE RtfRAL* CARRIERS. For The Baby, THIS COUPON GOOD EOR A EUBBER TOY FREE AT BOLGER'S FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. >»"h ••y • • - I

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